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General Fund 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES General Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM Round # 3 Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from ACCOUNT: CODE: 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 Appropriations Town Board PS A1010.1 12,383 12,878 9,601 13,264 13,264 13,264 386 3.0% Town Board CE A1010.4 1,295 1,900 2,089 2,500 2,500 2,500 600 31.6% Town Justice I PS A1110.10 11,876 12,351 9,025 12,722 12,722 12,722 371 3.0% Town Justice II PS A1110.11 11,876 12,351 9,025 12,722 12,722 12,722 371 3.0% Town Just Clerk PS A1110.12 22,234 25,203 18,909 25,959 25,959 25,959 756 3.0% Town Justices CE A1110.4 5,320 4,252 3,094 4,200 4,200 4,200 -52 -1.2% Supervisor PS A1020.1 6,652 10,000 7,308 10,300 10,300 10,300 300 3.0% Bookkeeper PS A1220.11 15,273 15,875 11,601 16,354 16,354 16,354 479 3.0% Supervisor CE A1020.4 2,915 3,000 2,073 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0.0% Town C1erk'PS A1410.1 36,490 37,950 27,732 39,089 39,089 39,089 1,139 3.0% Dep. Town Clerk PS A1410.11 16,857 16,072 11,082 20,280 20,280 20,280 4,208 26.2% Town Clerk CE A1410.4 2,349 2,500 562 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0.0% Attorney CE A1420.4 2,811 4,500 2,020 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0.0% Elections CE A1450.4 5,224 4,120 0 4,120 4,120 4,120 0 0.0% Records Management A1460.4 4,424 2,500 16 1,500 1,500 1,500 -1,000 -40.0% Town Hall EQ A1620.2 0 7,905 8,305 5,000 5,000 5,000 -2,905 -36.7% Town Hall CE A1620.4 21,727 19,000 16,177 19,000 19,000 19,000 0 0.0% Printing & Mailing A1670.4 10,859 9,200 12,268 10,000 10,000 10,000 800 8.7% Unallocated Ins. A1910.4 18,000 20,223 20,049 23,056 23,056 23,056 2,833 14.0% Municipal Asst. Dues A1920.4 90 800 130 800 800 800 0 0.0% Contingency Acct. A1990.4 1,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.0% Dog Control A3510.4 8,166 8,411 6,125 8,411 8,411 8,411 0 0.0% 4�w Highway Super. PS A5010.1 43,073 44,795 33,112 46,138 46,138 46,138 1,343 3.0% „:•4 Highway Super. CE A5010.4 404 450 179 450 450 450 0 0.0%' Highway Barn CE A5132.4 5,372 8,000 7,885 9,400 9,400 9,400 1,400 17.5% 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES General Fund Round # 3 General Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from ACCOUNT: CODE: 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 NYS Retirement A9010.8 3,364 7,178 0 6,000 6,000 21,953 14,775 205.8% Social Security A9030.8 14,426 14,300 11,291 14,550 14,550 14,550 250 1.7% Workers Comp A9040.8 1,341 2,144 3,103 3,100 3,100 2,629 485 22.6% Disability Ins. A9055.8 569 480 210 480 480 480 0 0.0% Health Ins. A9060.8 31,703 36,781 25,757 31,000 31,000 31,000 -5,781 -15.7% Capital Reserve A9950.9 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.0% Appropriation TOTALS: 387,700 427,658 312,606 429,862 429,862 445,344 17,686 4.1% Revenues Real Property Tax A1001 282,194 238,381 238,381 -238,381 -100.0% Int. & Pen. RPT A1090 2,847 3,200 3,909 3,500 3,500 3,500 300 9.4% Franchise Fees A1170 3,009 3,500 3,007 3,000 3,000 3,000 -500 -14.3% Clerk's Fees A1255 1,870 1,000 740 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.0% Dog Control Fees A1550 405 300 0 0 0 -300 -100.0% Youth Serv, Oth Govt., A2350 28,743 37,896 20,650 36,000 36,000 36,000 -1,896 -5.0% Int & Earnings A2401 10,712 6,000 1,385 1,500 1,500 1,500 -4,500 -75.0% Int. Youth Reserve A2402 70 55 34 55 55 55 0 0.0% Int. Special Bldg. Rese A2403 658 500 260 300 300 300 -200 -40.0% Int. Unemployment Re A2406 109 80 26 35 35 35 -45 -56.3% Games of Chance A2530 0 0 0 0 0 0 ******** Dog Licenses A2544 6,361 5,000 