HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-04-PB-FINALTOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, 10/4/2016 Approved: October 18, 2016 Present: Chair David Blake, board members David Tyler, John Wertis, and Sara Worden; Environmental Planner Darby Kiley; and Town Board Liaison Rich Goldman. Rebecca Schneider and Benjamin LeWalter were excused. Public in Attendance: Thomas Mayo of Renovus Energy, Bob Sprole, Richard Greco, John Snyder, Jason Demarest, Carl Mazzocone, Mack Travis. Agenda Review; Minutes Review (9/06/16) Mr. Wertis requested a brief discussion regarding the Town's Steering Committee for Zoning Updates and, for next meeting's agenda, a report from the Planning Board's liaison to the Committee. Mr. Blake said the Planning Board will also discuss a letter from Tompkins County Planning regarding a previous Board action. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to accept the amended September 6, 2016 meeting minutes, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried, 4-0. Privilege of the Floor: No one from the public addressed the Board at this time. Consideration of the revised planting plan per condition of Site Plan Approval for a 484.34 kW photovoltaic system at 7107 Jacksonville Rd, Tax Parcel Number 20.-1-6.1; R1 -Rural Residence District. Finger Lakes Grassroots Festival Inc., Owner; Renovus, Agent for the owner. Mr. Mayo presented a planting plan for the Agard and Jacksonville roads project. To avoid shading on the solar panels, Renovus has proposed trees as far east as possible on the west side of Jacksonville Road. Junipers are planned on each side of the driveway. Once the second array is installed, Renovus will be narrowing the driveway from its current 20 feet width to 10 feet, he said. Cayuga Landscaping, which is carrying out the tree plantings, has recommended planting trees next spring, rather than this fall, on account of the summer's drought conditions. As for the south end screening, north of Agard Road, Renovus intends to plant a staggered row of white spruces that should block most of the view from Agard Road. As for the maintenance plan, once in place, Renovus can proceed with a bond to cover the life of the trees, he said. Regarding glare, Mr. Mayo said the glare window at the Murray residence experiences glare for three months during the summer and should not experience any through the winter and spring. The proposal with PRI fell through, so Renovus will be offering a community solar opportunity, which will be Planning Board 2 10-04-2016 offered to Town of Ulysses residents first, he said. Renovus is currently taking customers for the as -yet built solar farm and will continue to do so until it is sold out. Mr. Blake said all aspects of the project appear to be covered, with the exception of the maintenance plan and the question of whether or not the Planning Board will require a performance bond to cover the life of the trees. He supported requiring a bond. Ms. Kiley initiated a brief discussion on how the Town will be assured the trees will be planted, and it was the Board's feeling that the performance bond — of value of at least $10,000 — would cover trees and plantings if Renovus did not carry out their planting plan. The Planning Board returned to the topic of a planting plan for the white spruces along Agard Road. Under the resolution previously approved by the Planning Board, it was stipulated Renovus would submit a maintenance plan for the white spruce rows just north of Agard Road. However, Board members recalled an informal agreement with Renovus regarding the white spruce rows and that no maintenance plan was deemed necessary. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to delete words "maintenance plan" from the site plan resolution previously approved on September 6, 2016, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Site Plan Resolution Mr. Blake MADE the MOTION to approve the resolution, and Mr. Tyler SECONDED the MOTION as follows: Whereas on September 6, 2016 the Planning Board approved with conditions the site plan for the +/- 484 kW solar project at 7107 Jacksonville Rd, Tax Parcel Number 20.-1-6.1; and Whereas the applicant submitted a clearing plan (CP -1) dated 9/28/16, planting plan (PP -1) dated 9/19/16, and planting plan (PP -2) dated 9/27/16 to address two of the conditions ("a" and "e"); Now therefore be it resolved that the Planning Board accepts clearing plan (CP -1) dated 9/28/16, planting plan (PP -1) dated 9/19/16, and planting plan (PP -2) dated 9/27/16; and Be it further resolved that conditions "a" and "e" of the approval resolution from 9/6/16 are satisfied. The vote was as follows: Mr. Blake AYE Mr. Tyler AYE Mr. Wertis AYE Ms. Worden AYE Result: Resolution passed. Planning Board 3 10-04-2016 Consideration of Sketch Plan and Site Plan Approval for a single family residence at 1517 Taughannock Blvd, Tax Parcel Numbers 18.-1-19.4 and 18.