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Planning Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5
October 17, 2023
Planning Board
Zoom Hybrid Meeting
Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2023
Approved: November 7, 2023
Board Members Present: Chair Pete Angie, Linda Liddle, Bart Gragg, Karl Klankowski, Mo Klein, Rebecca
Quorum Present
Applicants Present: Erik Whitney, Devon Van Noble, Cheryl Thompson, Jeff Fredrickson, Tom Palmer
Town Board Members Present: Rich Goldman
Town Staff Present: Niels Tygesen, Mollie Duell
Members of the Public Present: Brian Crandall
Chair Pete Angie called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.
Approval of Agenda
Schneider added an item to the agenda, discussing limits on the subdivision of parent tracts in the
Lakeshore and Conservation Zones.
Motion: Klein made a motion to approve the amended agenda; Liddle seconded.
Vote: Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
Approval of Past Minutes
Motion: Klein made a motion to approve the October 3 Planning Board meeting minutes as written;
Liddle seconded.
Vote: Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Gragg, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
Privilege of the Floor
No members of the public addressed the Board pertaining to items not on the agenda.
Old Business Items
MNSUB2308-02: Gales 2 Lot Land Division, Final Plat Review, Public Hearing
The applicant, Kim Gales, on behalf of the property owners, Patricia Chaffie and Robin Woodard, applied
for a minor subdivision for the subject site to subdivide the existing 8.06 acre lot into two lots; ‘Parcel A’,
approximately 1.43 acres, and ‘Parcel B’, approximately 6.63 acres. The R zone requires a minimum lot
area of 32,000sf for areas where public water or sewer service is available, 200 feet of lot depth, and
160 feet of lot width at the front property line per the Code of the Town of Ulysses (CTU) 212-40. Flag
lots are permitted are permitted in the R zone per CTU 212-40.M subject to the standards listed in CTU
212-130. The ‘flag’ portion of the flag lot is required to comply with the lot dimensional requirements of
the R zone, and the ‘pole’ portion of the flag lot is required to have a minimum width of 50 feet and a
minimum length of 100 feet.
Erik Whitney, a friend of Gales, noted the family intends to build a new home to live as neighbors when
the subdivision is complete.
Motion: Schneider made a motion to open the public hearing; Liddle seconded.
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Vote: Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
No members of the public offered comments on the proposed subdivision.
The Planning Board assessed SEQR review.
Motion: Schneider made a motion to approve Planning Board Resolution 2023-021, Resolution of SEQR
Determination for the Gales 2 Lot Land Division Located at 40XX Jacksonville Road, Town of Ulysses, Tax
Parcel 26.-3-11.3; Liddle seconded.
Vote: Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
Motion: Liddle made a motion to close the public hearing; Schneider seconded.
Vote: Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
Motion: Liddle made a motion to approve Planning Board Resolution 2023-022, A Resolution of Final
Subdivision Approval of the Gales 2 Lot Land Division Located at 40XX Jacksonville Road, Town of
Ulysses, Tax Parcel 26.-3-11.3; Klein seconded.
Vote: Gragg, aye; Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
New Business Items
SPR2309-01: DD3 Van Noble Smokehouse Project, Sketch Plan/Sketch Plat Review
Devon Van Noble proposes to construct a new building approximately in the same footprint as the
existing building located on-site for use as a restaurant. The development standards for the subject site’s
zoning, DD3, created May 8, 1979, is listed in the Code of the Town of Ulysses (CTU) 212-118.C, and
permits restaurant uses. The applicant has also proposed a minor subdivision to create a new lot,
approximately 2.9 acres, and retain an existing mobile home on the new lot. Portions of the site are
impacted by a perennial stream and its associated buffer, local wetlands and their associated buffers,
and is within a FEMA designated flood zone.
Devon Van Noble described the operations of his farm, Van Noble Farm, launched in 2012 and located in
the Town of Enfield.
Van Noble noted that the farm has worked with The Piggery in Ithaca and currently maintains a catering
operation, with customers spreading from Canandaigua to Syracuse, and into Pennsylvania.
Van Noble described the intentions and growth goals for his company by acquiring Development District
3, which was historically a bar; a mobile home is also on the property.
Van Noble showed the architectural plans for the proposed structure, which would consist of a fully
functioning meat processing operation and a retail space open to the public. The facility would serve all
operations of the company.
Van Noble stated that a small-scale food service was planned within the retail space, with hopes to grow
into a 5 day a week operation in the future.
Liddle asked what would be decided by the Board of Health versus the Planning Board.
Van Noble stated that the company currently has a food service establishment permit from the
Department of Health, because 50% or more gross revenue is from hot food sales; if more than 50% of
revenue came from packaged products, the permit would be from Ag and Markets. Van Noble noted the
long term goal of the company is to become a USDA licensed processor.
