May 11, 2016
Present: Greg Reynolds, John Wertis, John Gates, Chaw Chang, Supervisor Liz Thomas, 2nd
Deputy Supervisor Michelle Wright
Krys Cail present at 7:39pm
a) Appointment/election of Committee Chair
o Chaw Chang submitted his interest as Committee chair via e-mail prior to
the meeting. Greg Reynolds submitted his interest verbally at the meeting.
o Each member voted on a piece of paper, Michelle Wright tallied the votes.
Voting results:
o 4 votes for Chaw
o 1 vote for Greg
b) Procedural overview from Supervisor Thomas
o Committee members who did not already have a paper copy of the Ag
Protection plan were given a hard copy. Supervisor Thomas stated that this
along with the Comprehensive Plan should be used as guiding documents.
o The committee can submit suggestions to in the form of a resolution to the
Town Board to change the resolution that formed the Ag committee.
o Michelle’s role: minute taker and agenda creation.
o The typical procedure for meeting minutes is that draft minutes are
distributed prior to the meeting and are then voted on.
o Any formal suggestions or communications to boards should be done in
resolution form and voted on.
o All meetings are open meetings and are posted on Ulysses home page
o Supervisor Thomas will serve as the ex-officio Town Board liaison, a
position outlined in the resolution that originally created the committee.
o The resolution that created the Ag committee all outlined an ex-officio
Cooperative Extension liaison.
Discussion ensued regarding involvement with CCE
o Anyone can be invited to these meetings to participate.
o Additional committee members can be requested to the Town Board via
o Regular meetings should be scheduled but can always been canceled
o Meetings should be set 1 week in advanced if possible
Discussion of meeting frequency and regular dates
RESOLVED that bi-weekly meetings are schedule on Thursdays at 7:30pm for 4 weeks from
and then reassessed.
Moved: Mr. Wertis
Second: Mr. Reynolds
Reynolds AYE
Wertis AYE
Gates AYE
Chang AYE
Cail AYE
Motion passes unanimously
Future meeting dates: May 26th, June 9th, June 23rd, July 7th
c) Communication with the zoning steering committee
o Supervisor Thomas: the Planning consultants are open to feedback and input
o Sustainability Committee/Conservation Advisory Council
There is only a chair and is now looking for members
This committee will make recommendations to the Town Board based
on open space planning and water quality issue, land issue
o Discussion of what the scope of the zoning steering committee
o Supervisor Thomas will send Ag committee members the purpose of the
sustainability committee and the zoning steering committee
d) Discussion regarding committee purpose and priorities
Mr. Chang suggested the approach to this topic should be framed around how to
keep focused on specific goals.
Discussion ensured regarding how to understand the scope of the other related
committees in order to best interact with them.
Supervisor Thomas stated that the steering committee is not asking for input at
this time, and have committed to ample feedback time for response.
Ms. Cail stated that she would prefer to provide input prior to a draft proposal
from the zoning steering committee.
Mr. Chang suggested that given the timeline there would be time for the Ag
committee to provide input to the zoning steering committee.
Mr. Chang summarized the process for next meeting and the way in which the ag
committee should move forward:
I. Focus for next meeting: ag and protection plan: focus on zoning
section and go through it, do we have issues with what is written,
proposed update, ensure it’s a living document
II. Then outreach to farms
III. Then set up a meeting with the steering committee
a) Maps
General discussion relative to the last meeting regarding the map/data accuracy in ag
and farm protection.
RESOLVED that Data presented in the Ag and Farmland Protection Plan page 54., Table App. B-5
Land Use/Land Cover, is inaccurate and misleading, should be corrected, and should not be
presented as in future public discussions.
Motion: Mr. Wertis
Second: Ms. Cail
Reynolds AYE
Wertis AYE
Gates AYE
Chang NO
Cail AYE
Motion passes 4:1
[This resolution should be sent to the zoning steering committee]
RESOLVED that the “Right to Farm Statement” that appears in the introduction to the A-1 Zoning,
should also be used in any other zone where agriculture is a permissible activity.
Motion: Mr. Wertis
Second: Mr. Gates
Reynolds AYE
Wertis AYE
Gates AYE
Chang AYE
Cail AYE
Motion passes
[outstanding question: does this need to be sent to any committee or board?]
RESOLVED The town should declare itself a "Right to Farm" town by erecting appropriate signage
at any state road entering the town.
Motion: Mr. Reynolds
Second: Mr. Wertis
Reynolds AYE
Wertis AYE
Gates AYE
Chang AYE
Cail AYE
Motion passes
[this motion should be sent to the Town Board]
Discussion about process for resolutions
Mr. Reynolds will draft a resolution relating to ag preservation priorities and that it should
not be based on prime soils.
Mr. Gates will write resolution about right to farm.
Mr. Chaw made the request that resolutions and agenda items be sent 5 days before next
meeting if at all possible.
a) Ms. Cail referenced several resources on solar leasing. Mr. Wertis asked that these
resources be put on the Town’s website.
b) Mr. Wertis announced that the county is sponsoring PDR applications.
Moved: Mr. Chaw
Second: Mr. Wertis
All in favor, meeting adjourned.