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1 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES General Fund General Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Round # 3 Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT CODE: Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from Appropriations 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Town Board PS A1010.1 11,616 12,383 8,255 12,878 12,878 12,878 495 4.0% Town Board CE A1010.4 2,415 1,500 442 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0.0% Town Justice I PS Town Justice II PS Al 110.10 A1110.11 11,140 11,140 11,876 11,876 7,765 12,351 12,351 12,351 475 4.0% Town Just Clerk PS Al 110.12 22,732 24,234 7,765 15,845 12,351 25,203 12,351 25,203 12,351 475 4.0% Town Justices CE Al 110.4 4,051 6,550 5,121 4,252 4,252 25,203 4,252 969 4.0% -2,298 -35.1% Supervisor PS Bookkeeper PS A1020.1 A1220.11 6,240 14,327 6,652 15,273 4,349 10,000 10,000 10,000 3,348 50.3% Supervisor CE A1020.4 2,622 3,000 9,986 2,439 15,875 3,000 15,875 3,000 15,875 602 3.9% 3,000 0 0.0% Town Clerk PS Dep. Town Clerk PS A1410.1 A1410.11 34,229 7,240 36,490 19,788 23,858 37,950 37,950 37,950 1,460 4.0% Town Clerk CE A1410.4 1,511 2,000 9,450 2,283 15,000 2,500 16,062 16,062 -3,726 -18.8% 2,500 2,500 500 25.0% Attorney CE Elections CE A1420.4 A1450.4 3,100 5,875 6,000 4,120 2,212 4,500 4,500 4,500 -1,500 -25.0% Records Mn CE �• A1460.4 7,262 1,357 4,424 4,120 2,500 4,120 2,500 4,120 0 0.6% Records Mngt. PS A1460.1 10,023 0 0 2,500 -4,762 -65.6% Town Hall EQ A1620.2 2,771 8,150 0 5,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 -10,023 -100.0% Town Hall CE A1620.4 19,881 18,500 16,592 19,000 19,000 19,000 -3,150 500 -38.7% 2.7% Printing & Mailing A1670.4 12,834 9,000 7,802 9,200 9,200 9,200 200 2.2% Unallocated Ins. Municipal Asst. Dues A1910.4 A1920.4 15,482 670 18,500 17,980 18,500 19,149 19,778 1,278 6.9% Contingency Acct. A1990.4 0 800 5,000 70 1,000 800 5,000 800 5,000 800 5,000 0 0.0% Dog Control A3510.4 7,697 8,160 6,125 8,411 8,411 8,411 0 251 0.0% 3.1% Highway Super. PS A5010.1 40,404 43,073 31,476 44,795 44,795 44,795 1,722 4.0% Highway Super. CE A5010.4 600 400 293 450 450 450 50 12.5% General Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES General Fund General Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Round # 3 ACCOUNT Last Years Actual Budget as Modified Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: CODE: 2001 2002 YTD 2002 Budget Budget Budget from from Highway Barn CE A5132.4 31,078 10,000 4,497 2003 8,000 2003 8,000 2003 2002 2002 8,000 -2,000 -20.0% Street Lighting CE A5182.4 2,056 1,800 1,182 1,650 1,650 1,650 Veterans CE A6510.4 375 375 375 450 450 -150 -8.3% Senior Citizens CE A6672.4 750 750 750 800 450 75 20.0% Youth Empl. PS A7310.1 8,378 9,584 8,083 9,270 800 9,270 9,270 50 6.14 Youth Cont. CE A7310.4 55,943 49,978 40,811 48,595 48,595 48,595 3% Library CE A7410.4 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 -1,383 -2.8% Historical Society CE A7450.4 700 700 700 700 0 0 0.0 /o Historian PS A7510.1 697 744 372 774 700 774 700 0 0.0% Celebrations A7550.4 700 1,500 482 1,500 1,500 774 1,500 30 4.0% Cemetery Care CE A8810.4 1,800 1,800 1,200 1,800 1,800 0 0.0% 1,800 0 0.0% General Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES General Fund Round # 3 