HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-14 enewsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>
Ulysses Updates for 4/14/23
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Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com> Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 2:47 PM
To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com>
Hello Ulysses,
See updates for this week below.
Comprehensive Plan Steering CommiƩee Mtg.
Public Hearings
Community forum on Local Environmental Resources
Earth Care Day
Dog Census
Burn Ban through May 14
New Flood Maps & Insurance Q&A
Hunter EducaƟon, Turkey Season, Woodcock MaƟng
Get Involved- Board & CommiƩee OpportuniƟes
AŌer Words by Town Historian
The CPSC will conduct its first meeƟng on Monday April 17 at Town Hall starƟng at 5:00 PM and will be
held via Zoom. Please see the town’s events calendar for more informaƟon.
Board of Zoning Appeals- 4/19 at 7pm
The Ulysses Board of Zoning Appeals will hold three public hearings on Wednesday April 19, 2023 at 7pm
on the applicaƟons below. The public may join either meeƟng below in person at 10 Elm St.,
Trumansburg NY 14886 or via Zoom video conference at https://zoom.us/j/96162758850 or +1 646 876
9923 US (New York). All applicaƟons are available for inspecƟon at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg or online.
1. ApplicaƟon for an area variance to construct a new tram system within required yard and buffer
Applicant: Shawn Ritchie, FLX Tram
Project LocaƟon: 1375 Taughannock Blvd
Project File Number: VAR2301-001
2. ApplicaƟon for an interpretaƟon/area variance of a minor subdivision in the A/R zone where the
exisƟng lot has 350' of road frontage and the currant minimum width is 400'.
Applicant: Marc and Sharon Magnus-Sharpe
Project LocaƟon: 5221 Cold Springs Road
Project File Number: VAR2303-001
3. ApplicaƟon for two area variances (principal building limitaƟon and maximum floor area) to
construct a new two-story detached building, approximately 13,385 gross square feet, for use as a 25
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bed facility associated with the exisƟng Cayuga AddicƟon Recovery Services building on the subject site.
Applicant: Ithaca Alpha House Center, Inc.
Project LocaƟon: 6621 Route 227
Project File Number: VAR2303-002
The Town strives to provide accommodaƟons for individuals with disabiliƟes. Please contact our office at
least two days prior to the scheduled event if accommodaƟons are needed.
Comments on the applicaƟons are solicited and all interested parƟes or their representaƟves will be
afforded an opportunity to submit wriƩen and/or oral comments during the hearing. WriƩen comments
may be sent in advance to the Town Planner at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg NY 14886 or via email to
mailto:planner@townofulyssesny.gov by 5pm on the date of the hearing.
Town Board- 4/25 at 7pm
The Ulysses Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 7pm for the purpose of
receiving comments on a local law “AMENDING CHAPTER 36 OF THE TOWN CODE TO ADD A
at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg NY 14886.
Members of the public may join in person or remotely via Zoom videoconference at https://zoom.us
/j/183862745 or +16465588656,,183862745#.
Please take further noƟce that at the aforemenƟoned Ɵme and place, all interested residents (or their
agents/representaƟves) will be afforded an opportunity to submit wriƩen and/or oral comments.
Comments may also be sent in advance to the Town Clerk at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg NY 14886 or via
e-mail to clerk@townofulyssesny.gov by 9am on April 25, 2023.
The 4th Trumansburg Community Forum will be held on April 18th at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall of First
Presbyterian Church, 69 East Main St., Trumansburg. InformaƟon will be shared about the environmental
acƟviƟes of several commiƩees in the town and village: ConservaƟon and Sustainability Advisory
CommiƩee, Habitat Nature Preserve, Tree Advisory Council, the Village Tree Commission, and the
relaƟvely new Bee CommiƩee.
The main event of the forum will be a presentaƟon on how we can make Trumansburg a more pollinator-
friendly community. For more informaƟon, contact Marvin PriƩs at mpp3@cornell.edu.
Several events are planned to celebrate Earth Day on Sat., April 22 (rain date April 29) at the
Trumansburg Farmers Market area:
·9am-1pm: Trash pick-up- Start your adventure at the Farmers Market - get gloves, grabbers,
bags, and vests - materials provided. Get a stretch of road to clean up. Return your trash to the
Farmers' Market area and then join in Earth Care Day!
·Sit in a variety of Electric Vehicles and talk to real owners.
·Learn about waste reducƟon, composƟng, home energy upgrades, inducƟon cooking, arbor
day and supporƟng pollinators.
·Paint or take your own yard sign in support or no-mow or low-mow May (what's that? come
find out!)
·11am- 1pm: Luna Food Truck will sell food using reusable dishes from Dish Truck. Enjoy your
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lunch with music from Lloyd and Valerie Graves, Paul MarƟn, and Rosie Newton.
To volunteer or get more informaƟon, email tburgearthday@gmail.com.
As required by law, we are beginning a town-wide dog census. In the first phase, we are trying to get as
many folks as possible to respond on-line. This will help cut down on mailing costs. Please respond at
If you have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at
https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with
rabies/spay informaƟon.
Any dogs found to be unlicensed as of June 2, 2023 will be assessed a $25 census fee in addiƟon to the
usual licensing fees.
For informaƟon, visit https://townofulyssesny.gov/departments/dept-clerk/clerk-dog-control/
The annual statewide ban prohibiƟng residenƟal brush burning is in effect through May 14. Since 2009,
DEC has enforced the annual brush burning ban to prevent wildfires and reduce air polluƟon.
Even though some areas of the state remain blanketed in snow, warming temperatures can quickly cause
wildfire condiƟons to arise. Open burning of debris is the single-largest cause of spring wildfires in New
York State. When temperatures warm and the past fall's debris and leaves dry out, wildfires can start and
spread easily, further fueled by winds and a lack of green vegetaƟon. Each year, DEC Forest Rangers
exƟnguish dozens of wildfires that burn hundreds of acres.
