HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of the Police Department for July 2010.PDF?t*scnag St*cFef W i*. &oy*e tu9be ES6 E*ar"l har*r n'ugust 3, ?tllg Tlre Ilanorable Mayor Supron Members o{'the flsaxd of ]"rustpes v'illege of eayr,ga Heights Repart of the Police Dsrjil1$teilt tbr Duringthe m*ntlr of'Ju,*y ttrrere rvere l?4 nr*lgr veliicle aecidenls invest i gatsd. There Ther+ were 2 fblony camplaints filed in ihe attwr rvas lbr burglar.y, A caslrier at {hs Ex rnale subject calle ill{o the gas statlan rvit}r a the *a , he fled sut a bnck docr, le*ving w rep*rt f-rom a villag* residur{ rvbo c,l*irned be*:n rt*len, l$o.a#ssts have l:een rnade vllt There wpre 6 misdrme.taore ressrtEdi I cri'mjn*.l possession oistaisn prcpcrll,, A loca returned for insuflieient funds. Tl.ris case is Iarr:eny reporis were regarding personal I reporting th+ir watch stulen fi'orn thcir resi been cie"red. The last larccrry wss a rup$rt rettrrned, At this point, if is $et knowil lvher of{icer wa$ pstr$l}ing thc village whr,,n he c Ithacn lro{ics h*d just Fnt ont oy*r the r*dis o fi*rther investigatiern, it was fsund that one thetefbre, iqas arrett*el. T*: f) c,. Tkers rv.ere 6 eondLrci. All disagreenrent offiser. r.iolati ns repotled in the lnun tr*i*e violali$rrs were handl betweell s cab driver and c*s{ Therc rlrere no vil tragtr ordinnnce, eornp laints hr ihe manflr af truly,Chief Boyce attendcrl t ihe LETSS grcup, Crrunty Lcgislature votcd CAI], h4obile, and &MS pre.jecr for the entire the lthaca driver's ed$eation class regarding fran.riticn training fur the ncw AR,l5 Colt rifles safuty. All olf'icers attended long gun qualification and *$mg* *f #mpaxrym ffim*gfu*m ff*$$*w ffi*mm*-*ffi#rrg " $tha**, f**qw Yark{48SS-.1SSS o Fhsne: !6AT}Zg.T-1.AnX ig&rts;ny.ua " Fax: {$*7} 2e7-s,4?4 uly ?010 plainls rciroi*ed ts tJre pol,ice deparr:meilt, There wers also 6 32 tr*fEc tt'qkets issaed and l0 parkingtic.hets ryr,itten" h of J-uly. (Dre vvas I'or nttempted arrned ft)bbery and the,Marl on ltansha,w Rd callerl gI I ta reFort an unknurvn t and aftemptpd t* rrb tfue strlre. tsefsre he was ab{e ttr ooen nothing, Thelinvestigarion is orrgoing. The burglary rvis a ir unsecured restde$ce rvas entered and some belongings had {he inv*stigatilon conti nnes. firr a bad ehsck, 4 wers f{rr petit larceny, and I was for business reperi+d iw'o chscks written ta their offics had been ll opened and heing handled appr*pri*tely, Tw,s of rhe four ings stohn fi'om vehieles. $ite was a Kendsl resi<lent . A fbrv days later the lvatclr wa-_s fbun{l and the casp has coilputsr rsifi{ed nraterial that had been taken and nat er this case will be considered civil *r cr.iminai. Laqtly, an e &cross f.wr: nales who had matched a deseriplj.on tlnf <t people whc had been trying to break ints vehicles. Ursn these sub.iect* rvas in possessicn af stslen property and of July, 4 we*e noise