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TOWN"'\OF COVERT 14' 11 O I'p �227 i� Z � 14 I I 1 36 M< Lwow SENEGA COU 13 L 22 i j 23 1 13 21 147 14 14 1 24 35 17 3 11 34� I \GHKU 14 rr % X14 .i 89 � j 20 19 14 �. 18 Ijazillll 14 %� 1 . .i i 25 28 I ROA -=- i P11-1 14 27 0 0, I ItTI 140j �'�I 14 34 o � 96 33 32 it 2 `; .,•%' ExT ITHACA ENFIEL TO N OF22TOW� ..= 23 u `\ 24 .. 1:18000 N 800 0 800 1,600 Feet W E 200 0 200 400 Meters S 1 in Represents 1500 Feet (When Plotted on Arch D Media) New York State Plane At 11 "x 17" (47%) Approx. Scale is 1:38300 Central Projection (One Inch Represents Approx. 3200 Feet) 1983 North American Datum MAP REVISED: 1 -July -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -July -2009 TAX MAP TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY APPROVED BY NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES CASE NO 2013 e ,w DATE 11/04/1999 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Copyright (c) 2000 by Tompkins County. Resale of redistribution is strictly prohibited. TOWN OF COVERT SENECA COUNTY EAST SENECA ROAD EAST SENECA ROAD --- -- 11 ST SUNRISE O 13 cn F- O \ STROWgRIDGEZ-1�TERRAGE m w II EADOWv me\\ =- - p p � u M _ Nz 3 ST om`'\2 �m \ STREET'', u) m� SENE cn m McLALLEN STREET m CAYUGA STREET CQ' no CgYUGq �I 5 7 O� 7.1 SRI Vic 5 Eg110 �10 4�171 ST ST Q�4 A STu, RFFT Q -' v Lli O Q 5� co O wST/�FFr ST��� f� STR Q- T I � EET m w �` �9/ FALLS ST HALSEY STREET FT all 8 10 } I� z z 9 w cn X m m 12 12 ?ACK LANE g, � LARCHMONT UGHANNOCK FALLS STATE PARK i \ /I 13 1:4800 N 200 0 200 400 Feet ® W E 50 0 50 100 Met"t S i in ReWcws 4WPaw (Whcn Pioned on An:h D Media) New Pork SmmPlane M II"x 17" (47%) AM.., Saila is 1.102M CwrdPr Jxtion (Om 1 hRi rcwns Appmx. 850 FM) 3983NonhA en—Oawm MAP REVISED: I -July -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -July -2009 TAX MAP VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY APPROVED BY NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES CASE NO 2013 DATE 11/04/1999 ,\ EXCECOTNE DIRECTOR Ca H&t(c)2000by Tompkins Cowry. Remicofmdis(nbnticnisstri lypmhibimd. 7.1 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plam actric Base Map, and, as a result, dimevsiovs and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. V ROAD----------------------------------------------------- _OF _______________________ __-__-____- '----------------- ----------------. � SASS ----SENEGA--------- ------------- .._._._.r TOSVN----- ---- COVER. - - COIIISTTX--------------------------- -- -- - - - - -- - - -- --- -- - - -- -- - --FLA za15 + ` EAST --------SEMCA-- FFNECA------ROAD_--- -------- o5 a ------- -- - -- _---- --- � 225 122 1035 O 24i s 2385 1515Y o DISTRICT 4 I ULYSSES T MPKINS �IRe CC� g 1 2 s 6 10390 t2 1.21 AC C �1 2 a° 8 s , z 1 ° LLLIIII 1:11.20 Ac 12 5 ,165 7 38 s , 19.1 2065 5 - 88a n 1.17 Ac C 1.01 Ac C 10 N ' ° I \ I - 1995 \ � °\ I 248 s' 1' 12 `\ ,49 s 11�� 132 s D a / 47710 ` (D ° 125.60 20 sw Q 505 m 2005 oro \\ .'rC�, 19.32 ass 415 3aa ry \ `2p o m 728fi8 a 555 1 Q `!(1 67 s 1 Z \ `•gym w 67d 19.2 1335 ' $� 19.23 � '\ a 18fi98d 10693 o n. yy '� 2.57 Ac \ N 3 a, a 61 oa a m \ A "aa d m "as m m 1.25 Ac \ \ 15 _ 3 19.21 >z C 3 V 17 -16 $ 0 9, 5 lot s-�TBEEJ 438.25 \ \ 18 1225- O a _ w B `\ 1326 23fis 1 o \ ` 1005 _-___--_ --- 995 rJ„ 1 01y 19.22BBs BPo"-C2E - - _ - - - 99 5 LJp-5 J 1 19.24 g 105 _BSRGN ' -- aq 93 ((D 'ei' 2635 \ 1135 2305 m I 3.13 Ac � m `v �_-_"__-___------- 1069 th 4 ties 9 w ww 5 2 Sp m 23fis I \\\ 1`\ N 1 _ 3 5 10� 1'I 19.4 r I I I uu 23fis IV. , N g66a 19.3 35 , 99 °70. 19508 , �s ° ', .� 1 .� 22 6 m 114.58 ii s ow 19.1 28.04 2435 I \ `\ zae6 4 , \ 12 '\ ,� � �; 1.25 Ac C I �18 16 A� 21 18.22 �i 17 1 2a A "A g zoo 5tp m This map represents a compilation of,ns,hicsd and textual information 6om deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand-drown.,I-maps. Erzon and omission¢ em occur from each efthew sonreea: each waree represents a hoe aware, f.rd, a ad ommr.. of information. As a practical matter, the Coumy does cot watraat 6e accumey orcomplewness ofthe information pmtrayed. The rnd werof Nese maps agrees to accept the data "as is" wiN the foeknowledge unterrors any rna esth may retuaneto Iola harmless the County far any damages that may result from an inepproprute use of them maps. c g m 6D 7 � I �� °oA 53. ,8 69.85 I 1.02 AGC `Sr as, w CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH \\ `\ 20595 ' ° I �20 13 E01 18.21 e, It 15 a N M8 4n99 17 m 16 w 15 2209 ry 3g p3 \ ,58 2135 I > s \ 222 I . m �\ 4 n m 14 9 s ' N ,Ovz \ `\ 1 # ;11 213 s m N 5e s lyys m \ \ 50.35 13 1265 11 112.22 --- gas w 1.01AcC m CALVARY ` NEGA _----- 615 ' BAPTIST \\ �----___-"" 14A � 1 CHURC ` � 5 1 ST ' VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 325 `\ +865 1 2 3 4 '1 I °3z vv ,605 12 485 905 '1 7 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trmnansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District \ 85 s 10 CALVARY w m BAPTIST CHURCH N 12 m 7 6 m 1 w m 9 ° m D 1 z>9 N 89 s 67 85 5 84 s I 1025795 sea boa S7REEL------- LLEPL__------ M. 905 00s 625 85 ' VILLAGE OF ANSBUR 2 5 3 4 S3 106.6 1.16 AG C 23 O fi 1 5 P I 1 S7REE7 Building Footprint (1991-2009) / / Curb/Pavement Line /V Railroad 5.6 Ac Hydrography N Special District NExternal Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number \ 85 s 10 CALVARY w m BAPTIST CHURCH N 12 m 7 6 m 1 w m 9 ° m D 1 z>9 N 89 s 67 85 5 84 s I 1025795 sea boa S7REEL------- LLEPL__------ M. 905 00s 625 85 ' VILLAGE OF ANSBUR 2 5 3 4 S3 106.6 1.16 AG C 23 O fi 1 5 P I 1 S7REE7 43.1 Parcel Connector 312 Property Line !� Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 312 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 1004 Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 So 0 100 e Fce North MAP: 1 SCALE: 1" = 100' ( W Fen phoned o5 Awh n Media) II x hi" (47n), scahe is V-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 IP MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 1, ----- --SENEGA--- __--_ _ EAST--------------------------- � 1 _______________ EASF------SENEC-A--ROAD----- _ - ----------_________________ � 100---------------------------- s9s _______________ ___________ ----- 100 ------ _____ __________ 1506 10 ____________ __ / 08 " _ _ _ 10o OF TRUMANSBURG 'I 251.9 a 206 COUNTY VILLAGE LL1 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TOMPKINS , 1 _. I 2.2 2.8 1 2.5 2,4 2.7 Ll 262.46 1 , I 100 100 100 - , 2545 - 1 1305 6 2.1 '133 0 120.3 109.1 3 $o A 4.53 Ac C ---- ❑ - 1.24 Ac C `4 706 I , 6.12111 I 2 111 0 IBIS s ', I 1 C , N N I ' 1314 , 0 N 1 6.2 1 2.14 ,o9i 93. 3 11 $ 119.9 Z 1 25591 625 4 �lI ' - J 1 125 m _ 202 s 510 s Z - 1,_-- _ TERRACE_--- 1515 ansa O , 16aa / - SUNRISE___----- ]eaza T__- - 995 1 '1 $ 5 it]s EI----" __ _---- 1086 1066 1618 es 75a 2.12 7.1 n6 s - 1.23 Ac Cus "a 'I I 2.6 2.93 Ac 78 2.13 N ' . 2 3 4 1 1 1 LJ 2.2 v ]6 . 146 I I $ ', m 4g 11 1 1 0 178 s 106, s u ' ,026 3p77 ,62.52 N I 3.89=,13.1p ,.17a] w 13.2 1 255] J 46.63 , I 145.02 I ' p511 , I� I ' p I Q 'I 231. 12 m 5.1 m .27 I N 25B s 2 1.52 Ac _ ', ', 266.25 Ac C O 144 N I 11 1 ,I r3 I_ _ ' ' 236 s s - --' , I °A' 10 25 2B 56 I 1 I I ' 6465 1635 1 87 s ', 6 1 231 s M 1 1Bis 3185 M 5to ou 3, 11 ro 23202 ', I 24 on- 9 ml ❑ m E=], 378S 4 11 7 5.2 ' '1 23 142.1 dno. ' 174 a ', , 4.25 Ac C 1 I 1 I , 1 1 635.07 7.21 1 93s __ - Iso ,76.9 1 I 3]45 1 SENEGA 1176 145 f ' J ' loos „96 0 4A J 59 Ac 11 I ', Imp -. 1.59 Ac C 2zf I IL -1 0 S In 140.3a In 95.6] 2 m 3 20,5 --- 1 H --- ----------- 112.3 •, 91,65 17/.49 Ives 5 I' 3a t 14 g w 13 g Be g 4.04 Ac ❑ u I m -- - 1 I 191 6. Ito 4s , 4 � 6 66 g26 2.80 Ac gas e7. ,9Aa L1 1 I 1 1 SB a 127. 11 262 a 13 11 1 10 � 20.1 15 1.15Acc tase rasor 'm 125 s 233. 32 a C 1 O 20.3 L 9 w'1 -� 1 1 143 s w 87 s `8 N 11 u m m _ " ^.I I - '^ ' 172s - 1 23.2 968 1035 9fi s 945 6]s d35 18' -_ McLALLEN------------------------ 1 z ---- , 315 ` w17 1 ----------- ----------------------------- / 995 594 61s 212s \ 19 1245 16 o ♦ i "I 616 1 m j ❑ J 1 1 m w " 1995 "---_ 1115 -Ly 835 dOs i 1 4 m I- iV. 1 e _ _____________- 11 11 _- -_ 016 121, 33L.. 1125 3 „ TRUMANSBURG / LJ CONSERVATORY y STREET 'toJ TRUMANSBURG ^^'' 1 5 J39 I HOME TELEPHONE CO woa C4 546 6 6 5 � 1018 g40sp>� .f6646 , 4as 14 6 5 1 - 9' 0 10 ,585 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Dattrm. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map represents a compilation ofgaphical and textual information tram deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base mag and digital conversion ofhand-0rawn mylarmaps. Ermss and emissions can occur from each offew sonmcs: each somee represents a large number ofm a ds and originators or information. As a practical mater. the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps sure. to accept the data "as W' with the fll knowledge out emon and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use oftheso maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trmnansbmg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District MJ VILLAGE OF 7RUAMNSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 0 100 Fee North ULYSSES MAP: 2 SCALE: 1" = 100' (W he o ph r d m Arch D Idedla) l l s l7- f47pk ae.le is l"-425' MAP REVISED: 1-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 Building Footprint (1991-2009) -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number / \ / Curb/Pavement Line Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Railroad ; `x % Former Property Line A ] Subdivision Lot Number Hydrogmphy Current Year Changes . 515 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage ° Special District N Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage o ° , 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage Municipality N External Tax Map ION Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 91 6-I-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number ® Block Number 100d Deed Dimension MJ VILLAGE OF 7RUAMNSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 0 100 Fee North ULYSSES MAP: 2 SCALE: 1" = 100' (W he o ph r d m Arch D Idedla) l l s l7- f47pk ae.le is l"-425' MAP REVISED: 1-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 3 u u ----------------------- - � � 9 --------------------------- p p 0 -------------------------- 433 s O -------------�5_T_---- BENECA---------------� 81 s 1 04 _.---------- 9415 \ 1 I ---- - - o9s COUNTY loas 19as TOMPKINS 5 1' 1195 ❑ s 1.65 AC C \ $ ne se ` 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.5 °s 1475 mass loos loss _-- r 0 13 36.1 ej\ I II I 6.06 I 0 36.3 I I I II I li 1 I I I I I I I I I � I m m m ' I I IIS I I I I N I a4 I I I 35 443 5 1.2 3.45 AAeG �I \ 361.] 36.4 03 Ac 375 36.5 1.03 Ac 381.31 36.6 1.04 Ac 302.25 27.2 --138-As 133 s 133 s 159. 33 285s 2 131. 31 I 133 s I sad 47 30 29 28 87 •. 1285 tfDa _GP_ 36.2 2.15 Ac C 800 s des los 3 u 4a 27.1 1.30 Ac t � ri511 s 3.1 6 I� 1.2 90� 1.14 Ac ` `, P/O '.,-2- 2 6 Fi i 1.83 Ac C NY G it 7AcC 'WI O I ry s I I 20.8 Ac C `6' _ _ 135 a 210.6.-- - - 3.2 143.78 - 343.89to n - 1.92 Ac 487 67 $ 1 1 I I' m, - 263.43 3 - - � I � v 9.3 w 28029in ' 3.98 Ac ---------- 10 _10 I ' I I sen Ra I I 190.24 it I I I' II 624.39 a 201 s s , s EL� I NY G 4 I ' drys r 7.2 9, I ' 9 mus 3' I ' I ' 397 s1.95 Ac C , I � s 345 s e 9.2 NYSEG 1.01 'Ao C n� 5.15 Ac I ' NYSEG, r I , I� ZI -------------- - -- 2S3g 162 s Y' 2395 , I s fi]Ss on -- I " I 415 I 26-- 4A3AcC 16 / �\ 3.80 Ac C '�> s 9.1 I V - 3.85 Ac C El, I I ' 6.4 20 z3 s 2.41 Ac I 25 24 v u23 95. 895 666YYYsss 005 ___---------------------- - s 655 1.06AcC >sa 1465 " 65 s 520 s ❑ baa 102 I 90 s 21 17 -� N DE] ❑ 16 1 427s 15 i 14 136, 585 1525 2,55 R 1 3 _ v 'm nm ----- 4a, 12 M I I STREET- --� lJI 48 m _ e I ]0s W 6.1 -_ i , I 2.51 Ac - -_- ass LI 1425 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Property Line A 3 TionansbmgCentralSchool District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Current Year Changes acompilationofgm Thomap mprrmation Ulysses Fire Protection District , NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE peodmmaal wnleads and digital cbasa Block Number Curb Pavement Line Deed Dimension movement m mag and digital mlarmaps mainfp,anddigimlmove of hand -drawn { All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate can com offine h smrs antes; each and omisa ods cm occurfrom emh ofineae spumes: each somee Railroad l System using the 1983 North American Dalton. Property lines have been rapresantsalmgenumberofmwNsmdoriginatorsof mforramron. As a mane. the County does not warrent �•� Il dm h y gmp y registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammemc Base Map, practical ' `� and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions, the attvmcy or completeness of the information protrayed. The mese me "as is" e Special District For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate and user of maps agreed m accept data wim rhe toacceom o / e deeds and surveys. ma knowledge mar errors and mayto inaet, and to hold / Municipality harmless the County for any damages that may result man m imap'rop"ateaseoftememaps. 91 6-I-3 Military TracUWatkins&Flint Lot Number CAYUGA - -_ 43.1 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number CAYUGA - -_ 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 2 3.55 Ac C 0 13 5 2.16 Ac C C hry 6.33 y CC 6.32 2.41AcC ry eryA. VILLAGE OF 7RUAMNSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 0 100 e Fee North 11 MAP: 3 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When phad names D Media) I I x 17" f47%"), stale Is 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Dattua. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map represents a compilation ofgaphical and toxmal information from deals and surveys, a digital platdmetric base map, and digital conversion of hind -drawn mylar maps. Ermrs snit emissions can occmrrom each fthese aneea: each mmee repre resents a large number of rends and originators of information. As a practical manor, the County does not warrent the accuracy or mmpleteness of the information annoyed. The rnd user of these maps agrees no accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that ¢roses and omission may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an vappmpnate use oftheso maps. 5 RES1 24 1.40 Ac C 1.93 Ac r 0 3.1- 11.2 1.38 Ac C W CP�uGP r-7��210s W W so 3 O 2 2.59 Ac 1 i 149 a 80 a 10 se 1.50 Ac C ' F ,Z-1 VILLAGE OF VPK TRUMANSBURG - - - - - 5 128, sg6a 5.25 Ac C '\ \ VILLAGE OF \ TRUMANSBURG / 66 2.2 _ 1 -1 /Z�— 2.1 q6k 4zs a „ 11.6 9,a a 21aa sw 2.90 Ac ros FgsT �s s Parcel Connector i Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District , Curb/PavementLine aaa 11 - Hydrography NExternal Special District N Municipality 100d Deed Dimension as , w 12 102a 11.3 'ass 11.1 11.5 6.84AcC a s' as rsts 1 �.1 ,3t, a we s a sr R�cF , . 101 a 10 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Parcel Connector Trmnand ntg Central School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District , Curb/PavementLine 5.6 Ac l �J' Railroad N Hydrography NExternal Special District ® Municipality 100d Deed Dimension 91 6-I-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number CEP RA KS8 5 1.40 Ac C 4.3 1.00 Ac �n w 316 5 208 Na ry is 1 1 .\ 6 I 1 y� toe �1m s 1.,11 2 �3 \ It I N —,LO41Ac C 7.2 1t 1t 2.54 Ac 2 7.1 1 Ac ^� ,GROVE CEMETEk tlu 8 u� 1, �s I 1.4 Ac '1 1 1 3.91 S 1 I 1 / 9.5is i' o ,3.45 Ac C Asia I 4P1 I � t 1 i 7 85 s I j 9� ' t 2..20 Ac g 10 L O 1FQ 2-1 29].31 u a -. -- --- — -- -----------STREET FALLS -7 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A ] Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map ® Block Number 13 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A ] Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage Iona Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TRUAMNSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 625 0 125 Fee North MAP: 4 SCALE: 1" = 125' (When plotlN mArch D Media) II x 17" far/.), scala Is 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 3 CAYUGq CAYUGA ---- - ---------------- 102S 150 91.49 92 s STREE% -- - ------------- --. 5 82.3 90.04 '-_ I I I I I L STREET - --- - - - - - - - - - --------- - 87s 76s 77s 58.7 s ___---------- c's 527 --'- s 148s -__-------- 95s 90s ib ` -------- - - - - -- 116s 101s 130s w r� N 188S 206.1 N N 18 19 20 21 22 23' 5 o N 16 ' :� oS 1.48 Ac C 7 N 11 - �, 13 A � 15 j 7 Aso 13j 5 14 5s ❑ ' 8 9 0 ? '*4)N 0 47 s - 77.3 N r-- - - U LAGE OF TRUMAN BURG N 10 8? 12 N 91.57 N / 32B 95 w �7 9().41 92 s 100s, 27 5 8 CI J 26.1 4 78S LON ^ - ,� ------ M1.04AcC 77?s 95s ' o, ^ 435 253s 755 s y M co 4 7 00 �- y ^ CO N ^ry'i' 130s ' ^ v ?5 .y h �s p o 3405 \.- \ ^ \ 1 - '--••� rn !N� 6 686 66 63.2 60 h 59 5808 N \..\ \ N - - - - - - -- -----------, / v 46s 25 � Al h 58. 55 - `\ 0 19 ` _17--__ / --^ �_• \ 26.2 ` s 1 54 \_ �� \ •\ �- 241 _ 129. 0 3.40 Ac C �� /" �" \ �•_ \ �• cr 229.76 os zs h 62 � CO'0s MASONIC � 50 '�\ \ 5 4 S y 53.2 I , . \ 25 �` 8� - 3 33s 3p Zs Z Z*N h� 3EMPLE 1.40 Ac s°. s \• /" s S 442j Nry y 35 M� o i 2.39 Ac C \ \ \ 16.16 Ac C/` % 22� S N y 0� \ 26s 4 34s N rn� ^ 7495 ho \`\ \ 68s 6 / 28 ?9 s 277 15 84 1 \ '\ \ 427, I I \co 70 29 d 51 i 1.96 Ac C �N F'�Sj s424 1.10 Ac C o 759 4 \•_�_� \ j \ go �•• PRESBYTERIAN CHURL N 244s 19 ? 48 BETTER HOUSING 'Q �__ - - / /' ti ZZas ----------- --�- ' ' 49.2 - ----- - -_ M,q�N 445 TOMPKINS CO - - - 30 ryo ' �M. 45 1.19 Ac C , - ' �A ' e05 1.42 Ac SrR�FT 7755?o ''' ^M 130 s 107S 76s 60.6 �q25 769 �56y r 4 o H 64 S s � 9j5 47 MN W 66 Q, 8 ^ � 43 46 ► 83s a 44 � 308 u6° N 32 31 �h 173 41 40 1.24 Ac C 675 ' 9 Ui 53, N .730 M , Q�� 42 M� 39 38 37 36 C '0js 0 a) M 1.08 Ac C ^ a M L/ 'b 05 U) Co g2 5 ^ T / 56, Y \ \ ' 7345 35.2 � 62s 45 34 33.2 \ 87 CV ^ h � 8s 35. 85 N 735 COV /At ` SS 78 co 33.1 ' S'T 57s 3 v � RFF ss , T , 770 s � FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 0 91 6-1-3 Building Footprint (1991-2009) Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number VILLAGE OF TR UMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 Feet North N MAP: 5 SCALE: 1" = 125' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 LEGEND L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number A/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 AcG Grouped (Total) Acreage External Tax Map loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 0 Block Number lood Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TR UMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 Feet North N MAP: 5 SCALE: 1" = 125' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 WEST - MAIN STREET ---___------ ------- -- 70 s 9s, 55s 32 26 45s 23s �'3 58 s 3 s / 127s 54s 140s 7 �\ 510 112 13 1415i 17W qS qS g2 w w bo v. 0 °' S \ Il I m 28.27 cn cNo �_ - 1 - 05 /' 76 ` ' - 25 s I rn 5 j 18.25 s °' /; s 50 s -'- - I , 82 1 5 8 N 72.4 26 iv s ' 1 I L 7 0 o� �' co VILLAGE F 700 ' ', 1.51 Ac 8 N �� 19 2 TRUMAN BURG s \ N N 28.3` ^ 20 10 21 22.2 6gs - 9In 39s /" VILLAGE OF a s1$S FAST / RUMANSBUR 33s ^ j 106 \ `�- 87S -' N / � 25s 116s 23 co - - - 73.1 1. 