HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Adopted Budget2023 Ulysses Budget Tax Rate Schedule: Adopted Budget 2023 2022 2021 2020 Fund   Appropriations   Less  Estimated  Revenues    Fund  Balance &  Reserves  Amount to be  Raised by  Taxes   Total of all  Revenues   2023 Taxable  Assessed Value   Implied  2023 Tax  Rate $ Per  Thousand   2022 Tax  Rate $ per  Thousand   2021 Tax  Rate $ per  Thousand  2020 Tax  Rate $ /  1000 2023 Tax  Rate: %  Change from  2022 2022 Levies  2023 Levies  GENERAL & HIGHWAY 1 A General 1,512,108        667,734         410,891       433,483           1,512,108    607,220,417     0.713881 0.7421 0.7301 0.7237      ‐3.80% 412,578        433,483              2 A Lighting 435                   ‐                      ‐                  435                435             435                435                      3 DA Highway 668,024           184,200         183,692       300,132           668,024       607,220,417     0.494272 0.5246 0.4935 0.5018      ‐5.78% 291,669        300,132              4 B General Part‐Town 406,006           226,155         179,851     ‐                      406,006      5 DB Highway Part‐Town 461,560           418,602         42,958      ‐                      461,560      6 7 Total ‐Town 3,048,133        1,496,691      817,392     734,050         3,048,133  1.2082 1.2667 1.2236       1.2255 ‐4.85% 704,682        734,050              8 9 FIRE/EMERGENCY MEDICAL 10 SF Fire District 226,537           ‐                      ‐                  226,537         226,537     459,992,686   0.49248 0.5454 0.5484 0.5814    ‐9.70% 229,425        226,537              11 SM Ambulance District 449,771           89,000           8,240          352,531         449,771     459,992,686   0.766384 0.8081 0.8081 0.8332    ‐5.16% 339,937        352,531              12 Total ‐ Fire/EMS 676,308           89,000           8,240          579,068         676,308     1.2589 1.3535 1.3565       1.4146    ‐6.99% 569,362        579,068              13 14TOTAL A,B,DA, DB, Fire/EMS 3,724,441        1,585,691      825,632     1,313,118     3,724,441  2.4670 2.6202 2.5801       2.6401 ‐5.85% 1,274,044     1,313,118           15 16 WATER DISTRICT TAXES Units 2023 tax  $/Unit 2022 tax  $/Unit 2021 tax  $/Unit*  17 SW Water District 1 13,000             10,000          ‐                   3,000               13,000         100 $30.00 $30.00 266.67*3,000              3,000                    18 SW Water District 2 500                   500                ‐                   ‐                        500               ‐‐‐                       ‐                             19 SW Water District 3 427,723           140,038         48,541       239,144         427,723     376 $636.02 $615.22 $607.28 232,553        239,144              20 SW Water District 4 1,164               500                ‐                 664                1,164          3 $221.33 $210.84 $95.67 633                664                      21 442,387           151,038         48,541       242,808        442,387     236,186        242,808              22 *note that the number of units for WD1 went from 27 in 2020 to 100 in 2021 23 '22 Total Levy '23 Total Levy Total Levy Increas 24 TOTAL ‐ all 4,166,828        1,736,729     874,173     1,555,926     4,166,828  1,510,230   1,555,926    3.03% 25 tax levy increase in dollars ‐‐‐>45,696$          26 2023 % Change 2021 27 1.2082 1.2667 ‐4.62% 1.2236 A 27.860% 2023 tax levy cap $1,559,852 28 1.2589 1.3535 ‐6.99% 1.3565 A LD 0.028% 2023 tax levy cap as a % increase of '22 tax levy 3.29% 29 DA 19.290% 2023 tax levy cap as a $ increase of '22 tax levy 49,622$                30 2.4670 2.6202 ‐5.85% 2.5801 SF 14.560% 31 SM 22.657% Current Budget Model Tax Levy 1,555,926             32 WD1 0.193% What is still available below cap 3,926$                  33 WD3 15.370% 34 2020 2021 2022 2023 WD4 0.043%dollar equivalent of 1% of Ulysses tax cap‐‐‐> 15,599$               35 541.22$            528.92$         537.14$       505.74$            100.00%dollar equivalent of 1% of Ulysses tax levy‐‐‐>15,559$                36 37 Year Amount $ Change % Change 38 2020 2021 2022 2023 2011 1,095,574$     39 283.09$            282.66$         292.61$       279.08$           2012 1,099,530$    3,956$     0.36% 40 2013 1,120,695$    21,165$   1.92% 41 2014 1,179,227$    58,532$   5.22% 42 2020 2021 2022 2023 2015 1,248,429$    69,203$   5.87% 43 1,158.28$         1,136.20$      1,152.36$    1,141.76$       2016 1,298,417$    49,988$   4.00% 44 2017 1,338,355$    39,938$   3.08% 45 2018 1,378,205$    39,850$  2.98% 46 2019 1,404,586$    26,381$   1.91% 47 2020 1,456,492$    51,906$   3.70% 48 2021 1,473,029$    16,537$   1.14% 49 2022 1,510,230$    37,201$   2.53% 50 2023 1,555,926$    45,696$   3.03% 51 average 38,363$   2.98% Median ($205k) House Outside of Village Tax Levy History Median ($231k) House Inside Village Median ($205k) House WD3 *this is for context only, it is unlikely that assessment values  have not changed for property owners Individual Tax Bill Exercise* TAX RATES 2022 % of Tax Levy General Townwide Fire & EMS Total Town Tax Rate Fire & EMS Combined 37.217% Fund Fund Code  2021 Actual 2022 Modified  Budget   Adopted  Budget 2023   $ Change  from 2022  Budget  % Change  from 2022  Budget  Appropriations General A 898,723            1,161,209         1,512,543            351,334            30% Highway DA 379,398            830,594            668,024               (162,570)           ‐20% General Part‐Town B 134,709            386,338          406,006             19,668              5% Highway Part‐Town DB 363,055            482,362          461,560             (20,802)             ‐4% Fire  SF 228,783            229,425          226,537             (2,888)               ‐1% Emergency Medical SM 418,900            415,238          449,771             34,533              8% Water District 1 SW1 9,126                13,000            13,000               ‐                         0% Water District 2 SW2 469                    1,500              500                     (1,000)               ‐67% Water District 3 SW3 331,181            426,589          427,723             1,134                0% Water District 4 SW4 1,180                1,133              1,164                  31                      3% APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL 2,765,524         3,947,388        4,166,828           219,440            6% Revenues excluding property tax General A 743,036            748,196          1,078,625          330,429            44% Highway DA 173,740            538,925          367,892             (171,034)           ‐32% General Part‐Town B 249,797            386,338          406,006             19,668              5% Highway Part‐Town DB 262,150            482,362          461,560             (20,802)             ‐4% Fire Protection SF always 0 always 0 always 0 always 0 n/a Emergency Medical  SM 81,209              75,301            97,240               21,939              29% Water District 1 SW1 6,787                10,000            10,000               ‐                         0% Water District 2 SW2 503                    1,500              500                     (1,000)               ‐67% Water District 3 