HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-10-TB-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses November 10, 2015 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulvsses.nv.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas 1St Deputy Supervisor- Nancy Zahler 2nd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright Board members- John Hertzler, Rich Goldman, Dave Kerness Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Deputy Clerk- Sarah Koski Highway Superintendent- Jim Meeker Planner/Zoning Officer- Darby Kiley OTHERS PRESENT: Melissa Kemp, Michael Boggs, Jason Fulton, Phil Antweiler, Glynnis Hart CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2015-169: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Nov. 10, 2015 with the following changes: checking calendars for upcoming meetings, approval of confidentiality/non- disclosure agreement with Exxon Mobil, and an executive session. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 BUDGET MODS: RESOLUTION 2015-170: ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the budget modifications as outlined by the Bookkeeper and Town Supervisor. A FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS A1220.4 Supervisor CE lIncrease 1 $549.90 Planned increase to this account line to cover costs associated with transition to new accounting system. A1220.11 I Bookkeeper PS I Decrease 1 $549.90 Planned decrease to this account line to cover costs associated with transition to new accounting system. A1460.4 Records Management CE Increase $12.30 Overage due to completion of General Code contract A1990.4 Contingency Account I Decrease $12.30 Available balance of contingency after modification = $7,136.56 A8810.4 I Cemeteries CE lincrease 1 $520 Overage due to disconnect in annual communication with vendor who maintains cemeteries. A1990.4 I Contingency Account I Decrease $520 Available balance of contingency after modification = $6,61656 DA FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS DA9010.8 Employee Benefits: NYS Retirement Increase 1 $3893 Overage of employer contributions to NYS Retirement system due to adjustments made by NYS mid- year. This budget line is based on an estimate provided by NYS. In 2014 the estimate was higher than the actual, this year it was lower than the actual. DA8029 DA Fund Balance I Decrease 1 $3893 EOYprojections, which inform fund balance estimates used in the 2016 budget creation process, accounted for this overage. DB FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS D139010.8 I Employee Benefits: NYS Retirement Increase 1 $2335 Overage of employer contributions to NYS Retirement system due to adjustments made by NYS mid- year. This budget line is based on an estimate provided by NYS. In 2014 the estimate was higher than the actual, this year it was lower than the actual. DB8029 DB Fund Balance Decrease $2335 EOYprojections, which inform fund balance estimates used in the 2016 budget creation process, accounted for this overage. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman 2 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Discussion: Ms. Zahler inquired whether they were moving forward with the EPA study. Ms. Thomas responded in the affirmative. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2015-171: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims #377-418 in the amount of $97,792.98. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Kerness Discussion: Mr. Hertzler asked Mr. Meeker about the loader. Mr. Meeker responded that the old one is working at this time and the new one is on order. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (no comments spoken nor submitted) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: Mr. Fulton gave the following report: • They received one of three grants that they applied for last year and were told that it was due to running out of grant funds. They will re -apply this year. • The Village Board gave permission to start investigating replacement for a new truck Ms. Zahler asked if flAWFLU5kMENVW FUXHFBW IUD ®QQZI I-Rhis expense will be above budget. Mr. Fulton responded in the affirmative. Mr. Fulton continued his report: 3 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 • There were 2 fires in Jacksonville • Gutters are being replaced at the fire department • The Village will be asking for a town representative to join the committee for the firehouse building expansion • 23 fire calls and 61 EMS calls in October • 670 total training hours for October between fire and EMS Mr. Meeker added that about 30,000 gallons were pulled from the hydrants during the fire. TOWN REPORTS: (see appendix) OLD BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF LETTER OF INTENT TO PURCHASE WATER TRUCK RESOLUTION 2015-172: LETTER OF INTENT FOR WATER/HIGHWAY TRUCK RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Town Supervisor Thomas to sign a letter of intent to purchase a 2016 Chevrolet Silverado in accordance with the quote number 18950 from VanBortel Chevrolet on 10/29/2015 with extra negotiated options for a total not to exceed $32,000 as recommended by Ulysses Highway Superintendent James Meeker. Moved: Mr. Kerness Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 2016 BUDGET ADOPTION: RESOLUTION 2015-173: Seconded: Ms. Zahler RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2016 BUDGET WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses has reviewed and modified the 2016 budget, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopts the Preliminary Budget as the Final Budget for 2016 with a resulting 4.1 % increase in town levy and a 0.03% increase in tax rate. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Kerness Discussion: Ms. Zahler noted that in the future the town plans to move to a different type of water billing. M ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 (A roll -call vote was called by the clerk as follows:) Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 SOLAR DISCUSSION: Ms. Kiley and the board discussed issues brought up during the public hearing earlier in the evening and made minor edits to the proposed law. Ms. Geldenhuys stated that with the edits, the board would not be able to vote on the law this evening. By law, the board needs to have a final copy at least 10 days prior to voting. Mr. Meeker was excused at 8:20pm. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW (SEAR) DETERMINATION FOR LL#3 OF 2015 RESOLUTION 2015-174: RESOLUTION OF THE ULYSSES TOWN BOARD MAKING SEQR DETERMINATION FOR LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 2015: A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF ULYSSES, CHAPTER 212, TO ADD SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS DEFINITIONS, ALLOWANCES IN ZONING DISTRICTS AND STANDARDS WHEREAS, this action is the adoption of a Local Law to amend the Code of the Town of Ulysses, Chapter 212 to add solar energy systems definitions, allowances in zoning districts and standards; and WHEREAS, this as a Type I action for which the Town of Ulysses Town Board is Lead Agency in an environmental review with respect to the enactment of the proposed local law; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, at a public meeting held on November 10, 2015, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF), Parts 1, 2 and 3 for this action; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, based on the information in the FEAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the FEAF Parts 2 and 3, and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. 5 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A LOCAL LAW Tabled. AG COMMITTEE n ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 enterprises in the Town of Ulysses. As described in the Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan Section 6, the Agriculture Committee will work with Town Staff, Cooperative Extension, and other knowledgeable organizations and individuals to strengthen the agricultural economy, to improve public understanding of farming, to establish appropriate tax policies that support agriculture, and to enhance land use policies to better protect farmland. Section 2 A. Committee; Personnel; Appointment; Organization. There is hereby established in the Town of Ulysses a permanent committee to be known and designated as the "Town of Ulysses Agriculture Committee" which shall consist of citizens appointed by the Town Board representing a broad range of agricultural experience. The committee shall consist of five (5) individuals who are engaged in farming agri-business, an agriculture -or agriculture support - related vocation, or generally knowledgeable about land use planning and / or agricultural land conservation, or own large tracts of agricultural land in the Town. One of the committee members may be a farmer in the Town of Ulysses who owns or rents farmland in Ulysses but does not reside in the Town; all other members of the committee shall be Ulysses residents. Three of the five (5) members of the committee should be farmers as defined by Ag and Markets law, article 25AA, section 301. A Town Board member will serve as a non-voting ex - officio member and will only be eligible to serve on the committee while he/she holds the Town office. The Committee may choose to have liaisons from the Planning Board, Town Staff, Cornell Cooperative Extension or reach out to others in the agricultural community. Such liaisons will not be members of the Committee and will not be able to vote. The voting members of the said committee first appointed, shall serve for terms as follows: one (1) appointee for one (1) year term; two (2) appointees for two (2) year terms and two (2) appointees for a three (3) year term. