HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Structure Inventory Dec 1976-4FOR OFFICL-, USL ONLY RE 1,-4VENTORY FORM UNIQUE Sll,l," NO. WOO ,Uj1,DlNG-STR1UC-rU HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD DIVISION FOR SERIES NEW YORy, STATE PARKS,'011 RECREATION NBG, NO Nv�,q PORK (519) 474,0479 A L BA N Y, D AT 1`1 --A5C YOUR NAME. T.C.D.P- Staff BujfaI6 Street ,TELEPHONE.' 274-5286 YOUR ADDRESS' 128 E. unty Department of planning ORGANIZATION (if any)' Tompkins Cc, I-LAGE'. FIC&TION VI In BUILDING NAMEP-- TOWN/CITY: WX Tompkins 2-COUNTY.- iON. h 'private 3. STREET LOCAT' a public C] ADDRESS. 4. OWNERSHIP' R : -�L�o 776-R, Present' No ❑ 5, PRESENT oWNE USE: original: r visible from Public road: Yes Exterior 6. US TO PUBLIC. Explain 7. ACCES SIBILITY - interior accessible* d. and battet' 9) E —SC—R-Iff-1-0 clapboard b. stone C3 0 brick 0 t� C stucco 0 other 8. BUILDING e. cobblestone shingles MATERIAL- a. wood frame With interlocking joints C3 9. STRUCTURAL wood frame with light inembers C3 SYSTEM: b. bearing walls 0 c. masonry load bear {if knoxn) d. metal (explain) r-1 d, deteriorated 0 14. 1I.RLA'TS [O BUILDING: a, none {mown h. i(u+ing [? c rout, d. devrlupe+� ❑ e. Jete+��++a1i+m i � � f'. other 15. RELAITA) OU'i BUI LDIN(GS AND PROM R,I,(': a. barttl_i h. carriage hou.c• ❑ C. };u,tge r) d. privy ,_1 e. ,heel F] g. shop 1 _; h. gardens i ) i. landscape.---- �, other: 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if - a. overt lant+, 17 6 woodland c. scattered buildings ❑ d. densely built-up ❑ C. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential It. other: M INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) lei. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including inienor feature% it kimwn) FOR OFFICE UISL ()NLY BUILDING-STRUC-FURE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITT: NO - I }HISTORIC C PRESERVATION QUAD DIVISION KS AND RECREATION SERIES NEW YORK STATE PAR NEG. NO. ALBANY, NEW YORK (519) 4774-0479 DATI;,: YOUR NAME. ME: Staff 1 (607) 274-5286 128 E. Buffalo Street .TELEPHONE: YOUR ADDRESS' Tompkins County Department of planning ORGANIZATION (if any): fj i �- 17- NAMEN W--- V I L-, 1. BUILDING :— TOWN/CITY: jED 2. COUNTY* Tompkins C ATION-�/aP/ 4-/-W 3. STREET LOC— b, private 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public 0 ADDRESS: )eAL46 5. PRESENT OWNER'. Present: L9625—Al of No 0 public road: Yes 6. USE: original'. Exterior visible from ESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC' accessible. Explain 7, ACC Interior d. board and batte" ESC QRIPTIQN b. stone CD c brick 0 a. clapboard 21 shingles CD g' stucco 0 other g. BUILDING e. cobblestone 0 f* ' MATERIAL: a, wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ 9. STRUCTURAL b, wood frame with light me ❑ mbers SYSTEM: C. masonry load bearing walls (if known) d. metal (explain) 14. THREAI'S TO 13t ILDING: a, none known h. /mling n r. romis I d. devrlope!� ❑ C. jute? Iola ho n f 1'. other 15. RFLATHD Ol1BUIWINGS AND PROPI MY: --- ------ --- a. harnL_i h. cwriage house garage d. privy _} V. shed ( ! f l;w rilliuuse g, shop h. gardens i. landscape futures _. �. cattier: lo. SURROUNDINGS; OF THE BUILDING; (check more than one if ucrc»aryl: c, scattered buildings ❑ ry d. densely built-up ❑ e. commercial EJ f. industrial i_) g. residential h.other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior feature~ if known) UNL FOR OFFICE Ust, Y NTOR'Y FO' BUILDING-STRUCTU RE I.NVF"UNIQUE Syrl' NO� QUAPI FOR JJISTOF ,IC VRESERVNTION SERIES DIVISION K STATE PARKS AND RECREATION,' NEG. NO. NEW YOR�NF -0479 A L Nt, Y, WYORK (518) 474 ..C.D.F. Staffs.__ZLEP,,ONE., (607) 274-5286 YOUR NAME* 1-28 B. Buffalo Street ,TELEPHONE: YOUR ADDRESS- County Department of planning Tompkins ORGANIZATION (if any)* vii.LAGF'-Z? IDEN-11 M=� E(S).., T BUILDING Tom kins NAM TOWN /Cl 'y: 67-6 2. COUNTY ON: private STREET 0 ,F ,F T LOCCATI a public ❑ b6 ADDRESS., — 1 1, Y . .... 