HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-02-07-TB-FINAL-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses February 7, 2017 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulvsses.nv.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town's website and clerk's board. ATTENDANCE: PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas Board members- Michael Boggs, Rich Goldman, John Hertzler 2nd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Highway Superintendent- Dave Reynolds OTHERS PRESENT: John Ullberg, Karen Powers, Barbara Nowogrodzki, Krys Cail, James Fruechtl, Roxanne Marino, James Fruechtl ABSENT: 1St Deputy Supervisor- Nancy Zahler CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2017-49: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for February 7, 2017 with moving Approval of Claims to the beginning, adding the Unique Natural Area topic up and discussing an audit of the books. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Seconded: Mr. Goldman RESOLUTION 2017-50: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims #25-87 in the amount of $642,955.81. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 Seconded: Mr. Goldman CONTRACT FOR TOWN HALL SIDEWALK REPAIRS Ms. Thomas presented some drawings for sidewalk repair and landscaping in front of the town hall. Citizens in attendance and Mr. Fruechtl commented. RESOLUTION 2017-51: CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS FOR TOWN HALL SIDEWALK REPAIRS WHEREAS the sidewalk in front of town hall is indistinguishable from the road and parking in that area making it a danger to pedestrians, and WHEREAS due to the prevalence of asphalt on both sides of Elm Street which include 3 parking lots, stormwater has no ground in which to percolate, adding to the sedimentation and salinization of Cayuga Lake; and WHEREAS the only tree within the right of way is now dead, but before dying caused the asphalt in the area of what is considered the sidewalk to heave and crack causing a danger to pedestrians; and WHEREAS municipalities are required to keep their sidewalks in a state which is safe for pedestrians; and WHEREAS the town has both capital reserves and building reserves to pay for sidewalk and stormwater improvements in front of town hall, and WHEREAS the Mayor of the Village of Trumansburg is in favor of this repair, and WHEREAS the town staff investigated grant funding for this project; and WHEREAS funding options are available for landscaping, and volunteers are willing to build benches, but there are no state or county funding opportunities for the actual sidewalk or curbing, and 2 WHEREAS this project is expected to benefit from the cost savings of pairing its construction with the large project beginning in May 2017 of replacing sidewalks throughout the town and village, and WHEREAS the Town Supervisor has consulted with three volunteer landscape architects for design ideas, but the actual construction documents are very involved and require more work than they can do on a volunteer basis. Therefore be it RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the contract dated February 1, 2017 from Trowbridge, Wolff, and Michaels to provide a rendering of the project, cost estimates, construction documents, construction specifications, and stamped drawings which are required for the contractor to complete this work, and RESOLVED that the Town clerk will forward the signed contract to Trowbridge, Wolff, and Michaels. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler abstain Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-1 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 Seconded: Mr. Boggs PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Krys Cail addressed the Community Choice Aggregation topic on the agenda, noting that there same to be many of the same people on the various county energy committees and requested to instead have a private citizen for a new perspective. She also inquired about whether both Darby and Liz are needed on the committee. She suggested that Darby's time might be better spent on the Ag Committee. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: (See Appendix) TOWN REPORTS: (See Appendix) OLD BUSINESS: PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES (P.I.L.O.T.) FOR LARGE-SCALE SOLAR The board discussed this issue. Tompkins County Area Development is considering creating a county- wide policy. COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION (CCA) RESOLUTION 2017-52: SUPPORT OF THE EXPLORATION OF COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses is interested in promoting energy efficiency and local renewable energy generation, and also in reducing energy costs for its residents; and WHEREAS the NY State Public Service Commission, in April 2016, authorized the development of Community Choice Aggregation programs, that allows participating local governments to work together through a shared purchasing agreement to procure natural gas and/or electric energy supply on behalf of their residents and small businesses; and WHEREAS, Community Choice Aggregation is a means to provide lower, more stable and predictable energy costs, while also promoting energy efficiency, local renewable energy development and local job growth; and WHEREAS, residents and small businesses that are not interested in participating in CCA energy procurement are able to opt out; and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) works to identify shared services and procurement opportunities to provide better service and lower costs to our residents; and WHEREAS, TCCOG has established a CCA Advisory Committee made up of elected/appointed officials plus community members to explore CCA and advise interested municipalities on CCA administrative and procurement models, and to search for and recommend a program administrator, and WHEREAS, participation in the TCCOG CCA Committee does not obligate the Town of Ulysses to participating in CCA, (which requires passage of a local law), but rather indicates the Town of Ulysses' interest in exploring the option of CCA, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that Town of Ulysses selects Elizabeth Thomas to serve on the TCCOG CCA Advisory Committee. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Hertzler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs nay Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-1 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 0 APPOINTMENT OF AG COMMITTEE MEMBER RESOLUTION 2017-53: APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBER TO THE AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board appoints Mark Ochs to the Agriculture Committee with a term ending 12/31/2019, and RESOLVED the Ulysses Town Clerk's office will contact the new member to take the oath of office and sign the ethics pledge. Moved: Mr. Hertzler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 NEW BUSINESS: Seconded: Mr. Goldman RESOLUTION 2017-54: UNA WHEREAS Tompkins County has designated numerous Unique Natural Areas throughout the county based on either threatened flora, fauna, viewsheds or their impact on water quality; and WHEREAS Tompkins County has no land use authority to protect the UNAs it has designated that authority resides with the town as part of its right to Home Rule; and WHEREAS parcel number 27.4-6 at 1284 Taughannock Boulevard is within UNA-62, the Maplewood Glen and Lake Slopes UNA protected for its valuable tree species, some rare or scarce plants, its scenic and aesthetic value along Route 89, and some examples of old growth forest; and WHEREAS Tompkins County states in the UNA description that the biggest threat to this UNA is from logging and residential development; and WHEREAS if this land is sold, it will likely be developed for residential use; and WHEREAS this parcel has steep slopes leading into tributaries to Cayuga lake and protecting UNAs along the lake helps preserve the long-term water quality of the lake; and WHEREAS the newly opened Black Diamond Trail borders this land and will provide a good buffer for the trail and recreational opportunities for residents; and WHEREAS this parcel has been foreclosed and Tompkins County has been paying taxes owed, including taxes to the Town of Ulysses. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses is interested in negotiating with Tompkins County to acquire parcel 27.4-6 at 1284 Taughannock Boulevard. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 Seconded: Mr. Boggs USE OF RESERVE FUNDS FOR AERATOR RESOLUTION 2017-55: AUTHORIZING USE OF FUNDS FROM THE TOWN OF ULYSSES RESERVE FOR REPAIRS (SW3-230) TO PAY FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES SHARE OF AN AERATOR INSTALLED IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER TANK PER RESOLUTION 2016-90 WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses passed a resolution to pay half, or up to $57,500, to the Town of Ithaca upon completion of the installation of an aerator in Ithaca's "Trumansburg" tank for the purposes of reducing chlorination by-products in the water it supplies to the Town of Ulysses; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses by resolution adopted on February 11, 2003 established the reserve fund for the purpose of funding water district expenses; and WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted the 2017 budget for the Town on October 25, 2016 and the budget calls for the appropriation of $57,500 from the Water District 3 Repairs Reserve Fund for the purposes outlined in resolution 2016-90; and WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, an expenditure from the Repairs Reserve Fund requires authorization by the Town Board, and such authorization is subject to a permissive referendum; and WHEREAS, the above -referenced purchase falls within the purposes for which the Capital Equipment Reserve Fund was established; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the following expenditures from the Town of Ulysses Repair Reserve Fund SW3-230 for the purchase of an aerator for the Town of Ithaca's n "Trumansburg" Tank; and be it further RESOLVED that, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will submit the required notice of resolution to the required media outlets by February 10, 2017. Moved: Mr. Hertzler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (none) Seconded: Ms. Thomas AUDIT The Town Board plans to schedule an audit of Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Court Clerk accounts. MONTHLY BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2017-56: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1/24 BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes as edited by Ms. Thomas. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 2/7/17 An-ini iRN- Seconded: Mr. Goldman 7 Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:40pm; seconded by Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously. APPENDIX: REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: Ms. Marino reported on the Conservation and Sustainability Committee (CSAC): • The payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for large-scale solar arrays issue has been passed on to Planning Board along with glare issue • Talked with Dryden Planning Board member about their solar research. • 2 CSAC members are working to submit an Urban Forestry grant • Ms. Marino is on the board of Solar Tompkins- they will hold 2 meetings in each community of Tompkins County this spring. TOWN REPORTS: PLANNING BOARD/ZONING OFFICER- submitted by Ms. Kiley Planning Board The Planning Board approved a residence in the B 1 -Business District and began the review of a 2 MW solar project on Trumansburg Rd. Board of Zoning Appeals There were no zoning appeals in January. Grants Zoning Updates Grant — The steering committee held an open house in Jacksonville on 1/19. Other Meetings/Issues Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) — 