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for terms of three (3) years and vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only. The members of the committee shall receive no compensation for their services. Additionally, (an) owner(s) of an agricultural operation or their designated employee can be considered as a shared committee member with singular voting power. If multiple representatives of a shared seat are present at a meeting where a vote will take place, only one can vote. The committee shall organize within sixty (60) days after the appointment of its total membership for the remainder of that calendar year and thereafter annually and select from among its voting members a chairperson and such other officers as it may deem necessary. Said committee may establish rules of order and should meet at least twice annually. Additional Committee meetings will be set according to its rules of order and as needed to complete tasks and meet its general responsibilities. The Agriculture Committee shall report to the Town Board at least annually on its activities and interface with other boards or agencies as may request its assistance. B. Assistance. The Agriculture Committee may request technical assistance and/or specialized advice from any resource it may deem appropriate, including but not limited to other local residents; other Town of Ulysses officials; Tompkins County Planning; Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation; Tompkins County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board; Finger Lakes Land Trust; American Farmland Trust; New York Agricultural Land Trust; and NYS 7 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Department of Agriculture and Markets. The Town Board shall authorize a clerk to assist with committee work. C. Funds for Committee Operations. As a citizen advisory committee, the Agriculture Committee may not authorize any expenditure of Town funds or enter into any contract arrangements for payment of services. Funds necessary for proper committee operation or technical assistance may be requested by the committee from the Town Board and, in accordance with customary procedures, the Town Board may authorize such funds and approve the expenditure thereof, and execute contracts in support of approved expenditures. Any budget requests should be submitted to the Town Supervisor by August 31 annually. Section 3 Responsibilities of Committee. In accordance with the Town of Ulysses Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan, the tasks of the committee may include, but are not limited to (not listed in order of priority): 1. Recommend methods, review proposals, and develop plans for the implementation of the goals of the Plan and, report their findings to the Town Board. it It 111>f11MV11111' ' i f: �I)lI311.4111 ' ittl Fre' Ire' A •11111 W" K 11)!1111111 ! A ,161! 1t" WN ■ u»nn1� cis �r�l lin► ' V ►, u1-� n ' •v ��►��a1n' •�1nt��� e�,, ►�;� 1, . 3. Monitor trends in agriculture and local farming activity and determine existing issues facing farmers and those in related endeavors and recommend reasonable and desirable solutions to the Town Board. 4. Monitor local development so as to identify future issues and pressures on agricultural land, and recommend reasonable and desirable solutions to the Town Board to preserve such lands. 5. Identify opportunities to help promote, and possibly assist in implementation of, direct marketing and commodity marketing opportunities for local farmers and to expand value-added agricultural operations in the Town. 6. Identify, and possibly assist in implementation of, methods whereby the Town Board, County or State governments can encourage existing farmers to continue in active agricultural operation, and that can help connect people interested in farming with available farmland in the Town of Ulysses. 7. When requested by the Town Board or other agencies engaged in and environmental review of proposed private or public development and/or infrastructure projects, provide input regarding the impacts on agriculture of such projects. Study and comment on proposals by local, county, state or federal governments that may impact on local farms and farmlands, including zoning and other land use policies. ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 8. Inform local farmers that the Agriculture Committee exists and can offer advice and assistance in many cases, and invite participation in Committee activities. Facilitate the local presentation of educational programs by Cooperative Extension and other experts. 9. Encourage and assist applications to farmland preservation programs and, when such applications are submitted provide input into the review thereof. 10. Encourage appropriate conservation strategies, best -practice, and sustainable agricultural activities. 