In addiƟon, local fire departments, many of which are staffed by volunteers, all too oŌen have to leave
their jobs and families to respond to wildfires caused by illegal debris fires. DEC will post the Fire
Danger Map for the 2023 fire season on DEC's website once there is a moderate risk anywhere in New
PERMITTED FIRES during the ban:
·Backyard fire pits and campfires less than three feet in height and four feet in length, width,
or diameter
·small cooking fires
Only charcoal or dry, clean, untreated, or unpainted wood can be burned. People should never leave
these fires unaƩended and must exƟnguish them. Burning garbage or leaves is prohibited year-round in
New York State. For more informaƟon about fire safety and prevenƟon, go to DEC's FIREWISE New
York webpage.
Forest Rangers, DEC Environmental ConservaƟon Police Officers (ECOs), and local authoriƟes enforce the
burn ban. Violators of the State's open burning regulaƟon are subject to criminal and civil enforcement
acƟons, with a minimum fine of $500 for a first offense. For search and rescue, reporƟng a wildfire or
illegal acƟvity on state lands and easements, call 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1-833-697-7264). To report
environmental law violaƟons, call 1-844-DEC-ECOs (1-844-332-3267).
Community members are invited to connect with local officials, FEMA, and New York State Department
of Environmental ConservaƟon (NYSDEC) representaƟves one-on-one to discuss updated flood maps and
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what it means for you and your property, including
·The purpose and benefit of the mapping project, and its Ɵmeline.
·What the flood hazard zones on the new maps are, and what they mean.
·Local flood risks, and the resources that are available from the state, FEMA, and other
partners to reduce risk.
·How map changes will affect the requirements for insurance and building.
·The importance of flood insurance and how to obtain a policy.
·The appeal and comment process.
·The benefits of miƟgaƟon, as well as the cost and consequences of not acƟng.
·What the local municipality, county, and state are doing to miƟgate flood risk.
·Where to go for updates and more informaƟon.
Bring your flood insurance declaraƟon page (if you have it) and DROP IN anyƟme between 4:30-8:30pm
to one of the following meeƟngs:
·Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at Ithaca High School Cafeteria- 1401 North Cayuga Street Ithaca,
NY 14850
·Thursday, April 27,2023, Tompkins County Whole Health Building- 55 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY
Link here for more informaƟon.
In-Person Hunter EducaƟon Program Courses Now Available
Turkey season starts on May 1. All first-Ɵme hunters planning to go afield this year must first complete a
mandatory hunter educaƟon course before they can purchase a hunƟng license. In-person, instructor-led
cerƟficaƟon courses for hunter educaƟon, bowhunter educaƟon, and trapper educaƟon are being
offered throughout NYS. Courses fill quickly, so do not delay in registering for a course. All courses are
free of charge. To locate a course near you, visit DEC's website.
2023 Youth Turkey Season
New York State offers several youth hunƟng opportuniƟes to allow young hunters Ɵme afield with
experienced adult hunters outside of the regular hunƟng seasons. As a result, they gain the necessary
knowledge and skills to become safe and responsible members of the hunƟng community. This spring,
the youth turkey hunt is April 22rd and 23th.
If you’re an experienced, licensed hunter, please consider taking a youth out! The youth season is open
throughout upstate New York.
Other details of the youth turkey hunƟng weekend are as follows:
·Youth 12, 13, 14, or 15 years of age, holding a hunƟng license and a turkey permit are eligible.
·All youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult, as required by law for a junior hunter.
o Youth 12 or 13 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or person
over 21 years of age, with wriƩen permission from their parent or legal guardian.
o Youth 14 or 15 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or person
over 18 years of age, with wriƩen permission from their parent or legal guardian.
o The accompanying adult must have a current hunƟng license and turkey permit. S/he
may assist the youth hunter (including calling), but may not carry a firearm, bow or
crossbow, or kill or aƩempt to kill a wild turkey during the youth hunt. Crossbows may not
be used by licensees who are under 14 years of age.
·The youth turkey hunt is open in all of upstate New York (north of the Bronx-Westchester
County boundary) and Suffolk County.
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·ShooƟng hours are from 1/2-hour before sunrise to noon.
·The bag limit for the youth hunt is one bearded bird. This bird becomes part of the youth's
regular season bag limit of two bearded birds. A second bird may be taken beginning May 1st.
·All other wild turkey hunƟng regulaƟons remain in effect.
What’s that sound? Woodcock MaƟng Season
Have you been outside at dusk lately near an open field or scrub brush area? Have you been startled by
a loud PEENT sound followed by twiƩering sound? What you’re likely hearing is a courtship display of a
male American woodcock trying to aƩract a mate. Woodcock are a common ground nesƟng bird found
throughout New York State. Over the past 70 years, woodcock numbers have declined throughout their
range in Eastern North America. NYSDEC and SUNY Brockport are partners in much larger collaboraƟve
research project being led by the University of Maine to understand migration chronology and
habitat use. This spring, DEC biologists and SUNY Brockport researchers will be in the field capturing
woodcock to aƩach transmiƩers on females to learn more about habitat needs. The hope is to develop a
modeling tool so landowners and land managers can prioriƟze areas for woodcock habitat management
that will have the greatest likely impact on populaƟons.
The town is sƟll seeking volunteers for the following vacancies. Link here for more informaƟon.
·Comprehensive Plan Update CommiƩee
·Ag CommiƩee
·Planning Board
·Board of Zoning Appeals
If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit
Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk)
Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg NY 14886
(607)387-5767, ext. 221
Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment)
Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here.
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