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Comprehensive Plan Committee
October 10, 2006
Approved 10/24/06
Present: Robert Brown, Heather Filiberto, David Kerness, Sue Poelvoorde,
Elizabeth Thomas, David Tyler, John Wertis
Absent: Darien Simon, Sue Ritter, Jennifer Wapinski-Moordian, Debbie Watkins,
Robert Weatherby
Ms. Poelvoorde called the meeting to order at 7:15pm. She presented the minutes from
the October 10th meeting with corrections. Mr. Weatherby was listed as absent in the
voting but not in the attendance section, she noted two other corrections. She asked if
there was a motion to approve the minutes.
Mr. Tyler made the MOTION, seconded by Mr. Brown to APPROVE the minutes with
the submitted corrections.
The vote was taken as follows:
AYES: Mr. Brown, Ms. Filiberto, Mr. Kerness, Ms. Poelvoorde, Ms. Thomas,
Mr. Tyler, Mr. Wertis
ABSENT: Ms. Simon, Ms. Ritter, Ms. Wapinski-Moordian, Ms. Watkins
The Minutes of October 10, 2006 were approved with corrections.
Ms. Poelvoorde asked if the group would like to offer general comments of the most
recent draft of the survey.
Ms. Filiberto stated it is small and bold and hard to read. She would like to see the font
made regular and bigger.
Ms. Poelvoorde agreed the font was difficult to read especially if an ind ividual wears
reading glasses.
Mr. Wertis asked where they had left off at the last meeting.
Ms. Poelvoorde noted they had left at the environment section.
Mr. Wertis stated he noticed before you get off the first page there is a random question
Ms. Poelvoorde stated they had to revisit this item.
Mr. Kerness asked if they could make the decision tonight, at the last meeting they had
decided to put the ranking in.
Mr. Brown stated he thought the ranking (1b) was confusing. They will have professional
planners and non professional planners completing this survey. If he received this survey
in the mail it would end up in his shredder after reviewing the first few questions.
Ms. Poelvoorde stated the suggestion was to rank the top 5 of their most important items.
Ms. Thomas asked if they get rid of the 1b and ask them to rank the most important
issues would these alleviate confusion.
Mr. Kerness asked why are they ranking these again, isn’t that what the other categories
are doing. He asked what they would do with the results if only half of the people
complete the ranking.
Comprehensive Plan
Ms. Poelvoorde noted that would be reflected in the statistics.
Mr. Tyler asked if they can have question one moved to the bottom of the document. If it
is discouraging then moving it to the bottom would help prevent discouragement from the
first page.
Ms. Poelvoorde stated there are two rankings but this document is not finished.
Ms. Filiberto stated she found it confusing in that you are asking how important, then the
ranking puts one against the other. She would like to see the section removed.
Mr. Tyler asked if they remove 1a, 1b and the ranking would these be less confusing.
The other members agreed they thought this would be less confusing.
Ms. Poelvoorde stated when they add the columns they will establish what is very
important, important etc.
Mr. Tyler asked if they could jump ahead and finish the categories they had not reviewed.
Ms. Poelvoorde offered they rename the Public Safety & Services to Public Services and
Mr. Kerness asked if they would insert the 5 point response for all of the categories.
Ms Poelvoorde stated that was the decision made as it provides a more accurate response.
She noted all of the categories should be changed to reflect the 5 point response.
Mr. Tyler asked why they were concerned with truck traffic on Route 89.
Mr. Kerness replied it is illegal, Route 89 is designated as a collector road and unless the
truck is making a delivery they should not be on the road.
Ms. Poelvoorde stated Route 89 is a State Highway, it cannot be restricted.
Mr. Kerness stated he reviewed the Tompkins County Highway Classification map and it
is designated as a collector road.
Ms. Poelvoorde replied she would check into this but it is a state highway and cannot be
restricted. There might be an error on the map.
