HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-12-TB-FINAL-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses April 12, 2016 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town's website and clerk's board. ATTENDANCE: PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas 1St Deputy Supervisor- Nancy Zahler 2nd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright Board member- Rich Goldman Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Acting Highway Superintendent- Dave Reynolds OTHERS PRESENT: Roxanne Marino, Phil Antweiler, Stan Seltzer, Diane Hillmann, Jay Grasso (G&G Consulting), Bill Houseworth ABSENT: Board members- John Hertzler, Michael Boggs CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. PRESENTATION: Mr. Grasso of G&G Consulting introduced himself and presented a proposal for a Median Household Income (MHI) study in Water District 3. Utilization of this study can increase the town's eligibility for grants or low-interest loans to remediate the TTHM (total trihalomethane) issue. The costs of the study are usually refundable if the grant is attained. Mr. Grasso responded to questions and concerns from Town Board members and citizens in attendance. GENERAL BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2016-81: Approval of Meeting Agenda BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for April 12, 2016 with the addition of an executive session at the end and the deletion of the establishment of a new water maintenance title. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 4/12/16 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (none) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: (none) TOWN REPORTS: (see Appendix A) OLD BUSINESS: The Town Board further discussed the G&G presentation. RESOLUTION 2016-82: AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR A SURVEY OF MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOMES IN JACKSONVILLE WHEREAS New York State has increased funding for drinking water projects in 2016, and WHEREAS the amount of grant funding, or the interest level on loans, for drinking water projects depends partly on the median household income (MHI) of the affected area, and WHEREAS the only median household income information currently available is for the entire Town of Ulysses and the census data states that the MHI for the entire Town is above the median household income threshold for awarding grants, and WHEREAS due diligence suggests an income survey be done specifically for Water District 3 residents in order to use that median household income in the funding application, and WHEREAS Water District 3 in the Town of Ulysses has high chlorination by-products in need of remediation, and WHEREAS for a small water district, these remediation measures are expensive, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses authorizes G & G Process Services to conduct a Median Household Income Survey according to the quote provided on February 29, 2016. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 4/12/16 NEW BUSINESS: AUTHORIZING USE OF FUNDS FROM THE TOWN OF ULYSSES CAPITAL RESERVE FUND B878 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL GRANT. RESOLUTION 2016-83: AUTHORIZING USE OF FUNDS FROM THE TOWN OF ULYSSES CAPITAL RESERVE FUND B878 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL GRANT WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses Capital Reserve Fund B878 may be used for capital projects in the Town of Ulysses outside the Village of Trumansburg, and WHEREAS the Village of Trumansburg and the Town of Ulysses were awarded a collaborative federally funded grant, titled Pedestrian Commuting in Trumansburg: Safe Routes to School Project, that requires a local match which includes direct funding as well as in-kind contributions, and WHEREAS the Town Board approved the 2016 budget which specifies the use of the capital reserve for this sidewalk project in the amount of $16,800, and WHEREAS the sidewalk project is underway and bills will need to be paid for design and engineering of the sidewalk project, and WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law, an expenditure from the Capital Reserve Fund requires authorization by the Town Board, and such authorization is subject to a permissive referendum; and WHEREAS, use of reserve fund B878 falls within the purposes for which the Capital Reserve Fund was established; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses authorizes up to $16,800 to be spent in 2016 from the Capital Reserve Fund B878 for the purposes of building a sidewalk as specified in the scope of work from the Trumansburg Fairgrounds to the ShurSave Grocery Store, and further RESOLVED that pursuant to General Municipal Law, this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum. RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will post and publish notice of the permissive referendum in accordance to law and provide a copy of such notice to the Town Supervisor. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 4/12/16 ANNUAL UPDATE DOCUMENT (AUD) The Town Board decided to table this discussion until all Town Board members are present to discuss this. ESTABLISHING AN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE RESOLUTION 2016-84: ESTABLISHING AN AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE WHEREAS resolution 130 of 2014 was passed by the Ulysses Town Board on June 25th, 2014 establishing an Agricultural Committee, and WHEREAS a committee of both agricultural representatives and Town Board members interviewed all applicants, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board appoints the following to the Ulysses Agricultural Committee John Gates Chaw Chang Krys Cail Greg Reynolds John Wertis And further, RESOLVED that the Town Clerk's office will notify the appointees and arrange for an oath of office. Moved: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 4/12/16 Seconded: Ms. Thomas SPECIAL COURT PROJECTS RESOLUTION 2016-85: SPECIAL COURT PROJECTS WHEREAS in order to address a residual backlog of tickets from many years past, the Ulysses Town Court Clerk needs to work extra hours above her salaried 40 hours/week. Therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Court Justices may authorize the Town Court Clerk to work extra hours in 2016 to clear up the backlog with the amount of extra pay not to exceed $5,000 total, and further RESOLVED that the Town Court Clerk will be compensated at her regular rate of pay tracked on her time card. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Seconded: Mr. Goldman Date Adopted: 4/12/16 REVIEW OF RECORDS RETENTION REQUIREMENTS The Town Clerk gave a brief explanation on records retention requirements for Town Board members and distributed information. SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE DISCUSSION The Town Board discussed whether the proposed Sustainability Committee should be combined with a Conservation Council. They to table any action until a conclusion is reached. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (none) MONTHLY BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2016-86: Approval Of Minutes BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes of 3/29. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 4/12/16 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2016-87: Approval Of Claims BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims #183-246 in the amount of $328,513.89. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 4/12/16 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Thomas made a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:53pm for the purpose of discussing the employment history and matters leading to the promotion of a particular person. This was seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. Ms. Zahler moved to end Executive Session at 9:36pm, seconded by Mr. Goldman and passed unanimously. MECHANIC PAY RESOLUTION 2016-88: MECHANIC PAY WHEREAS William Conroy is working as the chief mechanic for the Town of Ulysses Highway Department, and WHEREAS his current pay is not commensurate with his duties. Therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses authorizes an increase in pay for William Conroy to $20/hour starting on April 24, 2016. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs absent Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 4/12/16 Seconded: Mr. Goldman EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Thomas made a motion to move into Executive Session at 9:38pm for the purpose of discussing possible acquisition of real estate where a public discussion may affect the price or terms. This was seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. Ms. Thomas moved to end Executive Session at 10:20pm, seconded by Mr. Goldman and passed unanimously. ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:20pm; seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. APPENDIX A: TOWN REPORTS: PLANNING BOARD/ZONING OFFICER- submitted by Ms. Kiley Planning Board At the April 5th meeting, the Planning Board approved the Garrison-Crannell single-family residence in the Lakeshore District; approved two projects at the Girl Scout camp — a new ranger house and an addition to Bailiwick Lodge; and scheduled a public hearing for a single-family house on Taughannock Blvd in the Conservation District. Board of Zoning Appeals At the March 16th meeting, the BZA granted area variances for renovations and an addition to an existing nonconforming house on Perry City Rd, and granted a rear yard setback variance for a single family house in the lakeshore district. Grants Residential Energy Score Project — Several public meetings were held in March in order to receive feedback on the first draft of the program and implementation plan. The tentative schedule is to present the revised draft at the May 24th Town Board meeting. Zoning Updates Grant — A farmland focused meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 14th.Other Meetings/Issues Other meetings/issues Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) — A subset of members discussed grant funding options, including options for funding road ditch best management practices. The IO met on March 30th and adopted a revised vision and goal statements. Water Resources Council (WRC) — At the meeting on March 21st, the WRC discussed the Cayuga Lake Watershed Issues list and heard reports from committees — many of which have been newly formed in 2016. Stormwater — In January, we received a request for information as a follow-up to the EPA stormwater audit conducted in July 2015. We mailed the response and information on March 7th. EPA responded with a letter received on April 4th — the materials that we submitted satisfied the information request and no additional actions are needed. Stormwater Coalition- Met on March 23rd and