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TOWN'\\OF COVERT 7.1 14 1 96 �60 SENEGA; COU F- 3 10 ti 13 O� 114 22 Jam' i i� �X 23 36 1 i 21 147 14 13 17 24 35 17 'S?0,9 O 20 1 I � 1 25 X96 1 l 3 a loo) Wee 27 Q� 9 j 140 14 i i� i� 14 _ T D A 32 34 �.. 96 ..,..� 33 89 00 1 z 11 2 ` % EXTITHACA,� E ENFIEL . %� TO_ N OF22TOW� .,. 11 � 23 .,.., — 11 24 1:18000 N TAX MAP 11 � i 800 0 800 1,600 Feet TOWN OF ULYSSES 11 W E I 200 0 200 400 Meters TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY APPROVED BY 11 S 1 in Represents 1500 Feet NEW YORK STATE II (when Plotted on Arch D Media) 1 New York State Plane OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES At 11 "x 17" (47%) Approx. Scale is 1:38300 Central Projection _ (One Inch Represents Approx. 3200 Feet) 1983 North American Datum CASE NO 2013 �� y II � MAP REVISED: 1 -July -2011 DATE 11/04/1999 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR II MAP PRINTED: 1 -July -2011 Copyright (c) 2000 by Tompkins County. Resale of redistribution is strictly prohibited. TOWN OF COVERT EAST 11 r .J 7 4bNLO 1 SENECA SENEGA EAST N ST SUNRISE O Cn BRIDGE Z - TERRACE m Z N G) STREE JI cmi> N Mqi m� \ S,� A I�' � � \�\ McLALLEN STREETm � � CAYUGA $- 1 �zC � _ MYSP 6B� A ST �FFT �- W O W HALSEY STREET Q 12 PRACK 9E LARCHMONT LANE COUNT STREET CO J SCHO O Cn --q X M M co 0 QQ SENECA CAyVG A S /--T e+- BEET F— W W C0 13 5�� (D z S�FZ r v -0'i M M FALLS ST '1 12 UGHANNOCK FALLS STATE PARK 13 1:4800 200 0 200 400 Feet 50 0 50 100 Meters I in Represents 400 Feet (When Plotted on Arch D Media) At 11 "x 17" (47%) Approx. Scale is 1:10200 (One Inch Represents Approx. 850 Feet) N W E S New York State Plane Central Projection 1983 North American Datum MAP REVISED: I -July -2011 MAP PRINTED: I -July -2011 I_ _4 TU MEAN VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY APPROVED BY NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES CASE NO 2013,'q_ DATE 11/04/1999 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Copyright (c) 2000 by Tompkins County. Resale of redistribution is strictly prohibited. I J 13 1:4800 200 0 200 400 Feet 50 0 50 100 Meters I in Represents 400 Feet (When Plotted on Arch D Media) At 11 "x 17" (47%) Approx. Scale is 1:10200 (One Inch Represents Approx. 850 Feet) N W E S New York State Plane Central Projection 1983 North American Datum MAP REVISED: I -July -2011 MAP PRINTED: I -July -2011 I_ _4 TU MEAN VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY APPROVED BY NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES CASE NO 2013,'q_ DATE 11/04/1999 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Copyright (c) 2000 by Tompkins County. Resale of redistribution is strictly prohibited. _ _ _ROAD= _ ,- ---- -- - -_ sT. - .-� k xx---_--�--- f -- ----_' _ _�__-----._=__TOWN ---- OF= COVF�RT= -- - + Roan - - - _ - - CDUNT_Y- - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - 7II✓I �C�- TL�MANSBU(�. - - -_..�.�..>s.>s.�.�.�a.�.�.>s.�.>s.�.�,;,�.>_,>�.�.�.�.�...,�...�. . EAST -_ - - - -= - _a ----- _ --- _---- 241s ��.:.�..�..:.::.- - - - _ - _ - - 100 s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - - ;.�, r _� , •:.:.:.�. s• - - - - - - ' - - - - 77 s r s 101.61 "----_------- ---- 225 122s 104.92® 103.84 r� - C = 238 s = 247 s 151 s i+ o DISTRICT i -�.f II 4 'o �t_ ° ULYSSES T MPKINS LIRE COUNTY _®I W w ��� ,� 9 N v A 5 2 0 6 f co �j I 1 N � � � N cn a � J 12 4:222], I �, rn s 103.90 N a 1.13 Ac 1.21 Ac C 0 2 'o , k 1z2 - 2 7 1.20AcC 0 8 238 s l w a 68 N �� 20 19.1 N 5 116 s ° p 88.4 / _ , 1 N i ' .18 Ac 8 =� 0.c s N 1.01 Ac C co i `} 10 til s 248 1.12 149S O \ I ' o 132 s11 � 477.10 5` a T 125.60 '. Lo 02 s w a z 7.1 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. o w 20 s. 57 % 1,53, 19.32 N 9 88.0 57 m 33 s 200S a 0 22868 w 55S - N o. d rn 87 s _ 1 z " 7 _ N kCO276 19.2 e 133s 12 11 s l `9v 19.23 �� 3 d 186.98 d 106.93 5 'I - r.. - _ ;19 0 - 2.57 Ac _ N fw a s 81 1 4 3 08 d 81 - 13 I I ^� A ,5 69 15 rn 4 -- 8 C 1.25 Ac ,Q l - 1 9 s ' 9� 16 N �, 101 s STREET 19.21 k k ='� w - ° - ? 6,I mI �I - 88. _ 438.25 co 'e 18 a -, °I �; 122S a, a. I I i `- _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ = 236 s O k 1 N I I ---J 132 s -" _ N i ep e 1 Y-��ti 100S 99 S _ _ = 99 s N o� 4 ti 19.22 .� 88 s STROWBR s~ e 107 s _ = B4.93 19.24 2y3 s oo = _ _ - _ _ _ _ ' = 113 s I`-- 37 s I 2 3.13 Ac '- _ _ 106 s - -`; 5 _ n-. L ^tir404 f' 170 S I 'I I l 9 4-1= J N 700 '`k k .ay .s' l p� N I CO\0� 6 N N W\co5 % l L A n y4 s N k k - -�2 N" °' 236 s _ � 2 rn .c 'n -� m O 3 P. w m 14 ° 5 I co I-� 4 ° ._.10 ,�.,,q.4 ',c �s. Imo, ° �o 7 r Ll -, 236 s ___ s ^�� °?�'° 1� 274 S { 5 - 96.88 c 107 s co 9y 1 k; % w - _ - `ti 195 -BB w8 11 ' s °� � 22 00l ryo f`� Ao 6 a 1 = 114.58 77s �_J . l° 1 .1 28.74 rn 243S 5 �o y p 2p0 $� 4 co °S f}} N , = ,5 ti 1.25 Ac C N 12 ° - .. ✓ r+ 312 5 ` c9 �'l - ,s 21 'Lo3 �'I o �', 't (f i T_ 16 " µ 18.22 -, 17 ° 'O0s l a a y 1.24 Ac 4 240 S `a m 5.05 - 7m -i 1.02 Ac C Zj 64.50 4 5 e A 'a �2C ° QST _ 99s C I �CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH ti �° 205.95 ! N 5, O �\ 13 L-Tz-��I ti N \20 a ® A 3135-_. k �� 18.21 5 s 'COcn � .r 15 _ rn 140.99 5J T 1 6 �� 240 s 8 t 1 7 '� 213 s N 39 03 -5 158 I �,I w 5 Nc22.2 I 4 14 _ �ti n } a N s a l lv 5 11. 1- I cn 1 �N 1 19 ,q °s , ti ll O yds 10 } kk ago 5.: 36 665 60.2° _ 1 $ s N 50 = _ _ _ _ - 139 sr-nL _ 7 11a 0$ S ' 125s - Y 4, 13 5. - _ = 126 s - CA I ® 26 1.01 ACC 11 oN `, 172 2SENE _ _ - _ " = 1 s 86 s II=,II CALVARY , = 8 ° BAPTIST - _ _ _ _ - _ 141 S y4 inti CHURCH = n 5 ` O S VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 132s r 186 s 1.2 N �, 4 TR s N o 3 N a,4s `' N 83 S 4 O + `a 70 s I o'y k a 160s 90s 15 � 38S 48S 5 k 12 86.94 I 85 s li I 10 - - - CALVARY �T 'a -J e J BAPTIST 6HURCi,H IL�J 5 }a. N LO -- 6 w 12 11 �- 3 = r'w CO N W 7 �Q] n cos N l W 9 ) _9� N N L 0 k I F-7ILJ I- `I II I 51 Lj O - l 102 s 89 s 87 85 s 84 s 79s 88s 80s �LALL�_N---SIF3EET_------_------.. O + 163s 80s 100s 162s 128s ° VILLAGE OF ., N fi ANSBUR -- °' I ' 2 y L 0/ 'S's ry 3 N s 1 106.5 1.16AcC 6 . 7,2 � 6 O s CO O 5 � 'A ° 229, 7 ° 121.11 \ cCOo l- ° O NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) �' -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number \ Curb/Pavement Line Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Railroad Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Hydrography �'`���;' A/ Current Current Year Changes Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Special District � Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage • 18.50 AcG Grouped Total Acreage p (Total) g Municipality External Tax Map 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 Feet North z MAP: 1 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 • S€ EASGQ.f� •_•_.� _• _ __•-_-_------_ ��� -_ ---- _ AI€GPS 519s ---_---_ -- ------ --_ -- 150s 100s 100 I 100 100 OF TRUMANSBURG 205 COUNTY VILLAGE s TOMPKINS 55 ul1 2.7 I ! 2.8 i1Ln II 2.5 :-A2.4 I N i N \ 1 5 100 100 100 co �_/' 6 5 130 s 4 120.3 109.1 3 133 8 0 4 c 4.53 Ac C ' I 1.24 Ac C `� I 5 W I1 .111 N _U o 'S � oo W I'S 131.4 N ' O %r 5, -J-�,I v I U IN 93 s M 0 2.141 w 109.7 5 C7 5 4 119.9 co ' -1 TERRACE 103S 510 s i - 764.2s - - 99S I f- - - 1085 1065 rn I 161 5 co 5 , co I �° 2.12 y I 75 5 w-�-'I 7.1 176S i^ -,I 5 z- N I I 1.23 Ac C a 2.93 Ac I Y= = 49 S i I ! I 5 � I = 7-� 2.13 N + = X202 5111 1_-I I --II 5 162.78 m _ m 762.4 d 146 3 4 4 4 L, 2.2 _ 5 P I c" O I� 5 " L 48.11 _�-� + ' 178 s 1061 s � I i1 7-1 5 162.52 102s 7. �3 0) 1 203.89 � 13.1. 'S I - Iv . 13.2 W 255 7 I 1 46 63 N f 145.02 oL I 205.71 W , W +, 231 s n5 12 N 55 0 '0 7. I4 N 'I 5.1 w 27 2 I 258 5 1.52 Ac 26.2 N 3 W W t 5 N i 6.25 Ac C 144 1 Ln co 2 _ _ 236 s o 7 2� N I 261 S W 6 N - _ W A I� 'I rn c5+ f ' 4 = „+ 22.5 54 0-_� 25 N 3 l- 4 I 10 I Go �_+ J co143 s 1 51 of--- 87S '�ti�- m 5 5 237S 646 s _ °! - I 187 5Lo ; 5° 5 ° 378s V i i 5.3 , I rn o N 5 I7.2 N -1 232.02 5°% I 24 cn m 9 m I .,ID w ,4 378S I r 7 "Con5.2 23 142.1 d �O In 4 !0 , 4.25 Ac C 5, 174S � -, �I % I 5 00 5 N 4 STREE22a 5 ,' I ° _ 635.07 0 7.21 L�" I 93S _ _ - ,4 a �' I 374s II {` I i I 4 'IL~ m "� i 1 22.2 j1119s N ly ie I U, �� 1.59 Ac C 22.1 4 I `Po ,I 4 +� N , �. 140.3 d I r- L� 5 _ I _ - , I o _ 1 m 12 I1'`_-" mI 201 s II 5'S r 7- }I - 112.3 98.67 ,` 4 N 3 I 5 ! 91.65 '�------------------- 177.:1 9 5 45 s r ---M8 s 1185 Q _ (0+ 5 i N N t l I CO 14 13 lyl 9 I� co 0 98 5 P. I I 4.04 Ac N ti �p i -_ o U, 191 s � 5 N 21 I 22s6 92s 2.80 AC C 88S 97s e14 s 1 127s,-.- s 11 58 s i 262s 13 7 N 10 1'I N IN �� e _ S �, 20.1 15 N 1.15 Ac C co I; c0 I I L- I w N 5 � I ! U, 125 s 5 I 233 s I 5 �_-_ -_1 32s 8 I I I Sys 20.3 , I 9�00 i 143 s N w ii N 67 5 a a 12�i �N 11 10 Ll ISN N I 173 s _ 96S 172 s } �� I 20.2 = '1103 s ! 84 s 67 s 43 s 1 ~' L 96 s J S I 1 IL I cLALLEN_------------------ M ---------_ ,- I 5 - - - - - _ - 321 s ~ 11 I �L� - ti17 p s,L 1 fr - - - - - - ------------61s --------- 212s IIsw 19 N �� F__ � '1�_, 'i L� I 99 s 59.4 + I� ~ �ti 124 s - I L 1 555 I j ', � 818 I I � III � I I 199S - - - - - - 112 s I I�_J828 �I 83 s 40 s Y rn 1 4 I I - 1015 J1375 2 _I N J CgyvGq _ __--------.--------------~_-_~_--~- NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION 5 5 TRUMANSBURG Trumansburg Central School District ---_---��,s�-------SEN€GA---R0A-D- ---`Y,: = ----------------------------------------- Ulysses Fire Protection District ----------------------------------- 2 s 251.8s 51 information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Current Year Changes Uf�YS�ES FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT +, Block Limit TRUMANSBURG },.�'�� 2.2 �L= 1 I �I U, I External Tax Map CID In rul k Block Number CO • Ali 252.46 + N 254S 140s . .-, . 5 + deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 1 s �� y sr e 5:,. ` o ^� Cs -I 2.1 101" -4 y40 S p N 3p m i2S 6 r W 3 s 70.6 I 14 ' 6. 1 Ln 5 I G 5 N 1 N T I O 1 f I �� �% L Z 5 255s" 51 59 l ! -1 5 202 s _4 r II-- ,t -j O z 5 I I ' I I 0, �_�J 188 S STRIZ�r-,. I 44 5 5 = - W 118 28 STREET - • S€ EASGQ.f� •_•_.� _• _ __•-_-_------_ ��� -_ ---- _ AI€GPS 519s ---_---_ -- ------ --_ -- 150s 100s 100 I 100 100 OF TRUMANSBURG 205 COUNTY VILLAGE s TOMPKINS 55 ul1 2.7 I ! 2.8 i1Ln II 2.5 :-A2.4 I N i N \ 1 5 100 100 100 co �_/' 6 5 130 s 4 120.3 109.1 3 133 8 0 4 c 4.53 Ac C ' I 1.24 Ac C `� I 5 W I1 .111 N _U o 'S � oo W I'S 131.4 N ' O %r 5, -J-�,I v I U IN 93 s M 0 2.141 w 109.7 5 C7 5 4 119.9 co ' -1 TERRACE 103S 510 s i - 764.2s - - 99S I f- - - 1085 1065 rn I 161 5 co 5 , co I �° 2.12 y I 75 5 w-�-'I 7.1 176S i^ -,I 5 z- N I I 1.23 Ac C a 2.93 Ac I Y= = 49 S i I ! I 5 � I = 7-� 2.13 N + = X202 5111 1_-I I --II 5 162.78 m _ m 762.4 d 146 3 4 4 4 L, 2.2 _ 5 P I c" O I� 5 " L 48.11 _�-� + ' 178 s 1061 s � I i1 7-1 5 162.52 102s 7. �3 0) 1 203.89 � 13.1. 'S I - Iv . 13.2 W 255 7 I 1 46 63 N f 145.02 oL I 205.71 W , W +, 231 s n5 12 N 55 0 '0 7. I4 N 'I 5.1 w 27 2 I 258 5 1.52 Ac 26.2 N 3 W W t 5 N i 6.25 Ac C 144 1 Ln co 2 _ _ 236 s o 7 2� N I 261 S W 6 N - _ W A I� 'I rn c5+ f ' 4 = „+ 22.5 54 0-_� 25 N 3 l- 4 I 10 I Go �_+ J co143 s 1 51 of--- 87S '�ti�- m 5 5 237S 646 s _ °! - I 187 5Lo ; 5° 5 ° 378s V i i 5.3 , I rn o N 5 I7.2 N -1 232.02 5°% I 24 cn m 9 m I .,ID w ,4 378S I r 7 "Con5.2 23 142.1 d �O In 4 !0 , 4.25 Ac C 5, 174S � -, �I % I 5 00 5 N 4 STREE22a 5 ,' I ° _ 635.07 0 7.21 L�" I 93S _ _ - ,4 a �' I 374s II {` I i I 4 'IL~ m "� i 1 22.2 j1119s N ly ie I U, �� 1.59 Ac C 22.1 4 I `Po ,I 4 +� N , �. 140.3 d I r- L� 5 _ I _ - , I o _ 1 m 12 I1'`_-" mI 201 s II 5'S r 7- }I - 112.3 98.67 ,` 4 N 3 I 5 ! 91.65 '�------------------- 177.:1 9 5 45 s r ---M8 s 1185 Q _ (0+ 5 i N N t l I CO 14 13 lyl 9 I� co 0 98 5 P. I I 4.04 Ac N ti �p i -_ o U, 191 s � 5 N 21 I 22s6 92s 2.80 AC C 88S 97s e14 s 1 127s,-.- s 11 58 s i 262s 13 7 N 10 1'I N IN �� e _ S �, 20.1 15 N 1.15 Ac C co I; c0 I I L- I w N 5 � I ! U, 125 s 5 I 233 s I 5 �_-_ -_1 32s 8 I I I Sys 20.3 , I 9�00 i 143 s N w ii N 67 5 a a 12�i �N 11 10 Ll ISN N I 173 s _ 96S 172 s } �� I 20.2 = '1103 s ! 84 s 67 s 43 s 1 ~' L 96 s J S I 1 IL I cLALLEN_------------------ M ---------_ ,- I 5 - - - - - _ - 321 s ~ 11 I �L� - ti17 p s,L 1 fr - - - - - - ------------61s --------- 212s IIsw 19 N �� F__ � '1�_, 'i L� I 99 s 59.4 + I� ~ �ti 124 s - I L 1 555 I j ', � 818 I I � III � I I 199S - - - - - - 112 s I I�_J828 �I 83 s 40 s Y rn 1 4 I I - 1015 J1375 2 _I N J CgyvGq _ __--------.--------------~_-_~_--~- FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION 3 TRUMANSBURG Trumansburg Central School District 3 12 121S 33 ��I 12.5 Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) CONSERVATORY information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Current Year Changes N 15 X392 map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors Block Limit TRUMANSBURG ^ and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of Railroad System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been HOME TELEPHONE " External Tax Map Hydrographyregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins CountyDigital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The Block Number CO • Ali end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the + N For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate 140s . .-, . 5 + deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 1 s �� y sr e 5:,. ` o ^� 1 1 101" -4 y40 S p N 3p m i2S 6 3 s I 14 ' I N ! 5 c, O 5 96S 10'f 1 f I �� �% 1585 N----t-:.- STRIZ�r-,. FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Parcel Lot Number A/ Trumansburg Central School District 3 12 Previous Lot Number This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Current Year Changes / \ / Curb/Pavement Line Deed/Survey Acreage map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors Block Limit l All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of Railroad System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant External Tax Map Hydrographyregistered to 1991-92 Tompkins CountyDigital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The Block Number � and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the o Special District For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold o 0 , ' deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an Municipality inappropriate use of these maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number STREET L- -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number A/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage / V 18.50 AcG Grouped (Total) Acreage External Tax Map 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 Feet North ULYSSES MAP: 2 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 �__ -' x�-----------------_- -__ --_-__ __--------- LJ 1--� _� _-� _---611 - - - - _ - _ - - - _ : - _,�„_•��"�_�: - - - COUNTY_ - - - - Y_-_= -_ _�__- _ --- - I -ROAD-.-SENECA_. -------------- - -- _-__ ___- - -- I - -------------------- I I - ____---_.-___--_------�---- 61s I s4 I ' k 5 I `_.��• --:..���. s•��•�..�'�'"„�. ��.��.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 941 s COUNTY x A t I EII 19 s 109S 10 8 s mN 108 s m I I TOMPKINS 5 1.65Ac 1.3 N I I I II ' I I I, co su 14 N 1.6 1.5 s tI 1 I J J � , I 11 JSt 1 , CD I CD 117s 1085 1095 logs k i 443s 3.1k 6 I I 1.2 1.14 Ac %P/O -2- 2o 1.83 Ac C _ J x NY G k`',.k 1:Q7 Ac C w� nN/ W LL1i I ,� O I Cn U M n 226.05 I N II 36.3 CD 1 I 1 �J I - I 361.7 5 j I J k 5 \t U)I I y�,5k I fJ I 1.2 0a / - 20.8AcC 2S ' I ------- 10.8_ 135s 3.45A ------- ' x k � I 2 � C0 198 co Go I 3.2 143.78 I I E:1 343. x � 89 I rN �s 1.92 Ac ' 'co \ I, I_ 487.67 9 ,2 N II 36.4 � ' � 1.03 Ac 375 36.5 1.03 Ac 381.31 36.6 1.04 Ac 382.25 I I S W X80 w L� I I co I t„ - 263.43 I I I Ii 9.3 '-------- M I W 200.29 I I I N 3.98 Ac O I I - A 0 10 � M 10 co I I I J C) + 2Ss N N i , d a I 190.24 d S I I 524.39 36.2 201 s + a I I 2.15AcC N , I I I NY N M 7.2 S +I 9 I loos 397s I 1.95 Ac C + 8 I 800S 346S 9.2 N I ; NYSEG y 1.01 `Ao C 319s s M + a / - \ 5.15 Ac C + NY,5EG El \ I \ 27.2 253 s 159S 33 LO 285s 32 34S 90S 47s f N T, A 0 30.2 29 I I 28 i II 90 s 87S 128.50 CA FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. Ej '7O S lJ a I y - --- Y, I � n 239 s s 162s O 675s N I I I 41s I I 88s 70s 26 W _ �--------� I 4.13 Ac C co18 F] L - 3.80 Ac C 9.1 3.85AcC � I ~ 131 s I ° I 6.4 0 s 9, 13 2 /jam V 3.55AcC �f �s we 5'' w_ i sS 2.16AcC' 2q S a ' 2.41 Ac Ssy 23 s � � 20 I a 27.1 _ 7g S �� 6.33 N 18 s 86.89 94 s 41 s 65 s I �� * { 1.30 Ac � m h ' 1.12 Ac n 146s n I 50S L__ 520 s I ❑ 1.35_ Ac C 65 s _ ' 68 S 6.32 - y 1 Or•�N I N 11 II 90S 0 17s1�A i + N 24 N 123 22 N 21 N o N 9 -- 2.41 Ac C N rn N 25 L -J if s I _ 16 NM _ 427s N s L�15 N 136s 0`1 N211s L 14 Nr 139.7-11 1_1- 58s 13 0s 48 N12 8852 L T�EET� _ N + 00 ij. �� 00 70 s� r r� I I 6.1 ? ? �- 82ms"-'r + rte__ 2.51 Ac89, ? - J IT I 142 __ t k f 379S NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) �- -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number \ Curb/Pavement Line Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Railroad Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number /\�/� Hydrography �'`���;' A/s.6 Current Year Changes Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Special District � Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage \/ Municipality External Tax Map 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 Feet North 61 1 NA e7 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. ATE PARKS & REC. 1.40 Ac C 3 *{ {/ f' N 0 0 { Bogy 1.00 Ac 8 15051 w f� I - _ 98s -- -_ - .W / 210s m Q W 208 .3 rsco • / W N 1 rt9 3 / co N cliO N 2 I ° 2.59 Ac I 149s 80s S i-- 10 N -- N 4 r 10 ' M 1.50AcC s / /' x ~~ h� N cC U' �� /" /' ?g 65 ks O / I k g5 Y VILLAGE OF P- ' s TRUMANSBURG L� �66SF /�/' IbA �� '{ 0 2 6 N N 102 I } /" Q ••� II I Q Nr 3 N. 10 262.25� 128 s 19 r 5.25 Ac C /" ^'6 , t c C {o r 3a l VILLAGE OF 7.21 k ,' ,���� \•\"'\ TRU MAN SBURG / ^o��� 2.54 Ac � kk k` - 3.2 P. 105 k , / 165 s kk s s r� vQ' 1.40 Ac C 1.93 Ac � \ \ �._� / /" I k `kk �� 7.1 235.3 4� 1 Ac �� k f h 29 u� s t y ' 1 co M GROVE CEMETER `{ `s W �+ N .3.1 1q0 11 N N 5 { N M + 67 s t t r M 9 2 . 