1 S 2 s y----_1 - 180s 39s 272s 63s 61 s 37 S15% 49s ro 22.1'2ps ^0 7 _ ' s- 26 3qe 28 s 51 s 92 • - _- 5 - TOWN OF � , - - - - - - - - - - - 63 42 N 2?TRUMANSBURG HOME >7 ULYSSES y ^61 41) 164s �s TELEPHONE CO 24 s �� 1.2 q 6, h gfOWN OF 2s 19, 7 YSSE VILLAGE OF Sj s TRUMANSBURG y 3 W87s Q0 27 q,3s 25 723s w ^ 4 CO S9s IX N 7 y VILLAGE OF ^�0 5 USS, BUSINESS �- 1.07 Ac C ss M TRUMANSBURG y 88s CO N N q'8 S2 / 89 S, ^My 'Os 9js 41 M 28.2 2 S s 78s /S I ,�,' ,' EPISCOPAL CHURCH 32s , 3.75 Ac o^ �� '22s y Ss 7 2 8.1 0 it y co Q G` , 208.39 57S ^�`� 's ULYSSES 4s 87S lies '2690 20 co S 60S 17 y PHILOMATHIC 28.1 - - - - o ti LIBRARY I a I 5.62Ac � ' ----- , 728s 19 16 c -1860 2 40'2209s TRUMANSBURG S'E�IORS INC ^� `� 2j a / S7s � s 9 ' W � - , ) 77(g. ,8 \ ' 2`76, S ^ 15 I F , , , , 2s h �� �3 , as h o, 141 s C°' 1 145s 13 6 36.2 _ � � a Ss � I N - N - - / ro \ I o 9's , , ��. 2S 1.15AcC 1 1.75 Ac gBoS ^ 84s 52^s CATHOLIC CHURCH39 _ 29 _, 7, 7'S 3 10 TRUMANSBURG SENIORS IN y 'os 2 166s 0°' 4 117s 194s 28.33 ----- - - - - -- ^13 86s _M � I Cb s r� - -� ' 180.02 42.94 3js 3ggq 7, ^' S 'sqs �� o� 1 3 8 , �' S9 7,S q9 y CJ " - 30 y '"- c�S o '\7993 'q2S N 7pq 7Ss 48s N � I 30 64 , , 7 703 s 6 rn WI s 7q p9 I S 12s 0 31 CID C() C() y 37 16 7 I� "6 , 35 i 8 69 1.06 Ac C o �y 1.54 Ac s 190 s 6692 32 ^oM 34 S " '78.2 PEASE 0, 99.3 36.1 / 2Sg2 a N co 2q o^ �� S7 7 - 9 M M 7S ^ �, i ti 8 ,2p ,\a,. ' ' ^ 123.5 , 138 6 33 , q 2.1 15 N - 77 LLI I 62s a s 14 10 rn rn Z L LI I 278 N 5 124. ' S Ac N ' 7 ��� p I I 27 11 70s to 6 1.36 Ac C ,' ' y 73, ss 6 q8 rb N 31 19. - I S 6 7) g 5.12 76- Z ,67 Q ti 3.1 } 7jS 2.2 a Z S? Z 762 LU o 5.11 N 3.2 ,' 7628 1.30 Ac ti 6.78 Ac / V9 0 ,� o I 42 s 9;>09 9,7 - - 140.02 I 168.77 I 0 9 In 1 0 646.2 Co 616 s N------------------------------------------------------ --------- --------------------- ----------- ---------------- - 3.8 Ac 1.72 Ac 310 N W 1.81 Ac C N I 616s FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 0 91 6-1-3 Building Footprint (1991-2009) Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number I 773 C. , o " so ' 1.2 s 6 SrRF y ss Fr METHODIST N 2 2S I CHURCH N .6 LON I "'o S ' 4gs N 3.1 N -1 136 3 s 33s 4Co \ w � 1.1 N M 2j8S N 5 co N 362 r` 21 37 98 M 7 sp 9 ^ 78.1 3 3 v 3 7 6q.7 J�-171 s q� s Cq to 20 Cl) 6S' Co t 67S 34 N cb 8 92s 79s N se N 17 s 6g � I 19 9 0 Co 18 `° " 16 y 112 N ►- " 15 s w co �- c- - " 14 N 708.5 LU ; U 94 S ti 93 3 co ---, 82S 13 0 12 � 15 58 W 95, 51S � 11 172, - - 9p.5 / - N I 94 74 1208 - - �'�R 117S I /�V 1385 -- -- _ 101s 100 171 s_ 3 0 N m 7 c M 4 _4 0 N 5 LO N 172S 53.8 133S w N 6 O w rn 261 s 10 VILLAGE OF TR UMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 Feet North MAP: 6 SCALE: 1" = 100' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 LEGEND L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number A/ Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 AcG Grouped (Total) Acreage External Tax Map loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 0 Block Number lood Deed Dimension 10 VILLAGE OF TR UMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 Feet North MAP: 6 SCALE: 1" = 100' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 7.1 ySS ` 5.1 �s ' F s s 25.2 9 8s \ 1.30 Ac C 0 \ \ co X60 - • X00 \ S o 2 j s ti 3 S � y 9 .(9 4 1 p� \ ' �C� N °4 5 Fr H ryQ5, 6 10098' 1.22 Ac SI', 92S 986' Qin d' V 77 \ 8 N S \ -10.2 N \. '0° \ ° 25.31 -- - S o - - s96s 5.2 Ac ` O w 10.1 \ h \ O _ I \ O 1495 N VILLAGE OF O 2�1 ,s \ o� 0 13 TRUMANSBURG O \ ` ° (PART OWNER) 5 \ a N 2 \ , oh , O 406.48 a 1 1.2 25.32 2.50 Ac s o� s C7 h� N 14 \ \ 2 s 2 \ a 5.68 Ac C 1.28 Ac t �9S 3 VILLAGE O MAl 70 RUMANSBURG N ` 2S 104 N O 239s 60 s 203s N° 250.73 2865E STR ET 127 s L ° 1285 17 - ---STR€ET--------------' ---- 5 h� O 579.22 119 N , 15 129 s No 1 Ac , 6 / ° 718 1.30AcC ' 48 '� N N 2489 N VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG �3 W 19 --- ' 121 � 20 N w 5 \ 2415 .61 125 28 \ - - , 3a s 22 s - - -- - - - - - - " 24 225 1435 '' ,' ------ _----- , 3 5- 1 99S 35 5 2 s N COX. ---s o / 350 ^� N13 5 , ' 123 s 7 / - j 8/ / / / 114 5 3 y- cP� J 5 , ' 6, /-11 5 /- � 9 69 gas - ^ ---N I/ m 243 2 - 1255 6 % i/ 1.30AcC 3 8 388 "' e � - a - 15 s ode / / 0 78 s N 1 N 0gs 12g5 cJ N 12Q5- ' ,,.?190-5_ �= , o��pCn O ^ 4 w 1 / 0 7 W � � 062s � 06 `S 125 5 M I- 99S co 8951.09AcC 110.5 5 s Co 2 N 8 s 97, ° 1 - 132s - g25 /26�. os 12 s ,' �' 1265 - ' - - _ _ - - �ZR 60S 2, /-/ o / 5.----- 1.11AcC 81 --__ - °^ - 325 �`. ' ^ 1 174s 18 ° 15.3 O 1.55 Ac C 2.1 Ac 2 3 h 188 13.2 ^`' 131 $ co 66 t 110.01 . 186 / a 6 O co 0 v ^ 1 00�,v 36.30 24j8 O 15.1 ^� ' ` \ 1.24 Ac y 4 7 ,' r o 7, ` ° ` \ 15.2 6^1 ,' 2g n 6 �rn 5 r s 1 1 ° 6 s L/ N � LU \ p � ,� y ' Fq SF gS s \ h� 1658 \\ 17 O NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 43.1 LEGEND L -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line 5.6 Ac Former Property Line / / V Current Year Changes 18.50 Ac G Block Limit loos External Tax Map 100d Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension VILLAGE OF TR UMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 Feet North MAP: 7 SCALE: 1" = 125' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 - I I I F� I I \` \\ -------------I I ------- n I I \ i V T -----------------/ i F_ I LJ TO ------------ ----------------------------- -I - - - - ' I - - ----------------- ---------------- ---------- ------- ---------------------- --------------------------------- ------- ----------- -------------- ----------------- ------------- ------- ----- 448.1 - - - - - - - - - URG OF WN 0 VILLAGE I I ' � N I I I � �_� II II El I I F-1 T L J I I I I I i I I I I I �F I I 1 \ I I I I I �� � I I F �/) I I V 36 337.31 I I I I I I I I I I I I ELL—_i L I I -L % I I r - I I I I\ I 1 I I i It 11 II � I I I I 1 1 I I rn OI I I I I I I I I I C-0 I I i t l �� I I W F �---- iii 59.26 AcC � I II••I I I -l— — I I II I � J I it I I ALJ I L I I �I I I L I I ; I It I J I � , 1I �� F_I I I I r I I I I Z J F _ F J I I E_- 1 11 353.%� 30O 4�73 I 30 I I I I I I I I I I E I ___L_ -- I I I 1 I- - I Ln0 - ---------------- --\------------- O 39.56 Ac C 0N0 ' 855s t� i i I I \ Ul \ -P C0 1 610 l O FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 733.45 7.1 913.03 ° ° ° VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 oMOMMI Feet North 71 SCALE: 1" = 125' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 7 LEGEND Building Footprint (1991-2009) —7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number \ Curb/Pavement Line /A\// Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Railroad Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Hydrography �'�����/' //VCurrent Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage Special District Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage o 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 111"o Municipality IV External Tax Map 100s Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number 1004 Deed Dimension 913.03 ° ° ° VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 oMOMMI Feet North 71 SCALE: 1" = 125' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 7 N a 191' s 8 4.74 Ac C s2 s s Al \ CSD"�9 \ 1.2 ' 3.94 Ac C �� 'O7 gq 2 48, s P SF s� 00 28 sa ^ 1.1 y �� 5 , , ^e b 'S, \ ` ' 4 10 ' \ 2 5.2 M 9,s ' 23 44 s v s 27 1.53 Ac C ,2 o,`l' 1n) , 2.0, rb y � 7 O 3 25 ' ( 1.29 Ac C 5.4 ;' z 9 so 0) � CiR' S C,�7q) ' 5.3 1 A° s �� ' /' Is, C, 24.2 24.10 8°2 � 00 4 , / 6 68.8 N 74 s 28 s 65 s 64 s 103 s 12 89.5 108.9 186.41 81s �V 15.1 83 s 26 4 LEGEND w 173s 172s 7js �ti 33;5 �`' 1.32 ,,1 I 3.87 Ac C N 0 10 Ln / / 5 W 5 23 All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source J Railroad 11.5 Ac C � .21 System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been 2S9 I ^ /\ / Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. 183 s ^ati 1.64 Ac C C5� r� 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage p g For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold I Q 11 s 629 / harmless the County for any damages that may result from an v O . 162 s N inappropriate use of these maps. I LLA G� 17 41 5.1 N 14 7.6 o 178 s c?. , , 22 113.5 ' 19 N 0 16 N 1.70 Ac C N 1.57 Ac �� ' 565 0 18 N 1.54 Ac 1 N / 1.54 Ac C 1 � N � N O 2.4 12 s TRU�? 162s U 21 _ tV 1A1 V SgU�0 u 176S 174s ' 209� °°� VI LAGE OF 7.3 0 C 335 a o U-1 z W Q SO z Q J U) z z LU 0- 129s TRUMANSBURG 13' 2.08AcC VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG 97 s 172 s 177 s 17o s ' 165s 99s ---- 151s ----- / STREET_--- ------------ ----- �3S -----362s ---- ---------HA_LSEY----------------------------------- - -- sas --- s I - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - 168 -- - - ------------ 165s ------- 100 ----------- 99.8s 54.7 i I 1 -- - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 209d 201.62 200 d 109 d 200 d 60s 267 s ' / 75 s 1.52 AC C N M A N J 6.1 `� (.' ' - 5. 2 3.221.22 1.23 1.10 Ac C N1.21 w LO 1.00 Ac 316.98 N 162s 2 cl� ❑ 0 O LO r- 209 d 2 9,S^� 1.12 30 d 200 d 109 200 d 168 2.1 CD 554.25 N N 6.2 co 1.38 Ac ST JAMES 1.69 Ac C - - 100 CATHOLIC �EMETER - - - 320.12 -------274.48 1 / 160s I I LL 41 4 10.� y 7.5 0LL 3 C °� 12 ^' 2.3 / C) (0 w 148.64 "' N N 56.52 / / / �Q ��O• I I NO 161 s I N 1.26 Ac es °1.31 -- 4 LEGEND Trumansburg central School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 33;5 �`' 1.32 ,,1 I 3.87 Ac C N 7.23 L N All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source J Railroad 11.5 Ac C � .21 System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant I ^ /\ / Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. ^�5 3.75 r� 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage p g For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold N 276 S 2.2 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage harmless the County for any damages that may result from an v O . 162 s loos Scaled Calculated Acreage (Calculated) g inappropriate use of these maps. I LLA G� 0 Block Number \ N ��� 5.1 v � 0 7.6 o - 1�8 s 1 O F � 2.90 Ac � N � N O 2.4 0 TRU�? 162s - tV 1A1 V SgU�0 176S 7.3 0 335 G' O 2.5 ' 10"a, o 163s -176 s ; '334.37 d In N N 7.4 0 - 2.7I ; co 161 s � 275 s 256.4 12u) Cl) N N N - 2.6 O I O 274s �------, 172 168 I 17.1 CNN sTss 2.65 Ac C Cl 124s i FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND Trumansburg central School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Ulysses Fire Protection District / \ /' Curb/r/� avement Line Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source J Railroad xxx�; Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant ^ /\ / Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as '� o Special District � Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage p g For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold o „ , Municipality External Tax Map 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage harmless the County for any damages that may result from an . ���//// loos Scaled Calculated Acreage (Calculated) g inappropriate use of these maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 0 Block Number 1004 Deed Dimension 4� S 158s 2.11 156S N 0 45.64 2.8 2.9 a N VILLAGE OF TRUMANSB URG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 62.5 0 125 0 o0009 Feet North SCALE: 1 " = 125' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: I JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 59 43 d s 8.-3-2,10. I I I 1915 I I I I 190 s I 9.5 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property linea have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. s 9.6 5.84 Ac C 9.2 This map m anseuts s compilation ofgaphie'd and toxmal information from deeds and oeve s, a digital platlimetric base mag and digital conversion of had -draws mylorman. Errors ad emissions ea ore -from eah offese mmeca: each soma represents a large number of intens and originators of information. As a practical master, the County does at encoat the attvtacy or completeness of she information protmyof The ad am, of these maps sm. tm accept the data "as is" with the fll knowledge that ¢mors and omission may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use offim a maps. 1301 s O 2 18.77 Ac C SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trmnandmig Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 404 s 9.3 4.51 Ac 10 4.76 Ac C in I I I I 321, I 3 I 1.00 Ac l 35 nits N 0 I = 44 , 2193 I 2155 5 as 2155 10 6 2,73 I q I 7[�� �I I 216is 8 m ztsa I i� In I 190 s I I I I � II 3 � I [ _ 319.2 I I I , I te8 s O 9.4 2 II II I 319.2 � I I � I I , I I I 187s , I 270 s I I I — I 6.2 202 5 , 6.1 pyo sl _ 3.71 Ac C ' 11'. - _ --- - - H � I I \ , I � II I I 198 s , I en I I I I I I 3685 I I 12� 7 y8 , I , I , I , I I � 9 I 763 5 43.1 Building Footprint (1991-2009) /�\�f Curb/PavementLine /V Railroad / \x/ Hydrography N Special District NExternal Municipality 91 6-I-3 Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 763 5 43.1 Parcel Connector 3 fz Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map ® Block Number 763 5 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 fz Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage INS Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 4 8.75 Ac C VILLAGE OF 7RUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 0 100 e Fee North 12 MAP: 9 SCALE: 1" = 100' (Town plotlW on Arch D Media) IIx17"(4'N/.)sale ol"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 12 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property Imes have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and m a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 209 a O6 I� 51.2 209 s 52 51.1 5.84 Ac" - 209S --1�LAGE�ON'N 51.3 o� 99, 103 s 98 s 100 s 97 s 99 s 101 s 03a 21 Ls 1935 4s 82e 1035 I 14 -A -- R 7: , Y m 9] s 13 12 11 10 $ 5 4 3 2' m 1,46; Ac C �I 15 93 a za, s I I / I I I 17 I I I I I I I II I iI I 18 I I I 202. I I I I I I 19 I I I I II I I 2s ' I I 103.65 109. zoos 102 s 102s Trumansbmg Central School DistrictL n ' f Building Footprint (1991-2009) I w ' u Parcel Lot Number " o n loos rots loos s8s m,s 1005 z01a 6 loos loos ass 23 m� 16 w0a,925 F2o j`—(I�III ----------TAMARAC----------------LANE ; 24 25 2 --- - ------------ -- -- - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - -– -------- - - - - - - -- 46 - — -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage ey o ° za, s I I / I I I 17 I I I I I I I II I iI I 18 I I I 202. I I I I I I 19 I I I I II I I 2s ' I I -------- ------LARGHMONF------- —RIVE ----------------------------- ------------------------„ I Q 1555 loo 119s 1005 t00s loos 100 ens Z Q � > I U) ' LU 0c 36 <- 37 1,09 Ac C 39 40 e jF5 6 41 43 S 38 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation ofgrepirwal and trataal in( tiov fiom delle and onscyr, a digital ploc=tric hart nwp. and digitalco oionofhaad-drewnmylarmaps. Errors all odleaioos can occur from each oftluse roureex; each source represents a large nuaaerof records and ongidduna of wf tioo.Md,.nealmnuc,au Couaydocsnetwavaat Me accareayor onnploraless ofn, informationpn"'ak The and., at these maga agnea to ada tithe dam "as u"wish the Poll kmwledga rhe errors and mniwwa, may exist adl to hold handless the County for mry damagca flat say result fiom as inappropdaraaacefdr—.cpa 1? W a ti SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION 103.65 109. 103.65 102 s 102s Trumansbmg Central School DistrictL Building Footprint (1991-2009) —7 Parcel Connector I I Parcel Lot Number T-- 100 100 23 m� 3 12 I F2o Railroad ; `� % 24 25 2 46 - _ 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage ey o ° 10165 105 6 103.65 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 102, 103 s I 102 s 103.63 33 32 Municipality 30� 29 $ ?8 Ed C27 47 91 6-I-3 -31- ® Block Number 100d Deed Dimension 1.43 Ac mQ yy rP 102 a 103. 