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Ulysses Updates for 11/3/23
1 message
Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 3:54 PM
Reply-To: ulysses.clerk@gmail.com
To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com>
Hello Ulysses,
See this week’s updates below and enjoy your weekend!
Update from Supervisor Olson
Drinking Water Protec on Survey
Skywarn Weather Spo er Training
Community Forum on Israel/Pales ne
Elec on Informa on
Public Hearings & Special Mee ngs
East Shore Dr. Pedestrian & Bike Study
Facebook page
Dog Census
Those weren't goose feathers falling on Wednesday! As always, I'm apprecia ve to our Town Highway Department for
keeping all of us safe on the roads.
At the last Town Board mee ng (10/24/23), we approved the conversion of the Highway Department into a
Department of Public Works, which will con nue to be led by elected Highway Superintendent Sco Stewart. We took
this step to right-size the department to work already being performed, par cularly service to our Jacksonville water
users (Water District 3).
A quick reminder that the Town will be hos ng a Public Information Session on the proposed recrea on land
acquisi on on Thursday, November 9th from 6:30-8pm at the Trumansburg Fire Hall. Ques ons can be submi ed in
advance through Wednesday, November 8th (email clerk@townofulyssesny.gov) or submi ed when you arrive. Join
via Zoom or in person at 74 W. Main St., Trumansburg NY 14886 , and we will post the video a erwards on the
Town's YouTube page.
Here are some new ques ons I've received recently about the land acquisi on:
How has the assessed price of property changed in Ulysses over me?
Property assessment is handled for Ulysses by the Tompkins County Department of Assessment.
Any property owner in Ulysses can a est that the assessed value of homes in Ulysses has increased significantly in the
last decade.
In 2015, the average home in Ulysses was assessed for $165,000, and in 2023 that same average home is assessed for
This reflects an increase in the average home price assessment of $73,000 or 44%.
In comparison, in 2015 the assessed value of vacant farmland per acre in Ulysses was $4,000 and has increased 0%
according to the Tompkins County Department of Assessment.
Very li le in the United States has not increased in value since 2015. According to the US Department of Labor, infla on
rates between 2015 and 2023 increased 31.699%, making nearly everything more expensive
What is the difference between an assessment and an appraisal?
Both assessments and appraisals are useful real estate tools, and frequently are different from one another.
A property assessment is calculated by the Tompkins County Tax Assessor's office and is the property they think reflects
value. According to Tompkins County Assessor Jay Franklin (per the Department email sent to the public on 10/20/23),
one responsibility of his office is "to maintain an equitable assessment roll by ensuring all proper es [in a municipality]
are assessed at a uniform ra o of market value."
In comparison, the Consumer Financial Protec on Bureau (a federal government en ty), describes the purpose of an
appraisal is to "give you useful informa on about the property. It describes what makes it valuable and may show how
it compares to other proper es in the neighborhood."
Mul ple reasons exist for why the neither the Town of Ulysses nor New York State are required to use the assessed
value of a property instead of the appraised value to determine a purchase price. One is because appraised values can
be more precise and reflec ve of market condi ons in a par cular part of a municipality instead of the municipality as a
single en ty. (i.e. One neighborhood may be more desirable--and therefore have a higher appraised value--than
another to purchase or develop property.)
A second important reason is because tax assessors are employed by the government. Indeed, the Fi h Amendment to
the US Cons tu on declares "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensa on." (The
Town is not taking land by eminent domain, but the same general concept applies that the government should pay a
fair price for land.)
If a government is purchasing land, it makes sense to have someone other than a government employee determines
the value. Third party appraisals allow both the government buyer and the private property owner to understand that
they are receiving an unbiased evalua on of the fair market value of a property.
Is it common for assessments and appraisals to be different?
It is common for property appraisals and assessments to be different in areas where proper es are hard to find to
purchase and where demand exceeds availability. (Talk to any realtor opera ng in Ulysses if you want more informa on
on that.)
For instance, in 2022 Camp Barton was assessed by the government for $3.65 million, yet appraised by a third-party
appraiser in 2022 for $5.05 million. This higher number was what New York State is paying for the property. (The Town
of Covert has the same appraiser as the Town of Ulysses.) This difference in valua on reflected a 38% increase in
perceived value between the assessed value and the appraised value.
Ul mately, property owners have the right to sell their property for what the market will bear, while the Town of
Ulysses and New York State are bound to not spend more than the value determined by an independent third party.
This is to make sure that the public is ge ng a fair deal for any purchase.
How is your drinking water? We want to know!
All Ulysses residents (outside the Village of Trumansburg) will receive a postcard in the next 10 days with a link to a
Drinking Water Survey. The Town of Ulysses is encouraging everyone to use this survey to describe where they get their
water from, and any problems with its’ quan ty or quality, such as taste, color, or odor. Paper copies of the survey will
also be available at the Town Hall or you can go directly to the online survey at https://arcg.is/1DO1TT0. Responses
are requested by November 22.