4. OW"IERSHIP: Present* Lk551-84;�, 1) 0 Yes 'SENT OWNEF'. es 5. PRE. visible from public road vinal.. Fl%plain 6. USE: Original*. TO PUBLIC' accessible' 7. ACC'ESS"3'L'Ty Interior 0c, brick CJ d, board and WWI D,M- 'RI IN a. clapboard 0 b., stone shingles C3 g. stucco 0 other'. BUILDING cobblestone C] f MATERIAL: wooframe with interlocking joints C3 a. wo, members C y. STRUCTUR AL b. wood frame with light SYSTEM: c. masonry load bearing walls C3 of known) d. metal (explain) j jejerjoraled ❑ 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known ` h. /(,Wing 7, c. r0,1d, 1 d. developt!!" C.drtrriurati(m I t. other. 15. RFLA T'D Ot"IBUIL.DiNt,S AND PIMNI RIY: a. barn l _i h. carnage house n ; . gawge d. privy ; _` C. shed ( 1 1. t;r(rnfr(,utir F.� g. shop (_1 h. gardens (_) i, landscape features: J. other; Io. SURROUNDINGS OF THL BUILDING; (check more than one if ireicssary): a. open land ❑ b. ,. i-1 L.,;ailefed buildings d. densely built-up ❑ e, commercial U I. industrial g, residential _ h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLL FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior featurev if I:rrown) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY -STRUCTU'IZE INVENTORY FORM 9M BUILDING UNIQUE sli'l-, NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY,NEW YORK (518)474-0479 NEG, NO. lql& YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATVI� JzEt --- (907) 274-5286 128 E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE: YOUR ADDRESS: if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning ORGANIZATION inp"FICAT-19N Oa 1-" A AJA A/ JR6 BUILDiNG1J 19. . Tompki�ls TOWN/CITY —rA it 2.cOUNTY public 3. STREET LOCATIOa. blic b, private 9 4. OWNERSHIP: ADDRESS, S. PRESENT OWNER: present: No 6. USE: OriginaI:--A&5a-iEAft*1r Exterior visible from ublic road: Yes 7, ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Interior accessible� Explain d. board and batten DEYRIPTION a. clapboard 0 b. stone C1 C. brick ❑0 g. BUILDING e. cobblestone C3 f. shingles C3 9. stucco 0 other: MATERIAL: interlocking joints 9. STRUCTURAL wood frame with ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members (if kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other ❑ b, good c. fair ❑d, deteriorated Io. CONDITION' a. excellent 0 moved ❑if so,when? INTEGRITY,. 1. original site ❑ b. C. list major alterations and dates (if known): �JEW 5;/01'XJ& APPUeP 7-0 'E'y7Eg10'C I 12. PHOTO: (Negative �A 1�. THREAI'S 'ro IWILDING: a. name knows ` h. i(,ning n c. roads I d. devclope„ ❑ e. dcteci„ia�lun I f. other' i 5. RFLATI:I) 0(1 BUI L.DiNCsS AND I'ItON R"I Y:-- a. harm_i h. carriage hmise ❑ C. }tuagc (._) d. privy i-I e..Nhed ! I. };irrnh„use ) g. shop 1,-; I), gardens i _ 1 �. landscape feature" 16, SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING; (cheek more than unc it' uecessary)- :t: ctnrst 1 ,q,.1 L7 -. Wiz:.,.^'.I i,ti I _J c. scattered buildings ❑ d. densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ I. industrial ❑ g. residential 43 h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) tS. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known) &ACKE715® CUPOtA SIGNIFICANCE ` 19, DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: -S mEAI'r � Tl A.::1-iiiliGl l: BUILDER: 20, HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: I-mmo rr 5-me 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (518)474-0479 YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street FOR OFFICE USE ONLY UNIQUE SITE NO, QUAD SERIES NEG. NO. DATF: TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning * 0 0 0 1* * 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * * * V 0 0* * * 0 * * * * * * 0 0 * 0 * IDENT11FICATION 1. B UI M 21 03; 1 COUNTY: Tompkins TOWN/CITY: 3, STREET LOCATION:2—cl-W14/6 Sr 74Y 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public 0 b. private A 5. PRESENT OWNER: 0. MO RP ADDRESS: 6. USE: Original: R.851A Present: 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes 0 No ED Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone 0 c. brick 0 d. board and batten MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 f. shingles 0 g. stucco 0 other.,&&4ms :5iv&t- 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light inembers 11 (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent El b. good N 6, fair El d. deteriorated 0 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site 0 b. moved ED if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): A-&m5 :51PIA)6 APPI-140 12. TO: (Negative #') HP-1 I ir_ l-t, THREM'S TO liUILI ING: a. none known 9 h, /(mint; 7 c. roads I I d. develope!5 e. de(elimat l ( J f. ocher 1 S. RELATED 01"I BUILDINGS AND I)I )Nk K-lY: a. bt mF1' h. carriage house C. f;aragc (_a d. privy 1_I c. shed I I V. Y;iri•nhousc (7 g. shop (fI h. gardens F.1 i. landscape features ), other: lo, SURROUNDINGS Oh THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary)...._ a. open land ❑ b. woodland ( 1 c, Scaliered buildings Ll d.densely built-up ❑ e, commercial U f. industrial LJ g, residential It. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER. NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior feature~ it known) SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL ('ONSTRUCTION: 70 A p0W1TCj-r- BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: 1TAQANA'r6-57-YLE 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORJ�l DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATIOf"I ALBANY, NEW YORK (51 tt) 47-1-0479 YOUR NAME: T.CoD.P. Staff YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street FOR OFFICE USE' ONLY UNIQUE SITE' NO, QUAD SERIES NEG. NO.- DATF: TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning W PzPCATION i. BUILDING NA�sE(Sy:_®� 2. COUNTY: Tompkins TOWN/CITY: ZZV45-f5_-S 3. STREET LOCATION: 61w .5rl 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public h private 0 S. PR ESE NT OWNER: ADDRESS: 6. USE: 06ginal: IP_1151b rkeacn: 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes WN No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain DESCfflMFW0N 8. BUILDING a. clapboard b. stone El c. brick EJ d. board and batten MATERIAL: e. cobblestone El f. shingles 0 g. stucco 0 other: 9—STRUCTURAL a, wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members El (if kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls FJ d. rnetal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent El b. good 0 6, fair 0 d, deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: A. Original site 0 b. moved 0 if so'when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): 12. PRkY,'V: (Negai�ive "P-1 scale ".V= 1000 1 14. TI'R1 ATS TO BUILDING: a, none known h. oming [] r. road, I ) d. devclopel; _ e. dote iuiaii ,n l f f. other: _ 15. RFLATFD OU'i BUILDINGS AND 4'wWl R f V:u� a. barnl-1 b. Carriage himse ❑ r. gtuage (_) d. privy C. shed ( 1 1, g1ccuhousc g. shop L 11. gardens F4 i, landscape fejImes ._ J. wher: Ib. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one i( necessary)` _ _Es'eei3 -_1 c. scattered buildings ❑ d. densely built-up i.:I e. commercial 1:1 f. industrial L] g. residential Ir. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including inferior features it known) SIGNIFICANCE ly. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME FOR OFI�ICL", USI' ONLY E, INVENTORY FORM BUW�_DING-STRIUCTUP­ DivisioN Fop HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW yoRK STATE PARKS t%Nlk) RECREATION ALBANY, NDN YORK (5 19) 474-0479 YOUR NAME: T ' C.D.P. Staff YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street UNIQUE SI'Fl? No QUAD SERIES NFG. NO. . DATF� .TELEPHON (607) 274-5286 IV raa ,ins County Depa,tlent of planning ORGANIZATION (if any) E. BUILL)iNIG N TOWN /CITY: 6 VTompkins dv AIAV 2. coUNT, . . 5 3. STREET LOCATION: private, 4� ()WJJERSHJP: a. public ADDR, ESS: present: __&4015J_ ad: Yes 6. USE' Ofiginal: PUnLIC: Exteaor visible from pt_�bhc road: 7. ACCESSIBILITY TAW - — - a Weriof accessibW EXP""' PE,�CRIWTION - stone C) c, brick 0 d, board and battell a. clapboard b stucco 0 other. g. BUILDING c. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles 0 9- 3 tAATERIAL: a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ 9. STRUCTURAL b. wood frame with light members SYSTEM, c. n�aload bearing walls Lj (if known) d. metal (explain) e. other ❑ b. good fair d, deteriorated I o. CONDITION: 8. excellent 11 ed ❑if so,when? INTEGRITY: 6. ofigillai site El b. Mov c. list major alteratiOns aflLl dates (if ltn"Jn): A,�i5vfi9&` i�xAr� (WPQaLive #�?8&4_) 13. MAP: X_ 199 = �, � 4 , lip-! 14. 1HREAYSTOBUILI)ING: a,none known V h. 11ming f-1 c t D; I ds t. other. 