11.2 7S S s { 7 is 22� 130 26 ' 4 ,+ 3.3 S '' �_1 �; 1.38 Ac C co +� 139S y 0 s ti Q� S 8 m 1 + co 4� 141.6 18G 3 I t + 2.2 , o �~ �__ ° 1.4 Ac � s 14 �-- .� 2.1 +r 11.6 94 s tea? 70 ' � 91s 218s °'�o 391 s S I o' / I f 87, � � 1.0)2.90 Ac C 86, 11,c,, - 3 I13 i 13 7 `� �2/ {may �, y 12 f 102s { N + CID F f {f l+~1 f+ y r{ 1665 /" cn o I QST S y '/f �'" 11.1 �.45'Ac C ' r � I 6.84 Ac C7�6 is 185S ' �L + f 1 9/2`- ' Z& Ac O 10 295 s m � C .31 s � 101s 'Z-- o6 297 ' '� i'" - ---- - - --------- --- 10 FALLS STREET SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 91 6-1-3 Building Footprint (1991-2009) -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number Curb/Pavement Line /\v/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Railroad ����;' Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Special District Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage Municipality External Tax Map 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number Block Number 100d Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TR UMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 o Feet North MAP: 4 SCALE: 1 " = 125' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1"=425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 0 3 z CAYUGq CAYUGA ~ ~ _ _ = 150 STR = Y - 91.49 92s 102 s Er 5s] _ --- _----------- ~5� 82.3 90.04 Ell � � k 828 a STREET =-____----_-_ _~_' 77s 58.7 t ` _ _ ~ 90 s 87 s 76 S _. I t r-� ❑ LJ L-- 4 527, 1 - -- - - -- ----------- r �; L =1685 Doh 1382 4gs - - ----------� -- 1015 1305 955 NN j 7 1 116 5Ln Y l Y 5 A 1 A tN7i N N 88 s 206.1 LA.p 1 2 2 0 N I 5 ''a8 h� VILLAGE OF TRU ANSBURG Iw_� I �;-� I �� L_ � N 16 i hsS - ' S 5 0 N W 14 N 15 5s.7 I �� go ,---, 131 s w 92., 8s.00 - 11 13 A N ❑ _ CP 1.61 Ac V N 105.00 9 1 p 282 12 N N y 47 s - 1 77.3 N ❑� d k �t P 91.57 l ���5 1 t 13j7 32 S - 90 41 92 s 100 s E:1 _ 27°� JJJj 8 w 6+P N / \ .` - - - 78 S Ln -1 r. / ••,�S-aloef� "_-189--5- -- --- /,. \ _ _ - - - - _ - 1.04 Ac / e0 cl of creek �..�_•� 75�-j0 - - - 235 - - -123 s _j N __ _ as S - M 2�2 772 95s f ----------- ,,`a' : � f creek I o oh s _-�5�2'1_-� s M CO � \,_ \ \ , L� i F }f 130 s ~ LU 37 0 o NN F \ co i W 3 68 6 a `- 66 63.2 59 Ij `� s 48.3 ^o. 5 �� y SCJ 08 �� `\ `� 10) 1 ~1~� I / ^ _� \ 26.2 (n h _ -� 54 � - � �\ 5 - 241 128.08 6- r f ` 3.40 Ac C /` 25.0 rn � + 1psMASONIC 53.2 + ; 51_'` \ \, L=� �'-_-� 229.76 35 2 ^ TEMPLE , , .\ \ 0 25 I FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. s t. s0 N Ss.9o4r ~'� 335 1.40 Ac °s 2.39 Ac -C \ \ 16.16 Ac C 21 \ 2j M �� 1 I' h \ /I 2 ^ ,495 , I' ho \`\ \ /' / 685 '\ \ ID ID I C7 e , 28 1 z N 3�} l 27 J �.x 5 84 1a ; (0 `\ \ 427 s I la �� \ \ Y 1 h 4r7 J v 7035 \ \ \ I 29 \ \ cj I ,� 51 " ,s \ \~\ \ I 1.96 Ac C mN 1.7 60 P.,�RESBYfE�RIAN l�URO -- ti 29) 244s 19.72 48 BETTER HOUSING _ - /' rye' S- M 2 J 49.2 PKI - - 30 W - ,q 1 44'_- is + TOM NS CO // V a Np 45 1.19 Ac C s05 1.42 Ac s ST I , \ 5 R '.s 7SS 130s 5 F 2 � y M 107S 2 5 0 FT r ! �h 1174 0 76 s 60.6 B4 s 1� 16g5 ^h 47 ti w 66 5� r a` - w 43co 825 8 46 N ` - h co � ;`ar 44 N K31 d i 308 yo N 32 nh a 11-11 �v � - hN 555 41 1.24 Ac C 6js h N i 4p �a '' °' 'co39 38 37. - 36 42 ti i rn rn j 1.08 Ac C n M 1 co h d - ' CO I dO' ^ a W ' f ` - i� 56 Y c 1345 a a' f nJS. � s. i 625 a Q 33.2^ a' 35. c ~ 8 s N 7305 343-.1 N FFT X95 rf 7705 e NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District o / fl , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 1005 Block Number 10 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 Feet North MAP: 5 SCALE: 1" = 125' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 WEST MAIN STREET - -- --------------------------------+-�--� 5 127 s 54 s 140 s 58 s 70 s 9S 55 s 32 26 45s 23 ; 3, f S 10 '� �1 13 1 1 S 4$s 92 2 N , 17 25 I I 28.27 cOi N 1 �6 s~ s 18.25 h ;I t rn j 50S 72.4 2 iv 82 s ` 1 y �� '�� VILLAGE F .� 7 m w o o� �' �a� II 1.51 Ac L Co �' �� E,° 19 Ir TRUMAN BURG -`---- 1P --- N h;} g 3 s 28.E ^ I&20 21° 2.2 x - / VILLAGE OF a S RUMANSBUR 33S I--- ------ ` 87S 25s 116s 23 - �----' 180s 73.1 h` -j 39s 63s 61s 3715 49g �`b 22.1'2pS 272 s s + 2 `- - s- 28S 51 s 26' f...:#s y 1 1r 91, 6 ra ---:- TOWN OF ?^- - - - --- ---- - - ULYSSES., �} RUMANSBURGHOME j;? � 42 T a3 ? s y 6, O ? m 7a7'64s q4 24 1.2 61 ? YS." OF ° VILLAGE OF ? r a S i 7 SE TRUMANSBURG W87S 27 73s L5 - 7a s Cb 7j f' y 3 VILLAGE OF ^roo 5" 11 S $M t_ 1.07 Ac C s M TRUMANSBURG ? y 88 00 � ^ 7.1y r r-- USINESS Uj y r 2 41 co °) g76Sa � {r 9 y S7 a ��'" 9js ` 9 s o t 28.2 EPI., SAL C�URCH s '8s `?2S '�4s) � r ! r°a 3.75 Ac J ��� 'las SS - ay s ;` 8.1 � + + y_7r r e I 1 ^ �� ^{ ^0 6 7.2 a� +r7` i +1 ^ r 208.39 t- C, r`11s s,as's ULYSSES 87 s -- i 's°S co PHILOMATHIC I r20 '4S28.x' ----- 6 � ,LIBRARY,a° °i I2�.;��17 1 � J h Ia T 5.62�''AC' ,' ^ r abs ryW { 6 2 ^� I ,� ?00 , I40.2 N 2 � ! �J 09s TRUMANSBURG �NIORS INC o sis"'' `- , 's I r 0 -2 r f d '78 moo. 4 s I -� a -9a ^ 4� ^ I I l"o 0, x .�,k s / 15 N 49 s o ," j` � �o � i r �n 3. 1 N - 3. r f N 0 ^ y + I 136 s 4 141s I r r � } "^ � " , a :.`O '0� x ^ qq s r� w°j I + an 33 S v, +� 't i ` 1 s j�"O:-. �r ?' 1 / � I ' � 1 . 1 cV cco E 145s 36.2 ~ f , , �6 0 r { f d � NMI27a i , 9 80f^ 211Ac /_184s I N � 5 S o S ^ 1s hro' s ^^`^ 1, I N 1.75 Ac ^ 39 ` s CATHOLIC CFLURCH � , i 171 s N 3 / C6 I I 29 a .7S a` `� 7 -r a, L -!n I I ^ 10 21 v `?7 ^ 98 T U_ MANS URG SENIORS IN ��, f 2 3 °2S I I 778 Q9,3 { 4 I ^ t {A I v 13L+ 7 6 166 I �' ��ti f f y ^ ?` 117s I q) s { q 7 + s -- ^" I 1S 6 �M1 194 g 28.33 L-]_ _--- - - - - f i 1 3 ry 6 4 + n N S 1 --.J, +`�_ �� 6 , T 9s I Co 20 S � r 0 : - 3 �a ' 180.02 42.94 31 s q4 q { f ' 70 .°j 5 6q� O 11 N ' I v 1 s �3q 8 ti +: ' i f S ^ S I " N M1! w +' 38 " 30 y -- S9 ''Sa8g9s �� 92s 79s S8 N $ N y + (� 62 S' N ' I 3 f y M j ►-I I 17 69 r ^ f 'q6.) \79 3 7q h 11 6 4i' ) _4 48 S I Co19 S g ' 739 sq ;- ?'f ` a: 7,qs '°3°9S `' + 18 `° " 16 y /15 `� 172 " '! €`• 12 ` r7 r - 3 1 cb r ' f °i f x c/j O co S ' j S ra ��. f hry �9� ^ _ _ y N cv N 1086 oy f ' 37 � 4fo 16 { 7 Jr ;x 94, 14 93.S " - 35 13ssS '6a `'- ' 13 12 � ,$ 1.06 Ac C 1.54 Ac +' o69 f 8 S - 59-56--� 90 s r1 669 �32 a ' , f ' L'q 1 ^O� i '' 58 S i n 95, CD /� ; 34 sa N ''82 17 - ' I 11 p PE 0 f sqa `, , 2 s 90 dF 1 9 SE S 99 s 36.1 ; J i� f r / co + t i' a, a4 0^ f r °jo 7 19 ' 94 s i j1 Q �� �q n 120s '�S ri ' �� i 7 ' r r 3.5 I ^ 12 I i c� 13 M1 6 s ��--�, i 138 33 ff f` y`- 8s 101S + .6q r rn' I I , oos 15 LO W + `- y f f ''s `a y I z1 - i 62 S ^aP f r f { 8 14 rn 10 � Z I I y - W I 78s m 1 + o 6 + i 124.5 ' + Q I 5 I [� I -/ r I h 336 M1 Y r f AC 1 + rn L�� / co S ,' r, 7Cb -FT 4 mI co ED LO I a s a , 11 ;' 172s i i' N 2 N 53.8 -.- ;` 77 / I 133S °S S `- �' 6 1.36 Ac C f CO J3 _`.-- ; I 6 W I 8 6s f ^� 1s Sa 261 s 96s y f I } ��� rr 4836 I 1 S 34 ' o r 93s I 1 ; , _~ 76 ^ 9, - I � qs '�S � � S 5 z 5.12 '876 3.1 , f` r 7,533 2.2 0 co Z z I ra f - 353 W ' 'Sa r Sq a I 5.11 ' N 3.2 � ' � ' � 4 ` � ' ' �sas Jar° 1.30 Ac 6.78 Ac ;+ ,A I .s I0 " 42s 1g06 } 9,09 ,9�7 -- 10 I k---- -- 140.02 8 5 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. ' r 168-71 j LI Il II C) I I 9 i "10 � 616 s + rn-- ------------------- - ®--- 3.8 Ac 1.72 Ac 3 cc 1.81 Ac C , N I 616s SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number \ Curb/Pavement Line A/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Railroad Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Hydrography �'`��;' Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Special District � Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage • 18.50 AcG Grouped Total Acreage p (Total) g Municipality External Tax Map 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TR UMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 O Feet North Lu W CO MAP: 6 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 14 " 24 N o� N 221 s 1 x S� rn \6 CO 5.1 f � N r'fx'72�i}_ 9i 8 Ac C y O S y 2 ti s y w ''s ry 3 s 9 982 4 �y ZOOS' ST�S'cc ti Qo 5 FT o' ~ F " 700 ti 10098 ._ �6 1.22 Ac�� 925 �[ 98S mop ry ,.._._ FN f 772 l_ 300 .2 N 25.3' ., _-� S 99 y !f 6S k 5.2 Ac __ 0) CO 97 ha 10.1 `,r ' p ' x 1PS3 2 1 0 1495 5 N VILLAGE OF �4 1 n 23 13 ,moo TRUMANSBURG o°j o ; s (PART OWNER) ohy 4064$ �11.2 2852 25.32 2.50 Ac N �N __ � , s oS S ., �� w 14 f k5 229 s 2 5.68 Ac C 1.28 Ac 1•_r-'' �,� S 3 VILLAGE O M N 7 RUMANSBURG A� t x °2S 0 14 = h O 2395 60 s 203 s s h 5 k SCP 1 250.73 28a' e `h ���AA .S 127s % S �/ 12 ' ' y--&TfZE€-T-------------- _ 65 17 a = 2 s A 'mN ' % '' ^yry 119 579.2 •- -a N 1 Ac � :- , 129 s _ - _ 15 7 N =4 18=, 1.30 Ac C ` _ ,s �- - 2459 N °'bVILL%�GE OF TRUMANSBURG �3 > W 19 _ - 1195 r '. 20 N - _ 62 N 21 N _ a 241 ' 22 s ti - � r 225 3 s k1 _ _ _ t 1 > n �i 12 Q�v 2, 99s 355 r _ _ 22 55co ^cos N _ Y° 11 12$? / 350 sf _ _ o / / 281 s y N / s:+ - 25 2.. 109 f,: \ 114s y Y s~ -;s rn i 115 5-/ 69 9a s 2 43 s = N s y =x -''t t > 6 f..�' /' 1.30 Ac C 3 38S _ -f �Y 2�5s �y r' 78s 4% V S %N i / Cp 0 N h 2s _ f f'c 8 109.5 1 9 _; 4-= -r 5 120 s t90� f } pg 7' W "ss __ ��0 = = A / �.. tig b� o co ^ &062S LU 1 S ; ' > / ° y s 1.09 Ac C = N /-60.y % / 6 6 9°Ss 10`` 385 �.. - 132 s - g25 2 405 i ` 1255 =SIRE°S / 12 ET 1.11AcC81sM1 , 32 5 `� ^ . - 174S `S 15.3 �; 18 ,r _ 155 Ac C . 2 3 . 21 Ac . '2S . '' s 13.2 ^ C�:1 66 110.01 �6 8 49 J+ i i-",,�"r 5 ; co,�6s Q) wo ° 4S.S0 ^V 4 8 ti ti , N y 241 136.30 + ,15.1 + 1.24 Ac y ' 7 15.2 ^ \ 7,6 y ti y S �� 5 �6' 7,ss EASE BSs= N +° U` y 17 F k SrRFE - - .7 F ^pR r i r1. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District o / fl , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 1005 Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 Feet North MAP: 7 SCALE: 1" = 125' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 11 I I 5 I 5 L_ I I I I I I I 46N LjTOWN OF ------------------------ I --------------- ------------------------------------- -- - -- - - -_- __ _- -----_.-_-______-- _-__-.__-__-__-_-- __.____------_----------------- ---- 5 ;, -------------- - 45-=�-------------- -- -- -- 448.17 �URG OF l I I _- - _ - - _ - TR—U--_MAN,- 4 4 ---_--- -- 5 5 5 ff 5 VILLAG l'l �l - E �l 'S = E== I5 I 1: �� �3 �r� 5 U 5 l l I E=D5 I I 5 ,\ S l �� I , � /► 15 5 4 � I l 5 � r V/ �\ 5 1% l I 5 1 4 I I I4 I' I I I5 I I � 4 4 Q � 'I 5 I 5 I I l IJI��I, P � 5I' 41 I� E III 5 , 5 5 I 4 '\ E ' 4'�� 1l , 5 l5 I 5 I I l 4 I �5 � E l � I II 144 5y 1 4 0 I �I Il 4 5 I I I I I5 5 � ' I � moi/ i I� W 5 I I I 15 14 5 I' 1 {, � � I I � � i I 14 I I 5 W W 11 I I i I I i 5 I I 59.26 Ac C 51 '' �, II 5 4 4 I ' 4 I 5 C� I Ej I I 1 I I i I, CJ I 4 n=r, I I , l � l 5 , I , I I IIILLL���III I I I I J 5 1 L I EE] I' I 4 5 I 5 L I • 18 I l ' I I I � I I I � 5 1 I 5 l l **/ I' I I5 IE[n t E==I I 5 , I , L� I 00 855)s FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. IN NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 733.45 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number C0 W -P cn M N x x I I x x 5 5 x x I y x I x x I I x x I I 1 x I I 1 l 5 1 I 36 337.3 11 353.74 ME 09930 34.7 39.56 Ac C L- —7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number A/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage /V Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 AcG Grouped (Total) Acreage External Tax Map 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage T Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension 913.03 2 hCO w 1� VILLAGE OF TRUMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 o Feet North w 0 rA 7 1 SCALE: 1" = 125' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 I x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -201 1 2� M V N S� s s Al 839~ 1.2 ti s. P f sZ 4 qSF 3.94AcC " _ F 9S ✓ f 143 28 68 11 ' ' ` S 05 26� °°� ; 83 FT 27 4q n' �s rnN ; _d 31 S5.2M1 Sf '` S ! y y 1.53 Ac C 'S c� , J J �^ �4'9S h 3 25 5.4 1.29 Ac C 'l 4 8 oy � j s CD i" 2>q) 6 5.3 � \ Ao s 01 } ^ab '24 2 24.1 ^ ` 8p2 ;'00 ' W 4 }' ` `R° 68.8 N S 81 s 74 s 28 s 65 s 64 s 103S 12 89.5 108.9 � 186.41 W 15.1 % 8 S 26 n i 7jS ' ti f 172 s 173 s 3 0 o Q s cb r 10� 5; 'f J W ^y 2 87 ati ��2 r + / \ 183s 4.74AcC 1.64AcC ^ j-. _u C7 6 f ,y o, 29 I A 14 2.-,."' 113.5 19 A 17 N 16 N 1.70 Ac C 178 s N 1.54 Ac 1.57 Ac r� \ M _ } sss 1.54 Ac C 1 8 12 O ' Q 's -Q ' } L171.68 I Z 20 5 0' z y O i I 9� °° VI ..AGE O F I N I a 1295 TRUMANSBURG I� 13E J 2.08 Ac C D � a 177 s 168.63 ° 98s �� VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 151 s 97s 1725 - ;�S _-------- r __49 -2s- ------_____-_ ------_ ---- -- ------ - - - --- 362s -- -- ------- - - - 165s 11 � 84s ------------------_-_ -- 100 165s 168 i I _ _ __Y= _-- -- _ �-.----�-�---- 201.62 99.8s 109 d 54.7 ° 1 --- -- - - --------�-�-- -- 200d 209d e 60s 267s i 75B 200 d 1.52 Ac C Ij I � � _ 0 6.1 r 5 } co w }` N N N-- . 21 N w 5.2 W N 3.22 . N }`} N 1.11 N 1.22 N 1.23 La1.10 Ac C N 1.00 Ac oy LOi 316.98 L� N 162s I �. N 2 � I �y 200 d 209 d I � v LO -- 9) � N 168 C) 2.1 2 s } r �� 1.1 2 30 d 200 d 109 d 554.25 a ST JAMES }` 1.69 Ac C 6.2 ' 1.38 Ac 100 CATHOLIC }r. ' -EMETERN n I � 320.12 274.48 160S O y 40 o cn No °0 101.2 N J 2.3 w 0, 148.64 ti I I y ^^ 56.52 N �� 3 161 S , , o N 1.26 Ac '�o, s 1.31 � �-----_ 3.877 Ac C 33 9 1.32 7.2 I 11.5 Ac C I 3.21 I s e ' 3.75 Py1 276s c M + 162s 2.2 i ° � t EILLAG� N 5.1 A C:, 7.6 0; -a s °' --> 1 N OF 2.90 Ac ' 1 0 ] 2.4 0 ' 2�I 1R� 162s iLL AIVI 176S s�tjR o 7� N I i 3t35 G 0 .3 Lj 2.5 I o i d IL]' 723 s ---------- 163s i I '335 ' 176s :334.37 d N 7.4 L� ' N 2.7 256.4 161 S s 275 s � 00 I � 12 ' N M J N 1 � N 2.6 o , rn o i 1 274s - 172 168 + I 7.1 N 6,19S 2.65 Ac C M e 124s 732 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Trumansburg Central School District This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) L- % Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base / \ Curb/Pavement Line�� Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Centra] Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source Railroad ��xx �� Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number represents a large number of records and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage /�\ / Hydrography � Current Year Changes registered t0 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital PlanimetriC Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the county does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The 0 2.11 AC C Computed Acreage and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user ofthese maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the Special District Block Limit For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold o 0 , 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage deeds and Surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an' Municipality External Tax Map inappropriate use ofthese maps. 100S Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension 158s 2.11 156S co Co co 0 45.64 2.8 a N 2.9 fT+ VILLAGE OF TRUMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 Feet North Wj SCALE: 1" = 125' (When plotted on Arch D Media) I l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 59 43 d 8. SE.10� 5876 as as 191 s L9.1ed + 190 s as 9.5 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Danua. Property lines have beau registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and arranges may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 926 s 9.6 5.84 Ac C 9.2 This map m ucagar a compilation of standard and textual inf ,reatua from deeds and surveys, a digital planimehie base map, and mgital converted offend -drawn mylat map, Error, dad emssens ea free eacb oto— a—.; each,dame of re,enu a large a. nmeMe ofeteard, and odd rater, of information. As a practical cont, the County data not warraut Ne accuracy orcomple¢ness ofine ipformation provayM. The and user oHbese maps a8mes to decent the data "as is" with me Poll know) dgc that mors and omissions may earn, add W hold useraless me county for any damages that may result from an inappropriate rear ofth. maps. R 2 18.77 Ac C 1301 s O 321 s 3 `Ln 1.00 Ac LJ tLl k, 216 s 4.51 Ac ❑ 319.2 9.4 4� s ❑ 319.E / �10 r // /d.76 Ac C 202- as L— S Bs 1985 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION nuarmuldrg Central School District. Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) a 12 /V Curb/Pavement Line A 3 /V Railroad 5.6 Ac Hydrography N Special District NExternal Municipality T Block Number 1004 91 a -I -s Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 120 10 L —7 Parcel Connector a 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 783 s 43.1 Parcel Lot Number a 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100$ Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 1004 Deed Dimension 4 8.75 Ac C di. VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. LJ 50 0 100 0 e Fee North 12 1�l SCALE: 1"= 100' (when padded ou Arch D MNis) Il e 17" (47%). saa44 as P-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -IDLY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1-n1LY-2011 WA FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and arranges may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 210 ]085 g 51.2 210 52 51.1 as 5.84 Ac 210 —•;_ Y 51.3 f - 103 5 21Ti� 103 s 98 8 100 s 1935 145 825103s 99 s14 $7 _R11 19] s �J I m� 13 12 11 10 9 " 1.46 AcC JI UJ 2 15 a 935 200s 1 at 4 as 16 a 006 101 -- AC 98 01s 005 201k 6' 005— 005 Na 005 825 --m— 015 - - �17 I I 199 s � I 18 � V I I 202 s ' I 19 I I I 63.T103 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION 103.65 loss 103.65 102, 1025 43.1 Parcel Lot Number infgreatua from deeds and sarveye. a digital planimenie base digital Enron, 23 24 r 25 "I 2_ ananmssi—ean o<ars°meaebnfdasateareea: each— � } l �! Railroad :\: Former Property Line A3 Subdivision Lot Number `cprcecadon As`munMrofrder,NoCountydorsof e rmadnn. A, nm wavanl pmetical saner. meoma /'\ /` Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/SurveyAcreage g o iodoe, en userracyorcomplcarestorcinformatita"asis'M.Thc 103.65 loss 103.65 Nilkrerofineaemapaarsaddeacaepnsdayesu,adwhose 102, 103, 18.50 AcG Grouped(Total)Acreage usered ibcCoutrfoomanLomiseionsmnUresultnombola baPuropuace.fth artydamage.malmayre,afstenan inappropriate W2s 103.64 33 J 32 as �2r 31 �3�— m 29 �8 to / < , 2y 91 a -I -s Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number 100d Deed Dimension �" 3,64 102s 103. 103.65 104 s 103.fi5 1Ws 8364 ---- -LARCHMONT`---- ------ BRW€ ------------------------- ' QU'34r Mss foo,loos lune loos zLu a36 37 1.09 Ac C 39 4035 41 re m 311 12 1 243s I I 100 100 98.37 I 46C 0 Z� I � -- o 47 1.43 Ac m to I' u 00.1 48 , 262 s ,III w O I 88. 43 a d NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND nisma oracsrntsacompilationofgraphicalenitextrul Trumansburg Central School District. Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) L —7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number infgreatua from deeds and sarveye. a digital planimenie base digital Enron, \ Curb/Pavement Line ^ / Property Line / v p 3 12 Previous Lot Number map, and convcremn offend -drawn mylar map, ananmssi—ean o<ars°meaebnfdasateareea: each— � } l �! Railroad :\: Former Property Line A3 Subdivision Lot Number `cprcecadon As`munMrofrder,NoCountydorsof e rmadnn. A, nm wavanl pmetical saner. meoma /'\ /` Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/SurveyAcreage g o iodoe, en userracyorcomplcarestorcinformatita"asis'M.Thc Special District N Block Limit 2.11AcC ComputedAcrea e g Nilkrerofineaemapaarsaddeacaepnsdayesu,adwhose °��i 18.50 AcG Grouped(Total)Acreage usered ibcCoutrfoomanLomiseionsmnUresultnombola baPuropuace.fth artydamage.malmayre,afstenan inappropriate Municipality e ^ , External Tax Map / V long Scaled (Calculated)Acreage uee oftM1cae mepa. 91 a -I -s Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number 100d Deed Dimension iK VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 0 100 0 e Fee North iiY.�- %) SCALE: 1"= 100' (lW eo ploned ou Arch D MNid) Il e19°(4]%), scale Is P-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -IDLY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1-nILY-2011 5 1.2 , z 4f 123 5 2 3 F . 1.14 AC + o WHIG SrREE7' 4 a5 2as5 - _ 1 201 TRUMANSBURG r r asI r „r N r I ! r ! 2fi15 96s 1345 259.42 83,12 93 e 110 19 11,21 1.30 Ac C as 20 334.50 493as 6 ! r' 18.2 ' 1]].42 so 1.44 AC as I aa 18.1 ; 268.44 m ❑ I , 410 at r + n__ ___ __ ___ ' 124. I , I I I + ! I TRUM NSBURG LSCHOOL 209 3 I` I i st 222 9 I 9 16 I 225 242.25 14 J 188 8 13 F 1.45 Ac C FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beev registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and arranges may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 12.21 This map ne age is a compilation of graphical and textual inf rreatu" from deeds and surveys, a digital planimedic base map, and mgital eonverelon ofltand-drawn mylat map, Error, sad dmssdns ea are. frdm eacb to- a-.; each,dame ropresed. a lad, a guar ofroated, and orix tarot, of information. As a pmerical camer, the County data not warrant Ne accuracy orcomple¢ness ofine information provayM. The and user oHbese maps agrees to accent the data "as is" with me Poll knowledge that mors and omissions may exist, add m hold harmless me Coady for any damages that mar result noun an inappropriate uaz ofth. maps. 809 s 15 4.35 Ac 4]2 12.22 4.06 Ac C ---------------------------- 1242 71701 12.3 2.44 Ac SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District. Ulysses Fire Protection District 235 CENTRAL SCHOO ^ /I 7L r� I \ �1 f � 5 ! I \\ 1 / / + A80ACC , I I \ 11.2 _ 59.58 Ac C TRUMANSBURG CENTRAL SCHOOL. i \ \ �f !v II ei ads7 ----------------------- 12.23 1.61 Ac 12.41 TRUMANSBURG CENTRAL SCHOOL aa4 es A 12.1 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) /V Curb/Pavement Line /V Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 a -I -s Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 0 04 L -7 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line /\/ / Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 12 FALLS STREET �" \ 112 1553 r 2183' j496 3 a'e `rs3e \ 1.45 Ac Cri j9a 1.2 w i 1.38 Acas O 4_J 8ir o / Q)a as r 6 ��VV 4 > W1 Ac C 13 � Asa 613 \ 1.29 Ac C l 4d r\ 8 S 1 Ac C F IRGROUN AS 10 fass 2.50 Ac C 12 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number As Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100, Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension �5s VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 62.5 0 125 0 e Fee North SCALE: 1"= 125' (lW eo ploned ou Arch D MNis) Il a 19" (47%). scale Is 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -IDLY -2011 1P MAP PRINTED: ]JULY -2011 �0000 00000a a a a E ° C Q -a Q G - ❑ WEST SENECA --- ROAD F 1 - - 922-5 N 13 s -+so s s Fes, DISTRICT 176 11 0 25055____________ _ 4z]p ��.: ULYSSES 7 n �. TOMPKINS �C O TY\ �: �zo> to2 © `\I'll z z 4.50 Ac a : In Ao 5 ai ❑ 5]6]9 148 ' t,2 1 N 32.11V $ M�OOWVIEW DR s ccM1g6 6.13 Ac O 01 to 7. ca e 3 'a .. �- 347.98 3.30 A`mc C '1+s. tI 9 1 iso ais 193 s" 4.6 I VILLAGE 733.45 ( 855 }y P � 140.60 ACC i AC C\ " TRUMANSBURG 7 \ Q Q O i^w \ ° 3213 25231 d \ 2 \ C W 33 \ __\ a ° 1 6.aa Ac' \\ C� ° H 21.111•AcC )°1 -� �- ens \8'2so 1 3]Sn 9 0 m r„ 31.53 Ac C 2, \�- -- d _ _�,S NR asa , o --- 199: . 3.47 Ac' , zssas '� L \_ 28 J LC \ 1 1Lz3�7 10 AC Ci 1\� 449 25 453 is \ z _ \��, \'✓ fix/ s 3 LT. 65.60 Ac C 22.99 Ac C 27 88.59 Ac C G 9 5.45 Acas 7-: Ll o ry �6 f 20.2 1 16.1 1 15.62 Ac C 12.68 Ac 9 2.7 3 17" 7.00 Ac" Ac oi 1173.] " 6.11 400' a v _i'�__n9�`-___z13a 4.85 A5 S-\,__ , 3oa sb 20346 2065A �B 9, u,AcClm 4.14 25.22 N ,7, z4 26,7.2 .38 AC »� 6.b 6.2 8 .2 s21.20 20 9 3.86 Ac ^ " 24.1 g5.4m73' 2 Ac Q .08 A\ 71 Ac C" a 6�4 AcC 16] .e 22°0, 1_ i .2iAc 1. 1 FSC 186. ss p = 2.01 Ac C � Ac'° " tow 2so s--os- --- - A19 URG3sos as " 429 a THO4oa zss- - - moosn3s (i� CATHOLIC ,3 ROUTE 149 sszs _ _ --_ - -- - 10405 p ,� N CEMETERY - - - 21ns,1o0 los 11025 n ❑ L •\ �'v�4. 5 3.20 ca 0 LJ p 1A o 3 \ 4.� Ac 00 208s, " 1.88 Ac is 1.3m \. 13.40 Acso 258 s " 207 a 18.80 Ac C " \. n e"a 0 ° o L1.1 \ o .8pc C gI1 C73a 3jp •\ y. 0 0 c ( 16.J a �.? 1.85y> linos 4395 m, o0 2 / 7 ryrL1� 4.50 Ac V iJ ``•` 53 Ac C 'ss I 1.2toa 90.80 Ac C /: n 30678� ^ i 11 - 2.335aicAmeA �oJ 1 as I 5 471 s .2 251 a 15.50 Ac C AN � \ � 59.51 Ac C 54 vyzat o i` ro LJso m2ssa 5� Ory 1 ca A, A k, \ O 1256 s eca 016 s a1 230.02 2258 L•�.�� 5 65 10.5 0101 ]] s 4055 � 6.76 AC 589 s 475 a .74 A .22 Ac 3 aslp0o'c- 1 " .4 4u2 6.21m \4sa.2s _ /'S:'I37Yc O 4.7 37Ac n .�A � � e/ r � \ tws L_ 16t7] 10.9 p 350 7 276 s m 10.2 \\ 104 6.4 \ m89 AC 3.86 Lac C y 2 89 he 6.35 Ac U N N Insists 9" Q u, ,0 to 7 Ac -\- n C ppm 45 3164 22 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Trumansburg Central School District This map rcpmsrnts a compilation ofgmphsal and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number MAP: 11 NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE Information man dams and survays,adigital planimaniabass V Curb/PavementLine /� Pro e Line PrevousLotNumber TOWN OF ULYSSES map. and III conversion offend-drawn mylar mega Enors / \/ P q and omissions can o<car son earn ofmaaa sumacs; caan sconce Railroad 7 Former Pro Line A3 Subdivision Lot Number 1"= 400' All tax maps are referenced to the New York Slate Plane Central Coordinate mpromas a large number ofeconts and onguamrsof /\.x PAY TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. M a pmcfical matin, me County docs not waarant /\ . H dro a h � Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage regi stated to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plasmatic Base Map, me arrancy or compleranessofmr inmrmadonposoyea Toe ,/ y P y/ \ 14.manplunadosils aDm 425' and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. and user ofinese maps a " Special District N Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage "Lr 6 Y please B P p gra, mracismma,asi., is' P g 200 0 400 Ilxn"147%locales P'-425' For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer [o the appropriate roll knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, tuna ro hold o o 18.50 ACG Grouped (Total) Acreage o Feel deeds and surveys. hamlassmac ssmyfm any damaeas that may resaM1 son an �� Municipality N External Tax Map ( ) g e inapproptiete use ofmaa maps. � ]ooa Scaled Calculated Acreage e MAP xevlseD: l-rocY-eon 916-I-3 Military TracUWatkins&Flint Lot Number ® Block Number mood Deed Dimension North MAP PRINTED:IJULY-2011 ei` ti 1.7 �ry9mi 1.5 "Spv OPS P -CJ = po 11 °sia 26.,5 1 V8 SLAG o E 153 s t 2.66 0J y 1720--ij^\` �� .� I'I 1.30 9.2 752. � 4 ' 1378.37 65867 \`� �,\ 3]7. 454.44 ^ �1 V _ 31 1 58S 74 s OF `\.. y m nn OF 1211, - ..241 L, \1 z� 94 ® 1.2 t O 4.2 123.33 Ac C (�..\ i W % 41.1 �6U91 cc 2 24.66 Ac C \ j ,1 16 ,�6 A z a TTER-DAY \.-/' 7ms A 4s 2335 _ 2285 SAItJT4S CHURCH 9.3 ry 0 .i 6 � 1 140.5 - _ "y Q10 2 ,� 27.74 Ac C 16.1a 4.1`Ac modes-- L2.30 Ac -% 1.15 Ac 2 ,) `� , . 16.2 c ! r, �F1�04n ] a h �' 3.06 AC as( l s Q RC1 5 n 14.200.1 d „ a 4.15 > m 9.95 Ac C 4� 265 s 2003 l\ 23.38 Ac C 1�c 434 a % 14.1 35 s 343 13.131 �s> s 1 s 333 a � 10.54 Ac Cry y" 0 2.58 Ac 140 1 a3oe 13.2 � 6.18 Ac 1 X42 , lsfis Q Dw>s I y 9y29A� w„ 74s 12.2 \ 5 4zaa ?1--;4�_`_' •� I, 13.11 0 3sv.e (VILLAGE OF c�RRy 1.52 Q w 5.50 Ac C' za6\ 3.46 C " ��� <. N 12.39 A „'RUMANSBURG ' a \ / Ac _ � 200 ffi ( 402 s V 10 / 6�6s, 13 ]J3 I't I� 1 \_12.1 % f/3g3a AC C o $10.30 Ac / \ 4 'i- c 11 ❑ "859 szoea_ �3ACCso X1.91 489 5 ROAD 22 FORTAX PURPOSES ONLY LEGEND Trumansburg Central School District. Ulysses Fire Protection District mis map«prescnts a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE infoonation fiom add dies angle /V �} � Curb/Pavement Line onvemonds iimpt, Emo< offe d -d angler maga Error, map, and d,ma are. All tax maps are referenced to the New York Stale Plant Central Coordinate a . m nrband-dra"n �<n,oar« reformed a Istat number .of emi..ien. eau °rtes sem <e<b arm originated, and misinaata- s h System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beau mateards firfermatioa. A. a pmni<al man<r, m<coaary doe. col ateregrad County Digital Base Map, mea itita"asis'M. tic resl991-94sionsadns ryfro le sod, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. and, red arcs °Prate maps agar. No data "as i.^ lite m< serracyore maps ages to seats etelegsl descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate Foods a issioNo Punk hold tfoors add and deeds and surveys. mageionatmay -use Countymay risl,andto far any damages that may result £rete an use Car = f ineppropriale uaz oftM1cae maps. inappropriate 1 3Ci 22 Ac ,we,Sl 2 21.56 Ac Cpl 1 Ito d-2S��3]]-s .,3�M1p4-"1'/�h5 163s, 25 f ,3q s 167d 4 4.62 Ac 536 2 3 m 5 6.40 Ac o 's 2775 N 3 9 oa I3 � C '030 3.2 18.78 Ac a 22 2.3 Ac 7.33 Ac C 29 I 23 9.75 Ac ; p 23.1 27.43 AO_C. 34.76 Ac IC G1 712 / Q ® 23.3 l 9 10 1A0 Ac C � 501 s 13 5.30 Ac C 714,23 12.1 4.2 Ac ._ L 1 � I11 8.37 Ac - n 1D o 1 13.47 Ac C 34.43 Ac C G O / 482 27.2 35 AcCN 20,51 •d /" 2 //nl II i 71;1 / II . " 21$' m nor COLD SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND Trumansburg Central School District. Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector Subdivision Lot Number Deed/Survey Acreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension /V �} � Curb/Pavement Line /'V Property Line 11755 7R7 S N z 19.31 W /V Railroad ;\;' Former Property Line Hydrography Current Year Changes " Special District N Block Limit z4>a < Municipality N External Tax Map = 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number ® Block Number 1787 a IACC ®255 % 3.95 Ac C '-50.69 Ac C G I� o Ga��SSG�G 1 1to ROgo 13.10 Ac C " - nth 27.60 Ac C 1 15 ; 1.7 Az>� . UNION AGRICULTURE &- -' :' - c 23ACC 'HORTICULTURE SOLI€fa-. 6s a3Po o s '� > 19 w a ryrR )RG CENTRAL SCHOOL _ , 252: s ®a T� ACC ' - esss� • ,9�s\ $ 3825 ^'�., a 21 2.17 �cC �� .Q „oas 3 s 7 g6 1 .4 \•\ \ . 1 '< Ac TAUGHANNOCK &C" STATE PARK /- �2 �\ \ s `96' /_%-- em - 4335 j -615 537.VIP TAUGHANNOCk`�.` E 7 ``.; STATE PARK mo 6 15.222 56.78 Ac 7$416 TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK tl >a 00 617.9 15221 15.23 to 10.34 Ac re 21.2 0------------------------- A 764.7 131.60 Ac C 15.21 94.98 Ac \ J - 9115 as MAP: 12 A 3 5:6 Ac 2.11 Ac C 18.50 Ac G 1005 100d Subdivision Lot Number Deed/Survey Acreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension TOMPKEQS COUNTYN.Y. , 200 0 400I1 o Feet e R North 7325 11755 7R7 S N z 19.31 W 16. 3 " ROAD °pzs C 1,68 19.> z4>a ea = SPRINGS 1>s,`AcC 1.7 c 9.11 10.16 Ate 151 743s 19ya '�� 2.16 13455d_ " 1145 736d 86 1825 148.27 18 s 5505 1925 F o 8.6 m z4gAc 20.1 I 18.4 ) 16.2 16.91ts 1 65.54 Ac CI z>z, o 1.65 = D 20.96 Ac C /1 18.3 34.23 Ac C 4.1�, Ac ; Z69� 2.47o \ \ 42.65 (Ac C ea 3. 45 zlsa Ac Ac % 1915 I A 1>6, .v 9.82 Ac C 1 D 11 I h1)y Q E 0 `d4sa 19.32 Parcel Lot Number Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES MAP: 12 A 3 5:6 Ac 2.11 Ac C 18.50 Ac G 1005 100d Subdivision Lot Number Deed/Survey Acreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension TOMPKEQS COUNTYN.Y. , 200 0 400I1 o Feet e R North SCALE: 1"= 400' (when ploard or sr<e 9 Mrsho a 17" (47%), scale is P-425' MAP REVISED: I -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 JULY -2011 11755 7R7 S N z 19.31 W ROAD °pzs C 1,68 19.> z4>a ea SPRINGS 1>s,`AcC 1.7 c 9.11 '133t 151 743s 19ya '�� 2.16 13455d_ " 1145 736d 86 1825 148.27 18 s 5505 1925 o 8.6 21 z4gAc C 18.4 it 18.9 z>z, o 1.65 D 1 1,,9�r1I,^s " 1z ,3 p re 1.J 2.47o rS.ID� 3. 45 zlsa Ac Ac 182 1915 1>6, Q 9.82 Ac C h1)y Q E 43.1 312 Parcel Lot Number Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES MAP: 12 A 3 5:6 Ac 2.11 Ac C 18.50 Ac G 1005 100d Subdivision Lot Number Deed/Survey Acreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension TOMPKEQS COUNTYN.Y. , 200 0 400I1 o Feet e R North SCALE: 1"= 400' (when ploard or sr<e 9 Mrsho a 17" (47%), scale is P-425' MAP REVISED: I -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 JULY -2011 I _ � 11 -- "TOWN OF COVERT tl SAVERCOO ❑ ROAD J, a s99 a OF E 7 .2 COUNI4653 sz', 4733 as a 1 lfiza 4 TOWN r ULY�S ` - a� t618s 181s 221s 234s 1 m / 2J /�'�„/ s° 0 6g �• w; aa+ 33S las a a26 a COUNTY r GN 2. 