HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Budget Narrative TOWN OF ULYSSES 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886 ulysses.ny.us Town Supervisor (607) 387-5767, Ext 232 supervisor@ulysses.ny.us Town Clerk (607) 387-5767, Ext 221 clerk@ulysses.ny.us 2023 Budget Narrative On September 24, 2022, the Tentative Town Budget for 2023 was submitted to the Ulysses Town Board and the Town Clerk by Budget Officer Michelle E. Wright. On October 25, 2022, the Town Board accepted the Preliminary Budget for 2023 and scheduled a public hearing for November 8, 2022 at 7pm. Ulysses is committed to delivering a budget that is mindful of continuing to provide high-quality services and reflects investing in our human and physical assets in a sustainable, future-oriented manner. The Town Board did not override the tax cap and was committed to keeping tax levy increases below that threshold. Due to an increase in the overall value of property in Ulysses based on the March 2022 assessment, the 2023 Preliminary Budget decreases Town tax rates for property owners in the Village of Trumansburg by 4.85% and the Town-outside-Village tax rates by 5.85%. (See page 3 for the different funds, services provided by those funds, and the sources of revenue.) The 2023 Preliminary Budget includes the following numbers at a glance: ➢ $4,166,828 in total spending is partially supported by $1,555,926 in property taxes representing 37.34% of the total Town Budget. ➢ $237,190 in increased budgeted appropriations, 6.01% more than 2022. ➢ The overall tax levy is increasing in 2023 by $45,696. ➢ A 3.07% levy increase and 5.85% tax rate decrease for Town residents outside the Village of Trumansburg, and an 4.17% levy increase and 4.85% tax rate decrease for Village of Trumansburg residents. Economic Conditions Impacting the 2023 Preliminary Budget ➢ Emergency services are vital and increasingly expensive: The Town contracts for fire and ambulance services through the Village of Trumansburg for properties in the Town-outside Village. Associated rates for services are not controlled by the Town and are determined by the Village. Overall, fire and ambulance services account for $676,308 of the preliminary 2023 budget, which equals 37.217% of the tax levy. While the cost for fire protection in 2023 has decreased $2,888, or 1.26%, from the 2022 budget, ambulance services have increased $34,533, or 8.32%, from 2022. The Town recognizes that it is not sustainable for the tax base to absorb annual increases of this magnitude, and in 2023 will be exploring ways to reduce the burden to our Town-outside Village residents. ➢ Mortgage and sales tax revenue estimations: Mortgage and sales tax are important Town revenue sources that are not generated through the tax levy. In response to the changing and challenging regional, state and national economic circumstances, the Town, led by the Finance Committee, has endeavored to more accurately Page 1 of 4 estimate these revenue sources to reduce expenditures funded by property taxes. Mortgage tax estimates account for $105,000, or 2.52% of the total 2023 budget, while sales tax estimates account for $746,517, or 17.92% of the total budget. Priorities Reflected in the 2023 Preliminary Budget ➢ Staffing: Investment in the Town’s valued staff, including a 4% raise for all employees and improved health care benefits for all benefits-eligible employees; funding for a part-time project assistant for the Planning, Zoning, and Supervisor’s offices, as well as a part-time facilities project manager to oversee facility improvements and upgrades. ➢ Highway: Maintenance and repair of roads and other highway assets; snow plowing; care and maintenance of highway fleet. ➢Facilities: Maintenance and improvements to Town Hall, including the installation of an ADA-compliant door, exterior repairs, and painting; improved security at the Town Barn. ➢Youth and Recreation: Increased programming for youth and adult recreation; increased capacity for student enrollment in the Ulysses Summer Camp; job training for first-time youth employees; funding for no-cost youth activities through C.C.E.’s Rural Youth Services Program. ➢Code, Planning and Zoning: Initiating the Comprehensive Plan update; increasing capacity in the Planning/Zoning and Code Office with improved administrative support; sufficient legal support for enforcement actions; purchasing a new electric vehicle. ➢ IT/Cybersecurity: Use of a portion of our American Recovery Plan Act funds to develop a strategic IT plan to respond to 21st century cybersecurity threats, upgrade software to digitize and streamline Town records and management, and respond to IT/cybersecurity deficiencies identified in by the 2022 NYS Comptroller’s audit. ➢Grant Capacity: Dedicated funds to hire grant and engineering assistance for a variety of identified grant- eligible projects, including six bridges/culverts, facility upgrades, and multi-year capital plans; allows the Town to be nimble and apply for grants with short turn-around times. ➢Water: Undertaking a Rural Water Study; formalizing existing water districts and supporting reasonable water district expansions; radio head asset and software updating; water bill software upgrade; long-term planning for town water sustainability; supporting regional partners addressing environmental issues related to source water and the Cayuga Lake Watershed. ➢Community Funding: Support to a variety of significant local organizations providing public services, including the Ulysses Philomathic Library, the Trumansburg Farmers’ Market, Trumansburg Community Recreation, Trumansburg After School Program, and many other important service providers. Respectfully submitted, Katelin Olson, Town Supervisor Page 2 of 4 Town Funds and Description Fund Fund Expense Description Funding A “General fund” Town Board, Town Hall and Town Court staff salaries, Highway Superintendent salary, benefits, all town-owned facilities costs, utilities, communication and mailing costs, recreation programming, youth programming, community, environmental services, legal costs. Property Tax: Town and village property owners. B Building code officer salary, Zoning/Planning officer salary, benefits as applicable, flood and erosion control administrative costs. Funded primarily by sales tax. No property tax is used. DA Machinery costs, bridge maintenance, brush and weed control, snow removal, highway staff salaries and benefits. Property Tax: Town and village property owners. DB Highway maintenance, highway staff salaries and benefits. Funded primarily by sales tax and state aid. No property tax is used. Water Districts Water purchases, administrative costs, infrastructure and maintenance costs SW3 = Water District 3 Property owners in the water districts. Fire/ EMS Fire (SF) and EMS (SM) services Property Tax: Town property owners, outside the Village. Other Lighting Property Tax: Town and village property owners. Definitions • Tax levy: the number of dollars raised by property taxes • Tax rate: property tax per $1000 of assessed value o Tax Rate = (Total Tax Levy ÷ Ulysses Total Taxable Assessed Value) x 1000 o Examples:  a Town resident (outside of the Village and not located in a water district) whose home is valued at $200,000 will have a Ulysses 2023 property tax bill of $493.40 • ($200,000 ÷ 1,000) x 2.4670 = $493.40  a Village resident whose home is valued at $200,000 will have a Ulysses 2023 property tax bill of $241.63 • ($200,000 ÷ 1,000) x 1.2082 = $241.63 Page 3 of 4 A General 36% DA Highway 16%B General Part-Town 10% DB Highway Part-Town 11% SF Fire Contract 6% SM Emergency Medical 11% SW1 Water District 1 <1% SW2 Water District 2 <1% SW3 Water District 3 10% SW4 Water District 4 <1%2023 Appropriations By Fund A General 28% DA General Highway 19% SF Fire Contract 15% SM Emergency Medical 23% SW1 Water District 1 <1% SW3 Water District 3 15% SW4 Water District 4 <1%2023 Property Tax Revenue by Fund Property Tax 37% Sales Tax 18%Department Fees 9% County, State, Other Governments 12% Mortgage Tax 2% Other 1% Appropriated Fund Balance 21% 2023 Projected Revenue by Source 2023 Appropriations broken out by fund: see the “Town Funds and Description” table for a description of the nature of expenses in each fund. The 2023 Tax Levy broken out by fund. Estimated revenue for the 2023 budget year by source. Page 4 of 4