HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-04 newsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com> Ulysses Updates for 8/4/23 Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 3:59 PM To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com> Hello Ulysses, See updates for this week below and enjoy your weekend! Please note there will be no newsle�er next week. IN THIS WEEK’S ULYSSES NEWSLETTER: Updates from Supervisor Olson Public Mee�ngs/Hearings Health Alert- Another Rabies Case Trumansburg Fair Support for the Aging Electric Vehicle (EV) Display Cayuga Lake Watershed Seeks Manager Dog Census UPDATES FROM TOWN SUPERVISOR KATELIN OLSON Gree�ngs Ulyssians! At our upcoming Town Board mee�ng on Tuesday, August 8th, we look forward to recognizing and apprecia�ng John Wer�s (the elder). John has served the Town for many, many years and has been an able and though�ul Town Historian. He will be missed and we thank him for his service! I owe John a personal note of thanks. John showed up on my doorstep (literally) several years ago with a ques�on about our house's history. Over the course of our conversa�on, he learned I was in the process of comple�ng my Planning Ph.D. As a member of the Town's Planning Board, John recruited me to apply for an open seat. I did apply, and the rest, as John might say, is history! I will be forever grateful to John for welcoming a rela�ve newcomer to the community and encouraging civic engagement. May we all be so welcoming. One important way we support inclusivity is con�nuing to make our mee�ngs accessible remotely to the public. Did you know that Tompkins County has the highest rate--85%--in the state of municipal mee�ngs accessible remotely? The average state-wide is a dismal 23%. (Thank you to Legislator Anne Koreman for sharing this important factoid!) Mee�ng informa�on and materials for our regular mee�ng on Tuesday, August 8th at 7pm are available here. PUBLIC MEETINGS/HEARINGS: The Planning Board will hold a public mee�ng on Tuesday August 15th star�ng at 7:00 PM, please see the agenda for more informa�on. The public may join in person at Town Hall (10 Elm St., Trumansburg) or via Zoom at: https://zoom.us/j/96593175470 Mee�ng ID: 965 9317 5470 Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 8/4/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 1 of 4 10/4/2023, 3:40 PM The Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public mee�ng on Wednesday August 16th star�ng at 7:00 PM, please see the agenda for more informa�on. The public may join in person at Town Hall (10 Elm Street, Trumansburg) or via Zoom at: https://zoom.us/j/96162758850 Mee�ng ID: 961 6275 8850 HEALTH ALERT: KITTEN FOUND AT 902 WEST SENECA STREET, ITHACA, CONFIRMED TO HAVE RABIES Tompkins County Whole Health’s Environmental Health Division (EH) is aler�ng the community that a black, short-haired ki�en found at 902 West Seneca Street (Ithaca) on or around July 14th was confirmed to have the rabies virus. Tes�ng was conducted on July 30th a�er the ki�en exhibited symptoms of the virus. The ki�en was es�mated to have been around 3 months old and was polydactyl (had extra toes with larger than normal front feet). The black fur of the ki�en had white fur speckled throughout its coat. EH must locate and interview anyone who has had contact with a cat or ki�en at any of the proper�es in the vicinity of 902 West Seneca Street in the month of July, or if someone has informa�on regarding whether the ki�en was transported from another loca�on and abandoned at 902 West Seneca Street. Due to the ki�en’s age and lack of injury, it may have become infected by its mother and any other ki�ens of that li�er may also carry the virus. The ki�en was taken to the Tompkins County SPCA on July 14, 2023, where it remained at the Intake Center for five days before being adopted by the finder. There was no public contact with the ki�en during its �me at the SPCA. Tompkins County Whole Health reminds everyone to: 1. Avoid contact with any unfamiliar cats or dogs and any wild animals. 2. Administer ini�al rabies vaccina�ons to all cats, dogs and ferrets at no later than four months of age, and keep vaccina�ons current. 