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01 /19/10
APPROVED 02/02/10
NOTE : The audio version of this meeting is on tape available for review at Ulysses
Town Hall, 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY.
Present : Chairperson Ken Zeserson, Board Members : Stan Beames, Rod Hawkes,
Rod Porter, Rebecca Schneider, John Wertis, Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun,
Town Board Member David Kerness .
Excused : Rick Rainey
Mr. Zeserson called the meeting to order at 7 : 35 , he noted they had delayed the meeting
so Mr. Porter could be in attendance due to another meeting commitment. He noted
Mr. Porter was not in attendance but wanted to proceed with the meeting.
The main purpose of tonight ' s meeting is to review the Conservation Zone . He noted he
had the version they had reviewed at the 12/ 15/09 meeting. He distributed copies to the
members for their review .
Mr. Wertis questioned what the email regarding minutes being lost meant .
Ms Carlisle Peck explained her computer had crashed. She had someone working to
recover documents however was not sure what could be retrieved.
Mr. Wertis asked if the tapes were available. He felt these needed to be reconstituted to
evaluate where they were at, the resolutions etc . should be available .
Ms . Carlisle Peck stated the tapes, notes were available. The information would be
reproduced if necessary.
Mr. Zeserson stated the document they currently have contains the revisions Mr. Rachun
had made to date . They could not turn back the hands of time however did have a viable
tool to utilize tonight.
Ms . Schneider stated she had her notes as well .
A review of the document and discussion led to the following decisions/resolutions .
Purpose-edits made to wording of first paragraph to make stronger intent of the
conservation zone.
Permitted uses-added no land shall be disturbed . Concern regarding residents who may
desire a garden, landscaping would be impacted. The decision to remove this was made .
No disturbance without building permit, decision this was redundant as site plan
requirement would facilitate the building permit. This should be removed from the
Hunting preserves, discussed and Board had decided to leave as is .
Mr. Porter arrived at 7 : 47 pm .
Planning Board Manager-Dick Coogan had filled this position. There is not a person in
this role at this point in time . It was noted Sue Poelvoorde is the new Deputy Supervisor.
Maximum lot coverage shall be 3 % of 5 acres of 2 % of 10 acres maximum, no driveways
grading or drainage ways will be allowed without a building permit . Driveways and
parking areas may be considered a building by the Planning Board in computing total lot
coverage. The discussion regarding maximum, driveways may be considered was
discussed. It was decided that due to the area a 1000 foot driveway considered could be
onerous to a property owner. Leaving this discretionary to the Board would be a
beneficial tool to have in reviewing site plans. Mr. Porter did not agree, however Ms .
Schneider stated she felt it was beneficial . A simple driveway installed may not have an
impact however if a person has to install a long driveway with lots of shoring and
creating an environmental impact it would help to have discretion in this area. Otherwise,
a person with a 1000 foot driveway would end up with 700 or 800 square foot house . The
discussion whether this would be a decision that could go to the ZBA on a per case basis .
The members felt this would not be a viable option as they do not mind development but
are looking for controlled development.
Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION, Mr. Porter SECONDED the MOTION.
The word SHALL should replace the word MAY to include driveways and parking areas
being considered buildings .
The vote on the MOTION is as follows :
Mr. Beames Nay
Mr. Hawkes Nay
Mr. Porter Aye
Mr. Wertis Aye
Mr. Zeserson Nay
The MOTION was NOT passed as presented .
The discussion led members to be concerned regarding Town/Board liability.
Mr. Porter MADE the MOTION, Mr. Hawkes SECONDED the MOTION
Mariette Geldenhuys, Town Attorney, be consulted regarding the discretionary liability
with the above item as presented in the conservation zone.
The vote on the MOTION is as follows :
Mr. Beames Nay
Mr. Hawkes Nay
Mr. Porter Aye
Mr. Wertis Aye
Mr. Zeserson Nay
The MOTION passed unanimously.
Discussion to work that has been done has been due to questions being asked. Mr.
Zeserson stated it may be beneficial to have the member who is raising the question
research the information and present to the others at the next meeting. This may prevent
the Board from following up on pertinent data they need as well as not asking questions
A discussion regarding architectural design standards was held . Mr. Rachun indicated
this was a task that was very difficult to undertake . Many areas of Massachusetts have fi
these standards and they are difficult to work with.
He stated he would take the maximum lot coverage, driveways etc . and whatever
recommendations individuals would like to come discuss and rework the document.
When drafting this document he tried to be as concise as possible.
Buffer areas were discussed, the center of the gorges was the concentration. The
definition was found in the zoning and the members were satisfied with the content.
The forest management area was discussed. Smith Woods, ability for residents to manage
forests, having UNA ' s that can be managed without UNA ' s . The ability to make this
decision if the area was specifically designated, there are some areas that are not steep
slopes thus harvesting may not be as damaging yet maybe desired by property owners .
There are a fair amount of logging operations that are not as damaging. Amish using
horses and sleds was incredibly damaging on a lot near Mr. Rachun ' s property. If they
open the door to forest harvesting, how would they control this . What was the concept of
a healthy forest.
Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION, Mr. Porter SECONDED the MOTION
Allowing commercial timber harvesting in the conservation zone for the purpose of
maintaining a healthy forest.
The vote on the MOTION is as follows :
Mr. Beames Nay
Mr. Hawkes Nay
Mr. Porter Abstain
Mr. Wertis Aye
Mr. Zeserson Nay
The MOTION was NOT passed as presented.
It was discussed that this may be an issue for some residents . They are not taking away
the ability to remove trees, it would assist in preventing loggers from coming onto lots .
In theory, if someone came in and had a forester walk through the woods, they have 30
trees they want to take out. The wood be used for timber, the come with a plan would it
be approved. It would be considered forest management. It would also depend on the
condition of the trees. It is not an agricultural zone, this is one area that because of steep
slopes, well established tree stands should be protected to preserve 300 or 400 year old
trees. The cost of a consultant would be considered if necessary. The applicant would be
responsible for the costs incurred.
Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION, Mr. Schneider SECONDED the MOTION.
They maintain the original wording of the forest management as prepared by Mr.
The vote on the MOTION is as follows :
Mr. Beames Aye
Mr. Hawkes Aye
Mr. Porter Aye
Mr. Wertis Nay
Mr. Zeserson Aye
The MOTION was approved.
Mr. Zeserson stated the next meeting would be February 2 , 2010 7 : 00 pm.
Mr. Rachun would prepare and email the next draft with edits/revisions from tonight ' s
The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Carlisle Peck