103.65 104 s 103.65 103 5 63.64 -------- ------LARGHMONF------- —RIVE ----------------------------- ------------------------„ I Q 1555 loo 119s 1005 t00s loos 100 ens Z Q � > I U) ' LU 0c 36 <- 37 1,09 Ac C 39 40 e jF5 6 41 43 S 38 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation ofgrepirwal and trataal in( tiov fiom delle and onscyr, a digital ploc=tric hart nwp. and digitalco oionofhaad-drewnmylarmaps. Errors all odleaioos can occur from each oftluse roureex; each source represents a large nuaaerof records and ongidduna of wf tioo.Md,.nealmnuc,au Couaydocsnetwavaat Me accareayor onnploraless ofn, informationpn"'ak The and., at these maga agnea to ada tithe dam "as u"wish the Poll kmwledga rhe errors and mniwwa, may exist adl to hold handless the County for mry damagca flat say result fiom as inappropdaraaacefdr—.cpa 1? W a ti SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION `\ I Trumansbmg Central School DistrictL Building Footprint (1991-2009) —7 Parcel Connector I I Parcel Lot Number 243 s 100 100 98.37 Property Line 3 12 I Railroad ; `� % Former Property Line I I 2 46 Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage ey o ° Special District N Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage I� o ° , I 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage Municipality I External Tax Map 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 47 91 6-I-3 a ® Block Number 100d Deed Dimension 1.43 Ac mQ I i 4 I I 00.1 46 i I I 242s w 49 II 0 II ,I / e ° 0 -------- ------LARGHMONF------- —RIVE ----------------------------- ------------------------„ I Q 1555 loo 119s 1005 t00s loos 100 ens Z Q � > I U) ' LU 0c 36 <- 37 1,09 Ac C 39 40 e jF5 6 41 43 S 38 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation ofgrepirwal and trataal in( tiov fiom delle and onscyr, a digital ploc=tric hart nwp. and digitalco oionofhaad-drewnmylarmaps. Errors all odleaioos can occur from each oftluse roureex; each source represents a large nuaaerof records and ongidduna of wf tioo.Md,.nealmnuc,au Couaydocsnetwavaat Me accareayor onnploraless ofn, informationpn"'ak The and., at these maga agnea to ada tithe dam "as u"wish the Poll kmwledga rhe errors and mniwwa, may exist adl to hold handless the County for mry damagca flat say result fiom as inappropdaraaacefdr—.cpa 1? W a ti SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND Trumansbmg Central School DistrictL Building Footprint (1991-2009) —7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number ugasea Fire Protection District� \ / Curb/Pavement Line Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Railroad ; `� % Former Property Line A ] Subdivision Lot Number Hydrography Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage ey ° Special District N Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage o ° , 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage Municipality N External Tax Map 1005 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 91 6-I-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number ® Block Number 100d Deed Dimension 12 VILLAGE OF 7RUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. J 50 0 100 L� o Fee North MAP: 9.2 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When Pk#ad0nA chDMedio I] xl]” (47%). scales 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 101 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All her maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map mprom de a compilation digital p and textual information6om deeds and of surveys. rdigital,I-acrro. bas, map,and NgiW noNersionorha offla mylar maps. h ar as omiaaiona can a„ar nom each orNeae aomn,a: each ronme represents a large nnmxrorreeords aad oagmatpra of information. As aprectical matter, the Coaly does act warrant the acwmey orcomplewness ofthe information pmtrayed. The ad lserof Nesemaps agrees toaccept thedataiasis" %, Ne h n knowledge unt errors as donee that may read, dna to kola harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of maps. 5 , r22a ' gT to co 1.2 I � a I , z, 23 1.14 Ac ' 1.1 I I ssa � �' MgIN - \ yN"- Z0j TRUMANSBURG i aa` \ I , r lie I I I I I 1 / , r 1.80AcC \ \ ` _ - n9, _ AV IN - 1 59.58 Ac C \ I I 1 TRUMANSBURG C€NTRAL'SCMOOL I , I , I \ O I I � 1 I ' \ I 1 \ 1 r Parcel Connector a Property Line !� WHIG 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N 472 I I I ' 23 I I I 12.23 4.06 Ac C 1.61 Ac __________________________________ I I I I 12.41 15 I222 I �II 1I N 1 I 344.99 71701 4.35 Ac 1 I I I 2.44 Ac 1063. I I an : 261 s 98 s r / 242.25 I a I_I 259.42 63.12134 a3, r / -� no14 rn ( 19 l I ,bsa so 13 El 1.30 Ac C 1.45 Ac 12:21 as I , , 438.32 � . 20 197.51 ___________________________ ® 334.50 463s 18.2 177.42 1.44 Ac I ; m 18.1 � I a t I 266.44 / r 430 81 r 124, I, I - II us, I 1 II ' TRUMANSBURG o I CENTRAL SCHOOL 209 s I \ I FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All her maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map mprom de a compilation digital p and textual information6om deeds and of surveys. rdigital,I-acrro. bas, map,and NgiW noNersionorha offla mylar maps. h ar as omiaaiona can a„ar nom each orNeae aomn,a: each ronme represents a large nnmxrorreeords aad oagmatpra of information. As aprectical matter, the Coaly does act warrant the acwmey orcomplewness ofthe information pmtrayed. The ad lserof Nesemaps agrees toaccept thedataiasis" %, Ne h n knowledge unt errors as donee that may read, dna to kola harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of maps. 5 , r22a ' gT to co 1.2 I � a I , z, 23 1.14 Ac ' 1.1 I I ssa � �' MgIN - \ yN"- Z0j TRUMANSBURG i aa` \ I , r lie I I I I I 1 / , r 1.80AcC \ \ ` _ - n9, _ AV IN - 1 59.58 Ac C \ I I 1 TRUMANSBURG C€NTRAL'SCMOOL I , I , I \ O I I � 1 I ' \ I 1 \ 1 r Parcel Connector a Property Line !� Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N 472 345 12.22 12.23 4.06 Ac C 1.61 Ac __________________________________ 34499 12.41 15 I222 I 1242 � 344.99 71701 4.35 Ac I 2.44 Ac 1063. an : 242.25 I I_I o -� no14 rn ( l I ,bsa �l 13 1.45 Ac 12:21 , , 438.32 � . run 197.51 ___________________________ ® FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All her maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map mprom de a compilation digital p and textual information6om deeds and of surveys. rdigital,I-acrro. bas, map,and NgiW noNersionorha offla mylar maps. h ar as omiaaiona can a„ar nom each orNeae aomn,a: each ronme represents a large nnmxrorreeords aad oagmatpra of information. As aprectical matter, the Coaly does act warrant the acwmey orcomplewness ofthe information pmtrayed. The ad lserof Nesemaps agrees toaccept thedataiasis" %, Ne h n knowledge unt errors as donee that may read, dna to kola harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of maps. 5 , r22a ' gT to co 1.2 I � a I , z, 23 1.14 Ac ' 1.1 I I ssa � �' MgIN - \ yN"- Z0j TRUMANSBURG i aa` \ I , r lie I I I I I 1 / , r 1.80AcC \ \ ` _ - n9, _ AV IN - 1 59.58 Ac C \ I I 1 TRUMANSBURG C€NTRAL'SCMOOL I , I , I \ O I I � 1 I ' \ I 1 \ 1 r 9 rel TRUMANSBURG CENTRAL SCHOOL 121 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION lrumansburg Centel School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District , Curb/Pavement Line f V Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number i R, Cl \J Parcel Connector 312 Property Line !� Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N 472 345 12.22 12.23 4.06 Ac C 1.61 Ac __________________________________ 34499 12.41 1242 344.99 71701 12.3 2.44 Ac 1063. 9 rel TRUMANSBURG CENTRAL SCHOOL 121 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION lrumansburg Centel School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District , Curb/Pavement Line f V Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number i R, Cl \J 0 12 ALLS STREET L- a '�J a@ \ X98^_� 1.2 1.38 Ac an 1 �. % 6 I 1AcC _a v 7 1.29 Ac C h 8 �1AcC� X134, 10� 2.50 Ac C �. 43.1 Parcel Connector 312 Property Line !� Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 0 12 ALLS STREET L- a '�J a@ \ X98^_� 1.2 1.38 Ac an 1 �. % 6 I 1AcC _a v 7 1.29 Ac C h 8 �1AcC� X134, 10� 2.50 Ac C �. 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 312 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage loud Deed Dimension 112 155 s 2 E m I 96 3 I 1.45 A I 1 ti m 1 w 2 to ;I 1 1 231, 1 � 1 rQsa. s ,asa VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 62.5 0 125 e Fce North f� to to 13 MAP: 10 SCALE: 1" = 125' (W Im plotted on Arch O Media) Il x 17' (P,°/),..[ais V-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 1P MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 12 alllll 11116U 13 IVa a El ID gdlddd ddllll a od 17 Q fl oe -----�� �' otita o _ Q G WEST SENECA ROAD 3.24 SFNF 11 a27 2925 , 13 s �i50s 20115 LIRE DISTRICT ❑ C TY P m OOm ULYSSES 1] TOMPKINS 1 s7p m m aye, i!Z A ��. I a `\ •S, ` \, � C mZ Z 4.50 AC w �5ry \ 2]1 a M m o 5 5 C1 576.79 lass `12 N 32.114 $ MEADOWVIEW DR pcB 6.13 Ac O 01 3 10 7. b 3 '> " 34].94 ° a r, 3.30 � C if 1 � e a \ 7yLn\ ° 1 a o 2.13 328 9 a� 140.60 AC C 193 s" 3.83 4.6 VILLAGE OF ] 855 s OP ° 6 AC AC ''\" TRUMANSBURG I ° w MLLAGE OF Umms \\. ° O O l7 \. -, O 3 .2 262.71 d I` 2J`� l 0 5.1338.20 252.71 14d�8,*C `- W ° 1 c 6.4a ac r 0 ° �3 95 - 3 2 '` ' so o" 1 \ 31 9.81 A`C ] 8.2 9 375.8 0 m \6.46 Ac \\° 31.53 Ac Nen 8.1 .2�, or \-- �--"- ---- 199s -_�� 1 T 3.47 Ac0 , \ as 4a 2954 s \ dasg \ Yt�` 28 599 1 a0 550 s _ / 5]3.37 10 AC C '1\ 449.25 453 s '\ K Q� �l\✓7�3sa w 5 27 65.60 Ac C 22.99 Ac C ' 88.59 Ac C G L 5.45 Ac j :%� on ` (✓2�7 20. 1 0 2 3,6 16.1 14 15.62 Ac C 12.58 Ac 2.7 1454.73 N 17 7.00 AC wAc \,\ 193.7 4.14 ❑ [[[yyy��� n \' \, "- 339 s 4 .8 tl 77�-�-- 25.22 v as 171.24 Zb].] I Ac C b a 7.2 g --i 213a 4.85 Ac ," -\ 20346 zos'P zfis' FF a wj5 \ o 21.38 AC 6.11 6.Z 3145 w p0 949y N 21. 20 y b a 1,5 NJ 6. �3 5.21> 220' a 20.1 A Ac r-" 3.86 AC 24.1 2 aQ5.4 22 e , �3 Q . 1.ct8 at N 8 "' l N Q ,3.71 Ac C" 0 6$,c C 14s.7 s @ 1.73 A�°' . 2'�Ac 1.1 F$'l las a as 2.19 A •� li 2.01 Ac C�AcS w 1�0 z9s a saw: 1s] a 5.12 SEARSBURG]3a' asps as w 333429 s t 408256 1000' 723 _\`� I CATHOLIC 22 COUNTY 11Q2 13 ROUTE 149 3sz' 1oa0' C3 t „�� N CEMETERY 214 s \ , ,w 9e¢. 5 zosi �\ 3.20 1 � ' � 3 '� 4.� Act (� 1.8�AbS 1.35 (4� �& 13.40 Ac�' in 258 s w 207s 18.80 Ac C 1.1 \ s L] .8 Ile"? t�'6.1alaa y 2 1.854 P 11005 4395 2C •70�a •' Z 4.50 AC * tiry r _ 6 53 AG C 1.2 LL 12 90.80 Ac C i e^, 396.78 \ \ v 1 25 s 11 - 2.3 471 a 5.2 15.50 Ac C -�I. A � 59.51 Ac C 5A9 z.e, f- 92 5 251 E 1 p yFL/g O (_�AcAT 256' � y 1018 s „� s 230.02 229 s 10.5 56' �I N10013 4a6 s 3 6.76 AC 589v 475 s .22 AC " 74 a s aslP� a,� --- §7 ea -i o0 gy=m 6.2 cotII r .464.25 '" RCno 4 V \..\ ]' 10.941 350 fi s c.] 2 6676J .. {� ER10.2 yn o ,\ Q .9 38 6 9 AC 2.07 Ac C l 0: N 2.69 7' y �\ .4 O y yh s \ 6.35 Ac X0Ac s4 ejses 1� 45a 31a.a s 1 19 9$I(C"$ 22 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Tom iniburgCentra-SchoolDtamct BuildingFootprint 1991-2009 h1 ( ) L Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number MAP: 11 NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE This map represents a compilation efgraphical and te.men Infbrmmihnfrom deeds and surveys. adigindplanimeMcbase Ulysses Fire protection District /\/ Curb/Pavement Line Property Line 312 Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES All tax ma are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate map, and dinhad conversion of hanaara ro mylar map°. Dmre and omissions can occur firm each ofinese shorts, each sourer Railroad 7"s V Former Pro Line P 4 3 Subdivision Lot Number TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1"= 400' System using the -983 North American Datum. Property lines have been re sem' a lace number ofrecords and ori roes of for g �°" inmrntatmn, Asa prac5tal manse, me chanty ahs° not warrant r /��/ HydrOgraphy � Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Acreage registered to I99I-92 Tompkins chanty Digin- plammetric Ease Map, the accuracy or completeness of me inmrmanhn pmtrayed.The 2.11 ACC Com uurvey COmpLLted ACleage � lwben vlotrea on Amb ordmiaJ ^-4zs and o a resulte dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer n the appropriate ens user ofineae map° agr�a ro amept me ants "as i°" with me " , Special District P N Block Limit 18.50 AcG Grouped Total Acreage p ( g 200 0 400 o u n l7^ lavi>, scale is l deeds and surveys. run knowledge mat enous and hm,ss,ons may e.,si ..it to noW fairness the County for any fortress that may resent from an Municipality /� / �/ External Tax Map 1003 Scaled(Calculated) Acreage Feet e inapprhprum "°` hfm"`map°. 91 a -I -s Military Tract/Watkins &Flint Lot Number © Block Number loos Deed Dimension North MAP REVISED: MAP PRINTED: I -JULY -2009 I -JULY -2009 �y7.4 1 1.7 Ac C oys �ony1.5 Pw I Pp ., s �iJ Bim,' 11 p87 4 26.15 Pc C V8 SLAG a E TOWN 17 i 1 17 0A� 752s 1378.37 658.67 \..�I �F17, J� /�\_ 1.3 1.74 1.2 on � o8 4.2 123.33 Ac CI m 4.1 24.66 Ac c 16.6 ACC 747 s A 233 s N zs6 \ °16 ®® ,46s � , 16.1e 4.18Ae e 1 1.15 Ac \ A c ' . 3..0606Ac 5 n n A;712 d N 112 . 14.2 4.15 s 9.95 Ac C am 265. 2003 434. 23.38 Ac C 14.1 " 235 s 343 13.131 m 4 e 10.54 Ac CCS �" 2.58 A 140a d "'On 30 13.2 o^z d ?q>a a 616 Ac 13.1,2 ,355q f \i s 2YAe l? 4. 13.11 12.2 5 CARRY q?44 °�15N� 12.39 A 5.50 Ac C' s5js zas 3.46 2 zs;a u AqC 200 ( \ 402s 12.1 2.10e cC 11 a 3AcC / C 489 ROAD 22 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Parcel Connector Triumnsbatg Central School District This map mpresen5acompilation of"hiestmdtexm NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information fmmdeeds and surveys. adigualplan;metricbees, lluu map, and digital conversion of brad -drawn mylor maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each ofthese spumes: eoch soma System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of mcoms and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map information. As a practical matter. the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information mounted. Thc "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate se end ur of more map, agneas to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. qct knowledge that moors and omissions may exist, and to hold + O harmless the County for any damages that may result them an nappic'mme osa offimso map,. N� W -A OF , 1 :C O "LATTER-DAY 3AI4TS )"t CHURCH 9.3 -9 27.74 Ac 333 5 1 OF 10 N �f t�-30134 Ac C 9 X1.90 Ac 110,41) 9 250 29 9.75 Ac 6.20 a EU 71 Ac es 39n 22 Ac „5 1.411 Ac C gS 13 Yss� 5.30 Ac C 062 s ]14.23 AA O 12.1 „1s3s m 4.2 Ac 10 Parcel Connector Triumnsbatg Central School District 71z -1 � lluu l �J' Railroad N " \ 4 � 68fi>9 T 7 ^ Municipality s 3s ,345 167s 91 6-1-3 Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number a7' + O 4 ROgO - 1310AcC� " ' 27.60 Ac 18.1 15 ry 1.7a Ac z> 8.37 Ac 24 UNION AGRICULTURE & 23 Ac C 16.2 HORTICULTURE SOCIETY-- roes Is 18..-2 'MANSBURG CENTRAL SCHOOL ` - 4.15 Ac C 416. - 152. s 4 Ac234.23 w .o� -- eg3s e05 s p 3826 L22 3Ac 7.33 Ac C �s2 1I 235.09 U.. 23.1 27.43 Ar -C. 34.76 AGIC G Parcel Connector Triumnsbatg Central School District 71z -1 � lluu l �J' Railroad N " NExternal 68fi>9 T 7 ^ Municipality s 3s ,345 167s 91 6-1-3 Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number a7' 4 U) - �. it 4.62 Ac 8.37 Ac 24 1l1 0 16.2 16.E 5382on X6.74 Ac - 13.47 Ac C 4 Ac234.23 w .o� Zae 5 �* n & - rA A, \ 3 0550. n .N 20.96 Ac 6.40 Ac „" O 35 Ac C 1 n s<..0 16AID 201 s' a/ 277. ' 1�10„ q n11 27l1A/2.1 " 743s 73.6 d 86 s " at c C � 1825 I ,1.9C2�s 5 .254111 8.6 % 33.95 Ac C 63 473 -50.69 Ac C G 1.85 4961 g .a A � m Ac L Ac 18.2 " 91 zrss '>s rs 9.82 Ac C zoIs G ° f 3.2 7 18.78 Ac L22 3Ac 7.33 Ac C �s2 1I 235.09 U.. 23.1 27.43 Ar -C. 34.76 AGIC G COLD SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Parcel Connector Triumnsbatg Central School District 71z Ulysses Fire Protection District � 5.6 Ac l �J' Railroad N Hydrography NExternal Special District T 7 ^ Municipality 23.3 Deed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 10.16 Ac U) �. it M 8.37 Ac 24 1l1 0 16.2 16.E 2 13.47 Ac C 4 Ac234.23 .o� Zae 34.43 Ac C G �* n & O O fit 27.2 0550. n .N 20.96 Ac _ „" O 35 Ac C • n -a 201 s' a/ U 111 Q NI N n11 27l1A/2.1 II "111 743s 73.6 d 86 s " at II 1825 ,1.9C2�s 5 .254111 8.6 COLD SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Parcel Connector Triumnsbatg Central School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District , Curb/PavementLine 5.6 Ac l �J' Railroad N Hydrography NExternal Special District T 7 ^ Municipality 100d Deed Dimension 91 6-1-3 Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number SPRINGS -7 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A ] Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 21.2 131.60 Ac C 7.823 6ryeS, GGH TATF-PAR ^ C 9'i6s 6 ry 16,10 480 4 41 Ac STATE PARK STATE PARK x in 20.1 65.54 Ac C� ROAD 21 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A ] Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage INS Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 15.222 65.40 Ac ,so;. 15.221 44.16 Ac 18.312 42.65 (Ac C 19.32 105y .".gad 2.22 19.31 '9ep' Ac C 168 19.2 24,a 5srg C y1.7 F(c m"19.o 1 13 �17.0�4-P.eG ea 1 - TAUGHANNOCK- �.. 373 STATE PARK 15.23 9.83 Ac 15.21 \ 29.20 Ac MAP. 12 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1" = 400' q� falemplotlW ou ArchDMada) 200 0 400 I I x 17- far/.), sola o 1"-425' 16.3to North MAP REVISED: I-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 10.16 Ac U) M 696- 16.2 16.E 2 S Ac C 4 Ac234.23 Zae O s.1 743s 73.6 d 86 s " 148.27 5506 1825 ,1.9C2�s 5 8.6 18.4 18.9 1.85 .a A � i. 2.47 Ac L Ac 18.2 " 91 zrss '>s rs 9.82 Ac C zoIs G ° MAP. 12 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1" = 400' q� falemplotlW ou ArchDMada) 200 0 400 I I x 17- far/.), sola o 1"-425' Feet North MAP REVISED: I-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 ° %IOWN OF o �o as COVERT YO O SAVERCOO� _ _ELI ROAD _,S' �, 1ss0a OF % jJLYS'SEi.- N C TOWN _ 16,89 181s 2219 465s 2343 bg x9 4]49 38 s 1826 4 / 'a' �• •�• 288a/. Vila COUNTY 4.0 Ac„ 5.1 P "174 AC 3e° / z>ss Tq UG /' 2.11 4 m8 ,361 Ac i sa zaga;m TOMPKINS " w . 79 a yA K / 9.1 z L 3 16153 o 2.2cC NN / zsss_� 1.90 Ac bse 1927a p>5 3843 / Ac c 3.4 Gc _ a '1.00 9 A O / 5.� 1: 5.3k Sae a /7] a ° 3.20 Ac C as K 996a 2.12 7,o d / / 5.11 An 7,s z 1.71 A C G .r .11 A 6 At � NEW Y062K STAT a ® 11 / �s7a 10.92 AcCG 4699 3303 /44.99 Ac 7 ^' Wsa m s / 3oa PEOLE OF�0 4.O�Ac C r 1.2 / ¢0a TAUGHANNOCK Q>s TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK (, 00 Ac'/ 30.19 AC "�a«A X26 aC ( ns5 27,93 4A23 / .. `zos SN V a / se Ac STATE PARK 433 TAUGHANNOCK _/ ^' �� 1 / @� P STATE PARKS.30 A 230 s fi s 1 3.3 o 1-3 /' m 5.24 / q 13.85 Ac C ma 16sa lass 88 �a1om r / .03A / / 1, /- a 14.39 Ac 'f 132 8.3 .14 2.� / TAUGHANNOCK 58)g "I'a. �rt- bw" J163 a AcC ws ry I 2153 AC /s D STATE PARK �_� ms_16z-a•./ -- / _ - _ �,x� ( Ac ACG C ,56 s .1„ �9 I /: 290 9 D - / O /se 9a w - - 31 W x I� !-- 9 � '+o �.z�' am X51 N a % � 5.2/1,, �I , _ �, % 5 21 / N s.H Ac I P J. a "3.22 x 3.211 / / 5.30 2Q w s3a' / .1 m 3.5 _ 3.8 g 4 Qo e 1.03 Ac 20.1 3 / / g 7:71 m 7.54 / L_-. 67.98 ACC , 7.81 Ac = 3.7 67.80 Ac C 9a 1, 9 i/ 90.50 PC C /' % "1.�Ac" Ac 1 / , s Ac 67.35 Ac C G 23.71 3 6.90 Ac C „,sT01A9• W O as 534a nsa ACC ( TAUGHANNOCK STATEPARK TAUGHANNOCK � „ / _ 2T� 9 j STATE SARK / � m y�'o 19.2 < k . 4.50AcC8 6.2 % 11 - / M 170.16 AC 0 4 r �,�.]a( \4o1a 321 a- - -- -RICE -- - -- - - R�s I X30 ;!'ice 152 / A 1h 186 10���6 255 1i5s 2514 ___ ______11305 2439 3036 360 324. 12.43 Ac C t/ m } _ a 06-ji f 3 w -2 ^ 15.3 / - O 15249 3139 I V 2` /m w 14.06 ACC 22 ads o^ 'a ta70ACC-- z sw�9s _ _ - 1286 a 1.99 ACC - TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK .H0-Ac Abe 1.1 % 4265 m 8149- 'zasa I z6i N17 1.4 31.80 AC C;/ 7705 N 6 _-- 1 ' 7.35 A C TAUGHANNOC#CCSTATE PARK 5.61 AC C 13.27 Ac C s 1 •5 16.00 Ac C Ac / TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK TAUGHANNOCK 4se _ _ / STATE PARK s. 0 f n y 10 / 25.10 AC C 3513 5 ,, t ,44 2ssa _._� 32.30 ACC li rs g54a a 9 1 34 Ac C � \ 1 $.22 7p33,ga 7,s m 3729 8 '',�a1- _ 8.65 Ac C ( R 14.42 Ac C " 3 m 209 a \ '^ $.21 663 - aI ' _ Ili 7,073 o v $� U g 134a_ - o ff' g 6.1 �s 3913 z` o"' _ n4a 1719 zsea 15.121 PARK a yar4v18e CEMETERY' __ .I N B "' 1 c" ! p e1.85 Ac ^'1.34 2s �\^ naa " TAUGHANNOCK STATE d h 1.47 A, - ROAD 2103 a -5,4 5249 s_ _ .25A S 11]36 - _ _ n4a 9 v " 1�a s aB•1 s 148 ss /, 4 C a o 3ry55 ,4 ry6a 15.1 I �� 14139 - 15 ]529 b' 17.2' u 2.4 C A/ O -- - 1458 s 24] s " 1324 a I. 3.75 Ac C m� s>aa Hj � s 9 OOQ- 1.21 97,9.6 d e rAe e 19>.1 S> 2.68 QC C 18.60 Ac C p�� Ac C5 --'-5:27 A'c C '9 - TAUGHANNOCK JO's 14 993 15.122 ATE R 4P 10 :22 @ - 8 STPA / 84.82 AC C 31.75 Ac C L l Fq<C 125.68 Ac C G 0 Jy 5qa ' s PINEWOODS PLAYGROUND ASC 2.2 54.81 Ac C 36.51 Ac C 17,23 j J 0"90 TRG - Ac C G " 4 ( / ' Mq�seG / j.13 60.52 Ac-------------- 91.32 /. my 3qs 5 A a s _ 15 123 Q I _ /C \/ 1 �./ cs STATE OF NEW YORK 17 s>p < � � CC 2 a �� 11.65c o 12 15:124 ' Ae 15.2 5 r 5.9 ROTO. >zjzs s 400137,391 2.00 A �C / zAs' S 38.18 Ac C $ �\ F " 4 ,1 2.80 Ac Ce 3, Iia .