ACCOUNT: NYS Retirement Social Security Workers Comp Disability Ins. Health Ins. ACCOUNT CODE: A9010.8 A9030.8 A9040.8 A9055.8 A9060.8 Last Years Actual 2001 282 13,033 709 386 31,315 Budget as Modified 2002 2,902 14,848 710 350 31,800 Actual YTD 2002 2,902 10,556 1,915 337 21,321 Tentative Budget 2003 7,178 14,300 2,000 480 36,781 Preliminary Budget 2003 7,178 14,300 1'687 36,7810 Adopted Budget 2003 Change from 2002 %Change from 2002 7,178 14,300 2,144 480 36,7811 4,276 -548 1,434 0 4,981 147.3% 3.7% 202.0% 15.7% Capital Reserve A9950.9 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.0% Appropriation TOTALS: 397,779 430,451 294,372 421,414 422,812 0.0% Youth Serv, Oth Govt; A2350 423,898 -6,553 -1.5% Revenues Int. & Pen. RPT Franchise Fees A1090 A1170 2,076 2,500 2,847 3,200 3,200 3,200 700 28.0% Clerk's Fees A 1255 2,477 1,365 2,552 1,000 3,009 3,500 3,500 3,5000 948 37.1 /o Dog Pound Fees A1550 868 300 1,000 200 1,000 1,000 0 0.0% Youth Serv, Oth Govt; A2350 44,268 42,268 21,403 300 37,896 300 37,896 300 37,896 0.% Int & Earnings A2401 6,008 4,500 9,444 6,000 61000 -4,370 -10.0% Int. &Earn Unempl. Rl A2406 0 0 6,000 1,500 33.3% Int. &EarnBldg Res A2403 0 D 76 80 80 80 80 ******** Int. &Earn Youth A2402 0 0 437 500 500 500 500 ******** Games of Chance A2530 0 0 47 55 55 55 55 ******** Dog Licenses A2544 5,875 5,000 0 4,698 0 5,000 0 5,000 0 0 ******** Justice Receipts A2610 47,016 45,000 22,833 40,000 40,000 5,000 40,000 0 0.0% Dog Fines A2611 0 200 0 100 -5,000 -11.1% Surplus Equip Sales A2665 0 0 1,300 100 100 100 -50.0% Ins. Recovery A2680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ******** Dog Control OG A22680 0 0 0 0 0 0 ******** Health Ins Contributia A2771 5,704 6,580 2,851 0 6,500 0 6,500 0 0 ******** Street Lighting Cont A2771.1 300 300 175 300 6,500 -80 -1.2% Unclassified Revenue A2770 11,447 0 150 300 300 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0 ******** General Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES General Fund Round # General Fund 11/1512002: 2:39 PM Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from ACCOUNT: CODE: 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Record Mngt Grant A3060 0 5,762 4,526 0 0 Mortgage Taxes A3005 48 527 35 000 44 710 40 000 40 000 0 40 000 -5,762 5 000 -100.0% 14.3% Revenue TOTALS: 127,404 115,962 74,838 104,431 104,431 104,431 -11,531 -9.9% General Fund 11/1512002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES GENERAL PART TOWN Fund Round # 3 Appropriation TOTALS: 62,778 77,058 40,427 64,323 Revenues SALES TAXES B1120 76,288 20,000 0 21,978 ZONING FEES B2110 1,214 1,500 995 1,200 GENERAL PART TOWN Fund 64,214 64,252 -12,806 -16.6% 0 0 -20,000 1,200 1,200 -300 -100.0% -20.0% 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from CODE: 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Appropriations BLDG. INSP. PS B3620.1 13,496 14,387 10,514 21,000 14,963 14,963 576 4.0% ZONING OFFICER P B8010.1 13,496 13,654 8,928 14,200 14,200 14,200 546 4.0% D.ZONING OFFICER B8010.11 1,071 1,141 791 1,186 1,186 1,186 45 PLANNING CLERK 1 B8020.1 1,271 3,000 1,879 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 3.9% 0.0% BLDG INSP CE B3620.4 837 2,000 683 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0.0% ZONING CE B8010.4 811 2,500 1,124 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0.0% CONSULTANTS