4,611 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.0% Justice Receipts A2610 34,248 40,000 24,983 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 0.0% Dog Fines A2611 0 100 0 100 100 100 0 0.0% Surplus Equip Sales A2665 1,300 0 250 0 0 0 ******** Ins. Recovery A2680 0 0 1,685 0 0 0 ******** Dog Control OG A2268 0 0 0 0 ******** Health Ins Contributio: A2771 5,099 6,800 3,147 3,200 3,200 3,200 -3,600 -52.9% Street Lighting Cont A2771.1 300 300 150 300 300 300 0 0.0% General Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES GENERAL PART TOWN Fund Round # 3 Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from ACCOUNT: CODE: 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 Appropriations Engineer/Consultants B1440.4 0 6,037 6,757 6,000 6,000 6,000 -37 -0.6% BLDG. INSP. PS B3620.1 14,387 14,963 10,935 15,411 15,411 15,411 448 3.0% ZONING OFFICER P; B8010.1 13,654 14,200 10,377 14,626 14,626 14,626 426 3.0% D.ZONING OFFICER B8010.11 1,141 1,186 557 1,221 1,221 1,221 35 3.0% PLANNING CLERK 1 B8020.1 2,515 3,000 4,930 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0.0% BLDG INSP CE B3620.4 1,032 2,000 865 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0.0% ZONING CE B8010.4 1,318 2,500 764 2,000 2,000 2,000 -500 -20.0% PLANNING CE B8020.4 9,648 3,150 7,022 3,500 3,500 3,500 350 11.1% CONTINGENCY B 1990.4 2,000 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0.0% NYS RETIREMENT B9010.8 46 1,253 0 1,429 1,429 3,425 2,172 173.3% SOCIAL SECURITY B9030.8 2,413 3,007 1,986 2,700 2,700 2,700 -307 -10.2% WORKERS COMP B9040.8 189 179 279 335 335 335 156 87.2% DISABILITY INS B9055.8 56 50 23 50 50 50 0 0.0% EMP. HEALTH INS B9060.8 9,708 10,727 8,949 12,334 12,334 12,334 1,607 15.0% Appropriation TOTALS: 58,107 64,252 53,444 66,606 66,606 68,602 4,350 6.8% Revenues SALES TAXES B1120 14,399 0 29,278 32,891 32,891 34,887 34,887 ******** ZONING FEES B2110 1,434 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 0.0% GENERAL PART TOWN Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Highway Fund Round # Town Snow Removal ] DA5142.1 11,476 Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change 17,114 ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from ACCOUNT: CODE: 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 Appropriations 27,000 27,000 27,000 0 0.0% Cap.Reserve Machines DA9950.9 0 15,000 15,000 Bridges PS DA 5120.1 9,852 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.0% Bridges CE DA 5120.4 288 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.0% SUB -TOTAL: 9,489 10,140 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0.0% Machinery PS DA5130.1 38,409 37,736 29,803 38,371 38,371 38,371 635 1.7% Machinery EQ DA5130.2 34,826 45,219 35,252 15,000 15,000 15,000 -30,219 -66.8% Machinery: CE DA5230.4 16,417 35,000 21,458 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0.0% SUB -TOTAL: 89,652 117,955 86,513 88,371 88,371 88,371 -29,584 -25.1% Brush & Weeds DA5140.1 11,751 14,718 9,601 15,000 15,000 15,000 282 1.9% Brush & Weeds CE DA 5140.4 452 1,200 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 0.0% SUB -TOTAL: 12,203 15,918 9,601 16,200 16,200 16,200 282 1.8% Town Snow Removal ] DA5142.1 11,476 18,627 18,627 25,900 25,900 25,900 7,273 39.0% Town Snow Removal i DA5142.4 17,114 27,000 20,023 27,000 27,000 27,000 0 0.0% O.G.Services PS DA5148.1 11,488 18,636 18,636 25,900 25,900 25,900 7,264 39.0% O.G. Services CE DA5148.4 19,714 27,000 22,221 27,000 27,000 27,000 0 0.0% Cap.Reserve Machines DA9950.9 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0.0% Cap. Reserve Building DA9950.91. 