SW3 131,905            194,036          188,579             (5,457)               ‐3% Water District 4 SW4 729                    500                  500                     ‐                         0% Subtotal Rev‐excluding property tax 1,649,856         2,437,158        2,610,902           173,744            7% Revenue ‐ property tax General A 403,282            413,013          433,918             20,905              5% General Highway DA 272,334            291,669          300,132             8,463                3% Fire Protection SF 228,783            229,425          226,537             (2,888)               ‐1% General Part‐Town B always 0 always 0 always 0 ‐                         n/a Highway Part‐Town DB always 0 always 0 always 0 ‐                         n/a Emergency Medical  SM 337,116            339,937          352,531             12,594              4% Water District 1 SW1 2,910                3,000              3,000                  ‐                         0% Water District 2 SW2 ‐                        ‐                       ‐                          ‐                         0% Water District 3 SW3 228,035            232,553          239,144             6,591                3% Water District 4 SW4 569                    633                  664                     31                      5% Subtotal‐ property tax 1,473,029         1,510,230       1,555,926          45,696              3.03% Revenue ‐ total 3,122,885         3,947,388      4,166,828         219,440            6% 2023 Ulysses Budget Summary Town Councilperson $5,268 annual Town Supervisor $38,938 annual Highway Superintendent $70,158 annual Water District 3 Supervision: Assigned Duty $1,754 annual General Water Supervision: Assigned Duty $1,754 annual Town Justice 1 $20,414 annual Town Justice 2 $20,414 annual Town Clerk $61,491 annual Schedule of Salaries of Elected Officials for the Fiscal Year January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 2023 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL FUND (A)  2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Appropriations A1010 ∙ Town Board 1010.1 ∙ Town Board PS 19,480         20,259        21,070       21,070       21,070        811              4% 1010.4 ∙ Town Board CE 331               2,500           3,000          3,000          3,000           500              20% Department Subtotal 19,811         22,759        24,070       24,070       24,070        1,311           6% A1110 ∙ Town Justice 1110.1 ∙ Town Justice 1 18,874         19,629        20,414       20,414       20,414        785              4% 1110.11 ∙ Town Justice 2 18,874         19,629        20,414       20,414       20,414        785              4% 1110.12 ∙ Town Justice Clerk PS 49,490         51,470        53,529       53,529       53,529        2,059           4% 1110.4 ∙ Town Justice CE 474               1,510           1,510          1,510          1,510           ‐                   n/a Department Subtotal 87,711         92,238        95,867       95,867       95,867        3,629           4% A1220 ∙ Supervisor Office 1220.1 ∙ Supervisor PS 26,000         37,440        38,938       38,938       38,938        1,498           4% 1220.11 ∙ Bookkeeper PS 31,798         35,504        36,924       36,924       36,924        1,420           4% 1220.12 ∙ Deputy Super. PS 8,403            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a 1220.132 ∙ Budget Officer PS 10,000         45,445        47,263       47,263       47,263        1,818           4% 1220.14 ∙ Super. Proj. Asst. PS 21,848         ‐                   9,152          9,152          9,152           9,152           n/a 1220.15 ∙ Secretary to Super. PS 13,445         10,800        ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (10,800)        ‐100% 1220.4 ∙ Supervisor CE 8,795            11,838        12,000       12,000       12,000        162              1% Department Subtotal 120,289       141,027      144,277     144,277     144,277      3,250           2% A1320.4 ∙ Auditor CE 4,500            15,000        15,950       15,950       15,950        950              6% A1410 ∙ Town Clerk Office 1410.1 ∙ Town Clerk PS 56,852         59,126        61,491       61,491       61,491        2,365           4% 1410.11 ∙ Deputy Clerk PS 29,520         33,762        22,173       22,173       22,173        (11,589)        ‐34% 1410.12 ∙ 2nd Deputy Clerk PS ‐                    400              400             400             400              ‐                   n/a 1410.4 ∙ Town Clerk CE 3,732            4,000           3,950          3,950          3,950           (50)               ‐1% Department Subtotal 90,104         97,288        88,014       88,014       88,014        (9,274)         ‐10% A1420.4 ∙ Attorney CE 55,711         60,000        42,400       42,400       42,400        (17,600)        ‐29% A1440.4 ∙ Engineer CE ‐                    1,000           3,000          8,000          8,000           7,000           700% A1450.4 ∙ Elections CE 98                 4,000           4,000          4,000          4,000           ‐                   n/a A1460.4 ∙ Records Mgmt CE 2,471            12,625        12,400       12,400       12,400        (225)             ‐2% A1620 ∙ Town Hall 1620.1 ∙ Town Hall PS 1,000          1,000          1,000           1,000           1620.2∙Town Hall EQ&CapitalOutlay 4,005            8,100           136,547     136,547     136,547      128,447       1586% 1620.4 ∙ Town Hall CE 21,223         20,873        29,530       29,530       29,530        8,657           41% 1620.41 ∙ EV Charging Station Tow 658               3,842           3,321          3,321          3,321           (521)             ‐14% A1650.4 ∙ Central Communication CE 8,195            9,433           16,509       16,509       16,509        7,076           75% A1670.4 ∙ Printing & Mailing 9,319            11,894        10,961       10,961       10,961        (933)             ‐8% A1910.4 ∙Liability Insurance 27,047         34,247        37,986       37,986       37,986        3,739           11% A1920.4 ∙ Municipal Association Dues 1,139            1,190           1,150          1,150          1,150           (40)               ‐3% A1990.4 ∙ Contingency Account ‐                    65,607        40,000       35,000       35,000        (30,607)        ‐47% A1990.41 Employee Benefits Contingency 14,375       14,375       14,375        14,375         A3510.4 ∙ Dog Control CE 18,134         18,134        18,134       18,134       18,134        ‐                   n/a A5010 ∙ Highway Superintendent A5010.10 ∙ Hwy. Super. PS 63,046         67,460        70,158       70,158       70,158        2,698           4% A5010.4 ∙ Hwy. Super. CE 958               2,330           2,330          2,330          2,330           ‐                   n/a A5132 ∙ Highway Barn 5132.2 ∙ Highway Barn EQ 7,698            11,500        6,500          6,500          6,500           (5,000)         ‐43% 5132.4 ∙ Highway Barn CE 15,643         20,000        20,000       20,000       20,000        ‐                   n/a 5140.1 ∙  Mowing PS ‐                    1,750           1,750          1,750          1,750           ‐                   n/a Department Subtotal 87,345         103,040      100,738     