HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-11 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES
APRIL 11 , 2006
Present : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Town Council Roxanne Marino, Don Ellis, Rod
Ferrentino and Lucia Tyler; Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia; Deputy Supervisor
Richard Coogan ; Town Highway Superintendent James Meeker; and Town Attorney
Bruce Wilson.
Others Present : Tammy Morse, TC Board Representative James Dennis , Joanne
Molino , Barry Hayes, Bob Lodder, John Wertis and Debra Watkins .
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 PM and led those assembled in the
pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Ms . Tyler presented minor changes and corrections to the Regular Town Board Meeting
of March 14, 2006 . Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded by Mr. Ellis the following:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the
minutes of the Regular Town Board meeting of March 14, 2006 with the minor
changes and corrections given to the Town Clerk by Ms . Tyler.
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
Mr. Ellis moved, seconded by Ms . Marino the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the
previous examined voucher # ' s 131 through 179 in the amount of $28 , 338 . 33 .
The Board reviewed voucher # ' s 139 and 144 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
JIM DENNIS, Tompkins County Board of Representative reported that the County
recently commissioned an assessment of the housing in Tompkins County for
affordability. This assessment showed that the area is desperately short of affordable
housing or workforce housing in Tompkins County. The scope of the project was they
wanted to try and quantify the affordable housing, try and identify opportunities, measure
size and composition of the Counties housing challenges and identify the most promising
options that could be addressed in the long term, and then propose some realistic
initiatives that would move towards solving the problems . Mr. Dennis said that what was
discovered is that at present time there are 1 , 900 acres and 600 parcels in 16 different
municipalities in the County that are set up and ready to go with the correct infrastructure
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and zoning for affordable housing, not to say that anything is going to happen on any of
those 1 ,900 acres . What was also discovered in the study was that the situation about
affordable housing is actually getting worse in Tompkins County for a number of
reasons . One in the Town of Ulysses the median price for homes has increased 20% over
the last two years so if that continues at a 10% click then virtually no one is going to be
able to afford a house in Ulysses but hopefully that will not happen . Mr. Dennis said that
what is being talked about through the study is estimating the Counties housing needs for
the next ten years and a ballpark estimate they are talking about is 2 , 500 new units, and
1 , 300 of those being affordable housing or workforce housing which basically has a
median income of $28 , 000 and using the formula 1 /3 of it has to go to the housing costs
that you have . Mr. Dennis said that some of the conclusions that the study came about U ,
what the weakness are in Tompkins County and that we have land use conflicts that are
not resolved, the high cost of existing housing, and new construction based on the cost of
materials because of things where building materials are going other places because of
natural disasters . Also student renter ' s drive up costs in the whole county and builders
see affordable housing to be not realistic and not profitable . Mr. Dennis said that another
interesting bit of information that was found out is that 14, 000 people come in to the
community everyday from outside of Tompkins County and the reason for that is they
can not afford to buy houses in Tompkins County.
Mr. Dennis said that the comprehensive plans talk the talk and support affordable
housing, they have positive language but when you look at the zoning ordinances they
don ' t have the support and echo the plan and actually inhibit workforce or affordable
housing. One of the big jobs the County has to do is offer their Planning Department and
one of the new things the County is talking about is offer Planning Department help to
the outside municipalities for free and rather than all paying for it like it is now . If the
County is really serious about this they should send the planners out to the municipalities
for free and look at this housing.
Mr. Dennis said that a couple of things the County is talking about doing to encourage
developers is to encourage use of pilot agreements, which is payment in lieu of taxes
much as what is happening in downtown Ithaca, that there are tax breaks if a developer { '
will come and do something. Mr. Dennis thinks that it would have to be a mix of housing
and not just affordable housing for a developer to be interested.
Mr. Dennis knows that there are people opposed to pilot programs , knows that there are
people that say it is a give away to developers but Mr. Dennis does not view it that way
and he feels that the County will not view it that way but as an investment in the County.
The other thing that the County has talked about is something called a land trust. The
land would be held and the property on top of the land would change hands over time .
TRUMANSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT — no one in attendance .
Mr. Wertis, Planning Board member gave an overview of what the Planning Board was
doing. Mr. Wertis reported that the Board has finished Site Plan Review for the
Washington Street Partners (Kinney Drug Store) with conditions, approved with
conditions a sub-division that bordered on Rt . 96 and Colegrove Road, and a training
session was offered that all the members attended . The next meeting is scheduled for
next week but Mr. Wertis is not aware of what is on the agenda.
Ms . Marino had received an email from Margot Chiuten covering what Mr . Wertis had
reported except that she had attended a SEQR training session . Ms . Marino said also that
she had discussed with Ms . Chiuten about pulling together the zoning issues and having
the Planning Board discuss these .
OTHER — no other comments .
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Highway Superintendent James Meeker reported that the highway crew have finished
filling in washouts from the heavy rains on March 13th , and salted and plowed as needed .
Mr. Meeker said that he and his crew attended a Drug and Alcohol Training Session
given by the Town ' s consortium members . The crew has also been working on putting
the sides of the roads back from the damage . done from plowing operations, hauling
gravel to mix up stabilized gravel , working patching pot holes and getting ready to pull
salt boxes and cleaning up trucks and plows .