4 , 8 3.61 Ac a a.o' Ac „ 5.1 Q11 Ac ha ' q(, / 11 9.1 289aa TOMPKINS 615s y� a 2.29BcC 79 AzyN / w / 1.sOAc oil 192]s 0 h / S.Jh 5." m 38fi5 9]s %45 ^'y /Ac Ci P 3.4 2 >q3s GCk 98g I 2.12 29911= 9y ]SJg Iry'z'� 25 / CG / .11A .�6 A`C / / 6.11 Ac C 3.20 Ac C - a NEW YOI K STAT „zpza 11 7+k ss / 1a 10.92 Ac 4s9a 8osa aa9 a 44.99 Ac C PEOPLE OF 1 1.2 1 N 393 /'e / /io / 4osn�c 30.19 Ac C Y26 �/ n9a 2203 5.23 j > 700' STATE PARK ��' g33s T/U HANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHA�NNOCK00 Acj"' II 13 G as TAUG�HANNOCK I, 6,24 Ac j '206. e� �o P m 5.24 / G_.\ / 3.3 STATE ARKS / � d� 2 .�� A ' e - / 13.85 AcC ;qa w 3 oil N /5.22%-�� ---------------n4s--- ---- z N G nza s9a less X110„ , // / .03A1439 Ac / a si a ,7 ' z� m� � /' �,, TAUGHANNOCK m r:J"/tom �� i 1 C3 N Ac j 21.53 Ac / tom (� STATE PARK / ( % .50 in:.-,6zF-/ - �_- c ------------ ------ _ ACC j / 290s Gi -__-__-___ -------- 5 j ++' 5.30 ` G � a 21!, j is 6.6 Ac l �s l Ae+5 2 °3a p % 341 V, 3.5 3.8 $3.22 m 3.21 /' 4 Ac a p 3/7.81Ac=7.71 a z5a�� Ago 67.98 Ac C 67.80 Ac C 3.7 5' 6 c Gy�?' �� m Ao 90.50 Ac C % , 67.35 Ac C G 3 p�P G a s 534 s 2ea s 23.71 Ac 6.90 Ac C - ^5 a / ^ Ac C G � TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK IA s - / /^� qO 1 g'b P°„ , zTL � _ / I / ILL f N STATE FA + 19.2/ 4.50ACCo / 6.2 % � 4 % 170.16 AcG' 73, � ® ` / + ° gam' 3213 RICE ROAOg01a 70`rc5 0 x w 25 fan I 6 i5 f� i 251 k 1180 s 243 s 393 s 36^m 3 324s 42.43 ACC / _ / 2s 1 d©/ I 15.3 / j 5243 g,3s 14.06AcC ^ 22 zs k�^ >s j m - rt,:7o AC N & .80�AC , ,66s mss' t206s X1.99 AC%C 1 1 TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK af- 426s / ida! / Sias' .� , i 26�s „17 m 1.4 31.80 Ac C,% 770. 6 4 =as l X7.35 A C TAUGHANNO�STATE PARK 5.68 Ac C 13.27 Ac C 16.00 Ac C fAC IAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK 4m^ 1.5 % - STATE PARK y 0 ' ��, %/ 25.10 Ac C n / 769- Zoe. 69 s " J 10 ro % 451s 5ww �`F I ,"114 zs9 a - v 32.30 Ac C sz 34AcC 4 �, 865AcC 033'q aza 14.42 Ac m W Q \_J U a&®�E CEWIETERY° "' - zo7s ° o 8 1 8.21 °ssss PARK _�-�- �' �'] g 258 15121 TAUGHANNOCK STATE a d3w -' N 1 « 1.85 Ac '31381 zs] %1a----3227& n3a sb'a i ROAD z+o a 514 6 - 14aa iaa / 4.25 Ac '1.47 n73a a 6a j ,80 3zys LLS - - `- - - - - 524.89& 2 q>y M1 d,513A ;4,3d17.2'b 25 � � �j -- -- 5 Y 3.75 Ac C St sJsa - 2.86'Y�c' ^ 'a 247 a 13245as O 1.21 529.64 nrAS� G 238.934 ITA 2.68 AcC 18.60 Ac P Ac5Ca w zess3-'5:27,C H _ '` TAUGHANNOCK JG� 14 '•Is /°°°a ' 15.122 STATE PAR �P 10 1 �zse n 2z 84.82 Ac C 31.75 Ac C FAQ q 125.68 Ac C G ''� tae PINEWOODS PLAYGROUND ASC n /( sz 2.2 54.81 Ac C 36.51 Ac C 4 1223 _ f � 15.126 9p 91.32 Ac C G t--------------------- _ ( / e 2.75 X15.125 gNSe -----, 60.52 Ac C ../' / zsz Ac �s 13 [n� ps 2.50 y G'fCj 50,3 \ ----- 32238 aree SAcC Wo, �� - /'� / 1 _ / ��?'r - STATE OF NEW YORK I \ C 1 cc go \..J b 1 \_ ;- 2 �\ I % � 15.123 chi � ~r 12 ` 11:psc Y2a aw 9.14 Ac 154 Ac 15.2 zz 1423.81 5.90 ?O 0'90 ze 400 7za 7a r`r > ry 7> _1 ism j 1 6sz 2.00 A C' emda 9 38.18 Ac C go8 zssa - mJ o- 2.80 Ac C©y 45.93 as 14.2 14.3 a TAUGHANNOCK 49,3 p -BA 0 6.97 AC a a 16.3 Ac STATE PARK 9 Q4 OP �o 2.4 N N 12.2 f �'i, s o 9.06 Ac M.7 J 3.17 Ac C' 1 N m 105 40.08 Ac 250so i3 N6 L J es seo o G 3+°321q,4d4 L..\ J� N 16. o rm 1.6d -Ac, 0 b 10 �133� 294 O 110 s ^Oh,50 S`OSKiN ^y q15° 1 2 M1ry14 w .12 A 2.70 AC N DS OAO 2.40 Ac G, .9 .z ' � 3^,^5.�'= w19 x . Pe 1622 °�75 b 555.90 n x m ` 59. 2_3' 2245287a 13 1 12.3 w o p STATE ROUTE 14.95 Ac C 3'a 5.3333 a. Ac � � w 2.28 AG; za,a TAUGHANNOCK sora 1 a66� R� 86 STATE PARK aes N PP ,pa 2.00 AC H 286& TAUGHANNOCK 20 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Tlysses ire Central School District Thismap rcpresrntsacompilation of gapM1iasl and textual ugaaea Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number MAP: 13 NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE iafanam" dead deeds and adve,o, a digital planni imer bast TOWN OF ULYSSES map, and digital conversion ofbanc-drawn again r ap, Emma � �/ Curb Pavement Line Property Line Previous Lot Number anaomierimea-orrarmenrarbormraeeame.; eras aoarrr Railroad 7 Former Pro Line A3 Subdivision Lot Number 1"= 400' All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate eaprarems a large amber ofroaded, and odxinatem of 1` V / �.' pe TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been informed- Aa a parried mans, tar foanry doge am waaaat 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base M yorcomp provay /a/ Hydrography Current Year Changes //�\ 11 s 10 (IXadoa Arms P-42 g s 4' 6' pt, me user Is ums to asc Wtded,atiad M.Thc 2.11 ACC Computed Acreage r p 1 and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. rail arcs led,flmaps agars m a mans r dead nt,"as ad with tar o Special District N Block LimitFor p g LJ 200 0 400 II x n" (4]v), arab fa I"=4zs' deeds a plate kgsl descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate hull kn.. be l mmy lar add mages be, may ma real, end m aON 18.50 ACG Grouped (TOtal) Acreage o Feet deeds and surveys. harMgx tar C mag offlaraay damages mal may rrraM1 from as o'x� MnillClpallty ^ , External Tax Map e inappropriate um oftM1cse maps. � / V loos Scaled (Calculated)Acreage MAP aevlseo: l-rot.Y-zon 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number lood Deed Dimension North MAP PRINTED: ]JULY -2011 J 31 r�TAUGHA 7 Ac70NO AcA 3 15.32 Ac 9Ac C r' 28.3 C 7.18 A �M10 13.31 Ac C G 28.1''' s 5.98 Ac C 28.22 23.07 Ac C 25.14 Ac C G TOMPKINS COUNTY 2 to -6- goes Ac C 1 3.76 Ac C 66Ta 3 " 1, 9 761 a s - _ _ 3.02 Mlt -'�0 4.72 Ac C 6 - wase 4' / Q / 'Zg 3te TAU GHr1+vNOCK s k.70 Ac C 6 / v � 34.16 AC 4]8s JONES CEMETERY TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK j / M Aa .50 TA)JGNNCICK ` 14 /BT/CTE PARK 9.44 Ac C i rr � ` i u TAUGHANNOCKOQ STATE PARK K Ia,15 1 �I I 5.55 Ac �+ iii II y m II I II 4 �6 71.60�Ac 1 Gly l; 16 " TAUGHANNOCK "\ w 5.13 STATE PARK 9.17 Ac C TAUGHANNOCK Acc, 8 S STATE 6/WFY'RI{ s P STAT i set 4.1% a Q�4 Goa' e FORTAX PURPOSES ONLY Parcel Connector a 12 mis map ne agents a compilation ofgmphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE digital are a m deeds addtion iap < ma,, 5.6 Ac map, ani drgirel arerema of Aad -d and drawn angler maga Ermar ler mor, All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate nr -b wadomissions eauo«arsa,a<a<horm<a<nmadm;if aoar« . large number ofrcetms and oiginat or System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have beau n mimmation to iae rmatioa. As a preni<ar man<r, m<coaary data aol warns ansCounty Digital a provayM. Thc and, resl991-94Tions ryfro leafric eMap, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legs) descriptions. arcr ureas to seats dad, data rnm m< an serracyore maps M<dala ^as maps agm<s etelegsl descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate Foods Nil led, t ormars emissions ad aola ruail-ue deeds and surveys. and foraandmaeatmay Countmay restanam hermleas the County far way dmnegca that may result from an 5.75 Ac`' inappropriate um oftM1cse maps. C21 6.55 Ac C 2 70.50 Ac ECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District , 4.22 as 34.04 ac C 7.50 Ac C 36.18 Ac C G 95153s 19 5 18.40 Ac C Q: 4 32.42 Ac C ;TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK s_ '0au� spm 11�'oe 18� s 10 d.42 A C �O 5 0 3 �> 26.70 Ac C ads TAUGHANNOCK 1.2 �� STATE PARK *74 Ac C m 0 465 s 1.4 391 Ac C s U 5lo s 2s 17 ma 3 Ac C o^^' Ac C 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) /V Curb/Pavement Line /V Railroad Hydrography Special District < Municipality 91 a -I -s Military TracUWaddns & Flint Lot Number e- 19 .5 TOWN ULYSSES OF UL OP sFs e 0 as 0 is Y 0 0 U V e U Y 0 0 0 0 G U G 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 U is e G 0 0 4 e e ca 0 0 is 0 0 o r 16, cy 71f80 Ac C i 4UGHANNOCI STATE PARK e g, 19.95 Ac 40.14/Ac C 7. e A1 o 7.2 10.37 Ac C L -7 Parcel Connector a 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number GAl / ga OC a <F 10.7 Ac 9.10 ®! ,`N1 6 3.90 Ac 8 13.20 Ac 14.72 57.65 Ac C 4 6.40 Ae'J 43.1 Parcel Lot Number a 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1006 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 14.71 2.81 Ac s. Ac ee /4 .32 a 4.26 Ac C 14.5 14.P 5.75 Ac`' -6. 2 AC C "14.4mss`; .>g 2$ Ac 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 262 . 6 14 136 .66 Ac 14.61 '9^ 10.76 Ac . _ 12�s _ . .,_ 19 ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 el, e 0 e 0 e 0 e e TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 200 0 400 0 e Fee North 0 9 G�\ SSFS MAP: 14 SCALE: 1"= 400' (wheo traded ou Arch It MNid) Il a 17" (47%). scale Is P-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -IDLY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 14ULY-2011 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Dana,. Property lines have beau registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and arranges may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map maeseno, a compilation of standard and textual inf ,reatua from deeds and surveys, a digital planimehie base map, and mgital converted ofband-drawn mylat map, Error, rad caniso sea from cacb dto—a .; each,dame ,offered. a lad, uar ndeMe ofeteard, and odd rater, of information. As a practical maneq the County data not warraut Ne accuracy orcomple¢ness ofine information provayM. The and user oHbese maps ai to recent the data "as is" witM1 me Poll knowledge that eaom and omissions may exist, add a hold useraleaa me county for any damages that mar result from an inappropriate use ofth. maps. TAUGHANNOCK STATE 1.1 m 1.25 AC C IQ 14 DISTRICT INFORMATION 12 Jf Ac 6 e06 FL School District re Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) a 12 /V Curb/Pavement Line A 3 /V Railroad 5.6 Ac Hydrography N Special District NExternal e Municipality T Block Number 100d 91 a -I -s Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 14 DISTRICT INFORMATION 12 Jf Ac 6 e06 FL School District re Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) a 12 /V Curb/Pavement Line A 3 /V Railroad 5.6 Ac Hydrography N Special District NExternal e Municipality T Block Number 100d 91 a -I -s Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 7 L —7 Parcel Connector a 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number s 43.1 Parcel Lot Number a 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100, Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 16 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 o 100 0 e Fee North SCALE: 1"= 100' retired podded ou Arch D MNis) Il a 17" (4]Y). scale Is P-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -IDLY -2011 MAP PRINTED: ]JULY -2011 15 II r 2.38 Ac C 0 0 orgG 0 0 G7yg11101 000 000 0 0 0 0 en 0 0 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Danced. Property lines have beev registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and arranges may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map nagage is a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimehic base map, and mgital eonverelon ofltand-drawn mylat maps Error, sad emssnns ea from eacb nto—am��s; each,name rovs prosena large ar a guar ofr«ord, and mix trod, of information. As a pmcrical camer, the County data not warrant Ne accuracy orcomple¢ness ofine information provayM. The and user oHbese maps agrees to accent the data "as is" with me Poll knowledge that eaom and omissions may exist, end m hold harmless me County for any damages that may result noun an inappropriate paz ofth. maps. \ 3 1.07 Ac 1.7777 Ac* 4.2 =za ^A 1.42 Ac C t 9ss � m5 14 2ps ��� � �� 5 194 -7 s GTS <7 1.45 Ac C DISTRICT INFORMATION School District re Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) a 12 /V Curb/Pavement Line A 3 /V Railroad 5.6 Ac Hydrography N Special District NExternal e Municipality T Block Number 100d 91 a -I -s Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 0 Ac C Q •� i R 10 3 y 2.20 Ac C 14.3 �9N8AcC+� 182s �I I i 14.11 9,9 •.. 1.01 Ac C 0 ° s 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 o C ° e o C 0 C ° C ° n e 0 0 0 0 ° 0 ° e L —7 Parcel Connector a 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number a 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 16 5.83 Ac TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 62.5 0 125 0 e Fee North SCALE: 1"= 125' (lW eo ploned ou Arch D MNia) Il e 17" (47%), scale Is 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -IDLY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1-n1LY-2011 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Demand. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map rcprc,rnts a compilation of Medical and textual information fiom n deeds and surve. a digital planimhi ee base map, and digital conversion ofnand-drawn rotator map, Error, sad cameo sea tar seen each eto—a arced: each sear. effused. a lad, ou n e, ofreired, and mix gator, of information. As a practical mane, No County data nen warrant the userracyore mans agrees gto as,c nfotma data "as is'wit. Thc end curled, mapsarsaddto actionshedyeday ut, ad W hold Mn Poll knowledg ounur Net foors y darnasion at may result fours narmmyp me eeener for army aamagey that may result sem an indppropriateuaz oftM1cse maps. 1.2 5.63 AcC �� s O /' �� 2 / 3.13 Ac 5 4.03 Ac \'. DISTRICT INFORMATION School District re Protection District O� ^may 4 �3' CA yG C,y 117a 7 a II 6 7.33 Ac C 910as 67.9dei tz6.ra &3.03 IN 9 9 1.8 Ac 's, � a j e 10 " 13i% 6 ya Oma? , 1.356Ac 15 2.07 Ac 3.96 Ac 1 9' a 9 0 Building Footprint (1991-2069) /V Curb/Pavement Line /V Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 a -I -s Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 16 5.51 Ac C 17 1.50 Ac C f L —7 Parcel Connector a 12 ^P A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N 8 NExternal Tax Map T �s 100d Deed Dimension ^0� 9 nil 11 � 6 7.33 Ac C 910as 67.9dei tz6.ra &3.03 IN 9 9 1.8 Ac 's, � a j e 10 " 13i% 6 ya Oma? , 1.356Ac 15 2.07 Ac 3.96 Ac 1 9' a 9 0 Building Footprint (1991-2069) /V Curb/Pavement Line /V Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 a -I -s Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 16 5.51 Ac C 17 1.50 Ac C f L —7 Parcel Connector a 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 18 2.31 Ac C 1.86 Ac C �9g 22 / 3.89 Ac C :1 N o - 43.1 Parcel Lot Number a 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100, Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 18 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 62.5 o its 0 e Fee North tfi.:- fl7 SCALE: 1"= 125' (lWeo plo ed ou Arch D Meaia) Il s 17" (47%). wale Is 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -IDLY -2011 MAP PRINTED: ]JULY -2011 O / S 0 ° 7.35 Ac C /1.1 'S3s in O 6.13 Ac /y 704 O &,- O INCER LAKE$`{y 3" 0 �,..-.-.-.-.�.�.�.�.� 1.5 L9tND TRUE 1 .3 � y �1�Q6 538. s16.55 o 7 70 (L 5.37 7& 0 57 PR SEFVEyAC C 9 o5 s 2� 2.70 Q � ss 16.51 O �� 2.85 .1 Is, a.17 9s Ac C 68 � ,16.54-"., 13, q ° ACC ati ° 2.13 Ac % 26s 0 s 45Z-� e = =242_ _ f 194s 7 2�0 O .-437.77 y s 1 T.`� 230 -- 5 0 6 '`s = �_ ; ; 017.12 + 20o ° 8.76AcC b N !r �ti 19.1+ 0 �> 1.85 Ac 9.1 y ,, 3.44 Ac 17.11 ,r .s w ; _4�8 y ) Z 281 82 M��r tih 2.1 AC , � �s 1 6 O 3.25 Ac 4 `� / 435.48 00.5 o 409 ss f 335s 1 s s N S> O g 9 �� Ac 92 3.89 Acg ' �, ° f; ` �� / `� N 1 f 1 y ' - 1.47Ac CO -7 �+ir 11 13 / 17.2 0� 1"±{� 19.9 ^^ 19.7 �y 5 �' , rn; 1 rn 12 h Q 11.2j /+ s 16.82 Ac + °� W � ?+ � .619 �J �o � 2.8fi Ac ^12 • 21.2 Ac C / ; :' �° '' h - - • 17�i A ' .20 Ac y 15. ,$'Ac C G 4 s �Ac y r 3 ho A6 0 s' 12.112 > / �� 19.22 s ++O 153 s oo fJ.67 C 8.86 Ac Co N r N 6 46 496 s� A y �� ?}•F+ I / ^060 0 3S 1�Y,5 A, &v V o 1SSs N 710s 5 1 o r+ 2S3 S " 19.21 O - _ T GHAN CK8.90 Ac C 194J` -- _ _ - 571s 253.4 f+' 1 816 Ms OU�F / 1.1 o 2.61 0 0 0 ,r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' AC -- 1.71 a^ k`1 '' 30O2g2.6 S Ac73j 9 , a 2Sp� 1.40 Al.. r,/,.. OQ 1g 2 . 4 0 0 ^SCO /,/ 1.01ti� oa a �Q©„ y 138 s 8 �� 5 / • x goo �' �; �' ,"3/6132 Ac CaS0 G .60 Ac t 10.32 24 / ,�t 12.9 Ac C 7 P r ` 29.2 /` / �� 6898 /" j / 27 ,S X5.53 Ac C/' r 29 3 10. 2bi N } ; ` 'Jeer / / /; rn 10.77 AC--;' w 36 6 /I s �J01.58 / % / / $ // / Ac {7 ��� / / / I �' 261.96 / =Y cn 6 s /' 900 s /' /' 1 2 Og" In 219 s 540 388.11 w / 962 s + /` _ / 67 Ac C AC C , S`99s � / 28.2 £ GIRL SCCjU`TS, �'� titi�� ° s 7.42 Ac C /2801 101.13 / 4 /' 87 Ac C /: ��,9� + (0_ \ 34.1 Ac -4 / / CAYUGA PREVENTORIUiC/1 INC 26.2 4>>S °` , / 1 / �= _ b ,. %Cb s 8.27 ACC 3878'1�1gg9 00 ti ,''s / 7 R ;28.12 / 73 t /I / 937 s 193.22 0 A � " � k + 308s s *} 6`90 AC C/' /' /" 361.05 75 590S /- 598S s 781 s ` „} 12.99 Ac C 'O0 /' / / / st 2 ..........., oro 4.20 ACC 5 �'4 I / / 12.2 ^N s 2215 /" \ 28.73 Ac C ° - 6.76 Ac C 2706 ' w /_ / 7.51 Ac 0)2 '" 74 °cs3 o rn co co �: o N o /- / ,: 25.54 Ac C '9. s 26 ° /' /: /' 18.x. _� / / ' Co 6° Zy GIRL SCOUT�- o tx ✓ N _ �. ° i . x �p /" /' 46.65 Ac C p /: / ,/ do �5 ` 2° = 487 ss o , ; 9p /' / /' 47.89 Ac C G /' L 12.1 - 206 8 ? 