100,738     100,738      (2,302)         ‐2% A5182.4 ∙ Street Lighting CE 1,867            2,350           1,430          1,430          1,430           (920)             ‐39% A5410.4 ∙ Sidewalk CE 1,973            1,212           1,400          1,400          1,400           188              16% A6510.4 ∙ Veterans CE 475               475              475             475             475              ‐                   n/a A6772.4 ∙ Programs for the Aging CE 6,100            6,700           8,600          8,600          8,600           1,900           28% 2023 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL FUND (A)  2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  2023 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL FUND (A)  2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  A7020 ∙ Recreation Program 7020.11 ∙ Rec PS ‐ Director 16,057         24,163        23,870       23,870       23,870        (293)             ‐1% 7020.121 . Rec PS ‐ SummerCampStaff 31,372         36,000        47,800       47,800       47,800        11,800         33% 7020.122 . Rec PS ‐ Fall Staff 400               2,050           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (2,050)         ‐100% 7020.123 . Rec PS ‐ Winter Staff 3,641            1,500           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (1,500)         ‐100% 7020.124 . Rec PS ‐ Spring Staff 1,788            2,450           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (2,450)         ‐100% 7020.125 . Rec PS ‐ SummerSportsClin 1,200            1,600           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (1,600)         ‐100% 7020.41 . Rec CE ‐ Rec Dir. Supplies 4,476            5,155           5,600          5,600          5,600           445              9% 7020.42 . Rec CE ‐ Programs 15,634         23,700        31,300       31,300       31,300        7,600           32% 7020.43 . Rec CE ‐ Adult Community R 750               1,200           1,200          1,200          1,200           ‐                   n/a Department Subtotal 75,318         97,818        109,770     109,770     109,770      11,952         12% A7110.4 . Parks CE 5,851            5,500           5,550          5,550          5,550           50                1% A7310 ∙ Youth Programs 7310.1 ∙ Youth Programs PS ‐ YEP 13,002         20,015        20,015       20,015       20,015        ‐                   n/a 7310.4 ∙ Youth Programs CE 63,601         64,604        71,759       71,759       71,759        7,155           11% Department Subtotal 76,603         84,619        91,774       91,774       91,774        7,155           8% A7410.4 ∙ Library CE 12,500         12,500        12,500       12,500       12,500        ‐                   n/a A7450.4 ∙ Historical Society CE 700               1,000           1,000          1,000          1,000           ‐                   n/a A7510.1 ∙ Historian PS 1,639            1,705           1,773          1,773          1,773           68                4% A7510.2 ∙ Historian Equipment 3,420            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A7510.4 ∙ Historian CE 544               500              500             500             500              ‐                   n/a A7550.4 ∙ Celebrations CE 1,250            1,000           1,000          1,000          1,000           ‐                   n/a A7989.4  ∙ Culture CE 1,900            7,100           9,500          9,500          9,500           2,400           34% A8030.4 ∙ Stream Research CE 6,312            6,438           6,567          6,567          6,567           129              2% A8810.1 ∙ Cemeteries PS 1,338            1,750           1,750          1,750          1,750           ‐                   n/a A8810.4 ∙ Cemeteries CE ‐                    2,000           2,000          2,000          2,000           ‐                   n/a A9000 ∙ Employee Benefits  A9010.8 ∙ NYS Retirement 32,123         44,361        50,000       50,000       50,000        5,639           13% A9030.8 ∙ Social Security 34,463         37,600        38,620       38,620       38,620        1,020           3% A9040.8 ∙ Worker's Compensation 1,483            1,557           1,245          1,245          1,245           (312)             ‐20% A9050.8 ∙ Unemployment Insurance ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A9055.8 ∙ Disability & PFL  Insurance 2,536            2,879           2,700          2,700          2,700           (179)             ‐6% A9055.81 Long Term Disability ‐                    1,914           1,910          1,910          1,910           (4)                 0% A9060.8 ∙ Health Insurance 41,004         48,362        70,000       70,000       70,000        21,638         45% A9060.81 ∙ Health Insurance HSA emp 8,750            8,750           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (8,750)         ‐100% APPROPRIATIONS (not including rese 875,910       1,100,387   1,260,293  1,260,293  1,260,293  159,906       15% A Fund Reserve Funding A962‐231 Unemp Reserve 5,000            23,506        ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (23,506)        ‐100% A962‐232 Retirement Cont Reserve 4,000            11,885        ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (11,885)        ‐100% A962‐233 Emp. Bene. Accum. Liab ‐                    2,931           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (2,931)         ‐100% A962‐234 Capital Reserve 2,000            20,000        220,000     220,000     220,000     200,000       1000% A962‐235 Repair Reserve 1,000            ‐                   50,000       29,750       29,750       29,750         n/a A962‐237 Tax Stabilization Reserve ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.21 Asgnd: Rec (parks)‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.22 Asgnd: Rec (TCRec‐pool)1,000            2,500           ‐                  2,500          2,500          ‐                   n/a A962‐236.23 Asgnd: Rec Village MOU 5,813            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.3 Asgnd: Audit ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.4 Asgnd: Legal ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.5 Asgnd: Youth Commission ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.7 Asgnd: Funding Env't Prot 2,000            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.8 Asgnd: Cemetery Repair F 2,000            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.9 Asgnd: NYSERDA Grant 5,000            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 898,723       1,161,209   1,530,293  1,512,543  1,512,543  351,334      30% 2023 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL FUND (A)  2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Revenues A1089 ∙ Other Tax Items 175               ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A1090 ∙ Interest/Penalties on RPT 3,636            2,000           2,300          2,300          2,300          300              15.0% A1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by County 351,816       158,303      216,822     216,822     216,822     58,519         37.0% A1170 ∙ Franchise Tax 12,754         12,000        12,745       12,745       12,745       745              6.2% A1255 ∙ Clerk's Fees 