�° ,36 245.03 �s19 Ac 14.3 TALIGHANNOCK 493.32 O s a 16.3 Ac STATE PARK 9 2.4 12.2 3.17QcCm� 1 Gr also yti 9.06 Ac ass AS CC .0 105 40.08 AC /7,6460 296 99 69 - v 16 1 R o 0 314.�I a4 J 9 1.84'Ac 0 b -1U Is 13 0 2945' 1100 11P- s% ry DS{CEN n,.. 48601 J ryrylz 12A 2.70AC 'Q`� 31 u" 6 7,31 3s 50 a l4 S � a�'gQ2.40 y, QC�+ 9 - C , obi 41 W 196- �n�P 63 pp. 555.96 N 31090 „ 11.1 /224 s 13 v m n s 29>a 12.4 5 12.3 0 4.7pAcT, ry� STATE ROU14.95 Ac C a>p 5.33 AC w 2.28 Ace 2843 TE g TAUGHANNOCK 19 " 1" ae6a P�� STATE PARK 5 ry9°s 'e 2.00 Are 16,3 P - 28fis TAUGHANNOCK 20 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY TrmnansbltgCentel School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 PazcelLotNrunber MAP: 13 This map mpreams, a compilation ofgmphieal and t°xmal Ulysses Fire Protection District NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCEinrmaaenrmmduaaanasarasya.adigitalplanmetriecas, Curb/PavementLine /A\/ Property Line Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES =p,a d&gitalconvcrsionofhmd-0 wnmylarmaps. Errors and emissions can oeemrrom each ofinese mantes: each rom« Railroad Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 1"=400' All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate P rtY TOMPKIN$ COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: System using the 1983 North County Damm. Property lines have been representinformation, n large nemtical arm. t dna originators of 5.6 Ac Deed/SurveComputed A Acreage mfomrmr«. as apranical manor. the Cemsry does not warmot ��HydmgmpbY � Current Year Changes � tvxco ploxm omarex0raea�a registered es result, dune .ionsTompkinsd County Digital ryforPlanilegric, Base Map, - ' the accurecy or complacncse of the information profmycd. ,lac ' < 211 PC Computed Acreage q and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal deseriptio¢s. Special District N Block Limit 200 0 400 I, x n^ (4'Ni), scam ie I"=4zs' end roar of mese maps agrees .n accept me data ^aa wins me P 18.50 Ac G Grouped Total Acreage For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer m the appropriate ma knowledge mat errors and omissions may exist, and to hold ° / P (Total) g Feet deeds and surveys. / Municipality External Tax Map mantes the cmamty fm any damages that may result them an , toob Scaled (Calculated)Acreage MAPREVISED 1-NLY-2009 vappmpriate nae orihean maps. 91 6-I-3 Military Tract/Watkins&Flint Lot Number ® Block Number loos Deed Dimension North MAP PRINTED: I-JULY-2009 MCI SENEGA COUNTY TOWN ULYSSES OF TOMPKINS COUNTY 2 6:64 Ac C y9'61 is 3.76 Ac C 667 s --- - 9 767.e- 302 AcC yn05 �8we �-:"a ._ 7�� 5.70 Ac C 6 D 34.16 Ac C m 476 8 N TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK i TAUGHANNOCe STATE PARK 4 9.17 Ac / 3as 15.32 Ac C PJO�EQP�I 20 " © ©24 GO to ,IA 6.50 Ac i31 m 0 Zoe- (---i7.97 Ac C 29 70 TASTATE PPAAO K o ., 28.22 23.07 Ac C 25.14 Ac C G FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Ac /�\//' This map oprosents a compilation of political and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE inreadionbamdeedsandsurveys.adigitalplanimetriehase °928.3 C All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occar from each efinew sources: each wane System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have Intent represents a leN ge nanots, freco, dad oors riginatof registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, Ac -1.30 7.18 AcC M1 For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate age 13.31 Ac CG yy9, UG zjO. 28.1 ^`` inappropriate use of them maps. LU NPNOC nw 'STATE 0 ARK 1C 34.'�" 5.98 Ac C z 783 0 ON 'JAUGHANNOCKQ`'y 621a is U -ST E PARI�OP. 769. ° 28.22 23.07 Ac C 25.14 Ac C G FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Building Footprint (1991-2009) /�\//' This map oprosents a compilation of political and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE inreadionbamdeedsandsurveys.adigitalplanimetriehase /n\,/ map, and digital conversion of hand -down mylar maps. Erzon All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occar from each efinew sources: each wane System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have Intent represents a leN ge nanots, freco, dad oors riginatof registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, mforenanoa. As a practical matter, the County does on warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions the ace may orwmplewness ofthe information pmnayed. The "aria" For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end maps agrees m accept o im me deeds and surveys. kroMemese i may exist, and to hold fun knowledge that errors dna raw that harmless the County far any damages that may result fano an rr e inappropriate use of them maps. C21 6.55 Ac C 2 70.50 Ac / JONES CEMEI JNOCK `� 14 ' PARK, / 9.44 Ac C ce s.e na 71.60(Ac G'' 5116 1 �AcC ,_'TAUGHANNitYCK STATE /P Rk w Q P nnlnvar�ie/ /: .ate SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trwnansburg Central School District Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District u a p9 4.1' 4 22 34.04 Qc C 36.18 Ac C G 7.50 Ac C t! 5 18.40 Ac C TAUGHANNOCK � STATE PARK �- 0A nabs 0 4 � �G 32.42 Ac C aSS�>s TAUGHANNOCK STATE PARK �a 11�>°a a ° e° 0 e°° o°° o e e 4 7U AC �2° 287 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ea 0 18. 2 A C BOG e° eP P co r / 9Oc ti 71f80 Ac C / /I"AUGHANNOCK / / STATE PARK / 3 26.70 Ac C \ 106 TAUGHANNOCK 1.2 g s STATE PARK *74 Ac C k 4 1.4 3.41 Ac C 570s 17 k6' 3 Ac Ac C � 4r �1wm�t� 7 A5 � S 10.30 19.95 Ac / m T 30 ry s- gGcygti 279S v0 0 41 i 9.1 -1, a 49s 183.70 /� / 0 o 13.65 Ac 3 40.14/Ac C .5 510 a 7.1 ° ^i ° 0 19 I Building Footprint (1991-2009) /�\//' Curb/PavementLine /V Railroad /n\,/ Hydrography N Special District is %/ Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 7.2 10.37 Ac C 14.72 57.65 Ac C 0 0 0 0 as 011 6.40 AeJ ae 14.5 141.7 8Ac 1 5.75 Ac 2. 43.1 Parcel Connector 312 Property Line !� Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 14.72 57.65 Ac C 0 0 0 0 as 011 6.40 AeJ ae 14.5 141.7 8Ac 1 5.75 Ac 2. 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 312 Previous Lot Number A ] Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage Bills Scaled (Calculated) Acreage lood Deed Dimension 260 s 14.62 66 Ac( 14.31 -3:99 Ac .32 4.26 Ac C ° 14.2 v �clo6 a*n3 6.12 Ac C �s 14.4 - s ' ° 1.28 Ac na 14.6192� 10.76 Ac 9 GL 19 `�- ° e n is ° e 0 e 0 0 0 0 is ° ° MAP: 14 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1" = 400' 4(wFen Pion d on MF O Media) 200 0 40o II x 17" (47"/),..iais V-425' Feet North MAP REVISED: -JULY -2009 1I MAP PRINTED: -JULY-2009 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property linea have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map mpmeems a compilation of"hient and textual information from deeds and surve s, a digital planimetric bast map, and digital conversion of hod -down mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occmrrom each offew spumes: each soma represents a large number of mcoNs and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrent the armancy or completeness of the information protmyed. The end user of dose maps agrees 1. accept the dao "as is" with the fll knowledge that move and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use ofUmso maps. 14 - - /o ca 0 . 0 0 0 0 . sa 0 0 0 ca as ca ca . 0 ca ca 0 0 as 0 . as 0 0 . ca . ca ca 0 0 . as sa 0 0 0 . . 0 as 0 . TAUGHANNOCKSTATEPARK 1.1 1.25 Ac C , \ , , \ \ w , 0 , \ e , N� ` N , us , , \ \ , 1P0T �N F , , WA 2 / 9 O�9 1 3.2 Gcy92 *-IAC SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca city school District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District Curb/PavementLine l �J' Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-3-3 Military TracUWatkins & Flint Lot Number 0 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 o too e Fce North MAP: 15 SCALE: 1" = 100' fachum named on men D Media) II x 17" far/.), sole o 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 7 o' 9p I 8 3.85 Ac � s N ti J O O LEGEND L —7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number Property Line 3 12 Previous Lot Number Former Property Line A 3 Subdivision Lot Number Current Year Changes 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage N Block Limit 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 78.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage NExternal Tax Map Iona Scaled (Calculated) Acreage ® Block Number 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 50 o too e Fce North MAP: 15 SCALE: 1" = 100' fachum named on men D Media) II x 17" far/.), sole o 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 15 2.38 Ac C 0 0 o TGC ° ° hgNRoc/r e° °o o° 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° a ° 0 ° 0 0 o ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1.07 Ac 14 O4.3: 1.77 Ac 2,e 4.2 2 1.42 Ac C F 5 / 794 J� � oar 7 F ST'9T��1.45 Ac C r 9 �Ac C 10 2.20 AC C iii: � fl i'l % y� 3 80.13 m 14.3 ---- 1.18ACC 182 s ro� 1 14.1 1.01 AC C s ry 0 14 ° ° is ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 es 0 0 0 0 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION 0 LEGEND Subdivision Lot Number 0 BuilaiagFDDtprint(1991-zoo9) L Parcel Connector NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE 0 Ulysses Fire Pmtertiou District Curb/PavementLine 0 !ill tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate map, and diubal conversion or hand -down mylar maps. Eam, and omissions can oma mom caoh ofmne summer, each rource ° !`ax % Former Property Line System using the 1983 North American Damm. Property lines have been 0 \a�` Hydmgraphy /V Current Year Changes � fl i'l % y� 3 80.13 m 14.3 ---- 1.18ACC 182 s ro� 1 14.1 1.01 AC C s ry 0 14 ° ° is ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 es 0 0 0 0 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Previous Lot Number LEGEND Subdivision Lot Number Ithaca City SchonlDistrict BuilaiagFDDtprint(1991-zoo9) L Parcel Connector NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE This map mpmsents a compilation of political and textual inrr,naeonhomdcedsandsumeys.adigitaltheimeo-i,brd, Ulysses Fire Pmtertiou District Curb/PavementLine /V Property Line !ill tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate map, and diubal conversion or hand -down mylar maps. Eam, and omissions can oma mom caoh ofmne summer, each rource � / Railroad fV !`ax % Former Property Line System using the 1983 North American Damm. Property lines have been represents a large number ofusemids aad imamate. of ammonma. As a practical matter, me Cowry does are warrant \a�` Hydmgraphy /V Current Year Changes registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may v from legal descriptions. g y arr grna me accamey orwmplewness ofthe information pmnayed. The me "as is" me Special District N Block Limit For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds ani surveys. inner of thmv map, agrees to accept aata with m8 knowledge that errors sad omission may exist, and %, hold ° ° / x7 Municipality External Tax Map ss the County for any minutes that may refrom an harmleanagmit , Inappropriate use of meso maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins& Flint Lot Number T Block Number 16 so 5.83 Ac 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 312 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loon Scaled (Calculated) Acreage rood Deed Dimension W TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 52.5 0 125 Fee North MAP: 16 SCALE: 1" = 125' (enam plotted on Amh O Media) II x 17" (PN/),..[ais V-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tate maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property linea have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Platimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. \'C This map mpmsems a compilation ofgaphiest and textual information from deeds and survrys. a digital planimetric bast map, and digital conversion of hod -down mylar maps. Eue and omissions can occur from earn offew sones: each roma represents a large number of mcoltla and originators of information. As a practical matter, the Cooney does not warrent the attvlacy or completeness of the information protmyel. The end user of pose maps sm. 1. accept the dao "as a" with the fll knowledge that move and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the Cowty for any damages that may result t'mm an inappropriate use ofine maps. I / 1.2 5.63 Ac C � r' /r a 2 3.13 Ac rJ 4.03 Ac in SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District a a 7 'tea a V O� 3 y 4 10 e CA yG �s ? r»a aMti i 7 S91 ^pZp r°O O z 6 7.33 Ac C 6 `A is 'A 67.9 it Wes 46 9I � Q �p ^ 9 9 0� /: 1 1.8A 15 3.96 Ac , • 16 5.51 Ac C i � sae rs6y rs 17 1.50 Ac C hOe ROG TF �e Building Footprint (1991-2009) 3 12 Curb/PavementLine l �J' Railroad 5.6 Ac Hydrography N Special District NExternal Municipality 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 16 5.51 Ac C i � sae rs6y rs 17 1.50 Ac C hOe ROG TF �e s=a i ag23 i yhryz / 0 18 / 2.31 Ac C ,4136 Ac C 22 3.89 Ac C li I� II I II II rr 4 /r 43.1 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number s=a i ag23 i yhryz / 0 18 / 2.31 Ac C ,4136 Ac C 22 3.89 Ac C li I� II I II II rr 4 /r 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage Iona Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 4 625 0 125 e Fce North MAP: 17 SCALE: 1" = 125' focce named on men D Media) II x 17" far/.), style Is 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 14 0 0 O 0 is 0 0 0 0 F 1;'A >j'1.1 761 .a9 C / O 33 7.35'Ac C 5.6 Ac j --� 28.73/AcC % Building Footprint (1991-2009) - ¢.76 Ac C /6.13 Ac 'so 22.3 / i�c ° ° ° ° ° ° 26 ° All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate .1555 �.. 27 314 �- 11 11915 5 LAND TRUE 1.3 /�9, y 4 m �4 16.55 >pa 2 AC G 300845 188965 of 1LAUMAN` 5.37 a , g' X16.5 e a ROAD PRES@RVE) AcC 5.2,, '�,. deeds and surveys. 36 2.70 Ac G : ^y°`°alas 2.85.1 16.51 /43.19 AyC GIRL SCOUT Ac s a`ae 16.54 s 71.1sndcG / 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins& Flint Lot Number a At. ® 17 A a' ° ' on C� 2„ `•OLS./ 37 0 0 0 ° '1.03 Ac 31.15 A dri=-=e151s=-= 212== `1945 a alas 1111 0437.77 7 .1 230 17.3 a , 8.76 AcC 499.1 .017 12 > rss m,1.85 Acs „'s 3.44 Ac - wn.,,.; za+az 3.25 Ac 2sAAc- J 17.2 i. 409 a e m N ,,,..1.62 Ac 9.2 s 3.89 Acg 18, CAYUGA NATURE CENTER INC r] 1635 % 7.2 h fi 27 ' a 5 -6:87 Ac C 3 ••,t0 ,9 O o7.3Si� Is 0 PREVENTORIUM INC ----- ____27 5' 12.1`1•, P 16 21.2 Ac C .82 Ac 100 _ 2.1iAc �, 27 „ ; ,r A 15 Ac C G 2„2 1 19.22 KOrj x.67 C113 s 8.86 Ac C� O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 F 1;'A >j'1.1 761 .a9 C / O 33 7.35'Ac C 5.6 Ac j --� 28.73/AcC % Building Footprint (1991-2009) - ¢.76 Ac C /6.13 Ac 'so 22.3 / i�c 12.34 Ac C INGER LAKE$' yy 2- y 3'ye ss gz YD z.STA 23 j \5 27:3-i4 PO 27. 26 ° All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate .1555 �.. 27 314 �- 11 11915 5 LAND TRUE 1.3 /�9, y 4 m �4 16.55 >pa 2 AC G 300845 188965 of 1LAUMAN` 5.37 a , g' X16.5 e a ROAD PRES@RVE) AcC 5.2,, '�,. deeds and surveys. 36 2.70 Ac G : ^y°`°alas 2.85.1 16.51 /43.19 AyC GIRL SCOUT Ac s a`ae 16.54 s 71.1sndcG / 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins& Flint Lot Number a At. ® 17 A a' ° ' on C� 2„ `•OLS./ 37 0 0 0 ° '1.03 Ac 31.15 A dri=-=e151s=-= 212== `1945 a alas 1111 0437.77 7 .1 230 17.3 a , 8.76 AcC 499.1 .017 12 > rss m,1.85 Acs „'s 3.44 Ac - wn.,,.; za+az 3.25 Ac 2sAAc- J 17.2 i. 409 a f5 i 335 a I m N ,,,..1.62 Ac 9.2 s 3.89 Acg 18, CAYUGA NATURE CENTER INC r] 1635 % 7.2 h fi 27 ' a 5 -6:87 Ac C 3 ••,t0 ,9 O o7.3Si� Is 13 17.2 0� PREVENTORIUM INC ----- ____27 5' 12.1`1•, P 16 21.2 Ac C .82 Ac 100 _ 2.1iAc �, 27 „ ; ,r A 15 Ac C G 2„2 1 19.22 KOrj x.67 C113 s 8.86 Ac C� 'Cy JjGO b^ OJ y 27 a °2.09`" AAcC" 7s 26.2 8.27 Ac C 29.2 293 I 25.53 Ac C 1 c i 28.2 7.42 Ac C N � ➢I y 28.12 / 6.90 Ac G 12.99 Ac C G ' .1 UHANN CK8.90 Ac C S715,J/ 2so sl 1.2 2.61 AC 1.71Sy ,`u0 s _Ac o Ac Ca3 / a3 24.60 Ac F 219si/ 540 % 388.11 /I /28.13 34.1 Ac / 3e_ h9. ' >ac , t, 10.32 12.9 Ac C 10.3A 10.77 Ac o o Parcel Connector .a9 C / O 33 4 5.6 Ac j --� 28.73/AcC % Building Footprint (1991-2009) - ¢.76 Ac C This map reprosens a compilation ofgmphiml and textual / 22.3 / i�c 12.34 Ac C n /\� Curb/PavementLine gz YD z.STA 23 j \5 27:3-i4 PO 27. 26 ° All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate .1555 �.. 27 314 �- 11 11915 I= Df I, >pa 2 AC G 300845 188965 of Y I e a ROAD ° deeds and surveys. 36 ° \ 0' OG /43.19 AyC GIRL SCOUT ° P/027.-1-4 ;• 2� 71.1sndcG / 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins& Flint Lot Number _ 12.76 Ac s a' ° ' on C� 2„ `•OLS./ 37 0 0 0 ° '1.03 Ac 31.15 A ^� 17 75AC 17 a � / j o /rya- (/ / 1 67 Ac i' 11 67 Ac C / a GIRL SCOUTS;` CAYUGA PREVENTORI&M INC / / 193.22 308. Nos / 598 s 931 s 46.65 Ac / O 47.89 Ac C G 1 221. Parcel Connector .a9 C / O 33 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY 5.6 Ac ^62 Building Footprint (1991-2009) 0 This map reprosens a compilation ofgmphiml and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District 22.3 / i�c 12.34 Ac C n /\� Curb/PavementLine gz YD z.STA 23 j \5 27:3-i4 PO 27. �, r All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate .1555 �.. 