11. Address any other issue referred to it by the Town Board or other local agencies having to do with agricultural related activities. 12. Recommend to the Town Board reasonable and desirable changes to this listing of responsibilities. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 NEW BUSINESS: RENEWAL OF POLICE CONTRACT WITH VILLAGE RESOLUTION 2015-176: RENEWAL OF POLICE CONTRACT WITH VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg wishes to be able to protect its police officers when they are assisting other law enforcement agencies or Tompkins County Emergency Management to respond to incidents originating in the Town of Ulysses, outside the Village, and WHEREAS, to provide such protections the Village needs the Town of Ulysses to authorize the Village of Trumansburg to have jurisdiction in the Town of Ulysses when responding to requests from other law enforcement agencies, or Tompkins County Emergency Management; and WHEREAS, the Village and the Town have developed an intermunicipal agreement to grant and define said jurisdiction, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses approve the proposed Intermunicipal Agreement on Policing as presented /amended to take effect January 1, 2016. L Moved: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Seconded: Mr. Goldman APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 10/27,10/27 PH on Budget, 10/27 PH on General Code RESOLUTION 2015-177: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 10/27,10/27 PH on Budget, 10/27 PH on General Code BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes of 10/27, 10/27 PH on Budget, 10/27 PH on General Code. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11110115 Seconded: Mr. Goldman CANCELLING DECEMBER MEETING DATE: RESOLUTION 2015-178: RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board cancels the meeting on Dec. 22, 2015. Moved: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 Seconded: Mr. Kerness AUTHORIZING DIST BY E-MAIL RESOLUTION 2015-179: 10 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DISTRIBUTION OF LOCAL LAWS BY EMAIL WHEREAS, section 20(4) of the Municipal Home Rule Law provides that a Town may deliver proposed local laws in PDF format by email to the email inbox of each Town Board Member, provided that the Town Board has unanimously adopted a resolution authorizing such electronic delivery; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes the delivery of proposed local laws to Town Board members in PDF format by email to the email inbox of each Town Board member, pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law section 20(4). Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Kerness Mr. Goldman made a friendly amendment to change the subsection from 3 to 4. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/13/15 ENGAGE ATTORNEY AS MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR RESOLUTION 2015-180: ENGAGE ATTORNEY AS MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses engage Robert Sarachan, Esq. to render legal services as a municipal prosecutor, prosecuting violations of state and local laws, ordinances and codes, and other violations and crimes that are not prosecuted by the District Attorney, prosecutions as directed to the attorney by the Town Supervisor, and other services as agreed to by the Town and Mr. Sarachan. Activities will include, but are not limited to making court appearances; drafting accusatory instruments, motions, memos and pleadings; conducting investigations; and meeting with witnesses, law enforcement representatives, and client employees, as needed. Mr. Sarachan will not be expected to attend routine court sessions or regular Town Board meetings, except when they are directly related to a matter involving him. Mr. Sarachan will not be expected to conduct other general legal counsel activities except when related to prosecutions, such as drafting relevant code provisions, or when the other activities are agreed to by the Town and Mr. Sarachan. The Board authorizes the Supervisor to sign a retainer agreement for such legal services. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler 11 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Discussion: Ms. Zahler would like to make a friendly amendment to line 4 DQGT14V HIl�ome officer or representative of the Town ENUT9M RZ Q6,181I13BRU❑ Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (no comments spoken nor submitted) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Goldman made a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:54pm to discuss matters leading the appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person; as well as the acquisition of real property. This was seconded by seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. Mr. Kerness moved to end Executive Session at 10:05pm, seconded by Mr. Goldman and passed unanimously. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TOWN SUPERVISOR TO SIGN NON -DISCLOSURE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT WITH EXXON MOBIL OIL CORPORATION RESOLUTION 2015-181: RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TOWN SUPERVISOR TO SIGN NON -DISCLOSURE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT WITH EXXON MOBIL OIL CORPORATION WHEREAS, Exxon Mobil Oil Corporation (EMOC) owns properties in Jacksonville, NY that EMOC considers surplus and WHEREAS, EMOC and the Town of Ulysses are interested in discussing the disposition of those properties and WHEREAS, there may be a public benefit to residents of the Town if a mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated and WHEREAS, EMOC requires a Non -Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement to continue any further discussion or negotiation, and WHEREAS, the Non -Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement has been reviewed by the Attorney for the Town and revised; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses Supervisor is authorized to sign the Non -Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye 12 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness nay Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-1 Date Adopted: 11/10/15 ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:08pm; seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: PLANNING BOARD/ZONING OFFICER- Darby Kiley Planning Board On October 20th, the PB discussed open development areas and made revisions to the draft regulations. Ag Districts: On 10/20, Debbie Teeter from CCE -TC held an informational meeting on the County Agricultural Districts. On 11/3, the Planning Board held its own one hour training session to further discuss ag districts. Board of Zoning Appeals On October 22nd, the BZA heard the following appeals (1) for the purpose of a two -lot subdivision on Searsburg Rd, the applicant requested lot width and lot area variances, and the appeal was denied; (2) for the purpose of constructing an accessory building on Albrectsen Rd, the applicant requested a height variance, and the variance was denied; (3) for the purpose of constructing an accessory building on Hinging Post Rd, the applicant requested variances for lot coverage and building height, and after compromise with the BZA, the variances were granted. Board training Three Planning Board, two Zoning Board members, and I attended the 10/29 SEQR training. Grants Residential Energy Score Project ❑The project team is making progress on the draft project plan and implementation strategy. Zoning Amendments Grant Ll The steering committee held its first meeting on 11/2 and discussed the public outreach strategy and existing documents. The committee appointed Nancy Zahler as the chair, and established a meeting schedule where they will meet on the first Thursdays of the month, except the next meeting in December will be on 12/10. Other Meetings/Issues Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) ❑At the 10/28/15 meeting, the IO discussed the 2016 budget, outreach to regional planning councils for help on grant applications, and the Restoration and Protection issues and implementation. 13 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Water Resources Council (WRC) 11 At the 10/19/15 meeting, the WRC adopted the 2016-2018 Water Quality Strategy that includes 9 action items: • participate in NYS Section 303(d) List of Impaired/TMDL waters; • keep officials informed of wetlands regulations and changes; • provide comment on high hazard pipeline inventory; • encourage completion of watershed assessments; • FR( I D_1WTSDVW (&IT RGFW • develop a systematic approach to data collection and analysis for potential pollutants; • review existing watershed rules and recommend appropriate changes; • develop a workshop for municipal officials on the importance of local action to protect stream corridors, wetlands, and aquifer recharge areas; and • evaluate the level of protection of existing groundwater sources used for municipal and individual supplies. Environmental Financing Boot Camp []Held on 10/15/15, heard about how Environmental Finance Centers help communities implement sustainable finance options for issues such as stormwater and flooding; discussed how to develop a resilient program, determine costs and create a realistic budget, and funding opportunities. Was geared toward Danby, Caroline, Newfield. Stormwater Coalition F1 On 10/21 the coalition discussed the 2016 budget, ideas for outreach, and funding opportunities. ITCTC F1 There was an emergency meeting of the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council, so that State funding could be allocated to State work on Route 13. Stormwater inspections []With assistance from Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District, two sites were inspected per compliance requirements. Follow-up from Zoning/Code public hearing on 10/27 I received a call from Lin Davidson the day after the 10/27 Town Board meeting. He wanted to follow-up on his comments from last night's meeting. His letter as Farm Bureau president stated, "The statement that agricultural operations will minimize impacts to neighbors of dust, noise, glare, odor, and hours of operation ... " He apologized that he misread the section on animals in residential areas, which states, "Animal waste shall be managed according to current best management practices to minimize odors, dust, leaching and water runoff." He said he wasn't sure what he was referencing. He is in agreement that the language adopted by the Town is appropriate and not a concern for ag operations. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Jim Meeker Mr. Meeker reported that the highway department performed the following tasks this month: • finished paving on Garrett Road • shimming on Durling Road • mixed up some gravel for stabilizing shoulders on Garrett Road • helped Tompkins County with a shoulder on Perry City Road • getting trucks/equipment ready for winter • stoned/oiled Garrett Road and Durling Road • still waiting on some new equipment • received updated specs on new pick-up truck for the water district 14 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 TOWN CLERK- Carissa Parlato LICENSES issued in Oct. 2014: 2015: Sporting licenses 15 17 Disabled parking permits 8 17 Dog licenses and renewals 49 48 Marriage licenses 6 2 Plumbing permits 2 1 FINANCIAL REPORT for Oct.: $2218.50 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses 868.79 stays in the town 1362.21 goes to the state • Hired and trained new Deputy Clerk, Sarah Koski • Notified neighboring municipalities and appropriate media of public hearing on 10/27 • Received two after-hours appointment requests and granted them • Performed off-site notary service (2 houses down) • Routine tasks: o Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail o Answered inquiries on various topics o Cross F�econciliation of town bank accounts with Michelle o Took and wrote up meeting minutes o Updated the website o Sent listsery mssgs. to keep residents updated. Tax collection: Tax collection only takes place from Jan. -March. For the rest of the year, we respond to inquiries from property owners, law firms, etc. for parcel information, referring them to the website if possible. Records management: We have been going through old files to determine retention times and either disposing of it or organizing as needed. Water district tasks: • Worked with BAS to sort out bugs due to water software update • Worked with county personnel to formalize water district operator position • Posted incoming bills • Relevied bills delinquent for at least 60 days • Updated reports for TTHM running averages and water usage rnmmittPPc Health Consortium- attended 11/6 meeting. Notes: • Still deciding how to handle Medicare- whether to make it mandatory through consortium 15 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Winterfest- Deputy Clerk Sarah Koski met on 10/21/15 with Winterfest Organizers (Nana Monaco, Jessica Giles, Anette Birdsall, Elaine Springer, Suzy Gutenburger). Winterfest will be held on Saturday, December 5�h on Main Street, from 4-8pm. Several events are planned to occur during the festival: • 4-4:45pm: Vitamin L performance (stage between Napa and Bank) • ESP F16 DQWUMHOM KV Q��Q&l ® RQ© Village to greet children • 6pm: Blind Spots performance • ESP ® INTO 11MWffDG1Q [DQ 011-k • The festival has obtained a permit to close the road during the festival. • Many Main Street businesses will be open during the festival and vendors will also set up along the street. • ' I+R1l)JWQVIRUVa4&1<lWHQM I W EMQaBRQI 10 IiQE$NMf VELl (Mud also. • Also a possibility: a historic walk led by Historians Citizen comments/inquiries: Comment/inquiry Answer/referral Where to find historic information on local homes Historic Ithaca Concern over potential rat problem due to abundance Ulysses Code Enforcement, of trash- from neighbor of house that burned down on Health Dept. T -burg Rd. Do we have a way to track the number of military TC Assessment veterans in Ulysses? Blind driveway (Halseyville Rd.) issue Ulysses Highway Request for Town map Printed highway map from website Inquiry about how to get an annulment Neighborhood Legal Svcs, Ulysses court SUPERVISOR- Liz Thomas: Grants - Sidewalks IIC I fuam' SII' • �,il �' IIIT'' 11111111' Z 1,,1[1 I 1 1 11llfIIl '• -174 submit LA2QHHTHfflXM 1, 9\ 0;1), I QG) BIM VOUWvMQCM I 1 (1;1 \RI'RR111 Alli.