HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppencix C Short Environmental Assessment Form - Local Law #6 Permitting Temporary Deer Fences.PDF6'17.20 Appendix C State Environmental QUality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I . PROJECT INFORMATION obe or Pro 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR Village of Cayuga Heights Local Law #6 - Permitting Temporary Deer Fences Village of Cayuga Heights 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prOminent landmarlis, etc., or provide map) Local Law to apply to the entire Village - Please see attaclred Village map 6. DESCRIBE PFIOJECT BRIEFLY: Amendment to the existing zoning - Temporary Deer not exceeding 8 feet in height above the natural grade (including posts, mitted in the side and rear yards of any properfy, up to and including ongates and all other portions of the fence structure) shall be the properfy line. Zoning permits shall be required for all 7. AMOUNT OF I-AND AFFECTED: . 2 sq. miles sgp6gInitially jpry!!3lggjlgl acres Ultimately 8. WILL PROPO$ED ACTION COMF'LY WITH EXISTING ZON ! ves E] *o tf No, describe briefly Amendment of the ex OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE II{ VICINIW OF PROJECT? @ Resiclentiat I tndustriat A Describe: Other : Multiple-Housing District flngil{ufture I ParuForesUopen Space I otn", 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAI-)? ! ves El to tf Yes, tist asency(s) NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY 11, DOES AN\'ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTIIY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ! v"r E] *o tf Yes, tist agency(s) nam{ ano permiuapprivats: 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING T/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION Applicant/sponsor name: Village of Cayuga Heights - ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Supron, Mayor Date: 8/9/10 lf the action is in the Goastal A Goastal Assessment Form and you are a state agency, complete the )re proceedinq with this assessment OVER 1 :'jrl+iH'-eg'-6t+4ii iil;l;!={f atlE{qE:lir'rll PART ll - IMPACT ASSESSMENT (To be com Lead DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY ryI'E I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR. PART 617.4? l-l ves |)( no lfyes, coordinate the review process and use the FULL EAF. B.WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISIED ACTIONS lN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.6? lf No, a negative declaration ma'y be superseded by another involved agency.llves TK r'ro C. COULD ACTION RESULT lN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic pattern, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainag,e or flooding problems? Explain briefly: MO c2 Aesthetic, agricultural, archareological, historic, or other natural or cultural reiources; or commu4$y or neighborhood character? Explain briefly '!w Y,at ;ilt &.c'{r'wrt or commufiy or neighbor 6{ A&,\L W+ ; C3. VegeJation or fauna, tish, shellfish or Wlcllife species, significant habitats, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: lYo C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use oi intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly: Growth, riubsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: tf^ '\U Long terrn, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identifled in C'1-C5? Explain briefly: r0 Nt, uo. D. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMI ENVIRONMENTAL AREA (CEA)? I ves [E *o if Yes, exptain bnefly: :NTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CRITICAL E. IS THERE, OFI IS THERE LIKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RE fl ves EU *o lf Yes, explain briefly: LATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? PART lll - DETEFIMINATION OF SIGNIFICANGE (To be by Agency) INSTRUCTIOTNS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. lf necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detaril to show that all nelevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. lf question D of Part ll was checked yes, the determination of significance must evaluate the potqntial impact of the proposed action on the environmental characteristics of the CEA. l-l Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FU - EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. I ChecXthisboxifyouhavedetermined,basedontheinformitionandanalysisaboveandanysupportingdocumentation,thattheproposedaction NOT re$ult in any significant adverse environmental impaQts AND provide, on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determir Village Of Cayuga Heights 819110 Signature of Preparer (lf different from responsible officer)