Mr. Meeker said the Towns old mowing tractor has been kept around after the purchase
of the new one to make sure that they did not have any further use for it. Mr. Meeker
would like the Town Board to declare the old mowing tractor surplus equipment and he
will take it to an auction that is coming up in Palmyra on May 21st
Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Mr. Ferrentino the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses declare the 1980
#540 Ford Tractor as surplus equipment and allow Mr. Meeker to take it to
auction in Palmyra.
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
Mr. Meeker announced that he will be attending the Association of Towns Highway
School that will be held at Ithaca College .
Ms . Marino asked if the money for the sale of the old tractor go back into equipment .
Mr. Austic said not necessarily but it could, it goes into the fund balance .
Mr. Meeker said that he is in need of a new flail mower.
Mr. Meeker invited the new Board members to come down some morning to meet with
the highway crew and go through the Town Barn and some of the equipment to give them
an idea of what they have. April 18th , 2006 at 8 AM was set for the tour.
Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun reported that he had two starts for single-
family residences and five permits for alterations . Mr. Rachun said that BZA heard an
area variance for a property on Terrell Road where a house had burned down. The BZA
discussed it for a lengthy time debating on whether to allow another house to go up on
that property because the property was considerably substandard because it is located in
the Agricultural District and they felt because a house had already been there it would
have been a hardship not to grant that . The Board of Zoning Appeals is looking for
direction for possible future zoning changes . The BZA is asking if there may be anything
down the line to give relief to existing houses because they are having a hard time issuing
area variances . These are properties that would have been conforming under the old
zoning that are no longer conforming because some of the properties are 50% to 75 %
smaller then they are suppose to be .
Mr. Rachun said that the Deputy Zoning officer has been busy and has issued several
notices for junk cars and he also has done Fire Inspections at Cayuga Nature Center and
Paradise Café . Fire safety issues have been written up for both of those places and he
will go back to see if they have been taken care of.
Mr. Rachun said that Tompkins County Solid Waste has not given the Town a break on
the Ledger problem and have got no relief for the tonnage . They are not allowing the
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Town any kind of pass on that because the Town is not a member of Solid Waste . Mr.
Ledger has made some progress but that progress has tended to stop and Mr. Rachun has
issued another notice of violation and if there is no further effort he will be issued another
appearance ticket.
Mr. Ellis asked Mr. Dennis if he could try and get some help from the County on this .
Mr. Dennis says he hears the question but the Town is dealing with Solid Waste and
that ' s the County and he will see what he can do .
Mr. Coogan said that round 8 of Water Quality they are putting in for $ 7000 that will
help clean up along streams, but that funding will not become available until next year.
Mr. Ferrentino said he is against singling out one property for a cleanup
Mr. Rachun also invited any Board members to go around on an inspection or two .
Town Clerk Marsha Georgia reported that a total of $ 1325 . 50 was collected for the
month of March and $ 995 . 56 was turned over to the Supervisor along with her monthly
Mrs . Georgia stated that the 2006 Tax Warrant has been turned over to Tompkins County
Budget and Finance . The tax warrant balanced and there were only 78 parcels in the
Town of Ulysses that had not paid their taxes .
Town Board. Member Mr. Ellis reported that he attended the Village of Trumansburg ' s
Board meeting last night. Mr. Ellis said that some items of interest that were discussed at
the meeting were that they received a petition from some residents who live close to the 1
fire whistle and the Trustees of the Village are going to be looking into the issue . The
Village is going to be doing a tree survey and they have an arborist coming in that is ;
going to survey street edge trees and propose approaches to dealing with them that will
hopefully reduce hazard and power failures .
Mr. Ellis said that the EMS group reported that they are in need of protective clothing for
when they are around vehicles that have sharp edges and broken glass and there was talk
about how to fund for that . Each outfit cost around $432 and ideally they need 13 but
may be able to get along with 8 .
Mr. Ellis said that the Fire Department had a request for a surveyor to locate corner
stakes for the Departments property on Main Street. The Board told them that it had been
recently surveyed and they should be able to find them without a surveyor.
Mr. Ellis announced that the Village of Trumansburg ' s budget meeting is this Thursday
Mr. Ellis said that he had tried to talk to the Village about delaying their comprehensive
planning survey distribution. Mr. Ellis serves on the committee for the Village ' s
Comprehensive Plan and he feels it would be nice to find some economy in the survey
distribution by including the Town and save residents from getting two surveys . The
Village feels pressured to moving their survey to May and getting it done . 1
Supervisor Doug Austic asked if anyone had any questions about his Supervisor' s
Report. The Board had not received copies and Mr. Austic will make sure he gets them
distributed and apologized if he had not previously done this .
Mr. Austic reported that the bacterial tests are being done in Water District #3 and 4 .
