HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-22 enewsletterlVg Gmail Deputy Clerk<ulysses.deputy.clerk@gmail.com> Ulysses Updates for 3/22/24 1 message Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com> Reply -To: ulysses.clerk@gmail.com To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com> Hello Ulysses, See updates below and enjoy your weekend! IN THIS WEEK'S ULYSSES NEWSLETTER: Update from Town Supervisor Early Voting for Presidential Primary- Starts Tomorrow Photography Competition NYS Park Passes for Disabled Vets Solar Eclipse Safety Highway Expenditure Subject to Permissive Referendum Burn Ban in Effect Open House for Rt 13/34/96 Paving NYS Public Hearing on Broadband Job Opening: Recreation Activity Specialist UPDATE FROM TOWN SUPERVISOR OLSON Greetings, Ulyssians! Just a quick note this week to celebrate some wonderful recent local news. Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 3:46 PM Congratulations to the Village of Trumansburg for its congressional allotment of $3.5 million for a new fire/EMS building! The Town of Ulysses contracts for fire/EMS services through the Village, so this will help serve all of Ulysses, both Village and Town -outside -Village residents. Congratulations are also in order for Marcia Horn and Jhoanna Haynes, recently elected (Jhoanna) and re-elected (Marcia) to serve as Village Trustees! I look forward to working with both of you as the Town and Village continue to partner on many important projects and address mutual needs. Civic service largely happens behind the scenes: carrying about the minutia of governance and budgeting, listening, learning, serving. It bleeds over into all corners of life —into the sidelines of a baseball diamond and the aisles of the grocery store and all of the facets of "normal" life. I extend my appreciation to Keith Hannon for his 6 years of service as a Village Trustee. Your family served along with you--- a special "thank you" to Casey, Clinton, Keegan, and Kennedy! In the age of social media, this is no simple service! And finally, the Town Board will gather again for our regular meeting on Tuesday 3/26/24 at 7pm at Town Hall. As always, the board packet is available here and members of the public are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. EARLY VOTING FOR THE APRIL 2 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY: Presidential Primary Election Day is April 2. Early Voting for this primary will take place from Saturday, March 23, 2024, through Saturday, March 30, 2024. There will be no Early Voting on Sunday, March 31, 2024 (Easter). Early Voting locations (2): Town of Ithaca Town Hall (215 North Tioga St., Ithaca) Finger Lakes Library System (1300 Dryden Road, Ithaca). (this location temporarily replaces the Crash Fire Rescue Building). Hours at both locations will be: • Saturday March 23, 9:00a.m. — 6:00p.m. • Sunday March 24, 9:00a.m. — 6:00p.m. • Monday March 25, 9:00a.m. — 6:00p.m. • Tuesday March 26, 11:00a.m. — 8:00p.m. • Wednesday March 27, 9:00a.m. — 6:00p.m. • Thursday March 28, 11:00a.m. — 8:00p.m. • Friday March 29, 9:00a.m. — 6:00p.m. • Saturday March 30, 9:00a.m. — 6:00p.m. Once voters have cast their ballot on a machine at an early voting site, they will not be able to vote on Primary Election Day. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have Presidential Primary Elections on April 2nd. Only voters who are enrolled in these parties are eligible to vote in this election. For more information, visit https://tompkinscountynygov/ boe PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION: The Town of Ulysses' Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee is conducting a photography competition as part of the Town's Comp Plan update. Each quarter we're requesting community members take photos of the Town that you feel best captures the spirit of our community during that season and submit them to the Committee. Selected photos will be incorporated into the adopted Comp Plan with credits given to the photographer. This season's competition is Spring! The Committee will accept photos that capture the essence of spring in the Town from March 19 to June 19, 2024. Please send an email with your photos in JPEG or TIFF format to: CompPlanSteeringCommittee(c�, townofulvssesny..gov FREE NYS PARK PASS FOPR DISABLED VETS: The Lifetime Liberty Pass permits qualified New York State veterans with disabilities discounted use of state parks, historic sites, and recreational facilities operated by the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYS Parks) and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Once issued, the Lifetime Liberty Pass will never expire! The Lifetime Liberty Pass benefits include free vehicle entry to most state parks and DEC -operated day -use areas, as well as numerous state boat launch sites, historic sites, arboretums, and park preserves; free golf at State Park golf courses; free swimming pool entrance at State Park pools; and discounted camping and cabin rentals at most State Park and DEC campgrounds. To see a complete listing of benefits, restrictions and rules, please view the Lifetime Libertv Pass Guidelines For Use. HEALTH ALERT: PREPARE FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE (APRIL 8, 2024), Tompkins County Whole Health (TCWH) is alerting the community to important safety guidance regarding the upcoming solar eclipse that will occur on Monday, April 8, 2024. The eclipse is expected to begin at approximately 2:00 pm and end by 4:30 pm, with the full total eclipse occurring in our area between 3:15 pm-3:30 pm. While Tompkins County falls outside of the "zone of totality.," the safety guidance remains the same, as the impact of looking at the sun while in a partial eclipse will still be damaging to the eyes without proper safety equipment. If your eyes