HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-16 - PB TOWN OF ULYSSES
Approved 02/02/09
Present : Chairperson Ken Zeserson, Planning Board Members : Stan Beames,
David Means, John Wertis, Deputy Supervisor Dick Coogan
Excused : Rod Hawkes, Rod Porter, Rebecca Schneider
Mr. Zeserson called the meeting to order at 6 : 58 pm . He stated they had received really
good notes on what they had discussed at the previous meeting. The major thing he wants
to clarify is that they are not doing an overlay zone but would actually change the zoning.
They would like to change the zoning from a residential area to a conservation area.
Mr. Wertis stated when this Board is asked why they would like to do this what would
the response be.
Mr. Zeserson stated the only answer he has is the current zoning is 2 acres and they want
to require 5 acres which can only be changed by zoning revisions .
Mr. Coogan stated if they are changing setbacks, lot size requirements it is a zoning
change. If they are changing requirements on top of the lot sizes it is could be achieved
by an overlay district .
Mr. Zeserson stated he thought this was the consensus of the group and they wanted to
make it airtight and be effective. If the zoning is in black and white it would be easier for
the applicants to understand two years from now when they come in for a project
Mr. Means stated it seems to him it would be easier to have a zoning vs . an overlay.
Mr. Coogan stated having the overlay could require site plan for anything on an overlay.
Mr. Wertis stated if they look at current zoning which included the future zoning
changes . He wondered what would happen to the rest of this area. If the rezone the whole
area they need to be cognitive of what is happening to the rest of this area.
Mr. Zeserson stated not being an expert he would think it would stay. The zoning
changes would be relative to the boundaries they establish.
Mr. Coogan stated they need to get Mariette involved with zoning changes . This would
be a good time to ask her what they need to know as they are contemplating zoning
changes .
Mr. Wertis asked Mr. Coogan if there is a difference in the process of establishing an
overlay vs . zoning. Would an overlay zone be a new local law?
Mr. Coogan replied it could be a law or an ordinance . Because they are not doing
physical changes simply adding requirements over the top it is a faster process than
zoning. Zoning changes require a lot of steps that are complicated.
Mr. Wertis stated if he is hearing correctly it would be a cumbersome process .
Mr. Coogan stated it is however due to the fact that they are changing two business
zones, a parks and recreation zone it would be more complicated anything that is there
currently would not be.
Mr. Zeserson added they could be grandfathered into the zoning change .
Mr. Coogan stated they would essentially remove all of the current zoning. They would
review what is in the zone and all items would have to be redefined. They do have a
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grandfather clause in the current zoning that allows for a legal conforming lot to be
allowable in Ulysses if done prior to zoning changes .
Mr. Zeserson asked the members if they would be in favor of the more cumbersome
process to establish a more powerful document.
Mr. Wertis stated he is in favor of the outcome, but he is trying to be pragmatic and
figure out which is the easiest to effect . It has been his impression over the last four or
five years that an overlay area is easier to use initially.
Mr. Kerness stated he thought Mr. Coogan brought up a good point in consulting with
Mariette. Once they establish the language they could request Mariette to review this .
He is reading the district law and it does not look hard, but they need to get the language .
Mr. Means stated they are not under a time frame so that sounds like a good idea.
Mr. Coogan stated they could also look at it as enacting an overlay zone due to the
Comprehensive Plan moving forward . They may think they are doing something and if
does not work they way they planned it is very difficult to change later.
Mr. Zeserson stated they cannot establish anything until the Comprehensive Plan is
Mr. Coogan stated they could do the overlay due to it being a critical area. Then they
could gather more data and review the regulations . When the area comes up for zoning
they could request the change in lot sizes and additional regulations .
Mr. Kerness stated if they could make the changes, revise 2 acres to 5 acres. They could
add the site plan review requirements .
Mr. Wertis stated adding site plan review for single family homes would be a major
change .
Mr. Coogan stated it would, especially in the case of view sheds, the Board could review
and tell the applicant they have to change the angle of the home so as not to obstruct
views . This would also add an additional amount of work to this Board that they have
never had to review. It comes back to what are the goals they want to accomplish.
Mr. Zeserson stated he would like to go through the document and make edits, etc .
The changes made are as follows .
A. Biological corridors-no particular corridor recommending this sentence be removed
B . Agree-
C . Agree
Permitted Principal Uses
Requiring site plan would need to be inserted in this paragraph as a required process for II I
the conservation area.
A. Agree
B . A two family dwelling-discussion concluded this would be acceptable. Agree with
keeping square footage down but do not want to restrict allowing a duplex in this area.
The definition of two family dwelling unit indicated it is a single building on a lot
containing two dwelling units each of which are totally separated from each other by an
un-pierced wall extending from ground to roof, un-pierced ceiling and floor extending
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from exterior wall to exterior wall. It would be 5 acres they could restrict by limiting the
square footage allowed . The subject of elder cottages was held elder cottages are a single
unit that is supposed to go after the person is no longer in residence.
C . Agree
D . Agree
E . Forest management-discussion regarding diseased trees , trees posing risks . What
classifies logging? They do not want logging. Board would like to research logging
classifications, what qualifies as logging etc . further.
F . Agree
Principal uses authorized by special permit only
A. Agree
B . Agree
C . Agree
D . Agree
Additional requirements for special permits
A. Agree
B . Agree
C . Agree
D . Agree
Permitted accessory building or uses
A. Agree
B . Agree
C . Agree
D . Agree
Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only
A. Elder cottages-need to vote at a later date, discussion held that the Board thought they
would like to remove this use .
B . 1 . Agree
2 . Agree
3 . Agree
4 . Agree
5 . Agree
6 . Agree
7 . Agree
8 . Agree
Height Limitations-review for Ulysses specifications
Yard regulations-review for Ulysses specifications
A discussion regarding requiring site plan for square footage above 2 , 000 feet would be
an example. The Board requires commercial development to come in for site plan yet if it
is a single family home it could be a gargantuan footprint that would not require site plan.
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It was noted that site plan review needed to come earlier in the document . It is currently
listed in the special permit. They would like to have everything be under site plan review
in this zone. It was determined this could be a lot of work however this would be a good
mechanism for control in this critical area. It is not the objective to make site plan an
onerous task yet do feel it is necessary. If the procedures are defined it would not have to
be difficult. All new construction would have to be reviewed under site plan .
Mr. Zeserson stated he had to leave due to personal obligations .
Ms . Carlisle Peck stated the minutes of 12/02/08 need to be approved.
Mr. Means MADE the MOTION, Mr. Zeserson SECONDED the MOTION to approve
the minutes of 12/02/08 . The vote was taken, ALL IN FAVOR, minutes approved.
Mr. Zeserson stated the next scheduled meeting is for January 6, 2009 at 7 : 00 pm .
The members agreed they would like to meet to continue this discussion.
Mr. Zeserson left the meeting at 8 : 10 pm. The other members continued to discuss the
conservation zone however due to not having quorum changes could not be made.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Carlisle Peck