15. RFL-Al't,'I)Otl'llit)iL,I)IN(-;S AND PIMN-Rly: a. hartir 1 1), carriage howNt, ❑ C. garage d, privy C. shed a f. gick-11himsc g. shop b. gardens other: W SURROUNDINGS 01, THL,' BUILIAN(; (check more than one if accessary): a. open hmd c. scattered buildings El d. densely built-up E-1 e, commercial E) f. industrial g. residential h. other: t7. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known) SIGNIFICANCE 19. bATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 1900 -AR.v "1111 T FVT 4;5-:A&N511eNr 20. HISTORICAL AM) ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: rVIN 'w- -Mc;S�ed 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: suiLDING-STR" uTu INVENTORY®R�l DIVISION F STATE lST®RIKS ANI) RECREATION NEW YORK a K IS) 414-0479 a t .R,'aNY, NEW YORK YOUR NAME, T,C,D.p. Staff 12S L. Buffalo Street YOUR ADDRESS: artment of Planning Tompkins County Dep « ORGANIZATION (if any): « « « « « « « « « « « « s,•:�.��r_VILLAGI'' _----- gl. BUILDING . CUUNTY' TompkinsATI/7 / 3. STREET LOCATION: � ON : ADDRESS: b. private P P: a• public ❑ , 4. OWNERS"'?* present: No ❑ 5• PRESENT OWNER d - Yes Exterior visible from public roa 6. USE: Original: n PUBLIC;: lain ?. ACC'ESSlBILITY T`" Interior accessible: Exp d board and batten-1 FOR OFFICE 1: c)NLY UNIQUE S1T1? No. ; QUAD SERIES NEC;. NO. DATI�.. Itlpnot g. BUILDING MATERIAL: 9. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM (if kn(avn) !q CONDITION: 11 INTEGRITY' (607) 274-5286 TELEPHONE: ❑ a, clap . board 0 b. stone ❑ c, brick other e. cobblestone fshingles CD g stucco ❑ . od frame with interlocking a joints ❑ . wuwood frame with light members C. masonry toad bearing walls ❑ d, metal (explain) e, other c, fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ a. excellent CDb• good s, orig+rrr(if known): if s®,when'.' nai site ❑ b. moved ❑ C. list major alterations an�d)date/�p��� ppoN �' 13. MAY: 12. _ "P-1 14. THREAI'S TO BUILDING: a, none known h. i„ning n c. fond, I d. developers e. de(eiimation l f. other: _ 15. RELATED OU'l BUI LDIMiS AND PROM M Y: — - a. barns-1 h. carriage house ❑ c. garage (a d. privy [:1 C. shed 1-1 1. g. shop h. gardens F-I i. landscape features, }. other:- Io. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING; (check more than one if necessary): a, open land ❑ h.Je°='::;::d I_j C. ,wU-sled buildings tYl d. densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial LJ g. residential h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SIT;<.:: (including interior features if known) SIGNIFICANCE i9. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: ARCHITECT: — _ BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: OgEEkl 'ev1ml- srY 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: BUILDING-STRUCTU"I'-'r �- INVENTORY FORNI DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION A' N Y, NEW YORK (� -19) 474-0479 1 YOUR NAME' T - C.D.P. Staff 128 E. Buffalo Street FOR OFFICE Ust,-' ONLY U-NIQUE SITE NO. QUAD SERIES NEG, NO. DATE! -Da; TELEPHONE: : (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any):Tompkins County Department of Planning 19F-NTIFICATION 'L ri I I 'k .11 V Tompkin,-3 TOWN 0- 1 -Le-ft�f 2.COUNTY: WHI'6. 6r 3, STREET LOCATION. a.public b, private 0 4. OWNERSHIP: . ADDRESS' S. PRESENT OWNER: rn . present: yes No ED 6. USE. Original: --gmj Exterior visible from public road: 7. ACCF-SSiBILIqr%1' TO PUBLIC:Interior accessible! Explain d. board and battell 0K2C--9Tn9-11 a. clapboard 0 b. stone 0 C. brick other 8. BUILDING e. cobblestone C1 f. shingles C1 9. stucco 0 MATERIAL: a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ 9. STRUCTUR AL b. wood frame with lightInembers SYSTEM. ❑ (if kncwn) C. masonry load bearing . walls d. metal (explain) e. other b, good fair 0 d, deteriorated 10. CONDITION: a. e❑ xcellent a C3 1b. moved ❑ if so,when? INTEGRITY: A. original site I . list major alterations and dates (if known): (Negal:ive .04%41 Z scale: 119 000 nort 14. THRLAI'S 'f0 BU11,l)!'NG: a. none km,wn 0 h. i„ning 7 c. romis I d. dcvrlopeis _' c. dclr�iuianun I f. other 15. RFLATED OU'l BUI LDINGS AND 1'1Z01'1 R7 Y: a. barn (_1 h. carriage house ❑ C. l w age �a d. privy I_I C. "hed F I 1. );irrnhoosc (7 g, shop lJ It, gardens i. landscape features J. other 10. SURROUNDINGS OF THL BUILDING; (check more than unc if neressnry): :s,4tness t�,���f ❑ _: �L,:ui:tn:i _j c, scattered huildings ❑ d. densely built-up ❑ e• commercial f. industrial i3 g, residential h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) IS. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known) COPOZA, WIA00W MAt SIGNIFICANCE ly. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: AKCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: 6A RC14SE W11—r' 17AL/A;jAT !g7-A11S7. CL)pc)4A 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY HUILDINv-STRUCTURiE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE NO, DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD F6-13 NEW YORK STATE PARRS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (519) 474-0479 NEG. NO, YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Stuff DATFI: 4 ° 19T--- - -- YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street ,TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning 0 a 0 a M 0 0 0 0 m* 0 0** 0* o a t* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0 o m r 0 0 IDENTIFICATION - - Mo -� 1. u.,.uvt a_ •---- 2. COUNTY: Tompkins . TOWN/CITY: 3. STREET LOCATION: U)111�" 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ h private ADDRESS: 5. PRESENT OWNER: -95 � Present: — 6. USE: Original: - No ❑ 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes Interior accessible: Explain a E � RIf N ❑ c, brick ❑ d. board asld batten I I 8. BUILDING >$. clapboard b. stony stucco ❑ other: MATERIAL:e. cobblestone El f. shingles ❑ g• 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent ❑ b. good c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. CONDITION: a. original site Cl b. moved ❑ if so,whe0 C. list major alteratrans and dates (if known): ®l��A� Y WIAApow AiiDEpl Af POT7ON S % i scale®" 1000 1 14. Ti:REAI'S TO BUILDING: a. none known 0 h. roiling n c. ro;tds I d, developets C. de(eIimaIi�m I f. other' 15. RFLATED Olt"l IWI LDINI;S AND PROPI R'l y: a. barn F h. carriage 11mise l;;uay d. privy I_} e. shed ( ) f. YW0tl10use F1 g. shop L__) h. gardens 1.1 i, landscape features ), ether:- lo. SURROUNDINGS OF THL BUILDING; (clieck more than one if ueccssary): a. open land ❑ h..Leod!-, .nr! f^t c. scattered hutldings LJ d.densely built-up it e. commercial U f. industrial L:J g. residential h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if kmow") WINPOWS, ITA61ANATO' STYLE IAY WIMPOW SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: /tr�O 111dCLri 11rl 1 BUILDER: 20, HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: C,r-',EEx &VIYAL. sryLE 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRIUCTUME INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE' NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD S NEW YORK STATE PARK AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (519) 474-0479 NEG. NO YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATF: 19--7&- 128 E. Buffalo Street JELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 YOUR ADDRESS: ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning t. t5 i 2.COUNTY: Tompkins WN TO/CITY: ✓ 1 STREET LOCATION: a. 0 b, private 4. OWNERSHIP: public ADDRESS: 5, PRESENT OWNER: Present: ❑ 6. USE: Original: 125-'511>C•,41Cj9-F- Yes No TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: 7. ACCESSIBILITY 1W Interior accessible: Explain 1�CRIPTI - ()N N b. stone 0 c. brick d. board and batter, S. BUILDING a. clapboard cobblestone C3 f. shingles C3 g. stucco [] other MATERIAL: e. wood frame will, interlocking joints 9. STRUCTURAL a, b, wood frame with light members SYSTEM, c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ (if known) d. metal (explain) e. other❑ excellent El b. good ❑ 6. fair 0 d. deteriorated 10. CONDITION: 3. A. original site ❑ b. moved 0 if so,when? INTEGRITY: C, list major alterations and dates (if known): 041MAZ r T6,,q 14L I r4 6 O - a, 73 ST' ® 119 = 1000` "P-1 14. THREAITS TO BUILDING: a. none kri wu h, noting n c. 1-0mis ! ! d. dcvclopel, _' e. dete�ioiati n 1-1 f. other I S. RFLATI:I) OL"I H U I L DINGS AND PROPI K I Y: a. barni_� h. carrlagc house ❑ C. garage (-_1 d. privy c. shed ( 1 V. gw(.11111mw F.) g. shop l_) h. gardens C I i. landscape fealures' J. other: _ lb. SURROUNDINGS OF THL BUILDING (check more than one if necessary)._.