-1-19.22; LS -Lakeshore District. The project includes the removal of the existing house and construction of a five -bedroom residence. The project is in the Slope Overlay Area and a portion is in a Unique Natural Area in the Town's Lakeshore District. Shari Kearl and Robert R Sprole III, owners/applicants; John Snyder Architects, agent/architect. Mr. Snyder — project architect — told the Planning Board that a partnering civil engineer has submitted drawings for septic system improvements, including replacement of the septic tank. However, the leach field will remain in its current location, he said, as will the water well. The county Health Department has reviewed the plans and issued the applicants a permit number, he said. The local fire chief also surveyed the property to assess adequate turnaround for emergency vehicles and deemed it sufficient. Ms. Kiley added the fire chief visited her office personally to relay his approval. Mr. Snyder added that the current house, which is set to be demolished, will be used for a live training exercise with the fire department. Plans have changed slightly since the previous meeting — a series of retaining walls has been scaled back to minimize impact on the lake front. It is now a single wall, roughly four to five feet tall, with graded soil above it. Mr. Greco, the general contractor and construction manager, said the wall will likely be constructed of molded concrete. Mr. Wertis requested wall specifications in writing, citing questions of aesthetic and the wall's engineering. Catch basins were also discussed. Mr. Snyder said the project's drainage plan is a simple one: along the top hillside, there will be a lower foundation drain and an upper wall drain diverting to both sides of the house, with outfall at the south side. The inner courtyard will have an overflow catch basin — which Mr. Snyder later clarified as an area drain — that will collect and discharge runoff. There is also a planned trench drain in front of the garage area, he said. Planning Board members discussed whether or not to close the sketch plan. Mr. Greco said he could get the Planning Board specifications for the retaining wall in a week's time, to allow for further review at the Board's next meeting on October 18. Ms. Worden requested additional information on the catch basin and drainage, considering Ms. Schneider expressed her concerns at the Board's previous meeting. Mr. Snyder said he would be happy to submit a more detailed drainage plan. Discussion ensued on whether or not to delay deliberations until the Board's next meeting. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to close the sketch plan, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION with the condition that the Planning Board receives additional information regarding the retaining wall and drainage plan. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Tyler MADE the MOTION to proceed without scheduling a public hearing, and Ms. Worden SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. After reviewing the site plan review checklist, the Planning Board proceeded with the resolution and reached a consensus to add a condition requesting design and engineering specifications for the retaining wall and area drain. It was during these deliberations when Mr. Snyder clarified that the catch basin in the courtyard is actually an area drain that diverts water; it does not hold any. Planning Board 4 10-04-2016 Mr. Wertis said there is still the question of whether or not the area drain can handle water runoff. Mr. Snyder agreed to provide information on landscaping draining and outfall. Mr. Tyler MADE the MOTION to approve the resolution with the added condition, and Ms. Worden SECONDED the MOTION as follows: Resolution for Site Plan Approval WHEREAS: 1. This is consideration of Site Plan Approval for a Single -Family Residence in a Slope Overlay Area and a Unique Natural Area located at 1571 Taughannock Blvd, Tax Parcel Number 18.-1- 19.4, LS -Lakeshore District; Shari Kearl and Robert Sprole III, Owners, John Snyder Architects, Agent for the owners; and 2. The Planning Board, on October 4, 2016, has reviewed and accepted as adequate, application materials including the following: narrative and location map, proposed site plan, site plan — dimensioned, proposed exterior views with date 10/4/2016 by John Snyder Architects; Septic Improvement Plan (C-1.0) and Detail Sheet (C-1.1) dated 9/21/16 by Marathon Engineering, and other application materials; and 3. The construction of a Single -Family Residence is a Type II action which does not require the preparation of a determination of significance; THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, 1. That the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby waives certain requirements for Site Plan Approval, including a public hearing, having determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town; and 2. That the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby grants Site Plan Approval for the proposed Single -Family Residence, as shown on the following: narrative and location map, proposed site plan, site plan — dimensioned, proposed exterior views with date 10/4/2016 by John Snyder Architects; Septic Improvement Plan (C-1.0) and Detail Sheet (C-1.1) dated 9/21/16 by Marathon Engineering. Approval is subject to the condition that the applicant submit design and engineering specifications for the retaining wall and area drain. The vote was as follows: Mr. Blake AYE Mr. Tyler AYE Mr. Wertis AYE Ms. Worden AYE Result: Resolution approved. Planning Board 5 10-04-2016 Consideration of Sketch Plan for an addition to the Inn at Tau2hannock, located at 2030 Gorge Rd, Tax Parcel Number 14.