HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-27 listserv mssgGoogle Groups Town News Sarah Koski <ulysses.deputy.clerk@gmail.com> Sep 27, 2019 3:40 PM Posted in group:town-of-Ulysses Another beauƟful Friday! Important informaƟon and deadlines compiled for you by Town of Ulysses staff… In this issue: ElecƟon Dates/Deadlines Yard Waste Deadline for Deer Management Permits Oct. 1 Habitat Nature Preserve Updates School Tax Deadline Sept. 30th Free Rabies VaccinaƟon Clinics 2020 Census Upcoming Town MeeƟngs TOWN OF ULYSSES NEWS: ElecƟon dates/deadlines The last day to register by mail is October 11th to vote in the November 5th General ElecƟon. There are four seats up for elecƟon this fall in the Town of Ulysses: two Town Board members, one Town JusƟce and the Highway Superintendent. In addiƟon, all Tompkins County residents will vote on a County Judge and a State Supreme Court JusƟce. New this year is early voƟng, which will run October 26th- November 3rd. Get all the details at the Tompkins County Board of ElecƟons website: hƩ p://tompkinscountyny.gov/boe . Yard Waste The Town Highway Department is not accepƟng any yard waste at this Ɵme. Our highway crew is working hard to grind and haul the exisƟng pile, and hopes to offer resident yard waste drop off in the spring. Keep an eye on this newsleƩ er for updates. In the meanƟme, you can contact Cayuga Compost hƩ p://cayugacompost.com/compost/composƟng-guidelines/or Tompkins County Recycling hƩ ps://recycletompkins.org/whatdoidowith/#!rc-cpage=281835 to find out more about dropping off brush at these locaƟons. Deer Management Permit Deadline is Oct. 1 The deadline to apply for deer management permits (DMPs; antlerless tags) is fast approaching, and hunters must apply for DMPs by Oct. 1. Hunters should know the Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) they intend to hunt and review their chances of selecƟon before applying. The applicaƟon fee for DMPs is $10. The fee is waived for junior hunters and LifeƟme License holders who purchased a LifeƟme (Sportsman) License before Oct. 1, 2009. Hunters who have purchased a hunƟng license are eligible to apply for up to two DMPs that may be used to harvest antlerless deer from a specified WMU. Antlerless deer harvest is crucial in helping to balance the deer herd with available habitat. HunƟng licenses and DMP’s may be purchased at the Town Clerk’s Office, Monday through Friday, 8-4pm. Town News - Google Groups https://groups.google.com/forum/print/msg/town-of-ulysses/zT6Bbnwyx... 1 of 3 11/12/2019, 3:33 PM Habitat Nature Preserve updates Councilwoman Nancy Zahler created a press release to share updates with the community. Read it here:hƩ ps://www.ulysses.ny.us/boards/boards-salo-habitat/ TOMPKINS COUNTY: Trumansburg School Taxes Due Sept. 30th School taxes for property owners in the Trumansburg School District are due September 30th and can be paid at any Tompkins Trust Company.The Town does not collect school taxes. You can find a copy of your school tax bill at hƩ p://www.taxlookup.net/index.aspx?county=tompkins QuesƟons about your bill should be directed to Julie Kephart at BOCES, 607-257-1555 Ex 1042. Free Rabies VaccinaƟon clinics The Tompkins County Health Dept. will hold free rabies clinics this fall, in various locaƟons around the county beginning on Sept. 25. There will be a clinic at the Trumansburg School Bus Garage on Thursday, October 3rd from 7-9pm.For more informaƟon and to pre-register, visit hƩ p://tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh/neighborhood/rabies#clinics 2020 Census The US Census Bureau is gearing up to count everyone living in Tompkins County in April 2020. Our Town and the County are urging all residents- regardless of ciƟzenship or visa status, with or without documentaƟon- to complete the census when it is sent to your household. To be sure the Census Bureau has an accurate list of all addresses, they are sending Census staff into the field in our County this Fall. Here is a good link that explains why there are Census Takers in your neighborhood. hƩ ps://2020census.gov/en/census-takers.html?# We know that residents may be cauƟous about unfamiliar people in your neighborhood due to recent break-ins. Census Bureau employees will be wearing a government badge around their necks with an id photo. During address canvassing any field workers will also very likely have a Census Bureau shoulder bag and a handheld laptop. We encourage you to cooperate with their efforts to assure that we get a full and complete count of everyone living here in April 2020, which enables our County and Town to get our fair share of federal and state funding for local services. If you would like to work for the Census Bureau, get more informaƟon here:hƩ ps://2020census.gov /en/jobs/job-details.html UPCOMING TOWN MEETINGS: All town meeƟngs are held at the town hall at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg, unless noted otherwise. For agendas and other meeƟng informaƟon, click on the event on the calendar here: hƩ p://ulysses.ny.us/calendar/?category=Government ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forward this message to anyone else that you think would be interested. We’d love to connect with more residents. To send quesƟons or comments, or be removed from this list, please e-mail Town News - Google Groups https://groups.google.com/forum/print/msg/town-of-ulysses/zT6Bbnwyx... 2 of 3 11/12/2019, 3:33 PM clerk@ulysses.ny.us -- Best, Sarah Koski Ulysses Deputy Town Clerk Office hours: 8am-4pm, Tuesday - Friday Please contact the Town Clerk at clerk@ulysses.ny.us if you need assistance at other times 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 P.(607)387-5767, ext. 221 ulysses.ny.us Town News - Google Groups https://groups.google.com/forum/print/msg/town-of-ulysses/zT6Bbnwyx... 3 of 3 11/12/2019, 3:33 PM