284 361S 29 s P 200 \ /' /` '�88 / 4 o i g sri N 2.60 AC �o� AC?tioo ��s i x �'p 43.19 Aq "t / / Lj 7.4 �8 5 `oo P/O 27.-1-4 G,L 71.16 C G 94ps /;�. �� . 49$s 1 26g 2 28 O s 12.76 Ac C ; . /' I 8 / 17.2 �� ^ /. 1 ,'c 18� 85 5615 6 Qs 2 5 37 mss, 2.97 A C LU ° 1.03 Ac 31 .10 '4 As O / ^��M. °ss 44.61 Ac C El [ iL _ 54 -Ac C 7.5 0 6g° N 186 s s O 1.49 s G>' /I 17.75 Ac C c ° cu sg$ 9 221 s CAYUGA NATURE CENTER INC � N � a 33 18. �,', 163 s 5 / S l 7.2 " 's 12.34 Ac C 4s9 02s _ 99 s CAYUGA y 174 s 87 Ac C 3 200 ' /' ( S cn • � X05 �, o 4' N 1 AC m w 7' 3 v : % 1072 s 192 s e 27.-3-14 PO 27.-3-3 21 8 10o PREVENTORIUM INC _ _ _ i p 2.F3'1°°A 3 / - �' El` 1191 s 60 Yn �sr 2 AC C 4 s 300.84 s 788.96 s S ROAD 559S 517 s HOUGHTON 0 0 ° 0 ° O 0 0 0 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) L- -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys' a digital planimetri° base digital hand Errors Curb/Pavement Line�/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES map, and conversion of -drawn mylar maps. l All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate represents a large number of records and originators of and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source Railroad ��x � ���; Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been reglStered t0 1991-92 TOmpklnS COUnty Digital PlanlmetrlC Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The / \ /r Hydrography 1 � Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. data "as is" end user of these maps agrees to accept the with the Special District Block Limit 200 0 400 For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold o o , 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage o Feet deeds and Surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate these ' Municipality External Tax Map 1 OOS Scaled (Calculated) Acreage o use of maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension North MAP: 18 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 O O O O \ O O O O \ 0 O \\ O O O O _ 14O O O r, O O O O O O O O O O - •� 1271.54 997s HOQL 0 347.25 o DISTRICT j o, rA I / 5.00 Ac 379S IT A A 614.95 682s TRUMANSBURG / �^� N 6 T -G 2 S ,^° 11.39 Ac C R MANSBU 634.40 I N Mti G, 3.33 46.44 Ac o 20 lb N � L- --_ S cn 5 57 9 Nti N 5.98 Ac C `� � �--� 46.79 AcG j / N 4.2 770.17 I ,jam Q` 2.11 Act S 57.77 Ac C 5.11 7 �,QS °05 ck , /' CLPT r N / co � co 456 A i /�' i k 380S J / /" L1 V ��L N o /'/ 3.32 Ac o �° 1440 S 3.31 / / % �" �S18 0s y ti, 5.12 �, o �. 1 a`" C /' / 3. 22.32 Ac 2.5 9.81 Ac I /" '� ~" ' Ac C ° 5.0,0 Ac 2 �y o , / (" /; 1 0 99 s 207 s 205 s 415s /: a 2.5 �' / 4.2 5f41 �° C G U Ac C` y 12 ..,° 9 N N ^^O` y 'A N 4.11 �� 0 183.00 3.5 AC`o / s e ' C i N 294s J/ 28.68 A � 1 c 5 391 S s .8 . �: 3 . A 3 2 e. 0 3.12 3,32 J - / N o ''9S rW 4.57 Ac C 6 s:- " 334 s / N k V N do /" 63.20 Ac C N Ss ^ 0 a '��� C& i I ���20s w i 1.8c6 Ac 12.7;1 Ac C ° 9 bo C Go 5.2 % ���/ ;r 4 '/13 °o 3.35 ' 296s 3.36 3.34 p A / 7.2 ^� 6 j 5 /" W }; 20 Ac c / / �. 2 8.58 Ac C ti y z 5.61 0 5.61 0 10.24 AC /' /'� 4 21.94 ACC �" %y6s .. .� s 4.1' CO O0 3: `, /10.10 AC C 3.11 / / S OAc `� Ac `� -�` � � 2.60 Ac �. � U) -�' 1 Ac ' 703.05 / 99 Ac C 7.4 140 s /-.1 t� , " t5 39 ACC /' i y o U I I o 274.45 214.3 214.3 �o� st J JI rr���i N ^ S "' ' A' i �J 'OOs X74 3.37 179 s- N �s ` TRUMANSB RG ,5 le C- 375 s 3.38 3.39 1 380 S o7 S N 4.06 Ac m❑ 8 Ag ' 1 .3 As 228 s N 6 �y 726S 840 s /: 1 4 9 �4 I N 1c 1 '-; o p w cn cn cn 2t9 I -4 144 17 _ _ 14 /' w n15.12 J J �' 6 c �' ' 157 s I 474 s ,�,�• •,+�•+��•��•�� s 77 9.91 Ac C^ Q 7 x.31 04 ,i.r��,�r.,�....:rrr•_ 1889 s .w + ' � 2.31 2.31 N N N 2.00 Ac 1026s 201s ------- ---- ---- ---- --- 273s 8fi9s - _-__ ° ^ 2p1.i^^ N _ _ J 0 m I 2.37 C d 3.2 431 s 381 s CnI N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - ~ 412 799S 137S 2 +, --ITnACA `5�I // W 1 �?1 ^�. - 3p 3 Ac C Ac CLi AC C A� � 5 911 OAD o a 9 s /' 281 AcC�' dog I _a LO LOTA 626.8 _ _ - - _ __ _�- ----------- - -� 422 G 61s 8.1 tS y J -__ _= y \_. 204 s 210 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 336.60 763 s _ V s 1 42� 4��• _ i 75s - 205 214.3--214.3 - 04 -- ---- _ -- - ---- -� 27d� 619s `°�°1.89"AC� N s � _ jL�J - _ 1141 s t, ° 1 -- , a 0 284 sLL 2,,50 ACC ./x ~400 461 s 444 s 2 2.2tAC C/ M 130 278 ~ - - 200 , \ I o 0, � s `� y 9.,50/Ac C o //�.5 p, 4 W 1.3 1.2'2Cb l W I 299 s I CO3. X36 Ac / 2S ao�Co 1.1 ss ti a s w 3.16 �c w 4 5 i N / ` 2.3 s / / A ,/ti 15.4S A o 218 1.58 W p \ / 5 6 y / 1 Ac° 1.02 AC C Ac 1.21 `tom N �00 Ae9.30 ACC I v I /.�35 �,9� S ACC °005 s3 f' / ^°' a2 o y 20 130 24.8 200.16 396.33 . I 6.31 Ac N 259.31 777.92 I �S W l / I 8.5 . 26.3 64.4, #�Ac C / y� p 5. ' 7 s 6.92 Ac+.o� 4.47 Ac C A �, �� ��, / /' 20.2 ° I 2.2\''� 275 s 417 s `\ 33 Ac C p i ^° Q 2. 21.21 2.11 � N _ A 2.12 0 �' 336.60 27'9-s----- m � /' gss 64 �C % 2 / 21.4 I 37.03 Ac C 1s2 S s 0 N o 8.7'S C�^� C /: /, A66��Q- 1 20.27 Ac g 14.93 Ac N 14.52 Ac I N,�` 26.1 �, , ti I j j 2.7 >Ac C •� 6 �o 212 i.88 Ac 0 J ° 3.Q'9...Ac C N /� " 2.7'8 N I \ j �� X5.1 / w w J U, , I ��� ; s� - AC C,-,..1 w -4 o / 26 a1 0� ,I \ N \ 8.2 �. S a x;18 ' \\4.02 Ac 7s I 108.14 Ac C sss 2ps F- 902 S J / 1 A8.42 .2 !_! i \ s72s /" x.50 Ac es 05 \ d 6 Io 20 0 6 '5 s 484s \ \ /669 2862 N N o`O ° 940.96 463 s 450S i \ �' �j �' 163.9 '� , �O� 2Y."2 �° X71 s �' 22 5 \ \' 8.8 Ac 0� s 15/36 Ac C 2 ss 1 ACh Cb I \ \ �~ rb 9 .26 Ac C G 5 22 5 21.22 13.4 Ac J N• /'a �13s ,'� \ ti°`25, N I 18 4 \ j /` N 12.2 s ���S+F 2,9s 02, 43.10 Ac C I N \ /` '-" 3.12 Ac ss 2s \'✓i: 578 s \ 167.28 AC C CENTRAL SCHOOL 0 CD } I TRUMANSBURG o t�7z so 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 21.3 0 � 287.21 AC C G 0 0 6130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 ° 1436s SCHOOL DISTRICT � FS�s34 AC 5 by 5.24 1847s ITHACA CITY N Cw r 0 / �� J �- I 2027 s j I i 579 s , j /` �, 16.2 17 14.10 ACC 0 5 I 25.14AcC i I 31.25 Ac CCP /' N N 1 0 I - /; .�. N j 166 s 366 s O -' / o i 544S o i 1 214 I 184 s ITHACA CITY 1358 s ,�,��.��•�• Ln 00 �' 4.00 e- . 00 •�,�,�,�, �.�.�•�• 145 \ r 579 ROAD COUNTY N � KRAFT ROAD SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District o / fl , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Property Line A 3 This map represents a compilation ofgraphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base 2.11 Ac C map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors lar maps. All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness ofthe information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user ofthese maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District o / fl , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 Iz Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage I ood Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North MAP: 19 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: I JULY -2011 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. TAUGHANNOCI ll J o j STATE PARK,' N i I b ^M 13 '• �� 474S STq TF R�2�j 4 452s �-2.00 AC QO � 4 96 �j" �:i 1 481s - ;� _• w 12.3 •--•�4s _/'� n� 5150 TAUGHANNOCK x.7 Ac 4 341 278s 41 3 359 s18.8oAs _1s 863s s TAUGHANNO�K�-- sem; - �1°5 �� Ac C i• 2.88 Ac C 6 5 474 s 543 s 130 s w w STATE PARKS ag 665 -- ---- S 'I�• � � � � o Im 130s 919s �. l 2615 518s o 61s 1286s I O Y ° 740 / 1 w 6.1 / N 11 22 �`1 � 65.11 Ac C 7 � s 57.42 Ac C �A \ 35.27 Ac CEn I ,l 15A AC C 2195 � N 1 12,� M9.3ON 4 s 5 rn 1 i 9 gg :P 5Y o 00 AC 14.37 Ac C--:-, 211P,e1N N �1 3. o • .�1 r 0c, 17o s \ / � 2.14 A�' 1065;3 246 2.35' s /N N s � 11.21e' � � \ 1290 s 170 s 315 s ~ 139 s - 628 s �.: , C h' ° MIA s 17 's \ 735 s _ _ _ 035 N' 307s 355s ---------- - ---- 1561.64 , 2 -^:' 563: _ M1 - _1111 11111! 11 e _ - - - - 836 s I m $3ayo�g 170 ss x �s - 1$6$ ", N 1 .00 M _ //"_�" 830 s I 13 12 s 1 3A S N v\3 tiED / 5 _ ��' 22 5 14.02 Ac A 0 2 0 G 2.2 838.86 I M ,�` .�92�, 60.77 Ac C \ 106.33 Ac C G �. 44.20 Ac C s ` • •AC J 4 0099.34 Ac •� s \ \ 278 M O 9Q A v DN / 733.72 186 s N - 554.42 - � 526 s � / ••I o �' A ' 5.2 p p i 5.00 AC O 9 N I :x.03 Ac Asp / \ 1. w 378s 114 N 243.54 % '� \ � C, AC C U, 9 21 3g1 s / , 1 / 2104.5 399 s 178.10 y 6.79 Ac C 199 s 23.07 Ac 'AO 6.1 6.2 G 742s 137y s ` J 5.10 13.61 �6 A���/ > N z 9.22 °J° 5.12 Ac Ac 6� 3.1.. ss N �.,1 374 s O 131.62 m 8 704.22 437.6875 2 100.13 �g� w / % o 8.42 AC J 238.27 303.27 353.90 L22 0 ( 2.58 AC\' o /. 5.13 w 9.31 `\�� 3- RQs 6.2 I O M� 2.01 W '� 2.7 ' Ac9 15.53 Ac C /• 375 s �, 7.55 Ac 330.00 jl 47.42 Ac C N 0 ll cpno 7 M °1 1292.82 0 719.1 ~ 36 cn3.88 Aw r 374.74 4 s N s w A 12.12; ?;a Ac 8.1 10.1 w s s A 1 15s 3g 8.83 Ac C 144 W ID 7.1 Ac 13.2 x g55 �" f N m 8 s 5 J) tS m AC ifl m 411 6 A �❑ F131/ N 2.76 AC 215.5 150.64 W 250 160 s 7.2 1'," r 348 s 20g �yS ' 1 0.2 = �, : A 19 °° 0 13.3�6s '. �S 1 84 / 2 X83 13.1 o L. • 1.2 1N N 101 12,m 203 s� '1.16 0 12 ;11 1.5$ =YAc 1.79A Acs s C �,. 847 s 194 s 645 s C� w -, ti' 1.61 2 627 �w NAC NM1�I W 1.,23 ACS OAD' 397 s 167 s �',` p s 7g5 s W 206 s w 174.48 .OBS s' 2 8 250 C N 14.60 ACS, �� '�C A "1.756 AC�' - - _ -I \ 156S 9S 1391 s < 587.45 8 13.38 �e 591.25 661 s - 1252 nNi 90 A � 0 3 4 48.67 Ac O C M SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 6 0 s 47.80 Ac P/O 24.-2-3 314s 5.2 2.23 `i� �o AC N s 201 s vl I _0 1755s SWAMP COLLEGE 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number W -j 1196s 4 �, �- ° cc 9.9@x'#/V-••-,: 11As ROAD L -7 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 100s Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 225 0 450 0 Feet North MAP: 20 SCALE: 1" = 450' (When plotted on Arch D Media) I l x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 r r 0y r f � }rf rf P/O 22.-5-6 s 35.38 Ac C -PO` -O 696S 12 SPRINGS COLD 189 s 1285 1084S _ _ _e _------- ---- ti 1011.73 IN1,414 2R097s 225 695.00 A559; y 1 0 0 []� % +i x-_---:�- 5 �Ili Ac 1.33 co f N II l i I' l �y d "v y 2z5 t l 'It 110 2j Ac 1. 3.3 N�o;so l' I N II S5 tl Q h I 0 C 1.33 N im� 2.3 j a iltl ❑+ I� Ili I 2j0 Ac 3�0s + 0 N 10.01 Ac/ 27 Zs ,;' fi ass Nh 2.2100 N 48.20 Ac o \ �: _ co P'\ 2.22 I+ N \ 4.22 �7 A 5.3 Ln 0 8S 388.12 90 3 \ 31.27 Ac C 21 3.43 Ac CN \,41.17Ac 11.�2Ac 58.93 Ac S = Z \ \ \ 5 _ - A \ n i \ \ LJ \ �' 341 s_I J 5w' 14.88 Ac C S N o i \ 5.6; 105'1 o \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1145s .00AC "44N � 1123.89 458.47 493;s 1036s I 593.02 989.34 1 1134.61 \/ LJJ I,p 493.70/ cn J o N' C) c \ w 0 4.04 Ac 946.44 \� ( \ Cn t-VeNN N .\ 13�----�, 1265.31 d 493s \ 28.25 AteN - 1 1 N \ 1 l _ 1 CD 8145 A' ; \ 1365 1165s \ 11 w 9) 2.39�Ac ti 46 �CID` N \ _ - 8.4 / 6 / w 2 O c� 446. "\ �" 631.6 7 I m '-"29.66 Ac C 8.5 N 196.20,:'--.. 2. S0 r \ 24.43 Ac C �, 22.04 Ac 49.1 YAc p .58 A� 370. / 8 \ \� 48.58 Ac C CF) \ �\ 1 \ :\1 ° 12.9 X9.3 N'1 A z�3ti 1 \ 12.3 842 s L6 1 N } N 8s �ool`e^� 121, 8" ; , ;I 20.23 ACC 1 ; 'Ac i In 1e,# ^h 2.0 Ac'4 1 �; I :1 3.4 1 A. �, �. / j 9.4 9.2; 1 I �. s ^7 ^a 2°7 9 1.95 d ' 28 3:15.77 Ac00 i ❑ \ I I . �'.4 o N \ I z N 20.60 Ac ° ❑ 92.1- 1 �° � -� s El 0 00 a 7.�3 Ac `\ U 1^� iii 4 J 3.2 SO �r�� � I Ej 434 s 331 s 0 -----------15 ACC w 204.50 0 \ Com, FL I : Ac C 470 s / 12.68 Ac C A 1.75 Ac C � s 728 S 10 0 �i I 436 s 431 s \ o zc�r 3oz S 512 s 227S COUNTY ROUTE 14 P ' 98s \ 866S 24 s7 �� 394 s Q- ' 5 � E3.1 w, . ��50 s 2 s 315 s N 246S 404 SROAD EGE ROAD COLLEGE T R 1081 S - _ _ 2�1[ SWAMP _ - 200 200 s 190.53 347.29 _ - - i 436 S I s 0 Y 161 s 24; ~ J 443s o ill ��e 4�-' N rn °3.132 N -4 39 9 f i1 2.55 AC fl'1s -o los . 4 0 .6 I i 1 3.13 '3.-'34 309.49 728s AO� G II . 13 I 15 4.88 v 3.14 '1P � '3. 3.12 4.89 4.68 Ac N-------- ------------------- N 'b.63 Ac C Ac AC -C N 7. g Ac C - 24 15.63 ACC 1 N N i- 1 184s LI` r.2 I - 6.50 Ac C �J I N01 910 s 570s 201.8 2 683 s01.8 188.4 1 m IN 0O 3 A 1 J P/O 23.4-2.2 101.13 Ac C LOI I I I i 739 s 1304s I I n r l 1003 s ROAD 22f7 s VAN LIEW SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Property Line A 3 This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base 2.11 Ac C lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 1005 Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North MAP: 21 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 C) C) 00 w N 1064s 41.14 63 s AC C m \ e 16.1. o r y,F, 2 6 � Ry 12 1.3 ������„� 62s 153.26 Ac 2.86 O O \ o AC C ��s /' \ i'7? s 2 \ =m PS 4SQ6q �`� N 79..1 "` 28 �� 3.1 N 4 � 2po 545s ,4 `°M 19-.26 Ac 0 \' 27, 1.6 M / y� 2so s /V G C,6 \ M Ac' 1 �' 3p0 S 3pa6 N 027.1 1 3.2 680.23 .3 co 3p0S 1 7.2 7.04 4.15 M4.115 Ro t2 P f -10 0 Ac C 10.07 Ac "' v 2� "I 80 .r-, . ,2" qD pje?,BURG ROAD o r1" ,' 4.59 \ L 4.10 A 4.13N " 286 W _ _ _ TRUMANSBURG 4 `'� � co ,.� 5 250 ` °'� Ac C N 3.66 Ac 3.47 Ac 63 5.4 0^ / 6425 S �'�% D Spa` UNITED f 1(� s 4 637 421 s 423.57 337.72 308.22 /'' } i f� ^4` ' S 1.6'a 'OQ \ ° _ "1 1305 s 310.05 5.1 Ac N 568 s 4.1. ^. N ��31 SA 2 4}5 \ ass �'�9g 5.2 �' f % M. VAC 2.2 °� 1 r;1s W 404s 1 . / 1499.83 d \ rn N e• f so \ ; •L,-�' _ 10.71 ACC ; + 1 34s 63 2p3S J A \ A 4.. rn 6` N a l 415 46 \ Uw 170 s 147 s w� \ /' 7p83gg7�S roMoi f f� g) 246 s \ 1Co � 1.2 N 5.3 Ac N N X25`1' co <26.1 ,\ � 5.6 +` �.' 5.1 9.67 Ac °y N'p \ N 3.6 $A C 4.12 10.91 Ac o °7} 1;'119.72 AC C N \ - - - - - - - - it C'I\ 539. \ 15� ^� lg8 s �+� �',��,� O -W-- '- �-., 5.2 N \ A 43.32 Ac /: 232 0^l�% O } ± \ 13.76 ACC l �2 �}"1 26= - 2'62 4, sy 1.4 9.20 k0�C � \ 47.21 Ac\ °� �' Co N 4x8 7 0 s 5.4'�y w _.,-"N 6.3 4 1 7 �2� p qC �0 52S y o w y 5 0_ I /; /' a s�^� oo 4� 1 po 13.26 Ac 2.Q� 4.38 2" ��5 �� °� ti� 2.91 �d oo \ / S�3s �J 2�4.0'� l 7 ❑ r_� s ^�^51.72 A C 1 a 429.3 z oM 20.5 56.09 Ac o� v2.,_'ks � 10 0 AS � `� /--�--,, �----/, 6.21 �� 1.3 S- � y � ,. 0 � * 76.09 AC C OJT Ls 7� .20 !AQ-, z4$ s 35 . 1�L 2 \ / -/ 1273.61 AC rya "'(7.14 Ac 3 271 5 - _ - ~ 239, 234 s 100 5 's ° �' 0 8S rye. rn i * S 2 s / 152sa 2�J.3 �1.6' �2 g' 6 -' 6.22 " 6 23 728, F QAC �rn \ 2 Ac o 20.7 6S 160s `� N 2 Ac C .77 A 269.25 r' �' 24.79 Ac Cs5 v ^ti 2 _ w i 1308 s /' � � � �2�5 7.91 Ac °' .� N • - - - - - 536s �, ", As 246s h-- 1 N ^ti __1/ r 8.75' AFJ rn �222sr,0' AC[Q6171.1� 1.2 s 241s ti 7 n gS A2.3 y % /" 1.13 Ac 621 s 3.%.Ac'��°,� 24.1 rn 1635.29 C- 20.6 o 30S 2.1 435 5 / . J N 6.1 :'° �`' 1.69 4° O 2.62 AC C y s ,�� 11.41 10.30 AC Ca ' 20' 2 �' 654 s A�8 2.4 y ^ Ac c 25.2 /I /` o Ac \ c H 2.2 S X4.49 Ac!'� N 1444.09s ' 250S 25.69 Ac ;1 z 86.14 Pyr; C \ p� a ^� 3.1 t 11.79 Ac C a / �- N VILLAGE OF r' �, 12.25 �1Ln N las / TRUM SBURG j C N 10 1 j 1105 s �' ^��, ^oma -"• 228 �.. \ L; ���2 � O f 467 j 0 9 58.25 Ac C ^ s�3 o y 787 5 L \ ,'� ( 4 Ac /� 3.2 �`."; \ N F, o 0 31 °' ` ` / 4.38 AcvF60`Ac , 5.68 , P/O 23.-1-1.2 a� \' / \ 1320 d 19 / 374` , 6.45 Ac C o00 jos �o s4 s s-- _ 2s 30.93 Ac C 907s \ 21 \ /' ' ' o 10 ` 651.4 89.18 AC C G r��F�r1 a3 F-4 X12 ti o y / "\"-� ,� 6275 y/ 4 J U Q-+ 1 ---..� �_ \ �\ ii ,� /' N 26.65 Ac C o rt (,•' J r �c N � r T3S NEW l�`Q,RK �'Y% i \""/� /: °- ^�oM ry y `' 18 �1 � r 28.70 ACC o `5- ALPHA FOUND4TION !/ ��"� `�' VV I -/� 15.00 Ac o � Ac 16.23 Qc C Q / 9 .8J-- r ro /j: N-� /' N 3p.6a 55.12 C G ^ ��� 77ss ,785 1558.20 f� ^l , �/ ^ 592 s ' o S Sp �oyti 2.07 /' 730 5 BOWER CEMtTERY AC c P/O 23.-1-1.2 N CO 118.27 AC C 5.2 408 F 5 29 16.2 A �' 6 � s s-�� �� 12.24 Ac C--'� / ° h� . �� /''0 A a8as 073a QJ a 22.90 Ac ^ / / 'n 8.18 ACC °' 405 a "' l /' 1.; I APS^ / 001 365.5 ^ 7,34.4A 16.12f' 876 f S 1858.17 d 8.77 AC C 255.64 10.96 Ac °; 15.1 �; `2a.48 28.36 Ac C' =5 /> 16.11 16.13 N I 4.9$ 2 ^ y ^�` 15.3 / ,o m 10.69 AC C AC C 386 13.95 -ACC AS9 4 co5 s /'S 6.2 N VILLAGE OF N L �$ 3355 'r�-.' " X60 064.68 Ac C TRUMANSBURG 300,, gAsS / 100.06 Ac C G - - - - - - 399Qs ------ -< A'-' 18 w / 5915 72 / 6.1 i (n 0 3.00 Ac N �' O SS 788 y 279 s 6 - - - - - - 164 s 642s N u 338s i 19, I 400s 1000S I 23 � �� FORT INDIAN N 10 3.1 ';/``'j � ��c. G) AC : 0 11 A P/O 23.-3-5.2 I$C3N10.61 3.94 15.28AcC N O 8 Ac C t ; 2,:P-= 06o Ac P/O 2 o 2.2r R s �-1.67- 304.40 Ir" 1� C7"1 32 N PINE 6635 r N l R/DGF 243S 2115 ROAD ow FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Property Line A 3 U 775 s W a lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been C) C) 00 w N 1064s 41.14 63 s AC C m \ e 16.1. o r y,F, 2 6 � Ry 12 1.3 ������„� 62s 153.26 Ac 2.86 O O \ o AC C ��s /' \ i'7? s 2 \ =m PS 4SQ6q �`� N 79..1 "` 28 �� 3.1 N 4 � 2po 545s ,4 `°M 19-.26 Ac 0 \' 27, 1.6 M / y� 2so s /V G C,6 \ M Ac' 1 �' 3p0 S 3pa6 N 027.1 1 3.2 680.23 .3 co 3p0S 1 7.2 7.04 4.15 M4.115 Ro t2 P f -10 0 Ac C 10.07 Ac "' v 2� "I 80 .r-, . ,2" qD pje?,BURG ROAD o r1" ,' 4.59 \ L 4.10 A 4.13N " 286 W _ _ _ TRUMANSBURG 4 `'� � co ,.