HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Structure Inventory Dec 1976-11FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM I 61%111� UNIQUE SITE NO. 7 %we DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES A LBANY, NEW YORK (5 19) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATI,':.=. YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street ,TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any)-.. Tompkins County Department of Planning * * * * * * 0* 0 0* 0 * 0 0 * 0 6 * * * 0 0 0 9 * * 0 * * 0 * * * * * IDENTIFICATION t® is?=IR��r PAJff5TBy7LMt4Y CA1VAZ# 1. BUILDING NA M E (S): i91V %J71 1 A CI.' - _rRu.401 4 ORO 3. STREET LOCATION.A' R41N Sr 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public 0 h private DRESS: 5. PRESENT OWNER: rd'' Z'ii:E ! R! P18 , :11 J'2W!:'i= 6. USE: Original: Present: 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION 8BUILDING a. clapboard E b. stone ❑ c. brick F1 d. board arid batten . MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 f. shingles F1 9. stucco 0 other. 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members (if kncwn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other ❑ d. deteriorated 10. CONDITION: a. excellent d b. good D 6. fair ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: A. originai site ❑ b. moved 0 if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): ggl(k 2 SrORY AR01710M -ro MA9 12. PMTO: (Negative HP-1 scale: 1" = 1606 nor , %MMMMMA 14. 1'111iEAI'S TO BUILDING: a, none km,wit ` . h. /siting n c. Toms, I ! d. devvlopei5 e. dcleiioialiml f. other: 15, RFLATED OU*l BUILDINGS AND PIWPI R'lY: — -- - -^--- --- a, bairn l _J h. carriage house ❑ r. gal;lgc (_1 d. privy I'I C. shed 1 1 I. ;irrnhiw,c g. shop lJ h. gardens ( i. landscape features �. other; 16. SURROUNDINGS Oh THE BUILDING ('heck more than one if necessary): a. opclt land ❑ b. woodland (-) C, __a:rfer_•d %ttildi:',gs L.l d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial L industrial U g. residential h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features i( l%nown) 4 RIC C'04L MN5, 6077,W C-44FECA90 d,AJ F/2®rVT' FACAPg, /rA4IAAMT-" ST c- lMi�vL0Ws SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: G A Odl" 'Y'i_!1T BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: 6�e�K j6 VIVAG STYLE TNt 044PEL A5® SERV-o A5 .A MESiirVC' PIACr Fog TA5 7 c"A46VR6 EQrAgY C^G�� F, Cn4 1927—/.935 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: BUILDING-5'1RUC I.UKL. INvtIN1UKt VU"I DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STAT E PARKS V%D RE( REATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 YOUR NAME: Joseph Schuchman UNIQUE SITE NO. QUAD SERIES NEG. NO. DATE: June, 1981 YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 Tompkins County Department of Planning ORGANIZATION (if any): IDENTIFICATION "Session House" First Presbyterian Church I. BUILDING NAME(S): 2 COUNTY: Tompkins TO WNICITY:mosses VILLAGE: Trumansburg_ 3. STREET LOCATION: E• Main Street 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b. private CK 5. PRESENT OWNER: l st Presbyter -inn Ch . ADDRESS: F, Ma? n street r Tn mansburg h. USF: Original: Chapel Present: Snri al Hai 1 /gimAo%r School Rooms 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain yes s open for parish functions. DESCRIPTION K. BUILDING a. clapboard X1 b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: '). STRUCTURAL a, wood frame with interlocking joints SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if kmwn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent X] b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site (2 b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): One story side wing added ca. 1910-11, serves 4s kitchen. Two story rear wing, upper `story level with ground, added ca. 1952. This wing, which rests on a concrete block foundation, refledts the design of the original structure(as does the 1910-11 wing) and douses 12. PHOTO: 13. MAP: HP-1 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known b. zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b, carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ - i. landscape features: ` J. other: adjacent church 10. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open .land'❑ ''b. woodland ❑ . c. scattered buildings ❑ d. densely built-up ❑ ' e. c*ommaercial f. industrial ❑ g. residential EX h. other 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: -_ (indicate if building Ur structure Win an historic district) is structure and the adjacent First Presbyterian Church forma'distinctive_'ensemble 'of Greek 'Revival -architecture and are 'a fine addition to .the -main Street strretscape. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including intgrior features if known): Original structure is a fine example of Greek Revival design and features flush clapboard on the main facade and a fluted Doric columned entrance with unornamented pediment. Like - the adjacent church, chapel also featured doric columns without bases and an ' unornamented pediment. 1910-11 wing features a false parapet which rises above SIGNIFICANCE the actual roofline r 19. DATE OFINITIAL CONSTRUCTION: ,ca,;1850 ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 0HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: The First P> esbyterian .Church is the oldest existing congregation it the Village of Trumansburg being _= ,founded in 1803. The original portion of this "Session House" was.built ,with materials from an 1819 House of Worship which stood on the site of the present -brick structure until 1848.-_Numerous additions, while adding to the size, have been carried out'with a respect for the original elements. The structure is characteristically,Greek Revival, though the round arch windows", likely original, show 'the growing influence of the Italianate style at mid century. Of particular 'note, however, is the entry to the 1910-11 wing, which incorporates a characteristicall.* Georgian angular pediment, a popular' Colonial Revival feature.(Continued on attached sheet) w York ncorp oration Martin Carol Trumansbur . me , hbTb1872 �Centennial Association Inc, 1972, P.-Po 57 -Sanborn Map Company,°MU of Trumansbura. New York New Yorke Sanborn flap Company, 1929 ?2' THL AIF Conversation with Reverend Thomas Zange, pastor of First Presbyterian Church,of Trumansburg, April 17 ® 1981 r "Session Hpuse" 11. Integrity meeting and class rooms. Attached side brick chimney constructed at known date, possibly ca. 1960 based upon design. Interior wood paneling was applied to the original chapel area about 1952. 20. Historical and Architectural Importance Over the years, the "Session douse" has continuously been used for religious, social and educational purposes of the Presbyterian Church. From 1927-1935t this structure also served as a meeting place for the Trumasnburg Rotary Club. Due to rising energy costs, the Church is not used for services during the winter months, the weekly winter meetings taking place in the Session House. "Session House", side view, showing chimney and ca. 1910-11 wing. BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (51 S) 474-0479 YOUR NAME: Cnl letPjy�] bial<y YOUR ADDRESS- Ithaca. N.Y. UNIQUE SITE NO. QUAD SERIES NEG. NO DATE: JVL.L116, 1977 TELEPHONE: 9.79-h'11E ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins Countv Planning Departme-at IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAME(S): "Session House" (Rectiory-Pi rct PrPgh17t'PrJ AD Church F !- ' :' i' .I t I 3. STREET LOCATION:, Nra; n r 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b. private -E 5. PRESENT OWNER:e.E,irst Presbyterian UhuALWRESS: E. MainSt. 6. USE: Original: chapel Present: - scic_i a7 center 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes E 1 No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain —yes . public DESCRIPTION H. BUILDING a. clapboard ® b. stone ® c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: concrete block foundation 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members El (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent �Xl b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ l 1. INTEGRITY: a. original site 0 b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): window alteration addition of attached side brick chimney Iran atnry oor inn �-1 lioi-1 nn__ r+nnnrota h I nnlr }n.rn li �ti nn n I U 11'h 1 1-1 I 1 —ncoli �c Ir; tnLlan r m wing 14 1913 as shed wing - ----- ------ SCALE I'm 400' G `•iC, nncr - W U U \t b \f °jv �7aF t ti 1 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known C b. zoning ❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a, barn ❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f., greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: ddjaoclY� uliu..ull J. other: 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a. open land ❑ b..woodland ❑ c. scattered buildings ❑ r-, r 1 f. industrial ❑ g. residential (a h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Greek Revival structure adjacent to larger scale Greek Revival church, creating a distinctive ensemble. It is a secondary church structure. Until 1958, the lot con- tained a small frame house, built in 1850 c, for workers. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): flush clapboard on front facade paired, roundeheaded arched Italianate corner windows random ashlar stone foundation false parapet rising above entual roofline at northeast corner wing rear facade9northo retains original windows SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: (-. 1 850 ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: The presetn building was constructed of wood from the former Presbyterian church (built in 1819) which stood on the same site, and razed in 1849-1850. The chapel began as an L shaped plan Greek Revival structure and grew by additions in 1911 and 1913. It served as the meeting place for the Trumansburg Rotary Club betwee 1927 and 1935. Of note is the flush boarding on the front facade and the mix of Greek Revival and Italianate features. 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: '_'Trumansburg Area Council of Churches", undated bullitin C. Martin, Trumansburg Sentennial ,1972, p.55 public structure, associated with early local religious history BUILDING -STRUCTURE !NVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YOVK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (519) 474-0479 YOUR NAME, T*C*D*P. Staff YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street FOR OFFICE USE ONLY UNIQUE SITE NO. QUAD SERIES NEG. NO. TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning * * * * * * 0 * * * 0 0 * 0 0 * * * * 0 0 * * 0 V * * 4 * * * 0 0 * * 0 IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAME(S): 2. COUNT Y: I A (" 1, 3. STREET LOCATION: _&oq1W 57— —r.4A' H. PP iq —k —.3 7_1 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b. private 0 5. PRESENT OWNER: DRESS: 6. USE: Original: CNP44C# Present: C-NjPAPJ'—# 7, ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain 9::XJkW D I VESCRIFTI-ON 8. BUILDING a. clapboard CD b. stone CD c. brick 0 d. board and batten 1__11 MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 f, shingles CD 9, stucco 0 other: 9.STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints C1 SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent 0 b. good 6. fair ❑ d. deteriorated 0 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site C1 b. moved 0 if so,when? e. list major alterations and dates (if known): 12. PW'TO: (Negative #26,2) EM A M�N o r th 1-1. ITIREAI'S ro 10,111,I)ING: a. none known h. Immig 7 c. 10:1d" I d. devvloprls e. d0e11mjfnm f. other' 15, RELATI-J) OUI BUILDINGS AND PROPI-RTY: a. barn(-1 1), carriage how-w 7J C. galage d. privy I *I C. !Ied F! 1*. glecilhimse F] g. shop 1_-1 It. gardens (D i. landscape features J. other: I o. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more (haii one if ijcL-essary).. a. open land ED b. woodland D 71 d. densely built-up t7— e. commercial IN I. industrial Ll g. residential 6 h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known) SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 19&6 ARCWTFCT� BUILDER: 20, HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: 0AAff oFTRvmAms,&jRr,,s ol-D c-,qLjocq RL)ILDo,)(5s 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE: USE ONLY BUILDING-STZUCTUZE INVENTORY FORM [,'NIQUE SITIi NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (51 S) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATF: -- YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning p 4 0 P 4 A a a 0 a* 4® 00 0* 4* 4 0 b i® V a* N* r 0* e r e* IDENTIFICATION 2. COUNTY: Tompkins T Ow ii 1 T Y - " " T �' � /17 3. STREET LOCATION: / 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ E private TDP� ADDRESS: 5. PRESENT OWNER: �<�® Present: - 6. USE: Original: , No ❑ 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC' Exterior visible accessible: publicExplairoad: Yes Int ior DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING a. clapboard b. stone c. brick . ❑ other��rd and batten (._. MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g•stucco 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent ❑ b. good c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site b. moved 0 if so,when? C. list major alterations and dates (if known): p0� �LJlL? SC70N <1 F%�/� bL16Lr rN ?'0 5?AC�5 : 8i�Af� Z57®6�° %� eWir<�� ®,vsr�rr�ccTJ�N �INv Ar7ACPEP rep M41X 61-OCK °er/4 5 TORY _ _ r P� �1 trip` -n LA7,-"P. AIFvt�gnn� scrrNC�t9S � c>, U1A1d1J ON A D AC. r! ' I`+-••rv®—� •--• -- v- •�-+. -- 12. TO: (Negative #27 33 13.MAP: ma 14. THREATSTO BUILDING;: a, none known . 