HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-21 newsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>
Ulysses Updates for 7/21/23
Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 3:28 PM
To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com>
Hello Ulysses,
See updates for this week below and hope you enjoy your weekend!
Update from Supervisor Olson
Public Hearings- Planning Board & BZA
Spamalot Theatre Produc�on
Fall Tourism Grants
Conference on the Environment
Dog Census
NYS DEC Updates
A�er Words- Resigna�on
As I write this from my front porch, I'm watching bikers, walkers, joggers stream in and out of
Taughannock State Park, both local and visitors alike enjoying the gloriousness of Ulysses. The beauty of
our locale is undeniable!
This weekend we're also welcoming thousands to the GrassRoots Fes�val, and I know many of our
residents will be celebra�ng in grand style. Stay safe and stay hydrated!
Giving a shout out to Ulysses Code Officer Mark Washburn who oversees local regula�ons and who will
be patrolling throughout the fes�val to ensure that sites are safe for the public. A lot of work goes on
behind the scenes, and we especially appreciate the Trumansburg Fire Department, Trumansburg EMS,
Tompkins County Sheriff's Department, and Tompkins County Whole Health Department Officials
serving. A hearty "thank you!" to all!
I'm also very pleased to share that the Town received a $1.5 million grant from Bridge NY in order to
replace the Curry Road culvert (which all of us think of as a bridge!). Special thanks to Second Deputy
Supervisor Michelle E. Wright for championing this project through mul�ple grant cycles and overseeing
the development of the applica�on. This culvert/bridge is heavily used by our farming community and
we are grateful that New York (finally) recognized its value!
Finally, a special note of thanks to John Wer�s (the elder), who has ably served the Town as our Town
Historian. We are grateful for his leadership in public history, his interes�ng newsle�er ar�cles, and
a�en�on to our local history. Thank you, John!
As always, I encourage you to a�end (in person or remotely) or watch a�er-the-fact our upcoming,
regular Town Board mee�ng on Tuesday, July 25. Mee�ng informa�on is available here.
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The Planning Board will hold a public mee�ng on Tuesday, August 1st star�ng at 7:00 PM, please see the
agenda for more informa�on.
The public may join in person at Town Hall (10 Elm St., Trumansburg) or via Zoom at:
Mee�ng ID: 965 9317 5470
Encore Players Community Theatre of Trumansburg proudly presents Monty Python’s SPAMALOT! Book
and Lyrics by Eric Idle, music by John Du Prez & Eric Idle.
This zany musical adapta�on of Monty Python and the Holy Grail is sure to �ckle all your funny bones!
Come see your friends and neighbors sing, dance and act in this one of a kind musical comedy:
July 27, 28, 29 at 7pm, July 30 at 3pm
August 3, 4, 5 at 7pm, August 6 at 3pm
At the Arena Theatre at Loch Ridge Farm, 9706 Congress Street Extension, Trumansburg, NY
Tickets- $23.00, available at: encoreplayers.org or eventbrite.com (search for Encore Players)
The Tompkins County Tourism Program is offering three grant programs for the fall of 2023: Community
Celebra�ons, Tourism Advancement, and Tourism Capital grants.
Community Celebra�ons Grant: This grant is for up to $2,500 to support community events that
showcase the culture, history, and diversity of Tompkins County.
Tourism Advancement Grant: This grant is for up to $15,000 to support projects that promote Tompkins
County as a tourist des�na�on.
Tourism Capital Grant: This grant is for up to $100,000 to support major investments in visitor-
genera�ng projects.
Applica�ons for all three grant programs are due by August 31, 2023. For more informa�on, visit
The Tompkins County Environmental Management Council is proud to host the 2023 New York State
Associa�on of Conserva�on Councils (NYSACC) annual mee�ng September 20-22, with a mix of in-
person and virtual events, and a ton of special field trips! Registra�on is now open! Details. Ques�ons?
Email conference@nysacc.org.
The town is conduc�ng a town-wide dog census and needs your help...
�If you DO NOT have a dog, please respond at https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9 so
that we can eliminate you from our mailing list.
�If you DO have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at
https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with
rabies/spay informa�on.
Any dogs found to be unlicensed a�er the census period will be assessed a $25 fee in addi�on to the
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usual licensing fees. For informa�on, contact the clerk’s office at ulysses.clerk@gmail.com or call
(607)387-5767 ext. 221.
Thanks for your help!
Request For Game Camera Photos To Iden�fy Wildlife Scavengers of Deer
When lead-based ammuni�on is used to hunt white-tailed deer, lead fragments can remain in the meat,
carcass, and gut piles, which can expose people and wildlife scavengers to this harmful substance.
We are looking for game camera photos of a deer carcass or gut pile with at least one wildlife scavenger
in frame, even if they are not ac�vely feeding. If you have collected such photos in recent years and
are willing to share a few suitable images, please take our short survey. We are accep�ng photos
un�l August 13.
Es�ma�ng Bobcat Diversity
Once restricted to mountainous regions in eastern NY, bobcat popula�ons have increased and expanded
throughout central and western NY in recent decades. To effec�vely manage this elusive species, there is
a need for be�er es�mates of bobcat popula�ons. DEC is currently using trail camera arrays to detect
bobcats in several areas of interest throughout New York. Results from these camera surveys will be
paired with a mark-resight analysis of ear-tagged and collared bobcats next year to es�mate bobcat
densi�es. If you happen to be out and about and come across a camera sta�on, please do not disturb it.
I have come to recognize that my hearing deficits interfere with doing the job of the Town Historian. A
considerable por�on of this posi�on demands conversant interac�ons with both colleagues working in
the field and the general public. I’m just not hearing enough these days to be effec�ve in the job.
It has been both an honor and a pleasure to be the Historian for the Town of Ulysses for the past ten
years. Besides responding to the numerous requests for historical informa�on about the Town of
Ulysses, we have been proac�ve in bringing historical informa�on to our local ci�zens by way of securing
and installing historical markers, by coopera�ng with Historic Ithaca to lead well a�ended “Walk-and-
Talks” at Grove Cemetery, the County Poor House, and other venues.
We have ins�tuted coopera�ve ventures with the Encore Players where we have combined history with
theater… celebra�ng Halloween macabre and Memorial Day patrio�sm at Grove Cemetery. Much local
history has been brought to the public’s a�en�on by way of ar�cles in the Ithaca Journal, the Free Press,
the Ulysses Historical Society Newsle�er, and of course here… in the “A�er Words” sec�on of the town’s
I use the pronoun “we” here because these accomplishments would not have been possible without the
con�nuing support of Town of Ulysses staff…par�cularly the Town Supervisors, the Town Clerk’s Office,
and the Highway Department.
So, here, midway in 2023, I have asked Supervisor Olson to relieve me of the responsibili�es of this
posi�on. Now, the town’s search begins. Is it one of you, dear readers, who feels up to taking on the job?
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Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk)
Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg NY 14886
(607)387-5767, ext. 221
Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment)
Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here.
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