Town of Ulysses
April 2, 2014
The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg.
Supervisor- Liz Thomas
Board members- Rich Goldman, John Hertzler, Nancy Zahler, Dave Kerness
Clerk- Carissa Parlato
Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright
Highway Superintendent- Jim Meeker
Highway staff- Dave Reynolds, Fred Dean, Chris Stevenson
John Woychak from Perry & Carroll Insurance in Elmira
Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the website and clerk's board.
Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Mr. Wovehak's presentation:
Mr. Woychak of Perry & Carroll was the town's former insurance agent. He distributed folders
with the following information:
• healthcare reform information and timeline,
• metal levels (platinum, gold, silver, bronze) for qualified health plans,
• definitions of benefits
• Perry & Carroll rates and plans (platinum and silver)
Mr. Meeker noted the highway department's desire to keep the level of benefits that they
currently have. He drew attention to the importance of having good benefits to retain the
qualified employees needed to perform highway tasks.
Mr. Woychak completed his presentation and excused himself at 7:1Opm.
The board decided that they would like to see side-by-side comparisons of
• The town's current plan with the consortium/Perry & Carroll/ACA (Obamacare)
• The various retirement plans of the town retirees
The highway department excused themselves at 7:30pm.
Ms. Wright excused herself at Bpm.
The group continued the discussion, focusing on medicare, supplemental plans, and retiree
coverage. They opted not to take action until more information is obtained.
The board discussed the upcoming forum scheduled for April 12 and decided which topics
would be discussed and by whom, the amount of time spent talking versus listening and the
order of activities.
People will be invited to put a pin on the map showing their property, as they have coffee and
Sign in sheets will be available with opportunities to join committees.
After going over logistics, each board member will give a brief "commercial" on the following
Ms. Thomas- Jacksonville
• Water District 3 updates
• The Jacksonville church
• Properties of concern
Mr. Kerness- Water
• Second source
• Septic inspections
• Potential new water districts
Ms. Kiley- Zoning
Ms. Zahler- EMS Billing
Mr. Hertzler- Alternative energy/sustainability
Mr. Goldman- Stronger code enforcement
Time will be given for questions and then breakout groups will be formed according to interest.
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:54pm was made by Ms. Thomas and seconded by Mr. Kerness.
Respectfully submitted
by Carissa Parlato
April 11, 2014