HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-12 - CPC Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan Committee December 12 , 2006 Approved 01/09/07 Present : Robert Brown, Heather Filiberto , David Kerness, Sue Poelvoorde, Sue Ritter, Darien Simon, Elizabeth Thomas, David Tyler, Robert Weatherby, John Wertis Absent : Debbie Watkins Ms . Poelvoorde called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 pm. She presented the minutes from the November 14th meeting. Mr. Tyler made the MOTION to approve the minutes, Mr. Brown seconded the MOTION . The vote on the MOTION was unanimous, MINUTES APPROVED . Ms . Poelvoorde stated Ms . Filiberto, Ms . Ritter and Mr. Kerness met with Yasmin Miller (SRI) to review the survey composed by the Committee . She asked one of them to review Ms . Miller' s recommendations . Ms . Ritter offered to go over the suggestions . She stated they had met with Ms . Miller this afternoon regarding her suggestions/comments on the survey. Ms . Miller edited the survey with her comments/suggestions, this document had been sent to all the members via email and regular mail . She also provided additional modifications not in the survey document . She would like to present the information as it is listed in the survey. She asked Ms. Filiberto and Mr. Kerness to comment on any item she may omit during her presentation. The first item Ms . Miller noted was concern that more than one adult per household would complete the survey if it is provided online . Ms . Filiberto stated a unit of observation is a household, if a couple of people from one household complete the survey it would be accurate . If additional people start to complete the survey it could skew the statistics . Ms . Ritter stated her suggestion is do not place this on the web, if a copy is requested then send . The decision to revise the paragraph to contain if you would like more information about the survey please call was added . Mr. Tyler stated the confidentiality clause was a good idea. The decision to add this to the survey was made . Ms. Ritter stated she felt the 4 point scale will force people to respond instead of allowing them to answer neither or not important. In the meeting today she said they could provide Do Not Know but she prefers a scale that will force an answer. Mr. Tyler stated it will change the benchmark question . If these changes are going to be made why not take the entire question out . Ms . Ritter explained she had presented to Ms . Miller why this question is in the survey. Ms . Miller said the question does not provide definitive answers because they have not asked definitive questions ; why would it matter at this point if the answers are not definitive . Ms . Miller' s comment on agricultural land are all the people thinking the same thing i . e. preserving farmland, farming, what is the question asking. Should this all come up , her question is are there items in here that were not asked elsewhere. Mr. Kerness commented they may want to remove items and put them in the proper place in other parts of the survey. Comprehensive Plan 2 12/ 12/2006 Ms . Ritter stated another issue Ms . Miller had were qualifiers throughout the survey. The question asking about Taughannock Park, are they talking about the cleanliness, the beauty; each person may have different interpretations of this question. Ms . Miller stated they needed to qualify the questions . Mr. Tyler stated doing this would destroy the whole purpose of the question . His thought would be to leave it as it is, it was imperfect the way it was. This had this discussion in a I i prior meeting and chose to leave it as it was to maintain a benchmark question. Mr. Kerness stated they need to ask themselves a question what would the use of the benchmark question do for them. Mr. Tyler it would indicate there is a change in attitude of the Town. Ms . Ritter stated Ms . Miller' s comment was if you have nothing you will get nothing. Ms . Thomas stated she is concerned that if it were imperfect to begin with why constitute the problem. Mr. Tyler stated they received responses previously they could presume people would construe it as they did before. The other option is rework the whole thing from scratch and throw this question out as a measure of the old survey. Ms . Simon stated as a benchmark question it is a good idea, she is not sure it will accomplish anything. If it is the first question people may get confused and toss the whole survey. Ms . Ritter stated it is a good question as an opener, they may review and decide if the questions are asked elsewhere and eliminate them. I I ',; Ms . Simon stated if they decide to keep this question, and she stated this in a previous meeting, they questions are too vague. It is subject to interpretation . Ms . Poelvoorde stated then they are all this way. The questions are vague. Ms. Ritter stated to move along she would suggest they review the items and come back to this question to see if they items are addressed elsewhere . Mr. Kerness noted that he thinks there are only two questions not addressed elsewhere . they are D (Historic Structures) and K (Sense of Community) . Ms . Poelvoorde noted historic areas are noted in another area of the survey. Mr. Tyler stated he likes this question it is a nice lead in to everything else. That was the purpose of this question. Mr. Kerness disagreed the purpose of this question was to be the benchmark, the group did not have any discussion regarding this question. Ms . Poelvoorde suggested they start to review the other items addressed and come back to this question . Mr. Kerness suggested they could note if these items are addressed in other parts of the survey then revise the question if appropriate . Mr. Tyler stated if they think it will turn people off and encourage them to throw the survey away, they could put it at the end of the survey. The purpose was to encompass the characteristics of the whole town. Comprehensive Plan 3 12/ 12/2006 Ms . Poelvoorde stated the purpose of this question is to determine existing characteristic of the Town currently. The other questions address areas the residents would like to see changed in the future . Mr. Kerness stated these questions are asked later. A lengthy discussion was held regarding the suggestions made by Ms . Miller. Members argued for and against leaving question # 1 , modifying for specificity, the previous survey statistics were reviewed-the response was above what the usual is . Ms . Miller informed the committee members she would not revise the survey herself she will direct the committee as to what will not be effective however the committee needs to decide what they want and revise the question to achieve these answers . The committee revised the survey extensively, Mr. Kerness offered to complete Section 2 —Residential ; Ms . Thomas offered to edit the survey with the revisions . After a discussion Mr. Kerness will provide his revisions to Ms . Thomas, Ms . Thomas will revise the survey, she stated she would have time after Christmas and will try to have this done that week. She will email this to the members, once the members have reviewed this draft they should send all comments to Ms . Carlisle Peck. She will prepare a compilation of these comments to present to the committee by the January 9th meeting. Mr. Brown and Mr. Weatherby will be leaving town on January 4th thus the information will need to be done by then. Ms . Carlisle Peck stated if they have hardcopy the information could be left in her mailbox . The edited survey as provided by Ms . Thomas with Mr. Kerness ' revisions are as follows : Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan Survey 1 /3/2007 Dear Town of Ulysses Resident : The Town is currently updating its comprehensive plan for the future of our town . The plan is intended to act as a road map for guiding future growth and development, implementing planning and zoning changes, identifying important natural resources and unique features in the Town that should be preserved. We need the input of residents, 18 years and older, to assist in updating the Plan . Please take a few minutes to respond to the survey questions below, and return it NO LATER THAN, .. ktiR . ,; ., , n . If you would like more information , , please call the Town Hall at 387-5767 or e-mail at touclerk@a,twcny.rr. com. All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and not be used in any way to permit identification of respondents . Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to this process (Place a -V in one box per line) . Please return the completed survey in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope (i Comprehensive Plan 4 12/ 12/2006 D. Historic Structures E. Outdoor Recreation F . Taughannock Park G . Shopping H . Commercial/Professional Services I. " Small Town" Atmosphere (Built environment) J. Volunteer/Community Activities K . Sense of Community (Sense of belonging) L . Zoning/Planning M. School N. Church - O. Other- specify Comments : 2 . RESIDENTIAL a. Please rate how important the following types of housing will be to you over the next 10 years in the Town of Ulyssses Very Un- Very Un- Important Important Neutral important important 1 . Increase single family residential development a . Minimum acre plots b . Mobile homes c . Cluster* subdivisions ; I I d . Town houses* 2 . Increase multi-family residential development a. Planned apailiuents b . Senior housing c . Town houses d . Condominiums 3 . Other-specify *Cluster —detached dwelling units grouped close together with land devoted to open space . *Town house (how does it differ from condominiirin ?) 3 . COMMERCIAL a. Should the Town of Ulysses encourage these types of commercial development? ,Yes No Not Sure 1 . Small -scale development (e . g . gas station, restaurant, garden store) 2 . Large-scale development (e. g. mall , factory, big box stores) 3 . Small scale strip development (e . g . a group of less than 10 attached stores) 4 . Light industrial development (e . g. technology or office park, light manufacturing) 5 . Businesses centered on tourism (e . g. bed and breakfasts, ' restaurants, gift shops) 6 . Business within the Village of Trumansburg 7 . Business within Jacksonville 8 . Business near the Town of Ithaca 9 . Small scale agriculture (e .g. wineries, organic farms, roadside produce) 10 . Large scale agriculture and food processing 11 . Other-specify Comprehensive Plan 5 12/ 12/2006 b. Would you prefer to see commercial development along the major roadways (strip) or concentrated (cluster) ? Please check all that apply : Cluster Strip Both Neither Other(specify) Add definition of cluster vs strip Comments : 4. PUBLIC SERVICES AND TRANSPORTATION a. Please rate if you think the following existing services need improvement, keeping in mind that additional costs can be associated with new services. Excellent — Good — Satisfactory Needs Inadequate needs no only minor No change improve- — needs improve- improvements needed ment many ment needed resources tc improve . 