HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-21 enewsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com> Ulysses Updates for 4/21/23 1 message Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <clerk@townofulyssesny.gov> Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 4:11 PM To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com> Hello Ulysses, See updates for this week below. IN THIS WEEK’S ULYSSES NEWSLETTER: Update from Supervisor Olson Public Hearing Earth Care Day Dog Census Library Book Sale & WriƟng Prog. Flood Risk Q&A TransportaƟon Survey MarioneƩe Show Get Involved- Board & CommiƩee OpportuniƟes AŌer Words by Town Historian UPDATE FROM SUPERVISOR KATELIN OLSON: GreeƟngs, Ulyssians! I hope to see you out at the wonderful Earth Day acƟviƟes planned for tomorrow. StarƟng at 9am, there will be lots of acƟviƟes centered at the Farmers' Market. AddiƟonally, there are FEMA mapping informaƟon sessions next week on the revised FEMA maps for our area. Some property owners may be impacted by the new mapping. More informaƟon about the sessions is listed below. On Tuesday, April 25th, the Town Board will have its regularly scheduled meeƟng. MeeƟng informaƟon and materials are posted here. We'll be kicking things off with a public hearing on amending our local law regarding training requirements for board and commiƩee members. Later in the meeƟng we will be considering adopƟon of the law and specifying the training requirements in a separate resoluƟon. As proposed, the Town will be asking board and commiƩee members to take sexual harassment, civil rights, and ethics training, either in person or remotely. (Staff are already required to do these trainings.) The sexual harassment and civil rights components are in fulfilment of state and federal laws. Board and commiƩee members play an important role in our town. Our goal is to be respecƞul of their Ɵme, and therefore we're providing both live and remote/online opƟons. I'm deeply commiƩed to fostering an environment of shared understandings of sexual harassment, civil rights and ethics within Town government. Clarifying the training requirements for boards and commiƩees is part of an important step in making sure our Town is a welcoming, inclusive environment for everyone---staff, appointees, and the public we serve. Shared training helps create a shared Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 4/21/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 1 of 5 5/25/2023, 2:39 PM understanding of acceptable behavior and supporƟng a welcoming, inclusive environment. Anyone with opinions on this proposed law and the proposed trainings are welcome to aƩend the meeƟng or share their thoughts in wriƟng in advance of the meeƟng to clerk@townofulyssesny.gov. If you missed our last meeƟng, you may not be up to date on the aƩest on Camp Barton. The Three Falls Local Development CorporaƟon was formed and myself and Rich Goldman have been appointed to the Board of Directors as representaƟves of Ulysses. Three Falls held its first organizaƟonal meeƟng on April 6 and we will conƟnue to meet on the first Thursday of each month at the Ulysses Town Hall. AddiƟonally: ·The municipaliƟes, through the Three Falls LDC, and State Parks are now working to develop a formal operaƟng agreement for the management of the park. ·Simultaneously, progress is being made with the steps needed before the state can purchase the property. Appraisals have been completed and a purchase agreement between State Parks and the Boy Scouts is being negoƟated with the Ɵtle search to follow. PUBLIC HEARING: Please take noƟce that the Ulysses Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 7pm for the purpose of receiving comments on a local law “AMENDING CHAPTER 36 OF THE TOWN CODE TO ADD A NEW ARTICLE III ENTITLED ‘TRAINING REQUIREMENTS’”. The meeƟng will be held in person at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg NY 14886. Members of the public may join in person or remotely via Zoom videoconference at https://zoom.us /j/183862745 or +16465588656,,183862745#. Please take further noƟce that at the aforemenƟoned Ɵme and place, all interested residents (or their agents/representaƟves) will be afforded an opportunity to submit wriƩen and/or oral comments. Comments may also be sent in advance to the Town Clerk at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg NY 14886 or via e-mail to clerk@townofulyssesny.gov by 9am on April 25, 2023. The above menƟoned law draŌ can be found HERE, or by contacƟng the Town Clerk. EARTH CARE DAY: Several events are planned to celebrate Earth Day on Sat., April 22 (rain date April 29) at the Trumansburg Farmers Market area: ·9am-1pm: Trash pick up- Start your adventure at the Farmers Market - get gloves, grabbers, bags, and vests - materials provided. Get a stretch of road to clean up. Return your trash to the Farmers' Market area and then join in Earth Care Day! ·Sit in a variety of Electric Vehicles and talk to real owners. ·Learn about waste reducƟon, composƟng, home energy upgrades, inducƟon cooking, arbor day and supporƟng pollinators. ·Paint or take your own yard sign in support or no-mow or low-mow May (what's that? come find out!) ·11am- 1pm: Luna Food Truck will sell food using reusable dishes from Dish Truck. Enjoy your lunch with music from Lloyd and Valerie Graves, Paul MarƟn, and Rosie Newton. To volunteer or get more informaƟon, email tburgearthday@gmail.com. DOG CENSUS As required by law, we are beginning a town-wide dog census. In the first phase, we are trying to get as many folks as possible to respond on-line. This will help cut down on mailing costs. Please respond at Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 4/21/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 2 of 5 5/25/2023, 2:39 PM https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9. If you have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with rabies/spay informaƟon. Any dogs found to be unlicensed as of June 2, 2023 will be assessed a $25 census fee in addiƟon to the usual licensing fees. For informaƟon, visit https://townofulyssesny.gov/departments/dept-clerk/clerk-dog-control/ ULYSSES PHILOMATHIC LIBRARY EVENTS: Spring Book Sale- April 26-30 The library’s Spring Book Sale will take place April 26-30 at the library, located at 74 E. Main St. in Trumansburg. Member Night, from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, will kick off the sale, welcoming current and new members. People who are not currently members can join that night and parƟcipate. The sale fully opens to the public from 8:30am to 5pm on Thursday, April 27, and Friday, April 28. Over the weekend, 10am to 4pm on Saturday, April 29, and 10am to 2pm on Sunday, April 30, the sale will be name-your- price style, allowing shoppers to pay what they choose. For more informaƟon, any quesƟons, or to volunteer, visit trumansburglibrary.org, facebook.com/ ulyssesphilomathiclibrary, or email Trustee Rob Montana at rmontana@trumansburglibrary.org. WriƟng workshop Jumpstart your CreaƟvity! Will run on Tuesdays May 2nd, 9th, and 16th from 11:30am – 1pm. Ready to start a new creaƟve project? Have a story idea but need help geƫng going? Trumansburg author Rebecca Barry will help you find your creaƟve spark in this three-session wriƟng workshop series. ParƟcipants will work on wriƟng prompts to spark creaƟvity and begin developing pieces of wriƟng in any genre. No wriƟng experience is necessary. RegistraƟon required – please call 607-387-5623. Childcare is available for people aƩending the program. FLOOD RISK AND INSURANCE Q & A Community members are invited to connect with local officials, FEMA, and New York Department of Environmental ConservaƟon (NYSDEC) representaƟves one-on-one to discuss updated flood maps and what it means for you and your property, including ·The purpose and benefit of the mapping project, and its Ɵmeline. ·What the flood hazard zones on the new maps are, and what they mean. ·Local flood risks, and the resources that are available from the state, FEMA, and other partners to reduce risk. ·How map changes will affect the requirements for insurance and building. ·The importance of flood insurance and how to obtain a policy. ·The appeal and comment process. ·The benefits of miƟgaƟon, as well as the cost and consequences of not acƟng. ·What the local municipality, county, and state are doing to miƟgate flood risk. ·Where to go for updates and more informaƟon. Bring your flood insurance declaraƟon page (if you have it) and DROP IN anyƟme between 4:30-8:30pm to one of the following meeƟngs: ·Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at Ithaca High School Cafeteria- 1401 North Cayuga Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 4/21/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 3 of 5 5/25/2023, 2:39 PM ·Thursday, April 27,2023, Tompkins County Whole Health Building- 55 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 Link to Tompkins County’s map here to view your property. TOMPKINS CO. TRANSPORTATION NEEDS SURVEY - RAFFLE PRIZE ENTRY FOR PARTICIPATING The Tompkins County TransportaƟon Equity CoaliƟon is conducƟng a survey to understand your transportaƟon needs and experiences and learn what changes might help you. Results of the survey will be presented and made available to the public by the end of the summer. Those compleƟng the survey can choose to be entered into a raffle for prizes including one of the following: TCAT pass, Ithaca Bikeshare credits, Ithaca Carshare membership and credits, $100 Wegmans giŌ card, or $100 Amazon giŌ card. ParƟcipaƟon is voluntary and all informaƟon will be kept confidenƟal. The survey will be open unƟl April 30th and should take 15-20 minutes. To access the survey, visit tinyurl.com/transpotompkins For quesƟons, or to request a paper or translated copy (Chinese or Spanish) contact Norma GuƟerrez at Cornell CooperaƟve Extension at ng32@cornell.edu or 607-272-2292 ext 162. MAGIC AND MARIONETTES The Ulysses Historical Society and Encore Players Community Theatre will present MAGIC AND MARIONETTES at the Ulysses Historical Society at 39 South St., Trumansburg on Friday, April 28 at 7pm; Saturday, April 29 at 2pm and 7pm; and Sunday, April 30 at 2pm. The marioneƩes will present an original play Ɵtled “Jack and his Friends” by Ashley Manning, directed by Andy Weintraub. WriƩen for kids AND adults, this will be sure to please everyone. The event is free but donaƟons are gratefully accepted. BOARD & COMMITTEE OPPORTUNITIES: The town is sƟll seeking volunteers for the following vacancies. Link here for more informaƟon. ·Comprehensive Plan Update CommiƩee ·Ag CommiƩee ·Planning Board ·Board of Zoning Appeals ### If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit https://groups.google.com/g/town-of-ulysses -- Best, Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk) Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 (607)387-5767, ext. 221 Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment) https://townofulyssesny.gov/ Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 4/21/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 4 of 5 5/25/2023, 2:39 PM Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here. Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 4/21/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 5 of 5 5/25/2023, 2:39 PM