-1-11, B1 -Business District. The proposed project is a dining room expansion including a reconstruction of the existing dining porch along with other facility improvements, including restrooms and more service space. The net increase in building footprint will be +/-2,000 square feet. Additional site improvements include an enlarged deck and patio areas (+/-2,500 SF total) and an accessible ramp. TFI LandCo, LLC, Owner; Carl Mazzocone, Contact; Jason Demarest, Agent for Owner. For the sake of disclosure, Mr. Demarest began by saying there is a second, extensive phase to the project, which will need variances, but it is unclear if it will happen. The proposed project is smaller and is meant to improve service areas, build an ADA -compliant ramp to the lower dining room, and other renovations, which will add 2,000 additional square feet. The addition will bring the total square footage to 7,000 square feet. In regard to parking, Mr. Demarest said the Inn currently has 53 parking spaces plus an additional 14 for overflow, well above the required 35 parking spaces stipulated by zoning law. After the renovations, the Inn will have seating for 140. Mr. Mazzocone said private dining areas will be renovated and incorporated into the larger space so that more diners have a view of the lake. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to open the sketch plan conference, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Planning Board members did not have any questions. Mr. Blake MADE the MOTION to close the sketch plan conference, and Mr. Wertis SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Next, Planning Board members discussed whether or not to schedule a public hearing on the project. Mr. Tyler felt the property is a gateway to the park and for that reason the Board should let the community weigh in. Ms. Worden said she supported a public hearing, citing the Inn as a local treasure. Ms. Kiley said the Board needs to wait for Tompkins County Planning to review the project before voting on it, though they may still schedule the public hearing. County planners have 30 days to send a response, and the materials were sent to them in late September, she said. Mr. Blake MADE the MOTION to schedule a public hearing for Tuesday, October 18, 2016, and Mr. Wertis SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Solar law discussion re2ardin2 input to Sustainability and Conservation Advisory Council on proposed revisions Ms. Kiley explained that the Town's Sustainability Advisory Board is drafting language to apply to solar glare within Town Zoning. One question that has surfaced from the Advisory Board is: What level of screening is the Planning Board comfortable with? After a short discussion, Mr. Blake offered that screening solar panels cannot be locked into any set parameters and that each Planning Board 6 10-04-2016 project needs to be considered by its own merits. Board members agreed with Mr. Blake's assessment. Town Board Liaison Report Mr. Goldman said the Town Board is currently working through next year's budget. He informed the Planning Board that money would be set aside in next year's budget to hire a consultant for solar -related work. Also, this election season, the Town will present to constituents a ballot to decide whether or not the Town Clerk and Town Highway Superintendent posts would be made appointed positions. Steering Committee for Zoning Updates Asked about the timeframe for the Town's Steering Committee to begin involving participating subcommittees, Ms. Kiley said the Steering Committee is still reviewing pre -drafts of an update zoning law. Once the Committee reaches agreement on language changes, the pre -draft would then be circulated to other boards and committees, including the Planning Board. She is unsure when that will be. The Committee will meet later this week and possibly finish a pre -draft by then. If not, members meet again on October 26. Ms. Kiley thought the Planning Board would have two meetings to review the pre -draft. Letter from the Tompkins County Planning Department Ms. Kiley said the purpose of the County's letter was to reinforce that it needed to review the 1286 Taughannock Blvd. project, which was previously approved by the Planning Board on September 6, 2016. Ms. Kiley said no corrective measures were needed from the Planning Board, but members reached a consensus to ratify the previously approved resolution. Mr. Tyler MADE the MOTION to ratify the Planning Board decision from September 6, 2016 regarding the driveway installation at 1286 Taughannock Blvd., and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Blake MADE the MOTION to adjourn the meeting, and Mr. Wertis SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Louis A. DiPietro 11 on October 13, 2016.