HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-18-WTB-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING
Town of Ulysses
December 18, 2014
Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us.
The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg.
Supervisor- Liz Thomas
Board members- John Hertzler, Nancy Zahler, Dave Kerness, Rich Goldman
Clerk- Carissa Parlato
2nd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright
Phil Antweiler
Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town’s website and clerk’s board.
Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
RESOLUTION 2014-217:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for December 18, 2014.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Kerness aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
RESOLUTION 2014-218:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes for 12/9, both the regular
meeting and public information meeting, as edited by Ms. Thomas.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Kerness aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
RESOLUTION 2014-219:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves one claim to NYMIR in the amount of
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Kerness aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
Ms. Thomas shared the following:
1. A $40,000 grant written by Darby was awarded. The funds are to be used to hire an engineer to
reconcile the zoning law with the comprehensive plan. The board discussed the best way to
develop a work plan and how to prioritize the funds.
2. A flyer/publication from NYMIR re: firearms in the workplace. This topic might be a resolution
for a future meeting.
3. NYMIR (the town’s insurance company) suggests staff trainings on several topics such as
workplace violence, etc.
4. The AOT (Association of Towns) annual meeting is coming up- Feb.15-18. Ms. Thomas
recommends that that a few board members attend.
Ms. Wright shared the 2014 work plan, updated with accomplishments for the year. More time will be
spent on this at the January meeting and a 2015 plan will be created.
Mr. Goldman shared updates from the last Planning Board meeting.
(No comments spoken nor submitted at this time)
RESOLUTION 2014-220:
WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg wishes to be able to protect its police officers when they
are assisting other law enforcement agencies or Tompkins County Emergency Management to
respond to incidents originating in the Town of Ulysses, outside the Village, and
WHEREAS, to provide such protections the Village needs the Town of Ulysses to authorize the
Village of Trumansburg to have jurisdiction in the Town of Ulysses when responding to requests
from other law enforcement agencies, or Tompkins County Emergency Management ; and
WHEREAS, the Village and the Town have developed an intermunicipal agreement to grant and
define said jurisdiction, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses approve the proposed Intermunicipal Agreement on
Policing as presented /amended to take effect January 1, 2015.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Kerness aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
EMS BILLING – Considering adoption of billing policy
RESOLUTION 2014-221:
WHEREAS, the Town adopted a resolution to form an ambulance district on March 12, 2013
(which took effect on April 11, 2013) for the purpose of contracting for ambula nce services within
the area of the Town located outside the Village of Trumansburg (“the District”); and
WHEREAS, the Town entered into a contract with the Village to provide basic and advanced life
support emergency medical ambulance services (“Ambulance Services”) to the District from
January 1 through December 31, 2015; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law §122-b and Town Law §198(10-f)(b), after an
Ambulance District is established, the Town Board is authorized to fix a schedule of fees or
charges to be paid by people requesting the use of Ambulance Services in the Town, provide for
the collection of such fees and charges, or formulate rules and regulations for the collection
thereof by the individuals, municipal corporations, associations or other organizations furnishing
Ambulance Services to the District under contract; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to only charge for EMS services and transportation when a
patient is transported by ambulance to the hospital; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board does not want ambulance billing to deter those in the Ulysses
Ambulance District who need medical emergency care from calling for help, and wants to assure
that payment of a patient’s billable ambulance fee shall not be a financial hardship for thos e with
limited incomes;
The Town of Ulysses hereby adopts the Ulysses Ambulance Billing Policy, effective January 1,
2015, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and
The Town of Ulysses hereby adopts a Schedule of Fees for Ambulance Transport and Treatment,
effective January 1, 2015, a copy of which is attached hereto and mad e a part hereof; and
The Town of Ulysses hereby adopts the Ambulance Billing Financial Assistance Policy effective
January 1, 2015, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The adopted policies and fees may be amended by resolution of the Ulysses Town Board, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, a certified copy of this resolution will be sent to the Village of
Trumansburg as the Billing Entity.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Kerness aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
RESOLUTION 2014-222:
RESOLUTION authorizing the implementation and funding of 100% upfront costs of the
Federal-aid eligible costs for the NYS DOT (New York State Department of Transportation)
Federal-aid project for the purpose of creating sidewalks.