3. Report the following incidents to Environmental Health, 24/7, at 607-274-6688: �All animal bites or scratches. �Any human or pet contact with saliva or other poten�ally infec�ous material (brain �ssue, spinal �ssue, or cerebro-spinal fluid) of wild animals or any animal suspected of having rabies. �All bat bites, scratches, or any mere skin contact with a bat, or a bat in a room with a child, or sleeping or impaired person. Further informa�on can be found at: tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh/rabies TRUMANSBURG FAIR: The Union Agricultural and Hor�culture Society of Ulysses, Hector and Covert, host of the only and oldest tri-town mul�-county fair in NY State, holds its 172nd Annual Trumansburg Fair (the 150 th on the same fairgrounds) August 22-27. It’s not too late for Seneca, Schuyler, Tompkins and Tioga County residents to enter their own home or farm grown flowers, grains/beans, fresh and canned vegetables, baked goods, handcra�s, small animals, ca�le, swine and horses to win “premiums,” ribbons, and bragging rights. Youth categories for ages 5-18. Enfield, South Seneca and Trumansburg Schools can enter student art and mechanical drawing through their teachers. Local schools and organiza�ons can also enter marching bands, floats, vintage cars and tractors in the Firemen’s Parade on August 26. Horse races/compe��ons daily. Free admission every day of the fair with exhibitor �cket. Paid entries due to Fair Secretary by 8/19 mail in only. Let’s make 2023 the biggest fair ever!! Informa�on and entry forms at https://trumansburgfair.weebly.com/uploads /1/4/2/5/142546824/trumansburg_fair_book_with_fillable_forms.pdf SUPPORT FOR THE AGING AND THEIR CAREGIVERS: Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 8/4/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 2 of 4 10/4/2023, 3:40 PM The Tompkins County Office for the Aging provides objec�ve and unbiased informa�on on the array of services available for older adults and their caregivers. Established in 1975, their mission is to assist older adults and persons with long term care needs to live independently in their homes and communi�es with quality of life and dignity. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm at 214 W. Mar�n Luther King Jr./State Street (Human Services Annex Building), Ithaca, NY 14850. Resources and services for: �Social isola�on �Caregivers �LGBTQ �Advanced care planning �Frauds & scams �Age-friendliness �Transporta�on & housing Visit https://tompkinscountyny.gov/cofa or call (607) 274-5482 for more informa�on. CHECK OUT SOME EVS: Tompkins County is showing off their Electric Vehicles on Tuesday, August 15th at 3pm 72 Brown Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850. Municipali�es and Large Ins�tu�ons who manage fleets are encouraged to come learn more about Tompkins County's electric vehicle fleet. There will be a variety of vehicles from plug-in hybrids to fully electric, including an HVAC Ford E-Transit Van, Sheriff's Office Mustang Mach-E, County Office for the Aging's RAV4 Prime, Highway's Ford F-150 Lightning and more. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tompkins-county-electric-vehicle-showcase- tickets-686557691537?aff=oddtdtcreator. CAYUGA LAKE WATERSHED INTERMUNICIPAL ORGANIZATION (CWIO) SEEKS WATERSHED MANAGER: CWIO is seeking a Watershed Manager to iden�fy and implement projects to preserve and protect the water quality of Cayuga Lake. The primary work of the Watershed Manager will be to coordinate water quality improvement projects between the many different stakeholder groups as spelled out in both the Cayuga Lake Watershed Restora�on and Protec�on Plan and the New York State Harmful Algal Bloom Ac�on Plan. Work is performed under the general direc�on and in accordance with policies and procedures established by CWIO. This posi�on requires considerable exercise of independent judgement, transparency, and high integrity leadership. A�endance at CWIO Board and commi�ee mee�ngs as requested. This is a full-�me, 12-month, benefits-eligible posi�on. This posi�on descrip�on is not all-inclusive as other tasks or responsibili�es may be assigned. Apply at https://apply.interfolio.com/129085 DOG CENSUS- STILL TIME TO LICENSE YOUR DOG: The town is conduc�ng a town-wide dog census and needs your help... Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 8/4/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 3 of 4 10/4/2023, 3:40 PM �If you DO NOT have a dog, please respond at https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9 so that we can eliminate you from our mailing list. �If you DO have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with rabies/spay informa�on. Any dogs found to be unlicensed a�er the census period will be assessed a $25 fee in addi�on to the usual licensing fees. For informa�on, contact the clerk’s office at ulysses.clerk@gmail.com or call (607)387-5767 ext. 221. Thanks for your help! ### If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit https://groups.google.com/g/town-of-ulysses -- Best, Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk) Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 (607)387-5767, ext. 221 Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment) https://townofulyssesny.gov/ Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here. Gmail - Ulysses Updates for 8/4/23 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a448223915&view=pt&search=a... 4 of 4 10/4/2023, 3:40 PM