PLANNING CE B1440.4 B8020.4 21,493 3,000 23,000 0 0 6,037 6,037 3,037 101.2% CONTINGENCY B 1990.4 280 2,000 7,240 0 3,150 3,150 3,150 -19,850 -86.3% NYS RETIREMENT B9010.8 63 75 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0.0% SOCIAL SECURITY B9030.8 2,156 2,444 1,762 1,253 3,007 1,253 3,007 1,253 3,007 1,178 1570.7% WORKERS COMP B9040.8 79 251 189 250 563 23.0% DISABILITY INS B9055.8 45 45 34 50 141 179 -72 -28.7% EMP. HEALTH INS B9060.8 7,680 9,561 7,283 10,727 50 10,727 50 10,727 5 1,166 11.1% 12.2% Appropriation TOTALS: 62,778 77,058 40,427 64,323 Revenues SALES TAXES B1120 76,288 20,000 0 21,978 ZONING FEES B2110 1,214 1,500 995 1,200 GENERAL PART TOWN Fund 64,214 64,252 -12,806 -16.6% 0 0 -20,000 1,200 1,200 -300 -100.0% -20.0% 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES GENERAL PART TOWN Fund Round # 3 GENERAL PART TOWN Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM ACCOUNT Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: CODE: Actual 2001 Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from PLANNING FEES B2115 0 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 BUILDING PMTS B2555 6,361 150 6,500 250 9,660 200 8,000 200 200 50 33.3% TRAILER PK FEES B2590 550 650 390 8,000 8,000 1,500 23.1% FIRE INSPECTIONS B2590.1 0 100 550 550 550 -100 -15.4% INTEREST&EARNIN B2401 1,474 1,200 0 534 600 -150.0 % REVENUE SHARINC B3001 7,700 7,500 7,500 7,500 600 600 -600 APP. FUND BALAN( B599 20,000 0 7,500 7,500 0 0.0% 24,295 46,164 46,202 26,202 131.0% Revenue TOTALS: 93,587 57,600 19,329 64,323 64,214 64,252 6,652 11.5% GENERAL PART TOWN Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Highway Fund Highway Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Round # 3 Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT ACCOUNT: Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from CODE: Appropriations 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Bridges PS DA 5120.1 Bridges CE 0 721 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 279 38.7% DA 5120.4 SUB TOTAL. 60 743 5,774 1,000 1,000 1,000 257 34.6% 60 1,464 5,774 2,000 2,000 2,000 536 36.6% Machinery PS DA5130.1 Machinery EQ DA5130.2 35,617 36,285 27,974 37,736 37,736 37,736 1,451 4.0% Machinery: CE DA5230.4 4,055 37,843 10,000 35,000 34,826 10,364 10,000 35,000 10,000 10,000 0 0.0% SUB TOTAL 77,516 81,285 73,164 82,736 35,000 82,736 35,000 0 0.0% 82,736 1,451 1.8% Brush & Weeds DA5140.1 19,972 14,152 10,364 14,718 14,718 14,718 566 4.0% Brush & Weeds CE DA 5140.4 457 1,200 452 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 0.0% SUB -TOTAL: 20,429 15,352 10,816 15,918 15,918 15,918 566 3.7% Town Snow Removal ] DA5142.1 15,405 26,363 5,477 14,000 14,000 14,000 -12,363 -46.9% Town Snow Removal 1 DA5142.4 25,980 27,000 13,528 27,000 27,000 27,000 O.G.Services PS DA5148.1 15,472 27,086 5,483 14,000 14,000 14,000 -13,086 -48.3% O.G. Services CE DA5148.4 25,945 27,000 16,128 27,000 27,000 27,000 0 0.0% Cap.Reserve Machiner DA9950.9 52,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 Cap. Reserve Building DA9950.91 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% State Retirement DA9010.8 1,410 1,000 770 3,293 3,293 3,293 0 2,293 0.0% 229.3% Social Security DA9030.8 6,625 8,059 4,073 6,212 6,212 8,038 -21 -0.3% Workers Comp. DA9040.8 3,662 