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Planning Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3
July 16, 2024
Planning Board
Zoom Hybrid Meeting
Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2024
Approved: August 6, 2024
Board Members Present: Chair Karl Klankowski, Vice Chair Linda Liddle, Bart Gragg, Mo Klein
Quorum Present
Applicants Present: Bryon Moore, Kim Moore
Town Staff Present: Niels Tygesen, Mollie Duell
Town Board Members Present: Michael Boggs
Members of the Public Present on Zoom: Krys Cail
Chair Karl Klankowski called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.
Approval of Agenda
Tygesen suggested reviewing the final site plan review for Moore’s Marine first as the applicant for the
first agenda item was not present.
Motion: Liddle motioned to approve the amended agenda; Gragg seconded.
Vote: Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; Chair Klankowski, aye.
Motion Carried.
Approval of Past Minutes
Liddle corrected a minor typographical error in the July 2 meeting minutes.
Motion: Liddle motioned to approve the July 2 minutes as amended; Gragg seconded.
Vote: Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; Chair Klankowski, aye.
Motion Carried.
Privilege of the Floor
Krys Cail spoke about the workload of the Planning Board and suggested that Board Members should
receive a stipend.
Motion: Liddle motioned to close privilege of the floor; Gragg seconded.
Vote: Chair Klankowski, aye; Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; Klein, aye.
Motion Carried.
New Business Items
MNSUB2407-01: Wilcox 2 Lot Land Division, Sketch Plat Review
3503 Jacksonville Rd, Parcel Number 35.-2-4.2
The applicant and property owner, David Wilcox, applied for a minor subdivision for the subject site to
subdivide the existing 10.38 acre lot into two lots. The A/R zone requires a minimum lot area of 2 acres,
200 feet of lot depth, and 400 feet of lot width at the front lot line per the Code of the Town of Ulysses
(CTU) 212-29. Flag lots are permitted in the A/R zone per CTU 212-29.M, subject to the requirements of
CTU 212-130 which requires the pole(s) of the lot(s) to have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum
depth of 100’, and permits a parcel to be subdivided into no more than two flag lots.
Planning Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3
July 16, 2024
The applicant was not present.
Motion: Klein motioned to table the Wilcox 2 Lot Land Division Sketch Plat Review, Liddle seconded.
Vote: Chair Klankowski, aye; Liddle, aye; Gragg, aye; Klein, aye.
Motion Carried.
Old Business Items
SPR2406-01: Moore’s Marine, Final Site Plan & Public Hearing
3052 Dubois Rd, Parcel Number 32.-2-8.22
The applicant and owner, Bryon Moore, proposes to construct a new covered lean-to structure,
approximately 24’ x 40’, that will be attached to the existing building located on-site with associated
stormwater drainage improvements. The previously approved site plan was reviewed and recorded in
2018. Per the Code of the Town of Ulysses (CTU) 212-118.H, construction of any new structure or
amendment to a previously approved site plan is subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board
pursuant to the provisions listed under CTU 212-19.
Motion: Chair Klankowski motioned to open the public hearing; Gragg seconded
Vote: Gragg, aye; Liddle, aye; Klein, aye; Chair Klankowski, aye.
Motion Carried.
Krys Cail voiced concerns about expansions to existing development districts. Cail spoke about noise
issues in the neighborhood, including vehicles.
Motion: Chair Klankowski motioned to close the public hearing; Liddle seconded.
Vote: Gragg, aye; Liddle, aye; Klein, aye; Chair Klankowski, aye.
Motion Carried.
Klein noted that hours of operation are written into the code to control noise.
Gragg added that the proposed new structure will not introduce any additional services; the lean-to will
protect the employees from weather at a site where the work is already taking place.
Liddle asked if the number of boats has expanded. Kim Moore responded that the number of boats does
not matter for storage. Bryon Moore stated that expansion is not possible with the size of the parcel.
Kim Moore noted that noise was thoroughly discussed in 2018. Bryon Moore stated that Moore’s
Marine does not use vehicles that make backup noise, and this could be coming from another property
on Dubois Rd.
Tygesen noted that one letter was received from Loretta Gardner Cote in support of the Moore’s
Kim Moore stated that the business operations will not change, and the only purpose of this
construction is to protect their employees from direct sun.
Motion: Klein motioned to accept Planning Board Resolution No. 2024-014: A Resolution of Final Site
Plan Approval of an Accessory Building Located at 3052 Dubois Road, Town of Ulysses, Tax Parcel 32.-2-
8.22 ; Liddle seconded.
Vote: Gragg, aye; Liddle, aye; Klein, aye; Chair Klankowski, aye.
Motion Carried.
Chair Klankowski reviewed the conditions of approval.
Motion: Klein motioned to approve Planning Board Resolution No. 2024-014: A Resolution of Final Site
Plan Approval of an Accessory Building Located at 3052 Dubois Road, Town of Ulysses, Tax Parcel 32.-2-
8.22 ; Liddle seconded.