27 314 �- 11 11915 I= Df I, >pa 2 AC G 300845 188965 registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Bas Baste Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal desCR hOnS. Y I r� ' e Special District For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate ROAD 517, HOUGHTON 559 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parcel Connector NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION A 3 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY 5.6 Ac Ithaca City School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Block Limit This map reprosens a compilation ofgmphiml and textual Ulysses Fire Protection District , NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and survey, adighadplatdmetdcbase Deed Dimension /\� Curb/PavementLine =p,a ddgitalconvcrsimofhmd-0 wnmylarmVs. Errors �, r All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate and emissions can occurfrom each ofthew spumes: each somee 7.51 Ac " 1J\kr/ Railroad System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large numberof oeooNs and originators of me. inmrnton. As a practical manthe County does not wannot 13 �•� lI dm h y y gmp registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Bas Baste Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal desCR hOnS. he aey or cmplceness of the information protmyc. The mese "as is" r� ' e Special District For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate endoast of maps agrees 10 accept the data with the ° deeds and surveys. qct knowledge IMI errors and omission may exist, and and to hold Municipality heartless the County for any damages that may result from an GIRL SCOUT ♦ inappropriate use °fees°maps . 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins& Flint Lot Number / Parcel Connector 3 72 m O A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes a � a>2s Block Limit NExternal Tax Map m 122 4.20AcC 100d Deed Dimension / N 7.51 Ac " i 13 342a `�• 3 �-/ 25.54 Ac s2AcC ^ �s 2 ' 25aa d GIRL SCOUT a 3. dos /12Ws2 36, 200 '8�s A 2.60 Ac ,ohs \ 0 /• 41x' 4.L69 ••, 28 17.2 �J � 1 ,e70a �, g s /-� 44.61 Ac C ❑ fl [j� 54 -Ac C's@ o Z.97steps ,866 `�� 398° N 9 18, CAYUGA NATURE CENTER INC r] 1635 % 7.2 ' CAYUGA a 5 -6:87 Ac C 3 ••,t0 ,9 O o7.3Si� ' ,m,o> m PREVENTORIUM INC ----- ____27 ,6726 100 _ 27 43.1 Parcel Connector 3 72 Property Line A 3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map ® Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 72 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 1006 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension MAP. 18 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1" = 400' q� (Whco plotlN on MehOMadia) 200 0 40o I I x 17" far/.), seals Is 1"-425' Feet North MAP REVISED: I-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 ° \ o \_ 0 0 o \ 0 0 ° 0 14 ° ° ° ° ° o e o 0 0• o o 1271,M 997. �HOQIJ. DISTRICT 341.25 0 5.00 Ac ° 379. a IT IA A %/. n. 945 >f M2. pj 1 4 IRUMANSBURG 0 6 TR MANSBU 2 a "so 10.50 Ac C g/J' RG 3.33 46.44 Ac 5.98 Ac C _ �`� / 46.79 Ac G / 20 5]s s 2.19 Ac 4.2 ]os a �/ 57.84 Ac 5.11 7 0 d>Ya X65 c N s a 56 A/ 5 °s s� Q 380 s % / / / E T• W L hPy/ m 5.12 // 33 .32 Ac oar s V ,4a¢a - /` ss P 10 3.31 on 9.81 Ac / / / 3' O 24.46 Ac C y Acs so 11 e eEI a 99]5 205a 415a / �/ /1 5-9A'Ac 5�7 CG U m 25 00 / 4.2 40 „ 610 Ory Acc 11 207s/ ' 39'b1 , / � / 3.2 / � e 3.5 Ac / 2sn �" 28.68Ac Ac 5 Set. 177a 0 3.12 3.32 -.. _ _ / / / 63.20 Ac C w sss . 7e� ° 4.57 Ac C >a1 384 s / c of ��% 4 / J 1.86 Ac 0 12.A Ac C � j 7.2 G S % / Is , ` �296a 3.36 3.34 , 3.35 r,, / , 5.2 0 5 / zogcc 13 t oma > / a /io.loAcc z 3.11 5.61 05.61 i 10.24 Ac Q �: / 21.94 Ac YYsa 1 �. 4.1 yob' O \ Ac Ac / o w j / 2.60 A 7.30 Ac Ac C U81 Ac1a3.os o n 7.4 s c taoa�-, (F- .. s g 294.45 214.3 214.3 / ff '� �/ 0 0 ooa ,7a 3.38 3.39 4.06 Ac e $ Yy3Yso14 3755 3.37 0 N7 nss, H s 135 TRI,MANSB "G �s rzss� 6401 J H © 6a n. 1 "-_-a74s 04_ _ - - 22es 8655- ,t 14 ]] ,eass j/. 9.91 Ac Cry 15.12 pO �2.�7 2.31 2.31 320 H 2O0 Aq,-0 1626. �2o,s�_ - _ ___144 ,5]s �O ,a]s 2]as - 3.3 Ac C� Ac C2 AcC ACLU (� i�{cN as,s a, _ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ ]sss� J 9 ,%"TR -LAZA 'u / / u, /11219. ro' o sfits - 1281 Ac C a LOTB LOTA 62685 _ --_ -- - �63s _ -_ 911 _ - - 3 .� 31 s 619 s � 2 . C 27 Il m u42 9�AC ^ i _ 26 8151 � >s 1Y� '' - -- -- - � 18 �� � �^ '� . z,5on c 2j s4 200 zoo 4s, s a4a s i r4az 2.22.Ac C/ ' 1 Yi /, 0 7 A 13 276 269 � � �X15. rJ� 1 a'14 1.221.21 299a s 3.'&Ac 26.2'°�a 3�a 3 /qct. r B, m 4 ,� 5. p \ '� 2.3 S 1.02 c Ac qc Ac Ac ,_i \ 3:00 Acr �l_5 ,: Ac C / ,ao z a.a zoas 202 of 194.32 9.30 Ac C 6.31 AC e" � \ O 6 7s �'�s i 5 �o ti l.y 7 259.31 l T/].92 0 ,O/.\ \..\ I 7 92 4.47 ACC / ry Y3j .45,99 ¢oz 6a.41 Ac c / � p 15.3' �\ (_ i � � I - I ssz Ac K 2.2\-\ 275 s an a '\ 33 Ac C '1 r �° Y2 6 >� / j / X20.7$ Ac'^ry5 21.21 2.11 2.12 33fi.60 2 8s"-' C q C 21.4 37.03 Ac t62a� 'I o 14.93 Ac w 14.52 Ac i i `hN2aX•�C CSF P^26.1 s2s x.88 A 1 20.27 Ac / 6�' . ¢3.p� '9 j 'V Cpm" �- j �' H 2.76 on , masse d � � ?5.1 ° Ac C ca 8.2k,18 Ab \4.106 Ac >s> j N \ a wl 108.14 Ac 9M s % 8.42 z i n 692.e pSS � � / 3.50 Ac o 450 s s 484 s U \ \\ / / .9 940,9a 94096 463a / z�z 163.9/t, 3 1 q� 2,q". 2 8.8 / . a� 3]15 2 ryyy 1533 Ac C �B 1 °g \n 21.22 \ 4 \ 13.4 Ac �"P3 92.26 Ac c G pA25.3 12.2 >YS 43.10 AcC\ 18 `\ p`N 3.12 Ac s, -6°P�,\..\ J) a79.02 A s]sa \ 167.28 Ac C -\..CENTRAla o 0 as oCHOp o 0 is a _\ A4,2 Qa �e, �. TRU, SBURG .34 Ac 21.3 \ 287.21 Ac C G o o sty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am'so l) N 1436 SCHOOL DISTRICT ITHACA CITY ` s ,ryb vas 5.24 Ac., `1 , ,. � " 579.ca a 16.2 17 j/ 25.14AcC 14.10AcC i 31.25 Ac C/' /s O I ,665 3� / r o 0 0 CITI 13585 0 0 0 0 19 2,4�m o reads ITHACA - 4.00,Ac ROAD 145 KRAFT 5]s4 ROAD COUNTYI is e KRAFT ROAD 0 26 ° ° p e 0 °or°° °i FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND MAP: 19 TrwnansburgCentral School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE This map represents a compilation of"lueal and textual information rmmdeedsand surveys. adigital plmdmetricbase Ithaca City School District LlymeaFire Protection District \/ Curb/PavementLine PrO a Line Property 312 Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cental Coordinate map, and digital conversion of trait -drawn mylar maps. Ermrs dna omissions can ocmmrrom cams oftnew a«roes: each somec Railroad ; `� Former Property Line P m' A ] Subdivision Lot Number TOMPKIN$ COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1"=400' System using the 1983 North Dantm. Property lines have been represeinfamrtsn large numberof arm. t dna originators of arm,am«.Aaapmninlmarcr,mecomaya«a notwaraant /'\ Hydrogmphy � CurrentYeazChanges 5.6 Ac Acreage Deed/SurveComputed tw6ca91atmonares¢e4ed�a - ns Count registered es 199 irro Tompkins County Digital ryfroPlaninleg Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal despriptio¢s. the accurecy or completeness of the information profmycd. 'Ilse mese me ^as is^ mm ' < Special District P N Block Limit 211 Ac A Computed Acreage 200 o moo u . n^ far/.), scam is I"-4zs' ' For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end ager of maps agrees to accept data with ° / 18.50 Ac G Grouped Total Acreage P (Total) g �, Feet deeds and surveys. m8 knowledge that errors and omission may exist, and to hold namtlessme County fair any damages that may rcsan fmm en , / Municipality External Tax Map rood Scaled (Calculated)Acreage inppmpria"no orihnn maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins&Flint Lot Number ® Block Number Iooa Deed Dimension North lvIAF REVISFD'1-NLY-2009 MAP PRINTED: I -JULY -2009 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property linea have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. This map mpmeeras a compilation ofgaphied and textual information from deeds and surve s, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Erma and omissions can occmfrom earn ofthese soumcs: own soma represents a large number of reooNs and originators of infemotion. As a pomical manor, the Comes does not warrent the accurecy or completeness of the information protrayel. Tw end user of these maps agrees Io accept due data "as is" with the full knowledge flat errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use oftheso maps. / TAUGHANNOCK� �i STATE PARK l S. /j STA 1 n2� , 1 4740 O --4625 zB9a F �OUI `P�� .�L�nc \�.2: 0Ac o / - 4815 " 9 / 5 " 4sc6 B TAUGHANNOCK .y 3416 �..� ./ 2>8a 475 g N 18.80 As 4115 _S6zs--_ _ / 3 12.3..- - _ - 8635 3595 Am s TAUGHANNOCK 2165 - -Ac C 2.88 Ac C STATE PARKSg 4935 4]45 5430seg'\,\ lana J 0 `7 399 � ,30e 9195 I - Nva v 5,96 �61s ,2885 0 - - 6.1 -_ v 65.11 Ac C I ss 11.22 J 7 57.42 Ac C /"Ip // 1,,\ 35.27 Ac C 15.85 Ac C 219s - on 112 m9.3� 294 q y9sOQ'+ " s r 5 3.00 Ac 6 14.37 Ac GG(-� z1 1 ',� 9:1� ( 2160` 11 '^ 2.14 AL" 6"--,24ea 11.z1 .2.35" a � A 1290 - 17os 6195 � AeC ]355 - - 315s 1ggg��a y n p6 s {i1J s ° q63 s " $9] s 355 s 1561 . ra p w 64 563 6 0 'Sg6 sV� `"1.00 n' _�.% 8305 � � 83fis 0 12 5665 rrs� s�18se )t4�9c °0 IV 2 2 Ac - M \ O / M Tus Gs 1 2,2 838.86\ M x1 T2s 60.77ACC A 106.33 Ac C G 44.20 Ac c Gpc 4 a�\\ 99.34 Ac \'\ s \ \ z]e r A �0 O ]33.]2 Q 1885 N I - 526 s 554.42 us 5.2 ' 5.60 Ac so 78s Ac O 3]es 4 4; _ s 1.19 Ac ase 39ss 7.1 21045 �) 399 s 178.10 9.21 ,(� 6.79 Ac C /- 9 a 6.1 6.2 23.07 Ac O 742 a 137P = 5.10 13.616 "Ae 9.22�a,, ( " Ac Ac g 1 '� ' 374a'. us 5.12 131.62 ro 0422 275 g^ �� 100,3 06 S 6.1 Y 8'42 AC 238.2] 303.2] 437.68 i.. ^P0 O 7.22 / 2.58 AC g 9.3'' O ° 2013 10.�1Ac l �� 15.53 Ac C 6.2 375S 47.42 Ac C ?2j,1 C c w D Q m 7 " f 292.82 / I ss " / 9� [] 5qcost1ni Q 3]4.]4 ,98.98 1 �5 AO 8.1 Q 12.1 5506 395 8.83 Ac C1 °' 7.1 Ac C� 5 13.z 3955 o =us 2.76 Ac" "S " 2155 2.60 150.64v,J 9 251s 1605 7.21- 1 .0 80 m,2 g3- 13.1 13.35 Asa 1.8 - 1.2 1.4 1 z6aa Acc t,,1 1 1A1, 1.5lM 1.F7'Ac c J 194a 6456 -- n "m" 1.61-^ w szla „'7 " ° "IJ 17 1" c zsaa _ OAD°_397 16 64]5 _ _ _ __ O�--� 14.6 Ac '6�'Ac&'°1.71 Ac`� 18$0 2os6 zozs 1590 -___-- t m © �_� �' 5655 s - ---_13915 56 5 58].45 --1 -11 0 591.25 J Sift-. - 1252 es o 3 \ � � 48.67 Ac 25 21 m 6 $� 47.80 Ac 314. 1196 s _ 5.2 m 4 o a .24 A& 20,5 1111-� 1]555 RO SWAMP COLLEGE AD SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Parcel Connector Trwnansbatg Central School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District � \ � Curb/Pavement Line 5.6 Ac Railroad N Hydrography NExternal Special District ® Municipality 100d Deed Dimension 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number Wo 43.1 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A ] Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map ® Block Number Wo 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A ] Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage INS Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 1 225 0 450 Fee North MAP: 20 SCALE: 1" = 450' (AlunplotlW onmchDIdedio II x 17" far/.), scala o 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All one maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property linea have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. o C] 14 o4.04 Ac w\ 946.x4 22 \ 13, 493 s 28.25 Ac -C- rid ❑ 814 s 1165 5 1 7 na a� 2.39 Ac y46r \ r- 20.86 Ac C 20,E 2.2 976$6 � 2. 58 Ac � /' 12.3soss w� 2.09 A \ 642 s 1 e Q � '� 2-0.23 Ac C 3.4 Ac 2'(IP Ac ' s l 3.3 s 2.1 �� 11 S 20.60 Ac en 4 -as 2 3.2 ❑ 6 -----------i5 Ac C / 12.68 Ac C 3.5 C A �I6 B66 s Q- 5 /I 1.3 s AC Sea a 394 5 313s 1 w 464 _ - 1D81s 9z1m�L3`�' SWAMP 41fi s 200 s zoos 19 347.29 1615-14 110s 4435 - 3.132 " ^gs'39 S Ina 1 '�� " 07 2.55 Ac 'I '1 .13 3.1'34 36949 7265 48s Oo {5.15 0 _ .13 4.88 ❑ 3.14 s G2 4.89m 4.68 Ac N-----------3.11 3.12 6.63 Ac C Ac " A( 7.49 Ac C us es 15.63 Ac C L p _ �84 a P/O 22.-5-6 35.38 Ac C A w �S 2 fi96 s 2� 23 *P0 Ng This map mpneents a compilation ofg,aphied and toxtual information from deeds and surve s, a digiml planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylor maps. Errors and emissions can occur from earn ofthese marcs: each soma represents a large number of memd, and originators of information. As a practical manor, the County does not warrent the accuracy or completeness of the information protocol. The end user of these maps ago. no accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that moon and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use oftheso maps. O � P/O 23.4-2.2 101.13 Ac C LIEW SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trutnansbutg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District m os 659\ - 4 6 a 2 5 q vu, ° I, /V Railroad 9 Hydrography N Special District NExternal I' n 91 6-3-3 2.3 100d Deed Dimension 10.01 Ac On � 4� h 2.2 asea2 89.36 Ac ', m493.70 „34.61 otono o C] 14 o4.04 Ac w\ 946.x4 22 \ 13, 493 s 28.25 Ac -C- rid ❑ 814 s 1165 5 1 7 na a� 2.39 Ac y46r \ r- 20.86 Ac C 20,E 2.2 976$6 � 2. 58 Ac � /' 12.3soss w� 2.09 A \ 642 s 1 e Q � '� 2-0.23 Ac C 3.4 Ac 2'(IP Ac ' s l 3.3 s 2.1 �� 11 S 20.60 Ac en 4 -as 2 3.2 ❑ 6 -----------i5 Ac C / 12.68 Ac C 3.5 C A �I6 B66 s Q- 5 /I 1.3 s AC Sea a 394 5 313s 1 w 464 _ - 1D81s 9z1m�L3`�' SWAMP 41fi s 200 s zoos 19 347.29 1615-14 110s 4435 - 3.132 " ^gs'39 S Ina 1 '�� " 07 2.55 Ac 'I '1 .13 3.1'34 36949 7265 48s Oo {5.15 0 _ .13 4.88 ❑ 3.14 s G2 4.89m 4.68 Ac N-----------3.11 3.12 6.63 Ac C Ac " A( 7.49 Ac C us es 15.63 Ac C L p _ �84 a P/O 22.-5-6 35.38 Ac C A w �S 2 fi96 s 2� 23 *P0 Ng This map mpneents a compilation ofg,aphied and toxtual information from deeds and surve s, a digiml planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylor maps. Errors and emissions can occur from earn ofthese marcs: each soma represents a large number of memd, and originators of information. As a practical manor, the County does not warrent the accuracy or completeness of the information protocol. The end user of these maps ago. no accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that moon and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use oftheso maps. O � P/O 23.4-2.2 101.13 Ac C LIEW SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trutnansbutg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District m 9.4 15.77 Ac on eo COLLEGE 12 s ISI 189s 3 58.93 Ac \ 0 1 it N 9.3 25.4�Ac , I 92 )5d 1.33 t 447E -Ac 1.33 4.22 31.27 Ac C 8.4 24.43 Ac C 7.5❑3 Ac Iw d 1 e 8.3 1.75 Ac C ROAD 24 Building Footprint (1991-2009) /�\�f Curb/PavementLine /V Railroad 5.6 Ac Hydrography N Special District NExternal Municipality 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 9.4 15.77 Ac on eo COLLEGE 12 s ISI 189s 3 58.93 Ac \ 0 1 it N 9.3 25.4�Ac , I 92 )5d 1.33 t 447E -Ac 1.33 4.22 31.27 Ac C 8.4 24.43 Ac C 7.5❑3 Ac Iw d 1 e 8.3 1.75 Ac C ROAD 24 12, 8.5 48.58 Ac C 11 at 5.3 " 3.43 Ac Ac C 341 9 7 22.04 Ac 43.1 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A3 Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map ® Block Number 12, 8.5 48.58 Ac C 11 at 5.3 " 3.43 Ac Ac C 341 9 7 22.04 Ac 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage INS Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension a �ED 470 s ROUTE 5.� ❑ 14.88 Ac C 6/ 49.13'Ac 147 Ir W J Y 00 J Q x O w 7 K H z 0 O TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 40o Fee North 20 MAP: 21 SCALE: 1" = 400' (WhcnplotlNou ArehDIdedia) I I x 17" f47%"), sole o 1"-425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 1 1 ro>e O O \ Ac C 1.3 =6 C�JRRV 12 \��.. 153.26 Ac 2.86 d� 86 % / \ O O1 s s uO 3 1 re .a 2V0..�6 AC w. \ 1 2rAe �'la COs O C p C� 27.1 ,\ 3.2 ssozs m Ac" o0s \ 1.2- 7 2 \ 7.04 0 4.15 4.11 27S so Rogp \ Y20 /�¢ ACC Jy^,, 10.07 AC '�'4. eo >z2ae- - WATERBURG ROgp TRUMANSBURG 4.59 ou \ 4.10 A 4.13 Ac C 3.66 Ac 3.47 A 5 4 6n^/ sazs ss „ ° 2so .y; UNITED \5\ 3 Q 637 13055 423.57 310.05 5.1Ac 2.22 40485sa., 4 1gA 25 �s " 5.2 Ac A !F �a99.63 d `�•\ \ 4. 1 ° N " % " 4154 \ > > 10.71 Ac C ys.e3 2p3a °s A y25`:{ 26.1 \ / 5.6 saQn'zs 1.2 ' 2465 _ $ 9,67 Ac %�" '\ 3.64' \ 4.12 , __st " 9 J O ry \ 0.91 Ac ° 1972 Ac - A __._. -- e \ 96 \ 5A1 5.5 a ----------------------------- r, 5.2 �' _ �\ '\ m 43.32 Ac i ^ zszj A s r / % 13.75 AC Cit " c1 26 I_ .\ i zjsz 7 ' "° 'aeo / 1.4 s.zo rie c Q 47.21 Ac. �2 652 % 5.4�ry5 , .. Soo '� -_` I j -- \ j 6.3 >saa 1.�'/F ° s1 A 5 13.26 Ac or U ( / 7 2FJ.�p o -� -/ -�.-/ til ^ `_ y_ ��\ 4.3Egr > ry 5 ry 2.91 0 ° p a z ; 1.72 A c 4204 ryy° 4 56.09 Ac ° 2 .� ?^ 0 A m /-� ^° 1.3 s 26.5 78.09 Ac C ?,a H .26 2aa 5 aye 1ry1Q2 _ % / 6.21 o 7.14 Ac p a' 2715 Y 2345 a N��2pg1 , 6 I ^..�. s 127361 $e C trm Al A o 239 29.3-W1,I J 6.22 "� �3 20.7"sa I 2 1605 Y� �� 77 A iO26925 N 24.79 Ac C ry f, 14065 2AcC' L' I 13065 s o-� '2zis 7.91 Ac �$i a fit] 565 4- s 2465 --_-2J T- 17 8.73 AF X23 s Ac®.1� 1.2 2415 i 5215 .Sfl',Ac'Cry o 24.1ro 3305 ''22.1 °os Qggso-69 / I ,635.2 v ,J 6.1 20.2 ¢O , 654 O .62 Ac 2.4 m 11.41 10.30 Ac .6 --a 1444. z2.2 AcC 25.21 2569 A\� 4.49Ac86.14 P C 3.11H 21EVILLAGE OF O TRUM SBURG /1 12.25, c Uw O Lryn.� e D467 9 SH.25 ACC 2 4�cm 3.2�; w . o 7075 v, 19 60"Ac P/023.-1-1.2 ^ 3155 4.38 AC 1320d y 29 30.93 ACC 9075 3745-.\. 6.45 Ac CCn / 'O 521s2>a \\ / 10 651.4 89.18 Ac CG d 3 • U -R. - \• _.� _ii i j 26.65 Ac C k 4 w � s 1.. \ -- / / ,;: " 28.70 Ac C _ NEW �`QRK ay i 16 as 5 � � 92.,_ ALPHA FOUN04TION /i i /' / /-_-J \ c; 11 15.00 Ac Ac 040.5, _J 55.12I C G "n' ''es 'les / tsss.20 �/ 5925 " BOWER CEAK4TERY 2c c /j 730 m n 9 vJ ci i cc j P/023.-1-1.2 - 11a.z7 Ac 29 16.2 �, 12.24 Ac /� 5.2 <9s.3p y9 tiro > s'3ss 734 0J ° i 22.90 AC 8.18 Ac C m 1q0 " " Q' 734,41 16.12 P 3)6S ' 1656.17 a 3.77 AC C m 255.64 10.96 AC 15.1 61 28.36 Ac 16.11 16.13 9s �H+ .2 " �` .n 15.3 % 10.69 Ac � ACP ° 3965 -ls sea c i / 6 G"95 9 ys VILLAGE OF / �"-' Em 33ras ✓ '"'/ ^1n 69.24 Ac C TRUMANSBURG a 300 °qss / 104.62 Ac C G 399 s ' 0 15 b1 I1 es 3.00A C / 336 s 59 P.O >3Ss lees a 279 s 255.36 164 s 642 s 19, 10005 400. m 6193 RO �.Q7YG f5.q FORT 23 F�CNVe7 '.1 10 INDIAN n� so 11 aa P/O 23.-3-5.2 15.28 AC N A g $.33 "' = 3.94 , rip 1 s c ' 6.05 Ac s Ac 8 P/O 2, - 304.49 I} + 9� PINE seas RIDGE 2935 1555 ROAp FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND A 3 5.6 Ac 2.11 Ac C 18.50 Ac G loos 100d TrumansbmgCentel School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE This map mpmseres a compilationolgmphieal andtextual +nrmationaomdeedsandsurvcys.adigualplanimetricface Ulystes Fire Protection District Curb/PavementLine /V Property Line All not maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate map, and digital conversion of hand -drown mylar maps. Econ and omissions can can from each ofinew sonnies: each waree f V Railroad !`11 % Former Property Line System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a lege number ofrecords aad originators of en tr anon. As aimmoral matter, the Comly does not warrant / \a�` Hydmgraphy /V Current Year Changes registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planiam is Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may v from legal descri tions. g g P the accumey orwmplewness ofthe infommtion pmnayed. rhe is" Special District N Block Limit l For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to Ne appropriate deeds and surveys. undue¢refineaemap, ,reestoaceeptthe d,m.aswimme qll knowledge that errors and omission may -Nt, and to hold ° ° If x/ Municipality /� / External Tax Map hamrless me county for any eame,es that may result facn an , Inappropriate use or theso maps. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins& Flint Lot Number T Block Number 43.1 312 Parcel Lot Number Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES MAP: 22 A 3 5.6 Ac 2.11 Ac C 18.50 Ac G loos 100d Subdivision Lot Number Deed/SurveyAcreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. ,/LJ\r 250 o soo o Feet e North SCALE: 1" = 500' (µ,ryenplottedni,! ryOMedia) u x 17" otted,ueleh Media) MAPPRRN7ED-JULY-2009 -- _ 2231 lspa 199221 P° ., 3 4 Ez Z78 m 65 Ac C FORT INDIAN _-_ _ -_... -. 1320 s67a P� 26.29 Ac C m AO ____..- m 24.9 Ac H9 27.66 Ac CG D ///'''���/'� 863 / 1.2 ii" � L2 43.55 Ac C 369.]1 x 3 \-_ Ay / 170.34 Ac C G P $.1 + s 6 ' PINE RICGF 4]3.5 � 6d. ���'1 �� 329 d48 1 I ?ss 3.50 Ac xos9•,1 0 s ROAD n k� 0 81.2 �o \ 11 $/ 99 x9�$ s 201 a z e a o 5.1 m J sot 26 Ac C '3+�9 1 n" ��538z zs's m o 0 u, 2.67 Ac C m o s zos �F p 11.1 \\ P m ase Ac 13. s Ac ^^ 3 5.4 V A \ Q 2160A 4.3 Ac C esus !/� Al 788.3/ I I�\, y 20.2 5.2 `t° L 1.11 h9 / 1.12 m 8.38 Ac C _--IC \ ° - -� �'1 2.46 Ac C 36174 ACC G 33.03 Ac �. \I / / > O� w-1-.3fi c ) .. N 11.23 TOWNOF LYS ES . UCOUNTY FTOM%(IN8 /' 467s 608s '\' 51 1 sm, WSs 123s 426s 121as 145s 28.33 Ac / s F11.68 0 17 8 12 {�7065 5 \ 22.52 Ac c O - 1.68 Ac " / /� 5.25 Ar,.�" N 9� ROAD 349s ,� \ 14.1 m a 5.2� VAN uEw 737 a "1.86 Ac C" /i. P/036.-1-7 U oa.4l Ac ale ,002s 349 s 14.3%- g19s m 'a° 1881 10]4 s 235 a �J ' 8.56 Ac /� 16.26 AcC 4 \ J 323s12 11.21 28 2.2 ( s.zBAcc652 J w 477s -.-/ mm 8.87 Ac 4.55 Ac _ °� 1 N 36.72 Ac °I D14.`8 143.88 Ac C G i'1 (7 f 2 597 a /--� � A � 1 mos 56.51 Ac i'`_ --� It '�' rs / \ / -� 89869 "2H 8535sa 0 Z v 597.29 1' \ ��� \�4505 W N 2023s \. �A 14.4 to mj 11.O9Acc\ 3 10.1 10.2 11.22 s �� _ ° o'- _ \ �' 'Oi - 14.19 Ac C Oin m 18.53 Ac C 49.34 Ac C 9.55 Ac v '� 37.80 Ac C % Len �aa 388 86988 6 ? 234 s 98 5 3.2 1.55p011CC s I I \ 101]e 211-C 105.08 Ac C 3.1 70.18 Ac C ' essa ,j Das \.\ en M.)8 Ac CG 22 1 j 131. ry cl 721.10'\ ]]9 s R > m 2.73 Ac C s/, 4p° \to �1 23]5 u Q 1.2 1 237 a \ 936.5 O 1.57Ac.w-\ m O , 3495 2.1 j� 1 m <>2 19 0 1.1 27.36 Ac c P/(� 36.-1-7 's 8 1 10 9 ''a �O9a CEMOEFERY IKE 2.59 Aq \ 9 38.68 Ac >" I \ 19s oo 22.36 Ac t; °j mss 62g 109.8 ACC s ;_1534aP ' 356a 11.2- °N' 7 + s+p�' N 153s p p \�. 43.92 Ac " 15 Ac C i° ' 0 52 0 5.1 U 01.3 475 00 I� 6.48 Ac 7.87 Ac o ' 43.94 Ac, e's`i �. s2 ❑ � o FE�jac 11.1 s o °0 291s g 6 FRI_ SCHUB I m 167s 5.00 Arg O1 519s 66fis -_____ I> N60 _____________________ -]a__---___ �. 36os w $ a]2a ________152_______ 13 ' 37mol a m 869 - - - - ------------------ 3 ROUTE 6 35 16.92 Ac C COUNTY 951 s ROAD U%0�� 1655 CITY 513s ___--- PERRY 36 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION TOWN OF ULYSSES LEGEND A ] 5.6 Ac 211 ACC 18.50 Ac G 1006 lona TrumansbungCentelSchoolDistrict Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE This map mprosevts a compilation ofgaphical and formal Incrmaeenrmmdeedsandsar�eya.aiigualplammetricbae Ulysses Fire Protection District , /\� Curb/Pavement Pro a Line Property All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate map,anddigitalcnavcrsimortrmd-0 wnmylarmaps. Errors and emissions can occmfrom each ofinew spumes: each soma � f l �J' Railroad : ss / Former Property Line System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large sumberof records and originators of information, As a practical mane. the Comfy does not warrant \r� Hydrogmphy Current Year Changes registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages tions. may v from ledescri g g P the accuracy or completeness of the information prottayed. flit' those "as is' e Special District /� / Block Limit For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, ppllease refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. and user of maps agrees to accept the data with the thll knowledge that coness and omissions may exist, and to hold as o ahf.. Municipality MllCl101 External Tax Ma N harmless the County fair an r y damages that may result from an ♦ p insyraro'nime... ofaesnmapa. 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins& Flint Lot Number ® Block Number 43.1 3 12 Parcel Lot Number Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES MAP: 23 A ] 5.6 Ac 211 ACC 18.50 Ac G 1006 lona Subdivision Lot Number Deed/Survey Acreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. zoo 0 400 �, Feet North SCALE: 1" = 400' (When plaaW emAreh¢Madia) I I x I7" fPN/.k scale ie P-425' MAP PED: I -JULY -2009 PRINTED MAP PIUNTED: 1-R1LY-2009 21 ROAD SWAMP COLLEGE _ _ -- -- - - -402 147 --- ---- 3895 14r8 a L4 t3 ROUTE --- --- --- 1473 ----- 2]6N 3 , 6a0.fi Q 49d.2 QN u 2 u 5.69 AC C J COUNTY - - - - - _ s- 3ao.9 soz.ea -----^ S 218s� 209s� 1495 1995 - .. 2sz©® 0 � � � 269 Ac m, X3.15 Ac - - 7 m 2071 1, 4'�.1� © 0n1.14 200 216 Ac c c 1 Ac 1.611 " �.5 Ac C Ac C 4.�b C ; 1.421 tin 556 s / ";2� z0se 2125 sos SAc 102tin .17 A 535 \ all m 5.1 '\ ous 455.2 O a)6 z3o 15 Ac ,9a. 5 '^ ss m 2 '2 30,.4 1 51.x5 Ac 5.1 114 1.5 1.62 10.90 Ac Cg 7.10 Ac C j O 1.89 Ao�6 716S sop sa 25 01 304.6 1 1.5 o 6.97 Ac D 285 s 5.22 1 9 85 zi), s z)s e m 1 .422 54.6 Ac 8.4 .I )50.68 = $ --106.6 6.6 94.35 Ac C .12A c�' s 1.2 416. 349. 1 1.87 o .ts 11.17AC 129.90 Ac " Aim 9.23\ sa" .f�-1sO Ac en ' J0 '/91.6 I $, 2605 2.09 Ac' \ 6.3 414211 21 0 25 C 9.24 g \ 1' CI U 8.3 a AC b = 8.2 o _ / '01 2.17 c & I'I \`� 652 �/ ,9e. Co Co 11.17 Ac r 22.33 Ac01 " \ W J r 9.21 w 'I .__9.92_ 1.2to i J 44.26 Ac C� I Ac C = 7.30 Ac C \ ® 0. O j 31401 � `` s._11 as ,a6o.ts j 18.1�pp y 1 x)55 'I 285. /' g `2.14"' a m / n m o m 6.�. 1.4 3 w 87.96A C ____ &1 416s 20 N z0c.N a°^' �A C �m 10.4 Ac C'_C L1 / 14ass /. O J a1e.,� " on 1 41 0 R ash. zots 6,03 Ac I .I - a 2.62 Ac` 1. 3AcC1, 3A' C 8745 5875 522s I MEKEEL nso. .I " �fi365 200 1996 V I, -� 869 s Il 625 a 1092 a o' /r to / 67 3195 r'% 12 7_J. _- m 3 81.1 - 8.2 --,99. b5 I 50 Ac C n� as0. 6'15 31.13 Ac C 121 Ac " lJ4 ^� s ------ � - - 6]t . 483 a 59.92 Ac C G 138.97 Ac C 41 AcC i N, rye� 754 q a 149.37 AcCG 904a 0.48 s 33f 4.1 es 5.20 Ac / 4a.to 'S II 8.3 so p aaa. 3 \ \ 869 s saps 2.82 Act 566 s z 10.1 613. T. \ 0 33.66 I 28.79 Ac C �3 s 1men.- O 6.38 Ac e" 20.92 Ac C O a 2)9 s 12 AD \ sfi]. ROAD m" 0 583 5 I I 5 676.3s� REYNOLDS )seas. 11.3 13925 200 200 200 27 AC C 300 4 se) s .13 Ac 191.6 O I i " 8.2� 9.11 9.11 9.111 e g est. - - 'a q - m y" \ 62 820.30 1355 m m f3 /� �_��__ __-_ - / 4fiis )19.34 bills 23 A 2.54 3 538` on nn '' ssse 3005 3455 6.1 p O 03.69 3.64 its 6.551 c a 11._1_ _ 11.2 tae 2.81 Ac C D 10.9 Ac C 9.112 Acc I 296. , @ „ s 0 / r_ ° d z]s ". Ac Ac C 2B 508 ' 47.45 Ac nQ logs ❑ 1.1 `9.113 4 6 1116 1 s73Ao \ : !\ 10.5 6.2on 1 45 Ac-' i t -✓ 9.6 Ac 34.11 Ac C 11:7 1.38 Ar~ 115 4,o f e 1 ( "I, 1 2 10 Ib 10.7 8 o 3.25 Ac C 323 23, s' 200-2] 200.2) 200.2] 268 s o w �, m \ e " 8 1 c �1 a 11.3 8.56 A� ' 11.2 08.45 Ac C 2.36 Ano s 4.2 se]5 m 8 12.04 AcC \./ 6:96 Ac" 6.30 JCS .4 ❑ 4A)6 )4 3 7 s 451 s 6. 6,117 12.85 Ac ° 19.18 Ac C " 11.4 g 10.31 d _ � 0 399 52.07 7.42 Ac C too ,o0 25 d 9.12 01 6 .] 2.07 Ac m I o _ .. C of .10 Aa 6 8 400.) 46.57 Ac C G m 450 c / -1 ?�SOC FRIENDS g 9 1.95 Ac zzo 5 JACKSOta ILLE m J m m 655 �= m'b1 4 " o © 1032 - ea 4865 __§003) 1155" 3945 •w 304.39 '�°\ 0 9.05 Ac a ----- m n 46A?n r rn m ]4fi s '�' '24h..it 321.2 212: 2b2 W 1]) s 1514 6456 392 5 - N Nzos.)� e Ac 7 6p`c� 05.69 Ac _ __ __ ______/-1 I, 4,0. 2azs _ _ _ 4 9.2 - - - - - - - ROUTE 35 142 >4.1> 260.5 COUNTY 3 9.3. ss Ad � t4 s 5 ❑ o H fi4 4245 - __ 95 2067 a)s 100 too ,2sa 159 -_� _ - - ROAD - - PERRY CITY n 35 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Curb/PavementLine Transfusions Central School District Railroad This map mprmeuls a compilation ofgaphient and toxmal Ulysses Fire Protection District NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information fendeedsand survys.adigualplatdmetricbase ° Municipality map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylor maps. Errors Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Cenral Coordinate and omissions can occur from each ofihese spumes: each soma System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical mane. the County does not warroot and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information prottayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate Ur of there map, agre. no accept the data is" with the endse deeds and surveys. qct knowledge that error, and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use ofihese maps I Building Footprint (1991-2009) /�\/f' Curb/PavementLine /V Railroad / \r/ 1lydrography N Special District ° Municipality 91 6-3-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number `- -7 Parcel Connector 3 12 Property Line A ] Former Property Line 5.6 Ac Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map ® Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A ] Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension J 34 TOWN OF ULYSSES MAP. 24 TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: 1" = 400' q� (Witco plotlN oa MehOMadia) 200 0 400 II x 17" far/.), scala Is 1"-425' Feet North Mh MAPREVISED: I-RMY-2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 ❑ 0 1 18.76 Ac COLD SPRINGS ROAD / 4]5.68 200 200 1.51 0 8 12'1 0� Ac 2.48 s�G 2.48 Ac I38 AC m 1!3B -Ac 2 O 9 Ac 0o a 200 200 481 n619 0 2255 1.52 (< �s 2 se 3.74 Ac No 1.04 Ac C / 20 / 1.4 OA 3 'W �O 6.35 Ac 2 4 % 1.6 F +a 5C� ,z,.65,. s �,.' - 2.47 Ac c QP $'m a 73 152 8" A c 352.41 300 j 600.41 61 10.02 100. 100.24 37. 5 262.80 16.1 ' r" w � a6.2 15 19� 18.' 17 2.01 Ac Ll 2.25 Ac P� ........ r.01 -LE 96 77' �s 9 2.29 Ac C 10]5 975 12a 1181_/ 1 , 15.92 Ac 6,15 303 s O� 21 12.99 Ac 24 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Parcel Connector ,9353 This map mpeasents acompilationofgraphical andtextual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE info,natio.hnmdeeds and surveys. adigualplanimetricbase TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. /, 100 0 zoou o Feet e R09 North map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Erzon All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can oma 6om each effew sources: each wume System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been ec,arwents a large number ofutords and onginators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Photometric Base Map, en ore anon. As apractical mater, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions the accamey orwmplewness ofthe information pmnayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end maps agrees accept is" mn m 172 Ac C1.49 unt m harmless the County far any damages that may result from an AcC710.50AcC inappropriate use of chem maps. t 145 5.47 Ac T5,/16,k/ 1 t 56.13 �' ,15 O 8 1505 229.42 / 71 1.53 Ac 12 ;i 24COMMUNITY ---------• JACKSONVILLE 156 Ac & La ASSOCI, 1 , 15.92 Ac 6,15 303 s O� 21 12.99 Ac 24 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Parcel Connector TOWN OF ULYSSES This map mpeasents acompilationofgraphical andtextual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE info,natio.hnmdeeds and surveys. adigualplanimetricbase TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. /, 100 0 zoou o Feet e R09 North map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Erzon All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can oma 6om each effew sources: each wume System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been ec,arwents a large number ofutords and onginators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Photometric Base Map, en ore anon. As apractical mater, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions the accamey orwmplewness ofthe information pmnayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end maps agrees accept is" mn deeds and surveys. kroMemese hall knowledge raw %, hold errors dna nm,esth may exist, and o unt m harmless the County far any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of chem maps. 0 5.1 4.30 Ac C 218 a 01 315 4 3.75 Ac 14 3.55 Ac o d 237 s 5.2 236 5 �p 240 s 16 242.6 tax a 3.1 2.59 Ac 32 83a� 1.60 Ac C w LD - 26 P/O 19.-4-18 39.42 Ac C A 3115- ,) ,1+95W o 28 x 145 ; 5.1 rp5'i N 27 g `� O 90.60 Ac C 7 1 N 16 N' 19 5 ❑ 259 s 20 1.91 Ac 674.9 --) . 4.41 22 25 1.50 Ac C 265 e 146.22 t . , 39- 65.36 4 53 9 322 it 5.2 z 2.75 Ac C 0 iLei ryz Vis s � No 2 0 9 5 �p 5c 200 4 s 1.01 Ac C ,725 ca 665 28�I � o fib 9 i 200 a 8 1.01 Ac ' 2 s6 204B 105S 200 s 3 � 5 - 2 i �. 10.90 AC C SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION lrumansburg Centel School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District , Curb/Pavement Line f V Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 13 200 s d 17 239 s 16 2.00 Ac 96> 0 43.1 312 Parcel Connector TOWN OF ULYSSES Property Line !� Former Property Line TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. /, 100 0 zoou o Feet e R09 North Current Year Changes N Block Limit NExternal Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 312 Parcel Lot Number Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES MAP: 25 9 Subdivision Lot Number Deed/SurveyAcreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. /, 100 0 zoou o Feet e R09 North SCALE: 1" = 200' (Wryenplottednry! ryOMedia) a I]^ t47ih, ..[a is I^-4zs' MMAPr6R=D I_JULY-20099 as 8.65 Ac C J TOWN OF ULYSSES 11.1 t 145 5.47 Ac 1 t 56.13 �' ,15 O 8 1505 229.42 / 71 1.53 Ac 12 ;i ---------• 156 Ac & La 10 899 14.1m -- 91.00 Acs ,.. , ,56 - ❑ h %172 1.14�c C ❑D 2 ^ RDA 15 P 13 18aa ,44 GROVE 43.1 312 Parcel Lot Number Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES MAP: 25 A 3 5.6 Ac 2.11 Ac C 18.50 Ac G 1006 hood Subdivision Lot Number Deed/SurveyAcreage Computed Acreage Grouped (Total) Acreage Scaled (Calculated) Acreage Deed Dimension TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. /, 100 0 zoou o Feet e R09 North SCALE: 1" = 200' (Wryenplottednry! ryOMedia) a I]^ t47ih, ..[a is I^-4zs' MMAPr6R=D I_JULY-20099 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o h`a m `'o 0 [ 0 0 19 ,� 4 Ac C 3.50 Ac C' O fit. 499 Bo s 19 -•-- 145 -. . 2 s 695 ROAD I tt2sa0.2 8* �X6 > COUNTY ,; Zefie 4 SCItOOL-' y aoo saps d T UMA BURG CBNTR I. y °' 6099 a % 5.5 '.5, 3 5Z1� 4.77 Ac �.50A2.05 Act, i 28623 - �'-�.99 AC' 2895 291 marls S 5535 r �' �. ae1 l 4o rlpq ❑ I�=0 m / % 10.1 / r 0 ail ❑ Ali h �r 4.�6 AC 1 " / ollIll. j P/O 19.4-18 °I ; I ,, 5544 10.45 d-�°�m .. / 85.50 Ac C e I:_ _ ,�r,�� s m 18 en 11 Up �1 d' r'® ©0 a 3 5.2 1 6 7.51 Ac ❑ II % 4 114.20 Ac C oil ' r l,' ® 103.87 Ac/d` �Ie9om® °4 100.00 Ac I 5526 r 0 ey p i 11 e 11 SII® ol/ / a a ut 6 II II TRICT es 209 Z t I Ovom ®®o=°off 820 s 921 s ]33.06 a $CIII))l. 830.8] DISTRICT 1598s .7 p ( rte SCHOOL 2A 61 5 m ( 3 2 753.29 17.1 AC C us 24.65 Ac C 17.3 17.4 ,a 17.2 587 s O 42.74 Ac 948 to 15.21 17.6 80.60 Ac r- 27 Ac C 17.5 38.35 Ac C 24 102.10 AcG 7.76 Acus in 1032.40 40.41 Ac 9 s r xsae a tis a 1�.1bpss 12265 d iI tib s ary23 s 1) 994.23 1O 5.50 AC Cm 4. 10dcCGI °953 „'❑ COLWROVE ❑ 5566 R AD 6196 ❑ a3s� jz�z / m N 5fisa r �a]a r -- m 5585 _ - - -_ 1s m6s 2531 3 13365 1635 J fi34s 2 O 6245 1125 8t9s 558 s 1� J 1 g a BtiO >'a .0 A v 4.1, ", > 1 6.1 / 7 i °c / 1032$1 N 3 m 15.23 .aa At " 4.45 Ac C" �o " W Ac,,C 89.22 Ac C aoo a N 2.75 Ac 23669 ', 127.57 Ac C G 2.2 .5 ,9, I 27am / s 10.44 Ac O Ac 332'9 �I� 4o a s ° 2.3 ® 125 393. 6.2 /O 27.-2-18 o son a " ' / 23.00 Ac C ¢ 15.46 Ac " ysaa 'p '1 51 AcC 525.79 8 d' 586 5� 1140 a AI L 1 It 59 -------- 16.2 5.2 El" `- 1 17.95 Ac " sooSB 2sssi 33.29 Ac C ITHACA CITY 4 d we a p '"\ goo 8. s� to5o 5846 �_.. m O NTRUMANSBURG CENTRAL �'�.41 i Y9.42 -] o N 1.96 9.25 Ac C\ o° ry �' 21e 682.21 ;8 \: ti �. " 1 Sass _ `.W >Ac C N m a ryy 15.24 Q 15.26 1�1� o zsa.ead 0 .9 Q1 613 a o_ 3.6B Ac C n2. z . 63.66 Ac 1 5 -- x1.65 Ac y 15.222 / main 1 .4 12 A 11.23 Ac / Z Q S / L7 x9� 21i-18. j2Q01 .6B y� i c 11.46to ' 15.221 F _. 16244 x 24 w �3.27' T9m \ 6 ° Q 2 Ac < e9 s 13.29 Ac C j D Ac C z °y 9.73 Aa C Q 3ry6 'So 2.076.5 a j z 9 15.2p1 2,996 f' O 226 p 1454.13 'hy �,W Ac -- /: i 67.24 U �13. 1 \ 8.3 li_ _ 9� 299.05 C 2.40 o5b4 " Ac C o i 12.74 Ay xgti^9 `i2 s STT 44 Zy N ..�/ tzsyss. 98.91 Ac C o o �. i- 10.1 5.67 65.21 159 5 \ 19050. 243 01 N , j 57.36 Ac C Ac c 10.2 729.83/ 1 / I - 13.22 ? 225es ,94 27.40 Ac C p sa Pc / -11 6.42 14.2 69.72 Ac C o 13.21 ce 1 " 225 " � 8.42 8.$1 .QO 79.82 Ac �' I 0213.02 14.81 Ac0 /.)). 1 % 33._67 Ac C 9:23 Ac LTA, ,= 630 a y / 2778 Ac N N 22 _ 225 9285 r 38804 w ; 8 46 e � r 8.4m o z Ao 13.1 11.2 9.98 Ac C �' 04 pyz,� zoo a 199 s 200 a 2.01 a 199 1 259.80 250 B 81.44 i lH A / a 7.2 ]3 7Usa 2.7 Das a 8.11 8.9 8.718.72 y 4.63 Ac L" 0 2 4 11 5p� 10 2 10.1 N / 6.10 "2.94 Ace 7.1 so 2jo3s a� zoo 0,7 �Sm.as 4.14 Ac " 25 922] 8.12 " 43 p229 8 2 $ o 65.66 0 14.1 r i D d C� _ ��3.13 3.6 AC 8.44 w r9.SAC(j O oy %o n T4fis " 80 20� " a8]a 905 -• O .t4A" 2'98" �9g 2.98 o/W o Lam'-` k� g u, 3.8 Ac N 2zo - 5.58 Ac 2.�8 2.98 C Q 3a 9 O Oo " Ac Ac Ac AO Ac `2.55 AE' eo „oa s p Q d 543 s 34616 O O 10.41 Ac C .06 A 4 pl d _ lzaosl s°ss] CITY ROAD 33 G PERRY ° ( 942.85 s 250.14 250.14 0 220 Of 220 0 3]a 5 200 s 200 5 199 s 200 s i stat s 282.80 142 0 O ROUTE 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTY ^ 0 0 o O 0 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY TrumansburgCentral schoatDistrict Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number MAP: 26 Thin map mprese.ts a compilation ofgrephiral and textual Ithaca City School District NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCEinformation rmmdoodsand onves.aaighaipianreetricbest DtysscsFire Protection District /\/ Curb/PavementLine Property TOWN OF ULYSSES map, and digital coavc aiom or hind -draw. .,]or maps. Ermrs PrO a Line 312 Previous Lot Number and omissions can or -from earn offs ew s«mea: cath somec Railroad Former Property Line A ] Subdivision Lot Number 1" = 450' All tax (naps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate j 1t! p mr TOMPKIN$ COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been representnomination, n large numbertical arm. t and Originators of 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage mrm.am«.a,apmnicatmarnr,mce.mrya«a..twarra.t ��� Hydrogmphy � C7lrrentYeazChanges lwxcnlalmnmamxox4cara registeredes result, dime Toms Tompkins d County Digital varPlany Base Map, p - ' and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may v from legal descri tions. the ac<amcy or completeness ofthc information protmycd. The a 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage < 625 o aso u x n^ (ori g c , please g P cod user of theae masa 10 accept me data "as is" with the Special District N Block Limit ). acal4la l^-4zs For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate p s aC' `P 18.50 ACG Scaled d (Total) d) Acre �, deeds and surveys. full knowledge emshe C runt fair and om damages that may resus.d,o and o / O Feet y harmless iat comity r any damages [hat may result fmm an , 7 Municipality N External Tax Map Loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage _ -- inappmpriata.use orihesnmaps . North MAP REVISED: I -JULY -2009 91 6-I-3 Military TracUWatkins &Flint Lot Number ® Block Number loo. Deed Dimension MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2.009 HOUGHTON - 59s 04s ea u o / 0 14.1 I � I 9.77 Ac C 4 1].