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October 17, 2023
Cheryl Thompson, architect for the proposal, noted no slaughtering will take place at the site.
Van Noble briefly explained the processing timeline, which does not include slaughtering. Carcasses
would be delivered at the proposed building after being slaughtered at a facility in Penn Yan.
The Board discussed the proposal and what involvement will be needed from the Town Board.
Van Noble agreed that the future goals of the business will differ significantly from the past use on the
Chair Angie stated that it sounds like the Town Board will need to review the application due to the size
of the operation.
Van Noble added that developing an outdoor entertainment program is also under consideration.
Van Noble explained that there would not be a mobile home on the site in the future, and this piece of
the parcel is planned to be subdivided.
Schneider asked for details about stormwater plans.
Van Noble asked if an engineered stormwater plan would be required; Schneider responded it was
important to know if enough space would be available to develop a stormwater plan, but a finalized plan
would not be required yet.
Chair Angie asked about parking, noting a tent accommodating event guests may require additional
Van Noble stated that he believes there will be enough space for parking and described the rough
location where parking is currently proposed; additionally, some overflow parking plans are under
Chair Angie reminded Van Noble to verify that stream buffers are not being impacted.
Van Noble asked if permission could be granted from New York State to allow parking in the right of
Schneider said she is not sure if this has been done before.
Van Noble responded that parking would be further considered and a precise number of needed spaces
will be determined.
Chair Angie noted the county has not yet returned comments for the 239 review and described some
examples of feedback that may be provided, such as lighting limitations.
Discussion ensued about the appearance of the architecture of the building.
Discussion ensued about the details of what occurs in production.
Schneider asked how waste would be dealt with.
Van Noble described the challenges of waste management, adding that a professional company will not
remove their waste since their operation is too small.
Klein noted wildlife would be interested in animal waste in dumpsters.
Van Noble stated that the dumpsters would be emptied frequently to avoid issues.
Goldman noted that because the zone is a Development District, the Town Board will need to be
involved, but suggested that the proposal would soon return to the Planning Board when review of
specific issues is needed.
Chair Angie asked about trucks accessing the site.
Van Noble explained that produce is delivered 2-3 times in the busy season, and a truck comes once a
month for pigs.
Klein noted that the tractor trailers will need to be able to pull into the parking lot before backing into
the loading docks; New York State does not allow trucks to back in directly off of Route 96.
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Liddle noted that utilizing the existing building meets the goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
Schneider asked about the FEMA flood zone on the site in comparison with the proposed development
The Board reviewed the flood maps with Van Noble and Thompson.
Gragg asked if the retail store would include a restaurant.
Van Noble replied that the food service and retail operation would be operating in the same space.
The Board discussed landscaping with Van Noble and Thompson.
Klein suggested Van Noble should review CTU 212-121 when considering parking designs.
Motion: Klein made a motion to send the proposal to the Town Board for a zoning amendment that
would include restaurant, butchering, catering, events, and retail in development district 3; Liddle
Vote: Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Gragg, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
Van Noble asked what effect subdividing would have on the divided parcel’s zone.
Tygesen stated that it is unclear, but the Town Board could make a direction that the newly subdivided
lot return to the AR zone.
Schneider asked if creating a residential lot directly next door would be ideal, noting the operations of
the business could be disturbing.
Van Noble replied that the existing residential structure is distant from where the business would be,
and added that family would probably live here.
Motion: Klein made a motion to send the proposed subdivision to the Town Board for rezoning to the
AR Zone; Gragg seconded.
Vote: Klein, aye; Liddle, aye; Schneider, aye; Gragg, aye; Chair Angie, aye.
Motion Carried.
Goldman, Tygesen, and the Planning Board briefly discussed the roles and responsibilities of the
Planning Board and the Town Board when considering the proposal within the development district.
SPR2310-01: Palmer Garage, Sketch Plan Review
The applicant, Jeff Fredrickson, on behalf of the owner, Tom Palmer, proposes to construct a new 576sf
detached accessory building for use as a garage. Per the Code of the Town of Ulysses CTU 212-43,
accessory buildings associated with single-family residences are permitted in the LS zone, but require
site plan review when within a slope overlay area, pursuant to the provisions listed under CTU 212-19.
Jeff Fredrickson of Crown Construction shared pictures of the site where the garage is proposed to be
Liddle noted that she visited the site and could see that the area of the slope where the garage would be
built is relatively flat.
Fredrickson described the site, noting there is only grass in the space where the garage is proposed to
be built.
Fredrickson described the stormwater plans, which include drainage being directed toward the existing
ditch near the site.
Schneider noted it appears that small number of trees have been removed and asked if more removal
was planned; Fredrickson replied no.