HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-13 newsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com> Ulysses Updates for 10/13/23 1 message Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 4:16 PM To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com> Hello Ulysses, See this week’s updates below and enjoy your weekend! IN THIS WEEK’S ULYSSES NEWSLETTER: Update from Supervisor Olson Elec�on Informa�on Public Hearings & Special Mee�ngs Water District 3 Service Interrup�on Community Day at Library Construc�on at Village Grove No or Low-Cost Breast Cancer Screening Habitat Nature Preserve Walk Facebook page Free Rabies Vaccina�on Clinic Dog Census UPDATE FROM TOWN SUPERVISOR OLSON: Happy fall Friday! On Tuesday, the Town Board scheduled a special elec�on for determining whether the Town will purchase 30 acres for recrea�on purposes. The public will have the opportunity to vote on Wednesday, December 6 from 11am-8pm. There will be two polling places: Village Hall and Racker. Informa�on about the property acquisi�on proposal, as well as lots of informa�on about the process and our Frequently Asked Ques�ons document (answering 32 different ques�ons) is available here. The Town is requiring personal registra�on, which essen�ally means you need to be registered in advance of December 6. Anyone already registered with the Tompkins County Board of Elec�ons is already registered to vote on December 6. The Town will also be holding dates (TBD) when anyone eligible who is not already registered with Tompkins County Board of Elec�ons can register for the Town Elec�on. More informa�on on that process will be shared in the coming weeks, as well as other details including how to request an absentee ballot. Unsure if you're already registered to vote? You can check your registra�on status with Tompkins County here. Now is also a good �me to make a plan for vo�ng in the General Elec�on on Tuesday, November 7th. A sample ballot for Ulysses voters is available here. Vo�ng is the bedrock of our democra�c process, and I encourage you to par�cipate in this vital process! Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 10/13/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 1 of 4 10/13/2023, 4:16 PM ELECTION INFORMATION: POLL WORKERS NEEDED: For the Town’s Special Elec�on on 12/6 but also for the 11/7 General Elec�on, specifically at the West Hill Community Church polling site. Visit https://tompkinscountyny.gov/boe/pollworker for more informa�on. GENERAL ELECTION 11/7/23: �Early voting information �Sample ballot �Deadline for changes of address- Oct. 23 �Deadline for new Voter Registra�on- Oct. 28 �Absentee ballots: o Oct. 23- Last day for board of elec�ons to RECEIVE applica�on for Absentee Ballot or le�er of applica�on by mail or online portal o Nov 6- Last day to apply in person o More informa�on at https://tompkinscountyny.gov/boe/absentee PUBLIC HEARINGS & SPECIAL MEETINGS: (View details for all on Town’s calendar) Tuesday, Oct. 17- Planning Board mee�ng, 7pm Tuesday, Oct. 24 – Special Town Board Mee�ng, 6pm Tuesday, Oct. 24- Public Hearing on 2024 Preliminary Budget, 7pm Tuesday, Oct. 24 – Regular Town Board Mee�ng, 7pm Wednesday, Oct. 25 - Three Falls LDC/New York State Parks Informa�onal Mee�ng on Camp Barton, 7pm Thursday, Nov. 9 - Public Informa�on Session on Recrea�on Land Acquisi�on, 6:30-8pm Friday, Nov. 10 – Town offices closed for Veterans Day WATER DISTRICT 3 SERVICE INTERRUPTION: Town of Ulysses Water District 3 customers (Jacksonville area) should be prepared for a water interrup�on of up to 4 hrs. some�me during business hours on Oct. 18, 19, or 20th due the NYS Dept. of Transporta�on Perry City Rd. culvert project. More informa�on will be shared as it is received. Thank you for your understanding. COMMUNITY DAY AT LIBRARY Community Day will be a gathering and celebra�on of organiza�ons that serve the Town of Ulysses and Village of Trumansburg. Representa�ves of those organiza�ons will be providing informa�on about what they do and what opportuni�es they have for folks to get involved and give back to their communi�es. We’ll have coffee, snacks, and ac�vi�es for kids to enjoy. This event is for all ages, and we’re especially hoping that teens looking for community service/volunteer opportuni�es will come out and connect with these groups. This event will benefit the community by connec�ng our next genera�on of civically engaged ci�zens with the people and groups that are currently doing great work, ensuring that our culture of service and community involvement lives on. We at the library were inspired to host this event as a part of The Great Give Back (https://thegreatgiveback.org/) an ini�a�ve created in Suffolk County which has now spread across the state, in which libraries coordinate service-oriented experiences within their communi�es. Groups in a�endance will include the Trumansburg Rotary, Trumansburg Food Pantry, Trumansburg Fire Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 10/13/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 