HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-17-PB Planning Board Mtg . 1
Present: Chairperson Ken Zeserson, Members- Sarah Adams, Peter Fry, Rod Hawkes,
Rebecca Schneider, John Wertis , Environmental Planner Darby Kiley
Excused : Stan Beames
Mr. Zeserson stated he would like to have the members review the agenda as presented .
An addition for preparing the statement Mr. Hawkes will prepare for the ZBA was added
after the Privilege of the Floor.
Mr. Wertis made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hawkes to approve the minutes of
04/03 / 12 as presented . The vote was taken, UNANIMOUS , Minutes APPROVED .
Privilege of the Floor-none
Mr. Zeserson stated Mr. Hawkes had agreed to represent this Board at the Zoning Board
meeting for the Appeal of interpretation of a flag lot based on the Maguire/Wilcox
subdivision .
Mr. Hawkes stated he would like to go over what the procedure is and what should he
present at the Zoning meeting .
Ms . Schneider stated before this continued she would like to inform the group she is
uncomfortable with Mr. Fry participating in these discussions . He has informed the group
he has a purchase offer on this lot. She appreciated his recusing himself however still
feels he needs to not be a part of this . She is concerned it could be construed as the
Planning Board supporting this .
Mr. Fry stated he had made his opinion on this prior to his purchase offer being made . He
does understand Ms . Schneider ' s concern and does not have a problem . He asked if he
should leave the room .
Mr. Zeserson stated during the hydrofracking debates he did recuse himself and left the
room based on his affiliation with anti-hydrofracking groups . He does not have a problem
with Mr. Fry staying in the room as long as he does not participate .
The members agreed they would not have a problem with him staying as long Mr. Fry
does not participate in discussions . They want a clear decision if in the future there are
legal problems . It was noted that a member does not have to recuse if they feel they can
remain impartial .
Mr. Fry stated he would recuse himself from all discussion regarding the Maguire/Wilcox
Appeal for interpretation .
The members discussed the process, discussion and information that Mr. Hawkes would
need for his presentation .
The purpose of flag lot is to allow landlocked parcels development via a pole .
Shape : this Board felt the definition indicates a true "pole" should be indicated; this lot
did not fit this "pole" as they are interpreting based the definition.
Zoning wording is vague, the Board would encourage a new definition be included to
eliminate this problem for future . If this lot is allowed, how many other similar lots
would be allowed?
Requests for other approved lots had been requested, the research indicates as of 2005 a
lot like this has not been approved .
Planning Board Mtg. 2
Mr. Zeserson stated based on what he had just heard he may change his opinion on if this
is a flag lot.
Mr. Hawkes stated this should be sufficient information . He asked Ms . Kiley to review
what information had been provided to the ZBA for his review. She stated she would go
over this after the meeting .
Mr. Zeserson stated the next item on the agenda is Lakeshore/Conservation Zone.
Ms . Adams stated she had researched and presented the Skaneateles Agricultural
Management Practices to use as a reference .
Ms . Schneider stated her welcome to Mr. Fry back into the conversation and informed the
group she liked the tillage and cover crops section of this zoning .
Ms . Adams informed Ms . Schneider she was concerned after the "free reign" designated
for agricultural use at the last meeting .
The members continued to discuss the zoning comparisons and voted as follows :
Mr . Fry made the motion, Ms Adams , seconded the motion to change the Agricultural to
Site Plan Review . The vote was taken as follows :
Ms . Adams AYE
Mr. Fry AYE
Mr. Hawkes AYE
Ms . Schneider AYE
Mr. Zeserson. AYE
Mr. Wertis NAY
Mr. Hawkes made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zeserson to remove church, synagogue,
and museum from Lakeshore Zone due to not fitting in with the scale of enterprises
fitting in with the neighborhood . All in favor, motion approved .
Mr. Hawkes made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zeserson to remove additions from Page
6 . All in favor, motion approved .
