HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-08-TB-FINAL-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses December 8, 2015 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town's website and clerk's board. PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas 1St Deputy Supervisor- Nancy Zahler 2nd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright Board members- John Hertzler, Rich Goldman, Dave Kerness Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Highway Superintendent- Jim Meeker Planner/Zoning Officer- Darby Kiley Attorney for the Town- Mariette Geldenhuys OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Boggs, Phil Antweiler, Glynis Hart, Anne Koreman CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2015-187: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Dec. 8, 2015 with the addition of an executive session. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Ms. Koreman inquired about the agenda item referring to the temporary appointment of a Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. She asked whether there will be more time in the new position for enforcement/building upkeep. Ms. Thomas responded that enforcement is a primary concern of the board. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: (none) TOWN REPORTS: (see Appendix A) OLD BUSINESS: (none) NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Thomas thanked Pete Angie and Lisa Anderson for their Planning Board service and also Alex Rachun for his many years of service. (He will be retiring at the end of this year). Ms. Thomas also noted that Mr. Kerness is completing his term on the town board at the end of the year. He has been active on various town boards/committees for about 13 years. Ms. Thomas thanked him for his service. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO THE TOMPKINS COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Resolution tabled to wait until the new board member can comment. APPROVING LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT WITH ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR AUDIT OF TOWN FINANCES RESOLUTION 2015-188: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Ulysses Town Supervisor to sign the letter of engagement with the accounting firm Ciaschi, Dietershagen, Little, Mickelson and Co. to audit the town finances in an amount not to exceed $6,000. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Kerness Discussion: Mr. Kerness wondered if this means that the town board can skip their audit. Ms. Geldenhuys responded in the affirmative. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 OPEN DEV. AREA Ms. Kiley and Mr. Goldman introduced the issue, saying that the Planning Board had struggled with this issue in the past so was attempting to come up with guidelines for future Open Development Area requests. 2 Ms. Geldenhuys suggested the group come up with a simpler version. Mr. Goldman requested that Ms. Geldenhuys attend a Planning Board meeting to explain her suggestion to the members. AUTHORIZATION FOR GRANT APPLICATION SUBMISSION TO DESIGN CONNECT Ms. Kiley coordinated with Randall and West to complete a project request. RESOLUTION 2015-189: BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Environmental Planner to submit a grant application to the Cornell University Design Connect program to develop a Jacksonville Special Area Plan as called for in the 2009 Comprehensive Plan. Also, RESOLVED that if the application is successful, the Town Board approves the donation of $500 to Design Connect for the cost of transportation and materials for the project. Moved: Mr. Kerness Seconded: Ms. Thomas Discussion: Mr. Kerness remarked that past projects by Design Connect have been done well. Mr. Hertzler inquired about past plans for Jacksonville done by students. Ms. Zahler asked Ms. Kiley to clarify "design standards" and the time frame for the project. Ms. Kiley responded that the project will be completed in the spring semester class. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR/CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RESOLUTION 2015-190: WHEREAS the current Building Inspector is retiring as of December 31, 2015 and WHEREAS in order for building to continue in the Town of Ulysses, it is important for this position not to be left vacant, and WHEREAS the position of Building Inspector/Building Code Enforcement Officer is a Civil Service position which requires it to be advertised and eligible candidates interviewed, all of which cannot take place before December 31, 2015. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board temporarily appoints Tom Myers as the town's Building Inspector/Building Code Enforcement Officer until a permanent employee is in place. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Discussion: Mr. Kerness asked for clarification on whether the position includes code enforcement. Ms. Thomas responded in the affirmative and amended the resolution. Ms. Zahler inquired about 3 the timeline for making the position permanent. Mr. Kerness wants to confirm pay, hours of work, etc. soon. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 AMENDMENTS TO THE PERSONNEL POLICY Ms. Thomas and Ms. Wright presented the proposed clarifications and reasoning. Ms. Wright went through the proposed changes. RESOLUTION 2015-191: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the edits to section 104, 702, 703, 706, 707 and 708 of the Personnel Policy as attached (see Appendix B). Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Kerness Discussion: Mr. Goldman suggested an edit to section 703. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING DATE RESOLUTION 2015-192: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board sets the date for the Organizational Meeting on January 7, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Ulysses Town Hall. Moved: Mr. Hertzler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 Seconded: Mr. Goldman Irl DECEMBER MEETING DATES RESOLUTION 2015-193: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board cancels its second meeting of the month scheduled for December 22, 2015 and reschedules it for 8:00 p.m. on Monday December 14, 2015 at the Ulysses Town Hall. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tabled. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (no comments spoken nor submitted) Seconded: Mr. Kerness BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLUTION 2015-194: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the budget modifications as outlined by the Bookkeeper and Town Supervisor and attached (see Appendix Q. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 Seconded: Mr. Kerness APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2015-195: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims #419 to 469 in the amount of $109,536.04. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Seconded: Mr. Kerness 5 Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Thomas made a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:59pm to discuss matters leading the appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person. This was seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. Ms. Thomas made a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:59pm to discuss matters leading the appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person. This was seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. Mr. Goldman moved to end Executive Session at 9:52pm, seconded by Mr. Kerness and passed unanimously. SETTING PAY RATE FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RESOLUTION 2015-196: Resolved to set the pay rate per hour for the Code Enforcement/Fire Inspector at $20.00/hour for 20 hours/week as an interim appointment. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Kerness Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 12/8/15 ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:08pm; seconded by Mr. Hertzler and passed unanimously. APPENDIX A: TOWN REPORTS: PLANNING BOARD/ZONING OFFICER- Darby Kiley Planning Board On 11/17, the PB approved a three -lot subdivision on the northwest corner of Perry City and Pine Ridge Roads. The PB also continued edits to open development areas draft regulations, and 2 approved the draft on 12/1. The PB also discussed open space planning and planning board recognition awards (on hold) at the 12/1 meeting. Board of Zoning Appeals No BZA meeting in November. Board training Three Planning Board members and I attended a drainage law training on November 17th. I attended a stormwater training on 12/1. Grants Residential Energy Score Project — The project team is making progress on the draft project plan and implementation strategy. Expect a presentation in February. Zoning Amendments Grant — The steering committee held its first meeting on 11/2 and discussed the public outreach strategy and existing documents. The committee appointed Nancy Zahler as the chair, and established a meeting schedule where they will meet on the first Thursdays of the month, except the next meeting in December will be on 12/10. As part of this project, an application was submitted to Design Connect for help with Jacksonville Design Guidelines. Other Meetin2s/Issues Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) — The IO meets on 12/9. Water Resources Council (WRC) — At the 11/16/15 meeting, Ed Gottlieb discussed the City's pharmaceutical disposal program. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Jim Meeker Ms. Thomas announced that Mr. Meeker will be retiring at the end of this year and thanked him for his expertise and years of service. Mr. Meeker reported that the highway department performed the following tasks this month: x Read water meters x Set riprap on Maplewood Road x Salted on 11/23 at 4am x Put shoulders on Garrett Road x Maintenance on snow equipment x New case loader was delivered x Put up detour signs and helped traffic control for Winterfest TOWN CLERK- Carissa Parlato LICENSES issued in Nov. 2014:2015: TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses Sporting licenses 13 14 Disabled parking permits 6 15 Dog licenses and renewals 81 75 Marriage licenses 1 0 Plumbing permits 1 0 FINANCIAL REPORT for Nov.: $2896.00 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $1110.49 stays in the town 7 $1785.511 goes to the state Clerk's office tasks: x Filed Local Laws with state and General Code x Continued with new deputy training x Had meeting with other town staff to share MS Word program tips & tricks x Routine tasks: o Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail o Answered inquiries on various topics o Cross —reconciliation of town bank accounts with Michelle o Took and wrote up meeting minutes o Updated the website o Sent listsery mssgs. to keep residents updated. Tax collection: x Tax collection only takes place from Jan. -March. For the rest of the year, we respond to inquiries from property owners, law firms, etc. for parcel information, referring them to the website if possible. Records management: x Continued to work on creating organizing/disposing of old files. Water district tasks: x Coordinated with Water District Operator to do quarterly meter reading x Coordinated with Water District Operator to troubleshoot a higher than normal water bill for a customer x Worked with county personnel to formalize water district operator position x Posted incoming bills x Updated reports for TTHM running averages and water usage x Prepared quarterly report for the Dept. of Health Committees: (no updates) Citizen comments/inquiries: Commentlinquig Answer/reerraZ High water bill (usage) Explained the meter multiplier, asked Chris to make sure meter isn't fault Request from library volunteer to Confirmed that this was public info and shared share info on home sales Can we cash a check? (bank Found that ShurSave sometimes does closed) SUPERVISOR- Liz Thomas: Grants - Sidewalks x Sidewalk kickoff meeting with Village and Fisher Associates and NYSDOT representative. Review timelines and responsibilities. Grant - Trails x Communicate with trails partners on search criteria for website x Compile information from partners x Organize meeting of partners Personnel Policy x Retirements have brought out some vagaries in the Personnel Policy that need clarifying. Work with Deputy Supervisor on language. x Draft benefits language for "shared" employee who works for multiple municipalities Court x Attend meetings to hear input from legal defense attorneys, New York State Magistrates and Town Justices Budget x Final budget, x Sales tax — calculate for year to date x Provide info for Tompkins County Assessment for tax bills Jacksonville x Water District 3 o Write quarterly report for the Department of Health for WD3, review with MRB. o Work with Carissa to assemble other documents needed for 3rd and 4th quarterly reports. x Jacksonville — other o Review Design Connect grant Personnel: Retirement of Building Code Enforcement Officer and temporary appointment of replacement, align job description, iron out benefits, Emergency Planning o Review with Michelle Other x Meetings: o Sidewalk Kickoff meeting (12/1) o Trails (12/1) o TCCOG (11/19) o Town board (11/24) o Building Code meeting with Alex, Village Code officer, and TB members (12/3) o Court Task Force (11/18, 12/2) o Town hall parking lot plowing (11/24) o Training with Town Hall staff on MS Word (11/19) x Time off — Veteran's' day, Thanksgiving and some vacation x Agenda details: o solar law details, signator for bank accounts, community choice aggregation, schedule meetings, apt of rep to EMC, audit contract, x Website — assist with problems with website Resident communications o Complaint about tree trimming o Complaint about court (resolved) Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks: x Respond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff. x Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town. x Daily check-in with Town Hall staff. x Periodic discussions with Zoning Officer over a variety of topics. x Prepare agendas, resolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes. x Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks, x Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. 2°d DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- Michelle Wright: x TAP Sidewalk project o Met with Fisher Associates and NYSDOT project manager Cathy Kaine: "Get Start" meeting o Communications regarding surveying to start at the end of the year or beginning of 2016 x Emergency prep plan o Short quick reference document drafted for review x Newsletter mailing list updating x Attended the local government efficiency conference hosted by NYSDOS in Albany o Created follow up letter to send feedback to DOS with no response BOOKKEEPER x 2016 budget work: entering new budget into Williamson system x 2017 budget work: documentation of possible improvements to process for next year's effort x Personnel o Employee retirement paperwork and accounting o Medicare supplemental work x New