7,395 7,395 7,500 61224 6,224 -1,171 -15.8% Disability Insurance DA9055.8 118 110 68 100 100 100 Emp. Health Insurance DA9060.8 17,984 20,504 15,015 24,022 24,022 24,022 3,518 17.2% Appropriation TOTALS: 267,605 262,618 177,691 243,781 242,505 244,331 -18,287 -7.0% Highway Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Highway Fund Round # 3 Revenue TOTALS: 56,029 71,667 65,516 45,612 45,622 45,622 -26,045 -36.3% Highway Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from CODE: 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Revenues Ser Other Gov Interest & earnings DA2300 DA2401 49,336 65,709 49,282 40,740 40,750 40,750 -24,959 -38.0% interest & earn. Eqpt R DA2404 5,575 0 4,500 0 1,780 2,000 2,000 2,000 -2,500 -55.6% interest & earn. Bldg n DA2403 0 0 1,131 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 ******** Equipment Sales DA2665 0 0 786 1,989 850 850 850 850 ******** Emergency Aid DA3089 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 ******** Health Insurance Cont DA2771 1,118 1,458 548 822 0 822 0 0 ******** Refunds from Prior Yr DA2701 0 0 0 822 -636 -43.6% Interfund Transfers DA5031 0 n n 0 11 0 0 0 ******** Revenue TOTALS: 56,029 71,667 65,516 45,612 45,622 45,622 -26,045 -36.3% Highway Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES HIWAY PART TOWN Fund Round # 3 Revenues Sales Taxes Int. & EAm. Bridge Ri ACCOUNT Last Years Actual Budget as Modified Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: CODE: 2001 2002 YTD 2002 Budget Budget Budget from from AnnrODriations DB3001 19,892 20,000 20,092 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Highway Maint. PS Highway Maint. CE DB5110.1 DB5110.4 49,973 53,090 55,261 49,161 57,741 57,741 57,741 2,480 4.5% Highway Cap. Improvi DB5112.2 50,072 42,000 58,000 7,979 49,954 42,000 108,000 42,000 42,000 -823 -50.0% Capital Reserve Bridgc DB9950.9 55,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 108,000 15,000 108,000 50,000 86.20% NYS Retirement DB9010.8 1,379 1,500 770 3,293 3,293 15,000 -3,401 -6.8% Social Security DB9030.8 3,846 4,220 3,084 4,973 4,973 3,293 1,7930 119.50% Workers Comp. DB9040.8 3,662 4,311 6,850 7,090 5,903 4,973 7,502 753 17.8% Disability Insurance DB9055.8 84 100 68 100 3,191 74.0% Employee Health Ins. DB9060.8 17,984 20,504 14,878 24,022 100 24,022 100 24,022 0 3,518 170.2% Appropriation TOTALS: 235,090 200,896 147,744 262,219 261,032 262,631 61,735 30.7% Revenues Sales Taxes Int. & EAm. Bridge Ri DB 1120 DB2405 122,506 81,586 53,666 160,583 144,396 144,396 62,810 77.0% Interest & Earnings DB2401 0 2,470 0 2,000 1,281 1,458 1,388 1,800 1,388 1,388 1200 388 * Revenue Sharing DB3001 19,892 20,000 20,092 20,000 1,800 20,000 1,800 20,000 -10.0% NYS Chips Health Ins. Cont. DB3501 DB2771 45,176 47,500 37,519 47,626 47,626 47,626 126 0.3% Refunds from Prior Yr DB2701 1,287 0 1,645 685 822 822 822 -823 -50.0% App. Fund Balance DB599 0 50,000 0 0 0 30,000 0 45,000 46,599 -3,401 -6.8% HNVAY PART TOWN Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES JUI W A Y -PART TOWN Fund Round # 3 Last Years ACCOUNT Actual Budget as Modified Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: CODE: 2001 2002 YTD 2002 Budget 2003 Budget Budget from from 2003 2003 2002 2002 Revenue TOTALS: 191,331 202,731 114,701 262,219 261,032 262,631 59,900 29.5% HIWAY PART