Mr. Hawkes made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zeserson to move the boundary for the
Conservation Zone and Lakeshore Zone to Route 89 . All in favor, motion approved.
Ms . Kiley stated she would have new maps drafted to reflect this change .
Mr. Wertis presented language to use for the Zones that would eliminate the clear cutting
wording . The members reviewed the wording and definitions .
Mr. Wertis made the motion, seconded by Ms Adams to accept the draft as presented for
requirements and to eliminate clear cutting . All in favor, motion approved.
The members discussed why cluster subdivision would not be allowed .
Mr. Wertis made the motion, seconded by Mr . Hawkes to allow a minor cluster up to 3
lots .
Ms . Kiley stated she would prepare a final draft with all of the changes and send to the
members . The members will review and forward to the Town Board at the May 1st
meeting .
Ms Carlisle Peck stated she would not be able to attend the May 1st meeting .
The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 00 pm.
I I 1
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Planning Board Mtg . 3
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Carlisle Peck
Zoning/Planning Secretary
Approved at May 1 , 2012 meeting
Town of Ulysses
Special Town Board Meeting
April 17 , 2012
Present : Supervisor Roxanne Marino ; Councilpersons Elizabeth Thomas, Lucia Tyler, David Kerness
and Kevin Romer; Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia; and Attorney Marlette Geldenhuys .
Others. present : Don Smith and Bruce Frederick
Supervisor Marino called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 pm .
The Board was provided with an updated Emergency Medical Services (EMS) flowchart and an outline
of projected finances .
Ms . Marino suggested that the Board discuss the flowchart, eliminate options, focus on a path forward,
and develop fallback options in advance of meeting with the Village and informing the public of the
Boards efforts and options . MS . Geldenhuys offered to join the joint Village/Town meeting to present
her findings on the legal aspects of what is possible within shared service or joint service intermunicipal
agreements .
Ms . Geldenhuys reviewed her legal opinions .
The Board reviewed the following flowchart and expressed their opinions on which options were
optimal .
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The Board ruled out options 1 , 4, and 6 from the chart and discussed the other options in detail . Each
board member expressed their concerns and opinions on the options they prefer to pursue. All the Board
members feel they certainly cannot make any final decisions until after speaking with the Village and
hearing from the residents of both the Town and the Village .
Ms. Marino moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler the following :
Be It Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses agrees that Supervisor Marino, on
behalf of the Board, write a letter to the Village of Trumansburg advising them of the Board ' s
discussion to focus on 2013 EMS options and the Board sees the options of 2a, 7 and 3 as
outlined on the flowchart as possible avenues to pursue .
Further Resolved that at this time a strong majority of the Town Board would like to explore
option 7 with the Village.
Further Resolved that the Town of Ulysses will provide a facilitator for this meeting (at the
Town ' s expense) and have the municipal attorneys present under a closed session.
Ms . Marino aye
Ms . Thomas aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Kerness aye
Mr. Romer aye
Resolution adopted 4/10 - Backhoe Purchase
Ms . Marino reviewed the resolution that the Board had passed at the Regular Town Board meeting of
April 10th authorizing Highway Superintendent Meeker to purchase a used backhoe with an expenditure
of up to $ 50 ,000 .
Ms . Marino said that if the Board ' s intention was to expense this purchase out of the Highway
Equipment Reserve account the resolution would have to be subject to a permissive referendum but if it
was the Board ' s intention to modify the budget for this expense that could be just done by a single
resolution modifying the 2012 Budget but this is generally not a recommended practice .
The general consensus of the Board was to do a budget modification if Mr. Meeker finds a backhoe to
purchase at the auction at a cost not to exceed $ 50 , 000 .
Hearing no further business Ms . Marino moved, seconded by Mr. Kerness to adjourn the meeting .
Unanimously approved and meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 pm .
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha L . Georgia, Ulysses Town Clerk