software transition o Meeting with Williamson regarding retrofitting o Ongoing work related to transition x Regular duties o Payroll f Processing and accounting f Creation of active employees list to assist with payroll related items o Health care f Notices to employees regarding changes in contribution and rate of pay o Banking f Fund transfers to cover appropriations f Statement reconciliation o Water district accounting o NYSLRS (retirement system) f Annual payment calculation f Monthly reporting o Payments: regular appropriations & vouchers f Vouchered expenses f Health Insurance f Other regular payments TOWN BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES- 1" DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- MS. ZAHLER: x Ms. Zahler noted that a signed agreement has been sent to Exxon -Mobil. She has not heard back from them yet. The next step will be to contract with an Environmental Consultant to do a Phase 1 Assessment. x A meeting was held today to go over the expenses and revenues of the Summer Recreation program. The town and village share surpluses and deficits each year and this year the town will receive about $4000 back. APPENDIX B: 104 Employee Classifications "Shared Employee" — For the purposes of this Personnel Policy, the term "Shared Employee" will mean: an employee who works for the Town of Ulysses and one other municipality (either within Tompkins County or adjacent municipalities in neighboring counties), and an employee whose combined hours are more than 20 hours/week. The Town may enter into agreements with other municipalities to arrange for payment/reimbursements for health insurance and dental premiums. A "Shared Employee" will be classified under the Town of Ulysses Employee Classification system based on their combined total hours worked for both municipalities. The employee will be entitled to have the Town of Ulysses pay a proportional share of their health insurance and dental benefits based on the classification fitting the total hours worked for both municipalities. However, the total of insurance premium payments (by both municipalities) may not exceed the maximum benefit of the Town's classification. For example, if the Town's payment of "Class A" benefits equals 90%, the employee's benefits may not exceed 90%. If the sharing municipality offers more generous insurance coverage, the Town of Ulysses will only provide its share of a 90% benefit maximum. An employee working 20 hours for the Town of Ulysses and 20 hours for another municipality would be considered a Class A employee in 2016. The Personnel Policy requires the Town to pay 90% of health insurance for a Class A employee. For a "Shared Employee", the Town would pay half, or 45%, of the health insurance premium. 702 Vacation Leave Separation of Employment — An employee who resigns, retires or is laid off will receive cash payment for unused vacation leave to which the employee is properly entitled at the employee's then current rate of pay. To be eligible to receive this payment, an employee who is to resign or retire must give written notice at least two weeks in advance of the last day of employment as well as have maintained a bi-weekly timesheet with their supervisor's signature. In the event an employee leaves employment due to disciplinary action, the employee will not receive a settlement for unused vacation leave. In cases of death of an employee, the Town will pay the employee's estate for any unused vacation leave. 703 Sick Leave Separation of Employment — An employee whose employment with the Town is terminated due to a resignation, lay-off, death or disciplinary discharge will not receive cash payment for unused sick leave. An employee who retires from the Town (i.e. has applied for and been granted a bona -fide retirement benefit from the New York State Employees' Retirement System) may apply the dollar value of up to one hundred and twenty days of accumulated sick leave (based upon the employee's rate of pay on the date of retirement) towards the cost of the retired employee's portion of the health insurance premium. When Medicare eligible, this applies to supplemental. To be eligible to receive this payment, the retiree must give written notice at least two weeks in advance of the last day of employment as well as have maintained a bi- weekly timesheet with their supervisor's signature. 