__ _. c. scattered buildings ❑ d.dense)y built-up ❑ e. commercial U 1. industrial i) g. residential h.other: l7, INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including inlerior features i( known) A4 SIGNIFICANCE l9. BATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: f i.44 r,40476- sry-/E 1. SOURCES: 22. THEME: BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORAl DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street FOR OFFICE USE' ONLY UNIQUE SITE NO. QUAD SERIES NEG. NO. DATF: TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning * * 0 * * d* 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 0 0 0! 0 0 V * * * * 4 0 0 * IDENTIFICATION 1. B ;; ;�I.­ � . "N 2, COUNTY: Tompkins _RyW W 411-11-1516 1 STREET LOCATION: 19 COY�(5S SJ_ 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public bL private 0 5. PRESENT OWNER- h. ADDRESS: 6. USE, Original: de Present: 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes A No ED Interior accessible: Explain - DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING a. clapboard b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten F-] MATERIAL: e. cobblestone F1 f, shingles El g. stucco 0 other: 9.STRUCTURAL a. wood frame w ' ith interlocking joints CJ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light inembers (if kn,-wn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent 9 b. good ❑ c' fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site 0 b. moved El if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): 12. pMro: (Negative #2_9-1.3) S HP-1 13. MAP: scale-. ill o0o nore" 14. THRUAI'STO BUILDING: a. none known ig h. /miiiig 7 c romk d. t'. other. 15. a. barnEl 1)• carriage hmvw ❑ L:. gawgc [--I d. privy e. Aled FI L gill-cf1how.w �_J' g. shop it. gardens i. landscape feilmes J. other: lb. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than (me if necessary): c. scattered buildings El d. densely built-up 0 e. commercial 1:1 f. industrial D g. residential 1:1 11. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including inferior features it kii0wit) SIGNIFICANCE 11). OATS OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 190!5- ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL ANO ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: i'_Aa)( 6FjJ7V9Y IJCZ)S& 21. -SOURCES: 22. THEME. BUILDING -STRUCTURE !NVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK s'rATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (514} 474-0479 YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff FOR OFFICE USE ONLY UNIQUE SITE' NO. QUAD SERIES NEG. NO. YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning * V 0 * * * a* 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * * * 0 * 0 0 0 * * 0 * * 0* 4 * 0 * gF n I — I FICATION 1. BUILDING NAIVIIE(5)­: v� Y A15PA) 2. COUNTY: Tompkins TOWN/CITY:,4�1/'KeT5, 3— _ — e6 3. STREET LOCATION: 67— 7;;A� •oVItP 9- 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ bL private 0 5. PRESENT OWNER: & ADDRESS: 6. USE: Original: Present: RE51D161_Ve_15 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: yes 0 No El Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING a. clapboard V1 b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 f. shingles 0 9. stucco DJ Ot"er, 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members 10 (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls 0 d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent 0 b. good 13 6. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 1. INTEGRITY: a. original site 0 b. moved 0 if so'when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): 12. PHOTO: (Negative #29-12) A4, cl 13. MAP: ToWrALIP46 Rp- ___J L O z . 