TOWN Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES WATER DISTRICTS Fund Round # 3 ACCOUNT ACCOUNT: CODE: Appropriations Last Years Actual 2001 Budget as Modified 2002 Actual YTD 2002 Tentative Budget 2003 Preliminary Adopted Budget Budget 2003 2003 Change from 2002 %Change from 2002 District # 1 Purchases SW8310.407 District # 2 Purchases SW8310.40E 2,000 1,000 2,232 1,120 2,162 889 2,975 1,138 2,975 1,138 -2,232 -1,120 -100.0% -100.0% Appropriation TOTALS: Revenues District#1 Wtr Recpts SW2142.07 District #2 Wtr. Recpt; SW2142.08 District#1 Adm. Chg. SW2144.07 District # 2 Adm. Chg SW2144.08 Interest & Earnings SW2401 Revenue TOTALS: WATER DISTRICTS Fund 3,000 3,352 3,051 4,113 4,113 2,000 2,232 2,162 2,975 2,975 1,000 1,120 889 1,138 1,138 40 40 30 40 40 20 20 15 20 20 0 -3,352 -100.0% -2,232 -100.0% -1,120 -100.0% -40 -100.0% -20 -100.0% 0 ******** 3,060 3,412 3,096 4,173 4,173 0 -3,412 -100.0% 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Water District #3 Fund Round # 3 Water District #3 Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from Appropriations CODE: 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Administration PS Administration CS SW38310.1 SW38310.4 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 ******** Transmission/Distribu SW38320.4 0 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Social Security SW39030.8 0 0 0 0 2,617 2,617 2,617 2,617 Debt Service SW9710.6 0 0 0 383 383 383 383 ******** Interest on Debt SW39710.7 0 0 0 0 0 0******** 0 0******** Appropriation TOTALS: 0 0 0 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Revenues Real Property Tax SW31001 0 0 0 0 Metered Water Sales SW32140 0 0 0 0 0 0******** Water Service Charge: SW32144 0 0 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Int & Pen on Water C1 SW32148 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 Revenue TOTALS: 0 0 0 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 ******** Water District #3 Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 03 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES SW3 Capital Projects Fund Round # 3 Revenues State Loan CP3992 0 0 0 2,700,000 State Aid/Grant CP3991 0 0 ******** 0 0 400,000 0 ******** Revenue TOTALS: 0 0 0 3,100,000 0 0 0 ******** SW3 Capital Projects Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM ACCOUNT Last Years Actual Budget as Modified Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: CODE: 2001 2002 YTD Budget Budget Budget 2002 from from Appropriations 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Source Power Pump E CP8320.2 0 0 Trans./Dist. EQ CP8340.2 0 0 0 455,000 0 ******** 0 2,645,000 0 ******** Appropriation TOTALS: 0 0 0 3,100,000 Revenues State Loan CP3992 0 0 0 2,700,000 State Aid/Grant CP3991 0 0 ******** 0 0 400,000 0 ******** Revenue TOTALS: 0 0 0 3,100,000 0 0 0 ******** SW3 Capital Projects Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Fire Protection Fund Round # 3 Revenues Revenue TOTALS: Fire Protection Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0******** 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Last Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change %Change ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT Actual Modified YTD Budget Budget Budget from from Appropriations CODE: 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Owed