1,372            1,000           1,000          1,000          1,000          ‐                   n/a A1289 ∙ Other General Governmental Inc 638               ‐                   700             700             700             700              n/a A1550 ∙ Dog Control Fees 125               100              100             100             100             ‐                   n/a A2001 ∙ Recreation Charges 62,221         78,880        94,500       94,500       94,500       15,620         19.8% A2089 . Other Culture & Rec Income 3,420            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A2350 ∙ Youth Services, OG 44,841         46,218        49,009       49,009       49,009       2,791           6.0% A2351 ∙  Rec Services, OG 22,403         23,472        23,472       23,472       23,472       ‐                   n/a A2389 ∙ Misc Revenue, OG ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings 664               1,500           1,835          1,835          1,835          335              22.3% A2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings 2,042            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A2544 ∙ Dog Licenses 9,247            9,000           9,000          9,000          9,000          ‐                   n/a A2610 ∙ Fines & Forfeited Bail 28,275         15,000        20,000       20,000       20,000       5,000           33.3% A2680 ∙ Insurance Recovery ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A2660 ∙ Sales of Real Property ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A2701 ∙ Refunds from Prior Years 2,130            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A2705 ∙ Gifts and Donations 49                 ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A2706 ∙ Grants From Local Govts 5,450            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A2750 ∙ AIM Related Payments 33,545         33,545        33,545       33,545       33,545       ‐                   n/a A2770 ∙ Unclassified Revenue 520               ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A2801 ∙ Interfund Revenues (WD3&4 Cle 9,567            10,100        11,706       11,706       11,706       1,606           15.9% A3005 ∙ Mortgage Tax 138,096       105,889      105,000     105,000     105,000     (889)             ‐0.8% A3021 ∙ Court Facilities Grant 4,583            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A3089 ∙ Revenue ‐ Other State Aid 5,467            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   n/a A4089 ∙ Federal Aid, Other (ARPA)‐                    ‐                   106,250     86,000       86,000       86,000         n/a Sub‐Total w/out Reserves or FB 743,036       497,007      687,984     667,734     667,734      170,727       34% A511 ‐ RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS n/a A231 (A816) Unemployment Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                   n/a A232 (A827) Retirement Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                   n/a A233 (A867) Emp Benefits & Acc Liab Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A234 (A878) Capital Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                   n/a A235 (A882) Repair Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A237 (A880) Tax Stabilization Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                   n/a A236 (A915) Assigned Funds ‐                   ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                   n/a A962‐236.21 Asgnd: Rec (parks)‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.22 Asgnd: Rec (TCRec‐pool)‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.23 Asgnd: Rec Village MOU ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.3 Asgnd: Audit ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.4 Asgnd: Legal ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.5 Asgnd: Youth Commission ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.7 Asgnd: Funding Env't Protections ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.8 Asgnd: Cemetery Repair Fund ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A962‐236.9 Asgnd: NYSERDA Grant ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a Subtotal of Reserve used as Revenue ‐                    ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a A599 Appropriated Fund Balance 251,189      408,391 410,891     410,891     159,702       64% Subtotal of Reserves and Fund Balanc ‐                   251,189      408,391     410,891     410,891      159,702      64% Subtotal ‐ All Revenues Excluding Pro 743,036       748,196      1,096,375  1,078,625  1,078,625  330,429      44% A1028 ∙ Special Assessments, Ad Valorem 435               435              435             435             435              ‐                  n/a A1001 ∙ Real Property Taxes 402,847       412,578      433,483     433,483     433,483      20,905        5% Total funds to be raised by taxes 403,282       413,013      433,918     433,918     433,918      20,905        5% TOTAL REVENUES 1,146,318    1,161,209   1,530,293  1,512,543  1,512,543  351,334      30% 2023 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL PART‐TOWN FUND (B)  2021  Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Appropriations B8310.1 ∙ Water Admin PS ‐                    ‐                  1,754         1,754         1,754          1,754          n/a B8310.41 Water Administration CE ‐                    ‐                  4,150         4,150         4,150          4,150          n/a B1420.4 ∙ Attorney ‐  CE 12,015         30,000       30,000       30,000       30,000        ‐                   n/a B1440.4 ∙ Engineering/Consulting CE ‐                   53,300       3,300         3,300         3,300          (50,000)      ‐94% B1990.4 ∙ Contingency Account ‐                   31,000       20,000       20,000       20,000        (11,000)      ‐35% B1990.41 ∙ Employee Benefits Contingency 8,625         8,625         8,625          8,625          B3310.4 ∙ Traffic Control CE ‐                   280            280            280            280             ‐                   n/a B3620 ∙ Public Safety Enforcement Officer B3620.1 ∙ Enforcement Officer PS 41,512        49,856       51,850       51,850       51,850        1,994          4% B3620.11 ∙ Dep. Enforcement Officer PS 2,768          6,084         6,328         6,328         6,328          244             4% B3620.2 ∙ Enforcement Officer EQ ‐                   ‐                  21,750       21,750       21,750        21,750        n/a B3620.2R ∙ EO EQ Vehicle Reserve Use ‐                   ‐                  18,250       18,250       18,250        18,250        n/a B3620.4 ∙ Enforcement Officer CE 1,725          19,515       3,540         3,540         3,540          (15,975)      ‐82% Department Subtotal 46,004         75,455       101,718     101,718     101,718     26,263        35% B8010 ∙ Zoning  B8010.1 ∙ Zoning PS 19,819        33,088       39,000       39,000       39,000        5,912          18% B8010.4 ∙ Zoning CE 1,615          3,350         3,350         3,350         3,350          ‐                   n/a Department Subtotal 21,434         36,438      42,350       42,350       42,350        5,912          16% B8020 ∙ Planning