HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-07 newsletterCarissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>
Ulysses Updates for 7/7/23
Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk <ulysses.clerk@gmail.com>Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 4:14 PM
To: Google Groups <town-of-ulysses@googlegroups.com>
Hello Ulysses,
See updates for this week below and hope you enjoy your weekend!
Resolu�on Subject to Permissive Referendum
Public Hearings- Planning Board & BZA
TCFA Events
Dog Census
Test Vo�ng Machines for Board of Elec�ons
Fishing Tips from DEC
Environmental Events
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular mee�ng thereof held on the 27th day of June, 2023, the Town
Board of the Town of Ulysses duly adopted a resolution subject to permissive referendum. The
following is an abstract of such resolu�on concisely sta�ng the purpose and effect thereof:
Pursuant to Town Law §§ 64(2), 220(2) and 220(3), the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopted a
Resolu�on authorizing the Supervisor to sign a purchase contract for up to 30 acres of property on
commercially reasonable terms and condi�ons at a price of $7,000/acre, and at a maximum expense to
the Town of $210,000, not including appraisal, �tle search, abstract, survey, and other regular closing
costs and fees, to be paid for through the Town of Ulysses’ American Recovery Plan Act alloca�on and
use of up to $8,500 of the aforemen�oned reserve fund.
View the full resolu�on here.
The Planning Board will hold a public mee�ng on Tuesday July 18th star�ng at 7:00 PM. Please see the
agenda for more informa�on.
The public may join in person at Town Hall (10 Elm St., Trumansburg) or via Zoom at:
Mee�ng ID: 965 9317 5470
The Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public mee�ng on Wednesday July 19th star�ng at 7:00 PM.
Please see the agenda for more informa�on.
The public may join in person at Town Hall (10 Elm Street, Trumansburg) or via Zoom at:
Mee�ng ID: 961 6275 8850
The following events are upcoming at the Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts (TCFA).
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�“Synesthesia: The Color of Sound” runs through July 28, 2023.
�Summer Dance Classes
�Plein-Air Pastel Painting at Taughannock Park Overlook- Friday morning, July 14, 10am-
�Teen Dance Theatre Intensive -Ages 13 and up (or by permission), August 7-11, 9am-3pm
�Summer Art Club- ages 7-11
�Loren and LJ Barrigar in Concert! -Saturday, July 29, 7:30pm
TCFA has been awarded a matching grant by the New York State Council of the Arts to renovate, restore,
and improve accessibility to our instruc�on, performance, and exhibi�on space. Learn more about the
campaign HERE
The town is conduc�ng a town-wide dog census and needs your help...
�If you DO NOT have a dog, please respond at https://forms.gle/PmQ49SPsvESGZind9 so
that we can eliminate you from our mailing list.
�If you DO have a dog that does not yet have a license, complete the form at
https://townofulyssesny.gov/__cms/docs/Dog-license-form-2022.pdf and return along with
rabies/spay informa�on.
Any dogs found to be unlicensed a�er the census period will be assessed a $25 fee in addi�on to the
usual licensing fees. For informa�on, contact the clerk’s office at ulysses.clerk@gmail.com or call
(607)387-5767 ext. 221.
Thanks for your help!
The Tompkins County Board of Elec�ons is invi�ng interested members of the public to test several
vo�ng machine op�ons being considered by the Board for use in future elec�ons. Three New York State
cer�fied vendors are offering public sessions on the following dates:
�July 11, 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Clear Ballot
�July 13, 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Hart Intercivic
�July 26, 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Dominion Vo�ng Systems
All sessions will be held in the Tompkins County Legislature Chambers, 121 East Court St., Ithaca, on the
second floor. Use the Dewi� Park entrance.
A�ending members of the public will have the opportunity to submit sample ballots and test how each
machine works for voters. Board of Elec�ons staff will be present to accept feedback on which machines
are preferable to a�endees. The selected vendor will provide machines for elec�ons star�ng in 2024. All
vendors provide paper ballots and are ADA compliant.
Give Trout a Break This Summer
You know who isn't a huge fan of summer? Trout! Summer heat waves impose serious stress and can
even cause death. Trout and salmon that are already heat-stressed may not recover a�er being caught
and released.
You can help these fish survive the summer by following a few simple tips (PDF).
Don’t move rocks in streams
Now that summer’s officially here it's important to understand the detrimental impact building rock
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dams with the intent of crea�ng swimming holes can have on trout streams.
Trout are sensi�ve, cold-water fish that require cold, clean water to survive. Water temperatures warmer
than 68°F can put extreme stress on trout and temperatures approaching 75°F can even be lethal.
Rock dams...
�Alter the natural flow of the stream by slowing down or trapping the water, allowing it to
warm up faster.
�Prevent the migra�on of trout to colder headwaters where they can seek thermal refuge in
the warm summer months, as well as spawning habitat in the spring and fall.
�Prevent upstream and downstream movement of animals, such as aqua�c insects- a major
diet item for trout.
�Weaken the stream bank, increasing erosion and sedimenta�on into the stream, further
altering its natural flow.
So, this summer if your favorite swimming hole is drying up, think about the trout that live there. Instead
of building a rock dam, maybe go for a walk downstream and find a natural pool to cool off in.
Environmental Management Council Monthly Mee�ng
Thursday, July 13
4-5:30 p.m.
Virtual - Zoom link
Guest Speaker: Ethan Bodnaruk from BlocPower discussing "Electrify Ithaca with BlocPower"
All are welcome to join our virtual monthly mee�ng. Learn more about the EMC online.
Plants and Pollinators Walk
Saturday, July 15
Roy H. Park Preserve (south)
Max McCune, a hor�culturist at the New York State Office of Parks, Recrea�on, and Historic
Preserva�on, will lead a walk to discover some of our local wildflowers and the vast network of
pollinators and other wildlife they support. We will learn about the different life cycles of wildflowers
and how they align with our na�ve insects to form mutually beneficial partnerships. We will also discuss
how to responsibly incorporate na�ve plants into our home landscapes to help support local pollinator
The Environmental Leaders Cayuga Lake Summit and Watershed Forum
Tuesday, July 18
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Stewart Park, Large Pavilion
Keynote speaker: Dr Damien Helbling, "How Is PFAS Affec�ng Our Drinking Water?"
This forum will provide an opportunity for groups/organiza�ons to form connec�ons that strengthen our
collec�ve impact, eliminate redundancy and duplica�on of efforts, and explore ways that we can work
together toward a healthy Cayuga Lake. Our wish is that this gathering will help to create connec�on
and community and open paths that empower us all in our work to care for our beloved lake and its
watershed, our home.
If your group wishes to present please respond to clean.cayugalake@gmail.com a.s.a.p. and indicate
that your group wishes to address the forum. To RSVP, or If your group wishes to present please
email clean.cayugalake@gmail.com. Hosted and organized by Cayuga Lake Environmental Ac�on Now
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If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to sign up to receive it directly, visit
Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk), RMC (Registered Municipal Clerk)
Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg NY 14886
(607)387-5767, ext. 221
Hours: M-F, 10am-3pm (or by appointment)
Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here.
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