HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979COLLECTOR�"S­-:* Rlz,* N srAtE. OF, NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS) 14. T(> - Mirilyn E. Ough 'Myssee COLLECTOR OF TAkES OF THE TOWN,OF ...7 RWEraz,oF TAxEs IN SAID COUNTY -303,161.'16: l6vied on thq tax ;�oi, hereto aiinexed, You are liereb� charged with the total amount of $ Tpril'l 80 and are authorized and direded to collect, not later ' thin- fiaim from the j . several rsons and corporations therein . nan�ed, the amounts. listed opposite their. resped.tive W� igether with any interest thereon prescribed by law. tyrfirst daj of, jdi�uary,, is You are authorized to enforce the collection of any f#4 rpilmaining-unpaid after the thir provided in, Section 928 of the Real . Property Tax Law., and - ng this shall be- youi Wirkant-'., 'than one week filo�m the�*te exprati6n of Warrant Or You are diredted to pay taxes' collected.. ncit later purz�iit to Section.&7(1) of. the Town 1�� as foU0'w'k:_.._ .13.7"b-38.00 TO THE SUPERVIS94 V T0 TO C0MMI§SI6NER OF. -BUDGET AND'.AbilINIftRATION -�§5,223. 76 F THE BALANCE OF TAX.S COLLECTED ti the Cotifity p_ this Given under our hands d the seal of the B6ard -of 1�6presefita ves bf,, of-Toin "clay of. December, 19 Chaiirmin, Board of Representatives __*resentatives un Board of q. hr V - jis r z _'T D::G.'E B Uly s'ei .9- 80": Town of s _X T _T 'AIDI-THI: COUNTY CO,%L%1ISSIONER O.F.- Tb BE P"' 'BE PAID THE OWN SUPERVISOR BUDGET- AgD.-ADMINISTRATION X, -:,tODE FUND AMOUN Inside .50 A '2S.;416;.00 County" -Geneiral-" . : '. - Aa Gener.aj:-;i and 11ij--1iway--:Tax-_' 75-,861.63' -.196 1,11 f. -0 General utside Vil,4ge . . . . . I lighwa Compens tuon ints; Vt em;.. -I 2k; 486. 00 200.6 1 -kepairt and' Im�Tovemq 77. 50:- -�:_DR Insurance -.4- B Bi I d"' -I-t em II) ..J Ais--..00 D --i ges. Election M Seg.: -32- 9 1-5 a-00. K, 12 aci ry 6.61- -00 -(Item- IV)-. "14-550; Dk M'-'] _fMe'ier AI tem -and'Misce-llane'ou DS Snow s m am, jxc Less: 12,.000.00 Sales:Tax :to Reduci -894"50- DE. Imprqve ent 0.00" evy Count� __61 76,291. 20-j349.94 - Special bi str'i cits.- Adjusted-,,.Net.County '96,647.;55 .. I 19;671.00 19.671 .Tax Fi�e"Prbte 01f M Sale- Tai,Credit to S R Reduce Town Tax %Levy--.-' 0.00 0.00 Special.Grade Crossing' Llevy-'s"" r e a a o a e a. M. X t 284.57 - Exceis '6TXV&1tX*AMXV- z -64 e.. Returfied S.chool Tax 68091 -n. TOTA .TOTAL .165,993'. 76 Z _7 7 0 fzj !-gg -AL Mr AS TOT. 303-761.76