HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-19 newsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com> Ulysses Updates for 5/19/23 Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>Fri, May 19, 2023 at 3:03 PM To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com> Hello Ulysses, See updates for this week below. IN THIS WEEK’S ULYSSES NEWSLETTER: Update from Supervisor Olson Youth Employment Library Programs Dog Census Community Forum on Mental Health Svcs Water Service on Route 96 Sep�c & Well Maintenance Workshop Help Distribute Opioid Se�lement Funds TCAT Summer Service Water Quality Report Fairground Maintenance UPDATE FROM TOWN SUPERVISOR KATELIN OLSON The Town was delighted to welcome our local Girl Scouts (Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadets) to Town Hall on Saturday, May 13 to clean up our gardens from the winter and plant flowers recommended by the Ulysses Bee Commi�ee. Thank you for your service to Ulysses! As always, the public is encouraged to a�end our regular Town Board mee�ng on Tuesday, May 23 at 7pm at Town Hall. The mee�ng packet and Zoom informa�on is available here. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT DEADLINE: The Town of Ulysses is now accep�ng applica�ons for the Summer 2023 Youth Employment Program for Trumansburg/Ulysses area teens aged 14+ who are first �me job seekers. Those hired will earn NYS minimum wage at a local business or organiza�on job site including Taughannock State Park, the Trumansburg Library, Trumansburg Village Office, Trumansburg/Ulysses Summer Recrea�on Program, Wide Awake Bakery, Sweet Land Organic Farm, and more. Youth who’d like to par�cipate should complete the application, and a parent or guardian will need to fill out the parental consent form by May 20. Youth will par�cipate in a brief ini�al interview in late May or early June, followed by an interview by a poten�al employer. If hired, work will begin a�er comple�on of necessary paperwork and an orienta�on session to be held in late June or early July. Unfortunately, there may not be enough jobs available for all applicants, so filling out the applica�on does not guarantee a job. A wait-list will be kept for those that are not placed this year. Contact Youth Employment Program Coordinator Rachel Kennedy at rkennedy@townofulyssesny.gov Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 5/19/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 1 of 4 10/5/2023, 12:19 PM with ques�ons. LIBRARY PROGRAMS: Visit https://trumansburglibrary.org/UPL/ or call 607-387-5623 for more informa�on. Ar�st Talk Thursday May 25th at 1 pm Deborah Jones will give an ar�st talk in the Melvin Community Room. Hear about her process and inspira�on, and view her work on display! Chair Yoga Mondays 12-1 pm May 22 – June 5 & 12 – July 10, 17, 24 & 31 Join Caryn Sheckler for gentle yoga and stretching postures to improve your balance and flexibility. All moves will be seated or standing close to a chair for support. Before beginning any new exercise program, please consult your doctor. No registra�on necessary, free for everyone. Jumpstart your Crea�vity! Tuesdays June 6th, 13th, and 27th; 7:00-8:30pm Ready to start a new crea�ve project? Have a story idea but need help ge�ng going? Trumansburg author Rebecca Barry will help you find your crea�ve spark in this three-session wri�ng workshop series! Par�cipants will work on wri�ng prompts to spark crea�vity and begin developing pieces of wri�ng in any genre. No wri�ng experience is necessary! Registra�on required – please call 607-387-5623. Childcare available for people a�ending the program! Sign up when you call to register. DOG CENSUS: As required by law, the town is conduc�ng a town-wide dog census. In the first phase, we are trying to get as many folks as possible to respond on-line. This will help cut down on mailing costs. Please respond at https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9. If you have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with rabies/spay informa�on. Any dogs found to be unlicensed as of June 2, 2023 will be assessed a $25 census fee in addi�on to the usual licensing fees. For informa�on, visit https://townofulyssesny.gov/departments/dept-clerk/clerk-dog-control/ COMMUNITY FORUM ON MENTAL HEALTH: A community forum to address mental health in our community will be held on May 23 at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall at 69 East Main St. Some of the discussion issues include: What can we do to promote our own mental health? What are warning signs of deteriora�ng mental health in ones we are close to? What can we do in the event of a crisis? How healthy is our community? At what age do people first experience mental health issues? Are these different between children and adults? Come have your ques�ons answered by an outstanding panel of experts. Rachael Sutherland, Trumansburg elementary school social worker; Karen White, Trumansburg elementary school psychologist; David R Reetz, Director, Counseling and Psychological Services, Cornell University; Harmony Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 5/19/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 2 of 4 10/5/2023, 12:19 