706 Medical & Vision Insurance Eligibility— The Town will make available medical insurance coverage to each Class A, B and C employee and their eligible family members. Certain Elected Officials, as designated in section 103 and 104 will also be eligible for medical insurance coverage. These Elected Officials will be deemed eligible for medical insurance coverage based on the number of Bhours worked. A Class D, temporary or seasonal employee is not eligible for this plan. Vision Insurance — The Town medical insurance includes vision coverage. When Coverage Begins — Coverage will begin on the employee's first day of employment or for Elected Officials, the first day of office, provided all eligibility requirements of the insurance plan are met. When Coverage Ends — Coverage ends on the last day of the month in which the employee separates from employment or the Elected Official ends elected service. Coverage may continue for such eligible employees and Elected Officials in accordance with COBRA regulations. Coverage will continue for eligible retirees in accordance with Town policy and plan documents. Table 706 A Premium Payment — The amount of the insurance premium an employee or Elected Official is required to contribute is as follows for 2014: Employee Class (Hrs/week) Town Premium Contribution Employee Premium Contribution A (>35 ) 95% 5% B (>30, <35) 75% 25% C (>20, <30) 50% 50% D ( <20) 0% 100% Premium Payments for 2015-2018 Table 706 B Employee Class 2015 2016 2017 2018 Town Employee Town Employee Town Employee Town Employee A 92% 8% 90% 10% 85% 15% 85% 15% B 72% 28% 70% 30% 65% 35% 65% 35% C 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% D 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% Pre -Tax Insurance Premiums — The employee's contribution towards the health insurance premium will be paid with pre-tax dollars. Deductions are taken from the employee's paycheck before federal, state, and social security taxes are calculated. This reduces the employee's taxable income and increases net take-home pay. Coverage for Active Employees When Medicare Eligible — Permanent Employees or Elected Officials as well as dependent(s) who are eligible for Medicare must enroll in both Medicare Part A and Part B during the open enrollment period each year. The individual employee is responsible for Medicare enrollment. The Town will pay for Medicare C Supplemental Insurance for the Medicare eligible employee or Elected Official at the rate specified on tables 706 A and B at the rate of 950 nd w4l re;mb ,rse the employee or Elected Official 95% of the cost of Medicare Part B coverage. There will be no reimbursement for Part A. The Town will pay -50-0/6-the percentage specified on tables 706 A and B of the employee's dependents policy of a dingle ^^Wfor the employee's or Elected Official's speese dependent(s) should the she dependent(s) be ineligible for Medicare, and percentage specified on tables 706 A and 706 B of a Medicare Part B and Medicare Supplemental insurance plan for the spouse dependent(s) who are/is eligible for Medicare. 707 Medical Insurance for Retirees Definition of Retirement — Retirement is defined as the day when the employee begins Dto collect retirement from the New York State Local Retirement System. Coverage — The Town currently offers medical insurance coverage to an eligible Class A, B and C employee who retires from the Town. Coverage is also currently available for eligible dependents (includes spouse) if they were covered under the Town's medical insurance plan at the employee's date of retirement. In the event the retiree predeceases the dependents, the dependents may continue medical insurance coverage provided they pay the full cost of the premium. Coverage of a dependent at the time of divorce or legal separation is in accordance with COBRA requirements. Coverage for Medicare Eligible Retirees MedliGare c...,.,l,,.,.,,,ntal I.,s.....,nGe _ Town provides Medicare Supplemental Insurance at the percentage rates listed in the table below. E Per insurance company requirements, the retiree and/or eligible dependent must enroll in both Medicare part A and part B to be eligible for this coverage. Coverage includes prescriptions for employee and Medicare eligible spouse. The retiree is required to pay his or her share of the Medicare Supplemental insurance (based on the table 707 A on the next page) on a quarterly basis. The Town will not pay for Part A or Part B, even if the employee was enrolled in Medicare as an active employee. Eligibility and Premium Payments— To be eligible for coverage, the retired employee must meet the requirements set forth in the table below. Coverage for retirees less than 65 years of age includes dependents who were covered under insurance before retirement. Employees must register for Medicare as their primary insurance at age 65. If an employee is eligible for Medicare and their dependents are not, dependents that were on the F employee's insurance plan at the time of retirement are eligible for the insurance provided through the Town at the same level of coverage the employee is entitled to. An employee who leaves employment due to disciplinary action is not eligible for medical insurance or prescription drug coverage for retirees. These eligibility requirements are subject to change by resolution of the Town Board. Current retirees are eligible to continue to receive the benefits that were in force when they retired from the Town. Changes in Premium Contributions and Plan — The Town Board understands that part of retirement planning is based on the contribution the town will make to health insurance costs and will take this into consideration if any changes to this policy should be necessary. The amount of the insurance premium a retiree or retiree's spouse is required to contribute will remain in accordance to this policy upon retirement and will not be changed after the employee has retired. 