B8020.1 ∙ Planning/Zoning Clerk PS 865              8,653         13,728       13,728       13,728        5,075          59% B8020.2 ∙ Planning/Zoning EQ ‐                    2,000         2,000         2,000          2,000          n/a B8020.4 ∙ Planning CE 1,740           3,750         36,750       36,750       36,750        33,000        880% B8021.1 ∙ Planner PS 19,715        33,088       39,000       39,000       39,000        5,912          18% B8021.11 ∙ Planning Internship ‐                   2,400         2,400         2,400         2,400          ‐                   n/a B8021.4 ∙ Planner CE 565             8,800         2,528         2,528         2,528          (6,272)         ‐71% B8021.4R ∙ Planner CE 10,150       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (10,150)      B8790.4 . Gen Natural Resources CE 1,500           3,573         4,313         4,313         4,313          740             21% Department Subtotal 24,385         70,414       100,719     100,719     100,719      30,305        43% B9000 ∙ Employee Benefits B9010.8 ∙ NYS Retirement 7,856          14,597       15,000       15,000       15,000        403             3% B9030.8 ∙ Social Security 6,417          10,205       12,000       12,000       12,000        1,795          18% B9040.8 ∙ Worker's Compensation 2,895          3,040         2,700         2,700         2,700          (340)            ‐11% B9055.8 ∙ Disability Insurance & PFL 525             742            700            700            700             (42)              ‐6% B9055.81 ∙ LT Disability Insurance ‐                   627            710            710            710             83                13% B9060.8 ∙ Health Insurance 4,828          41,017       62,000       62,000       62,000        20,983        51% B9060.81 ∙ HSA employer contribution 1,750           7,000         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (7,000)         ‐100% APPROPRIATIONS (not including reserves)128,109       374,115     406,006     406,006     406,006      31,891        9% B Fund Reserve Funding & Interfund Transfers 9901.2   Tranf to DA fund ‐ Fuel ‐                   600            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (600)            ‐100% B962‐230 Unemp Reserve 1,000           4,623         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (4,623)         ‐100% B879‐231 Vehicle Reserve 1,000           7,000         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (7,000)         ‐100% B962‐232 Capital Reserve ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a B962‐234 Emp. Bene & Accum. Liab.  4,600           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 134,709       386,338     406,006     406,006     406,006      19,668        5% 2023 BUDGET ‐ GENERAL PART‐TOWN FUND (B)  2021  Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Revenues B1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by County 215,106       174,249     183,575     183,575     183,575      9,326          5% B2110 ∙ Zoning Fees 200              500            600            600            600             100             20% B2115 ∙ Planning Fees 1,300           1,500         1,900         1,900         1,900          400             27% B2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings 448              500            180            180            180             (320)            ‐64% B2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings 802              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a B2555 ∙ Building Permits 24,458         20,000       20,000       20,000       20,000        ‐                   n/a B2590 . Other Permits, B Fund 3,482           1,600         1,600         1,600         1,600          ‐                   n/a B2665 ∙ Equipment Sales ‐                    ‐                  15,000       15,000       15,000        15,000        n/a B2701 ∙ Refunds of Prior Year Expenditures ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a B3902 ∙ State Aid, Planning Studies 4,000           ‐                  32,000       ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a B4089 ∙ Federal Aid, Other (ARPA) ‐                    40,000       3,300         3,300         3,300          (36,700)      ‐92% B5031 ∙ Interfund Transfers ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a Sub‐total w/out Reserves or FB 249,797       238,349     258,155     226,155     226,155      (12,194)      ‐5% B511 ‐ RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS ‐                   n/a B230 (B815) Unemployment Reserve ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a B231 (B879) Capital Reserve (Type: Vehicle)‐                  18,250       18,250       18,250        18,250        n/a B232 (B878) Capital Reserve        20,300  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   (20,300)      ‐100% B234 (B867) Emp Benefits & Acc Liab Reserve ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a Subtotal of Reserve used as Revenue 20,300       18,250       18,250       18,250        (2,050)         ‐10% B599 Appropriated Fund Balance 127,689 129,601     161,601     161,601 33,912        27% Subtotal of Reserves and Fund Balance ‐                    147,989     147,851     179,851     179,851      31,862        22% TOTAL REVENUES 249,797       386,338     406,006     406,006     406,006      19,668        5% 2023 BUDGET ‐ HIGHWAY FUND (DA)  2021  Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Appropriations DA5020.4 ∙ Engineering CE ‐                   4,000         5,000         5,000         5,000          1,000           25% DA5120 ∙ Maintenance of Bridges 5120.1 ∙ Maintenance of Bridges PS ‐                   5,000         1,337         1,337         1,337         (3,663)          ‐73% 5120.4 ∙ Maintenance of Bridges CE 378              10,000       10,000       10,000       10,000        ‐                   n/a DA5130 ∙ Machinery 5130.1 ∙ Machinery PS 43,774         40,700       42,000       42,000       42,000        1,300           3% 5130.2 ∙ Machinery EQ 6,925          224,391     84,922       84,922       84,922       (139,469)     ‐62% 5130.2R ∙ Reserve use for Machinery EQ 73,293       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (73,293)       5130.4 ∙ Machinery CE 47,764         60,000       60,000       60,000       60,000        ‐                   n/a DA5140 ∙ Brush & Weeds 5140.1 ∙ Brush & Weeds PS 11,502         25,000       25,000       25,000       25,000        ‐                   n/a 5140.4 ∙ Brush & Weeds CE 3,853           8,780         6,000         6,000         6,000         (2,780)          ‐32% DA5142 ∙ Snow Removal 5142.1 ∙ Snow Removal PS 10,942         22,700       24,000       24,000       24,000        1,300           6% 5142.4 ∙ Snow Removal CE 68,820         88,000       90,000       90,000       90,000        2,000           2% DA5148 ∙ Highway Services, Other Gov'ts 5148.1 ∙ Snow Removal OG ‐ PS 10,942         22,700       24,000       24,000       24,000        1,300           6% 5148.4 ∙ Snow Removal OG ‐ CE 68,820         88,000       90,000       90,000       90,000        2,000           2% DA8989 ∙ Misc Home & Comm Serv 8989.1 ∙ Misc Home & Comm Serv ‐ PS 184              2,000         