The informa on will be a cri cal element in developing a comprehensive Water Source Protec on Plan that will ensure
sustainable drinking water resources throughout Ulysses in the coming years. A generalized summary of the Survey
results will be presented at a Workshop in early 2024, along with useful guidance such as how to protect groundwater
wells and filter systems for improving drinking water quality.
For more informa on, you can contact the Ulysses Source Water Protec on Plan Commi ee by emailing Linda Liddle,
WSPPC Chair liddlela@verizon.net. Informa on about the Drinking Water Source Protec on Plan project and updates
are posted on the Commi ee’s webpage at https://townofulyssesny.gov/boards/wsppc-source-water-protection-
When: Tuesday, November 14th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Where: Tompkins County Dept. of Emergency Response
92 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Objective: To train storm spo ers about winter storms and what to report to the Na onal Weather Service (NWS) and
Emergency Management rela ng to snow, ice, rain, and flooding.
Topics Include: Informa on on SKYWARN and its goal, the NWS mission and the importance of spo ers and ground
truth reports and examples of how spo ers can help forecasters warn the public; winter weather hazards, winter
weather terminology, winter storms including snowstorms, blizzards, lake effect snow, rainstorms, flooding and ice
storms, winter weather and flood safety, how to get winter weather informa on and procedures for repor ng snowfall,
ice, flooding and rainfall to the NWS.
Who Should Attend: Individuals who are interested in becoming SKYWARN weather spo ers, feeding valuable
informa on to the Na onal Weather Service. SKYWARN spo ers are independent of any government agency and are
not by defini on “Storm Chasers.” The class is free and open to everyone. No age requirements or previous training is
For More Information and to Register: https://weather.gov/bgm/outreachSKYWARNtraining.
Cornell University Professor Ross Brann will speak about “The Origins and Ramifica ons of the Current Crisis in
Israel/Pales ne” on Tues., November 14th at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall (69 East Main St.). Dr. Brann teaches a course
on this topic and has won the highest teaching award that Cornell offers. He will address the following ques ons: What
condi ons preceded the current crisis? What prompted the current war at this me? What might things look like when
it is over? Is there any hope for the future of these two peoples? Come learn about this important topic and have your
ques ons answered. This event is free.
For the Town’s Special Elec on on 12/6 but also for the 11/7 General Elec on, specifically at the West Hill Community
Church polling site. Call TC Board of Elec ons at (607)274-5522 or visit https://tompkinscountyny.gov/boe/pollworker
for more informa on.
· Early voting through Sun. 11/5
· Sample ballot
· Absentee ballots:
o Nov 6- Last day to apply in person
o More informa on at https://tompkinscountyny.gov/boe/absentee
(View details for all on Town’s calendar)
Thursday, Nov. 9 - Public Informa on Session on Recrea on Land Acquisi on, 6:30-8pm
Friday, Nov. 10 – Town offices closed for Veterans Day
The Town of Ithaca Planning Department invites anyone interested to a end the East Shore Drive pedestrian and
bicycle safety corridor open house with engineering consultants Barton & Loguidice at the Boynton Middle School
cafeteria on Wed., November 15th from 5:45-7:15 pm. The engineers will share informa on on and display schema c
alterna ve plans for NYS Route 34 between Boynton Middle School and the Ithaca Youth Bureau (James L. Gibbs Dr.).
This project is developing a feasibility study for a capital project to improve the safety for pedestrians and bicyclists and
develop designs to link exis ng mul -use trail infrastructure on approximately 700’ of East Shore Drive (NYS-34)
between Boynton Middle School (N. Cayuga Street) and the Ithaca Youth Bureau (James L. Gibbs Dr.) This is a key
corridor providing an important link to Stewart Park and the Cayuga Waterfront Trail for walkers, joggers, and cyclists of
all ages and from various City of Ithaca neighborhoods, as well nearby Town of Ithaca and Village of Cayuga Heights
neighborhoods. The corridor is also an important and busy transporta on route for cars and trucks, including the
loca on of on- and off-ramps for NYS-13 with access to NYS-34.
For more informa on, visit https://www.town.ithaca.ny.us/east-shore-drive-pedestrian-and-bicyclist-safety-
Visit our Facebook page and share with your friends! The goal of the page is to share useful and important informa on
with a wider audience, but not to engage in dialogue on that pla orm. As always, please stop in, call, or e-mail with any
ques ons or concerns on municipal issues.
Follow our page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550846207662
The town is conduc ng a town-wide dog census and needs your help...
· If you DO NOT have a dog, please respond at https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9 so that we can
eliminate you from our mailing list.
· If you DO have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at
https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with rabies/spay
informa on.
Any dogs found to be unlicensed a er the census period will be assessed a $25 fee in addi on to the usual licensing
fees. For informa on, contact the clerk’s office at ulysses.clerk@gmail.com or call (607)387-5767 ext. 221.
Thanks for your help!
If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit
PLEASE NOTE: Please update my address to ulysses.clerk@gmail.com as I am not receiving messages at other addresses at
this time. Thx
Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk)
Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg NY 14886
(607)387-5767, ext. 221
Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment)
Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here.
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