1). /iming ,71 c romk I 1 d. developer" C. detelioiaiitm f. o(her - 15. RFLATI:D 01 "I BUILDINGS AND PRO PI R"lY: -- - -AJ--' -- a. barn i _i h. carnage iiutr,c ❑ c, garage [ l d. privy ;_� C. ,hed F1 1. gircnhouse ) g. shop h. gardens i _ 1 i, landscape leatules' ). other: 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING; (check more than one if ricccs,:iry): a. open land ❑ b. woodland !_J d. densely built up 0 e. commercial WN f, industrial i_.J g, residential RM h.other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND S)'I'E (including interior feature, if known) 0151,E PS(74C-e)At3D5 /440W LATTICE P0575 t5LTr,5p cLAP A9 o)u FACAA6 AT FAOW AOAC14 SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 1930 f9-55,E55/-17- BUILDER: a61WDA1— QmM—Aft X1A1&,q1 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: vr-�q>C g,611104L ST vZ OAK,E OCctJPl D &Y C. P 6EGG A44pjOF4(7.0 A or FAgm MAtf "ElfY A�JD oPFAA7*0A OF OC7°s oL)N®gY* wq0 GAr�A AIAD A MAAJ510N C®NSTAUCEP OAJ 0L)7"Aj 577- yAs 56,61j /�j ,4M,5 rAMILv 57/RJCZ 1911 W14EN P/.WWA5EP P,5 I-Lowl(I Z)PP/HE 21. SOURCES: (fAf)OL (50Lp5TE/a4.jaf 7AAJ1A Wei,&/zhY WRO IIIJ7E A VZED TPE OWV6,85 AND 4 y,®14 S A95. 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING -STRUCTURE !NVENTORY FORIM UNIQUE SITE NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKSAN'D RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATF: YOUR ADDRESS* 128.E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning * * * 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 * * * * * 0 0 V 0 * 0 * * * * 4 * * # IDEFICATION tA AAbe n))40,0!-L �AFN Tompkins TOXITY 2.COUNTY. IP3 3. STREET LOCATION: 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ K private ADDRESS: 5, PRESENT OWNER: --,e. Present: 6. USE: original: c road: Yes No ❑ 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from publi Interior accessible: Explain 8. BUILDING a. clapboard b. stone El c. brick ❑ d. board and batten MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 f. shingles C1 9. stucco 0 other: 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints 0 SYSTEM: b: wood frame with light members CD (if kn(.wn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other d. deteriorated ❑ to. CONDITION: a. excellent 0 b. good 0 c. fair INTEGRITY: a. original site ❑ b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): C &A r W1 ,CAOti-r POA A10ows oM 51PZ A OPED f #'; 12. TO: (Negative #27-32.) 13. MAP: HP-1 I scale 0. 119 000 n or th 14. THREAI'S TO W1111,I)ING: 1, none known h. Imling 7 (. romis d. devclope!� 0, deteriuiatiun i-�, 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND P R( 1) 1 R'l Y: d. barn" _J h, carriage house ❑ C, gat.1ge d. privy e, Nhed I g1cclihmisc g. shop f — 11. gardens lands�,Upk: 1,eawles other: 16, SURROUNDINGS OFTHE BUILDING (check more than one if flcces.";Iry): a. opctk land n b. woodland c. buildings d. densely built-up I- e. commercial f. industrial g. residential It. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) IS. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND (inchidin interior features if Pimwit) SIGNIFICANCE 19, DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: NeW A PC" BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE. oA,aA Aeymm s-ryL--- 21. SOURCES: THEME: FOR OFFICE USI-, ONLY BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORAI LJNIQUE SITE; NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD AND REC'REA'rlON SERIES NEW YORK STATE PARKS ALBANY, NEW YORK (519) 474-0479 NEC. NO. YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATF,' IWC. YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if imy).. Tompkins County Department of Planning 11DENTIFICATION 'r,-9 9 k, 4 A A—C, W7 *1! b 2. COUNTY: Tompkins 19 3. STREET LOCATION: 25 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b, private 5. PRESENT OWNER: -F-L&S-Y- P) Present: 6. USF: Original: Yes No ❑ 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road .Interior accessible: Explain �&S41LZEYNMN 2. clapboard 0 b. stone EJ c, brick 19 d. board and batten L-1 8. BUILDING a. cobblestone 0 f. shingles 0 9. ItuccO 0 other. MATERIAL: 9.STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM' b. wood frame with light incynbers ❑ (if kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls d. metal (explain) c. other good ❑ 6fair d, deteriorated ❑ 10. COb. CONDITION: a. excellent 0 . if so,when? INTEGRITY: a. original site b. moved ❑ C. list major alterations and dates (if known): APP-EP 12. (NegaKive #25�S-I-L) rMUS -: f" 02 XNEW I sca!'e 00 am 14. THRFAI'S'ro BUILDING: a. none k(imvii (., h. /oning ❑ c. toad. 1 1 d. developet� 1J7 e. deteiiutatitm i I t'. other: _ 15. RFLATED OU'l1011LU1NGS ANL) PIWPI R-IY: a, b,tml_) h. carriage homes [ 1 C. garage (_J d. privy 1_" C. stied ( 1 1. t;trrnhouse (^� g. shop (_l it. gardens 1 1 i. landscape features J. other: �f�!17- lo. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING _(check more than one if necessary): a, open land ] b. woodland ( I llili g3 L� d. densely built-up E e. commercial (. indusirial Ll g. residential _ li. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) �p "� _ � t °d 7 aP �-'P -t',r f, �`-�trY��e_. —+ ' 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND Sl"I'I (including interior feature~ if 1',nown) 1��6�, r'�F�. "w` El p���i`� �...- � 3`"m, d � � ��? ��pia�p`•r (�'�_a d. �f>� `O j''�ad"'s^a&�o} SIG%lIMANC;E 19. CRATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: l ARCHITECT — -- -- --- — — -- BUILDER, 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: a- 21, SOURCES: 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 YOUR NAMECarol Goldstei�n/Tani.a Worbizlcy UNIQUE SITE NO. QUAD SERIES - NEG. NO. DATE: 'pring,1977 YOUR ADDRESS: 130T University Ave, 9Ithaca TELEPHONE: 607-272-6316 ORGANIZATION ('f ). Tompkins County planning Department i any . IDENTIFICATION 1. t?1JII DING NAME (S):Fi_rst 1'r. r?�Y�vtari ara C1�riarr li 2. COUNTY: ` ornpk ins Uniinty .TOWN/CITY:tHvssc-5 1 STREET LOCATION: 75 'E'- Amin St 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ h private R1 5. PRESENT OWNEWIairst Presbvteri.nn Church ADDRESS: 75 Z. llai_n.Truman sburp� 6. USE: Original: 'P11 e'J nn.s-1,Iah1 i r: Present: rel i xr, nu:F: —nubl i e 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes ❑ 7 No ❑ Intefior accessible: Explain yes—Publi c_ DESCRIPTION able end 8. BUILDING a. clapboard b. stone l c. brick )LI d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members (if knavn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other _ -- 10. CONDITION: a. excellent Q b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site 12 b. moved ❑ if so,when? f fc. list major alterations and dates (if( known): snare removed belfry added 12. PHOTO: 13. MAP: _.,�e.�f; eC 42" ct P7 Cn _:� I • 577G 95' �._— `.-__ _ ROAD STREET e SCALE 1' 400?STREIT nl a —� — �c, fi 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known ® b. zoning ❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ - d. privy ❑ e.r shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: nice back card j. other: rectory 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a. open land ❑ b. woodland ❑ c. scattered buildings ❑ v...,.. .Jp I_I ... v�..aaa, a...:,ra, '^ i f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h. other: historical tiiarker at' nor"theist corner of site -site of Abner Treman°s first log hduse 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS:_ (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Adjacent to a small scale -Greek rtevival structure, the two creating a distinctive ensemble of mid nineteenth century Greek Revival buildings. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): two story temple form portico paired entrance with single pane leaded Mass transoms colourans have no pedestals two story stained glass windows, frontmreligious,side-,cgometric belfry louvered wooded sh.-tters,tapered forn,wooden rosettes SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 184°m1850adedicated Jnnua..r-v 10.1850 ARCHITECT: BUILDER: f, 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: The site of the present church was purchased froin Abaer Treman and is -the fourth Presbyterian church to serve Trumansburg, the firs: church being the home of David Atwater, Services were Officiated by hev. Jededia Chapman for 8 z},embers, In 181 1 , a log i2.eL Jmg house for services was built 4 miles south of Trumansburg in the updike settlement, The first church on the pre- sent site was built in 1819. Y%'hen razed, its wood was used in the construction of the adjacent "session riouse", a chapel. The present bburch has been renovated. in 1868 and 1€80d 21. SOURCES: "Trumansburg Are Council of Churches",bullutin,undated® Carey Riartin, Trurnansburg. Gentonnial,1972o ppm`5-580 22. THENIE: religious -public structure