WHEREAS, a project for the Village of Trumansburg called “Pedestrian Commuting in
Trumansburg: Safe Routes to School & Daily Needs Sidewalk Project”, PIN 395053 (known as
“the Project) is eligible for funding under Title 23 U.S. Code, as amended, that calls for the
apportionment of the costs of such program to be borne at the ratio of 80% Federal funds and 20%
local funds; and
WHEREAS, t he NYS DOT shall only enter into two -party local agreements between NYSDOT
and a qualified primary Project Sponsor and shall not enter into three -party State-Local Agreement
(SLA) agreements; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg is the primary Sponsor for the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Project includes a sidewalk of approximately 1,481 feet in length that will exist
within the boundaries of the Town of Ulysses outside the boundaries of the Village of
Trumansburg on Route 96; and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board adopted resolution #89 of 2014 to approve the pursuance of
federal grant funding for sidewalks in conjunction with the Village of Trumansburg; a nd
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board adopted resolution #121 of 2014 to approve the Project
scope and funding; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses desires to advance the Project by making a commitment of
100% of the non-Federal share of the costs of the section of sidewalk that exists within the
boundaries of the Town of Ulysses outside the village on Route 96; and
WHEREAS, NYS DOT does not require a copy of resolutions and agreements from parties not
identified as a Project Sponsor; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the Town of Ulysses Board, duly convened does hereby
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby approves the above-subject project; and it is
hereby further
RESOLVED that the Village of Trumansburg is the Project Sponsor and will thus create an
account ing for all funds paid to, and subsequently reimbursed by, the NYS DOT for the Town of
Ulysses part of the project; and further
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses will pay the Village for all costs associated with the
sidewalk within the Town boundaries outside the village and that the Village will submit all
reimbursement requests to the NYS DOT on behalf of the Town and then forward NYS DOT
reimbursement payments to the Town within two weeks of receipt; and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay in the
first instance 100% of the Federal and non-Federal share of the cost associated with the portion of
the sidewalk project that exists within Town boundaries outside of the Village of Trumansburg;
and it is further
RESOLVED, that any cash funds needed to meet the 20% (not to exceed a maximum of $78,000)
local match of the Town portion of the Project will come from account A878 Capital Reserve or
fund balance for labor hours (and associated benefits), mate rials and/or equipment usage hours;
and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town expects to attribute in-kind services for a portion of the 20% local
match; and further
RESOLVED, that the 80% of funds (not to exceed a maximum of $389,000) to be reimbursed by
Federal aid will be paid up front from either fund balance or A878 Capital Reserve and
subsequently reimbursed through the Village of Trumansburg; and it is further
RESOLVED, that in the event the full Federal and non-Federal share of the costs of the project
exceeds the amount appropriated above, the Ulysses Town Board shall convene as soon as
possible to decide to either appropriate said excess amount immediately upon the notification by
the Town Supervisor or reduce the scope of the project, and it is further
RESOLVED, that upon review by the Attorney for the Town, the Ulysses Town Board hereby
authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute all necessary Agreements, payments for project costs
and reimbursement requests for Federal aid in collaboration wit h the Village of Trumansburg, and
it is further
RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the Village of Trumansburg and
NYS DOT, and it is further
RESOLVED, this Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Kerness
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Kerness aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
(No comments spoken nor submitted at this time)
The board discussed a few other items befor e adjourning.
Mr. Goldman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m., seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed
Purpose of the Policy
The Town of Ulysses created an Ambulance District in 2013 which enables it to bill for ambulance
services provided by a certified contractor. To assure the health and safety of those in the Ambulance
District, the Town contracts with the Village of Trumansburg to provide Emergency Medical Services
(EMS) certified by New York State. To reduce the cost of the EMS service borne by Ulysses property
taxpayers, the Town of Ulysses adopted this billing policy to charge those who use the ambulance
services provided by the Village of Trumansburg’s Emergency Medica l Service.