to A fund Fire Contract SF630 SF3410.4 3,867 3,867 3,867 3,867 ******** 145,781 145,781 158,811 158,811 158,811 13,030 8.9% Appropriation TOTALS: 0 145,781 145,781 162,678 162,678 162,678 16,897 11.6% Revenues Revenue TOTALS: Fire Protection Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0******** 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE T01 Summary of All Funds OF ULYSSES Appropriation TOTALS: Last 1,120,156 809,066 4,269,528 1,168,354 1,168,790 Round # 3 FUND Years Actual Budget as Modified Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change % Change FUNDS: CODE: 2001 2002 YTD 2002 Budget Budget Budget from from Appropriations A DA 127,404 56,029 115,962 71,667 74,838 2003 2003 2003 2002 002 General Highway A DA 397,779 267,605 430,451 262,618 294,372 421,414 422,812 423,898 -6,553 -1.5% Fire Protection SF 0 145,781 177,691 243,781 242,505 244,331 -18,287 -7.0% GENERAL PART TOW] B 62,778 77,058 145,781 40,427 162,678 64,323 162,678 162,678 16,897 11.6% HIWAY PART TOWN DB 235,090 200,896 147,744 262,219 64,214 64,252 -12,806 -16.6% WATER DISTRICTS SW 3,000 3,352 3,051 11,000 261,032 262,631 61,735 30.7% Water District #3 SW3 0 0 3,100,000 4,113 4,113 0 -3,352 -100.0% SW3 Capital Projects CPSW3 0 0 0 11,000 11,000 11,000 11 000 ' ******** 0 3,100,000 Appropriation TOTALS: 966,253 1,120,156 809,066 4,269,528 1,168,354 1,168,790 48,634 4.3% Revenues General Highway A DA 127,404 56,029 115,962 71,667 74,838 104,431 104,431 104,431 -11,531 -9.9% Fire Protection SF 0 0 65,516 45,612 45,622 45,622 -26,045 -36.3% GENERAL PART TOW] B0 93,587 57,600 0 19,329 0 64,323 64,214 0 0 ******** HIWAY PART TOWN WATER DISTRICTS DB SW 191,331 202,731 114,701 262,219 261,032 64,252 262,631 6,652 59,900 11.5% 29.5% Water District #3 SW3 3,060 0 3,412 3,096 4,173 4,173 0 -3,412 0 -100.0 /o SW3 Capital Projects CPSW3 0 0 0 0 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 ******** 0 3,100,000 Revenue TOTALS: 471,411 451,372 277,481 3,591,758 490,472 487,936 36,564 8.1% Summary Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Summary of All Funds Last Round # 3 Years Budget as Actual Tentative Preliminary Adopted Change % Change FUND Actual Modified YTD FUNDS: CODE: Budget Budget Budget from from 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Summary Fund 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Page 1 of 1 2003 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES Tax Rate Schedule Tax Rate Fund Page 1 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM Round # 3 Less Fund Less Balance & Amount to Taxable Implied Tax Current Tax %Change FUNDS: Appro- Estimated Approp. be Raised Assessed Rate: $ per Rate: $ per from priations Revenues Reserves By Tax Value Thousand Thousand Current Yr. General Highway 423,898 104,431 81,086 238,381 243,211,447 0.98014 1.12242 -12.68% Fire Protection 244,331 162,678 45,622 29,826 168,883 243,211,447 0.69439 0.63963 8.56% GENERAL PART TOWN 64,252 0 64,252 0 162,678 185,829,107 0.87542 0.55450 57.88% HIWAY PART TOWN 262,631 262,631 0 0 0 0 0.00000 ***•*** WATER DISTRICTS 0 0 0 0 0.00000 *** *** Water District #3 11,000 11,000 0 0 0 0 0.00000 *** *** W3 Capital Projects 0 0 0 0 0.00000 *** *** 0 0 0 0.00000 *** *** TOTALS: 1,168,790 487,936 110,912 569,942 Tax Rate Fund Page 1 11/15/2002: 2:39 PM