Deputy Supervisor Richard Coogan previously submitted a copy of his report which is
as follows :
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Deputy Supervisor/Planning Management Report
Storm Water
Storm Water Coalition
The Stormwater Coalition of Tompkins County is in the process of becoming a
more structured group that seeks funds from MS4 municipalities to manage
training seminars, educational outreach programs, and open discussions with
State and County agencies involved in stormwater legislation, enforcement, and
regulations. As such, each MS4 municipality that wishes to be a participant in
this group must formally adopt a Memorandum of Agreement and formally
appoint a representative to this organization . Fees for 2006 are set at
$1500 . 00. The Ulysses Town Board has a line item in the budget for this
amount. I provided a draft of a MoA to the TB last month. I have been the rep
to the Storm Water Coalition since April 2004 ,
Ulysses Storm Water Group
I have spoken to each member of this group and we are basically in agreement
as to our recommendation to the Town Board. We need to have one more
meeting to formalize our recommendations . Trying to find a date has been an
issue but should have the recommendation to the Town Board by the end of the
Fly Over Septic Check Project
Funding is in place and it is time to start scheduling the team.
Planning and Zoning Boards
Orientation Workshop PB
The Planning Board received a basic orientation to the legal processes involving
Planning Boards. Mr. Wilson gave a detailed overview of time frames and
responsibilities that the Board needs to be aware when conducting Site Plan
Reviews. I asked the PB members to give their comments regarding training to
me. Five members sent me comments by e-mail and I forwarded these
comments to Ms. Marino as the PB liaison . Mr. Porter gave me his remarks
verbally and I did not hear from Mr. Means . The majority of comments from
the PB were very favorable to the material covered. Unfortunately, the PB
calendar filled up and the orientation created a very long night. PB has
requested that a public notice be placed in the official newspaper of the Town
notifying that there will be a standing meeting twice a month instead on once a
month .
BZA Hearings
The BZA has asked that they be included in future seminars for planning and
zoning issues.
Seminars being considered
SEQRA, the County is considering hosting the NYS SEQRA workshop this year.
The last time it was presented was in October of 2004 . This is a two day event
with the first day devoted to presentations and the second day to practical
workshop .
Local Government, the County is also considering having NYS DoS present the
local government workshop in the County . This is also a two day affair that
covers local government authority, review boards, and other aspects of local
governments . I have attended twice, once in the County and once at the
Association of Towns. In the County seminar was better because the workshop
was tailored more to rural areas . Rural gets lost in downstate discussions.
Handling Conflict and Dispute at Public Meetings, this is a very worthwhile skill
that Boards should have. Darien Simon is trained in dispute resolution training
and may be willing to work with the PB and BZA on how to skillfully handle
conflict at meetings.
The Tompkins County Municipal Officers Association Planning Coalition is
being revamped as an interface between County Planning and Towns so that
Towns become more aware of County initiatives and how to incorporate or use
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the material being developed by the County . Examples : Scenic Inventory,
Affordable Housing, Natural Features Focus Areas, etc. It appears that I am the
only candidate for Chair of this group, so I get to set the direction for the group.
I am the non-urban representative on the Tompkins County Planning Advisory
Board. This board is made up of a very diverse group of people that represent
municipalities, Cornell, Ithaca College, Historic Ithaca, local businesses,
Sustainable Tompkins, Better Housing, etc. This group sets the work plan for +,
TCPD and oversees the selection of consultants and scope of works for moving
forward with the County Comprehensive Plan . This group discusses the larger
implications of changes within the County . It is a very resource in
understanding the pressures affecting the County from in commuters,
transportation corridors, housing needs, and planned nodal development.
Comprehensive Plan
I met with Ms . Marino to discuss possible ways to structure the Comp Plan
Committee. This initiative needs to have someone take ownership in order to
get it moving . CCETC works with community groups (this can be defined as
one) and has an excellent record of working with volunteers and keeping
volunteers engaged. CCETC played a key role as a neutral party in organizing
the residents in Water District 3 .
Darien Simon is a bit frustrated that no one from the Town Board has contacted
her about the role of Planner for this committee.
Cayuga Lake Waterfront Plan
TCPD is requesting that the Ulysses TB formally adopt the Cayuga Lake
Waterfront Plan . Last month I put a copy of the Lansing resolution in your mail
boxes as a sample for adopting this plan . Joan Jerkowitz is willing to come to
the May meeting to explain the plan if the Board feels it needs more
information. The over riding reason to adopt the Plan is that Ulysses would
then be eligible for funds from the NYS waterways initiative. What is
interesting to me is that the area defined under this plan closely matches the
area that the Stormwater group has been discussing as an overlay protection
zone. By incorporating this defined area as the conservation overlay
waterfront revitalization, and stormwater overlay we would only have to work
with one additional district. It makes things more manageable and opens
several potential funding sources along Route 89 which is a designated scenic
byway .
TB Communications Workshop
I have spoken to Nancy Potter of CCETC, Sharon Anderson of CLWN, and
Suzanne Motheral of CDRC about Communications Skills Training as
requested at the March TB meeting . Nancy is in Bosnia for a month,
Sharon is willing to hold a workshop, and Suzanne submitted a proposal.