1/25: the IO discussed the draft Restoration and Protection Plan and Floating Classroom. On 1/18, representatives from Seneca Lake and Cayuga Lake met to discuss water quality issues Planning Advisory Board (PAB) — 1/25: the board reviewed/discussed the County Planning Draft Work Program, the Finger Lakes Land Trust conservation strategies for the Finger Lakes Region, the Draft Natural Infrastructure Program Overview, large solar projects, and recruitment for open seats. TCCOG Energy committee — 1/26: the committee heard about efforts to address energy usage during the SEQR process for a Town of Ithaca project and discussed PILOT for solar. Several committee members met on 1/25 to view a webinar on benchmarking municipal buildings. Water Resources Council (WRC) — 1/23: the council discussed and established committees for 2017. ACTING HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- reported by Mr. Reynolds • 8 snow storms • Worked on snow plow equipment • Purchased new air compressor • A few limbs down from ice storm N. • Minor & major truck repairs • Installed driveway pipe on Agard Road • Going through years of old paperwork TOWN CLERK- submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES/PERMITS issued: # Sporting licenses 3 Disabled parking permits 14 Dog licenses and renewals 65 Marriage licenses 1 Plumbing permits 0 Address assignments 0 Notarizations 2 FOIL requests 1 FINANCIAL REPORT: $1071.50 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $918.04 stays in the town $153.46 goes to the state CLERK'S OFFICE TASKS: • Tax collection- $4.1 million collected to date. • Routine tasks: o Notarized documents for citizens o Ordered supplies o Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail o Answered inquiries on various topics o Took and wrote up meeting minutes o Kept website current o Sent listsery messages to residents (2/month) o Mail and post dog licenses; issued tickets as needed o Assist other departments when possible WATER DISTRICT TASKS: • Updated water usage reports • Gathered information for water grant • Met with MRB and Supervisor to discuss updating water unit determination CITIZEN COMMENTSANOUIRIES: Commentlinguin Answer/re erral Various tax/assessment questions Answer as appropriate or refer to County Assessment office CODE OFFICER- Submitted Mr. Myers: 9 Building Permits issued 5 Plan Reviews 7 Certificate of Occupancy issued 4 Certificate of Compliance issued 5 Complaints Received 5 Complaints Resolved 3 Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.) 47 New Site Inspections 6 Building Review Consultations (pre -plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling) 14 Fire Safety Inspections 9 Code Training Seminars 0 County Assessment Report 1 Open property in violation cases 15 Property violations resolved Value of Permits issued: $69,500 (Renovations included) Building Permit fees collected for month: $543.50 In January, there were 5 Building Permits issued. All for small remodeling projects. Total value for the new Permits is $69,500. Total fees collected were $543.50. 4 Certificates of Occupancy and 2 Certificates of Compliance were issued in January. There are 37 open Building Permits and 2 applications awaiting approval. Progress continues to be made in bringing targeted properties into Code compliance. Of the 6 properties I have sent certified letters to, 3 have been sold, two have contacted me about correcting the violations and I have been unable to locate one of the property owners. One of the new owners has started the demolition process and is almost finished. I have consulted with the new owner of the other 2 properties about demolition requirements. I expect an application for Demolition Permits in the near future. I have placarded 5 buildings and sent notices to the property owners. All the property owners have contacted me, asking what they need to do. 2 of those are planning on demolishing the structures in the next few months. From complaints I have received and personal observations, I have added 6 properties to my list. Steven Cortright and I met with the new owner of Taughannock Farms Inn and the project architect. They are hoping to renovate the third floor (currently used for only storage) into 2 guest rooms. There are several Fire Code issues surrounding the use of any level above the second floor of an assembly occupation. I was very impressed by Steve's breadth of knowledge of the Fire Code requirements and his demeanor in explaining how it applies to the specific project. I was able to spend some time with Steve and go over his inspection process. I am quite satisfied with what he is doing. I have solicited two bids for the replacement of the Town Hall's 20 year old 30 gallon gas fired water heater. I specified a high quality, low volume electric unit. Both bids came back virtually the same at 10 $900+. The low capacity unit should be just fine for the office as not much hot water is used. The AO Smith (a top brand) unit is 98% efficient. I am thinking about putting it on a timer as there is virtually no demand between 9 PM and 8 AM. FIRE INSPECTOR REPORT- submitted by Mr. Cortright Fire inspections 5 Follow up Fire Inspections 4 Fire Inspections closed out 4 Correspondence relating to Fire 8 inspections Meetings related to Fire Safety Issues SUPERVISOR REPORT - submitted by Ms. Thomas Water Districts WD3 • Rural Development grant — work with team of MRB staff, Michelle and Carissa to submit the grant on 2/3. Grant itself is 41 pages. The attachments to the grant are 835 pages. • Work with MRB to standardize how water units are assessed across all water districts. • Progress report for last quarter (November through January) Energy • TCCOG Energy Roadmap Committee — write minutes, prep agenda, chair meeting. Work on 4 goals for Clean Energy Community program. Hear presentation on how to use SEQR to increase energy efficiency. • Community Choice aggregation — discuss RFP for administrator