�Ac 23.12 Ac C I , 35.88 Ac C G 0T, 2.2 m2 s 2.33 Ac 390 Ad. R� Op 296.22 s _ 23 ;, 25 \ n _ 28 pUSREGISE�N• -"--"1013. / 2.11 ° `E 3.69 Ae -_ - 029• / �- � ss in 2.12 / ry,91.31 A �S / 22.95 Ac �;� /19 / 2.2 a ' X5.65 Ac " Ants 787 6.71 s Ac I LU K1 J ' 681.48 sues 494s; I I I I I � - / 3.2 34.57 A Z / DI of j U, I / / 'I I / I 18 26 0 73.14 Ac C 2 '," 76AcCG , I I 1 894 a , I Pa 18 710a 192. ROAD -_ 1a ---- sa7. _ s m �s s 201 a 2oa na.as •. - - --a3 _ -fir7 a CD , 'd3a '2.23 "f� - a . 437 s r J 3.04 Ac C.$ C_ N I B i' 2sr 4oa cCG;"z4271 ` 4. 0Ac 2.09 AC zs 1862 2.5 > sz S 2.7 2.11 2.10 -,ass es 2.22 0 2.1 Ac �' "' 1.70 AC 2t>Ac 276s 255. / 2.62 Ac g 302 s N0 N 'g '\ 11.96 Ac C A �Osv � z]as 101 s s ] 2.3 1 2.2 k�e 9 -_.-� m N '°off, �`$ 3.02 C n es " 2."�qc C 37.30 Ac C /. \ \ J U o° 885.5'! � 183.30 16.76 AC 49] s I 515 5. s 2.48 .-I 2.1 " \ 14.2 2.1 _ 5., 3.70 Ac / 2 53.31 Ac C 4.44 Ac C - 2VX (1 5116 23 6.92 Ac CG /- 678.6 837. "3 r' /: 20 si O1 / 3 7.1 E r'1 P/027:471 '�,'s aoAoc . s zs ti 1 � 9 / 42.355 Ac C G j ✓ a 2.90 Ac C ,^17.1 1.67Ac A 1 090 12 / /I - 2°9= in a� 17.12 ���` /� 6 / .; 4.12 Ac / 1 18.84 AC / 17.13 I man 8556 -1049] g / 4.85 Ac G a nd m 8.3 6.64AcC M5 / - s 3 , 5 6 2c 6, a 832 j/16.2 �° 8.09AcC / s 2.93 Ac C 276. j `F/ 32.60 Ac Css " 3456 1 1320_____✓ , /0 29.-lS 1670. D1 %8' 6 C " 09° 1.87 Ac C " \ .90"Ac " 6. C 59 Pc 1 '1.18 Ac abs O OG z99-16 2451 A�� 2 v 200 a� N`6g � 80y9 N , 23.15 Ac 17.1 8 1 275. p 1 N❑ ,,- 6 295 Ac o Tl,'" ` [j " 7 v3.57 Ac C t s 1.15 5 25 A m I" � C ,'I 810s i 17.2 128 200 1 m ---------- --- 1�1 o I ,sae .,2 I I 3.5 c C 1955 s 62 s 436- 8 ( " 1. Ac 19 zs0s1 -\ ,1 1c c z17 1582.60 Ac C.21,x2 ,' 'J ass ' 138.96 Ac C G a aso h,''8 �I " �1 'POG w' 19.47 Ac 9 $7J� ', 17.3 '1 15.2 v F wa 475.75 15.5 15.1 3.88 Ac (9 15.31 .�'' Ns ', m m Ac N , N 15.23 s m 14.27 Ac C; -- g.4 ro ° oi in 2.74 Acsosr J'� e`1 fir, `a °a9 148.26✓. -2 1 i 438.67479A8 0°,9.2" y3 ZI7.53 O 1is , 5 / 12.2 " m v 5 13.2 & .59 Ac C � gN ', s 56 14 30� X1.37 5.41 Ac 19 N N 6°' _ Ac m 31 rro - - a3sa1.5011� Ac 3e 8.33 1 2 34 4 142 xs / 12.1 / 2 84 Ac �f$ s6� 4.89 Ac 5.1 1 > /, t',l 4.50 Ac C '�. 1.2$ ` ` X14 I � 453 s � " \ e'i " o 1.60 Ac 47asn 8.4 40.76 Ac C �° 47.27 Ac C N 1 33.20 Ac C 730 s ' 1 123 , 2oo.z9 85.69 Ac C G c � j i I I I u I. 15 "1.98 Ac8' / A / _ 1.30 A .32 c \ 16.00 Ac 111 O 75 16.74 Ac C 6 N6p P° % G 32 J� sa . �s 12 \ 18.3 �- I /- I / P/O 32.-1-4.2 96Ac 637 a 487 150 s % p 324 sI, u 6 7 / es 409.04 u 14 s0s s 313' " 3.73 Ac C Y 8,1 5.2 o y A /. 1486 lana 1305 167, n IS jj v�,99 Ac 2 w 2.62 AcC 1 13� 11N 10 H �` L71160 a1z las. aa7 aza. - d x05. 1331 s doss ROAD 32aA 1496 1306 1316 201, 3846 --- -- - - _._. _ D1N 33 o PERRY p NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND FORTAX PURPOSES ONLY This map represents a compilation ofgmphical and teamedIthaca City School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector 43.1 Parcel Lot Number MAP: 27 NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCEinformation fmmdestsand survey, adigital platdmUlysses Fire Protection Districtetricbasa Curb/PavementLine /V Property Line Previous Lot Number TOWN OF ULYSSES map, and digital emosomi°n of heed -drawn mylor maps. Errors and emissions can eccmrrom each °fthaw mantes; each sore Railroad Former Property Line A ] Subdivision Lot Number 1" = 300' All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate j 1,! p TtY TQMPK]N$ CQ[J]�1TY, N.Y. SCALE: System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been rcpnniatisn large namtical rca°ms dna originators or 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage rotor.am«.Aeapmniaalmarar,macemaya«anerwarmnr Hydrogmphy � Current YeazChanges laxaaenarax¢x4ea�a registeredeslt,dime Tompkins County Digital Plfirmin legBase Map, ", r °9 -' me attvrecy or complctcncss of the information protmycd. Thc 211 Ac C Computed Acreage LJ and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. Special District N Block Limit 150 I] 300 u x n^ far/.), scam ie 1"-4zs' lease refer to the a ro nate end knew of lemese maps agoras m accept ma a e "as is" with Inc P 18.50 AC G Grouped Total Acreage o For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, p PP P roll knowledge mar emon and omissiom may exist, and m hold P (Total) g Feet deeds and surveys. / ha ^ , rmlCountyCoty fair an r y damages that may result from Municipality External Tax Map an , / l006 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage MAP REVISED. I-KILY-2009 vappmprim "°„oriheae maps. 91 6-3-3 Military TractfWatkins& Flint Lot Number T Block Number lood Deed Dimension North MAP PRINTED: I -JULY -2009 ,I 18 \ I I t\ 487 .4 N '\ ,o \ 4497 _- 0 T �s 413.62 11/0, 3 p I 99 �•�—�, j � i �9 384.75 236.20 a 163.4 4.1 == 4.2 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Plammetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 57 6 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 367 s 1.18 Ac C�--- s 160 ` h� 8 1.43 Ac 58.12 NA n G 0 :I 163.75 \ 173s .7 - o 10 C'� 1.69 Ad%C N t\ 1 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 21 .55.92 14 0 tn I Building Footprint (1991-2009) /V Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number LEGEND L —7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line I Former Property Line / / V 11286., 11V Block Limit loos External Tax Map �0 \/ Block Number N a I N 21 c P N I ' 131 s I _ BOG C'� 1.69 Ad%C N t\ 1 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 21 .55.92 14 0 tn I Building Footprint (1991-2009) /V Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number CP ��� 1.69 AcC N N \ 1 5.92 14 0 o � y N 822 \ 13.1 \ 174s N 15 w� N LEGEND L —7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line 5.6 Ac Former Property Line / / V Current Year Changes 11V Block Limit loos External Tax Map T Block Number CP ��� 1.69 AcC N N \ 1 5.92 14 0 o � y N 822 \ 13.1 \ 174s N 15 w� N N 18 C 1.38 Ac C D Z Z 27 T oC: 19 D / 00 \ 234 s s 20 m 2q9 s N 21.1-.. 1.02 Ac C 43.1 19B s 3 12 _ A 3 207s 5.6 Ac 17 2.11 Ac C 218s 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage N 18 C 1.38 Ac C D Z Z 27 T oC: 19 D / 00 \ 234 s s 20 m 2q9 s N 21.1-.. 1.02 Ac C 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension S �1 23� rn \ 21.2 '\ 221S 7) s 24 s s TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 Feet North MAP: 28 SCALE: 1" = 100' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Property Line map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. 195 S o end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 210 s w N 2 0 N 212 sCP 11 N ' 3 N 1 — �. 163 s I N 4 N 117S N 35s I N 5_ 163s 0 ' 6 7 \ �O �� 1 N 9.s I .7 9 N 1X \ 27 N 1y35 10 \ O C:> N 0 \ 140 s \ N N \ N \ N o 12 `\ 163s 8s 13 14 s N 15 II 131 s 16 N V I N W 1 N --34'2 s r I I N 17 IL FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Property Line map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. N I I 138 §, L 180 sJ 18.1CD L s 18.2 C 04 sC 19 Is, s 207s 263 to 1—_1L J to t N 1 _ 555s 1 �❑ L-11 Ac / 4, 260 s / ao / D 22 r- 1.09 M N / O i O °.E 268s SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ulysses Fire Protection District � \ � Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/ Hydrography Special District \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number SSSS------- - - � ---3 Ac tiry� aN 260 S 00 j. D „ 22 1.09 Ac 7 Mco �- O O 268s j I El I, 37 \ S \ 23 2.72AcC 127V \ S w �'\v N w til 24 16oz s w 25 \. N CO 125 s I 5 1384w 26 w I N 137 � M \\ 28 ------ AC --------- I / 1 424 6 30 N I c9� V 316 s u, 29 1 s l 1.2 N 278S 31.1 i' �� �� s 35 S 265S �� /= — — — to 32.2 ' 32.1 1.25 Ac C = N 184 O ;\ �o 325 s --- 104s \ 429s u \. u j 33 S 10 N 437.7 34 I r 412.5 27 --- U` -..26s '0 36 - --- 0): ------ 37 N 0 N 411 s 224.7 \ 186s 39 N 38 1.18AcC ,I 182S 400S ELa] � I N � 40 I 18119 ,I N W \ 3 1626`L 6 1 41 5�6� 2 53 � oN 16 02 30 43.1 LEGEND L —7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line 5.6 Ac Former Property Line / / V Current Year Changes 18.50 Ac G Block Limit loos External Tax Map 0 Block Number SSSS------- - - � ---3 Ac tiry� aN 260 S 00 j. D „ 22 1.09 Ac 7 Mco �- O O 268s j I El I, 37 \ S \ 23 2.72AcC 127V \ S w �'\v N w til 24 16oz s w 25 \. N CO 125 s I 5 1384w 26 w I N 137 � M \\ 28 ------ AC --------- I / 1 424 6 30 N I c9� V 316 s u, 29 1 s l 1.2 N 278S 31.1 i' �� �� s 35 S 265S �� /= — — — to 32.2 ' 32.1 1.25 Ac C = N 184 O ;\ �o 325 s --- 104s \ 429s u \. u j 33 S 10 N 437.7 34 I r 412.5 27 --- U` -..26s '0 36 - --- 0): ------ 37 N 0 N 411 s 224.7 \ 186s 39 N 38 1.18AcC ,I 182S 400S ELa] � I N � 40 I 18119 ,I N W \ 3 1626`L 6 1 41 5�6� 2 53 � oN 16 02 30 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 Feet North MAP: 29 SCALE: 1" = 100' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 32 29 !o- NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 1.1 CA MUGA 347s 1.74 Ac 1.2 1.04 Ac 92S 4.22 Ac C rn FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. 3.2 U) 10 .zT 6.06 Ac C co 228S C0 00 (0 3 382s �� 5 1.44 Ac C 227s SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 243S Building Footprint (1991-2009) /V Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography 0 Special District / \ / Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 6.25 Ac C ,A 0 0 0) 4.22 Ac C 00 U) co 4 228S 0 3 382s 5 1.44 Ac C 227s 6 D 1.40 Ac C 7.2 1.09 Ac C 3035 200S TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 Feet North 14 5B4 S 15 16.31 LO CP 16.2 16.32 17 2.46 Ac O A'30 56s 1P 243S CP 8 9 1P 12 P Lp 13 498 o 198s \N WW 193 s 1p6 85 31 LEGEND —7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line Former Property Line Current Year Changes 11V Block Limit External Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 AcG Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 0 MAP: 30 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is f" = 425' o MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 14 5B4 S 15 16.31 LO CP 16.2 16.32 17 2.46 Ac O A'30 56s 1P 243S CP 8 9 1P 12 P Lp 13 498 o 198s \N WW 193 s 1p6 85 31 LEGEND —7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line Former Property Line Current Year Changes 11V Block Limit External Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 AcG Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 0 MAP: 30 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is f" = 425' o MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 56s 1P 243S CP 8 9 1P 12 P Lp 13 498 o 198s \N WW 193 s 1p6 85 31 LEGEND —7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line Former Property Line Current Year Changes 11V Block Limit External Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 AcG Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 0 MAP: 30 SCALE: 1" = 100' (When plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is f" = 425' o MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 30 $0 6 s FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. \ \ N 340s _ - ' \ NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District /V Building Footprint (1991-2009) Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number - 13 / 2.2 N N w \ 4.65 Ac C14 / - / �..� 2.33 Ac C / _ - 650 s -- ' 15 - 2.12 -Ac- C - 340s _ - - - ' - - \574\s \\ 16 0' CP2.79 Ac C ' O 1 \ N �G 196S \ 348s w \ 3 3.98 Ac C 21.56AcCG y I 32 Parcel Connector Property Line Former Property Line Current Year Changes Block Limit External Tax Map Block Number 18 \ r 3.87 Ac C N \ \ I I \ G 3a2y i I \ I tl \mG 19 7 ' I I I \ O I I 186s 112s i I / C) 350s �.. 2485 I � � a / 1 21 1.51 Ac 5 Ls v v cP I J \ N I I \ \ I 519 s -- 23 " - -- =--------------==r. -Acc 1 5 - " 2.75 Ac C \ N IS 24 \ 533S 1 25 N \ \ rn N v � 546S \ � tN 26 N 2.20 Ac C - -' 604s 6 N \ \ w�J, 2.45 Ac C / 28 2.50 Ac " 418 48S 257.6 29 1 Acw A N 2.32. Ac DISTRICTULYSSES TOWN ULYSSES Ov FIRE� \ -5427 248 H A 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number I Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage 147 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage I Deed Dimension 1.7AcC ' 317 _ I 6g4 s I;; -1 > \ " 1.3 i 2.3 Ac C \ N U' \ J . Gl \ � 6 - 1.2 \ 1.6 Ac C > 3 �\ \ 616s o >512CP s \ N 4--- -- - - rJr 4.2 Ac C ' \ r9 • / / � ul /1.37 Ac / 00 a 32 \ \` �g � �\ 1.71 Ac 0� '0 397.6, ' ( 7 � X\ 1q2? 1.04 Ac w 182.47 ' ' 321.23 0 A 0 1g \ - - - - ' 8.2 '°A \ �w 1.95 Ac \ 2 649.95 \l h 2.07 Ac C 317s \ ;� � I \ > /• \ -----_ _ ---5155-5------_ I -P 1P 10 - LO 326s /> 1.86 Ac C \ Nco \ N 533S N m 342 Sr N 12.2 \ \ 275 \ - I -' 13 i 2.2 J1 r 4.65 Ac C N - 332S 14 - 2.33 Ac C -- - 650 IS ' 2. rzas; -C� ' J , FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate deeds and surveys. \ \ N 340s _ - ' \ NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source represents a large number of records and originators of information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The end user of these maps agrees to accept the data "as is" with the full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District /V Building Footprint (1991-2009) Curb/Pavement Line Railroad Hydrography Special District Municipality Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number - 13 / 2.2 N N w \ 4.65 Ac C14 / - / �..� 2.33 Ac C / _ - 650 s -- ' 15 - 2.12 -Ac- C - 340s _ - - - ' - - \574\s \\ 16 0' CP2.79 Ac C ' O 1 \ N �G 196S \ 348s w \ 3 3.98 Ac C 21.56AcCG y I 32 Parcel Connector Property Line Former Property Line Current Year Changes Block Limit External Tax Map Block Number 18 \ r 3.87 Ac C N \ \ I I \ G 3a2y i I \ I tl \mG 19 7 ' I I I \ O I I 186s 112s i I / C) 350s �.. 2485 I � � a / 1 21 1.51 Ac 5 Ls v v cP I J \ N I I \ \ I 519 s -- 23 " - -- =--------------==r. -Acc 1 5 - " 2.75 Ac C \ N IS 24 \ 533S 1 25 N \ \ rn N v � 546S \ � tN 26 N 2.20 Ac C - -' 604s 6 N \ \ w�J, 2.45 Ac C / 28 2.50 Ac " 418 48S 257.6 29 1 Acw A N 2.32. Ac DISTRICTULYSSES TOWN ULYSSES Ov FIRE� \ -5427 248 H A 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage lood Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 50 0 100 0 oMMMI Feet North Z1 SCALE: 1" = 100' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: I JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the €, full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold 0 harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 14.2 inappropriate use of these maps. - 5.33 Ac C C" Ulysses Fire Protection District \ -------- //V 0 w O O : �,;' X1.5 �Q 465.69 N J 2.2 A Hydrography //V Current Year Changes N 2.51 Ac A 1 1 383s 12.1: o \ / 1979s O c - 8.2 O Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number N 206 s 11.60 Ac 0 o J'_,O i 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 r FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base TOWN map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the €, full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold 0 harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 14.2 inappropriate use of these maps. - 5.33 Ac C C" Ulysses Fire Protection District \ -------- //V 0 w Railroad O : �,;' X1.5 �Q 465.69 N J 2.2 A Hydrography //V Current Year Changes N 2.51 Ac A 1 1 383s 12.1: o \ / 1979s O c - 8.2 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number N 206 s 11.60 Ac 0 o J'_,O i 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base TOWN map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold 0 harmless the County for any damages that may result from an 14.2 inappropriate use of these maps. X, C° O 478s 5 ,9 32 ��T y �pP' N � _ J 1.63 Acs s98s ,Q _ _ ° 29 298.75 y 3 TF Sss :� � � N 3 r -_ --�., /` � 1 �51 � -1.5 � 3.89 Ac / -'3.1 3S 225 4S 1.13AcC ❑ V ��� P/O 2=4'-15.2 N 4.2Y 46.18 Ac C /"/, ', 45.37 Ac C ; v 49.02 Ac C G ;53.72 Ac ]G_; ° 1963s4.70 N N Ac C o 922s 5 E::] y L101 -' 16.2 ' /; / 14.65 Ac N ° < 9.72AcC`•1 217sC 'w 32 00 2.89 A �� 13:58 N 273 s / /' J 810 947 s 3p� g0 v N o 516 s 1547s s 73s 3.53AcC N S Z 2.1 13.6 p 914s ZO 30 N " - b`N 0 2y2S 11.20 Ac C /It L.3 N N 1 O Ln 9.74 Ac C �. `1'.48 Ac JABS 12.2 N N S 45.03 Ac C 14.90 AC C /- �4 0 IO z62s 96AcCG ; sF 1.25 Ac �1. 44 1.27 Ac it 274 s 1 s / 121 sM 231.14 426 S/� , �g s 69 242.45 s / ' cn1C1 cn Q rr 1 ( /, 32� ° s , A 8CO _Q13.24 44 s -- 5 1$ 3. 2 O m - / 119 s 164.2 2.82�AC J `° ✓ w N n C.3 AD � ^ s� L - 635.a4 RD N 64.76 ACG / Q 1575 s 552 S 400 wo N TS U, 3.24 °y N z6 S 3� 3.21 s in °D g6g J `n ° a3S a� 14.79 Ac 1 2 s / w , G�EN�1 3 3. � � /- N :6665Ac C - / 477s 730.30 N 0 2 27.24 Ac 10.75 N N Ac C 32.-1-12.2 W C / 50.97 Ac C 36.92 Ac C N �o 363S 9 63ss 2.00 ACS ULYSSES TOWN E IRE OF PROTECTION 15.2 ' TOWN o 2 AC Deed/Survey Acreage 1567s 1 363S 22 Grouped (Total) Acreage 23 779 s3.01 Ac C 100d cis 3? q s c-1 337.31 4'f 0 -` 14.2 T - 5.33 Ac C C" Ulysses Fire Protection District \ -------- //V 0 w Railroad ° : �,;' X1.5 �Q 465.69 N J 2.2 A Hydrography //V Current Year Changes N 2.51 Ac A 1 1 383s 12.1: o \ / 1979s c - 8.2 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number N 206 s 11.60 Ac 0 o J'_,O i 785.98- - 2-- rn A N G 3.24 15.1 N 3.24 606s 317s 2037s o` v, N 11.2LO - - - 23.90 Ac C 6.s C - - P/O 31.