7rl dAyLAGA 5'T- HP-1 scale:V=i0oo nort &MMMON 14. THREAI'S,roIWILDING: a.none known W 11. /mllng 7 c romis I d. developcis "— 0. deteriuratinn 15. RFLAIT'D 01,"I BUILDINGS AND PROPI.WlY a. barnt71 1). carriage house gawgv d. privy (*I V. shed a 1. r.) g. shop LJ h. gardens i. landscape [ealules J. other: It). SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if f1CL'C.SS,'1ry): c. scattered buildings ❑ d.densely built-up E) e. commercial EJ f. industrial g. residential h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (ilfLluding inlerior feature,. if kimvvii) SIGNIFICANCE 11). DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 195Z) ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: EXCELLENT il-,MlWa, or <VQATE 1T,4LjAMA7-,e :57-rZff , /Oj)�6 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street FOR OFFICE USE' ONLY UNIQUE SITE' NO. QUAD SERIES NEG. NO. DATE: TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning * * * 0 V a* 0 0 * 0 V IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING 2. COUNTY: Tompkins TOWN/CITY:4//—V.55e--,-6 ViLLAGE: 3. STREET LOCATION: OW 57. ' 4. OWNERSHIP- a. public [J to private N S. PRESENT OWNER: ADDRESS: 6. USE: Present: Rkll�-5 ZdL)��� 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes 91 No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING a. clapboard b. stone C3 c, brick Cl d. board and batten MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 f. shingles 1:1 g, stucco El other, qSTRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlucking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light inembers (if knLwn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent 0 b. good c, fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. originai site ❑ b. moved if so,when7 c. list major alterations and dates (if known): 12. pMTX): (Negative G, A 71 eAyuc"A 5T� HP-1 4t'�h &IFUMMONA 14. THREATS •('O 1Q.11.I)INC: a. none known 0. h, Immig d. devrlopei,, C. Jeteiiuratikm I f. other 15. RELATED OVI 13UILDINGS AND PROM 1t 1 Y: — — — --y--� --- — a. barn_1 h. carriage houst. ❑ r. gatage f._) d. privy C. shed f ) f. i;trrnh��usc g. shop 1_) h. gardens i i. landscape fealutes I, other: it). SURROUNDINGS OFTHE BUILDING; (check more than one if necessary): 4 't c. scattered buildings ❑ d. densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial U g. residential h. other: M INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features i1 k1lown) SIGNIFICANCE 11), DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: AKCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL ANO ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: C7A i100-5 ' MTh/ 1TA41AtJA- "F 0.,5' TT.4i45 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM UrNIQUE SITE NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME, T.C.D.P. Staff DATF: Z-97&--- 128 E. Buffalo Street .TELEPHONE: (607) 274-5286 YOUR ADDRESS: ORGANIZATION (if any): Tompkins County Department of Planning inrNTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAM E (S ) Tompkins V! LLAG 11-: 2. COUNTY.. TOWN/CITY:. :-4242tA-�!5`5 -'57- / 5 ,ET LOCATION b, pri ate 3. STREET 3. public 0 r i7a 4. OWNERSHIP: ADDRESS: 5. PRESENT OWNER: Present: 6. USE: Original:L—R40-/P-Ezef� Yes J0 N 0 ❑ -7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: interior accessible: Explain VT-ffz-R1?TION a. clapboard 2 b. stone ❑El c, brick 0 d. board and batten 8. BUILDING e. cobblestone C3 f. shingles C3 9. stucco 0 other: MATERIAL: 9.STRUCTURAL 3. wood frame with interlocking joints FI SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 9. excellent 0 b. good c'. fair ❑d. deteriorated ❑ 10. CONDITION: 11. INTEGRITY: A. original site ❑ b. moved ❑ if so,when'? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): DDMP- 12. TO: (Negative #2910) i. i, lio V, A' scale: 1" = 100 1 zn0r>t-, &MMMM"A 14. THREAI'S TO BUILDING: a, none known h. /(milig 7 c. roml, I d. developels i'. other' 15, RFLATIA) OU'l BUILDINGS AND PROM KJ Y: a. barn FJ h. carriage h(ime F] C. gal;lge d, privy I " C. "lle'l 171 1*. gi I.k. fill fill se g. Shop Ll If. gardens I. ILIMISCLIPC [CLIWICS' J. other: 1b. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): c. scattered htiildings ❑ d.densely built-up ED e. commercial 0- f. industrial L:J g. residential .0 h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if knowto (—O'D PO4 4 6 ro R r sA Y wmicow, Ev rgAticE SIGNIFICANCE 19, DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL ANO ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: 17A-1-1AN`47'6 5TY1.6 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE US1- ONLY BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORINI UNIQUE SITE' NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATFI: - /9-76?