cr:nrplainfs and I apprrrpria{ely. "i'he disorderly conducl was for disor:derly The iss*e hael beerl resolvcd prior to was regarding a the arrivel ofthe Tampkias Counly l.egislaticn rneeting trr show suppsrt f$r adopt the cour)ty IT and LETSS proposal to fund the ncw in the rnonth of July. . ligf S{eiRrrretz gs\is an hour and a balf pr*sentation to During ihe ilonth of July, 1he full tirne slfiofficers worked a t*tal oi 134"5 hours. w*rktlti a tdtal sf 61.5 hours {}f svet-tinre and, the part time $i:ne$.r€lf, Thornes I-, Eoyce Chie f $f Police ["$TT ffieport bg ffia*e lrrom 7 11 l2O1O tu 7 lS1 IZO1'O flate {}f3:L/zS1S fi?/34i2*tfr {}7/38/2010 {rv/28/2aLt ttvl2$/2qYs ilv/zuLaxs EtV/Z7tV0L8 q'7/27/2At8 17fz6/2o1r a7/zelzbLa a7lzu2aL6 t7/22/2,}1fi B7/?:.12&1fr fr712e120!Q ;,*r/zilzsto *42 fzilt* e.ry22/201* fr:7/zfi{2fi1.A n-t/rB/zaLa gl,rJt&fteLfr )fi,tJ171.26\g oitlLTlzo|a si,lr,51282A 07ltslzott gt'/r4lz0rfi 07/13/201n p7lt3/.:01,0 p7lfr:6laOIfi p7lo5l2dLo pzlss/:o1o szr05/2010 a7,rc4z*.!fr &,rymgru Query returned 32 records. fiuesday, August 03, 2010 O$+nse FAILED TQ KE€P RIGHT OP MV- fqOEILE PfiONE 0F t'tv" MS&IL€ F'-totlltt oP tr4V,.HOgrLE PHSItt: OF FJV. :MOBII.E P}.fofi I: cp Mv. t4oBxLE pfJo{'fit 0F luv" MO8I|E PtlOt{E oP tfv- MOgtLE Fftot',:H oP MV. ptoaILE PHONf: OFERATTI.IG WTTHSUT I},IFL,RAIqCE QP I4V_ MOSILE FHSNf; ilSOBgYED TRAFF{C COf{TROL Df;VICE 0P li,rv- p4ssu-E PllofrlEt sP I'fv- plgBItS pfloNE FRLilG WHiLF jt{t oxrcATrs {ptrsD} AGGRAVATEP UIVLIC T}PE'R isT DEGAEE op f41r'- r'{oBILE PFtOilrE OF MV. MOSIIE FI{ONE OP MV- MOSIL€ PI.jOI,iE IIfT}g\ISPECIED IiIOT0R, I/EHICLE OPERAT${G WITHCIJT I.MSURAIICf. fNAtlEQus?E oR t\10 5T0P LAi4F5 OP MV- MOBILE FIiOI'iE OF MV- }VISBILC PHqNE I{OVTO fROM LAf{L UNSAFELY DISOEEYEO TSAFFT.C CE}'\[TROL DEVICE OF t"t11- MOAILE PHSf'{E SPEHb OVER 55 ZOr,IE EPrgo IN ZOI{,8 DXSOBEYED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE SPEEB Ii$ ZONE OISClAFYED TR,qFF}C COi,ITRCL DEVICE !.ecatlofi NYS.RT13 PLEASA}IT CROVE RD F|"€ASAF|T Cft,qVE RD HAFI I.IAW RD ifAtlS+JAW RD l.iAfitst"iAv/ RD HANSFIAW R,D HAI'|SHAW n0 NORTT-I TRrFflAl'484FR. RD Tmpnal*gen aD IIAIiISHAW RD TRlPliAmFlER RD tAlllShlAW RD NORTf{ TRIFF|AilMER R* STATE RTE I3I'I STATS RTE 13f,i HA'TSI+,4W RD TRIPHAMFTER RD FLEASAITT GROVE ftD TR}PII*["IMTR RD Pl-EASAf,lT Gf{OVE RD PIEASAI\IT GROVS RS HAI,ISHAW RO HAf\I5HAW RD PLEASANT 6ROVE RD PLEASAI.IT GF,OVE RP ''IORTH TRIPHAI4MER RD 5TATE RTE 13 HAMIqER ROAD ROAA , TRIPHAFIMER ROAD TRIPHAMIqER RD wFr+flrtrFH Zone 74 55 44 39 30 Page 1 of 1 CAY.UGA PARKTNG TICKETS IIOC&LE ffir.{g,HAW RD I{IGTT{SAT5 R.D RAI$DIOIFII RD I+j1$I'S.HAW RD CIVERLOOK RD OVEH,I,,CIflK RD$ s-ur,ssE? pe FR:P}fAI!4FIH&. RE OVE€IJCIOS SSTRf;F} MgR RS HEI rsg 1I3Otr.ATTON 7e LL#1,-96 ?e {,L#1-96 ?d Lr,#L-96: ?d, I:Ii#L*96 7d r,L#t_-96 ?d Lt#l--96 ?d LL#1,e,6 7& W#].-947d LL#t"-96 7d Lr,#1-96 POLI FiSR DEPT. MONTH OT JUTJV