HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE Meeting Procedures (2).PDFNorma Manning
From: Randall B. Marcus [randy@bgdmlaw.
Sent: Tuesday, October 07,2008 g:1S AM
To:Norma Manning; VCH-Trustees; VCH-Dept-Heads
Subject: RE: Meeting Procedures
This proposal sounds great.
Very truly yours,
From: Norma Manning
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 B:44 AM
To: VCH-Trustees; VCH-Dept-Heads
Subject: Meeting Procedures
Dear Trustees,
As a result of various feedback and discussi
procedure suggestions for our review and co
L..We are taking this up with our Dept, Hea
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to date, Jim and I share the attached meeting
ment,.,..Please get your thoughts back to Jim and
at our monthly meeting today.....NM & iG
Norma R, Manning, Clerk
Village of Caywga Heights
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Norma Manning
From: JeffreY Silber
Sent: TuesdaY, October 07 ,2008 9:24 AM
To: VCH-DePt-Heads
Subiect: Re: Meeting Procedures
Mayor and Fellow Department Heads -
I won't be at today's meetings so I thought that I might mak6 some comments to the Mayor and
Department Heads at this time.
It is unfortun ate thatthe volume of activity is requiring the fegular seheduling of a second meeting' I
note that within my nearly z0 yeartenure with the viflage t]rrat second meetings have been an infrequent
*q"it"-""t, n r*U.rittg p"*"p. 2-3 times qeJ yeal. !je.n major, contested Village issues such as the
Savage Farm proposalJwere accommodated largely within the set time frame"
Nonetheless, times change, and there is some attraction to sfittting the^meeting if it wiil ensure that the
meetings do not runtatelnto the night. There should be little reason for a regular meeting to extend
u"vona"to p.m. (and with t'wo -".iing, even 9 p.m.)., whigh should enhance the quality of discussions
and other interactions.
If two meetings is a necessity I would encourage tha! !h91 $e held on the *same* day of the we9k,.
separated by two weeks. Foi example, the firsland third l\z{onday of each month. Since a regularly
scheduled meeting can be used for any govemmental pupfse having them separated in this fashion will
improve the flow oivittug. business. iwould urge having;a modicum of flexibility as to the purpose of
the trryo meetings. Bills cin be paid twice a month, rather tfran creating alarge batch of payments
monthly. An item can be raised by Trustees in one meetin$, and have follow-up in a subsequ
*".tirri while it is still fresh in ones mind. A local law caribe proposed in one meeting, and a public
hearing scheduled for the next one two weeks later'
Having the meetings remain on Monday nights will make it easier for the public to remember, and will
likely 6e easier to iccommodate in schedulesthat alreadY make way for a Monday meeting. On a
personal note,I've schedule a realm of activities -- ranging nom other organizational commitments to
iin rrity evenings -- to accommodate the Monday meeting. flaving a Thursday meeting would have a
negat'ive persJnal impact, which would not be easily altered.
Finally, while I encograge Department Head pres€nce, I believe that the purpose of the written report is
to provide the Trusteer *ittt routine activities and emergin! issues formally and in advance of the
meeting. It is a reastnable expectation that the materia[is pead in advance, and the report in the meeting
should be an opportunity for questions and discussion betv{een the department treads and trustees. I
woufd urge that th.r. not be repetition of material -- excepf in the most summary of forms -- between
the written and oral presentation.