Mr. Filiberto stated irregardless of the status, the point to consider is can the
Comprehensive Plan do anything to change the traffic flow or congestion.
Ms. Poelvoorde stated that is a good measure to use in considering all of these categories.
When reviewing the questions does the Comprehensive Plan and/or the Town have any
control over this area. They can recommend land use planning that does not aggravate the
problem but some areas they cannot change i.e. school taxes are decided by the school
Ms. Filiberto noted the Town may be able to put pressure on DOT to alleviate this issue
but it is up to DOT.
A discussion continued regarding revisions to the Public Services and Transportation
section of the survey. It was noted that the Comprehensive Plan does not have any effect
on the school, truck traffic on 89/96. They do appreciate the issues are relative to why
people like/dislike Ulysses but they cannot change anything regarding these areas. The
changes were made to this section of the survey.
Mr. Wertis had asked regarding a statement Ms. Simon had provided via email to replace
the current statement pertaining to question 2.
Comprehensive Plan
Ms. Poelvoorde offered to write the message on the board since some members did not
have access to email. The statement was as follows.
Please help us direct the revision of the plan by telling us if the following specific factors
and/or of Ulysses need improvement (very or somewhat necessary), are ok as they are or
need less attention (somewhat or very necessary).
A discussion of this message ensued, the majority of the members felt it was confusing,
and did not like how everything is explained in parentheses. It was felt it was self
exp lanatory having the different columns. This would reduce the columns to a three point
response, the members affirmed they would leave the 5 point system with the statement
for section 2.
Please rate the following areas as to how important/necessary these aspects of the Town
of Ulysses are to you.
Mr. Wertis noted that they realized they were being subjective and slipped back to not
being subjective but then chose to actually use the survey in the subjective manner-
what is important to you vs. important to Ulysses.
Mr. Tyler stated that is the response they need, the cumulative total would give the
overall response for the town as a whole.
Mr. Kerness stated an example would be cluster subdivision, to him it is not important
but to the town as a whole it is.
Mr. Wertis stated they had that discussion at the last meeting and it kicked back to what
is important to you.
Ms. Thomas stated that is what she is concerned about, will they get what is important to
the town vs. an individual.
Ms. Filiberto stated it should be how important to you, when you ask for the greater good
they evaluate and there is a right or wrong answer. What are my personal views then you
get their opinions.
Ms. Thomas stated another example is starter homes, it may not be important to her but it
might be important to her friends.
Mr. Tyler noted their opinions would be gathered when they complete a survey.
Ms. Thomas stated but this is the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Brown stated this is not the plan, this is the survey that gathers the data.
Mr. Tyler stated the Comprehensive Plan is a government function, the survey is not. The
survey will individually and then collectively gather the data; they can determine the
center of gravity and compile the Comprehensive Plan from this data.
Mr. Kerness prepared a revision to section 3 through 7, he distributed copies to the
The members discussed and after making edits to his draft changed the survey to reflect
his suggestions. The decision to remove the contact information which allows the survey
to remain anonymous was offered. The discussion led to asking anyone interested in
volunteering for focus groups could contact the Town Hall. It was decided this would be
a better option.
The meeting continued to review the sections of the survey E dits were made after the
discussions, the draft of October 10, 2006 is listed below.
Comprehensive Plan
Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan Survey
Dear Town of Ulysses resident:
The Town is currently updating its comprehensive plan for the future of our town. The plan is
intended to act as a road map for guiding future growth and development, implementing planning
and zoning changes, identifying important natural resources and unique features in the Town that
should be preserved.
We need the input of residents, 18 years and older, as this plan is being prepared. Please take a few
minutes to respond to the survey questions below, and return it NO LATER HAN________________.
If more than one adult in the household would like to complete a survey, please call the Town Hall
(387-5767) for additional copies.
Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to this process. (Place a √ in one box per line.)