of program. Parks and Recreation • Trails Grant: Review trails website again, give feedback again. o Submit final report and request for final funding o Organize meeting of the TC Parks and Trails Network, attend and present final IthacaTrails.org website, ready for press release and county -wide hikes in April. Sidewalks • Town Hall sidewalk o Meet with 2 landscape designers to plan for phased approach to sidewalk project, discuss multiple details. Zoning update • Outreach planning and implementation for Jacksonville. • Review changes to ag zoning, review after legal review was completed. Agendas 11 • Prepare agenda and accompanying resolutions regarding: Lead agency for solar, solar PILOTS, sidewalk in front of town hall, use of reserve funds, tree inventory grant, appointment of ag committee members, appointment of water district operator assistant. Other • Census — meet with demographer working on US Census wanting help from Ulysses. • Personnel — work on changes to health insurance package for workers • Union — talk with union representative about Highway Department unionizing • Code Enforcement — understand side effects of asbestos contamination in buildings set for demolition. • Work plan — help to organize and submit questionnaire. • End of year budget modifications • Forestry grant — work with volunteers and staff to start grant process. • Recreation partnership contract — read and comment for next 5 year contract. Meetings: o Meet with resident on questions about affordable housing (1/11) o Water Units meeting (1/12) o Future of TC Parks and Trails Network (1/12) o Employee Benefits meeting (1/17) o Resident to discuss solar (1/18) o Sidewalk — meet with landscape architect (1/19, 2/6) o Zoning — Jacksonville outreach (1/19) o Zoning Committee (1/19,2/2) o Town Board meetings (1/10, 1/24) o TCCOG (1/26) o TCCOG Energy Roadmap Committee (1/26) o Sidewalk grant meeting (1/23) o Community Choice Aggregation (1/27) o Tburg Recreation (1/30) o School Superintendent and budget officer (2/3) Resident communications o Question about tax rebate check o Interest in buying condemned house. o Housing concerns and economic development (2) o Neighbor burning garbage complaint o Suggestions about budget o EV charging stations Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks: • Work with each department on current topics. • Respond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff. • Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town. • Monthly review of county actions. • Daily check-in with Town Hall staff. • Periodic discussions with Zoning Officer over a variety of topics. 12 • Prepare agendas, resolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes. • Provide oversight and follow-through on decisions and requests made at Town Board meetings. • Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks, • Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. • Respond to surveys when requested. 2ND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR & BOOKKEEPER REPORT -Submitted by Michelle E. Wright Deputy Supervisor • Water District 3 o Continued work on RD Apply o Financial advisor RFP • TAP Sidewalk Project o Communications with design engineers, Fisher Associates ■ Meeting to address the bid process and expectations regarding Village DPW and Town Highway involvement ■ Phone meeting with Dave and Dana re: utility coordination o Meeting with Village Treasurer regarding accounting related topics • Task force work and meetings: o EMS task force ■ Meeting Attendance • Assistance with resolution drafting • Employee benefits day: planning and presenting • Emergency preparedness plan: initial communications re: key players in planning joint Village and Town table top exercise • Work plan follow up Bookkeeper • Insurance • Water District Accounting o Regular monthly tasks • Health insurance o Continued communications re: HSAs o Communications with retirees re: health insurance • Personnel o Payroll and salary related communications with County • End of year activities 0 2016 Budget modifications o AUD activities ■ 1 spent the day with our accountant Duane on 2/2; we are very close to finalizing the AUD but were slowed down by some technical issues with the data import from Williamson into the AUD software 13 ■ There are preliminary fund balances figures that suggest that the process and method we have used for fund balance estimates during the budget seasons is much more accurate than what was used in the past. We have healthy fund balances in all funds. o 1099 Misc. IRS forms filled out ■ Thank you to Sara K. for helping ensure the accuracy for our 1099 vendor needs Regular duties o Payroll ■ Research and meetings with possible payroll options (ongoing) ■ Continued issues with inaccuracies ■ Regular duties of processing and accounting o Banking o NYSLRS (retirement system) ■ Annual payment calculation ■ Monthly reporting o Payments: regular appropriations & vouchers ■ Vouchered expenses ■ Health Insurance ■ Other regular payments Upcoming Projects: The following are some major areas of focus for me in the next couple months: • Opening the 2017 financial year in Williamson • Closing January financial activities in Williamson • Payroll process transition • TAP sidewalk grant administration • Hopeful the USDA RD grant administration • Emergency preparedness planning: o Work with Clerks on internal/Ulysses staff meeting o Development of table top exercise in coordination with the Village (tentatively scheduled for some time in late April), topic: severe storm event during GrassRoots • Personnel Policy review: through the lens of internal system functioning and needs for changes • Ambulance billing • Addressing reserve balances for adequacy MR. BOGGS: Attended the Village Fire/EMS meeting and Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Organization MR. GOLDMAN: • Attended Health Consortium meeting and Planning Board Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 2/22/17. 14