2 of 4 10/13/2023, 4:16 PM Department, The Gemm Shop, Cayuga Nature Center, Ulysses Historical Society, and more! Community Day takes place on Saturday October 21st from 11 am – 1 pm. All are welcome! CONSTRUCTION AT VILLAGE GROVE (46 SOUTH ST): Construc�on has commenced at Village Grove, the newest Ithaca Neighborhood Housing (INHS) development in the Village of Trumansburg. The project will consist of 46 total rental units- 40 in the two-story building and two townhomes with three units in each- and will be home to the Trumansburg Community Nursery School. The project is slated to be completed in December 2024. The project was awarded $500,000 from NeighborWorks America to help support the construc�on of ten Community Housing Trust (CHT) for-sale townhomes that will be purchased by low-to moderate-income first-�me homebuyers. In this shared equity model, the homebuyer purchases the home, and the CHT owns the land, making it affordable for the homeowner. NO- OR LOW-COST BREAST CANCER SCREENING: The Lourdes “Mammo on the Move” Mobile Mammography Van will be at Tompkins County Whole Health, 55 Brown Rd., Ithaca, on Thursday, October 26th, from 10am-6pm. Call 607-798-5723 to set up your appointment �me or register online. You are eligible to use the van for breast screening if: �you are age 40 or older; �you have no current breast health problems or symptoms; �you have no history of breast surgery, or you had a biopsy over 1 year ago with benign results & no further problems. You do not need to be a Lourdes pa�ent. Your results can be sent to the healthcare provider of your choice. Insured and uninsured welcome! No referral needed. To find out if you are eligible for low-or no- cost screenings, call the Cancer Services Program: 607-758-5523. If you would like to learn more about health insurance op�ons, dial 211 to speak with a Health Insurance Navigator or make an appointment online. Learn more about breast and other cancer screenings, preven�on and resources online at: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/index.htm HABITAT NATURE PRESERVE WALK In 2018, the Town of Ulysses acquired 30 acres of secondary growth forest off of Salo Drive, now known as the Habitat Nature Preserve. This site has a mixture of na�ve and invasive plants, diverse trees, and mul�ple fungal communi�es which several bird, mammal and rep�le species call home. Join naturalists Marc Devokai�s and Marvin Pri�s from 9-10:30am on Saturday, Oct. 14 for an explora�on of this ever-changing habitat and learn to iden�fy some of the species that exist in our town. Park at the farmer's market and walk to the trail head at 23 Salo Drive, Trumansburg NY 14886. Please RSVP to ulysses.clerk@gmail.com. FACEBOOK PAGE: The Town now has a Facebook page. The goal of the page is to share useful and important informa�on Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 10/13/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 3 of 4 10/13/2023, 4:16 PM with a wider audience, but not to engage in dialogue on that pla�orm. As always, please stop in, call, or e-mail with any ques�ons or concerns on municipal issues. Follow our page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550846207662 FREE RABIES VACCINATION CLINICS: New York State requires all cats, dogs, and ferrets to have their first rabies vaccina�on between 3 and 4 months of age. Since this is required by law, we hold rabies clinics throughout the year to ensure you are able to keep your pets protected. PRE-REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED. �Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023 �Time: 11:00 AM–2:00 PM �Where: TCAT Bus Garage, 737 Willow Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850. NOTE: This is a drive-through clinic so you must remain in your vehicle. For more informa�on, visit https://tompkinscountyny.gov/health/rabies#clinics DOG CENSUS- STILL TIME TO LICENSE YOUR DOG: The town is conduc�ng a town-wide dog census and needs your help... �If you DO NOT have a dog, please respond at https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9 so that we can eliminate you from our mailing list. �If you DO have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with rabies/spay informa�on. Any dogs found to be unlicensed a�er the census period will be assessed a $25 fee in addi�on to the usual licensing fees. For informa�on, contact the clerk’s office at ulysses.clerk@gmail.com or call (607)387-5767 ext. 221. Thanks for your help! ### If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit https://groups.google.com/g/town-of-ulysses -- Best, Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk) Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 (607)387-5767, ext. 221 Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment) https://townofulyssesny.gov/ Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here. Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 10/13/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 4 of 4 10/13/2023, 4:16 PM