PM Ayers - Friedlander, Deputy Commissioner of Mental Health and Director of Community Services in Tompkins County Whole Health; and Tiffany Bloss - Execu�ve Director, Ithaca Crisis Center. The event is free and all are welcome. WATER SERVICE ALONG ROUTE 96: The town is hos�ng a Public Informa�on Session on Wednesday, May 31 at 6pm at Town Hall on a poten�al water line extension on Route 96 between the southern village line and Cold Spring Road. Property owners along that corridor and any members of the interested public are strongly encouraged to a�end. The Town's engineers, MRB Group, will be providing an overview of poten�al routes and preliminary cost es�mates. Under New York State law, water district costs are paid for by those in the district and not Town taxpayers as a whole. The mee�ng will be available via Zoom and will be later posted on the Town's Youtube channel. Relevant documents will be posted in advance of the mee�ng on the Town's website. SEPTIC SYSTEM AND PRIVATE WATER WELL MAINTENTANCE WORKSHOP Tompkins County homeowners are invited to a�end a free Sep�c System and Private Water Well Maintentance Workshop. A�endees can receive a $200 rebate coupon good for sep�c system maintenance by a�ending this free workshop from 6:30pm-8pm on the following dates: �June 14, Lansing Town Hall (29 Auburn Rd, Lansing) �August 17, Danby Town Hall (1830 Danby Rd, Ithaca) �September 21, Ulysses Town Hall (10 Elm St, Trumansburg) The workshops will focus on homeowner sep�c system management. Topics will include how a sep�c system func�ons, current system standards, maintenance requirements and schedules, trouble shoo�ng, and system failures. Private water well components, maintenance, and recommended tes�ng schedules will also be discussed. Registra�on is required and space is limited to 15 people per workshop. Call Doug Barnes (Tompkins County Environmental Health) to register at 607-274-6688. HELP DISTRIBUTE $700,000 IN OPIOID SETTLEMENT FUNDS IN TOMPKINS COUNTY: The Tompkins County Opioid Task Force, a group appointed by the Legislature, is seeking community input on how best to use funds distributed to the County from recent Opioid Se�lements. A survey is now open through May 29 for community members to share input on how $700,000 can best be used in Tompkins County to address the issue of harm from opioids in the community. TCAT’S SUMMER SERVICE STARTS 5/28/23 TCAT’s summer 2023 service will be in effect Sun., May 28 through Sat., Aug. 19. The Summer 2023 Schedule and Service Guide is now available on TCAT’s website. New schedules will replace current fall service ending end of service day Sat., May 27, and will be posted on the website’s schedule page. Note: TCAT will not operate on Mon., May 29, in observance of Memorial Day. Summer route 22 service begins �Effec�ve Sun., May 28 through Sat., Aug. 19, Sat.-Sun service begins to Robert Treman State Park; Bu�ermilk Falls State Park, Cass Park, Cayuga Nature Center; and Taughannock Falls State Park. Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 5/19/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 3 of 4 10/5/2023, 12:19 PM �Effec�ve Mon., June 26 through Fri., Aug. 18, Mon.-Fri. service begins to Stewart Park; Cass Park, Cayuga Nature Center and Taughannock State Park. Route 21 (Trumansburg/ Jacksonville/ Commons) Mon.-Sun: Significant �ming changes with both earlier and later departures & added trips. Mon.-Fri.: 12:00 p.m. trip added. Sat.: Last trip departs 25 minutes later at 7:20 p.m. Sun.: First trip departs 20 minutes earlier. 10:55am trip added and midday trip departs 50 minutes later at 2:00 p.m.. Last trip departs 25 minutes later at 7:25 p.m. Printed and online schedules TCAT no longer prints service guides for mass distribu�on, but riders or organiza�ons desiring printed ride guides or schedules can call TCAT at (607) 277-RIDE (7433); email staff at tcat@tcatmail.com; or mail a request to TCAT, 737 Willow Ave., Ithaca, NY, 14850, marked “schedule request.” (Please remember to provide a return mailing address.) TCAT advises riders to check for updates and service changes before boarding by using TCAT’s trip planners on the home page or: �TCAT’s Bus Tracker at https://realtimetcatbus.availtec.com/InfoPoint/ �TCAT’s real-�me apps at https://www.tcatbus.com/Apps WATER QUALITY REPORT FOR ULYSSES: The Bolton Point Annual Water Quality Report (AWQR) for 2023 has been released. The report is applicable to Ulysses Water Districts 3 and 4, who receive water from Bolton Point via the Town of Ithaca. FAIRGROUNDS CLOSED The Trumansburg Fair will close the fairgrounds for maintenance from May 22-29, 2023. For more informa�on, contact Bill Conroy at 607-227-4682. ### If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit https://groups.google.com/g/town-of-ulysses -- Best, Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk) Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 (607)387-5767, ext. 221 Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment) https://townofulyssesny.gov/ Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here. Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 5/19/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 4 of 4 10/5/2023, 12:19 PM