-1-3 2002s 17.10 Ac C CO 41 11.4 co 23.09 Ac - ---- - � 2148s 1449s 891 s 19- 30s �\ o � N / - 96.40 Ac L'. / N DISTRICT 0_1 43.1 9 63ss 2.00 ACS ULYSSES TOWN E IRE OF PROTECTION Previous Lot Number ' TOWN OF Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 22 Grouped (Total) Acreage 23 Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION LEGEND Ithaca city School District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) L -7 Parcel Connector Ulysses Fire Protection District \ Curb/Pavement Line //V Property Line Railroad : �,;' Former Property Line /\s/ Hydrography //V Current Year Changes 0 Special District Block Limit \ / Municipality External Tax Map 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number T Block Number L'. / N DISTRICT 0_1 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage 100d Deed Dimension 21 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North MAP: 32 SCALE: 1 " = 400' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is I" = 425' MAP REVISED: 1 -JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.40 Ac 27 28$5 \\ 26 6 ' o\ ROAD 6 CITY 506 5 2.67 Ac PERRY _ - ------ �64s 347s \ ROUTE 142 _ _ _ - 1286 s COUNTY �"'�'- 501 s � 478 s 7 s ; 381 44 150 s I co / 778.21 v ^' J / q.2 8 � Uri 6 N \ ,t4��s �II >>s ��9(�Ac C `J.1J �'/ ti 2.13 Ac C IN A 15.30 Ac C ^� 2 N 15.22 N 'I A N 2 IN 413 s P/O 27.-2'8.4 76 Fi 267.81 370.7 14.63 / Jco SCC(' N N 36.40 Ac C / 9 \ ITHACA CITY L DISTRICT 2 50 Aj C \ i 6.80 Ac N \ CENTRAL SCHOOL STRICT 1.3 i 1447 s � /" TRUM)(NSBURG i 164 s 172 ss 405 s 624.64 \ 21.08 Ac 514 �I -' 10 o ITHACA N N 10.3 ; �' J W - J w o1�7g 1599S w s\ N 17.64 Ac C N y172s 150 245.82 TRUMANSBURG-"/ N 2.03 Ae N O w N - 2.35 Ac 982.70 1.46 C ,-�`� 0 5s 45 9.1 �I W 2.17 Ac N 174s 998.57 20/AC C 'r ` 22g 10.1 N , \ 2.1 E / _ 10. 1.84 AC 1 14.58 Ac _ _ _ _ _ N II /,�2 12 FRANZI\SKK ROCKER TIN 1.73 AC 2825 i C _ N /' 28.50 Ac C CENSER 2 65 _ w 9 9.2 641.82 816.5 - / o L1 o III /= I 6935 ` / 6g6 / \'\ 7 N / 4.51 AC /" 135 > 6 /4.1'IINw 7.81 Ac ' p 5 N .73 ACI II 17j A 78.84 Ac C 5 32 ��� 2 _�"C co w rn co I 1p38 4 c � g 00 � / 100.90 Ac C G _ 15 1 4,.2 N N 42 Ac C 2p / 5 333s / 18 ° \ 1I 5.27 Ac /-/" i - 456` _ - - 'w 4.3 N 4985 N \ /L� / w 4.63 14.07 ACC 325.2 306s �,°5y / N4.62 - 46232 ° -914.61 4.08 AC 1.95 AG l 8.11 /" o �/ 3.23 AC �� 32918 w 426 A3 N \ 3.31 Ac N S G �� 13 62 .9 38'92 Ac 5.2 J O ' y°� O ��� °' 4.81 3 tQ 37 Ac 1.95 Ac N w g rn / � 5.56 AcJ' �0 ' ft O 118 s A3 °'� 315 g6 v 2 p 426 24 l2 >r A / 297.5 fps _ 61-1 2.20 10059 4.12 200.25 172 41 0216' o Co �� _ 2, Ac ��. N 3.11 N N � 29, 4.9 8.721 >` 200 59 4.82 A 8.2 r - I" �' , , �� 6 C�0 4.4 S w� w 1.4 ; 8.722 ` 08.8 0 u �4 p ti 3 s / W'� _ 0 4 Ac o w 1.57 Ac � 2 6 Ac o 16 207.91 0 i 171 s 936s 5 ' ' 5 / I 5.10 AC - " 143 �2 3.06 Ac - Ac, -4 1.61 AC 7.10AC ^a, 151.3; c Y 6. A o0°�;:' S J i - i o , , s / s o 344.28 5p 133.37 200 _ 2g9. �' Q9s S� . 9S 262.9 s 21 m 12.5 I m m , i ^ _ - - - - M� I- 306.5 171 - hA 20 1NO WU - C/ CO* per' O --____--- 210 P 250 339.9 r��1.34A o \ „ 6 Co 81 12 00 v, w 1.32 5. 1RC 177 s \ \\ / , a t/1 �� 200 200 T 8.62 �-, c�`5 � 271.7 �, , 4.71 4.73 4.1 7,15 Ac J6.0 3 - w p rn p8.61 ;' 3p9 CO ` \ _ l 33 307 s 6, N 16.2 °� N �` � ' ^ti3b X2-06 c C 3.95 4.72 ' 4.5 ^ 4.2 04:10 W p W A 3.09 Ac � �� . / N T - 6 1.22 C C 16.6 Ac 3.98 �h' 2.43 AC `° 2.09 x.49 Ac � / 11 Rv o 19.72 ACC N AC ° 3.12 2.82 Ac 3.06 AC Ac 0. 3.43 Ac N N I / W ro 744s gNsg R 1.50 AC 173 `- A 2.40 AC J / IA AC 413.18 218.5 210 249.3 150.1 629s 3. 1 G 6�2s 339 s 1 6,, �f -= / 1125 274.38 274.38 _ 365 / 3.05 AC bV 49(9 rn 7 W 174 s tig�s w 1629 s I / O w /; S;, 88 qo � N1'6.3 N - - - - 28 3.50 Ac °' 3��5 �= 1 .. . ' � 3.3 /: Bq = N 3B�S 3.12 Ac4ss 'ss 32 l Q 3.2 � /- � 4'600 99.0 s N � � i � ?00 � 14 S i i ' 222 \\ \1�� ,` \ I G \\ i n 14AcC H / 1.14 16.76�c `�- 6 2.2 coM ,s 5.:' S 0H " .06N ? 3sti3,, �'o 31 Ac 3 / " 4.83 AC 6 1C^� ao1s rn 6 \ - / 1.2025 ,S6 �o^' . \\ s - M J s ^1 s zn > 51 s 409.49 - s _ _ ° 3. 6 3 g I � 0095.1 6s�� %p s.1 .. k 360.58 _ 5 .. N �2 0 �'- �6 69 \ / J 34, ,AIN 3 9S ^1.1 Lo 1a 1 1.'x,92 - 5 W STq ; ,6, oo'''S '�; 100.30AcC (� � 421 s w�' T` ` s . 1 5 7, / �- " tLLJ I 3.312 900 ; � �6', � os ,, „�-_�- - \ ' / �_' 12 �- 8.45 Ac C s S ,,10.17 � 69s s ^1 1 100 Ac C '68s �� �, °1.193 \ 52.26 AC C ' ;1.1 y 11 l O co Cn J sSs o° D N ' A j N �T \ �� 1.194 x 861.12 297 5 A �a ��1.33 3 3, 13.12 \ Az „ 6S oA ti6s�`'^ 1.191 1,13.1 2.44 AC ------ UL 'SSE U 7.30'Ac 96 \ \'3sti 1 26 AC's CENTRAL N _ 2107 s _ _ _ �, I .. , � �6 2s TRUMANS$URG I o 6.71 AC 190. , _ _ - - - - - --•���'�-.:..�•�. �. 2�9 _ . 2) _367.16_ 311 s 735 s i - /,,\\ 1 �O H;iAnF177 , 3.2 s __-. 3 353 s 9 s 24 - COUNTY ROUTE 291 s 248 s 36 s '2s 4a9 a3 w c .N 1:67 Ac e \ s 3.2 3 2.�c2 A a 44.84 AC C I I V 22 135.35 411.83 130.76 Ac C G ��5 9ss ti° 2.18 Ac ��5 g.00 Ac o 14 I ti 5 2\ 5.76s X645 574 s / / N 2.80 Ac C N ` •711N , 4 - 6 3.48 AC \ \ \?S3s Rias 21tQ 578 5 rn N ") 6.68 Ac C- 17LO 4.60 AC ��o 5 ss4.00 AC / /; �' 6 AC C 2.70 AC C ----- Is, 5.34 Ac C N ' s 15 9�s L� 16 .7 533 g 5 26 533 s ( 60 ,s > I 150S 1 �4 6�e 11 ; 29 38 4.20 Ac �..� J ,/ /2.7 6Ac C 3i 249s 159 s �. � � 5.1 - 60 � � . _' �" SE'S 461 s N 3.4 N N - NAC 21 Ac I.�9 A� 19� 1 1,Ac "TOWN 1323 s OF U 7 Y w w / 3 % ` s 341 s 356 -n• .�.�� V I✓ DISTRICT N 1.20 Ac`s 24g s 199 s 150 s 150 150 364 s _ �E�.�-•_• ITHACA 249 s 159 s I 289 s ' TOWN OF L-- -- -_- - 902 s •�•'��'�•�•�• 'et£N SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District / \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/ Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Parcel Connector A/ This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base / / V map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 'et£N SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Building Footprint (1991-2009) Ithaca City School District Ulysses Fire Protection District / \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad �/ Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 43.1 LEGEND L -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line 5.6 Ac Former Property Line / / V Current Year Changes 18.50 Ac G Block Limit loos External Tax Map 0 Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage lood Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North 22 MAP: 33 SCALE: 1 " = 400' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: I JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 24 35 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 ROAD 0 CITY PERRY 199 s W jS/ 364s 0 142 005S q 181 s 199s 0 \ w 2.36ROUTE 924 s 3130 --- 573s `` 476sw 1�1 �2 311COUNTY ---------------- - w 121--836.26 I .` 2.09L.',I� w �A 1.32w00 s 90 s 110 149 s 199 s 0 285 200 `o w1.1 Q w 3.122_3.12 Ac � - W236s 168s 347 s % 244.22 N 1 I w 8.1 J J 99 Ac C Q- II I A CO A- ACC 3.6 03 0 0 0 00 0 G1065s 7.2 V I o y �s `` . 6� Q N cN, ; 350 s w 0 0 0 0 0 07.27 I M 3.44 Ac C 3 w 12 183s 199s 12.15 Ac C�24� � 7.2 7.21 p 2.93 Ac A 7.22 �.. 1 O 7.52 Ac. 3 A - 1 A 6., 21.05 13.1r .Iw 54 s N Ac 13.83 A I 22 's A 8.14 19.54 Ac C w 3.50 Ac G, s _ 125s - J 4 rJ .79 Ac Ac �� 5.40 Ac ----a 02 o, co 138.5 8 1 96 ` (�n- 21.63 Ac C G w 621.78 °D 4.87 w 285 200 w _ _ _'' 7.20 ACC ^` A5 �5 '`/� Ste, 1219.87 co 661.53 o w �' 1. N ii -- N aP S 5 w I 0 2 340 AC 2.0 1.7 205 s 199 s 17� 1.67 9 w a �SeL 74 w AC A C 1168 s 427 s 206AC C ^�h 237 w °as I w 12.00 AC j /` i a 633.08 O 8 1 h 248s 00 U ^moo sys " \ \ 1 oy 666 s o 2 I 3.123 j w co 2.1 6 �\ �' 1 s 5 .. �. " 13.2 910 i' 244.20 100s 94s4 s ------ O 39 ��' T ---" s q 16.50 Ac C �___/'-' 17.48 Ac C -----, 2.2 753 s °° ; ; ; z 2.33 W , 7 �' J\ A 8.4 i 8. S : 8.6' i Q v -i Ac .93 -Ac C 2�8 \ -- ,� % ``^^ -------1---X46'53 8.�, 8 2756 \M �t0 5 ��A 65 \.4 .fn 660 38.93 AC Lo 8.9 o S N 1.98 AC ��Q 3 1 2 0 ' Lo 265.46 `%\ _ _ 15.81 Ac 8.8 1.40 Ac C 0 o I N s , \ ?ss 1.70 �� 10 oo,oo 38 /, - - -) \ j 4'10.3'9 I c, 'I N 4.15 Ac C N 7.3 s6s : \, ST 7.92 A�',,,� �rcD 519 8.10 � 11.1; r o �a 4, o co w�.. 7.25 � o 13.2 w S w 5 5 `„ �'8 ' ,' '� 8 /= 124.00 Ac /;/ j y J1' AC C37w 1.23 6s '9.2M N j 138.90 Ac 3.50 Ac C 4 c. s mho 6 %' , ' s/1 15 Ac C � - ID co 1 Ac C 36� Ac 1.40 , % y 87 p N 5 ` I 516 s o s , - 1 Ac c 35 No s 7.21 / 9 ,,Ac 1 40 �� ° ` S Ac C i , C) 19.84/A s ' s II , 4,2 8 s 34 w2 Ace �.. \ s ,�C � 1 7 659.1 _ i�6s 7S y 8.� Ac _I s5za.51 Ac o 7 7 NIS 32 �_ -1 o 91 ti 7 n r l \ -----" 1.50 ACC � o7- 18 (A ( �b� co s w s ° ; =- - I C N .. 19 cD w 1s �% `� J 073 ��o, 5 9s^�2 r �. I (� 4 Ac C 0 3.93 C N 11.1 X83 �C 7773p Q It / , oy 3p7 7S S4 86 258. r im 1 711 s 10 s w 511 s 310 �� 722 178 4j�63 o�y N N; �.1 w N L0. t 646 s 1 s 10.01 Ac 3p -q � � 1.65 Ac 5 cps � 6 � `'' 20.2 w 5 \ 3 �\ ;0 �-= 3.90 Ac C El w 1.- 29.2 5�� 7.221 , N ° w -'I 2995 o s so rpy� �\ 2.02 AC D �" w a) /" 4 ' \ 29 465 s 185S w 4.47 ACC J N 5 Y08 s I 270S 7.77 AC C / 2433S \ w 21 cn N 891 / o M ^ 17 33 oo '�- 50 AC s 650S A o, 1 \ 23 1 .47 AC 636I� .4�'A�c C 7.222 w 1 12 -------..J 18 I 173 6 �; - \., co 1 � C. 361.956 ------------ I N \ 273 d N N 921 s 330s 5 Ac C 5.00 AC N N \ �° 25.2 N 24` � " c, 2.3 43 %� to a 1.32 Ac a 1.8 9 AC I �- . �.. I - - 15 490 s 1746 \ A c 42.E \ I 73.52 Ac C I \ I Q 25.1 1.9AcC i w 1441 s 423 s co c)o N 2 28 / w w ��� i I s N 26 �-� / I 1 1.21 C C 546.01 1456 s g7 s M I 227 s \ / 22.14 Ac 1261 s _175 s /-•'�I N 3.37 Ac C w `� 438s w \ 530s cI co ccoo co 1 6,89s cy m 42.Z ,•J w w 175s /'� I A w 377 s 331 s /' I I N' m W I Co / co co d) N 2.1 0 n N 2542s 175 s I' \ �, Ln l 29.2 III 520.5 d �45 s 3898 I P/O 33.-4-3.2 N \' J 30.27 Ac C co / 34.95 Ac C �I � \� � I i a /, 24,3-• 265 s ,�.. w W Oo 30 �J 27 25 N 2 f�89 AC N T - \ / 23.8 Ac 24.22 (o / \ 38.'0 - w I � 2.01 Ac w / // 45.56 Ac C 38 Ac C 6.00 Ac w I 27.2 0 �- - - 50o S X77 s ( 7.47 AC N 41 1 I % 258S m ° 11.69 AC ° r, �,'�p5 147 s 153 s 337s N s L N- /- - 0. 149 s `�� a,l w 38 0 105 s+ s w 0 N 5.74 !" N 29.1 23 co w , 21 ; 22 N 20:1 / ( J 431 Ac �; 3.07A % N 28 N 7.1 3126 N 2.82 ACw 135 w w 1.38 w1.4f w N 1.88 Ac C i�G� C I�I�ICT y w 40 ❑ w s 199 s❑ 199 s 274 s 175 s 20 s> c U q}� o p 104.06 _ wt 3.2 A� 125 ��2.00AC� 11_i'5�� ��4� I - -- - -- I w w N s 0 2� s_• 3.68 / 38.1 36 w 38. 321 s.._. RR ��• 38.6 38.7 ' m AC m w w 300s 148 s 144 s 150 s 151 s00` •�. - A C w w w w J 41 1 72 w 150 s 32 N R ULYSSES r,r,i iTC 177 508 s ".�.��.�•. ��.��.•r�.r•�■r��s��• c A 1.71 W Ac A 2.35 w p w s _ 176 s 3 w _ 1 1203 s w w ACC w •ACC 152 AC C'' ' - - �:�•�•�"�•� 1.72 ^ 1 51 Ac C 2a7 S _ _ 225 s , 1.11w ACC w 'I-4� TO YV 1� 654 s 200 s F 427 s - - - - - - w w w 1a9 s 294 s 262.41.•+ -.ter:•���•'�•�• x`3.9 ' Ac C l rJ 174 s 0 156 s 199 s 175 s ����.:0 _• ENFIELD w 0 6100 275 S �•�.�:��• ��""�� it VV 1V r 226 S w1 239 s 199 s ��•�•-��r� Ol-+ FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Property Line map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 43.1 LEGEND L -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line 5.6 Ac Former Property Line ' ^ / / V Current Year Changes 18.50 Ac G Block Limit loos External Tax Map T Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage lood Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0 Feet North MAP: 34 SCALE: 1 " = 400' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: I JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 1 24 142 _ ---- - - -- -- __ ------ 1,.,•,l ,-, __ - - - j ' ---------- Iv, 24 s_ COUNTYROUTE --- 1023.88 648s 378.9 4.3 W o a 170 dROAD - - --- - 580.84s zo'1 1.94 ALNA 1080.09 2.14 - �cn � 1�mc � 11CITY s159s 9s 909s 11 2.112 ��2131 In `3PERRY 496s 2 O s 209s 640s - ------ ---- - - - - C -- 1208s 2.21 4.71 Ac �.25AcC °°co z60 -- 362s --- 1 -- 975s ; n m LU 1 ;I 2.4� ACC \ N N 205N n N W I� / 1 //... 4.1 ,- 2 3 Cl) % ! N m y 5 11 J 1 .2 Ilii lil \ ACC ' 255.1 rO 1611 - N 196 - 150 J m 4.3 $ s w 21.7 Ac ; I \' 200 170 _. 225 s 205 " OZ / r--------1 rn w 24 s ' 2.2 \,. I ' / 4.2 205 G 13.90 Ac C F- 370, _ , I, - c0 _ � NO 8 I , N� \ J N I r l N 1.4 N N \: ` ^' 15.84 Ac C '' 2.31 4.1 � 1 r ;\ N P/O 24.-4-11.2 1 N 1 / 10.38 Ac C m 14 N 89 - w ; ; ; X48.77 Ac: W 4.90 Ac 1161 s 4.2 �' 27.39 Ac C �� \ 1 / 201- 2.111 305 ------- -- -- 197 - - - 25.42 Ac C \ 0, 1 ; / 4.1 350.8 1.22 19.30 Ac C ' p 547.8 z II � � � 980.37 ; •-----=---------' ip j _ O W 50.06 Ac C p 1 0 1 1 1 o /' 65.71 Ac C 388S 205 � o" rn U 1 1 0 2.32 t 9.01 Ac C 1.21 1.1 ' 1 1 • d; 2.3 578 948 ' \ / i - - Bp 166s 9.53 Ac C � 1 981.88 90 � `-�� ' N 4.1N-- \ 1 p 622s 781 5 - N 1.27 Ac / `J 5.3 911 - ' 482s 1.2 I 220S �'- a'w I ; 937s \-_r--� (nN 5.4 N �5222 _ ; 5. 1 Ac C 1 13.43 Ac C 9,138 Ac o --� /� 2.12 91 0 N 1124 s 1 "` = 1425 s L -- � .. 1664 s o 442s co025.87 \ I m i 564 s n 1537s �, � - -- - -- - Mo , . 5.12\. I 12.2 5.7 Ac 5 . 6944 Ac C \ .21 \ 1 z 74.3 Ac 2 - ' / M p 265 s- - M N 25.2 W N 1 34 O/---------------------------------; 619s m 1I -4 \ 25.10'[ - a. 89.98 Ac � � , , �-----_--�-__- - --1 ' 7.63 Ac % ; N N /' 102 Ac, 89.97 LO o 1 N fn 560s y / ! ! i> co ; 1 i X44 0 ' ' � N ;\ �; M 1 N 00 \ �2551� i C J 1.52 Ad - - 1 595s 905 \1045 s \ 1180S o 820s6.2 503s' N[� cNn m l 966 s 580.52 0 0 1:38 i .8 6.1 �l 6.23 Ac \ 6N Ac C 7.94 Ac 580 325 ' 5.221 a w 1 O \ ; I11 z3a - 0 7 2.57 Ac C N 3 41 821.41 8 2.14 A LO 2 c C \ 1496 s ° o O 92.56 Ac \ N co 1.91 0 o soy i 10 74 \ Ac C N 9.2 0 9.1 2.24 Ac 00 905 - p N I \ 7.1 N 22 N 22.66 Ac o 1 3 Ac C - N / 112.63 Ac N 1.54 N 19 904s g w Ac C 11 3.00 Ac N J J 1 24120 2 8 _ 58.20 Ac C 180 555.12 167.87 CD } 11 - 20.1,- o ( 1401.46 I � 111 cl .38 Ac 58.62 Ac N \` W 300 A2./ I J 241 l P CD W 304 s \ � 1 958 s 14 : A / 377- 16.112 16.1200 1497.7 d / I 39 ✓ 21.54 Ac U, 5.33 Ac`) 104s Cn 11.60 Ac � 175 s `\ I 175.23 d 1 1 o /i r- --- \ 761 s W7.3 N Ln o 1 8 CI 1 W 4a6.0a OD 75.3 1 5 o 1 3 N N 9.3 / \ - - W W 1 N 5.40 Ac C 5.20 Ac C 16.1 13 aoo N 1.38 1I 14.49 Ac C / C N 00 Cn ? 1 N N (T N _ Ac C N 9.2 N 8 � \ \ 7.2 CL _ a 1 20 6. 40 w 2.15 1 N 2 Ac o 2.16 Ac ROAD565 a21 169s 22a 28.28 Ac C 9.00 Ac \ \ N 9.71 Ac C Ac C W"' ' 376.07 IRA EL�oo 149.71 100 700.55 d 16�' I 378 s p�l���l 116686 285 2 0 �•��• / •�•�• /6o ULYSSES 386 - «�•�«' 812 s •'��•�:■�•�•�.ai«�.«��• 1417 s �iZ� �}.� tt�l.��.��.�.��:>s•�r•�•�. �-: OF 9 „. z J 1 / W \ 177 1024 s TOWN •�•'• �;:5':' ' - O . �• ENFIELD = , - 7,1'9 Ac C N ROUTE 660- E'[RF �`• COUNTY L'. s - TOWN - s•�. 2 FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base Property Line map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\� Hydrography Special District • Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 43.1 LEGEND L -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line 5.6 Ac Former Property Line ' ^ / / V Current Year Changes 18.50 Ac G Block Limit loos External Tax Map 0 Block Number 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage lood Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 0MMMI o Feet North MAP: 35 SCALE: 1 " = 400' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: I JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009 23 PERRY 1331 s ------ 164 175s N .35 c 5- 2.2 2 2 97 Ac -,G W Z `� I � 164 s \ a II I I w I�\� G, 338 d w 10 n I '2.52 Ac C j 318.82 s L---- Q Qr 2042.84 FO3�44 1, ,to,WU)5 AcIR DELL!1.82 i J 825s A 0 Vl CITY 496s I4 20.00 Ac 506s 1 1340s 7 223.93 Ac C 349.99 Ac C G 2193S 2176S `r I \ 'I \ -� F L, ❑ \ I I `\ w I I w .r I I N I' I' CD III IW- i II I 1734.48 NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY I A/ This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base ' ^ / / V map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. 00 N end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the 109 Ac full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. I' I� I' I' I' I' 1 603 s N \ N I' rn Icoco 433s I' 9.3 N i 7.88 Ac II N '-------- -- - -• � I 9.2 600.61 47.94 Ac 9.4 Ln U, 7.13 Ac o I' I' - - 2568S - --_�.�.�•�••s+�'.+.'��• 1734.48 600.30 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District • Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 2503S COUNTY 1 114.75 Ac 3111 s 9 122AcC 3092S 8.2 119.21 Ac C 80 �,' 500 A,`\, 8.1 W TOWN ULYSSES _--x:83 Ac- C 8 3, COUNTY 80• 600 �:�•.r�'�'.�.�•■.�.�• NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY Parcel Connector A/ This map represents a compilation of graphical and textual NOT TO BE USED FOR CONVEYANCE information from deeds and surveys, a digital planimetric base ' ^ / / V map, and digital conversion of hand -drawn mylar maps. Errors All tax maps are referenced to the New York State Plane Central Coordinate and omissions can occur from each of these sources; each source System using the 1983 North American Datum. Property lines have been represents a large number of records and originators of registered to 1991-92 Tompkins County Digital Planimetric Base Map, information. As a practical matter, the County does not warrant and, as a result, dimensions and acreages may vary from legal descriptions. the accuracy or completeness of the information protrayed. The "as For complete legal descriptions or conveyances, please refer to the appropriate end user of these maps agrees to accept the data is" with the deeds and surveys. full knowledge that errors and omissions may exist, and to hold harmless the County for any damages that may result from an inappropriate use of these maps. 600.30 SPECIAL DISTRICT INFORMATION Trumansburg Central School District Ulysses Fire Protection District 0 Building Footprint (1991-2009) \ Curb/Pavement Line Railroad /\�/ Hydrography Special District • Municipality 91 6-1-3 Military Tract/Watkins & Flint Lot Number 2503S COUNTY 1 114.75 Ac 3111 s 9 122AcC 3092S 8.2 119.21 Ac C 80 �,' 500 A,`\, 8.1 W TOWN ULYSSES _--x:83 Ac- C 8 3, COUNTY 80• 600 �:�•.r�'�'.�.�•■.�.�• 23 ROUTE 142 ------------- _ _ _----------------- - 2051s ----- 614s ------- 457s II I' l I' I' I' 2 N 9.11 Ac N 3.2 611 s 3.1 � 69.05 Ac C 15.62 Ac 2056S 456S N z a 24 2 A A 4 j 93.90 Ac / W / J O l -. 36 ao 2533s / W W / �Ln LnN 5 20 60.00 Ac TZI 997s 1543s 1 rn w N � l 76 0 A 00 35.00 Ac N 25.00 Ac z O U FIRI',` p' 1530 s ULYSSE 177 OF 1� i ,+ TOWNROUTE 1025 s,�.•�.-.�•�-.�..-�•� TOWN .:�•-•�-• TE 1025 S ENFIELD 43.1 LEGEND L -7 Parcel Connector A/ Property Line 5.6 Ac Former Property Line ' ^ / / V Current Year Changes 18.50 Ac G Block Limit loos External Tax Map 0 Block Number 23 ROUTE 142 ------------- _ _ _----------------- - 2051s ----- 614s ------- 457s II I' l I' I' I' 2 N 9.11 Ac N 3.2 611 s 3.1 � 69.05 Ac C 15.62 Ac 2056S 456S N z a 24 2 A A 4 j 93.90 Ac / W / J O l -. 36 ao 2533s / W W / �Ln LnN 5 20 60.00 Ac TZI 997s 1543s 1 rn w N � l 76 0 A 00 35.00 Ac N 25.00 Ac z O U FIRI',` p' 1530 s ULYSSE 177 OF 1� i ,+ TOWNROUTE 1025 s,�.•�.-.�•�-.�..-�•� TOWN .:�•-•�-• TE 1025 S ENFIELD 43.1 Parcel Lot Number 3 12 Previous Lot Number A 3 Subdivision Lot Number 5.6 Ac Deed/Survey Acreage 2.11 Ac C Computed Acreage 18.50 Ac G Grouped (Total) Acreage loos Scaled (Calculated) Acreage lood Deed Dimension TOWN OF ULYSSES TOMPKINS COUNTY, N.Y. 200 0 400 00009 o Feet North MAP: 36 SCALE: 1 " = 400' (when plotted on Arch D Media) 11 x 17" (47%), scale is 1" = 425' MAP REVISED: I JULY -2009 MAP PRINTED: 1 -JULY -2009