707 A * Town provides Supplemental Insurance including prescription coverage for employee and Medicare eligible spouse. 708 Dental and Vision Coverage Eligibility — The Town currently offers a dental plan to Class A, B and C employees and Elected Officials as well as retirees and dependents that retired as a Class A, B or C employee and are eligible for health insurance per table 707 A. Class D employees are not eligible for these plans. When Coverage Begins — Coverage will begin on the first day of the month following the completion of one month of employment or term, provided the employee meets all eligibility requirements of the plans. Employee Premium Contribution — The Town will pay 50% of the premium for an individual or family dental plan for a Class A, B or C employee or Elected Official as well as eligible retirees and dependents. Class D employees will be eligible to enroll in the Town's individual or family dental plan but will be responsible for the full premium payment. Any required premium payments may be deducted made on a pre-tax basis in accordance with Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Town/ Employee Share of Insurance Premium For Non -Medicare Eligible (<65) For Medicare Eligible* (65+) Time Period and Eligibility % Town pays % Employees %Town pays % Employee From Jan. 2015 — Dec. 2019: At age 60 with 30 years of service. Employee Class: A 90 10 90 10 B 75 25 75 25 C 50 50 50 50 At age 60 with 25 years of service. Employee Class: A 85 15 85 15 B 70 30 70 30 C 50 50 50 50 At age 60 with 20 years of service. Employee Class: A 80 20 80 20 B 65 35 65 35 C 50 50 50 50 Startina January 2020: Pavments bv: % Town pays % Employees %Town pays % Employee At age 60 with 30 years of service. Employee Class: A 80 20 50 50 B 65 35 45 55 C 50 50 40 60 At age 60 with 25 years of service. Employee Class: A 75 25 50 50 B 60 40 45 55 C 45 55 40 60 At age 60 with 20 years of service. Employee Class: A 70 30 50 50 B 55 45 45 55 C 40 60 40 60 * Town provides Supplemental Insurance including prescription coverage for employee and Medicare eligible spouse. 708 Dental and Vision Coverage Eligibility — The Town currently offers a dental plan to Class A, B and C employees and Elected Officials as well as retirees and dependents that retired as a Class A, B or C employee and are eligible for health insurance per table 707 A. Class D employees are not eligible for these plans. When Coverage Begins — Coverage will begin on the first day of the month following the completion of one month of employment or term, provided the employee meets all eligibility requirements of the plans. Employee Premium Contribution — The Town will pay 50% of the premium for an individual or family dental plan for a Class A, B or C employee or Elected Official as well as eligible retirees and dependents. Class D employees will be eligible to enroll in the Town's individual or family dental plan but will be responsible for the full premium payment. Any required premium payments may be deducted made on a pre-tax basis in accordance with Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Changes in Premium Contributions — The amount of the insurance premium an employee or Elected Official is required to contribute is subject to change by resolution of the Town Board. The Town Board will provide a 12 -month written notice of such change. APPENDIX C: UND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS A1220.4 I Supervisor CE lIncrease 1 $1882.75 Planned increase to this account line to cover costs associated with transition to new accounting system. A1220.11 I Bookkeeper PS I Decrease 1 $1882.75 Planned decrease to this account line to cover costs associated with transition to new accounting system. A1460.4 I Records Management CE lIncrease F$469,20 Overage due to completion of General Code contract and travel expenses for 2016 A1990.4 I Contingency Account I Decrease $469.20 Available balance of contingency after modification = $6,667.36 DA FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS DA5130.1 I Machinery PS lIncrease $204.21 Overage on salary lines due to labor distribution .5130.4 1 Machinery CE Decrease $204.21 ads available in this line. DA5142.4 I Snow Removal CE lIncrease 1 $761.23 Overage on salary lines. DA5120.1 1 Bridge Maintenance PS Decrease $761.23 Funds available in this line. DB FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS DB9030 I Social Security Increase 1 $93.80 Overage on this line. DB9040 I Workers Comp Decrease T$93.80 Funds available in this line. SW3 FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS SW3 9030.83 1 Social Security lIncrease 1 $121.81 Overage on this line. SW3 9040.83 1 Workers Comp Decrease $121.81 Funds available in this line. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 12114115.