1 . Schools/educational facilities 2 . Public recreational opportunities (parks, walkways, golf courses, lake access, snowmobile trails .) 3 . Youth Activities/Services (after school programs, job placement, locations for youth to gather) 4 . Fire Protection 5 . Public Water 6 . Public Sewer 7 . Road Maintenance/snow removal 8 . Public transportation 9 . Bike Paths 10 . Sidewalks 11 . Library 12 . Other-specify b. Do you have any problems with your private drinking water source? Yes No Would you prefer to have Public water? Yes No Public sewer? Yes No Are you willing to pay for these services? Yes No If yes, how much would you be willing to pay ? Discuss this w►th group Comments : 5. ENVIRONMENT and COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS a. How important are the following when considering the future growth of the Town of Ulysses? We planned to use "agree, strongly agree, disagree, or strongly disagree", but once I added this question , it seemed like the "important" scale worked a little better. We should agree (or strongly agree !) on which to use during out next discussion . Very Very Important Important Neutral Unimportant Unimportant 1 . Conservation of scenic beauty 2 . Protection of natural areas and open space 3 . Preservation of historic buildings 4 . Protection of farmland from Comprehensive Plan 6 12/ 12/2006 development 5 . Cleanup and maintenance of properties . 6 . Opportunities to safely walk and bike 7 . Regulation to ensure clean lake water 8 . Protection of streams and groundwater 9 . Controls for erosion due to stormwater 10 . Regulation to ensure clean air 11 . Development of wind energy resources 12 . Development of solar energy resources 13 . Other-spec Comments : 6. What do you value most about where you live? 7. Please tell us a little about yourself, A . What is your age? Under 25 26 to 44 45 to 65 Over 65 B . Where do you live? ( Select all that apply) Village Hamlet Farm Lakeshore Rural Residential Owner Renter 1 C . Which best describes your education level ? D . How long have you lived in Ulysses? 1 . Some High School 1 . Less than 1 year 2 . High School Graduate 2 . 1 -5 years 3 . Technical & Vocational 3 . 6 10 years 4 . Some College 4 . 11 -20 years 5 . College Graduate 5 . more than 20 years 6 . Post Graduate Will you be moving from the area in the next 5 years? Yes No Don 't know If yes, can you explain why? Feel free to comment on other issues pertaining to the Town of Ulysses : 8. Would you like to participate in a group discussion that will give input into the comprehensive plan ? If so please call the Town Hall at 387-5767 or e-mail at touclerk @twcny. rr.com and leave your name and contact information . Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to this process Please return the completed survey in j ' the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelo ifta p plicable .after formatting). P , envelope . Ms . Ritter provided the following revisions to Part 1 2 . Please rate the following EXISTING aspects on how they contribute to the current character of the Town of Ulysses • Comprehensive Plan 7 12/ 12/2006 Very Very Important Important Unimportant Unimportant P . Rural farmland Q . Open space/green space (woods, meadows, non-agricultural land) R. The strong link to the Village of Trumansburg S . Historic structures T. Opportunities for outdoor recreation or enjoyment U. Taughannock Falls State Park (tourism, exercise . recreation , natural beauty) V . Shopping opportunities in the Town and Village W . Commercial/professional services in the Town and Village X. The "small town" atmosphere Y . The sense of community/sense of belonging Z. Having defined Zoning/Planning policies to guide growth and development in the Town AA . Other-specify Comments The next scheduled meeting will be January 9th, 7 : 00 pm at the Town Hall . Respectfully submitted, Robin Carlisle Peck Administrative Assistant 01 /07/07 TOWN OF ULYSSES PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 12 , 2006 Present : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Town Council Roxanne Marino, Don Ellis, Rod Ferrentino and Lucia Tyler; Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia; Deputy Supervisor Richard Coogan; Others Present : Nancy Dean and Michel Vonderweidt Supervisor Austic called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 15 pm on the proposed DEC Model Stormwater Laws . No one in attendance had any comments . Ms . Marino asked if the Town ' s new Attorney Mariette Geldenhuys had reviewed the proposed Local Law . Mr. Coogan stated that Attorney Wilson had reviewed but not Ms . Geldenhuys . The Board discussed several areas that may need changes or updates and decided that the best way before passing this local law is have Ms . Geldenhuys review and make necessary changes . Mr. Ellis moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler to adjourn the Public Hearing until the attorney reviews . Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. Public Hearing adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk • I Is III ii 1 11 11 I 1.1 I 1 TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 12 , 2006 Present : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Town Council Roxanne Marino, Don Ellis, Rod Ferrentino and Lucia Tyler; Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia; Deputy Supervisor Richard Coogan; Town Highway Superintendent James Meeker; and Town Attorney Mariette Geldenhuys . Others Present : Tompkins County Board Representative Jim Dennis, Barry Hayes, Michele Vonderweidt, Nancy Dean , Free Press reporter Bill Chaisson. Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 PM and led those assembled in the pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Ellis moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve minutes for the October Special Board meeting of October 23 , 2006 with the changes and corrections as submitted. Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted . APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr. Austic said that before the vouchers could be approved there would have to be some money transferred . Account #A1670 . 4 needs to be increased by $2645 . 12 and A5182 . 4 increased by $ 169 . 94 . Decrease NYS Retirement #9010 . 8 by $2815 . 06 Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded by Ms . Marino to approve the above transfers . Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted . Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Mr. Ellis to approve previous examined vouchers #504 through 553 in the amount of $26, 680 . 54 Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. Regular Town Board Meeting 2 12/ 12/2006 PUBLIC PRIVILEDGE OF THE FLOOR Mr. Austic opened the floor to public comments . Mr. Barry Hayes commenced to read a statement and about half way through Mr. Ellis loudly demanded the Supervisor impose order several times . Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order and accepted Mr. Hayes ' s written statement to be put into the record . Mr. Hayes ' s written statement is as follows : I have heard rumors that some board members think no one is interested in the water project because they do not come to meetings anymore. This is not the case. • The reason we don 't come to meetings is because the whole process is a waste of time and all we can do is witness this colossal waste of energy. There are objections, innumerable straw men to be blown down. If it isn 't the penny pinching details which are not yet even available nor applicable then it is something else ridiculous. Anything to delay and discourage any progress. We have been following this fiasco for a year or so and can only conclude that the project will be killed with whatever means these three (Tyler, Ellis and Marino) can conjure up. To date, no one except a few interested people has asked if those in the proposed water district are interested in pursuing the project or not. The obvious first step should have been and still is to contact however many people are in the district as designed and see if they are interested in pursuing the issue. This would be the thing to do to serve the community instead of personal agendas. The town meetings are as comical regarding this issue as the meetings are in the village regarding the skate park It In the public meetings they say one thing and entirely something else in private. The reason we don 't come to meetings is that we are ignored. Lets cut the nonsense and find out if anyone is interested in public water being made available. Stop obfuscating about prices and other conjectures and straw men. Those things are all irrelevant at this time. Ask those people who would be directly affected if they are interested since they are the ones who will have to pay the major portion of it. Eric Pond has forwarded sample letter and survey used in Pulaski, NY. That is exactly perfect for the public concerned in Ulysses. How they feel about a public water system going ahead. His draft follows the KISS principle "Keep It Simple Stupid " Eric 's form is perfect for finding out an interest level in the community. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES Tompkins County Board Representative James Dennis reported that he had attended a Recreation Partnership meeting and they are looking for a representative from Ulysses to ,, attend the meetings now that Ulysses has rejoined . Mr. Dennis asked if the Board had made any decision on the Veterans ' Exemption that he had distributed . Mr. Austic said that it is being discussed and a decision will be made before March 2007 . Mr. Dennis said that another thing he would like to bring up is the discussions about Water District #5 . Mr. Dennis would like to offer the opportunity to the Town Board (he also offered to the Village Board) to put together a meeting along with other people in • Regular Town Board Meeting 3 12/ 12/2006 Ulysses, to discuss the water issue that has been overly discussed the past few months . Mr. Dennis ' reasons for doing this are that he has been an interested observer, reading the newspaper and listening to people and talking to other people in the community and he thinks that the Boards are at a point where they really need to sit down and try to figure out something. Mr. Dennis would hate to see, as a Village resident the Village go off on their own and would hate to see Taughannock Park go off on their own. What Mr. Dennis is offering is to put together a meeting with other people, have someone come in to mediate the meeting, run the meeting and get a discussion about the water district going again. Mr. Dennis feels that at some point for the benefit of all those who are trying to be represented that a meeting should be held . Ms . Marino thought that would be great but she would like to know what the format would be and how things would work and be discussed . Ms . Marino said we did have a joint committee