discussed a number of topics: the EPA stormwater remand rule, which will impact the Town's MS4 General Permit in the coming year; changes to the State's Construction Permit; the Cayuga Lake TMDL; and training options. Planning Advisory Board- Met on March 23rd and discussed the Agricultural District update, the County's energy roadmap recommendations, the County's Plan measures regarding job diversity in the County, and heard updates on the microgrid feasibility project and the DOT relocation. REMINDER: On April 19th, there will be a session on the Comprehensive Plan. CODE OFFICER: Ms. Thomas reported that Mr. Myers had 6 permits representing about $89,000 of construction and $516 in fees to the town. ACTING HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- reported by Mr. Reynolds x 3 snowstorms required plowing/salting x Continued to help the county haul stone- both parties keep track of time so it can be redeemed in trade x Put some old historical signs back up x Put in some new driveways x Got a road crossing pipe in on Hinging Post Road x Maintenance on the Gradall x Got their new (used) 2003 Volvo truck x Fixing shoulders from snow plow damage x Making plans for summer work Mr. Reynolds distributed a quote received for contracting out the paving of Seneca and Proskine Roads. SUPERVISOR REPORT- submitted by Ms. Thomas Zoning update x Learn more about conservation easements. x Assist in outreach to ag community about zoning update. x Review summary written by consultants and comment. Court x Write up Methods section of final report for Court Shared Services Task Force. x Prepare for next meetings where findings from all "testimony" are discussed and final outcomes are decided. Water Districts WD3 x Receive news from Town of Ithaca about aerator cost being shared. x Review most recent water tests and spreadsheet of testing over time. x Assist in organizing TTHM Working Group meeting — prepare handouts, documentation, agenda, explanation of income survey, etc. x Discuss TTHM problem with DoH, Town of Ithaca, MRB, TTHM Working Group. x Discuss well option with Councilman Hertzler, MRB and Water District Operator. x Research possible hookup of resident outside WD3. x Meet with Councilperson Boggs and MRB to discuss alternate options for TTHM removal. Falls Road x Write notification to Falls Rd residents of initiation of construction on new water line. x Answer questions from Falls Road residents on water district; assess interest in formation of a water district. x Assist engineering firm with information on intersection of Falls Rd water line and WD2. x Attend preconstruction meeting. WD4 x Loan repayment info — review, compare to notes, store. Elected or Appointed x Many details on this topic. Prepare for public information meeting and Public Hearing. Ag Committee x Generate interview questions and interview all candidates. Discuss attributes of each and part of interview committee making recommendations to Town Board. Sidewalks x In front of Town Hall o Gather photos, help with ppt for presentation to the TB on 3/29. Review with landscape architect. o Research funding availability o Reach out to community to assess interest. x TAP Grant o Request meeting date change to accommodate town attendance. o Assist in process to use funding from sidewalk reserve. Highway Dept o Continued discussion of capital planning and equipment needs. Grant - Trails x Gather more trail criteria in preparation for the commencement of work by the web design and programming firm. x Collect and sort photos of trails. x Conference call and face-to-face meeting with programmer/design firm. Other x Meetings: o Code Enforcement meeting with new attorney (3/8) o Trails (3/8) o Court Shared Service task force (3/9) o Town Hall sidewalk and green space (3/16) o Ag Committee interviews (3/9, 3/31) o Supervisor/Clerk Offices meeting (3/29) o Town Board (3/29) o Court Shared Service task force (3/30) o Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (3/30) o Comprehensive Planning training (4/1, 4/8) x Comprehensive Plan — assist with presentation for Planning Board, Town Board and BZA. x Enforcement vehicle — assist in replacement of Jeep for code enforcement office. x Time off — Comp time taken: 21.5 hrs. x Financial — review AUD carefully and January Operating Statement in new format. x Code Enforcement — Conference call with new attorney on code enforcement. x TCCOG — assist to set agenda. x News — submit items for listsery news. x Staff meeting — between Clerk's office and Supervisor's office — General Code distribution of books, All -Share file and folder organization, shared staff calendar, FOIL, Town Hall repairs, records retention, x Jacksonville — work on properties x Cemetery mowing — assist in a minor way with contract. Resident communications o Falls Road — 3 residents. o Concern over farmland subdivision o Sidewalk along Rt 96 — 8 resident complaints about 10' width. o WD3 — possible hookup from resident outside of district. o Interest in property in Jacksonville o TTHM concerns over aerator expense. o Concern over tree removal in Village Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks: Respond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff. x Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town. x Monthly review of county actions. x Daily check-in with Town Hall staff. x Periodic discussions with Zoning Officer over a variety of topics. x Prepare