I have worked with all three of these women and think all could conduct a
very meaningful workshop . CCETC would be a more basic approach and
better suited to a newly formed group (Comp Plan Committee comes to
mind), Sharon is very good at facilitating meetings and getting people
through agendas, Suzanne is a conflict Interface trainer and specializes
in working with governmental organizations .
Audit 1
I spoke with Mimi Thuesen of Ciaschi. . . and she said that until after tax season,
forget about any action from the auditing firms. I gave my file for the last t.
`Audit" to Ms. Tyler. I have not been assigned any other responsibilities in this
matter and am not engaged in any additional efforts regarding an audit for this
Water District No. 3
Ms. Tyler asked if I had any information on the public involvement for WD#3
after the meeting on April 3rd. I informed her that I have a binder of the entire
process . However, given the state my house is in right now, I have not been able
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to find the material. As things return to normal in the next few weeks I should
uncover it.
At the April 3rd meeting there was several discussions concerning WD#3
regarding operation and maintenance. Mr. Austic and I have a schedule of two
weeks on and two weeks off for the daily testing and inspection . I think it would
be beneficial for TB members to actually experience what this involves and
invite any Board Member to join me any day including weekends. I can pick
you up at your door and have you home in time for breakfast.
Ms . Marino asked Mr. Coogan for his opinion on the Communications Workshop and
from his experience which option and which facilitator would be most worthwhile for the
Board to consider.
Mr. Coogan referred to option one in Ms . Motheral ' s proposal and suggested her.
Ms . Marino presented a draft plan of a Comprehensive Plan Review as follows :
A Core Committee will be established initially by the Town Board from a pool of highly
motivated volunteer citizens selected to represent a broad range of interests and personal
and professional experience beneficial to the planning review process . The charge of the
Core Committee is to update the current Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Land Use Plan,
adopted in 1999 , to reflect changes in directions and trends impacting the community
now and anticipated over the next 5 - 10 years .
Working with the Town Planning Board, the Core Committee shall define the goals of
primary importance to the Town for consideration in revision of the Plan, using
information on past and current land use in the Town, input from public meetings and
workshops, and a town-wide survey to help define the land use issues of most concern to
the citizens of the Town .
The Core Committee shall set its own rules of operation and add members as needed.
Upon recommendation of the Core Committee, the Town of Ulysses will contract with a
professional planner and for administrative or clerical assistance as needed and as
allowed for in the Town budget . These professionals will be supervised by the Chair or
Co-Chairs of the Core Committee . Additionally, the Core Committee will have a budget
for contractual and incidental expenses of ($ 500?) for 2006 .
In order to involve as many citizens as possible, the Core Committee will set up working
groups on focal topics of primary importance to the review . The working groups will
research and gather information and recommendations on specific focal areas of land use
interest as defined by the Core Committee. The working groups will draw on citizens
from all aspects of the Town, through public postings and notices in the newspapers . The
following topics are suggested, based on issues identified during the recent revision of the
Town of Ulysses Zoning Law (passed August 2005) and a public organizational meeting
on March 23 , 2006 for this Comprehensive Plan review :
Transportation - Road corridors, nodes
View sheds natural areas (current County initiative to tap into)
Development -What are the right types of development for Ulysses? Businesses to attract
and promote
Housing - Affordable ; options for the aging and retirement; cluster development
Agriculture - traditional, non-traditional; areas for preservation or growth
Tax issues - base growth while preserving character of the town and aspects of value ;
relationship to school district
Infrastructure - water, other
Intermunicipal cooperation - Town and Village planning goals ; balancing open space
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preservation with development needs
Timeline :
The target date to have a revised Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of Ulysses
in advanced draft form is September 2007 ; with completion of the project by June 2008 .
The Town of Ulysses will engage a professional planner and clerical or administrative
help to work with Core Committee and Planning Board by May 15 , 2006 . .,
Proposed Initial Core Committee (10 members) :
Name Residence interest / expertise! experience
Sue Poelvoorde T member of 1999 committee;
Environmental planner; housing issues
Jennifer Wapinski -Mooradian V younger families; low impact
Business , school/children ' s issues
Dick Coogan T Hamlet; knowledge of County
Resources and ties ; water
Infrastructure experience
Darien Simon T professional planner; member of
Town Planning Board
Debbie Watkins V Tax issues ; business growth
Liz Thomas T Agriculture background; storm water
Committee ; has time to devote;
Intermunicipal cooperation
David Tyler T member of 1999 committee; long
Term experience on Town Planning
Board ; attorney with municipal
Robert Brown V experience on Village Planning R '
Board ; development issues ; long term
Resident of the Village ; Intermunicipal
Bob Weatherby T Town Board member during
1999 Plan; traditional Agriculture;
Large landowner
Heather Filiberto V professional planner; housing;
Development ; Intermunicipal
Proposed liaisons to the Core Committee:
BZA - Andy Glasner (suggested, not contacted) ; Town zoning and planning -Alex
Rachun (member of 1999 committee) ; Town Board - Roxanne Marino ; Village Planning
Board / Comprehensive Planning Committee - TBD
List of Interested Citizens (potential focus group participants) :
Attended the March 23 , 2006 meeting or have contacted the Town Board (RM as contact
listed) with intere st in participating (not including those listed above)
Doug Austic (Town Board) !t
Don Ellis (Town Board, Village comprehensive plan) Ik .