meeting with the Village about the Water and she hopes that will continue because there have been a lot of good discussions . Mr. Vonderweidt asked if public comment was still open. Mr. Austic said yes . Mr. Vonderweidt said that he would like to say that he feels that it is very strange when a member of the community can not come here and speak his mind, yet Board members seem to be able to speak their opinions anyway they choose to . Trumansburg Fire Department — no one in attendance . Planning Board Report — no one in attendance . Youth Commission Representative Michele Vonderweidt — repeated that the Recreation Partnership really needs representation from the Ulysses Board . There was some confusion as to who was appointed at the Organizational meeting last January which will be looked into . The meetings are scheduled on the fourth Tuesday at 4pm the next one is January 23rd Mr. Vonderweidt informed everyone that Ben Curtis resigned from both the Trumansburg and the Ulysses Youth Commissions and also the County Youth Commissions. They will be looking for a new appointment for this . Mr. Vonderweidt said what a wonderful job Ben Curtis had done over the years and asked if the Board could send him a thank you letter. Mr. Vonderweidt referred to the map that was distributed of the Recreation Partnership Participating Households in the Town of Ulysses October 2005 thru July 2006 . Mr. Vonderweidt had run the percentages and 17 % of out of county youth use the programs . Mr. Vonderweidt said that these two counties , Seneca and Schuyler, have refused to contribute anything to the Recreation Partnership fee . The Recreation Partnership feels that they should contribute, and is asking the Ulysses Board to address this by contacting the officials of these two counties to contribute and continue under the Ulysses partnership agreement, or their youth can go at full cost . The Partnership feels that it is time that they pay their share. Ms . Marino is not sure what the fare share is of the other two counties . Ms . Marino said she could talk to the Recreation Partnership . Mr. Rector said he understood from attending the Village meeting that they do collect from Seneca and Schuyler County and that maybe Ulysses could check to see how they handle it . Mr. Austic explained how their program differs from Ulysses and why it is possible for the Village to collect . Regular Town Board Meeting 4 12/ 12/2006 Nancy Dean, Deputy Historian Ms . Dean requested that the Town Board consider contributing $200 towards the design and printing of a brochure called "Touring the Towns of Tompkins County" . Ms . Dean distributed a copy of one that had been done for the Town of Lansing that the Board reviewed and discussed . The Board asked to see a mock up of the brochure before printing. Mr. Ellis said he would very much like to be able to comment on the text . Mr. Dennis said that he knows that they would like comments from elected people even before the mock up . Mr. Ellis moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler: BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses fund the $200 . Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. TOWN REPORTS Highway Superintendent James Meeker presented the following report : • Repair trucks, salt boxes, etc . for winter — wash and waxed • All trucks NYS inspected • Bucket truck (NYSEG) to top trees on Terrel Road . • Dig stumps out & clean ditch • Install driveway on Iradell Rd . (Keith Bower) & Houghton Rd. (Chuck Houghton) • Salt & plowed as needed Mr. Meeker distributed a print-out from the computer of a ten year old truck that has 61 , 000 miles, which is about $ 100,000 cheaper then the new one he just purchased. Mr. Meeker thinks he may go and visit the location of the used truck and see what he can find out about it. Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun — Mr. Coogan previously distributed Mr. Rachun' s report . Two permits were issued for Single Family dwellings, one business permit, and there were no fees collected for request for zoning hearings or planning. Town Clerk Marsha L. Georgia — reported that a total of $2284 . 00 was received for the month of November and $ 641 . 75 was turned over to the Supervisor for the month fees as well as $ 125 . 00 for a plumbing permit. Ms . Georgia completed the work to forward to Tompkins County Assessment on the Water District #3 total units to be assessed for infrastructure and operating and maintenance fees . This has increased by a couple of users for 2006 because two taps i I were installed on vacant lots . Mrs . Georgia said that she has received a couple of calls in the last few months regarding the work being done on the property in Waterburg . The calls have been that they would like to see some recognition to the property owner for the improvement to this property. Mrs . Georgia believes the owners name is Mr. Beers and has asked the Free Press reporter to possibly take a look and do an article . Regular Town Board Meeting 5 12/ 12/2006 Ms . Marino said she agreed that it makes sense for the Board to think about some kind of recognition. Board Members and Committees Mr. Ellis said that he attended the Village of Trumansburg Board meeting last night and there was a lot of talk about the Skate Board Park and a good deal of discussion about the sidewalks . Mr. Ellis said he did not stay until the very end . There was very little discussed that would impact the Town . Ms . Marino said she has been talking to people