HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-07-PB TOWN OF ULYSSES
Approved 8/21/12
Present : Chairperson Ken Zeserson, Members- Sarah Adams , Stan Beames, Peter Fry,
Rod Hawkes, Rebecca Schneider, John Wertis, Environmental Planner Darby Kiley
Town Board Member David Kerness
Mr. Zeserson called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 pm, he stated he would like to
review/approve the agenda as presented .
Ms . Schneider stated she would like to discuss the Seminar several members and Ms .
Kiley attended in Fairport, NY . She found much of the information valuable and would
like to share this .
Mr . Zeserson asked if all were in agreement to add this to the end of the agenda. The
other members stated they were in agreement with this addition . Ms . Kiley stated she
wanted to make sure the members were aware the Public Hearing for the Village Zoning
is being held Monday . Ms Adams stated this process has been going on for years and it
is her understanding it is the final presentation . Ms . Kiley stated she thought the plan was
online but she could provide a copy with her previous suggestions . She had noted some
of her prior comments had been incorporated in this version.
Mr. Zeserson asked if the amended agenda was acceptable . The Board members
confirmed it was . He noted the next order of business is review/approval of the Minutes
of 07/ 17/ 12 .
Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION, Mr. Hawkes SECONDED the MOTION to
APPROVE the MINUTES of 07/ 17/ 12 .
Ms . Adams asked if they were not in attendance could they still vote to approve the
minutes . Ms Carlisle Peck stated they could vote on the minutes .
Mr. Wertis made the MOTION to approve with edits the 05/ 15/ 12 minutes and approved
the 06/ 19/ 12 minutes . Mr. Zeserson seconded the MOTION .
The vote was taken :
Ms . Adams AYE
Mr. Beames AYE
Mr. Fry AYE
Mr. Hawkes AYE
Ms . Schneider AYE
Mr. Wertis AYE
Mr. Zeserson AYE
Motion passed, minutes approved.
Mr. Zeserson stated the next order of business is Privilege of the Floor. He noted there
were no members of the public in attendance .
Mr. Zeserson stated the next order of business regarding the Article III . He asked Ms .
Kiley to review what has been done and what the business at hand today.
Ms . Kiley stated the Board had reviewed and approved the alternate ' s procedure
language and the special permit language . They still have to review the site plan review
procedure . NYS Town Law does not require Public Hearing for Site Plan Reviews . It
specifies a single phase procedure that if required are not formal . When there is
multiphase, two public hearings etc . She is just putting this out there regarding the
regulations . At the last meeting she had proposed the Zoning Officer review the
Planning Board Mtg . 2
application and once deemed complete would send the information 10 days prior to the
Board and schedule the Public Hearing. This was tabled at the last meeting for additional
Ms . Schneider stated she had been the member who had concerns for this change. She
felt this board functions more efficiently by discussing the project beforehand . One
member may review and come up with a concern or question that another does not.
Without this initial meeting this group would not have that chance .
f. :
Mr. Zeserson stated he is in agreement with Ms . Schneider, he appreciated the
streamlined approach however does not feel this Board has so many applications it is
necessary. The makeup of this Board is very strong with a variety of expertise which
offers good opinions . This Board could probably handle the streamlined process . They
think and present themselves very well in a public forum . The Board he joined would not
have been able to do this . There would be strong Board ' s and not so strong but does not
support this change.
Ms . Adams stated it does help to have the time to have a group conversation vs . coming
in cold to a public hearing.
Mr. Wertis asked Ms . Kiley about the terminology relative to what they are discussing
the pertinent paragraph is on the second page about 5 paragraph ' s down, "upon receipt of
a complete application the Planning Board would hold a Public Hearing, and the options
include surrendering a decision. " It appeared to him the action could be tabled.
Ms . Kiley stated it could. There are other sections in the zoning that outlines public
hearing procedures .
Mr. Wertis stated that would be helpful if they determined additional information was
needed . Mr. Zeserson and Mr. Wertis asked if the "CLOCK" was already ticking related
to a decision.
Ms . Kiley state they would have 62 days upon receipt of a complete application .
Ms . Adams said that would be another reason to have a complete application . Often they
do not thus this would prevent having the public in front of them before they feel the
application is complete .
Mr. Wertis stated he interpreted this in that the Zoning Officer (Ms . Kiley) would make
the determination as to the application being complete .
Ms . Kiley confirmed this . She also stated they could approve with conditions that the
Board determined e . g . traffic study .
Ms . Schneider stated she does not like to have conditional approvals without having the
information. If this job is important there is a reason they review and not rubber stamp .
Ms . Kiley stated they would not be giving final approval .
Mr. Wertis stated until a process to change zoning is easier it may be better to maintain
the current procedure . The Board continued the discussion regarding open space, park
land, and the existence for it. There is currently no regulation regarding park land and r
open space on new projects . The logistics of enforcing this along with the procedural
changes was discussed at length . Is enforcement currently happening for the site plans
approved? The whirly gigs at the Mini Gulf were mentioned. Ms . Kiley stated letters are
sent and have been already to the Tburg Mini Gulf The Board asked if they could have
regular reports presented to them . Ms . Kiley stated she does prepare a monthly report for
the Town Board, she would be happy to present to this Board as well . The Board
concluded with the decision to maintain the Site Plan process and terminology as is .
Ms. Kiley stated she would prepare and revert the proposal back to the current language
for final review/approval at the next meeting . She stated the next item of discussion is a
Planning Board Mtg . 3
flag lot definition. She reviewed and distributed the current wording, Mr. Wertis
presentation as well as definitions from other towns in NY.
The Board discussed at length the reason for flag lots, do they increase density or just
allow the parcel to be used as zoning states . Other towns have details that some members
had not considered but would be advantageous . The discussion concluded with the
members reviewing the different examples and preparing what they would like included
in Ulysses ' flag lot definition.
1 Ms . Adams stated she would like to remind people to attend the public hearing for the
Village Zoning . The Village ignored the County Planning recommendations which she is
supportive of she does not feel the county should tell the Village residents they should
increase density. Many people moved and reside in Trumansburg because they like it.
Why should the county state they should increase . She would appreciate the opportunity
to review the County Planning report for Ulysses and present at the next meeting . The
members agreed this could add to the agenda for 08/21 / 12 .
Ms Schneider stated she, Mr. Fry, Ms . Kiley and Ms . Carlisle Peck had attended trainings
in Fairport. She found them to be very informative . One speaker indicated how important
it was to have your Comprehensive Plan specifically address non hydrofracking language
if that is what the Board wants . The Board discussed and reviewed the Local Law on
hydrofracking . It was determined there were many references to the Comprehensive Plan,
and it was a strong basis for determining the hydrofracking ban thus the Board felt
Mr. Fry stated one of the speakers he heard presented an economic development plan for
Fairport. This had been a port along the Erie Canal and had lost its economic viability .
They made a concerted effort after a study by Bergmann to solicit and form partnerships
with corporations to encourage growth in Fairport. They marketed Fairport with a new
image of growth; they even moved a school to outside of business area to allow a small
shop/residential complex to evolve . This created a center where additional festivals and
events are held to draw more people . He thought it was an interested idea and thought it
would be helpful as Trumansburg has so many historical buildings that seem to need
help . They did in fact speak with 2 Trumansburg Representative who were at the seminar.
Mr. Kerness stated he and Mr. Zeserson would be attending the West Shore
Homeowner ' s meeting to discuss the Lakeshore and Conservation Zone on Sunday.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 20pm .
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Carlisle Peck
Zoning/Planning Administrative Assistant