Lysle Gordon ' I {
Barry Hayes
Virginia & Bill Luce
Joanne Molino
Heather Ness
Charles Schlough
Rebecca Schneider (Town PB)
Lee Scott
Scott Sherwood
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Fred VanDerzee
Han VanLeer
John Wertis (Town PB)
John Wertis Jr.
Mr. Austic asked if Ms . Marino had called all the people listed in her proposal .
Ms . Marino stated that she had not but several of the people have contacted her or came
to the meeting and she has talked to some of them and not all of them .
Mr. Austic said that he thinks that there may be another group included which would be a
focus group from the Trumansburg Central School .
The Board discussed the past survey and doing a new survey.
Mr. Austic asked Mr. Ellis if he had talked with any consultants .
Mr. Ellis said that he had talked with Tom Niederkorn and he said that he would
definitely be interested and also talked with Darien Simon .
Ms . Marino said that Heather Filiberto had emailed her and said that the County Planning
could provide a list. Mr. Ellis will contact Ms . Filiberto .
Mr. Austic asked where the Board wanted to go with this .
Ms . Marino suggested to follow the structure that she provided in her proposal and
establish the committee and have them start to meet and send out a request for a
professional .
The Board discussed the timeline included in Ms . Marino ' s proposal .
Ms . Marino moved to adopt the structure that she proposed and the list for lack of
something else so that the Board can move forward and get a professional planner.
Mr. Austic suggested removing the Timeline from Ms . Marino ' s proposal . Ms . Marino
had no problem withdrawing this from her proposal .
Ms . Tyler seconded the motion as follows :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopt the
following proposed Structure :
A Core Committee will be established initially by the Town Board from a pool of highly
motivated volunteer citizens selected to represent a broad range of interests and personal
and professional experience beneficial to the planning review process. The charge of the
Core Committee is to update the current Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Land Use Plan,
adopted in 1999, to reflect changes in directions and trends impacting the community
now and anticipated over the next 5 - 10 years .
Working with the Town Planning Board, the Core Committee shall define the goals of
primary importance to the Town for consideration in revision of the Plan, using
information on past and current land use in the Town , input from public meetings and
workshops, and a town-wide survey to help define the land use issues of most concern to
the citizens of the Town.
The Core Committee shall set its own rules of operation and add members as needed.
Upon recommendation of the Core Committee, the Town of Ulysses will contract with a
professional planner and for administrative or clerical assistance as needed and as
allowed for in the Town budget . These professionals will be supervised by the Chair or
Co-Chairs of the Core Committee. Additionally, the Core Committee will have a budget
for contractual and incidental expenses of ($ 500?) for 2006 .
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In order to involve as many citizens as possible, the Core Committee will set up working
groups on focal topics of primary importance to the review . The working groups will
research and gather information and recommendations on specific focal areas of land use
interest as defined by the Core Committee. The working groups will draw on citizens
from all aspects of the Town, through public postings and notices in the newspapers . The
following topics are suggested, based on issues identified during the recent revision of the
Town of Ulysses Zoning Law (passed August 2005) and a public organizational meeting
on March 23 , 2006 for this Comprehensiye Plan review :
Transportation - Road corridors , nodes f
View sheds natural areas (current County initiative to tap into) 1 ;
Development -What are the right types of development for Ulysses ? Businesses to attract
and promote
Housing - Affordable ; options for the aging and retirement ; cluster development
Agriculture •- traditional , non-traditional ; areas for preservation or growth
Tax issues - base growth while preserving character of the town and aspects of value;
relationship to school district
Infrastructure - water, other
Intermunicipal cooperation - Town and Village planning goals ; balancing open space
preservation with development needs
Proposed Initial Core Committee (10 members) :
Name Residence interest / expertise/ experience
Sue Poelvoorde T member of 1999 committee ;
Environmental planner; housing issues
Jennifer Wapinski -Mooradian V younger families; low impact
Business , school/children ' s issues
Dick Coogan T Hamlet; knowledge of County
Resources and ties ; water
Infrastructure experience 1
I !
Darien Simon T professional planner; member of
Town Planning Board
Debbie Watkins V Tax issues ; business growth
Liz Thomas T Agriculture background; storm water
Committee ; has time to devote ;
Intermunicipal cooperation
David Tyler T member of 1999 committee ; long
Term experience on Town Planning
Board ; attorney with municipal
Robert Brown V experience on Village Planning
Board; development issues ; long term
Resident of the Village ; Intermunicipal
Bob Weatherby T Town Board member during
1999 Plan ; traditional Agriculture ;
Large landowner
Heather Filiberto V professional planner; housing ;
Development ; Intermunicipal
Proposed liaisons to the Core Committee:
BZA - Andy Glasner (suggested, not contacted) ; Town zoning and planning -Alex ' li
Rachun (member of 1999 committee) ; Town Board - Roxanne Marino ; Village Planning
Board / Comprehensive Planning Committee — TBD
List of Interested Citizens (potential focus group participants) :
Attended the March 23 , 2006 meeting or have contacted the Town Board (RM as contact
listed) with interest in participating (not including those listed above)
Regular Town Board Meeting 11
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Doug Austic (Town Board)
Don Ellis (Town Board, Village comprehensive plan)
Lysle Gordon
Barry Hayes
Virginia & Bill Luce
Joanne Molino
Heather Ness
Charles Schlough
Rebecca Schneider (Town PB)
Lee Scott
Scott Sherwood
Fred VanDerzee
Han VanLeer
John Wertis (Town PB)
John Wertis Jr.
