HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-17-PB-FINALTOWN OF ULYSSES
Tuesday, 5/17/2016
7:00 p.m.
Approved. 6/7/2016
Present: Chairman David Blake; board members John Wertis and Sara Worden. Environmental
Planner Darby Kiley; and Town Board Liaison Richard Goldman.
Excused: David Diaz, Rebecca Schneider, David Tyler
Ms. Worden was named a voting member in place of Rebecca Schneider.
Public in attendance: Carl Lupo, Anne Filley
Call to Order: 7:02 p.m.
Agenda Review; Minutes Review (5/3/16)
Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to approve the May 3, 2016 meeting minutes, Mr. Blake
SECONDED the MOTION, which was carried unanimously, 3-0.
Privilege of the Floor: No one from the audience addressed the Planning Board at this time.
Public hearing on Subdivision Review: Consideration of SEQR and Major Subdivision
Approval for a three -lot subdivision with boundary revisions at 1631 and 1635 Trumansburg Rd,
Tax Parcel Numbers 34.-2-7.2 and 34.-2-7.3. A three lot subdivision was approved in November
2014 and the current application will create two additional lots for a total of five lots created
from the parent parcel. The proposal includes the following: revision of boundary lines for 1631
Trumansburg Rd (TPN 34.-2-7.3) with 1.233 acres; creation of a flag lot between 1631 and 1635
with 1.336 acres; revision of boundary lines for 1635 Trumansburg Rd (TPN 34.-2-7.2) and
subdivision of the existing house lot from the remaining lands with 1.104 and 34.24 acres
respectively. The proposal is in the R2 -Moderate Density Residence District; Carl Lupo and
Norbert Nolte are the owners/applicants.
Mr. Wertis asked about access to the farm field, and Mr. Lupo responded that there might be
access problems with neighboring fields but that is not impacted by this project. A new farm lane
will be installed for the field on this property. A stormwater plan is needed for any additional
land disturbance including a new driveway.
Mr. Blake MADE the MOTION to open the public hearing, and Mr. Wertis SECONDED the
MOTION. The motion was carried unanimously, 3-0.
There were no comments offered.
Planning Board 2
May 17, 2016
Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to close the public hearing, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the
MOTION. The motion was carried unanimously, 3-0. The public hearing was closed at 7:07 p.m.
The board members reviewed Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the SEQR Short Environmental Assessment
Form (SERF). Mr. Wertis asked about any future land disturbance and approvals that are needed,
especially concerning the wetland and stream on the property. Ms. Kiley responded that setbacks
will need to be met for any new building. Those issues are addressed in Part 3 of the SEAR
Resolution for SEOR Determination:
Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to issue a negative determination of environmental significance
with the following resolution, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION.
This is consideration of Major Subdivision Approval for the proposed three lot
subdivision with boundary revisions at 1631 and 1635 Trumansburg Rd, Tax Parcel
Numbers 34.-2-7.2 and 34.-2-7.3. A three lot subdivision was approved in November
2014, and the current application will create two additional lots — for a total of five lots
from the parent parcel. The proposal includes the following: revision of boundary lines
for 1631 Trumansburg Rd (TPN 34.-2-7.3) with 1.233 acres; creation of a flag lot
between 1631 and 1635 with 1.336 acres; revision of boundary lines for 1635
Trumansburg Rd (TPN 34.-2-7.2) and subdivision of the existing house from the
remaining lands with 1.104 and 34.24 acres respectively. The proposal is in the R2 -
Moderate Density Residence District; Carl Lupo and Norbert Nolte are the
owners/applicants; and
2.This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ulysses Planning Board is acting in this
uncoordinated environmental review with respect to Subdivision Approval; and
3.The Planning Board, on May 17, 2016, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant and Parts 2 and 3
prepared by Town staff, and
4.The Town Zoning Officer has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed Subdivision Approval;
That the Town of Ulysses Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance for the reasons set forth in the Environmental Assessment Form Parts
2 and 3 referenced above, in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality
Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, an Environmental
Impact Statement will not be required.
Planning Board 3
May 17, 2016
The motion was carried unanimously, 3-0.
Resolution for Final Plat Approval:
Ms. Worden MADE the MOTION to approve the subdivision with the following resolution, and
1. The Town of Ulysses adopted zoning regulations, most recently revised in 2015, include
Article XXI — Land Subdivision Regulations establishing criteria for subdivision
procedures; and
2. This is consideration of Major Subdivision Approval for the proposed three lot
subdivision with boundary revisions at 1631 and 1635 Trumansburg Rd, Tax Parcel
Numbers 34.-2-7.2 and 34.-2-7.3. A three lot subdivision was approved in November
2014, and the current application will create two additional lots — for a total of five lots
from the parent parcel. The proposal includes the following: revision of boundary lines
for 1631 Trumansburg Rd (TPN 34.-2-7.3) with 1.233 acres; creation of a flag lot
between 1631 and 1635 with 1.336 acres; revision of boundary lines for 1635
Trumansburg Rd (TPN 34.-2-7.2) and subdivision of the existing house from the
remaining lands with 1.104 and 34.24 acres respectively. The proposal is in the R2 -
Moderate Density Residence District; Carl Lupo and Norbert Nolte are the
owners/applicants; and
3. The lots created by the proposed Subdivision meet the zoning requirements for the R2 -
Moderate Density Residence District; and
4. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ulysses Planning Board, on May 17,
2016, has made a negative determination of environmental significance with respect to
this project, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental
Assessment Form Parts 1, 2 and 3; and
5. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing on May 17, 2016, has reviewed and accepted as
adequate the plat entitled, "Survey Map Showing Lands of Carl Lupo & Norbert Nolte,
Located at No. 1635 Trumansburg Road, Town of Ulysses, Tompkins County, New
York," revised 4/21/2016, by T.G. Miller P.C. Engineers and Surveyors, and other
application materials; and
6. The Town of Ulysses Planning Board has given due consideration to all information and
comments in conducting the subdivision review;
Planning Board 4
May 17, 2016
1. That the Town of Ulysses Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for
Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Subdivision Checklist, having determined from
the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of
the purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board; and
2. That the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby grants Final Plat approval for the
subdivision as shown on the plat entitled, "Survey Map Showing Lands of Carl Lupo &
Norbert Nolte, Located at No. 1635 Trumansburg Road, Town of Ulysses, Tompkins
County, New York," revised 4/21/2016, by T.G. Miller P.C. Engineers and Surveyors.
The motion was carried unanimously, 3-0.
Zoning update discussion
Ms. Kiley distributed a document entitled, "Proposed Communication Links for Zoning Update
Project," and noted that the Planning Board will receive drafts of the zoning update work and
will have an opportunity to provide written feedback on those drafts.
Town Board Liaison Report
Mr. Goldman noted that the Waterburg bridge will be coming down soon.
Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to adjourn the meeting, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the
MOTION. The motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Darby Kiley on May 18, 2016.