HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-17 - PB TOWN OF ULYSSES
APPROVED 07/15/08
Present : Chairperson Ken Zeserson, Planning Board Members : Rod Hawkes,
David Means, Rebecca Schneider, John Wertis, Deputy Supervisor Dick Coogan,
Town Board Member David Kerness
Excused : Rod Porter
Applicant: Jason Demerast (Architect) Ken Thurber (Architectural Technologies
Mr. Zeserson called the meeting to order at 7 : 30pm . He noted they have quorum at the
meeting. He stated they received an application from the Thurber Group, Jason Demerast
would be presenting the information from Architectural Technologies Group for this lot.
Mr. Demerast introduced himself as an architect out of Ithaca, he is representing
Ken Thurber for this project.
Mr. Zeserson asked Mr. Demerast if he would be presenting the project . He noted they
had received a comprehensive packet and hoped the members had a chance to review.
Mr. Demerast stated he would. He stated he had distributed the application and also had
distributed a grading plan which has the contours adjusted to the designs. He also
provided two detailed packets . They include a stormwater design control component. He
also provided a photo of the design they are trying to achieve with the building. They are
trying to achieve a barnlike look for the building; this design is being used for the
aesthetic aspect to fit in with the rural character. They also provided a schematic drawing
with floor plans and three different floor plans .
He stated he would start with the packet the members received in advance. He asked the
members to refer to the location map . He indicated this is the overview map with the
project side in relation to surrounding zoning and area. The project site is in the middle,
there are multiple zones around the area. Two sides are bordered by light industrial, B1 to
the East and Ag districts south of the lot. They have indicated existing vegetation and
Mr. Wertis clarified that the project site is entirely in the light industrial zone.
Mr. Demerast confirmed it is .
Mr. Wertis stated that the light blue print in the information area is very difficult to read.
He has had a hard time internalizing the information, so though he did read prior the
information may be new to him.
Mr. Demerast apologized and stated he would review the information extensively.
He stated even though it is an industrial district the use would be an office building for a
software company there is no industry use related to this operation. It is a 2 story building
with approximately 17 ,200 sq. feet of office space and a 3 , 000 sq. feet storage
area/garage. He has listed the zoning requirements . It is an almost 17 acre parcel which is
almost 730, 000 sq . feet; he noted that to relate the size of the project . He noted that he
has indicated the land uses and areas, in hindsight he could probably have listed business
as the proposed building, but it is still permitted in the industrial zone. He has listed the
50 foot front yard, 25 foot side yard, 35 foot rear yard, there is also a vegetative buffer
due to the stream which is also incorporated and indicated on the site plan. He noted the
green stippled area on the Western boundary takes it to the 50 feet. He noted these to
show he is meeting the zoning requirements .
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Ms . Schneider asked if the pond indicated on the site plan was in the property. Do they
have any plans for this area?
Mr. Demerast confirmed this is part of this property they have no plans to develop this
portion of the property. There is a metal building near the pond that is slated to come
down. He stated in the zoning there is a maximum lot coverage requirement that includes
all impervious surfaces however they are designing stormwater controls as if the surfaces
are all impervious . They are looking into alternatives for impervious surfaces to assist
snow melt off as well as other issues . As they get more information they will make the
decision what they will use and update the site plan.
The coverage after the project is completed will be 12% . This includes the building,
driveways and sidewalks . They are well within the zoning requirements.
The building height is questionable. They have two separate plans they would like to
present . Thel first design complies with the 30 foot height limit. However, there is another
design that has the peak higher this is the photo he distributed. It is a more aesthetic
looking plan. He is presenting this in the hope that the Board would be supportive and
provide a letter to the Zoning Board so they could seek a variance .
Mr. Means asked if the diagrams were number 3 , 4 and 5 .
Mr. Demerast indicated the numbers were A-200 and A-201 , A-200 is the zoning
requirement, A-201 has the gable and the gable exceeds the zoning requirement. They
feel it picks up more of a barn look and would aesthetically be more in line with what the
look they want for this project.
Mr. Zeserson asked in the best of both worlds, without zoning would they pick the more
barn like design.
Mr. Demerast stated they would. This is the design Mr. Thurber liked and felt would
work in this area.
Mr. Wertis stated there are actually three views.
Mr. Demerast stated there are the third has a variation on a stairwell, the silo like
structure would contain the stairways . Those in essence are concepts that they have
Ms . Schneider stated she really likes they are trying to fit the look of the town. The stone
look on the surface must cost a fortune she asked if they would be using this surface.
Mr. Demerast stated they are planning to, there would be some metal covering but the
lower part would be stone. They may have to look at simulated stone which if done right
is hard pressed to tell the difference.
They have reviewed the parking requirements, and calculated for 86 required spaces .
They have shown this on the site plan.
Mr. Means asked if they feel this is overkill with the amount of employees on staff
Mr. Demerast stated yes, currently they have 25 employees . He is taking 36 spaces and
allowing for ; overflow areas . They would build stormwater controls so if expansion
happens they have it available. If in the meantime, they could build it as a gravel lot, then
as the needs 'arise surface it at a later date .
Ms . Schneider stated if she recalled correctly the parking requirement was excessive, they
P g re q � Y
ran into this with the Kinney project. She asked if they suggested they go with the
necessary parking vs . the requirement would they be okay with it.
Mr. Demerast stated they would.
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Mr. Means stated he would agree, as long as it is there for expansion . The investment
now does not seem practical.
Mr. Hawkes asked if all the spaces on the plans were where people would be sitting.