are exposed to the sun without the appropriate protection, it can cause "eclipse blindness," which can temporarily or permanently damage your eyes. For more information, visit https://www.tompkinscountyny.gov/health/health-alert-prepare-solar-eclipse-april-8- 2024 HIGHWAY EXPENDITURE TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting held on the 12th day of March, 2024, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, New York duly adopted Resolution # 64 of 2024, which is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to General Municipal Law section 6-c. The resolution authorizes the Town of Ulysses ("the Town") to use up to $82,044 from the Town of Ulysses DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund. The resolution shall take effect 30 days after adoption, i.e., on April 11, 2024, unless by such date there is filed in the office of the town clerk a petition, signed, and acknowledged or proved, or authenticated by electors of the town qualified to vote upon a proposition to raise and expend money, in number equal to at least five percent of the total vote cast for governor in the Town at the last general election held for the election of state officers, but not be less than 100 in a town of the first class, protesting against the resolution and requesting that it be submitted to the qualified electors of the town, for their approval or disapproval. BURN BAN IN EFFECT: The annual burn ban is in effect through May 14. Open burning is prohibited in NYS during this time EXCEPT FOR: • Camp fires or any other outdoor fires less than 3 feet in height and 4 feet in length, width or diameter • Small cooking fires • Ceremonial or celebratory bonfires- Disposal of flags or religious items in a small -sized fire is allowed, if it is not otherwise prohibited by law or regulation. Only charcoal or dry, clean, untreated or unpainted wood can be burned. Fires cannot be left unattended and must be fully extinguished. For more information, visit https://dec.nygov/environmental-protection/air-quality/open-burning Please note: While most firewood must be untreated, some firewood is heat treated (kiln dried) to control invasive insect species if it is to be transported over 50 miles. Heat treated firewood is not intended to be prohibited. However, the burning of chemically treated wood, such as pressure -treated lumber and plywood, is prohibited. OPEN HOUSE FOR ROUTE 13/34/96 ROAD PROJECT: An Open House for the Route 13/34/96 Paving and Safety Improvements Project will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, from 5-7pm at Ithaca High School, Room K128, 1401 N Cayuga St., Ithaca, NY 14850. The project is currently in the preliminary design phase with construction set to begin in 2025. Road work is expected to take place during nighttime hours, allowing minimal impacts to traffic during daytime hours. Traffic will be maintained onsite, using temporary lane and/or shoulder closures. Comments and feedback can also be submitted by May 3, 2024. All correspondence should reference PIN 3057.67 and be sent to john.gleason@dot.ny.gov PUBLIC HEARINGS TO SOLICIT INPUT AND COMMENTS REGARDING BROADBAND CONNECTIVITY The NYS Public Service Commission will hold virtual public statement hearings on March 27, 2024, to solicit input and comments regarding the Annual Broadband Connectivity Study. On April 16, 2021, New York enacted the Comprehensive Broadband Connectivity Act of 2021, which directed the Public Service Commission to prepare an annual study on the availability, reliability, and cost of high-speed broadband service in New York State. The Commission is currently preparing its annual update to the report and invites public comment regarding the availability, affordability, and adoption of residential and commercial broadband internet access across the State. The purpose of the study is to ensure that all New Yorkers have the necessary affordable access to the internet going forward. For Public Hearing details, visit httpa://dpany_gov/event/broadband-virtual-public-statement-hearings-regarding- psc-broadband-study JOB OPENING- RECREATION ACTIVITY SPECIALIST: The Town is actively seeking a Recreation Activity Specialist. The position is a year-round, part-time (15 hours/week.) The Recreation Activity Specialist will primarily provide important, free and direct positive youth development programming to 5th - 8th graders after school and during the summer. Positive youth development focuses on providing an inclusive, supportive environment for youth. Programmatic priorities and specific activities will be developed in cooperation with youth, the Youth Commission, and Town staff. Administrative assistance will be provided to this position, allowing the employee to primarily focus on direct service provision. Experience working with and engaging youth is strongly preferred and additional training and support will be provided. View job posting on Tompkins County website here. To apply, visit https://www.tompkinsciviIservice.org/account, then go to https://www.tompkinscivilservice.org/ civilservice/apply/8383 and complete the application. If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit http—s-.-LIgroups.google.com g/town-of-ulysses PLEASE NOTE: Please update my email address to clerk@townofulyssesny.gov Thx Best, Carissa Parlato, CIVIC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk) Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 (607)387-5767, ext. 221 Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment) https-.//townofulyasesny.gov/ Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "town -of -Ulysses" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to town-of-ulysses+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/town-of-ulysses/CABMwf DWJzHXc- EiRdOTDRRWsyD1 gxdNvMgDAPrOvvNabp78Gg%40mail.gmail.com.