HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-23 newsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>
Ulysses Updates for 6/23/23
Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 4:03 PM
To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com>
Hello Ulysses,
See updates for this week below and enjoy your weekend!
Update from Supervisor Olson
Bee House Building
NYS Health Insuarnce Info
Library Summer Programs
Dog Census
NYS DEC Updates
The Town of Ulysses recognizes that child care is expensive and summer coverage can be a very difficult
cost for our families. We applied for support to subsidize these childcare costs for 2023 through our
popular summer camp program to help reduce the burden.
Thanks to the generous support of the Tompkins County Legislature, par�cularly our representa�ve,
Legislator Anne Koreman, the Ulysses Recrea�on Department is happy to announce that there are
scholarships for eligible campers. This one-�me funding is available through the Tompkins County COVID
relief funds.
Scholarships are for income-eligible Tompkins County resident campers and will be provided via
reimbursement of par�al or all summer camp fees, including field trips.
Tompkins County residents who are at or below the 300% poverty rate are eligible for this support.
Please see the income to family size chart on the applica�on for eligibility details.
Informa�on has already been submi�ed to families enrolled in summer camp, but we do s�ll have
spaces available for the first week of camp, star�ng July 3.
Regardless of what week your campers are a�ending, we are asking that all applica�ons are returned
by June 30th. This is a reimbursement scholarship, and registra�on in summer camp is required in
advance of reimbursement.
How to apply for the scholarship:
Complete the applica�on, which includes uploading proof of residency. The applica�on can be found on
the memberships tab on the homepage of the RecDesk site: https://ulysses.recdesk.com/Community
/Membership. Please select NO FEE prior to filling out the applica�on, there is no applica�on fee for the
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I s�ll have ques�ons, who should I contact?:
Further ques�ons should be sent to: ulyssesrecreation@gmail.com
Happy Na�onal Pollinator Week! The Town's Bee Friendly Community Commi�ee will hold a bee house
build and seed ball construc�on event at the Trumansburg Library from 10am- 12 noon on Saturday,
June 24. All are welcome to this free event. Help our na�ve bee popula�ons by se�ng out safe places
to live and reproduce, and by providing na�ve plants for them to forage on.
Folks who have health insurance through New York State of Health (NYSOH), such as Essen�al Plan,
Medicaid, and Child Health Plus, may need to update and renew their health insurance applica�ons so
that they do not lose health insurance coverage and/or or experience a lag in coverage. Call 2-1-1 or
(1-877-211-8667) to make an appointment If you have Medicaid, Essen�al Plan or Child Health Plus,
beginning in May 2023, you might need to renew.
During the pandemic, people who had health insurance through (NYSOH) had their
applica�ons automa�cally renewed, but this has come to an end. Tompkins County Human Services
Coali�on navigators Liz Hoyt (ehoyt@hsctc.org), and JD Drader (jdrader@hsctc.org), can walk people
through the process of upda�ng and renewing their health insurance applica�ons, as well as ge�ng
those who do not have health insurance, connected to health insurance. They can also help people with
health insurance challenges they face even if they have private health insurance.
Health Insurance Navigators can help you:
�Understand your insurance op�ons
�Complete an applica�on
�Renew Health Insurance
�Find out eligibility for free or low cost plans
�Make changes to your plan if your situa�on changes
Summer Reading Program
Star�ng July 5th, youth age birth to 18 can register for the program and earn a free book to keep.
Throughout the summer, youth can report to us what they are reading by drawing or wri�ng about a
book they read. Each �me they submit a reading report they will earn another book! (While supplies
last; please limit to one report per child per week).
All of the reading reports will be counted toward our Community Reading Goal of 1,000 books!
Grown-ups, we’ll have a reading challenge for you, too – with some fun prizes!
And that’s not all! Check out our program calendar for informa�on on all of the free programs we will
be hos�ng this summer, both inside and outside of the library.
The town is conduc�ng a town-wide dog census and needs your help...
�If you DO NOT have a dog, please respond at https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9 so
that we can eliminate you from our mailing list.
�If you DO have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at
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https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with
rabies/spay informa�on.
Any dogs found to be unlicensed a�er the census period will be assessed a $25 fee in addi�on to the
usual licensing fees. For informa�on, contact the clerk’s office at ulysses.clerk@gmail.com or call
(607)387-5767 ext. 221.
Thanks for your help!
If you have taken a Hunter Educa�on, Bowhunter Educa�on, or Trapper Educa�on cer�fica�on course
but s�ll want some hands-on training…
DEC's Hunter Educa�on Program now offers Next Step Courses
Firearms (rifle or shotgun) – learn about different types of rifles or shotguns, hands-on instruc�on in
safe firearm handling and safe zones of fire, loading and unloading rifles or shotguns, shoo�ng posi�ons
and stances, and target prac�ce on the range;
Crossbow and Archery – learn about the parts of a crossbow or bow, how to hunt safely with a crossbow
or bow, how to shoot a crossbow or bow, and target prac�ce on the range; and
Trapping (water trapping or land trapping) and fur handling courses – learn safe, efficient, and humane
trapping techniques for various furbearers trapped in the water (e.g., beaver, muskrat) or on land (e.g.,
coyote, raccoon), how to process furs and the equipment needed to do so, and how to use the furs
including preparing them for market.
All Next Step courses are free, but registra�on is required. Supplies and equipment are provided by
course instructors so students do not have to bring their own. Those interested will need their hunter or
trapper educa�on cer�ficate number to register. The minimum age to take a Next Step course is 12.
There is no cer�fica�on offered with these courses.
To learn what Next Step courses are being offered, and to register, visit DEC’s website. Since these
are new courses, availability may be limited. Hunters and trappers are encouraged to check back o�en as
courses will con�nuously be added.
If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit
Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk)
Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg NY 14886
(607)387-5767, ext. 221
Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment)
Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here.
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