agendas, resolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes. x Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks, x Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. x Review county actions. TOWN CLERK- submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES issued: Sporting licenses 7 Disabled parking permits 9 Dog licenses and renewals 70 licenses 2 -Marriage Plumbing permits 2 FINANCIAL REPORT: $1724.50 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $1449.34 stays in the town $275.16 goes to the state CLERK's OFFICE TASKS: x Continued research on history of town reserve funds x Created list of upcoming elections for website and listsery x Started to explore grant possibilities for greening up the front of the town hall x Worked on bid for cemetery mowing- sent bid, collected responses, researched necessary actions re: prevailing wage x Coordinated Ag Committee interviews x Collected responses from Falls Road residents re: letter sent by supervisor x Routine tasks: o Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail using the new system linked to the bookkeeper o Answered inquiries on various topics o Took and wrote up meeting minutes o Kept website current o Sent listsery mssgs. to keep residents updated. (And received more requests to be added to list- currently 459 subscribers) TAX COLLECTION: x Working on finishing tax collection and settling up with the county. x Have collected $4.5 million to date x Responded to inquiries and sorted out payment errors RECORDS MANAGEMENT: x Continued reorganization of electronic files x Planning more records mgmt. time this spring/summer WATER DISTRICT TASKS: Posted water bills x Coordinated TTHM working group meeting for 4/7 x Worked with Water District Operator on new plumbing permits x Updated reports for TTHM running averages and water usage COMMITTEES: (None this month) CITIZEN COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: Commentlinguia Answer/referral What are the specs/regs for "Posted" signs? Searched around and determined that the DEC was approp. contact (Falls Road questions) Kept info on calls rec'd and answered as we could/referred out as necessary Can we burn brush? Burn ban is in effect through mid-May (DEC) 1sT DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- reported by Ms. Zahler. x Youth Program - o The annual village clean up (by sports and youth groups) will take place on 4/21 at 3:15pm o Super summer sign up night is 5/4 x Village board update- Ms. Zahler wasn't able to attend the recent village board meeting but sent information to them x Health consortium - o Ms. Zahler will send out information to the board regarding proposed new rules for consortium membership o A consortium orientation is being scheduled x Exxon Mobil- more details on this will be coming soon x The Jacksonville Community Association (JCA) had great meeting last week. Updates: o Mr. Myers attended to give an update on enforcement plans/activities o The park clean up has been scheduled o The community picnic has also been scheduled x The library book sale is this weekend 2nd DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- submitted by Ms. Wright: x Emergency Prep Plan Update o Continuation of plan development x Code/zoning vehicle purchase research through NYS centralized purchasing o Submitted several requests for bids through NYSOGS (Office of General Services) centralized bid system o We are hopefully nearing the end of this process x Cemetery RFP development, continued general assistance with this process x Permissive Referendum: communications with Board of Elections x TAP Sidewalk Grant Project: o Updating website as means of resident outreach o Helped host a meeting for resident input f Invitations and day of support o Promotion for public information meeting April 21st x Photo documentation of existing conditions on Falls Road x Assistance with mailing to Falls Road residents x Grant research assistance to Liz x Water District 3 activities: o Sitting in on meetings o Planning for financial projection modeling BOOKKEEPER REPORT- submitted by Ms. Wright: x New software transition o Fully implemented and almost caught up! o The new lag time between actual and reporting will be approximately two weeks (i.e. April's financial report should be available by mid-May) x AUD: Annual Update Document/Year-end activities o Submitted with confirmation from NYSOSC o Develop report to Town Board regarding highlights x Work with the Highway o Payroll and voucher work x Research on parameters for permissive referendum o Ongoing permissive referendum investigation x Continued work with Sarah (Deputy Clerk) regarding historical documentation of reserve establishment o Sarah has been researching historic meeting minutes to obtain documentation for the establishment of all of our current reserves. x Payroll o Submitted required paperwork for the annual PERMA audit o Work with the county on payroll certification o Assistance to Ethan (Youth Program Coordinator) in organization regarding Youth Employment paperwork x Regular duties o Payroll f Processing and accounting o Banking o Water district accounting o NYSLRS (retirement system) f Annual payment calculation f Monthly reporting o Payments: regular appropriations & vouchers f Vouchered expenses f Health Insurance f Other regular payments 12 MR. GOLDMAN: Planning board updates: x Only meeting once per month at this time. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 4/22/16. 13