who might be interested in being a representative to the Recreation Partnership and the County Youth Commission and she has not come up with anyone as yet . Ms . Marino is wondering if it might make sense to put something in the paper and perhaps the school would allow something to be put in their correspondence that goes out to the community. Mr. Austic said it might be possible to do that. Ms . Marino said as the Planning Board liaison she has been working with Mr. Coogan, the outgoing Planning Board Chairman and the Planning Board Member Ken Zeserson who has expressed interest in taking over as Chairman on what is needed and how to make things work. Ms . Marino also reported attending, along with Ms . Tyler, Mr. Austic and Mr. Coogan a training session on the municipal governing board ' s roles on local planning and zoning. Ms . Tyler reported applying to the TCAT Advisory Board so the Town will have a voice on public transportation. Supervisor Doug Austic — distributed the Supervisor ' s Financial report and the Water report and reviewed these with the Board . Mr. Austic said he attended a meeting today about chlorination by-product testing by EPA. Deputy Supervisor Richard Coogan — reported that he has been re- appointed to the County Planning Advisory Board. He has been working on the sub -committee for scenic inventory, which was presented to the full Planning Advisory Committee in November. Mr. Coogan said that it should be posted on the County web page . One of the recommendations the sub-committee presented was this kind of inventory along with the natural features focus area, critical environment area, and unique natural areas should have some kind of guide document to help towns to use them . Mr. Marx took this under advisement and may have some kind of guide in six months or so . OLD BUSINESS Action on Stormwater Law The Board had previously discussed at the Public Hearing that they wanted the attorney to review and make sure it can be a free standing law and not an amendment to the zoning law . A discussion took place that the Board needs to develop a fee structure, not only on this but for other areas . Approval of Drug Testing Contract The standard drug testing contract was introduced and Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler the following : Regular Town Board Meeting 6 12/ 12/2006 BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor Austic to sign the Tompkins County Consortium "Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration" Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Policy. Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. Other Mr. Ellis asked where the Town stands with the sidewalk on the TRA project. The Board had questions and no one truly knows where it stands . It was decided that it had to be looked into and resolved. Mr. Ellis said he had one other housekeeping thing and it may have more to do with the Village than the Town but one municipality or the other should take some action with the Town of Covert to clean up the property that has nearly 300 junk cars on two acres just east of 4545 Seneca Road . Mr. Ellis feels that the Covert Town Board is sworn to uphold the laws of New York State which does not permit that number of cars . Mr. Ellis is also concerned about the environmental hazards . Mr. Ellis feels either the Village or the Town should go directly after the Covert Town Board because there have been numerous efforts to get something done. Mr. Ellis said that maybe the Covert Town Board should be removed from office or something to that effect. Mr. Ellis was asked if he brought this up at the Village meeting he attended . f I• Mr. Ellis said no they had enough going on. Mr. Rector made a suggestion to Mr. Ellis that he attend a Covert Town Board meeting and bring up the subject . Mr. Ellis replied that he goes to so many meetings and he knows that other people have been and it just keeps going on. Mr. Rector wondered what Mr. Ellis feels the Town as a whole can accomplish . Mr. Ellis does not know for sure but thought that question could be asked of the Town ' s Attorney. This was discussed briefly with the Attorney. Ms . Geldenhuys said she could look into this . Better Housing Survey Ms . Marino asked if the Town Board needs to make a resolution to go forward with Better Housing. Ms . Marino moved , seconded by Ms . Tyler the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses resolve to have Better Housing proceed with the Town wide mailing of the pre- application forms and prepare the maps beginning in January 2007 . Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino abstained Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye f Regular Town Board Meeting 7 12/ 12/2006 Ms . Marino aye Adopted. NEW BUSINESS Planning Board Member/Chairman Discussion The Town has an interested person to become Chairman of the Planning Board due to Ms . Chuiten's resignation . Mr. Ken Zeserson (term expires 12/2006) wishes to re-main on the Planning Board and he has also agreed to become Chairman. • Ms . Marino moved, seconded by Mr. Austic the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses appoint Ken Zeserson as Chairman to the Planning Board for 2007 . Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. Employee Gift Certificate In the past the Town has issued $ 50 gift certificates for the employees and the volunteer . staff of the Towns various boards . Mr. Ellis moved, seconded by Mr. Austic the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the distribution of the $ 50 gift certificates to the employees and the volunteer staff on the various boards . Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. The Board may need to advertise for planning board, zoning board, youth representatives and there may be others . Motion to approve B & L Scope of Service Mr. Austic introduced a resolution engaging Barton & Loguidice to conduct a study to investigate solutions enabling the service of a source of water that is adequate to serve as a primary source for the Village of Trumansburg. Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Mr. Ferrentino, the Board discussed and the following resolution was formed as follows : WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg has requested that the Town of Ulysses be prepared to supply the village with a source of water that is adequate to serve as a primary source, and Regular Town Board Meeting 8 12/ 12/2006 WHEREAS, information presented at several meetings has revealed a concern of the Town of Ithaca about their ability to supply such a source is questionable, and WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has a reserve fund sufficient enough to allow funding a study to determine the specifics of the major concerns of the Town of Ithaca and, once determined, to estimate the cost of such infrastructure needed to relieve the concern and be able to supply a source of water that is adequate to serve as a primary source as requested, and WHEREAS, Barton and Loguidice has completed considerable engineering and study of water delivery systems within the town, and has provided a scope of services that is not to exceed $7000 to do a study of Infrastructure Needs , Trumansburg Water Supply Assessment (Scope of Services 3 of November 27 , 2006), now BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses engage B &L to conduct a study to investigate, in conjunction with the Town of Ithaca and the Village of Trumansburg, solutions enabling the service of a source of water that is adequate to serve as a primary source for the Village of Trumansburg through the Town of Ulysses . In addition, realizing that the ultimate source for the Village of Trumansburg would be SCLIWC ; authorizes the Town Supervisor to enter into talks with the commission, with one week prior notice to the Ulysses Town Board, to ensure that the water supply will be available if needed. Mr. Austic aye • Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted . Other '` Audit Copies of the final audit were distributed to the Town Board. Grants Mr. Austic attended a meeting the other day and heard a presentation by Stuart Brown Associates of Rochester Grant Writer on grant availability. Mr. Austic said that it does not look good for water grants in the future but there may be other grants to apply for. Ms . Tyler asked about the Beautification Grant. Mr. Austic said that the Town delayed that until next year in the spring. Mr. Austic had distributed information on grants . Mr. Austic said that J . C . Smith, EMC is willing to come to Ulysses and talk to anybody or all of us on what changes could be made (talking about Water District #5 ) . Ms . Marino felt it would be better to talk to him after the Board gets the information they j are requesting then the Board would know or have more specific numbers . Maybe early February. Mr. Ellis feels that the Towns task in the next six weeks or so is to re-engage in talks with the Village of Trumansburg in such a way that things can be avoided like the last time around . Regular Town Board Meeting 9 12/ 12/2006 Ms . Marino would like to move that the resolution adopted to engage Barton & Loguidice be passed onto the Village . Ms . Marino moved, seconded by Mr. Ellis the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopted a resolution December 12 , 2006 at their Regular Town Board meeting to engage the services of Barton & Loguidice to conduct a study to investigate, in conjunction with the Town of Ithaca & Village of Trumansburg, solutions enabling the service of a source of water that is adequate to serve as a primary .source for the Village of Trumansburg through the Town of Ulysses . FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses requests that the Village of Trumansburg engage their engineer to participate in the study and that the joint committee that was set up continue to meet in January 2007 to process the information . Also have EFC ' S representative, J . V . Smith come sometime in February once the Boards have this information. FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses start discussing a survey and how to best do it in January. Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. Executive Session Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler to adjourn to executive session on a matter of land purchase . Mr. Austic aye Mr. Ferrentino aye Ms . Tyler aye Mr. Ellis aye Ms . Marino aye Adopted. The Board invited Mariette Geldenhuys to join them . Meeting adjourned to executive session at 9 : 45 pm . Regular Board meeting reconvened at 10pm . The Board asked Mr. Austic if he could email them the Organizational Meeting agenda before the next scheduled Regular Town Board meeting for January 9, 2007 . Hearing no further business Mr. Ellis moved, seconded by Mr. Ferrentino to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10 : 05 pm . Respectfully Submitted, Marsha L . Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk MLG : mlg