�--- - - YOUR ADDRESS: 128 E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE' (607) 274-5286 ORGANIZATION (if any)* Tompkins County Department of Planning * * * * * * * * * * * 0* 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 0 * * q 4 * * * * 0* * 0 * * IDENTIFICATION I BUILUI iiv NAMt1'3'- TOWN IC ITY: 2. COUNTY: Tompkins wwy q.4.p A& 3. STREET LOCATION: 4. OWNERSHIP: 3. public ❑ h private ADDRESS: 5, PRESENT OWNER: Present: R,55110,FIA16—� 6. USE: Original: blic road: Yes No ED 7. ACCESSiBILITY TO DIUBLIC: Exterior ble from Pu Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION clapboard b. stone ❑ c. brick board and bat tcll a. 8. BUILDING cobblestone 0 f, shingles 0 9, stucco 0 other: MATERIAL: e. 9, STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM' b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls d, metal (explain) e. other b. good c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated io. CONDITION: 3. excellent 0 b. moved El if so,when? 11. INTEGRITY: 1. original site 0 C. list major alterations and dates (if known): 12. (ie ar-ive #.P9-9 ) rM IV: M. scale. > 7. HP-1 I-1. THREAI'S •fO BUILDING: a. nurtc krtinarl 0 h. r�nung r! c. roads I d. Jcvcluprt,, _ c. Jetrti��tati��n 15. RFLAIT"D Ot"I BUILDINGS AND PROPI R IY: - - - --- - a. barn(-) h. carriage house f�l �. gantge C_) d. privy L.1 c. shed I 1 I'. t;trcultnuse ��j g. shop L-1 It, gardens 1 i. landscape features J. other; _ to. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary):..... r— - nd b. woodia, c. scattered buildings ❑ d. densely built-up ❑ e. commercial U I. industrial 1�1 g. residential h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SIT£: (including interior feature~ it known) Z7AjMWJCE,, WINDOW NOCLos D0004E 5KA< 5' r SIGNIFICANCE 19, DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION; I8705�E5S,9F;/'T r��®, ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: /��/4/V479- 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: FOR OFFICE:USE ONLY BUILDING -STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORINI UNIQUE SITE' NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 NEG. NO. 1,7---- &-, - YOUR NAME: T.C.D.P. Staff DATE -.0-EC- 9 128 E. Buffalo Street TELEPHONE- (607) 274-5286 YOUR ADDRESS' ORGANIZATION (if any).. Tompkins County Department of Planning IDENTIFICATION Tompkins TOWNL !Ci-I 2. COUNTY: 3. STREET LOCATION: 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public 0 b. private ADDRESS: 5. PRESENT OWNER: Present: 6. USE: Original: No 0 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC' Exterior visible from public road: Yes Interior accessible: Explain VESCRIPTION' a. clapboard 21 b. stone ❑C1 c. brick d, board and batten Cl 8. BUILDING e. cobblestone C3 f. ❑shingles F1 9• stucco ❑ other: MATERIAL: 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM- b. wood frame with light members (if known} c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other d. deteriorated ❑ a. excellent 0 b. good c. fair 0 10. CONDITION: original site 0 b, moved 0 if so,when'? e. 1. INTEGRITY:x. list major alterations and dates (if known): FgVtj-T pofC14, CWIMtl�y 12. VHOTO: (Negative ---- 13. MAP: t4 Lj N FZD At P� -A Ir RA -A 171 nor t1i sc a!, e "P-1 14, I'll REA I'S TO BUILDING: a, none known h. /mling 7 c tomi" deteliowlion t'. other - 15, RELATED 011 BUI WINGS AND PROPI R'l Y: Li. barn 1). carriage house ❑ L:. gmage d. privy c, shed 1-1 1. g. Shop li. gardens i. landscape feulmes, J. other: la. SURROUNDINGS OFTHL BUILDING (check more than one if 11ccessary): c. scattered buildings ❑ d.densely built-up El e, commercial El f. industrial EJ g. residential 15 h. other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior feature,, if k,mwlo COPO4AI 0008LE MACeE757 SIGNIFICANCE 11). DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20, HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: IrX44tJA7E STY4,55 21. SOURCES: 22. THEME: