HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-10 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES
JANUARY 10, 2006
Present : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Town Council Roxanne Marino, Rod Ferrentino
and Lucia Tyler; Don Ellis absent ; Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia; Deputy Supervisor
Richard Coogan; Town Highway Superintendent James Meeker; and Town Attorney
Bruce Wilson.
Others Present : John Wertis, Bill Chaisson, Jim Dennis , TC Board, David and Susan
Means, Neil & Sue Henninger, and Rose Hilbert.
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 PM and led those assemblied in the
pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - RTB 12/13/2005 - SBT 11 /1 /2005 & 10/24/2005
The minutes of the Regular Town Board meeting of December 13 , 2005 were tabled for
further review.
Ms . Marino moved, seconded by Mr. Austic to approve the minutes of the Special Town
Board meetings of October 24, 2005 and November 1 , 2005 . Ms . Tyler said that on page
5 of the October 24, 2005 meeting, line 7 should read personnel not personal .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
Mr. Austic entered into the record the budget modifications that need to be done before
the claims could be adopted and paid . They are as follows :
General Fund A
Increases Decreases
A1010. 1 $ . 24 A1220 . 1 $ 694. 81
A1010.4 12 . 96 A1410 . 4 1256 . 80
A1220.4 150 . 91 A1460 . 4 473 . 85
A1410. 1 376 . 40 A1920 . 4 380. 00
A1620 . 4 1743 . 19 A5010 . 4 335 . 00
A1640 . 4 305 . 24 A7310. 1 983 . 76
A1670 .4 2013 . 19 A9010. 8 3021 . 00
A1910.4 900. 00 A9040 . 8 284. 75
A5132 .4 1830 . 83 A9055 . 8 143 . 85
A7310 . 4 770 . 40 A7550 .4 51 . 21
A9030 . 8 1113 . 93 A5182 .4 31 . 56
A9060 . 8 3786 . 18 A3510 . 4 72 . 00
A1110 . 1 . 12
A1110 .4 9 . 93
Total $ 13 ,003 . 47 $7 , 738 . 64
Increase Revenue 1170 - $ 5264 . 83
General Fund B
Town of Ulysses Regular Town Board 2
01 / 10/2006
A1440 . 4 390 . 00 A8020 . 1 999 . 34
A3620 .4 55 . 23 A9030 . 8 175 . 45
A8020 .4 700 . 00
A9060. 8 29 . 56
Totals $ 1174 . 79 Totals $ 1174 . 79
Highway DA
DA5120 . 4 8814 .40 DA5130 .4 11336 . 30
DA5130 . 4 ! 3991 . 60 DA5130 . 1 4668 . 22
DA5140 . 1 1694 . 16 DA5120 . 1 110 . 92
DA9040 . 8 3838 . 38 DA9030 . 8 1460 . 88
DA9055 . 8 4. 88 DA5142 . 4 564 . 57
DA9060 . 8 1598 . 29 DA5148 . 4 564 . 54
DA5148 . 1 1236 . 28
Totals i $ 19941 . 71 Totals $ 19941 . 71
Highway DlB
DB9030 . 8 121 . 84 DB9055 . 8 28 . 88
DB9040 . 8 1 894 . 28 DB5110 . 1 1059 . 78
DB9060 . 8 j 1598 . 29 DB5110 . 4 1525 . 75
Totals $ 2614 .44 2614 . 44
Water District #3
5W8310. 0 299 . 60 SW8310 .4 7833 . 38
SW8340.2 I 4171 . 49
SW8340 .4 j 3362 . 29
Totals I $ 7833 . 38 $ 7833 . 38
Mr. Ferrenti�no moved, seconded by Mr. Austic the 2005 Budget Modifications as listed
above .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino ' aye
Mr. Austic stated that he will encumber the $2000 left in account A1320.4 for an audit
and print a final 2005 Financial Report for the Town Board after the modifications have
been done . I
Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the
previous exam ined mined 2005 vouchers #636 through 670 in the amount of $38 ,637 . 00 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis ! absent
Ms . Marino aye
Adopted .
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01 / 10/2006
Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded by Ms . Marino the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses to approve the
previous examined 2006 vouchers # 1 through 26 in the amount of $61 ,054. 72 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms. Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
Tompkins County Representative James Dennis said that he has taken part in one
legislation meeting and has been appointed the Chair of the Personnel Committee .
Mr. Dennis reported that the Fire Emergency System contract has been awarded and Mr.
Dennis believes that is with Motorola.
Mr. Dennis said that in the future the County is going to change the assessment cycle to
three years from the present one year. Mr. Dennis does not have enough information
today to be able to inform anyone on that. But in some places where there is a lot of
property exchanges and activity there still will be yearly changes . Mr. Dennis feels that
the Town of Ulysses will be affected along the lake and you could be all right for two
years with no assessment increase but than the third year you could be hit with a high
increase or it could be okay. The County Board met today with the Assessment
Department to review this and than it will be put up to a vote to the County Legislatures,
which is scheduled for the second meeting of this year.
Mr. Ferrentino asked for Mr. Dennis ' s opinion on this based on the pros and cons he has
Mr. Dennis said that he feels that it should stay at the one year at this point and he is not
certain there are too many on the legislature that is supporting the three year. The three
year looks okay in some respect but he feels the one year is fairer. The downside of the
one year is if they continue with the one year the County will have to add more staff in
the assessment department but if they go with three year they can make it with the staff
that they have, at least with the first three year cycle . Tompkins County is one of two
counties in New York State that are on 100% one year assessment and if Tompkins
County drops out the County will lose $ 159,000 annually and than Tompkins County will
be like everyone else .
Mr. Austic asked why the County would be losing $ 159 , 000 .
Mr. Dennis said the State pays the County that much to be on the one year cycle and
apparently this will not cover the additional people to continue with the one year cycle.
Mr. Dennis said that he hopes to be available so that he can attend all of the Town of
Ulysses Town Board meetings and he is very open whatever he can do to assist the Town
at the County level .
Mr. Dennis provided his email address to the Town Clerk.
Trumansburg Fire Department - no one in attendance representing the Fire
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01 / 10/2006
Planning Board Report, Chairman — absent.
President of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County Richard Coogan
reported that lone of the things that Cooperative Extension are trying to do is make the
municipalities in Tompkins County more aware of what services they provide.
Cooperative Extension is doing a number of outreach programs and Mr. Coogan
distributed a report titled "Rural Youth Services Evaluation Report" and explained
several items of interest to the Town Board. Mr. Coogan said that if any Board member
had any questions on the programs that Mrs . Irish and Ms . Mann, Ulysses Youth
Directors are in their office, most days , at the Town Hall (upstairs) and would be happy
to answer any questions . Mr. Coogan said he would also be happy to answer any
questions about the programs .
Highway Superintendent James Meeker reported that the highway crew plowed and
salted as needed, hauling stone for summer projects, wash and waxed all vehicles . Mr.
Meeker said that one tuck had a problem with a hydraulic pump and another truck the
gear box went bad.
Mr. Meeker said that the guardrail system was installed and finished on the bridge on
Cold Springs Road.
Mr. Meeker is also working on new truck specifications to replace two of the old trucks .
Mr. Meeker thanked the Town Board for the gift certificates on behalf of himself and the
crew .
Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun said that he previously submitted a yearend
report to the Board members . Mr. Rachun also provided a map that indicates where the
construction of single- family houses took place in 2005 and what he is trying to figure
out is how the new Zoning Law is being applied to new housing starts . Mr. Rachun said
that it looks like to-date it seems to be working because the Town has not been
encroached upon in the Al District. The eighteen starts of single- family homes in 2005
are all in the R1 or R2 Districts . Mr. Rachun said that eight area variances were granted
in 2005 and of those eight six were lakefront properties . The lakefront properties are
very small in relationship to the requirement in the R1 District and Mr. Rachun feels that
they will be he highest impacted areas for variance request. These properties have had a
hard time meeting the old zoning requirements, which was 1 acre 200 ' of frontage. Now
that the requirement is 2acres and 250 ' of frontage, most of the properties are going to be
well outside' of the 50% requirement and that puts a lot of responsibility on the Zoning
Board of Appeals granting area variances, which has been somewhat of a routine . Mr.
Rachun thinks that the State has meant them to be routine, but now it will be somewhat
more difficult because one of the things the Board of Zoning Appeals have to look at is
the degree Of variation and now there will be a very high degree of variation. Mr.
Rachun said that there will be properties at the lake that will be 75 % below what they are
required to have and whether the Board of Zoning appeals can issue an area variance will
be questionable. Mr. Rachun just wants to get this heads-up information to the Town
Board that this may end up being an issue .
Mr. Rachun ' s yearly report was presented to the Town Clerk to be entered into the
record. Entered as presented the following yearly report.
The Town of Ulysses had a typical building year in 2005. A total of 63 building permits
were issued! Of these, 18 permits were for new single family dwellings, 43 permits for
residential additions and accessory buildings, one permit for a commercial sign and one
permit for a new church on Iradell Road. Of the 18 new single family homes, six were
modular, and one was manufactured. The eleven new site built houses represents the
largest number of site built houses in the Town in the last 12 years. Last year only four
houses were site built. Construction cost for single family houses totaled $4, 450, 000.
Average cost of a new house was $247, 000, with the high end over $1 , 000, 000 and the
low end at $80, 000. Most the new house prices ranged between $150, 000 and $200, 000.
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01 / 10/2006
Several lakefront homes skewed the average upward. The map shown at tonight 's Town
Board meeting represents the total number of new housing starts for 2005. Interesting to
note that all but 2 of the new houses are in the R1 and R2 districts. Six of the building
permits were issued after the new zoning was in effect. It looks as though the zoning
ordinance may be helping to direct development as planned. Next year will be a better
The BZA heard eight area variance requests in 2005. All of the requests were granted as
presented. Of the eight requests, six were from lakefront properties. Conforming lot size
requirements on lakefront properties has increased by over 100% from the previous
ordinance. This may prove to be an issue when granting an area variance in the future
because very few lakefront properties meet the previous requirements, let alone the new
ones. The BZA must take into consideration the degree of variation when issuing an area
variance. Needless to say, lakefront area variances should no longer be routine.
Area variance requests for building permits should increase significantly town wide with
a large number of existing lots now nonconforming.
Mark Hasson has been notifying residents of zoning violations and has been issuing
notices of violation and appearance tickets on regular bases. Averages of 4 residents a
week are notified with violation complaints and most comply in short order. Those that
don 't are sent appearance tickets, or, in one case serve time in jail.
The New Year will be busy with additional responsibilities. All subdivision of properties
is now processed, tracked and recorded by the Building department. Minor and major
subdivision are now reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. Since September 31,
2005 the Planning Board has reviewed three subdivisions and is currently reviewing a
I look forward to serving the Town in the New Year and am open to all suggestions that
help the Building and Zoning department serve the community efficiently and
Alex Rachun Code Enforcement Officer
Ms . Tyler asked Mr. Rachun about the problem in Jacksonville with the Ledger property
and to update the Board on that.
Mr. Rachun said that there has been some activity at that property but the owner did end
up in jail because of the zoning violations and Mr. Rachun does not know how much in
fines he has paid to date, but it is an enormous amount. Mr. Rachun said that it is a lose,
lose situation at this point and they are trying to make it work. The property owner is
trying to make an effort but the effort is herculean for the property owner and Mr.
Rachun hopes that somewhere within the community of Jacksonville, the Town, any
Church or organization could step forward and help to some extent. Mr. Rachun says
that all he is going to be doing is issuing violations and Ledger Jr. will end up in jail
Ms . Tyler said that all she knows is that some of the constituents are still upset about this
and she is wondering if there have been any improvements with the site.
Mr. Rachun said that there has been improvement but it is very marginal .
Ms. Marino said in regards to other organizations or groups or something it seems to her
if there was a way to look into possible ways these organizations could help . Ms. Marino
asked if the Town ' s staff like Mr. Rachun and Mr. Coogan could spend a little time
researching with DEC or hazardous ways through Tompkins County or just look for ways
that there might be to remove pieces of this and no a little bit of a cost of the issue or if a
profit could be made off some of the stuff it may be a lot easier to engage help of
different groups . Ms . Marino said she feels we may need creative ideas to move it
forward because the standard ideas are not really going to get the Town very far.
Mr. Rachun said he has discussed this with Mr. Coogan and asked that possibly some of
his efforts could be to check around with some self-help volunteer organizations or the
Church. Mr. Rachun said that certainly they could look into some funding that may exist
for this sort of thing.
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01 / 10/2006
Ms . Marino said just getting estimates on a cost to clean up the property and that way the
Board would have an answer for the public if they suggested taking the fines to be used
for cleanup .
Mr. Wilson repeated what had been discussed before about the options ; to write
violations and fine, which Mr. Rachun has been doing repeatedly, to throw in jail , also
done, or bring a Civil Action to mandate that this is a nuisance and the Town repair or
clean up at a certain cost and the cost sounds like it would be substantial. That cost could
be claimed as a lien on the land, but Mr. Wilson does not see that as being paid back.
Ms . Marino asked if anyone had any idea the cost to clean up .
Mr. Austic said that something similar happened in another town and the cost was
$40,000 to $50,000 .
Ms . Marino is requesting that the Town gather actual information on how much it would
cost to clean up and the Town also looks for some sort of creative ways perhaps some of
the material on the property could be salvaged so there may be some financial recovery to
engage volunteer help .
Mr. Austic said you would have to either get a court action to take the stuff or the
property owner' s permission.
Ms . Marino moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler the following:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses request that the
staff in the Town look into getting a cost estimate on cleaning up the Ledger property and
also to look into some creative options that may be available for ways to help get service
groups or organizations to help with the removal and clean up .
FURTHER RESOLVE that the staff report back to the Town Board in a month.
Mr. Ferrentino said that he is not totally familiar with the history of this but he knows
there are some salvage companies that go on site and salvage metals and materials all of
the time . Mr. Ferrentino asked if there was a way to lead this individual to those types of
companies . Some times they split the profits or remove it for free knowing they will get
the funds .
Ms . Marino said that is what she is suggesting but apparently the individual is not capable
of doing that and seeing that Mr. Rachun has a good working relationship with Mr.
Ledger than the Town could come up with some possible solutions and present them to
Mr. Ledger it may move this whole thing along.
Mr. Austic called the motion for a vote.
Mr. Austic I aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
Town Clerk Marsha L. Georgia reported that the total fees collected for December
were $2 , 113 . 00 and of that $437 was turned over to the Supervisor along with her
monthly report. A total of $ 1342 was collected for water district permits, which included
the installation of a new tap at the West Hill Community Church on Dubois Road. Mrs .
Georgia submitted her year end report reporting that a total of $40, 577 was collected,
which is very close to the totals collected for 2004.
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Mrs . Georgia has received a thank you card from Mrs . Northrup thanking the Town for
the gift certificate and the flowers . Also David Tyler sent a thank you card for the gift
from the Town of a jacket for his service to the Planning Board.
Mrs. Georgia received a letter from Ms . Nancy Dean expressing her interest in being an
assistant to Mrs. Northrup with any of the Historical records and stating she would be
interested taking Mrs . Northrup ' s place when she chooses to retire.
Mrs . Georgia reported that the total amount collected to-date for Town Taxes is
$469,024.27, which she has turned over $300,000 to the Town Supervisor.
Mrs . Georgia requested that the Town Board rescind the resolution passed at the
organizational meeting recommending that her Deputy Clerk co-sign checks over $ 5000.
Mrs . Georgia does not feel comfortable having a non- elected person co -sign a check
because she talked to Cheryl Reynolds, Manager Tompkins Co . Trust and was told that
the bank does not track how many signatures that have to be on a check . Therefore Mrs .
Georgia does not feel comfortable having someone else able to sign any check when she
is totally responsible for the accounts as an elected official .
The Board discussed this and Mr. Wilson said that he felt that the bank would be
responsible .
Mr. Ferrentino asked the other Board members how they felt about rescinding the
resolution of a second signature on the clerk ' s checks over $ 5000.
Mr. Austic did not have a problem doing this.
Ms. Marino stated that she thinks that it has been mentioned several times before by Mr.
Ellis to have a review of all of the policies the Board has in place and given the
complication with this Ms . Marino would be okay with removing it for now and than
looking at it in the context of the policies .
Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded Ms . Marino the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses rescind the
resolution of January 5 , 2006 and remove the request to have a second signature on the
Town Clerk ' s checks written for over $ 5000 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms. Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
Ms . Marino reported that she and Ms . Tyler attended the New York State Association of
Towns Training School and said that it was really informative. At this training school
they distributed a lot of information and Ms. Marino will certainly be glad to share that
with all. It includes policies, a whole set of the Comptrollers Office manual on
accounting, a lot of information of the Town Boards audit beyond the State Comptrollers
guidelines, and other information. Ms . Marino felt that it was an excellent training even
for someone that has already served on a Town Board for years .
Mr. Ferrentino asked if she would be willing to leave that in the Town Hall for review.
Ms. Marino said she would be happy to .
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Mr. Austic said that he will supply the Financial Report to the Board after the budget
modifications and vouchers have been paid.
Mr. Coogan said that the Shared Municipal Services Incentive Grant was sent into today,
which is a grant for water feasibility for the NYS Park and Village of Trumansburg. Mr.
Coogan also turned over an application for Site Plan Review to Mr. Rachun for his
review. The signs have been received for posting of public hearings or actions when
there is a Zoning or Planning hearing that can now be distributed to new applicants .
Ms . Marino asked for a copy of the grant application and was wondering if there was a
note book that is keep for all this type of applications that have been submitted.
Mr. Coogan has a file of all of them .
Ms. Marino requested having a file of them in a notebook that would be some where on a
shelve for anyone to look at.
Hazard Mitigation Resolution
Mr. Austic said that the Board needs to pass a resolution on the Hazard Mitigation. A
sample of this resolution was previously distributed to the Board.
Mr. Austic read the resolution into the record and moved, seconded by Mr. Ferrentino
The following :
WHEREAS , Tompkins County and the municipalities therein have identified a history of
damages resulting from flooding, severe storms, winter storms, and other weather-related
phenomena, and have recognized the potential for future damages resulting from natural,
human-caused , and technological disasters, and
WHEREAS , an all-hazards mitigation plan can provide recommendations to help prevent
and minimize the damages resulting from such events, and
WHEREAS , the adoption of an all-hazards mitigation plan is required to be eligible to
receive State and Federal funding for hazard mitigation initiatives, and
WHEREAS , the County of Tompkins and the towns of Caroline, Danby, Enfield, Groton,
Ithaca, Lansing, and Ulysses (Partners) executed a Memorandum of Understanding in
2003 to develop a Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Mitigation Plan (Plan) , and
WHEREAS , the Plan has been drafted in accordance with the requirements of the New
York State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) , Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), and Disaster Mitigation Act of2000, and
WHEREAS , the Plan includes jurisdiction-specific recommendations to minimize the
damages associated with natural, human-caused, and technological disasters , and
WHEREAS , the Plan has been made available for public review online at the Tompkins
County Planning Department Hazard Mitigation web site and by placement in municipal
offices, the Tompkins County Planning office, and the Tompkins County Public Library,
with notices published in the Ithaca Journal, the local paper of record, inviting public
comment, and
WHEREAS , public meetings were hosted by the Partners throughout the development of
the Plan to discuss the contents of the Plan with members of the public, and
WHEREAS , comments from the public and Partners have been incorporated into the
Plan, and
WHEREAS , the Plan is wholly supported by its reviewers, and
WHEREAS , the Town of Ulysses has reviewed the Plan and affirms that the Plan will be
updated no less than every five years ; now therefore be it
Town of Ulysses Regular Town Board 9
01 / 10/2006
RESOLVED, by the Town Board, that the Town of Ulysses adopts the Tompkins County
Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Mitigation Plan as its all-hazards mitigation plan, and
resolves to execute the actions in the Plan.
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
Appoint Planning Board Chair
Mr. Austic has received an email conformation from Margot Chiuten expressing her
desire to serve as the Chairman for the Town of Ulysses Planning Board (Mr. Austic read
Ms . Chiuten ' s email) .
Ms . Marino moved, seconded by Ms . Tyler the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses appoint Margot
Chiuten as the Chairman to the Town of Ulysses Planning Board.
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
Adopted .
Mr. Austic said she will serve a Chair for a year.
Ms . Marino said that she had previously talked with Ms . Chiuten and discussed that she
would like to talk through and work out how the Town Board works and communicates
and just on how it will all work. Ms . Marino feels as long as the Board is willing to work
on those things she will be happy being the Chair. Ms . Marino said that Ms . Chiuten had
also raised the issue about the liability issue but it is Ms . Marino ' s understanding that the
Town is getting that policy together.
Zoning Board Appointment
Mr. Austic is in receipt of a letter from Carl Mann expressing his desire to remain on the
Zoning Board of Appeals . Mr. Austic said that no other letters of interest have been
received. Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Mr. Ferrentino the following:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses appoint Carl
Mann to the Town of Ulysses Zoning Board of Appeals for a five year term that will
expire December 31 , 2010 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mr. Ferrentino aye
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
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Ms . Marino said that she still would like to find someone that lives at the lake .
Planning Board Member Interviews
Ms . Marino reminded the Board that they had previously stated that they would schedule
the interviews for the residents that had expressed interest in the Planning Board.
The Board discussed dates for interviews trying to set something up for either Saturday
January 14th at 10 : 30 AM or Friday the 13th at 4PM.
Planning Board Term
Ms . Marino said that there has been a whole lot of discussion brought up about the term
of the Planning Board of seven years being long and a couple of the people that Ms .
Marino talked to about this position were concerned about that. Ms . Marino said that she
had checked on this and a Local Law can be passed to change the term or the total
number of members . Currently the Planning Board is a seven member board with seven
year terms .
The Board discussed staying with seven members and seven year term, going to five year
term, five board membership or stay with seven members but reducing term to a five year
The Board tabled this for further discussion to determine which way they would like to
go .
Welcome to New Board Members
Mr. Austic ■ elcomed the two new Board members and said that if anyone had any
questions not to hesitate to come in and he would be happy to answer anything.
Training Discussion
Mr. Austic said that previously the Board had discussed a training plan for the Planning
Board and Zoning Board . Mr. Austic asked Ms . Marino if she was still willing to work
with Mr. Coogan on establishing a training program .
Ms . Marino is very willing to work with Mr. Coogan and they will coordinate their time
together to work on this .
Ms . Tyler moved that Sciarabba Walker be engaged to perform an audit this year
including financial statements and expanded procedures testing in order to complete the
process for 2005 . As a part of this motion Ms. Tyler asked that a formal quotation of cost
of the audit to be obtained by either the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor in order to plan
for the expense .
Ms . Marino seconded the motion.
Ms . Tyler said that she believes a complete external audit is a protection to Town
officials and taxpayers since it has not been done in quite a while, over ten years . Ms .
Tyler said that the firm of Sciarabba Walker recommended that a complete audit be
performed during their recent studies of practices and procedures in the Town and they
are already familiar with the Town books so perhaps there could be a cost sharing if they
completed the full audit right after having looked at the books last year.
Mr. Austic asked if Ms . Tyler was saying that Sciarabba Walker look at the books of
2004 .
Ms . Tyler said no, than said yes .
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Ms. Marino said that Sciarabba Walker did 2004 before .
Mr. Austic said that they have not looked at the 2005 books so Ms . Tyler ' s idea does not
Ms . Tyler said to complete the process begun in 2005 .
Mr. Wilson asked for clarification of which year she was indicating.
Ms . Tyler said 2005 . Ms . Tyler said that it is an important financial control and a
generally accepted government practice and at the resent training Ms . Tyler attended
many council people of small towns, smaller than Trumansburg, which she spoke with,
had had an external audit within the past two years . Ms . Tyler said that the State will not
perform an external audit of Ulysses in the foreseeable future because of their
preoccupation with malfeasance around the State . Ms . Tyler said that the last reason she
would like to see this done is that an external audit is a priority with many of the Town ' s
people that she spoke with this Fall during her campaign .
Mr. Austic said that his thought is that the Town did not budget for this and this could be
an $ 8000 to $ 10,000 expenses that has not been budgeted for.
Ms . Marino said that Ms . Tyler' s motion just asked that the Town get a quote.
Mr. Austic said that Ms . Tyler' s motion is also to perform the audit.
Ms . Tyler clarified that her motion is to perform the audit and get a quote .
The Board discussed what Sciarabba Walker had previously informed them to the cost of
this type of audit and that there is $2000 in the 2006 budget and $2000 that will be
encumbered from the 2005 budget .
Ms . Marino said that additional money was put into the contingency account in the 2006
Mr. Austic reminded the Board that the additional money was put into the contingency
fund for fuel.
Ms . Marino said the contingency was for fuel and other things . Ms . Marino was not
comfortable with the wording of the motion, something of approving to do an audit
without knowing the cost before hand. She first asked if Ms. Tyler could amend her
motion to include something but then could not come up with the wording that she would
like to see.
Mr. Ferrentino said that he would have to find out exactly what the other audit consisted
of and at this stage of the game and how much more a new audit would tell us from what
we have right now. Mr. Ferrentino said that he could not support this until he looks into
it further to see if it is necessary for this expenditure. Mr. Ferrentino said that he is not
opposed to an audit but he is opposed to just blanket saying yes do an audit without
knowing what audit was done already and making sure a new audit is necessary.
Ms . Tyler said that right on the document it says it was not an audit.
Mr. Austic said that is on all the documents it is a disclaimer.
Ms. Tyler said it was not a financial statement audit, not a complete audit .
Mr. Austic feels that Ms. Tyler is confused as to what a complete audit might show. Mr.
Austic said that it will not tell you to the penny what you have in any account; they do
not get that deep . It shows you that your procedures are correct and you are substantially
Town of Ulysses Regular Town Board 12
01 / 10/2006
The Board further discussed what the auditor had previously discussed with the Town
Mr. Austic called the motion.
Mr. Austic nay
Mr. Ferrentino nay
Ms . Tyler aye
Mr. Ellis absent
Ms . Marino aye
Mr. Austic said that he is not opposed to an audit and anybody can audit the books
anytime, but he does think since it is not in the budget and it may be a considerable
amount of money the Board should think about it a little .
Ms . Marino feels that it should be looked into and get further information and would like
to see the Board commit to looking at this issue in the next couple of months .
Mr. Austic is agreeable to that but also stated that an auditor would not look at the books
until he (the Supervisor) has finished the Annual Financial Report.
Mr. Ferrentino said what he would like to see is what types of audit the Town could have,
to what depth the auditor will go , and what the difference is in the different levels .
Mr. Austic will get more information.
Mrs . Means asked about what was said about a two month audit that was done and was
that done in 2005 and who did the audit?
Mr. Austic said it was not a two month audit it was an audit by Sciarabba Walker
considering two months of the year; another words the auditor did not do every month
but went through and picked out randomly a couple of months.
Mr. Austic previously distributed information given to him from Judge Rector about the
NYS Assembly considering a bill on court issues .
Also some information that Mr. Austic received about bonding for the Board ' s review .
Ms . Tyler asked Mr. Austic if the Town could look into NYMIR for insurance.
Mr. Austic said that he had previously looked into that and it would not save any money.
The Board discussed this and Mr. Austic can do it again, but it is too late to do it for this
year but Mr. Austic has already told Farrell Agency that he will be bidding out the
insurance for next year.
Hearing no further business Mr. Ferrentino moved, seconded by Ms . Marino to adjourn
the meeting. Unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9 : 50PM .
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha L. Georgia
Ulysses Town