1. Please rate the following existing aspects of the Town of Ulysses.
Important Somewhat
A. Agricultural Land
B. Open Space (Undeveloped)
C. The Village of Trumansburg
D. Historic Structures
E. Outdoor Recreation
F. Taughannock Park
G. Shopping
H. Commercial/Professional Services
I. “Small Town” Atmosphere (Built environment)
J. Volunteer/Community Activities
K. Sense of Community (Sense of belonging)
L. Zoning/Planning
M. School
N. Church
O. Other-specify______________________
2. Please rate the following areas as to how important/necessary these aspects of the Town of Ulysses are
to you.
Necessary Adequate Unnecessary Very
1. Diverse Housing Availability
2. Starter Homes/Affordable
3. Well maintained homes
4. Availability of Senior Housing
5. Planned residential subdivision
6. Cluster** Residential
7. Apartment Housing
8. Town houses / condominiums
9. Closeness to work
**Cluster –detached dwelling units grouped close together with land devoted to open space.
2. Please rate the following areas as to how important/necessary these aspects of the Town of Ulysses are
to you. (Continued)
Necessary Adequate Unnecessary Very
1. New small-scale development
services- e.g. gas station)
2. New large-scale development (e.g.
Comprehensive Plan
3. New light industrial development
(e.g. technology park)
4. Businesses centered on tourism
5. National chain store development
6. “Strip” development along
7. “Cluster” development off
8. Commercial development in the
Village of Trumansburg
9. Commercial development in
10. Other_______________________
B1. Which type of development do you prefer? Please check one: Cluster____ Strip____ both____
Important No
Unimportant Very
1. Conserving scenic natural beauty
2. Preservation of historic
3. Opportunities to safely walk and bike
4. Clean lake water
5. Clean air
6. Protect natural areas and open space
7. Stream protection
8. Stormwater and erosion control
9. Renewable energy resources
Important No
Unimportant Very
1. Educational facilities/Schools
2. New recreational facilities
3 Existing recreational facilities
4. Youth Activities Services
5. Fire Protection
6. Water district
7. Sewer district
8. Public transportation
9. Library
10. Bike Paths
11. Sidewalks
12. Road Maintenance
2. Please rate the following areas as to how important/necessary these aspects of the Town of Ulysses are
to you. (Continued)
Important No
1. Quality of service from local
2. Selection of stores/services
3. Professional (law, dental, etc.) services
4. Trumansburg’s Farmers Market
5. Support large scale agriculture
6. Encourage small scale agriculture
7. Other ________________________
Important No Opinion Somewhat
1. Job opportunity (within Ulysses)
2. Property taxes (town, village, county)
Comprehensive Plan
3. School taxes
4. Increase commercial development
5. Increase residential development
6. Patronizing local businesses
7. Other__________________________
3. Consider the broad areas you just reviewed, which areas do feel need the greatest improvement.
Please rank the categories - 1 being the greatest needing improvement and 8 being the least needing
Residential ____
Commercial ____
Environment ____
Public Services/Transportation ____
Private Sector ____
Economic Base ____
Other____________________________ ____
4. How would you suggest we accomplish these improvements? Please rank these methods 1 being the
best and 6 being the worst.
Re-prioritizing ____
Volunteer efforts ____
Grant Funding ____
Tax Increase ____
Tax Incentives ____
Other_________________ ____
5. What do you love about where you live? ___________________________________________________
6. Please tell us a little about yourself,
A. What is your age? Under 25 _____26 to 44 _____45 to 65 _____Over 65 _____
B. Where do you live?
Village Hamlet Farm Lakeshore Rural Residential
C. Which best describes your education level?
1. Some High School _____
2. High School Graduate _____
3. Technical & Vocational _____
4. College Graduate _____
5. Post Graduate _____
D. How long have you lived in Ulysses?
1. Less than 1 year _____
2. 2-5 years _____
3. 6-10 years _____
4. 11-20 years _____
5. more than 20 years _____
7. Would you like to participate in a focus group that will be giving input into the comprehensive plan?
If so please call the Town Hall at 387-5767 and leave your name and contact information.
Ms. Poelvoorde asked the group if they felt they had a survey ready to be reviewed.
Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Kerness asked how they would contact the Cornell group.
Ms. Poelvoorde stated Ms. Ritter had made the initial contact so they can let her know it
is ready.
Mr. Tyler stated they should have friends or family test drive the survey. They can edit
and provide comments if they had a problem with it. He thought one or two per member
should be sufficient. A review of the timeline reflected they would like to have the survey
by Thanksgiving, this does not leave much time to do this.
Ms. Poelvoorde noted the regular meeting would be October 24th, they can get the labels
from the county, and Ms. Ritter was discussing using BOCES to do the mailings. In two
weeks they would need the stamp of approval and have it ready for the sample group. She
stated they would need to pass a resolution to request the Town Board approve using the
Cornell as a consultant.
Ms. Carlisle Peck stated we can contact the assessment office and the company that
handles the mailing, we could get them lined up so we are on their calendar.
Ms. Filiberto stated the assessment office uses their data and if the there is a difference in
physical address vs. owners address (i.e. rentals) it will still print a label for the occupant.
Mr. Tyler suggested they meet the 24th, get Cornell to do the review, and via mail/email
get their copy of the survey and have them done by friends/family. They could meet the
following week.
Ms. Filiberto asked what the worst case scenario is, if they cannot get it done by
Thanksgiving, would it be better to wait until after Christmas. The group decided it
would be better to wait until after the first of the year due to individual’s obligations
during the holidays.
The discussion ensued and due to unknown answers from Cornell they realized they may
have to do additional work on the survey. They still have to get the survey to Ms. Ritter
and contact the group to find out the procedure.
Mr. Kerness offered to contact the Cornell office, he will work with Ms. Ritter and he
would like to go to the meeting with her.
Ms. Filiberto offered to contact the County Assessment office to request the labels.
Ms. Carlisle Peck offered to contact Marsha to see who the Town has used for their
mailings. She stated they should discuss with Cornell how they bill. She offered to
contact Marsha on how the Town would arrange this billing and get back to the members.
Ms. Poelvoorde reminded the group they need a resolution to approve using the Cornell
group as the consultant for the survey, she added they would need to designate a specific
amount the Town Board can review for approval.
The motio n was made as follows.
Comprehensive Plan Committee
Cornell Research Institute
Consultant for survey review and administration
MOTION made by Ms. Filiberto, seconded by Mr. Brown
1. The Committee has drafted the survey for gathering the data to develop the
Comprehensive Plan,
Comprehensive Plan
2. The Cornell Survey Research Institute has been consulted regarding tasks they
can undertake to review the survey, and analyze/compile the statistics from the
3. The Committee has reviewed the cost estimates to be within their budgeted
amount and would like to request $3,000.00 to hire the Cornell Survey Research
That the Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan Committee requests to the Town
Board the Cornell Survey Research Institute be hired as a consultant to review,
analyze and assist in survey implementation. The amount of $3,000.00 is being
requested to cover said expenses.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Mr. Brown, Ms. Filiberto, Mr. Kerness, Ms. Poelvoorde, Ms. Thomas,
Mr. Tyler, Mr. Wertis
ABSENT: Ms. Simon, Ms. Ritter, Ms. Watkins, Ms. Wapinski-Mooradian
The vote on the motion WAS CARRIED unanimously.
Ms. Poelvoorde stated she was asked to divide the $30,000.00 they requested. The four
categories/amounts designated she used were Clerical Support -$10,000.00), Resident
Survey- $4,500.00, Public Focus Sections- $2,000.00 and Professional Planner-
$13,500.00. This would include funds not used in 2006 be rolled over.
The members agreed this would be a sufficient amount to request.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 24th, 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:18pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Carlisle Peck
Administrative Assistant