� 5 250 ` °'� Ac C N 3.66 Ac 3.47 Ac 63 5.4 0^ / 6425 S �'�% D Spa` UNITED f 1(� s 4 637 421 s 423.57 337.72 308.22 /'' } i f� ^4` ' S 1.6'a 'OQ \ ° _ "1 1305 s 310.05 5.1 Ac N 568 s 4.1. ^. N ��31 SA 2 4}5 \ ass �'�9g 5.2 �' f % M. VAC 2.2 °� 1 r;1s W 404s 1 . / 1499.83 d \ rn N e• f so \ ; •L,-�' _ 10.71 ACC ; + 1 34s 63 2p3S J A \ A 4.. rn 6` N a l 415 46 \ Uw 170 s 147 s w� \ /' 7p83gg7�S roMoi f f� g) 246 s \ 1Co � 1.2 N 5.3 Ac N N X25`1' co <26.1 ,\ � 5.6 +` �.' 5.1 9.67 Ac °y N'p \ N 3.6 $A C 4.12 10.91 Ac o °7} 1;'119.72 AC C N \ - - - - - - - - it C'I\ 539. \ 15� ^� lg8 s �+� �',��,� O -W-- '- �-., 5.2 N \ A 43.32 Ac /: 232 0^l�% O } ± \ 13.76 ACC l �2 �}"1 26= - 2'62 4, sy 1.4 9.20 k0�C � \ 47.21 Ac\ °� �' Co N 4x8 7 0 s 5.4'�y w _.,-"N 6.3 4 1 7 �2� p qC �0 52S y o w y 5 0_ I /; /' a s�^� oo 4� 1 po 13.26 Ac 2.Q� 4.38 2" ��5 �� °� ti� 2.91 �d oo \ / S�3s �J 2�4.0'� l 7 ❑ r_� s ^�^51.72 A C 1 a 429.3 z oM 20.5 56.09 Ac o� v2.,_'ks � 10 0 AS � `� /--�--,, �----/, 6.21 �� 1.3 S- � y � ,. 0 � * 76.09 AC C OJT Ls 7� .20 !AQ-, z4$ s 35 . 1�L 2 \ / -/ 1273.61 AC rya "'(7.14 Ac 3 271 5 - _ - ~ 239, 234 s 100 5 's ° �' 0 8S rye. rn i * S 2 s / 152sa 2�J.3 �1.6' �2 g' 6 -' 6.22 " 6 23 728, F QAC �rn \ 2 Ac o 20.7 6S 160s `� N 2 Ac C .77 A 269.25 r' �' 24.79 Ac Cs5 v ^ti 2 _ w i 1308 s /' � � � �2�5 7.91 Ac °' .� N • - - - - - 536s �, ", As 246s h-- 1 N ^ti __1/ r 8.75' AFJ rn �222sr,0' AC[Q6171.1� 1.2 s 241s ti 7 n gS A2.3 y % /" 1.13 Ac 621 s 3.%.Ac'��°,� 24.1 rn 1635.29 C- 20.6 o 30S 2.1 435 5 / . J N 6.1 :'° �`' 1.69 4° O 2.62 AC C y s ,�� 11.41 10.30 AC Ca ' 20' 2 �' 654 s A�8 2.4 y ^ Ac c 25.2 /I /` o Ac \ c H 2.2 S X4.49 Ac!'� N 1444.09s ' 250S 25.69 Ac ;1 z 86.14 Pyr; C \ p� a ^� 3.1 t 11.79 Ac C a / �- N VILLAGE OF r' �, 12.25 �1Ln N las / TRUM SBURG j C N 10 1 j 1105 s �' ^��, ^oma -"• 228 �.. \ L; ���2 � O f 467 j 0 9 58.25 Ac C ^ s�3 o y 787 5 L \ ,'� ( 4 Ac /� 3.2 �`."; \ N F, o 0 31 °' ` ` / 4.38 AcvF60`Ac , 5.68 , P/O 23.-1-1.2 a� \' / \ 1320 d 19 / 374` , 6.45 Ac C o00 jos �o s4 s s-- _ 2s 30.93 Ac C 907s \ 21 \ /' ' ' o 10 ` 651.4 89.18 AC C G r��F�r1 a3 F-4 X12 ti o y / "\"-� ,� 6275 y/ 4 J U Q-+ 1 ---..� �_ \ �\ ii ,� /' N 26.65 Ac C o rt (,•' J r �c N � r T3S NEW l�`Q,RK �'Y% i \""/� /: °- ^�oM ry y `' 18 �1 � r 28.70 ACC o `5- ALPHA FOUND4TION !/ ��"� `�' VV I -/� 15.00 Ac o � Ac 16.23 Qc C Q / 9 .8J-- r ro /j: N-� /' N 3p.6a 55.12 C G ^ ��� 77ss ,785 1558.20 f� ^l , �/ ^ 592 s ' o S Sp �oyti 2.07 /' 730 5 BOWER CEMtTERY AC c P/O 23.-1-1.2 N CO 118.27 AC C 5.2 408 F 5 29 16.2 A �' 6 � s s-�� �� 12.24 Ac C--'� / ° h� . �� /''0 A a8as 073a QJ a 22.90 Ac ^ / / 'n 8.18 ACC °' 405 a "' l /' 1.; I APS^ / 001 365.5 ^ 7,34.4A 16.12f' 876 f S 1858.17 d 8.77 AC C 255.64 10.96 Ac °; 15.1 �; `2a.48 28.36 Ac C' =5 /> 16.11 16.13 N I 4.9$ 2 ^ y ^�` 15.3 / ,o m 10.69 AC C AC C 386 13.95 -ACC AS9 4 co5 s /'S 6.2 N VILLAGE OF N L �$ 3355 'r�-.' " X60 064.68 Ac C TRUMANSBURG 300,, gAsS / 100.06 Ac C G - - - - - - 399Qs ------ -< A'-' 18 w / 5915 72 / 6.1 i (n 0 3.00 Ac N �' O SS 788 y 279 s 6 - - - - - - 164 s 642s N u 338s i 19, I 400s 1000S I 23 � �� FORT INDIAN N 10 3.1 ';/``'j � ��c. G) AC : 0 11 A P/O 23.-3-5.2 I$C3N10.61 3.94 15.28AcC N O 8 Ac C t ; 2,:P-= 06o Ac P/O 2 o 2.2r R s �-1.67- 304.40 Ir" 1� C7"1 32 N PINE 6635 r N l R/DGF 243S 2115 ROAD SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District o / fl , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number L -7 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Property Line A 3 This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base 2.11 Ac C lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District o / fl , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number L -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 100s Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 21 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 250 0 500 0 Feet North MAP: 22 SCALE: 1" = 500' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 3.2 ;... _ �9�5 1 Ac��°' 22 3.� 192.14 I 3 PC OPp �ZRo� 4 X635 . FZ �, 4 2e78 /A 65 Vv FORT gACC INDIAN _ - _ -- - ---- - - - ---- 1320 is N U/ I' as 2 5 a h� 24.9 Ac 26.29 Ac C M 0 +-a - - - --- - -' N 27.66 Ac C G 22 L� 1.2 863 �\ / -" _� \�. a ' I �� i\6 co 43.55 Ac C N 6•°. z N L:73C2 167 369.71 \ _�j2 3 97 s rn= a ' 170.34 Ac C G 7 lb 0) o w N Ct° .' ,_ PINE R/G 'P S�ypS - ~ - - - 329 s 2�4 s a O I I 473.5 i •� a S� 3.50 A 1'- oeis - ` 28 AC LJ r'4g9S R0 t 1.2 m`n x n 2 :3oF CO d 8 b� `, a 8 201 s 1 Atiz7a s LJ 5.11 �,``. oZ6 I 146 S$ 49 s L�l N 2.67 ACC I a 2270s 4 -5 -Mi %� \,\ 26 AC C �� � �� g = 11.1 349S 142 a 1 7,? �� ICS - �.-_ ✓•% \ 9 ,g ^ M°j co 332 p 4.54 Ac yg. s ' i o �8, 13.' �Ac �^ -r5.3 5.42 II N 30.62d --20 Ac 3.76 Ac C 650s ti 788.3 /1.12 N 20.2 \�j: \`� s - 36Ss 590S 300.00 5.2 \� 8.38 ACC 0 \s �a�- I 4.83 Ac , ' J 33.03 Ac °� �, s /` A o 21.46 Ac C 18 3885_- - I �� /', 0 5.11 o I N 36.74 Ac C G 2.75 AC a 500.75 I� a TOWN OF ULYSSES 467s 606s \ _ _3 s 5.12 ! 300.00 11.23 729 s i I ,351 s i 805s 123s `�--- �- 3 j \ I o L7a 17 426s 1214s 145 s 1 2 706 s 0 S 25.58 AC C \ 0 22.52 Ac C 712 s rn iX1.68 Ac / j//I A 5.25 Ac,.. 52 \x W I 349s . % ; ;;� I � Ilaw 14.1 N 4.41 Ac G Q 1 ; N 1.86 Ac CP P/0 P/O 36.-1-7 A 0 470 W ' 14.3 5 349s /" 16.26 Ac C 4 N / \ N 8.56 Ac (% / 1323 s12 11.21 N ' I I 5.28 Ac C w 322s,- 1642 J W 8.87 Ac 4.55 Ac v 477S `, -- ID __ a 14.2 597 s 5 6� / \ � \ 462 r -- '--- l a m° s 56.51 Ac C �; % �..\ oti 3� s ,' \ / 898.69 C) II V 51 LLJ \ \ o /. J 597.29 \ \ 450s Nr 14.4 w 11.09AcC \ D co 3 W 10.1 10.2 �, o ' o\.. 11.22 cn:5 18.53 ACC G, 49.34 ACC 9.55 Ac N 37.80 AC C /= -3 ' II Ncl I 9 I� \ a ' \ 597.29 s� 869.88 5 1I g, 4U6s 1017 s M 1.50 �C C ro 388 s I I Yy \ I,N 2�GC_s= _--------- - 1 m 869s •// `\ �. N I� �5183s 223s rn �/ o `-' C' ' 721.10' 779 s �' e `1.22 131 s \ 2.73 Ac C �a A �A .= 2 \ o N r ! N 37S + -? 1 .211 j ' 237s x\ 936.5 N 1.57 Ac 349s 2.1 I 10 1.1 j ' 27.36 ACC P/6 36.-1-7 0 0 150 Fo I 9 59 A� -� C 195.00 N 38.68 Ac p 09.8 Ac C \ 22.36 Ac C 356 s 11.2 N N � I .' U �, -\ 43.92 Ac U1.3 � � s y 475.0G ; r, 13.94 Ac,"O M \ PE CITY \ L! 291 s FRIES CHUR H I o N 167 s 5.00 Ac Fi 3g0 s I a W o 472S a I CO 1001 s 378.69 13x COUNTY ROUTE � 92 AC C CO r 2751 s ROAD CITY 513 s 1 PERRY 36 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) j \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/" Hydrography Special District o / O , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number L -7 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Property Line A 3 This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base cF lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) j \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/" Hydrography Special District o / O , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number L -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes cF Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map x Block Number s 142 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 21 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage cF Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage x Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension N �O VAN LIEW N 's a - �o �. 199S - - - - - - 2.11 N 1074s I - - - - ~ 235s J 0 Go 133 853s N W 00 10 N ` L h a� 4.19 Ac C 0) N 69 !n 6y _ s. e �� 234 s 98s 105.08 Ac C 3.1 I` .)18 Ac C G 1.4�`Qc ,CSW QQo� s s 142 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 1002s LF3 2.2 36.72 Ac C 143.88 Ac C G 2023S 3.2 70.18 Ac C ROAD - - 737 s C rn 0 �O 10 aC II rn i I 0 v� s�0 UPDIKE 2s '9O CEMETERY I 528 s 153 s s 545s 4 '1.' 153s i s 15AcC s`x 525.1 w AI 7.87 Ac W N ' N 6.48 Ac N O I tlJ!I � I °'666 s N " 519s _ - - - - 857 s 36 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North 24 Mi MAP: 23 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 ,.0 ROAD SWAMP COLLEGE _ - _ _ _ ._ _ _ 402 147 - - - - - - - - - - - _ 389 s �' c-sss s 276 229.5 1 3 1 4 N Ln ROUTE ___ _ _ ___ ---- ---- - ---- - --�- - -- ,-- - 1x735~ v - - - - - - - - - - 529 68.1 494.2 640.6 I Q r N rn 3.16AES/ N r_j 5.69 Ac C _ ° � vJi �, _ w COUNTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - Y 209 s 149 s 199 s _ �� =340.9 O 2.69 AC �' s - - 61 218 s D i=\ 2 D w 3 N w 4 J A,C- 55 w 902.88 _ - - - - - - _ - - 1 �`T 00 4y X1.1 N s 3 C 00 Q °� 1.14 m v w w 200 ww - - - - - 2071 s 2.16 A� G 1 C Cr 1 Ac N1.611 "a 58 Ac C Ac C 4.gbC N 1.421 \ s N 00.0 5 .00 16 00 N556s 7 --- 5 Ac �s 209s w � .1 7 A 535 \Ln \ Lo U' w I 496.2 0 476 230th LO 5.1 00 - w w� ° n r 15 Ac LO 'rns `n 199.00 5.2 L N N \ 47 r v 1.02 Aq I 301.4 r 114 1 1.6 i 51.45 Ac 5 1 1.5 248.46 rn w I 2515.1 w 1.89 Ac`s I pN •\ W 10.90 Ac C i I 715 s 900.58 0 QG rn \ U, 304.6 10.1 1.62 j N 1..1.5 6.09 Ac° Cn 6.97 Ac C A 285 s o 5.2 1 91.85 P i N 2171 s 275 d r i �1 C> 1.422 54.6 AC I 750.68 0 CD 8.4 w qJ N 348.46 i 6.8 w 94.35 Ac C 0 11.17 Ac O? N 418s 1895.72 1.2 0 -° 10 . s�OS a o° 412.15 N o w 379.35 23 45.65 129.90 Ac C I ACC � o'� • 3 0 0o S cn }},, 2.09 Ac N i\ 653 t rn-yO AC w 791.6 I o 250 s I J I No l 414.21 I a l 0 21 225 W 9.24 � \ 0 1. o .,w /' 8.3 �I o o A a, J ,I N I Q 0 w0 2.17 C I \ 275 d I> �/ 296s � 8.2 O 5 4.95 \ 6.2 >- 11.17 AC 00 41 22.33 Ac w 9.21 J W I 1 ---x.92 ; J 1.2 N / \ J N �4.26AcC� 1 I AcC I=7.30AcC \ ?°S �' z C-4 J ------6.11 I I 1060.15 00 ct]/ 314.01 ° 0 590 s ` I o S w18.1 ti Y N � a II 275S 285s / ------ 1.4 3 �= N X2.1 Q a s I 6. �, a 6.10 I w N c 4 -> t - I �� 6 N 10.4 AC C- 41 '� I 4 `� 416s 200 N 200 s N o �� 9, N 87.96 A C I N N N 4' Ac C I r R 496s 201° s W �s N �. I ; 1.1} ��.,� 1.41N 11 522 s MEKEEL 1160 s' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ `" 1. 3RC1. C 587s-------� 6,.03 AC � - -- - - - --- ------ - �. IN 2.62Ac`(� " -- - - - -------- ' fl � 198 s 874 s I i 1485s I i ° - 418s --____--636s - 200 _ -_ - -- _ -_ ---- ---- 4245 s I 0 v00 1 625 s 869s i / I - - - - - - 6.4 1092s Y w U / -I ❑ / a 8 I i 6. / I I I I I I 31 s _ 7 �1--------------C. I 6.5 ' 12 j II coCQ', 1 0 8 2 p rr I 671 s 199 s I 3 N �I� o 50AcC 8505 _ ____-------- 31.13 ACC L�.2� Ac" I ^1s ------_ _ -_ -_ _--- - - 671s 483s 59.92ACCG 138.97AcC 41 Ac C 9 s I 904 s 3 o s j 00' ryas 754 s \ ', 149.37 Ac C G w 4 1 N 5 xC / ❑ I °' N 5.20 Ac C6' I Ln (n574 s A ' OD o O ,I �. m � F ° 340 s -4 2.82 Ai; - S \ 8.3 I �° I I 888 s 869 s N 566 s z 10.13 �, 6.38 AC 433.66 N a I 280) 14.79 AC C I I 613 s 1486.22 I I m I 43 s I 5 I \ 567 s ROAD 279 s 12�' � 20.92 Ac C 'I o s = ° 583 s I 11.3 N 1 , REYNOLDS 788.45 s - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 676 200 200 200 I _ 00 27AcC __ _ - _--- - 1392s r - - - - - = 687 s 300 W 4.13 Ac N i 191.6 ` _ �I C7 ci I I I 00 W .-� N ' I A2�; 9.11 9.11 9.111 s � °I �' 451 s / `-----------•�-•\ ` -_.-_- -- --�'' � 619S � I -4 o_ ': o0 co � v a 8 62 820.38 'f fts5 I ' - - - - 2 2.54 3 c° 538 39 C " 300 s 349 s 461 s 719.34 m 6.1 rn � O o 00 11.8 ; 6.55L�c I ° �tl w /-11.2 196 6695 00 2.81 ACC w i 3.69 3.64 3.58 o z75 \ 10.9 Ac C o �, Ac Ac C N zs6 s ' J 11 _� -11.6 N + 47.45 Ac \ s N �' E8 508 N ` " 9.112 AC C .� 34 I - _ / w 619 s II CD 1.1 N 0' 9.1134 J 11 �f ---x.73 Ac C �� Ln 6.2 N I 9.6 Ac 34.11 Ac C N 1.38 A ' /I 10' 5 N 3.25 Ac C 1p1 7 � 1 �� 10 2 10'� 10.7 0 1�g15 ACS - . J 200.27 zsa s 11.5 410 wo 12.36 AC 6 s 323 231 s 200.27 200.27 '0 4 % o , ( I \ o0 0 681 s 0) o 0 8.56 A 451 s N 12.04 Ac C �° Co 6:9d Ac N 6.30 XC 8.45 AC C N 7a 31 6 3 LI D 1.76 w 7 N p 11.3 A 11.2 I 11.4 10.31°, L -� -$ 399 s2.O7 220 s 0 687 s I as { 11.7 4.2 12.85 Ac 7.42 Ac C 100 100 25 d X156 4.7 19.18 Ac C -2.07 Ac N j p' o n a 1" rn °. 450 w �� o; ITj1-I REGLIOUS 00 �9 95AC JAC 0A1'ILLS 6 g 9i 12 X00.7 46.57 Ac C G (on / C �' �--SOC FRIENDS c C``I--! w ° rn Ila 3 1.65 655 rn I w 1�1 .4 0 / I 10.32 °`-45 sli 486 00.37 11"51s 394 s 220 s N 7 46.04 w P- _ _ _'.'� cwn , I �• \\ ' 372 s 208.7 AC AC a = m I w o-'1 I 237.9 645 9.05AcC I 410s r3 w w n I" .9 - Z8 9. 2 304.38 N 4 a N CL I i 5.69 AC °w° 6I 40.11 I" I 1514 142 a �� ° 200.54 w ° t'W r 910 s ; COUNTY ROUTE 3 5 3 11 Nw 321.2 212.4 202 177 s 13 i1.8�c1 ``' 9 3 I 1� 2401 5 L�iC 746 s 145s �� 648 ° 9S 208.7 , 87S 100 100 125 d 159 280 ROAD CITY PERK 36 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER A/ Property Line This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base Current Year Changes lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user ofthese maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/ Hydrography Special District \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/ Vatkins & Flint Lot Number L' -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 100s Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage I 00 Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North 26 0 MAP: 24 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) I l x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 COLD SPRINGS ROAD - _7 __ __ __ __ - __1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 645.56s - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200 200 260 d 332.62 475.88 L 1.51 W 1_13 c, 1.2 0 - 1.22 Ac C) Ac I C co [;�38 .384 2.48 Ac 2 8 598S 0 11 1 1 - - 9 Ac 2001 200 48. (n 226.19 0 225s 1.52 2 00'�S j. 3.74 Ac 1 0 0 %544-72 rQ 0 1.04 Ac C :n 205409 253.5 D_ Ln r 225 1.4 50L 6 _0 0, 184.80 B 315 3 0 6.35 Ac 2 \< 4 C) 3.1 4 '61 Cn Cn co C) C:, 18.76 Ac 6 00 2.59 Ac L" % 3.75 Ac .0, 1.6 5`-%t_', 2.47 AcEJ C sl i 2 200s 37s 5.2 3-; co I 170 if 225 /C,> i? 7 (n Aq4 Ac 0 61 16, N cn % co 83s V�' > I I OD 151\ 3.2 236s 0 1 3 �(Ac I I-, 03 DO ss 1.60 Ac C C) 5. K51 (n 352.41 6' 5.1 600.41 300 .41 9 d, \,% "ro7 51 -T66.02 100 100.24 37. 5 262.80 2.29 Ac C 4.30 Ac C 240s 16.1 d"x 242.6 16.2 15 1") 0 150 107s 97-S LO (n 41 W 00 C) '00 2.01 Ac w ❑2 19 18M 17 .25 Ac ;D -4 Cn N. \ 00 0- 10 Li J 128 13 zr. 1� -1 1 W U, 5Y'70 7 280S 0, E 99 ROA5,-, '.A S -2. 130s L Lj SWAM 297s L; LLEG 98s JA 011 L L E9199 I 99s 100s 102s 37. d 263s ET E3 HURCH 311-00 % 7 2.2 -7-7- 193S 314s 166.76 516s 8 ",Q Ac 3 115S `PQ 1.82 Ac b(� N N 2 8 J) 3 1.72 Ac C N 5 04 N.1b CD 1.49 Ac C 9 114 s 6 4� 2 7 In 01 co _.A N2 '�, ,,P . , 7 C, V N4-- --.k % r�3Z' - 1 1 N 345s 00 80s115s W 218S ro (0 25 Cn 1`13 7 1.50 Ac C V) 10.50 Ac CF' 226 s / I 14 (D 146.22 65.3 39s 28 (D 0) JACKSONVILLE P� 3.55 Ac % 24 COMMUNITY ASSOCI�TION a pro 16 1 1P 215s 18 21 19 259s 21 401 5 20 0 EEJ % 11 15.92 Ac C 811 S co C, 20 CID 303S 00 C) 0 1. 91 Ac 5.2 26 114s 674.99 2.75 Ac C U�3 Is I 4.41 0.1\1 N 2" 19P 1226.08 1, " 1.I. 225.7 A % 3 N cl) o 2 .1 < 21 r I, C.:, 559 26 % J) 12.99 Ac Ln W 2 17," ".0 39 3 -5, 25 1 Aoro S cD C34 00 51.6 0) % P/019.-4-18 39.42 Ac C 1475s xl 1 (D (0 5 Property Line 22 26 [�j AAZ 4 % , 7 41 75 Block Limit 18.50 Ac G 152 OCP 200s 'I p7� P co:, AAq 5 (D r 1)0 V 7 S" 20 %j r LI-I64s S 1 1.01 Ac 200 s 239s 66S L -1 8 28r--, 68 172 s 1 9 CO J 200s 8 1. 0 1 AC 00 204S 105s 2 96 C, 200s S '� 00 3r� C) W LOOSI0-i v 24 1 ❑ 10.90 C 00 Cr 296 S 5B6 S FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography 0 Special District o / 0 \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 983s 150S 229.42 13 16 12 C:) C, 2.00 Ac 41.56 Ac 14.1 A50 14.2 'S, q, 1.64 Ac C [3 N LJ 13 15 IA50 S 97.65 -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Fortner Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 100s Block Number 1596s 5.1 90.60 Ac C 502 316.02 16 11.1 j 5.47 Ac 7 115 10 CD A 1.00 Ac 144 154S - 9 8.65 Ac C TOWN OF ULYSSES 43.1 ---------- 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension W 145 �Q COUEGRO\je TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 100 0 200 Feet North CD co Ln C) b� I z SCALE: 1" = 200' (When plotted on Arch D Media) I I x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 0 ® 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 x �o / o 19 4 Ac C 3.50 Ac Cs _ 499s-. 180S 145 �� 269 389s vx 19 _ _ - ---- - ---� _.�,�_ ROAD �"'` - 1125 s ROAD - _ 7 COUNTY ._._ �-. _'_ SCxoOL - - - - - - - - 400 282 s N 213 s o0 275 ''s I lJM BURG CENTR L '�� tih CD 19 KRAFT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - I aoo - - - �, 5.1 N 5. I j y IN 4 �� Ac I 2099 s= / 5.6 w �5.3 N 1 In N J 'I fl - - - - /` N ..- 5.5 �N " �' �� 2.o4 Ac 1.677 Ae - - 2862 J l �, /: __ 2.99 Ac `� 2.99 Ac 1.5 0 A 206 s 275 � � Flo o ��i /= �' -' 553s 491 w i I ) /! 400 400 i4 Q b ° .lil d� 10.1. w ' l q � � � 'W 4.66 Ac N Itl 1\ /O 19.-4-18 I / / I p ts } y� 00 554.4 ;r" 309 o O II l l o n I 10.45 ,4�C C S 85.50 Ac C / �� __ __ _ ,� c Q �I+i = 4�O � 4 k (npi 8 I I 3 o -, _ 5 983s /- 5.2 �� n ;� a /- 6.2 / L7,61 Ac i'� I I 98.59 Ac Q/ 4 � w ,:�111.21AcC °��0000� °}!'Q ti /• I O I 100.00 Ac -559_6 o rl �, o ,1 0 ; �.