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (2,000)          ‐100% DA9000 ∙ Employee Benefits 9010.8 ∙ State Retirement 17,676         19,463       19,000       19,000       19,000       (463)            ‐2% 9030.8 ∙ Social Security  5,857           9,425         8,900         8,900         8,900         (525)            ‐6% 9040.8 ∙ Workers Compensation  4,282           4,496         3,295         3,295         3,295         (1,201)          ‐27% 9050.8 ∙ Unemployment Insurance  ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a 9055.8 ∙ Disability Insurance & PFL 808              867             800             800             800             (67)               ‐8% 9055.81 ∙ LT Disability Insurance  ‐                   762             770             770             770              8                  1% 9060.8 ∙ Health Insurance  31,401         42,174       53,000       53,000       53,000        10,826         26% 9060.81 ∙ Health Insurance HSA employer con 5,469           5,470         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (5,470)          ‐100% APPROPRIATIONS (not including reserves)339,398      757,221    548,024    548,024    548,024      (209,197)     ‐28% DA Fund Reserve Funding DA962‐231 Snow & Ice Reserve ‐                   12,373       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (12,373)       ‐100% DA962‐232 Bridge Reserve (includes culverts 20,000         61,000       50,000       50,000       50,000       (11,000)       ‐18% DA962‐233 Capital Equip Reserve 20,000         ‐                  70,000       70,000       70,000        70,000         n/a TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 379,398      830,594    668,024    668,024    668,024      (162,570)     ‐20% REVENUES DA1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by County 103,724      125,925    118,372    118,372    118,372     (7,553)          ‐6% DA2302 ∙ Services ‐ Other Governments 65,073         78,607       65,228       65,228       65,228       (13,379)       ‐17% DA2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings  1,663           ‐                  600             600             600              600              n/a DA2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings  3,280           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA2650 ∙ Sales of Scrap ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA2665 ∙ Equipment Sales ‐                   10,500       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (10,500)       ‐100% DA2680 ∙ Insurance Recoveries  ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA2770 ∙ Unclassified Revenues ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA3960 ∙ State ER Disaster Assistance ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA4960 ∙ Fed ER Disaster Assistance ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA5031 ∙ Interfund Transfer: B fund (fuel)‐                   600             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (600)            ‐100% Subtotal Rev. w/out Reserve or FB 173,740      215,632    184,200    184,200    184,200     (31,432)       ‐15% DA511 ‐  RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS n/a DA231 (DA882) Snow & Ice Repair Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA232 (DA882.1) Bridge Repair Reserve ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a DA233 (DA878) Capital Equipment Reserve ‐                           73,293  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (73,293)       ‐100% Subtotal of Reserve used as Revenue  ‐                   73,293       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  (73,293)       ‐100% DA059 Appropriated Fund Balance 250,000    183,692    183,692    183,692     (66,309)       ‐27% Subtotal of Reserves and Approp. Fund Bal. ‐                  323,293    183,692    183,692    183,692     (139,602)     ‐43% Subtotal ‐ All Revenues Excluding Property Tax 173,740      538,925    367,892    367,892    367,892     (171,034)     ‐32% DA1001 ∙ Real Property Tax 272,334      291,669    300,132    300,132    300,132      8,463           3% TOTAL REVENUES 446,074      830,594    668,024    668,024    668,024     (162,571)     ‐20% 2023 BUDGET ‐ HIGHWAY PART‐TOWN FUND (DB)  2021  Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget 2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Appropriations DB5110 ∙ Highway Maintenance 5110.1 ∙ Highway Maintenance PS 81,889         89,440       91,000       91,000       91,000         1,560          2% 5110.4 ∙ Highway Maintenance CE 45,469         70,000       70,000       70,000       70,000         ‐                   n/a DB5112.2 ∙ Highway Capital Improvement 168,129       217,722     190,000     190,000     190,000       (27,722)       ‐13% DB9010 ∙ Employee Benefits  9010.8 ∙ State Retirement 10,606         11,678       12,000       12,000       12,000         322              3% 9030.8 ∙ Social Security  6,234           6,887         6,965         6,965         6,965           78                1% 9040.8 ∙ Workers Compensation  7,117           8,644         8,645         8,645         8,645           1                  0% 9050.8 ∙ Unemployment Insurance  ‐                ‐              ‐                  ‐              ‐                ‐               n/a 9055.8 ∙ Disability Insurance & PFL 485               520             480             480             480               (40)               ‐8% 9055.81 ∙ LT Disability Insurance  ‐                457             470             470             470               13                3% 9060.8 ∙Health Insurance  19,443         24,495       32,000       32,000       32,000         7,505          31% 9060.81 ∙ Health Insurance HSA employer co 3,281           2,919         ‐                  ‐              ‐                (2,919)         ‐100% APPROPRIATIONS (not including reserves)342,654       432,762     411,560     411,560     411,560       (21,202)       ‐5% DB Fund Reserve Funding DB962‐230 Capital Reserve ‐                10,000       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    (10,000)       ‐100% DB962‐231 Repair Reserve 20,401         39,600       50,000       50,000       50,000         10,400        26% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 363,055       482,362     461,560     461,560     461,560       (20,802)       ‐4% Revenues DB1120 ∙ Non‐Property Tax Dist by County 92,187         190,967     227,802     227,802     227,802       36,835        19% DB2401 ∙ Interest & Earnings  288               ‐              200             200             200               200              n/a DB2401CD ∙ Interest & Earnings  612               ‐              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐               n/a DB2701 ∙ Refunds from Prior Years ‐                ‐              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐               n/a DB3501 ∙ NYS CHIPS (PAVE‐NY, EWR) 169,064       217,722     190,000     190,000     190,000       (27,722)       ‐13% DB5600 ‐ Fuel Reimbursement ‐                630             600             600             600               (30)               ‐5% Subtotal Revenues w/out Reserves or FB 262,150       409,319     418,602     418,602     418,602       9,283          2% DB511 ‐  RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS n/a DB230 (DB878) Capital Reserve ‐              ‐              ‐              ‐                ‐               n/a DB231 (DB879) Repair Reserve ‐              ‐              ‐              ‐                ‐               n/a DB0511 ∙ Appropriated Capital Reserve ‐              ‐              ‐             ‐                ‐              n/a DB0599 .  