Scope of the Policy
The billing policy applies to those in the Town of Ulysses Ambulance District, comprised of the portion
of the Town outside the Village. The billing policy applies to those who use Trumansburg EMS services.
All individuals using Trumansburg EMS services that result in transportation by ambulance to the
hospital will be charged a fee for the purpose of recovering some of the cost of providing EMS services.
Implementation of the Policy
The Ulysses Town Board is responsible for adopting a resolution detailing the schedule of fees to
be charged for services provided by Trumansburg EMS in the Town outside the Village.
Fee Schedules will be set at what is reasonable or customary for providing emergency medical
services for ambulance transports. The Town Board will review the fee structure annually.
All changes in fee schedules, billing, or collection practices must be approved by the Ulysses
Town Board. Authority to execute these changes rests with the Ulysses Town Board.
The Village of Trumansburg will be the Billing Entity. The EMS Coordinator will act as the
billing agent and the Village of Trumansburg will issue monthly payments to the Town of
ambulance billing revenues received.
Billing Agent and Billing Contractor
Due to the complexity of EMS billing, the Town of Ulysses will rely on the Village of Trumansburg’s
EMS Coordinator as the billing agent to prepare medical case information for use by the Village’s billing
The billing contractor is responsible for submitting bills to insurance companies and individuals,
collecting payments, and making payments to the Village of Trumansburg. The billing contractor reports
periodically on charges billed, revenues received and payments made.
Collection of Fees
The Village’s billing contractor will bill all patients except for exclusions cited below and will include
with each bill a cover letter prepared by the Town of Ulysses that explains the Town’s Billing and
Financial Assistance Policies.
1. With the patient’s approval, the billing contractor will bill the patient’s insurance company.
2. For balances not covered by insurance:
The billing agent shall make reasonable and diligent efforts to collect payment.
Insurance payments made directly to patients must be forwarded to the billing contractor.
If payment is not forwarded, non-payment will be pursued as potential insurance fraud.
Exclusions: The following patients/circumstances will not be billed:
1) Patients who do not require ambulance transportatio n to the hospital.
2) Patients that refuse treatment or transportation.
Financial Assistance Policy
The Town of Ulysses shall adopt and maintain an Ambulance Billing Financial Assistance Policy to
assure that the Ambulance Billing Policy shall not create a barrier that deters those needing emergency
medical services from calling for help and to further assure that payment for billable ambulance services
shall not become a financial hardship for those with limited incomes.
This policy shall take effect on January 1, 2015.
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
Effective January 1, 2015
The Ulysses Town Board hereby establishes the following schedule of fees for Ambulance Transport and
Treatment Services rendered in the Ulysses Ambulance District, effective January 1, 2015. The fees may
be amended by further resolution of the Town Board.
1. For Basic Life Support (BLS) transport services: BLS is defined as the emergency response and
transport of a patient that requires as sessment and treatment by a BLS Technician and no
Advanced Life Support procedures.
2. For Advanced Life Support Level 1 (ALS1): ALS1 is defined as the emergency response and
transport of a patient that requires assessment and treatment by an ALS Technician and one for
more Advanced Life Support procedures.
3. For Advanced Life Support Level 2 (ALS2): ALS2 is defined as the transport of a patient that
requires defibrillation, pricing, intubation, or the administration of 3 or more Schedule IV
4. For Ground Transport Miles (GTM): GTM is defined as the charge per patient transport mile,
loaded or non-loaded transport mile.
BLS Non-Emergency $500
BLS Emergency $700
ALS 1 Non-Emergency $850
ALS 1 Emergency $950
ALS 2 $1,050
Specialty Care Transport $500
Paramedic Intercept $500
ALS Assist no Transport $850
Mileage $15/mile
* Two (2) patients simultaneously transported are billed separately for transport and treatment and the
mileage is split
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
Town of Ulysses Ambulance Billing Financial Assistance Policy
The purpose of the Financial Assistance Policy is to assure that the Ulysses Ambulance Billing Policy shall
not create a barrier that deters those needing emergency medical services from calling for help and to further
assure that payment for billable emergency medical services shall not become a financial hardship for those
with limited incomes or resources.