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.0% State Retirement DA9010.8 2,054 3,293 0 3,633 3,633 12,782 9,489 288.2% Social Security DA9030.8' 6,808 8,038 5,615 8,067 8,067 8,067 29 0.4% Workers Comp. DA9040.8' 7,395 6,224 8,226 9,450 9,450 7,994 1,770 28.4% Disability Insurance DA9055.8 107 100 41 100 100 100 0 0.0% Emp. Health Insurance DA9060.8 19,815 24,022 15,877 27,099 27,099 27,099 3,077 12.8% Appropriation TOTALS: 207,966 288,813 225,380 280,720 280,720 288,413 -400 -0.1% Highway Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES HIWAY PART TOWN Fund Round # 3 Revenues Sales Taxes DB 1120 Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change Interest & Earnings ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget. Budget from from ACCOUNT: CODE: 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 Annropriations DB2701 0 0 3,050 0 0 ******** Highway Maint. PS DB5110.1 62,909 57,714 37,543 59,445 59,445 59,445 1,731 3.0% Highway Maint. CE DB5110.4 32,537 42,000 18,759 42,000 42,000 42,000 0 0.0% Highway Cap. Improvi DB5112.2 65,893 108,000 5,933 108,000 108,000 108,000 0 0.0% NYS Retirement DB9010.8 2,053 3,293 0 3,632 3,632 7,991 4,698 142.7% Social Security DB9030.8 4,845 4,973 2,910 4,547 4,547 4,547 -426 -8.6% Workers Comp. DB9040.8 6,850 7,502 9,473 10,894 10,894 9,220 1,718 22.9% Disability Insurance DB9055.8 107 100 64 100 100 100 0 0.0% Employee Health Ins. DB9060.8 20,089 24,022 16,047 27,089 27,089 27,089 3,067 12.8% Transfers to Cap. Res. DB3089 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0.0% Appropriation TOTALS: 195,283 262,604 105,729 270,707 270,707 273,392 10,788 4.1% Revenues Sales Taxes DB 1120 81,586 144,396 71,181 199,302 199,302 201,987 57,591 39.9% Interest & Earnings DB2401 1,817 1,800 484 600 600 600 -1,200 -66.7% Int&Earn H W Cap. R( DB2405 1,698 1,388 625 700 700 700 -688 -49.6% Refunds Prior Yrs. DB2701 0 0 3,050 0 0 ******** Health Ins. Cont. DB2771 1,079 1,079 779 1,105 1,105 1,105 26 2.4% NYS Revenue Sharing DB 3001 20,092 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0.0% NYS Chips DB3501 37,518 47,626 12,626 49,000 49,000 49,000 1,374 2.9% App. Fund Bal. DB599 51,493 46,315 0 -46,315 -100.0% HIWAY PART TOWN Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES WATER DISTRICTS Fund Round # 3 ACCOUNT Last Years Actual Budget as Modified Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: CODE: 2002 2003 YTD 2003 Budget 2004 Budget Budget from from Appropriations 2004 2004 2003 2003 District # 1 Purchases SW8310.407 2,120 2,975 1,829 2,010 2,010 2,010 District # 2 Purchases SW8310.408 1,120 1,138 809 1,100 1,100 1,100 -965 -32.4% -38 -3.3% Appropriation TOTALS: 3,240 4,113 2,638 3,110 3,110 3,110 -1,003 -24.4% Revenues District#1 Wtr Recpts SW2142.07 District #2 Wtr. Recpt: SW2142.08 2,118 2,975 1,799 1,970 1,970 1,970 -1,005 -33.8% District#1 Adm. Chg. SW2144.07 1,095 40 1,183 40 795 1,080 1,080 1,080 -103 -8.7% District # 2 Adm. Chg SW2144.08 20 20 30 10 40 40 40 0 Interest & Earnings SW2401 23 20 20 20 0 0.0% 20 20 20 Revenue TOTALS: 3,273 4,218 2,657 3,130 3,130 3,130 -1,088 -25.8% WATER DISTRICTS Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Long Term Debt WDO Fund Round # 3 Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from ACCOUNT: CODE: 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 Appropriations Debt Service on Bond SW3 9710.6 88,334 88,344 88,344 88,344 ******** Int. on Debt Service SW3 9710.7 0 ******** 0 Appropriation TOTALS: 0 0 0 88,334 88,344 88,344 88,344 ******** Revenues Real Property Tax SW3 1001 88,334 88,334 88,334 88,334 ******** Revenue TOTALS: 0 0 0 88,334 88,334 88,334 88,334 ******** Long Term Debt WD#3 Fund 11/6/2003: 10:09 AM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES SW4 WATER DISTRICT Fund Round # 1 ACCOUNT: Last Years Budget as ACCOUNT Actual Modified CODE: 2002 2003 Actual Tentative Preliminary YTD Budget Budget 2003 2004 2004 Adopted Budget 2004 Change from 2003 %Change from 2003 Appropriations 120 120 0 ******** METERED SALES SW4 2140 ADMIN. SUPER PS SW48310.1 .75 75 0 ******** ADMIN. CLERK PS SW48310.11 50 50 0 ******** ADMIN. CE SW48310.4 50 50 0 ******** WATER PURCHASE SW48320.4 702 702 0 ******** TRN. & DIST. CAP SW48340.2 500 500 0 ******** TRN. & DIST. CE SW48340.4 50 50 0 ******** SOCIAL SECURITY SW490608 15 15 0 ******** Appropriation TOTALS: 0 0 0 0 1,427 1,427 0******** Revenues REAL PROP. TAX SW4 1001 768 768 0 ******** O&M CHARGES SW4 1001.1 120 120 0 ******** METERED SALES SW4 2140 702 702 0 ******** INT/PEN SALES SW4 2148 10 10 0 ******** Revenue TOTALS: 0 0 0 0 1,600 1,600 0******** SW4 WATER DISTRICT Fund 11/10/2003: 3:29 PM 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWNOF ULYSSES Summary of All Funds Round # 3 Summary Fund 11/10/2003: 3:31 PM Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change % Change FUND Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from FUNDS: CODE: 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 Appropriations General A 387,700 427,658 312,606 429,862 429,862 445,344 17,686 4.1% Highway DA 207,966 288,813 225,380 280,720 280,720 288,413 -400 -0.1% Fire Protection SF 149,654 158,810 158,810 181,999 181,999 181,999 23,189 14.6% GENERAL PART TOW] B 58,107 64,252 53,444 66,606 66,606 68,602 4,350 6.8% HIWAY PART TOWN DB 195,283 262,604 105,729 270,707 270,707 273,392 10,788 4.1% WATER DISTRICTS SW 3,240 4,113 2,638 3,110 3,110 3,110 -1,003 -24.4% Capital Projects WD#3 H WD 144,752 355,258 601,940 166,000 166,000 166,000 -189,258 -53.3% Long Term Debt WD#3 V Fund 0 0 0 88,334 88,344 88,344 88,344 ******** WaterDistrict # 3 SW3 0 0 0 151,711 151,711 151,711 151,711 ******** SW4 WATERDISTRIC' SW4 0 0 0 0 1,427 1,427 1,427 ******** Appropriation TOTALS: 1,146,702 1,561,508 1,460,547 1,639,049 1,640,486 1,668,342 106,834 6.8% Revenues General A 469,670 427,658 349,978 138,390 138,390 173,390 -254,268 -59.5% Highway DA 220,541 243,033 207,588 43,657 103,657 103,657 -139,376 -57.3% Fire Protection SF 149,654 158,810 158,810 0 0 0 -158,810 -100.0% GENERAL PART TOW] B 58,107 64,252 61,912 66,606 66,606 68,602 4,350 6.8% HIWAY PART TOWN DB 195,283 262,604 108,745 270,707 270,707 273,392 10,788 4.1% WATER DISTRICTS SW 3,273 4,218 2,657 3,130 3,130 3,130 -1,088 -25.8% Capital Projects WD#3 H WD 145,292 355,758 850,731 166,000 166,000 166,000 -189,758 -53.3% Long Term Debt WD#3 V Fund 0 0 0 88,334 88,334 88,334 88,334 ******** WaterDistrict # 3 SW3 0 0 0 207,451 202,165 202,165 202,165 Summary Fund 11/10/2003: 3:31 PM Page 1 of 1 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Tax Rate Schedule FUNDS: Appro- priations Less Estimated Revenues Less Fund Balance & Approp. Reserves Amount to be Raised By Tax Taxable Assessed Value Implied Tax Rate: $ per Thousand Round # Current Tax Rate: $ per Thousand 3 %Change from Current Yr. General 445,344 173,390 15,000 256,954 259,957,142 0.98845 0.98014 0.85% Highway 288,413 103,657 5,000 179,756 259,957,142 0.69148 0.69439 -0.42% Fire Protection 181,999 0 0 181,999 201,806,278 0.90185 0.87542 3.02% GENERAL PART TOWN 68,602 68,602 0 0 0 0.00000 MWAY PART TOWN 273,392 273,392 0 0 0 0.00000 WATER DISTRICTS 3,110 3,130 0 -20 0 0.00000 Capital Projects WD#3 166,000 166,000 0 0 0 0.00000 Long Term Debt WD#3 88,344 88,334 0 10 0 0.00000 WaterDistrict # 3 151,711 202,165 0 -50,454 0 0.00000 SW4 WATER DISTRICT 0 0 0 0.00000 TOTALS: 1,666,915 1,078,670 20,000 568,245 Tax Rate Fund Page 1 11/10/2003: 3:31 PM