■ 11' •MJ ►`Illi■ steps.tetermine next Grant - Trails [II ,�' 1,;1\�I,��' \�I'� 11 1" 111 l ' ►� ` 1 [A , I � 1111 ' ,�' ■Iltf►:EI l ' II I: " 111 Grant - Planning III Hig 1, If; 11)!W MP BWXWW FFRP ' �`I[IP�, ti IIll�il 1111 16 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 General Code ®LF-E[IRLDGRS)MtQIb( 4 5 EIFIRONRQNWDEMtS)VERaDFV03MM[�R Q239 review, verification of notification of neighboring munis; public hearing script, etc. Solar ®LF-E[IRL3ERS)MtQI6( 4 5 EIFIRONRQIRMW)WER(DF 1[QRMIIF'A1RQC239 review, verification of notification of neighboring munis; public hearing script, etc. Task Force on Courts E$ fHJQVNWMr input from law enforcement, bail for low income defendants, and schools. I N'Audget r, R i X1M H„Q ISUZfTW n ul ► m■nu, ,Q r WO DQF= ■7 Ern■UH-HE investigate why our government. iii �� HRI IZ DMJR<ELJ HORIRfR•IYI I5MD0 \W1 W 111 F&RQff LVMQMMHM M1: u:• KIEL= ■ MMENI H;P HMWm■■m F&RQGXFVSVffrKFW 1Z BKHSUnation of budget narrative. Jacksonville ❑➢Vater District 3 o Meet with Carissa and Chris to divide up responsibilities of quarterly reporting. Assemble pieces of report, write letter to WD3 users, calculate by-product averages, ❑Jacksonville ❑other o Attend JCA meeting o Review Woodford Bros quote Other ®Meetings: o Sidewalk contract talks (10/14) o Budget (10/15, 10/19) o Jacksonville Association meeting (10/20) o Trails (10/21, 11/4) o TCCOG (10/22) o Town board (10/27) o Building Code meeting with Alex, Darby and Village Code officer (10/28) o Court Task Force (10/28, 11/4) o Planning update ❑kickoff meeting with steering committee (11/2) o Community Choice Aggregation of energy purchases (11/3) o UNA tour (11 /5) 17 ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 ®g Committee: rewrite resolution for a smaller committee and more flexible membership. o Meet with John and Michelle to move forward o Review applications. personnel: o Retirement of the Deputy Clerk and hire of new Deputy Clerk. o Retirement of Building Code Enforcement Officer malls Road water construction. FITour of UNA on Rt 89. FTHighway: letter of intent and resolution for purchase 2016 Silverado . computer backup problem Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks: F15 IMond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff. FE H Ill? IFJ F%SIFVZ l)KDMLQffiti QID FT IXEFKFNin with Town Hall staff. ® fMG[F®MXWR(NZ BKITRQQI [2 IIIFHIR [%SEVT FBUBELHUHTDaesolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes. FI5 FMW- TW VDQGIDU IAB IINiWJINV I -W RQl1EDWWto be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks, ® H1RQFT14+NIQZ I7 RZ Q&Ierk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. 2°a DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- Michelle Wright: TAP Sidewalk project • Continued work with Fisher agreement • Report to the County regarding timeline and expenses associated with project Assist Darby with parameters of calculations sent to NYSERDA BOOKKEEPER 2016 budget work- majority of time spent in the past month Personnel • Employee retirement paperwork and accounting New software transition • Timeline for implementation changes related to: o Training availability and communication o Nuances of our current system and procedures and how to retrofit them (and documenting changes to these processes moving forward) to the new system that functions entirely under governmental accounting standards • Working with Williamson to convert our Quickbooks system to governmental accounting standards 0 New target of full implementation: December In ULYSSES TOWN BOARD November 10, 2015 Regular duties • Payroll o Processing and accounting o Creation of active employees list to assist with payroll related items • Banking o Fund transfers to cover appropriations o Statement reconciliation o Water district accounting • NYSLRS (retirement system) o Annual payment calculation o Monthly reporting • Payments: regular appropriations & vouchers o Vouchered expenses o Health Insurance o Other regular payments The group discussed the Operating Statement TOWN BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES - 1sT DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- MS. ZAHLER: Village - The Intermunicipal Police Agreement is up for renewal • State approval for the new water source is still stuck in the State &RP S)ARCPLLRWIIFIF with bonding. March- April is soonest that they will start on the project. • The village will donate cost of policing for Winterfest • Speed limits may get lowered on side streets • A Design Connect project may get submitted for a community center Youth Commission- • Community forum will be held soon to share results of a survey done with Trumansburg 7th_ 12th grade students • Representatives will meet soon to reconcile the Summer Recreation Program costs Health consortium - * Meeting is coming up soon Meeting ZBK6HJJU3Ia [D DLDon Tuesday evening Mr NPrt71Pr• • REV C5 HMP IQ 11 ❑ 34 (SIJ L19 MQL[ ieeting is scheduled for Tuesday Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 11/20/15. 19