___ �/Ill �� f}f j /• N i a5ff 1� r /: 525.00 cn /• I I �� 611 0 + /: 0 !, 0 6.1 I 0 o/" 11 ,%fQ 0 5.28 Ac o' n I tI Q D o t,, 525.00 I DISTRICT O I '• z 200 ". m SCHOOL 830.87 0 DISTRICT 1596s N �,3 � I o G921 os 0 118 733.04 SCHOOL 921 361 s 828s 17.1 2 qc C 1 753.29 ' i OD 24.65 Ac C - 17-32 2 5 j H 17,4 i 17.2 i 1587s �1 W 42.74 Ac O N i 948 I i hN D 15.2 j �, 17.6 ^ o N � N 80.60 Ac 27 Ac C7.5 2 4 102.10 Ac G 7176 Ac 38.35 Ac C N Cn 1032.40 40.41 Ac i n 399S I I ` 2548S _ I I i - 1319S I 206s. 1226S � J _9 C:) � I 174S I 994.23 N 5.56 Ac CN '14.1t 10PcCG I X1.53 N_ �^ N N 47 s COLEGROV 986 s I 656 s R AD 419S A335 l y / N I co 565 s I s 558 332 s 38 s 163 s - 634 s 2 �s 424 s 112 s 819 s N ROAo 558 s 1 sJ 346 s 253 s� til, M1Cn J rn 817 98 . J 563S u O N 4.1 ; A 6.1 / 7 /' c vE = 123 s N COL EGRO - - A....... ... _-+ N 51 W s;-� W s. j N ' N N 3.98/• y /!zi / 1032 'Ln 3 N N 4.45 Ac C�' N 19.2 2.44 Ac j51 Ac �N 89.22 Ac C aoo s / 2.2 50 3.75 Ac 23669 a 27 s " / 127.57 Ac C G 10.44 Ac C Ac 332�g Y' 6, ' `�' �C 1N �n / 125 s 393s 6 I /240 s 0 5oQ5 s 33 2.3 N / 23.00 Ac C 6.2 / /O 27.-2-18 s Q 15.46 Ac C 99a s w u / -�/ N N N s 51 Ac C 625.79 N ! �W 7 586 s \ / 2.1 s �G -- 18.2 m A740 5 s2 /�_-/ olg3D yj \'•' - 33.29 Ac C I ITHACA CITY 264 as 97a S 17.95 Ac y oo . S�� 25y e V3 33.29 6 1 y 00 18.1 1050 58a. 986.5 i N w 2 TRUMANSBURG CENTRAL !o 0'4 0 196? 3 71 0 cP o, rn v - 539.98"YEZ w N lj 9.25AcC 4 y 9� '-. Q. 166 21 \; �. 15.26 "'aAcCm m �o 4 2 6a2. a \ a 1' s 15.24 A O 264.94d o /� y 9� Q 3.68 Ac C 45�' C= /� 272.2 15.222 63.66 Ac 539.98 / ° 11.44_ p 1.65 Ac 227 s m ; ''12 A'' 11.23 Ac M /! Q / 539.98 394.48 s 2 �c�1 217.18, ='2g� 1 7.59 4g'2g / 11.46 CD �N \ 6 d' sM1 36sr . ^� 15.221162.44 /' n W 3.27 �y �� ,A,,. 7 Ac /' 123 13.29 AC C 24 J ACC N �z 9.73 Ac C 3b6 X603 789 s 2074.5s / /! > 15.21 3 2109s 0225 1 ;' O N N 1 1454.13 ; 2 3,.3.G9 AC Y m 225 a SO '• O o o I O 8.'3 � 299.85 Q � 3.2 N ' s -� 2.40 12.74 A - o°�ti�9 sow �j Ac C -- 5.67 416.21 s 15 27 �� w / NO 127% �4. 243.01 Ac C G 10.2 729.6 --� /' \ 13.22 225 -4 4 27.40 Ac C 6� s°2 P'� J I o 9 �� X98 c ` o N f� �` $B2 �` 14.2 / 0 69.72 AC C� N j 13.21 In 225 A \ 8.42 8,81 .A 79.82 Ac 213.02 14.81 Ac y 9.23 Ac 0, 1 NiF�2 N / 33\67 Ac C 643.40 AC s �- 225 co M � O I 388.04 N N 372.69 1.6='A ^�� ��a �7s 928 s 8 4 � �� 8.46 - , �� g� '7 J L t o= a 2Ac N �.� 4 ; / W 2 A� 0 7 ,n 1 nr,7 s 338 /• W 11.2 9.98 Ac C 388.04 - / 13.1 220 220 V /576 s 199 s 200 s 201 s 199 s 96 0 •/' 250.80 N N 25°.a 8.44 $ 5N j 8.7 7.2 M '33 ` j 14.63 Ac I 10.1 W N1 1 L A ; 8.11 8.9 8.71 x.94 Ac 7.1 3S9 ^ 2'8,'�� 2po. / d 922.7 8.1 2 `n 220 / ' rn 285.86 r S ^� 03 l3 x.13 3.8 Ac -43 8..1x4 / 8.1 N N_P124;1 �a �' ❑ 9.5 Ac N 1 1A A 8.80 AC 2.98 t 2.98 X2.98 a 7s� /" 0 N 3.8 Ac � N 220 Ac 2.98 �� 338 � 1104s C, �� O O :: Ac "2.55 AE' ao 346.26 /0 CD 643.40 Ac 10.+4 AC C 1.06 A g2' e, - no CD 4 AC 1200.51 545.57 I 250.14 250.14 8 220.01 4220. V' 576 s 200 s 199 s zoos 184 s 2s2.so PERRY 942.85s 142 ROUTE COUNTY 34 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Trumansburg Central School District This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ithaca City School District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) Parcel Connector NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Ulysses Fire Protection District Curb/Pavement Line�� Property Line map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors l and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source Railroad ���� �� Former Property Line All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant /^\ /' Hydrography Current Year Changes registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The ; O and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the Special District Block Limit For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold o o , deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an Municipality External Tax Map inappropriate use of these maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number CITY / 0 67.24 /� o AI• 96..1 ACC N 10.1 ,I 57.36 Ac C / N 00 00 0 7A Ac EP � 1 ROAD 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 2111 s 486s w 270s ww 10.2 w =� � 11.4 5 L o ss N 2.Q N N 4.14`Ac s" 380 2 0 s 487s 25 490S TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 225 0 450 0 Feet North MAP: 26 SCALE: 1" = 450' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 18737710s 192sROAD ----------- 5 k ° 201 s 200 174.35 414s i , /- \`3 HOUGHTON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - _ 5 3 ~5CIR :3855 :{`k' k5.3 517 s ^ u I 3.04 Ac C - °' 2,23 'Ad C N o 559 s x - - - - 1034 s= 437 s = N 2.61 460 s CCG ,�2.4 `u 2.8 rid , M ` 460 Ac 2.09 Ac p 2.10 2.9' 271 S o 2.11 Ln 136 s /' \ •I 186.2 2': / 2.5p �8 W i v v �' co• s N � ��` 6? 0)2.22 p 2.1 Ac a .7`?`•AC 0 ,� k x ' 1.70 N 14.1 2i ? , yOs 1, 255 s /.•�- .5 2.62 Ac Ac 1 N 302S o ' 9.77 Ac C 11.96 Ac C ^� °° �, �5h273s 1015 N / 3 ° ' °�A _ _ 9 ��y 2.3 co 19 2.2 ,. x N h o 5 `'� " o) 37.30 Ac C y ` ' cgs ^ 3.02 Ac_C M 2.5A} c C N 4 1.3T -Ac 23.12 Ac C N 2.2 �86S °� 35.88 Ac C G �L�, ;/ cp2 685.57 ^O� 163.30 16.76 Ac /` 497s 375 s °'"' 515s 2.2 N _ / / 2.33 Ac 2.48 Ac C2. a� x, -�. J 2.1 3.90 Ac, ROA 2ga.22 14.2 W / /" 2.1 S. 5.1 M 3.70 Ac /: / /, 2 _ _ `4.44 Ac C / o 2.3 53.31 ACC / y r 2.3 _ 2 623 _ _ 2825 x l-` /` •`6.92 Ac C G . � ° � � 5115 �' t x 678.6 837 s ,�4 ° Cl) / 2094s /; �" 5 i A`BREG1 -7545 = _ 1013 5 / 8 2.11 ID 3.6 -9 -AG N 1 1 ' .10 /� WSJ ' e o 17.1 �,..., y2. 1 3' N �G� m �% i s �� / 01 C 4 / 2.12 219 1.31 A % h� /" y .���. ' /%/" 3 _..% o ' I I / 22.95 Ac C % 'as 62y'* / I o 32� N x /:--- - 0 3 40AcC / / N 2.2 :-x>� 7.1 I ; P/O 27.-4-7.1 I ' /' Q s es UD + � 39.65 Ac C a + CON ° 4 ° N 5.65 Ac 1'075 \ L / / 42.55 Ac C G ✓ i 2.90 Ac C i 17.11 N 787 s W J / 1.-"/" 1387 s /" /" / "fR� '' N �" 1.67 Ac �" a \ t 066` a r ---'_ Iia 12 s/" t 93 s 17.14, 4 ; 2.40 A / x 'P0 I $§ 6848 ------- CO ----- cn717.12 306s 494s 12 � As 5 4.12 Ac °i . 17.13` 852d `- 18.84 Ac /` t 339.06 _ / - No I , 4 m s4 855 s % 665.00 I, N / 1p49 m i S 16.3 L I m 5 ° N •" 4.85 Ac C p 8.3 s.I' p 1.87 Ac C 0 M cn I - o �� `. 1 rn i° 339.06°N' I / 5 \ 3.2s 8a5 S A . 6.31 ACC v 00 A 34.57 Ac C .. /; / / 3 , Z °I 665.00 +° II /" 5 ° 6 Qi :D° r' / l Cn 0 ' �" 8.2 8 ,+ � 16.2 8.09AcC N: 0% C) 2.93 Ac C z- ' ; " 30.73 ACC 276s o i 2 I 'a 345 s 1320------ I e '';. ` 3 ° N 5. 05 �j6.1 6� 6 N I P/O 29.-1 �. 157 o / 1 r 'rfl AC N pc Z$°4 N 1.87 9� c o ` 2 y ,k 0 299 16 21,51 A0 °11, /: 2 59 i I : -°'1.18 Ac �4 k 1 ^^c) 17.1 G' o , 200 i 275s N }'� II 3 6 18 23.16 Ac C f - l I ' I N 73.14 Ac C o `., �� 0 13 lj o I , N .i •lo ° - I v, 26 I S� 2- Ac C) -,, + N 3.57 Ac C ' 76 Ac C G N 1.15U is 7 I o xN I = 13155 ` 5 Ac 291 s 15 - I ' 217 , + o - -- ----� ' `rte i 670 s � __-..-._ 120 200 BIN N N s� .25 I --- -- - - 17.2 ; 15.32 o '° 7 �, \ I i 1955s ° *. x p p cp > I° 3.5AcC � 624S 436.78 i 1. Ac ; 1 C 894s 250.51 \ N cn 1 44 19 c 29 82.60 Ac C I I 217 15.21 g9g 12 Y N ,. 395 - ,� 138.96 Ac C G }' ' 5 0G w ° p 19.47 Ac ; 2�a 8 , N ©�" 409 p 5 O ; �, 17.3 �°r '� tl � �°° 105 P� � 15.1 �s 15.2 � t \ Q I 475.75 15.5 rn I c.� 15.31 ?- �, , 1.55 Ac C�, 4.25 Ac m I 4-1 o y I I I p 2.74 AC p ,� o� 160 °, �k'a c�3gt'e,9 148.26 - O li _ '' N 15 23 Cn 14.27 Ac C, � g t + NoX13°co A 3.1 s> _ �-==.0 0 t m 479.46277.53 v 6 5 •-/ cNo 4 'I 438.67N10 \a N AAS 13.3 /'525.64 (.0 i 5x I� / r' 12.2 22.2' �� N N w+ , / W 3 p y5.59 Ac C w/"g `,, 13.2 19°l a1 !� I o za � 14 A 1 O 544.60 ' ° ° 5a N o 1.37 7 5.04 Ac U 562.64 i 5 3 �'~ 1 .0a �.. N -4 °I 336 s 1.50 Ac Ac s +� 368 s w x Q0 i + �._� -- 1� 932S N /55 11 31 N ca p c�a t ` i I 1 : 2 / A 31� ���"s /' N 12a S x .5 Z g5 i 'N 91 °S�" 12.1 22. N 9 Ac p 8.33 N � 42 36i� 4.89 Ac 0 N 2/84 Ac k � �' A �� 4.50 Ac C �, 1.24 26a14 N O > i, 17 453 s �; 8.4 N 5.1 ,. j J N x y \ N } ! -3 p M A I ° p r r 1.60 Ac 40.76 Ac C ' '' /" \ 4N �0 622s y AC o S N L -J - 474.65 47.27 Ac C R 15 o x 'A ry 33.20AcC i �° N a fs 0 200.29 730s 85.69 Ac C G a ° t 5 '0.-, 1 2.3 Qo �� 21% '17 \ l /"1_3 Sa 155 S .60,AC�- a N 15 4 S �� 10 x N I M1.98 Ac 8.2 ti 1.30 Ac +I 8.32 15.88 ACLSO �''t' ;.., s `� 75 16.74 Ac C 5 �O P / J� s os 5 I � 295s t C8 5� ® I o I G 32 1 2 'a -96 I P/O 32.-1-4.2 j i J 637 s m 150S 487 i +a v'A S I 324s -- °' m I 7 w 606 s 313, s r � J 409.04 N N 6 w �i7 14 N 3.73 Ac C / Y , !�I Q 5.2 148 s 130 s 130 s 171 s r, N CY�r1 � I gg ,qC o 1 1 i A 5p3 S ii v o ] r 423s ° 2.620 c C � 130 n 1 [ € Ji 1 f�0 ,f ( N 412 149 s F_II 487 N y r i 32115' 405 s ROAD t 201 s 383.64 305 s _ _ 324 s _E 149 s 130 s 131 s �..�..�..._.��.���. CITY 33 PERRY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Ithaca City Seh°°' District This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number MAP; 27 NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetri° base digital hand Errors Curb/Pavement Line�/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES map, and conversion of -drawn mylar maps. l All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of p g g Railroad i�� , �� ; Former Property Line p m' A 3 Subdivision Lot Number ' " - TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1 - 300 System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital P1anlmetrlC Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The / Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage (When plotted on Arch D Media) and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. data "as is" � end user of these maps agrees to accept the with the Special District � Block Limit 150 0 300 11 x 17" (47%), scale is t" = 425' For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold o 0 , 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage o Feet deeds and Surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate ' Municipality External Tax Map l 00S Scaled (Calculated) Acreage o use ofthese maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number Block Number I 00 Deed Dimension MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 North MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 in 487 .4 1 449 7 2 � FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 413.62 3 '3B4.75 163.4 0 4.2 5 5S \� 6 367 s �7 ow — — — — — 0 27 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 1613 8 1.43 Ac c's sr, 163.75 173s 9 186.7 10 CP a' 3g 81 55.92 14 0% N \ j \ (51 13.1'\ \ \ N i' 174s , , W X15` , N I I , , S 0 16 I I 207s I � N 410S \ i� D C: N 18 D 1.38 Ac C Z Z O C) ' 11 206 27 % N\ o 19 \ D o o so \ \ 233 QD �0 \ 20 \ 0 `\ 21.1 \ 1.02 Ac C V N O ti N 17286 \ 221 s c0 �\ \ S r i r 134 s'•.• � j \ N y � ^/ 1 N \ N �L � 25\ � N i 1 w� w\ N IQ 29 \ � 39 8'155.92 Y� i 1401 \\ � N 5, SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad \/ Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 43.1 Parcel Connector A V Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit IVExternal Tax Map (D Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 o Feet North MAP: 28 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I"=425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 195S r'o 1 N �y a t\ N 21p s N 2 U'ZA'2 s 1` N ,� l N \ 3 163S I 4U, N 1 ` 117S 11 t � -_� N 35 s t t 163s l \ \ \ ` N \ A N .\ 7d' 8 N . N 17g s i Q0 I 9 N VI N 1\ 27 153s \ 1 � 10 O1 � \ A N 140 s \ N \ 11 \ w \, N , \ N 12 , N l � l \� �.- ` 13 14 � . X295 •��� s 15 131 s ` s ` N 6 s w 16 t, 5 s N 342s 1 t , co 17 t Oj �l 4-1 1 1 ~�� \ i 138 s 80S � 1 , 18.1 �s � 11 y 10 18.2 04s �V _ 1 1 { 263s '• '• 207s -, - -_ - (.0 cn 260 S / FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER A V Property Line This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base Current Year Changes lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylaz maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user ofthese maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 0. l 22 -° 1.09 Ac L: 7 M { � co O O { / / 268s SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/ Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number $IT — �— —Ej —I �/> c� \ s 260 s \ 1 i { con I � I D 22 r 1.09 Ac M y / h O O 268s ' I I I I \ I OQ \ I N , I \I I \ I - - 23 �\ 2.72AcC 127.17 \ �\ s �'b ` _----'i W cod ,\ I ❑ �� _16p2 25 II,{ �' •� 125 s - `; 55 w w w 1 { > � 13.8 26 4 w w N O s 13�s thALJ \, 28--- —>> r r -- ' 1.87 AC / 1 / N /.. { Co II !/ 424 6 3V 0 Q 29 1.2 278S 31.1 /011 -- ---s 35S 265S — — — 10 / 32.2 32.1cc `N 1.25 Ac C 1$ V - 4 O \ �— -- \ 325 s \ \ 429s 104 s ❑ 33 10 N N � 437.7 34 412.5 1 27 ` ` ___--_--_-_-_----_- ---------- co 36-�-1t- I - ------------- _ _ - rn 37 I N 1 , � 1 411 s \ \ 224.71 \ 186s ` 39 a W 38 1.18AcC N 182 s 400S EEL\ N 40 \ �I \ 1g11� \ � N \ W \ \ 53 \ 16,L62 43.1 Parcel Connector A V Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 1005 Block Number $IT — �— —Ej —I �/> c� \ s 260 s \ 1 i { con I � I D 22 r 1.09 Ac M y / h O O 268s ' I I I I \ I OQ \ I N , I \I I \ I - - 23 �\ 2.72AcC 127.17 \ �\ s �'b ` _----'i W cod ,\ I ❑ �� _16p2 25 II,{ �' •� 125 s - `; 55 w w w 1 { > � 13.8 26 4 w w N O s 13�s thALJ \, 28--- —>> r r -- ' 1.87 AC / 1 / N /.. { Co II !/ 424 6 3V 0 Q 29 1.2 278S 31.1 /011 -- ---s 35S 265S — — — 10 / 32.2 32.1cc `N 1.25 Ac C 1$ V - 4 O \ �— -- \ 325 s \ \ 429s 104 s ❑ 33 10 N N � 437.7 34 412.5 1 27 ` ` ___--_--_-_-_----_- ---------- co 36-�-1t- I - ------------- _ _ - rn 37 I N 1 , � 1 411 s \ \ 224.71 \ 186s ` 39 a W 38 1.18AcC N 182 s 400S EEL\ N 40 \ �I \ 1g11� \ � N \ W \ \ 53 \ 16,L62 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension h1k. 30 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 o Feet North SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1"=425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 29 7 1�6p2 O 00 ` a 1.2 1.04 Ac 32 y3 \ N Od to 92S a CA YUGA 347s 6.06 Ac C 6.25 Ac C C* Lo CO 3. \ \ G) /\ \\ \\ ;5-, 200S \ 0 co c \ , I s i 0S 1co0 m 4 :\ I \ I I / 228S 4.22 Ac C 00 N 3 \ / I \ — I 382s I � 1 c / N W cn -- - - -- 1.44/Ac c� 1 i � 227s \ n 2435 N \ 47 ' 6 ( 11-aAaAs E: 1g1S I 1 8 I N 1916 5 1 I 9 i 26165 N 2p3 5 10 11 t 7.2 ww 163.26 1.09AcC 12 1 � 0 193.2 W N co 316 35 13 4g8 S - 1 I < 570 5 1 � N 14 I I 0 2g6 43 co 86 5 IQ 11 / /- FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. I \ \ % \ , �F228 S 4.22 Ac C:co 3 ,t. 382s l ' 5 N 1.44; Ac C c 56 5 N\ 1 Y f 1 1 f 227s 243 5 /, \ NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography o Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number w� 16.2, 2-.46 Ac ' / CD \- 18 3.41 Ac C \ \ r' 31 43.1 Parcel Connector A V Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit IVExternal Tax Map (D Block Number w� 16.2, 2-.46 Ac ' / CD \- 18 3.41 Ac C \ \ r' 31 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 15 261 16.31 16.32rl 50-73 s TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 O o Feet North 147 M.. SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1"=425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 13 o o / 30 N > 4.65 Ac C `" '� ` / / \ .00000-7 147 \, / ,.. m \ I 14 1.7 Ac C 2.33 Ac C 1.3 2.3 Ac C -'1 3 111 32 ' 4.2AcC 'A , ' O \ 632 5 r � \ ' t 5 'S 1.37 Ac - t '-- - co 1.71 Ac \0 'o. 397.6 1.04 Ac t , 182.47 - - - - 321.23 2 \ t 8.2 1.95 Ac , Jg 0 649.95 l 2.07 Ac C (P 1365S - IP 10 o / N \ c 326 s , r \ 1.86AcC \ r t L °' \ \ ` 533S N N \ C 342 g_- 1 t N \ \ \ 12.2 3 Ac C J /: r t ` o o /' � N 2.2 La\ -P 4.65 Ac C r r N •/•' 1 , � \ l 1 \ _ i \ - - --- 14 2.33AcC - � r t r, r, 650 s r - 15 --' ------2.12A Z - N k 5 340 s \ ,574`s \ ` NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLYIthaca City School District This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\\/ Hydrography o Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number - ' 650S 15 ------2-.T2Ac E _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - 340 s 16'� G � I I N I \ 2.79AcC 00 O N N \ \ G 196 s \ G) Q 348s; N x 3 3.98AcC 21.56AcCG 18 ❑ y �v 3.87 Ac C �;G 3a2y m �m 19 \ O I 186s /' 112s � I 350s 248S cc I N ' 4 � N / _. , � I I / �\ N 21 10 /- 1.51 Ac C /• /• 318 s `\\ \\ 52L2 I I I C9 ' \ \ \ N I I I I 1 519 s ` �\---------_ 23 N 1 5 \ Y. 'N 2.75 Ac C \\ osCP\ 24 \ \ 533S v 1 \ 25 32 \ ` \ N \ 546S N 288 s 26 N 2.20AcC / \ 604s 6 2.45AcC - 28 N 2.50 Ac \ 418 257.6 51.93 7 / V 7 \\ 29 1 Ac N 2.32 Ac \\ w I 1� TOWN ULYSSES O ULYS 248 DISTRICT 540.89 FIRE ITHACA 43.1 Parcel Connector A V Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 1005 Block Number 7 / V 7 \\ 29 1 Ac N 2.32 Ac \\ w I 1� TOWN ULYSSES O ULYS 248 DISTRICT 540.89 FIRE ITHACA 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 O o Feet North M.. 111 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1"=425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER ----- Property Line This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base 3 O All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 14.2 inappropriate use of these maps. 5.33 Ac C O CD-- olcC O �Q 465.69 ; 1�5 N.2 A m N2.51AcA , O 12.1 r 433.43 1524s X8.21 8.22 N 390.04 2 AC � ;®JO '0 190.04 9.60 Ac 00 0 O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER ----- Property Line This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base 3 lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 14.2 inappropriate use of these maps. 27 x ~478 s 5 9~ 32".9 .