Appropriated Fund Balance 73,043       42,958       42,958 42,958 (30,085)       ‐41% Subtotal of Reserves & Fund Balance ‐                   73,043       42,958       42,958       42,958         (30,085)       ‐41% TOTAL REVENUES 262,150       482,362     461,560     461,560     461,560       (20,802)       ‐4% 2023 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 1,2 & 4 FUNDS 2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  WATER DISTRICT 1 (CARS / Rt. 227) Appropriations SW1‐8320.4 ∙ WD1 Water Purchases 6,126          10,000       10,000       10,000       10,000         ‐                  n/a SW1‐8340.4 ∙ WD1 Trans/Dist CE ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW1‐962‐230 Repair Reserve 3,000          3,000          3,000          3,000           3,000            ‐                  n/a TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 9,126          13,000       13,000       13,000       13,000        ‐                  Revenues SW1‐2140 ∙ WD1 Metered Water Sales 6,781          10,000       10,000       10,000       10,000         ‐                  n/a SW1‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings 6                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW1‐2770  ∙ Utility Fee Related Billing ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW1‐230 (SW1‐882) Repair Reserve ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW1‐1001 ‐ WD1 Special Assessment 2,910          3,000          3,000          3,000           3,000            ‐                  n/a TOTAL REVENUES 9,697          13,000       13,000       13,000       13,000         2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  WATER DISTRICT 2 FUND (Shur Save) Appropriations SW2‐8320.4 ∙ WD2 Water Purchases 469             1,500          500             500              500              (1,000)        ‐66.7%  SW2‐962‐230 Repair Reserve ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 469             1,500          500             500              500               Revenues SW2‐2140 ∙ Metered Water Sales 501             1,500          500             500              500              (1,000)        ‐66.7% SW2‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings 2                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW2‐1001 ∙ WD2‐ Special Assessment  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a TOTAL REVENUES 503             1,500          500             500              500               2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023   Preliminary  Budget 2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  2022 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 4 (Dubois Road) Appropriations SW4‐8310.4 ∙ Water Admin (Transfer to A fund)569             633             664             664              664               31               5% SW4‐8320.4 ∙ Water Purchases 611 500             500             500              500               ‐                  n/a SW4 Fund/Reserve Funding ‐                  n/a SW4‐9901.9 ∙ Trans to Other Funds (Admin to A)0‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW4‐9901.91 Trans to Othr Funds (Admin to SW3)0‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW4‐962‐230 Repair Reserve ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,180          1,133          1,164          1,164           1,164            Revenues SW4‐2140 ∙ Metered Water Sales 714 500             500             500              500               ‐                  n/a SW4‐2148 ∙ Interest/Penalties on Water Chg 4‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW4‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings 12 ‐                  ‐                   ‐                    ‐                  n/a SW4‐1030 ∙ Special Assessments 569 633             664             664              664               31               5% TOTAL REVENUES 1,298          1,133          1,164          1,164           1,164            2023 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 3 FUND  2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023  Preliminary  Budget  2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Appropriations SW3‐1420.4 ∙ Attorney CE ‐                    1,000          1,000          1,000          1,000           ‐                     n/a SW3‐1990.4 Contingency ‐                    5,700          6,000          6,000          6,000           300               5% SW3‐8310 ∙ Water Administration ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐8310.1 ∙ Water Admin PS ‐                    ‐                  1,754          1,754          1,754           1,754            50% SW3‐8310.2 ∙ Water Admin EQ ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐8310.4 ∙ Water Admin CE 8,998            17,100       17,592       17,592       17,592         492               3% SW3‐8320.4 ∙ Water Purchases 90,227         86,643       94,659       94,659       94,659         8,016            9% SW3‐8320.41 ∙ Water Purchases Loss 10,254         17,746       14,145       14,145       14,145         (3,601)           ‐20% SW3‐8330 ∙ Water Purification, EQ & Cap Outlay ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐8330.2 ∙ Water Purifi, EQ  ‐                    6,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    (6,000)           ‐100% SW3‐8330.4 . Water Purif  CE 43                 ‐                  SW3‐8330.41  ∙ Aerator Service Contra ‐                    ‐                  7,280          7,280          7,280           7,280            n/a SW3‐8330.44  ∙ Supplies ‐                    1,700          1,200          1,200          1,200           (500)              ‐29% SW3‐8330.49 ∙ WP Engineering ‐                    2,500          1,000          1,000          1,000           (1,500)           ‐60% SW3‐8340 ∙ Water Transport & Distribution ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐8340.1 . Water District Operator 16,542         16,338       17,407       17,407       17,407         1,069            7% SW3‐8340.11 ∙ WD3 Laborer ‐                    1,000          1,000          1,000          1,000           ‐                     n/a SW3‐8340.12 ∙ WD3 Data Intern 900             900             900              900               n/a SW3‐8340.2 ∙ WD3 Trans/Dist EQ 9,612            49,350       49,800       49,800       49,800         450               1% SW3‐8340.2R ∙ WD3 Trans/Dist EQ Reserve Use 17,300       17,300       17,300         17,300          SW3‐8340.4 ∙ WD3 Trans/Dist CE SW3‐8340.41 ∙ General ‐                    500             500             500             500              ‐                     n/a SW3‐8340.42 ∙ Testing 4,820            5,580          1,792          1,792          1,792           (3,788)           ‐68% SW3‐8340.43 ∙ Internet & Communica 3,951            2,796          2,940          