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
Mr. Ellis said he would continue to investigate getting names for professional planners .
Mr. Austic moved that the Board simply adopt the rules that were presented by Mr.
Dennis .
Mr. Ellis asked for a copy of the rules presented by Mr. Dennis .
(While Mr. Coogan made copies Mr. Austic went on to the next item on the agenda)
Mr. Austic stated that he brought this back up for discussion because he feels that the
Town needs the auditors present to hear what the Board wants so next time the audit
report is made we will not hear that it is not what was asked for.
Mr. Ellis said that Ms . Tyler has said that the audit she requested in her previous
resolution is defined by law.
Ms . Tyler said that it is defined by accounting rules as to what an "opinion audit" is .
Ms . Tyler introduced and moved the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town shall immediately solicit and then accept by
May 15 , 2006 the lower of two bids for an opinion audit of the 2005 town books
and accounts including capital accounts as submitted by Sciarabba Walker and
Ciaschi Dietershagen et al . The chosen firm shall commence the audit no later
then May 30, 2006 and provide its written report to the board no later then July
31 , 2006 . A presentation on the report shall occur at the regular August Town
Board meeting. If only one of the firms submits a timely bid, that bid shall be
Mr. Austic said that they can not do it that fast and thought that the dates should not be in
the resolution.
Mr. Ellis seconded Ms . Tyler ' s motion.
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04/ 11 /2006
The Board discussed the dates . Ms . Tyler felt the dates were important.
Mr. Ferrentino said the other thing is that is very important to him is putting this out for
bid to several auditors . He has been receiving many negative feedbacks on one of the
firms that Ms . Tyler is mentioning in her resolution and he has a problem with that . If
this is a standard CPA process it should go out for bid to at least three to five firms and it
does not matter if they are in Ithaca or from anywhere ' s . If this is a standard opinion
accounting CPA and is suppose to be what is expected this should be written up as an
RFP and go out and then the Board should review the bids and go from there . Normal
municipal government practice is done by putting it out to bid .
Ms . Tyler said that those two firms (listed in her resolution) are experts in municipal
accounting law .
Mr. Ferrentino said that there are hundreds of firms that are experts .
Ms . Tyler said that these two firms are local and would be familiar with the players in the
Mr. Ferrentino said that there are no players in the area we are talking about numbers on
the page .
Ms . Tyler said it is not just numbers it is about interviewing the players that are involved.
The Board continued this discussion.
Mr. Ellis said that the effort to have this audit begin more then a year ago and to delay it
now and Mr. Ellis said he has not heard anyone speak up and say they are ready to go out
and get bids . Mr. Ellis said that he has offered to get bids for a planner.
Mr. Austic spoke up and said that he would get bids for an audit, he would do a RFP if
the Board so desires . i-
Ms . Tyler stated that she does not see the point of doing that.
Mr. Ferrentino said that he finds it hard to believe that we, the Town Board , using the tax
payer ' s money and we are not going out and getting bids . He is against singling out a
company and giving them the business which he has a big problem with that .
Ms . Marino asked for the resolution to be re-read into the record .
Ms . Tyler re-read resolution as follows :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town shall immediately solicit and then accept by
May 15 , 2006 the lower of two bids for an opinion audit of the 2005 town books
and accounts including capital accounts as submitted by Sciarabba Walker and
Ciaschi Dietershagen et al . The chosen firm shall commence the audit no later
then May 30, 2006 and provide its written report to the board no later then July
31 , 2006 . A presentation on the report shall occur at the regular August Town
Board meeting. If only one of the firms submits a timely bid, that bid shall be
Mr. Austic said that he does not agree to the last part where it states if only one person
submits a bid that would be accepted . That is why setting a date of May 15 `" , 2006 to
receive bids when it is tax season .
Ms . Tyler said that the Town already has one bid .
Mr. Austic said that the Town does not have a bid ; he has not seen any official bid .
Ms . Tyler said the Town has something that was received .
Regular Town Board Meeting 13
04/ 11 /2006
Mr. Austic said the letter that came was based on doing 2004 books and Ms . Tyler ' s
motion says 2005 .
Mr. Ellis asked Mr. Austic how much time he would need to get RFP ' s out to auditors .
Mr. Austic said he felt it would take a day or two to get it out .
The Board discussed the time frame again and putting it out for bid .
Ms . Tyler amended her original motion as follows :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town shall immediately solicit and then accept by
May 30, 2006 the lower of two bids for an opinion audit of the 2005 town books
and accounts including capital accounts as submitted by Sciarabba Walker and
Ciaschi Dietershagen et al . The chosen firm shall commence the audit as soon as
possible and provide its written report to the board no later then September 30,
2006 .
Ms . Marino seconded Ms . Tyler' s amended resolution .
Mr. Ellis said that he has reservations with the presentation of this resolution and feels
that Mr. Ferrentino ' s concerns about getting bids is very well placed and if the date is in
place to accommodate that does not seem that much to ask .
Mr. Austic called the motion on the amended resolution .
Mr. Austic nay
Mr. Ferrentino nay
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis nay
Ms . Marino aye
Motion defeated .
Mr. Austic called for a vote on Ms . Tyler' s original motion .
Mr. Austic nay
Mr. Ferrentino nay
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis nay
Ms . Marino aye
Motion defeated .
Mr. Ferrentino moved the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, according to
Ms . Tyler ' s guidelines of the opinion audit and the capital funds put out an RFP in
the normal ways it is advertised, and have the bids back to the Town Board by
May 30th , 2006 and open the bids at the June 2006 Regular Town Board meeting
and make the choice of which firm does the audit .
Mr. Ellis seconded this motion.
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
I ,
Regular Town Board Meeting 14
04/ 11 /2006
Mr. Ferrentino again expressed his displeasure of having resolutions just dropped in the
Town Board ' s laps at the board meeting without previously having them to review. Mr.
Ferrentino asked when this could be discussed .
The Board was provided with copies of the rules that Mr. Dennis had suggested, which
are as follows from an email received from Mr. Dennis :
Agenda Order :
1 . Offer privilege of the floor to public near the beginning of a
meeting , 3 - 5 minute limit (you probably do this now)
2 . Privilege of floor to members : 3 - 5 minute limit ( after the public )
Motions and procedure :
1 . Resolutions - no new resolutions at a regular meeting unless copied
to all members 5 business days prior to meeting or whatever timing you
decide . .
2 . Resolutions presented at a meeting with no prior notice to members
are referred by the chair to next scheduled regular meeting for action
etc . . . ( without a vote . )
3 . Exceptions - - action on emergencies deemed necessary by supervisor or
Specific Procedures at a meeting to maintain proper
decorum :
1 . members recognized to speak by raising hands
2 . no member TALKS when another member is talking
3 . no discussion on a resolution unless moved and seconded
4 . rules of discussion follow , no member talks unless recognized
etc . . . ( random discussion makes everyone look bad I think )
5 . chair will determine order of speaking by order of
hands being raised as much as possible .
6 . Voting on all resolutions : aye - nay , yes - no , raise
hands - whatever you decide .
Thanks for your time this morning . If I can help in any way I ' m very
willing to . I would hope that we may talk every so often . I think it is
important for me to have your perspective about what is going on around
town . You have been there and done that and I have respect for your
knowledge and experience plus your willingness to stay in the fray
because sometimes it isn ' t always appreciated as you well know .
Mr. Dennis explained his reasoning for the rules he presented after being in attendance at
several Town Board meetings and what he has observed.
Mr. Wilson said that he reviewed Mr. Dennis ' s rules and he likes them but it is not his
policy decision and he thinks that they could be an addition to Robert' s Rules . Mr.
Wilson ' s concern is that Mr. Dennis ' s rules do not cover every set of loop holes that
could come up and that there are shortened versions of Robert ' s Rules that could be
Mr . Ellis moved, seconded by Ms . Marino to adopt # 1 from the rules submitted by Mr. {
Dennis as previously entered into the minutes which reads ; i . Offer privilege of I.
the floor to public near the beginning of a meeting , 3 - 5 minute
limit (you probably do this now) .
Mr. Ellis said that he is not particularly in favor of the list of rules provided by Mr.
Dennis . Mr. Ellis says that the Town Board has New York State Law and also feels that
Robert ' s Rules work just fine .
Ms . Tyler said that she would like to look at the abbreviated version of Robert ' s Rules .
Regular Town Board Meeting 15
04/ 11 /2006
Mr. Austic called the vote for the motion on the floor.
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino . aye
Adopted .
The Board went back and forth discussing the rules Mr. Dennis presented and Robert ' s
Rules of Order.
Mr. Ellis suggested to table .
Mr. Ferrentino suggested that the Board get a copy of the condensed version of the
Robert ' s Rules and table this until next Board meeting and in the meantime all of the
Board review both sets of rules .
The Board continued with this discussion.
It was discussed to have this part of the conflict resolution meeting that was previously
discussed and put this together at that meeting.
Ms . Marino moved ;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses schedule a
meeting with the professional facilitator, Susan Motheral, and
Further Resolved that all the Board members put their information together and
have them help the Board through everyone ' s issues and come out with some kind
of agreement on rules and a better way for the meetings to function.
Ms . Tyler seconded this motion .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
Mr. Austic will find out when they are available. The Board tentatively chooses May 11th
or May 13th to schedule this meeting.
Mr. Austic feels the Special Board (Workshop) that is scheduled for April 24, 2006 with
Eric Pond still should take place.
The Board should get all and any questions together for Mr. Pond so he can address any
concerns they still may have with the proposed Water Distinct #5 .
The Board discussed this .
The general consensus of the Town Board was that the meeting of April 24th, 2006 would
take place .
Regular Town Board Meeting 16
04/ 11 /2006
Mr. Austic said that the Zoning Law amendments are very important to the Zoning Board
and Planning Board so we need to get these done in some reasonable time before next
Ms . Marino said that she has it almost together.
The Board discussed this .
Mr. Ferrentino asked if it would not be better if Mr. Rachun collated that information and
do that for Ms . Marino so it would get done .
Ms . Marino said that she could give Mr. Rachun the items that Ms . Chiuten gave her and
he could put it all together and then it could be emailed to the Town Board so they could
add other things they may feel is important and also give it to the Planning Board for
their input.
Mr. Rachun will try and get everything together by the Regular Town Board meeting of
May 9`h, 2006 .
Local Law # 1 , 2006
This was tabled until the May Regular Town Board meeting .
TC Youth Contract
Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Mr. Ferrentino the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorize I
Supervisor Austic to sign the contract with Tompkins County Youth Bureau .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
Adopted .
Estimate Sprinkler System
Mr. Austic presented an estimate to design a sprinkler system for the Town Highway
Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded by Mr. Austic the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorize a
design for a sprinkler system for the Town Highway Barn.
Mr. Austic aye is
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
Adopted .
Regular Town Board Meeting 17
04/ 11 /2006
SPCA Contract
Mr. Austic said that there is a problem with the SPCA contract in that they are not
performing the services that are outlined in the contract .
Mrs . Georgia explained that it reads in the contract that the SPCA will issue reminder
letters and also issue the appearance tickets and the Town was informed by the SPCA
that they will no longer provide this service but they would mail appearance tickets .
Mrs . Georgia informed the Town Board that the Tompkins County Association of Town
Clerks is meeting with the SPCA director next week and she will report back to the Town
Board the results of that meeting .
Mr. Ellis said that he was prepared to present a resolution about providing more help for
the Town Board . Mr. Ellis said that the Board is leaving here tonight with assignments
and some of which are unrealistic and he feels the Board needs to be effective and he was
going to make a motion which he is not going to do now or get into it . Mr. Ellis said that
Mr. Ferrentino wants notice before resolutions arrive . Mr. Ellis said that the Town Board
needs to deal with staffing for this Board . Mr. Ellis said that what was in the past was a
Town Board that wasn ' t as actively involved in the matters of the Town as this Board is
and in the past there was a mechanism that worked to get things done .
Mr. Ellis said that the Board has huge issues in front of them and the Board does not have
the where with all to deal with them . Mr. Ellis said that he can feel the pain for the
people who don ' t have decent water and come here and are concerned about it . Mr. Ellis
said that the Board can not move ahead on water district without treating all the people in
the Town and all the issues in the Town responsibly and looking at various alternatives .
Mr. Ellis said that it might be that the Board should have someone who is helping the
Board .
It was suggested that this topic come up at the meeting to be scheduled with the
Ms . Tyler asked about the engineering report being submitted to the state health
department on March 3rd .
Mr. Austic said that it was part of the engineer ' s investigation of the availability funding.
Ms . Marino said this was in violation of a previously adopted resolution stating nothing
more would be submitted .
The Board discussed this further.
Ms . Tyler moved the following :
BE IT RESOLVED effective immediately, that the Town Supervisor and his
agents will only communicate orally, in writing, including but not limited to e-
mail or fax , concerning the proposed Water District #5 on behalf of the Town to
individuals, firms, agencies or other entities external to Ulysses Town government
upon approval of a majority of the members of the Town Board in office as of
January 2006, given at a regular or special meeting of that board.
Ms . Marino seconded this .
The Board discussed this .
Mr. Austic stated the resolution is on the floor.
Ms . Tyler said she was going to amend it and remove orally.
Regular Town Board Meeting 18
04/ 11 /2006
Motion re-entered as follows :
BE IT RESOLVED effective immediately, that the Town Supervisor and his
agents will only communicate in writing, including but not limited to e-mail or
fax , concerning the proposed Water District #5 on behalf of the Town to
individuals , firms, agencies or other entities external to Ulysses Town government
upon approval of a majority of the members of the Town Board in office as of
January 2006 , given at a regular or special meeting of that board.
Ms . Marino seconded the amended resolution. .
Mr. Austic nay -
Mr. Ferrentino nay
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis aye
Ms . Marino aye
Adopted .
Ms . Morse from the audience asked why the Board had skipped item #8 on the agenda
about having an informational meeting on May Stn
A tentative meeting was set up for an informational meeting for May 5th and it was to be
decided at this meeting if the Board felt as if they have the appropriate information to
have that meeting.
The Board discussed having the meeting and the public expressed there concern and
displeasure because the meeting was not going to take place.
Mr . Ferrentino moved, Mr. Austic seconded to adjourn the meeting .
Unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 pm .
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha L . Georgia
Ulysses Town Clerk
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