Mr. Demerast stated half of the second floor may be left unfinished. It is easier to build a
shell, their operations require demo areas to set up computers, so some of this area may
be conference rooms vs . offices .
Mr. Means asked how much the business has expanded in the last five years .
Mr. Thurber stated they have had some expansion but in the past 10 years they have gone
from 5 to 10 . But they would be able to expand more with additional space.
Mr. Demerast noted that they also use interns that are on short term use. He noted they do
have their headquarters in Minnesota however that would remain there. This would be an
expansion of the Ithaca site but no plan to have headquarters here.
Ms . Schneider stated they are computer technology but she does not see any refrigerated
rooms for servers, etc .
Mr. Demerast noted on the plans a room for the servers . With the technology today they
have quieter and cooler technology so the larger spaces are not needed. He stated reading
through the list he pulled the soil type, they are testing soil types, so they will have better
information to use related to septic system requirements . The information they have so
far is the soil type indicates they should not have trouble handling a two story building.
There are no wetlands and they are not in a flood plain .
Mr. Means stated this type of soil is not a well drained soil type . He asked where this soil
' is in relation to stormwater.
Mr. Demerast stated the site plan shows a sand filter septic , and they will see how the
perk tests go . However, this type of building without showers, washing, etc would not
require a lot so they do believe they should be okay.
He noted the site plan indicating the different colors for the building footprint,
impervious areas, overflow gravel areas, whether they are permeable or not he used to
calculate the 12% coverage area.
Ms . Schneider asked if the two drainage swales would deter all of the stormwater to the
rain garden.
Mr. Demarest stated the swales would direct the flow to the rain garden. He is working
with Scott Gibson, he is an environmental engineer, and he will provide calculations and
specific plans . They sized the plan using the preliminary data, the rain garden based on
the size now is twice the size they need.
Ms . Schneider asked what frequency they were using, i . e . 100 year storm .
Mr. Demerast stated he is not really sure what Scott was using. Scott stated that since
there disturbed area was only % acres it was not really hitting the five acre threshold
which is DEC requirement. Under that regulation they do not look at specific year
thresholds but the plan would meet DEC requirements . He just recently obtained the
topography map and forwarded this information to Scott, he himself just finished the
grading plan to bring to this meeting. He will have this plan and forward the information
to the Board as soon as possible.
Mr. Demerast continued to present the information and answer the questions the
members had for the plans. The items discussed were as follows :
-The traffic pattern change would be minimal, the peak hourly flow would be 50 cars at
the beginning of the day and end of the day.
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-This business is moving from Lansing, while 25 -50 families moving into this area may
not have an impact. A business locating here that would increase our school district/town
resources by; 300 families may be an item to consider in future planning reviews.
-There is an existing gravel drive however they would be expanding to the requirements;
this would also be a stabilized drive to prevent the trucks from dropping debris, etc onto
the road.
-A hay bale erosion control silt fence will be used. He has used these on the steep slope
areas of Cayuga Lake and has had success in preventing erosion using these .
-Stormwater plans diversion swales to be constructed first, a knoll on the western end
will be carved into, there is some smaller vegetation already growing-they are trying to
minimize the disturbance yet allow controlled run-off. They have swales along the
building vs . gutters-they may use gravel in the swales but have not decided that. Any
disturbed areas will flow into the swales and drain into the rain garden. The rain gardens
are 6 feet wide with not much of an elevation change .
-Solid lines on the map are proposed, the dash lines are existing.
-Cayuga Landscaping will be used for landscaping and rain garden plantings that will
thrive in this area.
-Overflow of water would go back into the system vs. gullying. High intensity rain events
could create difficulty Mr. Demerast will consult with Mr. Gibson regarding this for
-Sign would be in the turn around area, the smaller sign would be an address sign along
the property.
-Lighting is on the plan the squares indicate parking lot pole lights . The gravel parking
also has pole lights in it. The site is far back from the road thus they do not see light
pollution as problematic . They are using sharp cut off fixtures and have reviewed the
design standards and are incorporating this into their plan. They did present the covered
sconces they would use for the building, there is 0% chance of overflow, they could use
frosted lens Vs . clear lens .
-The Babcock buildings onsite would be recycled if at all possible they would like to
reuse the aluminum siding on the new buildings .
-Electrical lines will be run underground. There is one onsite and another will be placed
onsite the line will be run underground. They are looking at the existing well, however
Ken has agreed to run a line for municipal water. They are looking into running a
sprinkler system, which is an insurance aspect.
The members discussed drafting a letter to the Zoning Board supporting the height
requirement as well as the parking requirement variance be allowed as requested by the
applicant. Mr. Zeserson will draft and send this letter.
The members discussed future meetings. The decision to have a working meeting July 1St
to review the stormwater plan for this project as well as continue the conservation zone
discussion was made. If all is in order they could plan for a public hearing on July 15th
This would allow the applicants to seek the variance for the height/parking requirements
to the Zoning Board on July 16th
Mr. Zeserson stated they could meet with 3 or less and not constitute a meeting, thus
members could meet to do research, write drafts, etc .
Mr. Hawkes brought maps from Sue Ritter for use in the conservation zone.
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Mr. Wertis asked if this information could be compiled into one packet for this group to
review . He stated he would obtain the maps from the Comp Plan group .
Mr. Zeserson stated he would draft a summary of what the Town of Ithaca has done.
Ms. Schneider stated she would pull together the stormwater component.
Mr. Means made the MOTION, Mr. Hawkes SECONDED the MOTION to approve the
June 3rd minutes. The vote was taken-MINUTES APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
The meeting adjourned at 8 : 45 pm .
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Carlisle Peck