2,940          2,940           144               5% SW3‐8340.44 ∙ Supplies 1,450            800             1,000          1,000          1,000           200               25% SW3‐8340.45 ∙ Training & Dues 1,258            1,528          1,828          1,828          1,828           300               20% SW3‐8340.46 ∙  Truck Maintenance 399               1,000          1,500          1,500          1,500           500               50% SW3‐8340.47 ∙  Bolton Point Services 3,678            3,379          3,380          3,380          3,380           1                    0% SW3‐8340.48 ∙  Watermain breaks ‐                    5,250          5,250          5,250          5,250           ‐                     n/a SW3‐8340.49 ∙  Trans & Dist Engineeri 4,032            5,000          2,000          2,000          2,000           (3,000)           ‐60% SW3‐9000 ∙ WD3 Employee Benefits n/a SW3‐9010.8 ∙ WD3 NYS Retirement 2,835            2,827          2,100          2,100          2,100           (727)              ‐26% SW3‐9030.83 ∙ WD3 Social Security 1,266            1,339          1,542          1,542          1,542           203               15% SW3‐9040.83 ∙ WD3 Worker Compensat 1,264            1,337          710             710             710              (627)              ‐47% SW3‐9055.8 ∙ WD3 Disability Insurance &‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a Long Term Debt SW3‐9710.6 ∙ Debt Repayment 150,000       153,000     156,000     156,000     156,000       3,000            2% SW3‐9710.6 ∙ Interfund Loan Debt Repaym 16,553         16,553       16,144       16,144       16,144         (409)              ‐2% APPROPRIATIONS (not including reserves)327,181       405,966     427,723     427,723     427,723       21,757          5% SW3‐9901.9 ∙ Trans Other Funds ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐962‐230 Repair Reserve 2,500            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐962‐231 Equipment Reserve 1,500            3,625          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    (3,625)           ‐100% SW3‐962‐232 Capital Reserve ‐                    16,998       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    (16,998)        ‐100% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 331,181       426,589     427,723     427,723     427,723       1,134            0% 2023 BUDGET ‐ WATER DISTRICT 3 FUND  2021 Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023  Preliminary  Budget  2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  Revenues SW3‐2140 ∙ Metered Water Sales 102,307       100,000     106,965     106,965     106,965       6,965            7% SW3‐2141 ∙ Misc Rev OG Water Sales 2,470            2,500          2,405          2,405          2,405           (95)                ‐4% SW3‐2144 ∙ Water Service Charges 1,523            900             900             900             900              ‐                     n/a SW3‐2145 ∙ ODU Water Service Charges ‐                    5,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    (5,000)           ‐100% SW3‐2148 ∙ Interest/Penalties on Water C 2,680            1,500          1,500          1,500          1,500           ‐                     n/a SW3‐2389 ∙ Misc Rev OG Water Sales ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐2401 ∙ Interest/Earnings Water Distr 119               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐2401CD ∙ Interest/Earnings Water Di 88                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐2590 ∙ Other Permits 720               720             720             720             720              ‐                     n/a SW3‐2680 ∙  Insurance Recovery ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐2690 Other Compensation for Loss 10,685         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐2701 Refund of Prior Year Expense 11,313         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐2770 ∙  Unclassified Revenue ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐2801 ∙ Interfund Revenue 180             ‐                  ‐                    (180)              ‐100% SW3‐4089 Federal Aid, Other (ARPA funds)55,350       27,548       27,548       27,548         (27,802)        ‐50% SW3‐5031 ∙ Water Dist Interfund Transfer (from SW4)‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a Subtotal 131,905       166,150     140,038     140,038     140,038       (26,112)        ‐16% SW3‐511 ‐ RESERVE APPROPRIATIONS ‐                     n/a SW3‐230 (SW3‐882) Repair Reserve ‐                    ‐                  17,300       17,300       17,300         17,300          n/a SW3‐231 (SW3‐883) Equipment Reserve ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     n/a SW3‐232 (SW3‐884) Capital Reserve ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                     SW3‐599 ∙ Appropriated Fund Balance ‐                    27,886       31,241       31,241       31,241         3,355            12% Subtotal of Reserves and Fund Balance ‐                    27,886       48,541       48,541       48,541         20,655          74% Subtotal ‐ All Revenues Excluding Property 131,905       194,036     188,579     188,579     188,579       (5,457)           ‐3% FUNDS TO BE RAISED BY TAXES SW3‐1028 ∙ Special Assess, (Water)150,000       153,000     156,000     156,000     156,000       3,000            2% SW3‐1029 ∙ Special Assess, (Water)16,553         16,553       16,144       16,144       16,144         (409)              ‐2% SW3‐1030 ∙ Special Assessments Water Di 61,482         63,000       67,000       67,000       67,000         4,000            6% Subtotal 228,035       232,553     239,144     239,144     239,144       6,591            3% TOTAL REVENUES 359,940       426,589     427,723     427,723     427,723       1,134            0% 2023 BUDGET ‐ FIRE PROTECTION and EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES   2021  Actual   2022  Modified  Budget   Tentative  Budget  2023  Preliminary  Budget  2023   Adopted  Budget  2023   Change  from 2022   % Change  from 2022  FIRE BUDGET (SF Fund) Appropriations SF3410.4 ∙ Fire Protection CE 228,783 229,425      226,537     226,537     226,537      (2,888)         ‐1.26% Revenues SF1001 ∙ Real Property Tax (fire)228,783      229,425      226,537     226,537     226,537      (2,888)         ‐1.26% n/a n/a EMS BUDGET (SM Fund) Appropriations SM4540.4 . Ambulance CE 418,900 415,238       449,771       449,771       449,771       34,533         8.32% Revenues SM1289 Ambulance Billing Revenue 81,209       67,077        89,000       89,000       89,000        21,923        32.68% SM2401 Interest ‐                  ‐                   ‐                   n/a SM2705 Gifts and Donations 50               ‐                   n/a Sub‐Total 81,259        67,077        89,000       89,000       89,000       21,923        32.68% Fund Balance 8,224          18,240 8,240 8,240 16                0.19% Sub‐total without Prop. Tax. 81,259        75,301        107,240     97,240       97,240       21,939        29.14% SM1001 . Real Property Tax (EMS)337,116 339,937       342,531       352,531       352,531       12,594         3.70% TOTAL Revenue 418,375      415,238      449,771     449,771     449,771      34,533        8.32%