It is the policy of the Town of Ulysses to offer financial assistance to patients in the Ulysses Ambulance
District who are billed for their share of ambulance transport and treatment and earn less than 300% of the
Federal Poverty Income Guideline.
Patients with incomes less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Income Guideline are eligible to have up to 100%
of their share of the ambulance bill waived. The Chart in Appendix 1 shall be updated to reflect the Federal
Poverty Income Guideline.
For patients who are able to pay for their care, no-interest payment plans can be arranged.
1. The Billing Contractor will include a cover letter written by the Town to explain the billing policy
and procedures for requesting financial assistance with ambulance bills.
2. The Application for Ambulance Billing Financial Assistance is attached to this policy as
Appendix 2 and may be updated by resolution of the Town Board.
3. Patients who believe they may be eligible to have their share of the cost reduced or waived after
reviewing the financial eligibility guidelines sent with the Ambulance Bill’s cover letter, may
submit an Application for Assistance to the EMS Coordinator.
4. The Town of Ulysses authorizes and encourages the EMS Coordinator to review billing and
payment records in order to help patients obtain insurance or request assistance, as needed.
5. The Town of Ulysses authorizes the EMS Coordinator to review Applications for Assistance and
waive up to 100% of the patient’s share of ambulance charges for those who document their
eligibility below 300% of the Federal Poverty Income Guideline.
6. The Town of Ulysses authorizes the EMS Coordinator to arrange reasonable no-interest payment
plans between patients who can pay their fees and the Billing Contractor.
7. The EMS Coordinator may refer any complex requests, with personal information redacted, to the
Town’s EMS Committee, to be comprised of two Town Board members, for decisions.
8. The EMS Coordinator shall prepare a monthly report for the Town Board’s EMS Committee that
includes the actions taken on all applications for assistance.
Effective Date: January 1, 2015
Date Adopted: 12/18/14
Appendix 1:
Town of Ulysses Ambulance Billing Financial Assistance Policy
It is the policy of the Town of Ulysses to offer financial assistance to patients in the Ulysses Ambulance
District who are billed for their share of ambulance transport and treatment and earn less than 300% of the
Federal Poverty Income Guideline.
For 2014, the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines are as follows, based on the number of people in a
household. This Chart will be updated annually using Federal Poverty Income Guidelines available from:
Household Size
2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For each
$11,670 $15,730 $19,790 $23,850 $27,910 $31,970 $36,030 $40,090 $4,060
$35,010 $47,190 $59,370 $71,550 $83,730 $95,910 $108,090 $120,270 $12,180
Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014
Appendix 2:
1. Name of patient: ________________________________________________________________
2. Name of person responsible for payment: ____________________________________________
3. Contact Information for person responsible for payment: Phone: __________________________
Email: __________________________
4. Date of ambulance service: ________________________________________________________
5. Amount of fee charged:___________________________________________________________
6. If you can pay the full amount but need a payment plan, please propose installments and final payment
7. Amount of fee you are asking to be waived: __________________________________________
8. Do you have insurance? __________________________________________________________
9. If yes, Name and Identification Number: _____________________________________________
10. Annual Income of person responsible for payment: _____________________________________
11. Family size:____________________________________________________________________
12. Is your annual income less than the amount listed below? Yes_____ No______
Household Size
2014 1 person
less than
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For each
person, add
300% of
Poverty Line
13. Please verify the income of the person responsible for payment. Attach 1 of the following:
Latest State and Federal Tax Returns OR
Documentation of eligibility for any (1) one of the following assistance programs:
Public Assistance, SSI, or Medicaid, Food Stamps OR
Free/Reduced School Breakfast and Lunch Program OR
Section 8 Housing Subsidy OR Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
14. If you make more than the amount highlighted above and need assistance, explain why paying your
share of the fee would be a significant hardship. (Use the back of the form or attach a page)
For information or assistance, contact the EMS Coordinator at (607) 387 -7131.
Town of UlyssesTOWN BOARD 2014
Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 12/11/14