HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-11-05 PB Final Minutes Planning Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 November 5, 2024 Planning Board Zoom Hybrid Meeting Meeting Minutes November 5, 2024 Approved: November 19, 2024 Board Members Present: Vice Chair Linda Liddle, Bart Gragg, Jeff McDonald, Mo Klein, Simon Bernnard Board Members Present on Zoom: Chair Karl Klankowski Quorum Present Applicants Present: Eran Lex, Andy Sciarabba Town Staff Present: Niels Tygesen, Mollie Duell Town Board Members Present: Michael Boggs Proceedings Vice Chair Linda Liddle called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at Town Hall. Approval of Agenda Motion: Klein motioned to accept the agenda as written; Gragg seconded. Vote: Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; McDonald, aye. Motion Carried. Approval of Past Minutes Motion: Klein motioned to approve the October 1 meeting minutes with name spelling corrections; Gragg seconded. Vote: Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; McDonald, aye. Motion Carried. Privilege of the Floor No members of the public addressed the Board pertaining to items not on the agenda. Motion: Gragg motioned to close privilege of the floor; Klein seconded. Vote: Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; McDonald, aye. Motion Carried. New Business Items SPR2409-01: Lex New Detached Dwelling Unit, Sketch Plan Review 1332 Taughannock Blvd, Parcel Number: 27.-4-2.21 The applicant and property owner, Eran Lex, proposes to construct a new detached dwelling unit and associated infrastructure on the undeveloped parcel noted above. Per the Code of the Town of Ulysses (CTU) 212-51.B, single-family residences are permitted in the CZ zone but require site plan review when within a unique natural area or slope overlay area, pursuant to the provisions listed under CTU 212-19. Eran Lex spoke about the project and noted they plan to access the property through an easement going to Garrett Road. Andy Sciarraba showed a topographic map of the property. Liddle asked about stream setbacks. There are multiple streams on the property with different classifications that have been defined by different agencies. Bernnard asked about the positioning of the house. McDonald noted the proposed location seems quite flat in person. Discussion ensued over filtering runoff. Sciarabba stated that a filtration system is not seen as necessary Planning Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 November 5, 2024 since the existing vegetative buffers are enough. An extra step could be taken to manifold the downspouts to increase the distance the runoff travels. The Board agreed this would be a good solution and should be added to the site plan. The Board briefly discussed erosion and sediment control requirements. Lex stated they would like to begin building in spring or early summer of next year but want to complete the driveway and install electrical service earlier in 2025. Tygesen asked if there is a calculation of total excavated cubic yardage, noting this needs to be added to the project narrative prior to Planning Board approval. Bernnard spoke about keeping any debris free and clear from the Black Diamond Trail. The parcel is not directly adjacent to the trail but very close. Tygesen noted the DPW Director is reviewing the proposed driveway. Discussion ensued over safety for people using the trail. Tygesen noted the County was notified and is reviewing the application. Lex spoke about the occupancy of surrounding properties. The Board agreed to review the revised plan on November 19 followed by a public hearing likely taking place on December 3. Old Business Items Potential Zoning Code Amendments: Finalize Questions for Town Legal on the Streams Issue (USGS vs GIS Stream Data) The Board reviewed discussions so far pertaining to clarifying sources for protected streams. Liddle spoke about the stream buffers being mutually beneficial, since they protect natural resources but also help property owners avoid damage in an event such as flooding. Gragg questioned if the issue is becoming more complicated than it needs to be. McDonald added that the issue is codifying the process. Bernnard suggested using the County map as it is more up to date. Klein agreed that the County is probably the better choice. Klankowski stated that he contacted County Planning to ask them about the issue and was told the Ulysses zoning code says to use USGS maps. Klankowski spoke about possible legal troubles from strict setbacks. Liddle referenced the site plan review from earlier in the meeting as a good example of the issue. Board Member Training Tygesen spoke about the stream issue being a potential training opportunity with legal. Board Member Reports Klein explained the Planning Board can write a letter with suggestions for the Comp Plan when the committee reaches this stage. Focus groups have started to meet, and after these are completed, discussions with the public will progress. The next CPSC meeting is November 6. Motion: Klein motioned to adjourn; Gragg seconded. Vote: Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; McDonald, aye; Klein, aye. Motion Carried. ADJOURNED 8:19 PM