�ry 5 J 1.63 Acs' 3985` _ R Q 298.75 y O�TF 29 1 "5 1.58 'A '39 42 y� 3.89 Ac asa5 5 ^oh ,8s . 3.1 3 �5 225 9 34ss 1.13 Ac C ❑ �� '�°` .., P/O 27-=4'-15.2 / •� , , -- ----- 2f-= . 4 N 46.18AcC 45.37 Ac C 1' N 49.02 Ac C G / �" 53.72 Ac'�d,; 7 1963 s_ -- ADDS 14- - /' --- El 1P N / -ggS-- / N AcC � 5k W' ,. o / v ' 922s 6 16.2 10 14.65 Ac N 2 ° 5 9.72 Ac C41' ' '4= 217S rnW / p 3.2 °0 2.89 Ac x ,13 . N / W 947s g6 35 1.58 2� 810 30� N o / 516s 1547s 13Q s A � N rn 73, X11 ops 3.53 Ac 2 2.1 13.6 p 30 N - 914S 2y2- 11.20 Ac C / LO 0 s Ln 9.74 Ac C N N �- k W N 10 12.2 N Ac Iles `� 2S 45.03 Ac C 14.90 Ac C �- �4 0 262 5 24 0 96 Ac C G _ - 1.25 Ac O° 1.27 Ac lr 2f � s 323S - 274 s- 1 s i _ / 121s �-___----- JM231.14 g�L6 s -,-� A lig s 69 242.45 s t x,11 Ln El32 .- � n� � `fie w 3.24 1 a / ----- --_�' 4� 484 s / _ _ ' r 5 1$ 3. 2 � � 119s YY�'� 164.2 2.82�AC N / I -I_ ❑ = 635.g4 ROAD L ` ^sn LI 64.76 AcG �� ,. ° 1, �aC %x10 s ~552SY 400 S 3.24 pe N ��126S 3.21 - _ = s g69 5 , I Cn ' J �GOD�J a3s 1-37 SEN 14.79 Ac 3.12 j w •s s N G � /. /.. t 33 = 65�Ac C 477s 730.30 N 02 / 0 10.75 27.24 Ac Ac C N N �P'O 32.-1-12.2 / - C / 50.97 Ac C 36.92 Ac C N �o SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 363S 15.2 Parcel Connector ----- Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 2 AC 3 1567s 363S 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 100s 779s 3.01 Ac C 100d J, 3i 4 s rP ,-'� - 337.31 C. 14.2 A w (P 5.33 Ac C CD-- olcC O �Q 465.69 ; 1�5 N.2 A m N2.51AcA , 12.1 r 433.43 1524s X8.21 8.22 N 390.04 2 AC � ;®JO '0 190.04 9.60 Ac 00 0 23 i 785.98 - - - N U, A N 3.24 15.1 m 3.24 606s 317s 2037s cs N 11.2 23.90 Ac C i 6.8 C ___ ----- P/031.-1-3 2002S 17.10 Ac C 11.4 oo / 23.09 Ac - - 8 2148s 91 s 1449s N 1930s moo\ N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__-__8•--w -__- �\_n 96.40 Ac r--` S o ULYSSES TOWN FIRE OF PROTECTION 200A� TOWN Or 22 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District o / fl , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 100s Block Number 6 / N DISTRICT 31 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 21 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North MAP: 32 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 2 0 �+ - - -ROAD - s5 7 ' v W CITY _ - - - 5085 01 2.67 AE° 0 PERRY _ _ _ _____ _ ------ - ---- Q64s 347s COUNTY ROUTE 142•�'-: _ - - - - 501 s I - - 478 s - - - -7 s 1286s 381.44 0 _ _ _ _ _ r 778.21 150 s i `� 1. x-3.2 �' 6co sY Vv a' 8 - �N A �_J N ��s 99'Ac C A .1p 15.30 Ac C ^oti 2.13 Ac`s" 3 N /;�1 N' J 2 r 413s P�0 27.-2-0.4 N .76,iY5 267.81370.7214.615. N 36.40 Ac C 9 w CITY SCHO�L DISTRICT 2 �0 A4 C ITHACA / 6.80 Ac N 1447 s CENTRAL SCHOOL STRICT TRUM , ' SBURG 1.3 / L�- / 624.64 514 164s 172s 405 s 10 � 21.08 Ac I ITHACA N 10.3 , 5 �> 1556.39 /, J w w 17.64 AC C S 150 245.82 TRUMANSBURG / N'":.03.e' N 5 S ti Lo 2 N 5. O ��W C o -_ 2.35 Ac 982.70 w 75 s / 45 5 N 9. 1 t w 2.17 Ac I 174 s 998.57 /: /' C " 0 20.70 AC ' f 9 229 5 \ 2.1 4 I �= N _ 10.4 w 1.84c k5 1 14.58 Ac 1�,' 12 FRANZMSKA- 46KEF� "''; 1.73,Ac 2g25 1 2 5 W i� ._„ N I! " N 28.50 Ac C CCNTES , I 9.2 641.82 ' L� I w sx ~59 _., 816.59 --1 k k5 7 N / 4.51 Ac' o '� /' �_� 31 5 > 6� �- 11A' i w 7.81 Ac 4,Q- _ 13.2 I t = ='° 5 'V 't I 17/-/° O ' 32o SY N / •7�,Ac, �' S. W w 73.88 Ac I 5 = = ��� 25�c C ���I 2 N 421'6 Ac C 98.01 AcG 103$ , 20154 ` ,3 333 5 / p 288 ABC ✓- 2325 1 5.27 Ac I /' .6c -..� 4.3 N 4985 N 4.63 14.07 Ac C a t 325.2 306S �, I �p55 ; N4.62 M 46232$$ `t \ O 4.08 Ac > 1.95 A& tl 8.1 1 / �: 4.61 3.2� Ac nfl 2g 18 w , /= /' I t r) 3.31 Ac p 426 43 j 5, 1 r 'rn I 38:92 Ac I o33 x , O oh o -a 5 > 1.95 Ac : N 625.9 5.2 W a, p o o .<<° ,�� 0 4.81 96 N `-x.37 AC - / in , OP ` IJ C" 118 s 93 `Jcr 315' - k p 426 2 �l I i0 A 5.56 Acb' V , 29i: f; 62 2A �� 1p0 59 4.12 0 200.25 172 tt 2p0 41 0216 9N , J _ :N � cn 131.73 �� r >> / rr �� 4..82 4.9 N 3.11 N 8.721 k N �29a V. 4 J - r ti N O 7 Ik. S �J w 6) j p p p 11 d I�634 207.91 W i 17 s 936s ^�h `�r'� ��`^'�' ,�^�b�o .00 /` o.cn 4.4 ` y5 ._ `:w 2.6 c AC wo 1.4 W 0.722 {k 8• C p s 5.10 Ac - 143 3.06 Ac 4� 7.1 ¢�4C xm 151.3 a 13.1 ��S J -3 0 sQ9s S� 29S cJi ' ,. '- 12'.5 - I Y i No 9' N o r '` oo g1( s o 344.28 50 133.37 200 _ 2g9' 171 s 3.01.:Ac ti / ,^ _ _ _ 306.5 'I `.t _ D 5�� d U ���� ti 4� ' �°° 200 200 Y .7 10 250 339.9 � 12 5. Ln N 1 321fCc � i 177 s 5 - �' 4.71 �� 3 4 ,' 8.62 17 15 Ac 33 307s �6.§ 16.2 �o� �\� ��� z 4.72 �r W �10 W -J p W g�61 p X09 Ac ' 9 , - r J {,06 ?�: Y� Ac n 3':45 - i`4`. 2 g W 4 1.40 A' 2.09 x.49 Ac N I N N N ::- � ti �` 4:5 N 2.43 Ac � Ac � = 3.43 Ac TRS` ' �. o�� 0 61-.� 1. c C 19.72 Ac C 16.6 ork6 Ac A $ �`' 3.12 2.82 Acs 3.06 Ac ^ / 350 344 1.50 i�c N I ^�o w N 3 1 s (�� I 173�� A 2.40 Ac / IA Ac 413.18 218.5 210 249.31150--141629S G 6j2 s w 339 s `:... �- - 125 274.38 274.38 1:365 �5 Ac 49e ,R N 7 I _174s AS 1598.77 rn I �5j�88 S _O�ON�.3�' N 283°x' 3.3 3.50 Ac r l 4S6 32 3.9 j �' ) ASQ° �'} 99.05 s y ~ i ?QO 14-` 1.142 ,\ ' 5 ` 2.2 co `` 14 ACC ;� E- F" 5 16.76` / M s x s �5 - - 4.83 AC N 6 N _3s� 1 31 AC 3 �" 0'S ---1 y "Y s v - 1.20 i�yC `O ^ R", p ss1 s z 409.49 s ^ J °> t' 8. s 63^ 5 X63 360.58 f o61.1 76 14 W I 1 � 1.1, 92 ` 03. C 3.cC N 3 '� °S _ _ l� ti ^' ;7 s'T �s� o ','s ;' 100.34 Ac C iso- I 5 421 s W�. 3.312 �T` s° f i_ �. 4900 4 45 k w 12 5 �- 8.45 Ac C .°Lff, s , 0`4-1°"7 �s9s ' _ 7 100 AC C 52.26 Ac C ' i . 1 1.193 ( N �'1 A °(iT 1.194 '1 s s X01.330 3 ^, SB4 s ' \2° A�� ti°s24 ^ 1.191 x'13.1 2.44' ACLO , - UL U .7.30 Ac 96 x '3s �1.26•.Ac, CENTRAL N I � 2S TRUMANSBURG 6.71 Ac 190.49 k 2107 S ,.�..•�• -'f _ .r�•�re.r■�r�•�...r'��. , co s�� 367.16 735 s 1 3. 1 1 NN k5.O ,, �a�,�•�• 177 3.2 9s 353 s ' 9 s ..,24 311 s CITY �,�•�.�,�,�,�.�.�.�.�.�.�• ROUTE 291 s 248 s 3sU S 72 s `.2 A o c N 1 r�7 Ac s t COUNTY 44.84 Ac C I s r N 135.35 411.83 5 Q 22 130.76 Ac C G I .� I\ �� ; . f ` 99s °Z-18 AC o5 8.00 Ac N 14 No ` j.s X845 574 S 2.80 AC C r N, 5.2� N /. J - 578 s N , 4 6 t. 6.68 Ac 3.48 Ac' =1r_ `� 2S3S . a�$5 4.00 1Ac N / %' 17 15 4.60 AC �� 5 SSs x �" N 6 Ac C N 2.70 AC I x:34 Ac C s \ 93 4 �� ,30 Y. '' 20 533 s /" 60 s °10 150 �92 15 s �9 cos s 2 3g9 s % 4.20 Ac °' 2�7 CZ �� 11i.. A 249 s 159 s - 5. d° , ° s �' / _ // OF ULY SES 461 s N N 4 N N �l m 1-C s j 1 a -A 1 OWN = / 1323 s N W W:�� � "• (� � � 1 � �• Ac -. . � '�.� 9 Ac N _..� s 341 s 35 3 _. .�r.�t•�•�='�• ITHACA DISTRICT N 1.2-0 Acs 3 1N 24g S/ 199 s 150 s 150 150 364 s :•■�•" OF ITHACA �' . .902 s 249 s 159 s 289 s �• •�•�•_•�•�.�.�.��.�.�.r.��. TOWN FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER A/ Property Line This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base Current Year Changes lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ithaca City School District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District / \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/ Hydrography Special District o / o , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map 100s Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North 22 MAP: 33 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 II �x u q 51 1J II � �k 14 II 00 II 15 � ' I ❑ CP 13 1 1 I II � II 55 4{ II ,4 II 51 ° I I L � 14 ❑ �I ❑ ' I iJJ x iJ 13 a 13 C3 Q12=I-� I _ _ �- �- -- -- -- - -- ------------ - o' 15 CD El E�] III II -_-_-_-_ _-__=_�• v- _ __________- p I�_I II 6� 41 15 I L El o E:l ❑ ❑ 14 II `L_I I ❑ % l' IIt 6 d j' •f } I' ,4 11 ❑ ❑ [� i i C :l l i I II ❑ 41 � �y � � I CP nj Lue kl ky ' 4 I f❑.� k� 4' } � i5 i5 kk 51 ❑�� CJ �l I I ��� ❑ ,5 41 x 11 15 'll II ❑ II � , 1 � `�� II I I • Y 4 5 k ( ff i, I II � • � � t t � �k ,f`f}��f rf f i i 0 II 6 ` k k f} f f ❑ � I • r ❑ 4 I � ,t � k� �ff f �� 4 111 * ❑ 14.,•• fff k.ff L 41 I E3 f<, * J-� fj I I I • * E:] I I o off I i 4 I • I s3 i � I '� I I • I �Sk 1 f 5 44 f '4 ❑ Q k - 5 ��� ' I s; La nn Ar y � 14 ❑ � 15 � Q 1�5 I � I = _ _ -- -- I� I I X 45 • • �5 I- 41 0 IIr 14 • • � , 5 i 4 o Lj � � k � ����1 rf--� � � I • f I I II i � �� �� i �yy l+ I I LJ 'D I+ n 1 5 I I p 'kx] 14 if 51 15 y} ,� ❑ ' I ii I ' �+ II t Ili 5 , '1 i� 5}4 15 ❑ 51F 11 I ❑ 4 4 d 4 i 11 DOI I Q L� ' 14 114 II �fi it I I I� I 14 U� 51 ❑U n I 15 I ° i 4 I If I I 4 II r 5 I ❑ 5 I 'k' t 5 II \y 15 Q 14 0 4II I 5I I� 1 5 1 5 4, 'J l 11 51 IIxC� I 5 II I- 4 ' I � 51 rl � ❑ II 15 4 II 11 'I 5 I i t 11 ❑ p Ili ❑ ❑� Iii ❑ 0 ❑ �p _ _ tll 03 '4 I ---------��-�_�______�_______ I 0 E�:] p ---------- ,1--------------5"-----------� n- 11 ❑ L�� �J II xxx 4¢ �1 Yk II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 t' 44 P O 14 ❑ L� 115x i �o� k x , I r 5 I �� C 1 1 O 0 55 5 '�� ❑ I I 5 4 C] 4' x i , 4 ❑ 4 1 (�� � l 4 I �r I ❑ 5 ❑5l I'S LJ 4 I, 4 El 0 fl❑ ' 4 { 1 I I p 11 S 1 5 11 1 I _� I I � I, � ❑ � I � I I I �� 0 4 ,5 II o LLII I, I I 11 11 II n 7 11 54 00 i 4 ❑,11 1 � Ili p d ''I ❑ t} � � I It �I E-711 il I I I I I 4 I Irk II5 4I�II I I Lnlci I 45 Ey1 I I o I I 11 y I FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District L —7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 o Feet North MAP: 34 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 36 1 24 26 142 �_�_�_----------- COUNTY ROUTE - - _----=- ------------_ -- ---- --_ ---- -- - - -- .---38.9---1 s-{,- S. M0 2405g �I 1023.88 648 s I II `1 '-N () 4.3 w Q o I ROAD _ _ _ - - - - -_- - - ~ 200 a 170 a I, I \ N - - - _ , II N - - ; 580.84 5 2.141'11 I 2.112 �1 � - Q 1." A� �� � 1 � II PERRY CITY -____--_-_---- - ---- ---_---- - -- ---- -- I-- - - 1080.09 „ 3'� 2 S159S 9s ~� 9095 'I \ '12.131LO - - 209 s ~ 496 s O I 'I - --_-- _ _------- 6405 } r� ti ❑ cnrl , a aN0 II NIS ❑ v s ❑ W 'sl 'd)'1 -ME, 12os s �I �, ' i \ � 2.21 j]P1 Ac 6.25 Ac C M r 260 ' - - - - - - - 975 s " W I t ' 0 ACC ' tit 0 205n" = 362 s ; ,� F- I I ; i \ 2.4- NCV I C7 1.2 \ 2.55 'I ;❑ 6 `f� <.,c N ' 2 3 ow0 '' N I (Y I s C.N I\ ACC I I' 255.1 l61` k 196 s 150 = I O -- 4.3V P. 21.7 Ac ; i \ m J1 u - 5 S �, 170 n: 13.90 Ac C f S z4 s 2.2 00 370 - - - - -1 ❑ ' �� � 205 ^' ' Z z i' / p J 4.2 205 10. o N , B illy , r �� � � N I r 1 N � O � I 1 A� I 16_�� I I N 1.4 \ 'J N Cn ' `� N 15.84 Ac C\ / - 10.38 Ac CA r M P/O 24.-4-11.2 b N �4 2.31 0 4. N 89 S W t ,48.77 Ac,, w I _ 1161s 14 (n 27.39AcC 0 201sN N x I 4.90 Ac � ----- N 4.2 4.1- 350.8 197 1.22 25.42 Ac C 19.30 Ac C ' W ' 547.8 Z I t 980.37 '- --- ---' o°o j 2.111' I w 305 50.06 Ac C O ' ` p 1.1 \ ,� 1 388 s y o o /' 65.71 Ac C 205 ' �' o rn C) i o r' 1.21 1.1 (n ;I !V Ac 2.3 2.32 > i • rn I \ l I 578 ---- 166 _ - p 5 o i 948 \.-� ID- ° 1 � ' I . 981.88 � 90 � 9.53AcC (n 4 (n�I ; \ 1 \ s'p 911 s 622 s 7�5 9 - N 1.27 Ac I I' / \ / \ CP 5.3 / 482s 1.2co w I / 220S 11 , �= \ I �5 222 I , u I _ 5.4 , �` 937 s ' 5.11 Ac C X38 Ac o ;' i'" 2.12 91 c Ij, ! 1124s 13.43 Ac C m 1 �`^ 1 1664 s 000 I I 1425s o ' 442 s o0 564 co s �T125.87 , I --� 1537 s ' i o 5.12\ ------------------- I 12.2 \ i - ®� 03.94 5.7 Ac II Y ✓ - - 69.44 Ac C \ 5.21 �� ' i 4 \ 2 ch � 265 s Z �'---------------------------------- 74.3 Ac 'I f � ® o 619s a'119a 25.2 N a / l � -_----_--_----- 25 O ( a 34 .c 81:11 7 I .63 Ac (n I 1 �' \ j' ❑ I CD o /' �`\ -� / 102 A-�' 28.'.97 ID ^y N , I I _-� wl / 560 s 1 / j- 82 Q ce) 0 44 I I 4 Q0 Q0 'IT 00 245s : J t ,25.1N / I.5'A6 \ ' 595S P 905 1 , 5 / 1045 s I 1180s o 820s /+ 1 503s 1 '� ' s N' 966s 580.52 6 N .2 0 '� �1. 80 0 6.1 6.23 Ac i 6 II Ac C � 7.94 Ac - 580 U, 325 5.221 1 I 8 s -4 7 I W I ; I I a 2.57 Ac 0 F- 10 1496s 1 t._ a rn O 92.56 Ac / \ !I N 29 � 0 821.41 w 4 s 8 2.14AcC1.' Ac C N 9.2 8 9.1 2.2905 4 Ac II i 1 N 7.1 t N 236 22.66 Ac 0 10 3 Ac C ®� ' i LCL N 1.514 904s N 112.63 Ac W,IN i� N 19 0 J , ACC N A \ 11 3.00 Ac 58.20 Ac C 167.87 ' > o i 241 20.2 180 555.12 l \ 1401.46 i / W ' ' cl .38 A7, 58.62 Ac 1 300 ' / I J I 241 l wa 0 o 'D n r w l 1 (n o (n u 304s 377s 16.112 14 Asa' / 958 s 16.12 0 \ 21.54 Ac � A 11.60 Ac 00 5 S 1 1497.7 d /; i i ' �; s 761 s 175.23 d I `n 5.33 Ace' 104 s °i N 17 w I 7.3 A U„ 18 17 rn 486.08 15 3 I Cn 9.3 /-- --` n I N 00 75.3 N 14.49AcC / /" 9.2 N $ �� \ \ 7.2 `. �� 5.40AcC 5.20 Ac CN 16.11302 016.114 o N ice' ur �' ( a I I W I - ° Ac o ,� I� x.16 Ac N ROAD565.z 169s at r.�•�.r• 28.28 ACC 9.00 Ac \ N� 2.15 1 i I I ° 1386 s�15T[ i1�6T86m 285 �2 0 376.07 SRA ELI3oo 149.71 100 .r•r•r•r' N 9.71 Ac C L - I 700.55 d 16R' \ `� AC C I I ' ��.r•+• - ULYSSES d4_� S 379 S �r��.•itlr•�•1•�I!'a�'��•is•��•�a•>✓���CiYr�it7��k�f'y�e��t• i / 175 oil s I I 1417� , OF,I-! •..r.•'�`•.'� ENFIELD E'IRI. Q w L -D 177 1024s TOWN i -.r 7�•r�' r+„ r.� r.r•r• OF =O 11 N /� 6.65 Ac COUNTY UL1`�fiSES �.� �„�,��.�6.��•-�.,�.�••-'�' 2U 56. - �� ��.��.�•�• TOWN FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER A/ Property Line This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital base Current Year Changes lar maps. map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number ofrecords and originators of System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold deeds and surveys. harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/' Hydrography Special District o / o , \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit 18.50 Ac G External Tax Map loos Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage I 00 Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0MMMOMMM o Feet North MAP: 35 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 1 l x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011 23 PERRY - 1331 s --- ----_ -= 164 175s 1.35 c v� O 2.2 w 97 ,4c,G w z I 16 4s 5., ''S N ,5 i st w 338d I W 10 W I co 'n2.52 Ac C j 318.82 s , U) 1 4 W' ; cn ,-- A 3. 4 �c N l IR DELL 31! 1.82 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. J 825s 1340s CITY 496s I4 20.00 Ac 9.2 I ) 47.94 Ac 1734.48 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 506s 0 ROAD 2193s ,I 2176 s J 00 N 7 223.93 Ac C 349.99 Ac C G 603 s N �h,� N 433 s o O N 0 -- ) 9:4 - ---- 15.01 Ac 600.30 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 2568S N D 11 _ �a 5 �i•� 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District o 0 , Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 2503S COUNTY 1 114.75 Ac 3111 s 9 122 Ac C 3092S 8.2 119.21 Ac C 80 500 8.1 W TOWN Ln ULYSSES (,,_-.��83 �� $.�; COUNTY s 80, 600 ��,..�...r+nrrr ice' �. �� • i •fit • t�„>r� -7 Parcel Connector A/ O v H .y 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes Q N L� O e T Block Number I 00 2042.84 U) 1 4 W' ; cn ,-- A 3. 4 �c N l IR DELL 31! 1.82 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. J 825s 1340s CITY 496s I4 20.00 Ac 9.2 I ) 47.94 Ac 1734.48 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 506s 0 ROAD 2193s ,I 2176 s J 00 N 7 223.93 Ac C 349.99 Ac C G 603 s N �h,� N 433 s o O N 0 -- ) 9:4 - ---- 15.01 Ac 600.30 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 2568S N D 11 _ �a 5 �i•� 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District o 0 , Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 2503S COUNTY 1 114.75 Ac 3111 s 9 122 Ac C 3092S 8.2 119.21 Ac C 80 500 8.1 W TOWN Ln ULYSSES (,,_-.��83 �� $.�; COUNTY s 80, 600 ��,..�...r+nrrr ice' �. �� • i •fit • t�„>r� -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line v Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes 2.11 Ac C Block Limit co External Tax Map T Block Number 23 ROUTE 142 2051 s - - 614s 457 s p��'`� � t uj I I t, I I� 2 ll rn rn 't N 'I N 9.11 Ac fl L C, 3.2 611 s 3 1 00 69.05 Ac C 15.62 Ac N N O �vJ W 0 ID 456S 2056S A O Y z 0 � I � I 4 j4 93.90 Ac I "/,- �I a 36 I --------- 2533s 5 60.00 Ac 997s 1543s 76 0 A 35.00 Ac U' 25.00 Ac 00 co z 'I 0 1530s ULYSSES 177 OF.' lS7IZi�' ,�.�•�'�., .�•�. TOWN •�•�.!�1_,.. �•�-•---.�025s•.�'-'-"�'�."_. ENFIELD 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number v Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage co Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage I 00 Deed Dimension En I / I / W 0 I I I --I ,IJ��'I�Iy rn I / ID IN I III I II 00 co z 'I 0 1530s ULYSSES 177 OF.' lS7IZi�' ,�.�•�'�., .�•�. TOWN •�•�.!�1_,.. �•�-•---.�025s•.�'-'-"�'�."_. ENFIELD 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage I 00 Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North MAP: 36 SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2011 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2011