HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-11-11 - PB TOWN OF ULYSSES
11 /11 /04
Approved August 18, 2005
Present : John Wertis, Chairman, Planning Board Members David Means, David Tyler
Robin Carlisle Peck, Secretary. Excused : Rose Hilbert, Margot Chiuten and
Rod Porter. Lorren Hammond arrived 7 : 45 pm .
Chairman Wertis called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm . A quorum is present at the
Minutes of 10/ 14/04 meeting were presented ; Mr. Hammond stated he was not
comfortable voting and approving minutes that he was not present for.
Mr. Tyler questioned the legality of approving minutes a member was not present for.
Mr. Wertis stated he would investigate the legality of such .
Mr. Tyler stated even if it is legal , he does not feel it is in good judgment to do such, and
agrees with Mr. Hammond .
The minutes of 10/ 14/04 will be tabled until the next meeting.
New Meeting Date
Mr. Wertis has contacted members to change the date to a Tuesday. The second Tuesday
is the Town Board meeting; Mr. Wertis attends the Town Board meeting to stay
informed. The third Tuesday looks to be the most viable.
Mr. Hammond stated Thursday is as good or bad as Tuesday.
Ms Chiuten and Ms Hilbert are agreeable to Tuesday.
Mr. Tyler has a commitment the second Tuesday but the third Tuesday is acceptable .
Mr. Means has no difficulty with the third . Mr. Porter has been out of town and difficult
to get in touch with.
Mr. Wertis will continue to contact Mr. Porter and inform the members when he hears
from Mr. Porter.
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11 / 11 /2004
Ulysses Storinwater Committee/Design Standards
Mr. Wertis informed the members he is on the Committee ; other members of the
Stormwater Committee are Dick Coogan, Rebecca Schneider, and Liz Thomas . The state
has moved municipalities create stormwater plans and controls for drainage . They have
focused on thle larger cities and are now in phase 2 which includes Ulysses . In a
simplistic approach the theory is water flows downhill and thus potential erosion and
pollution to the lake . The original focus was the steep slopes along the lake with dense
populations . Services are being provided by Geneseo Finger Lakes Planning Council on
new legislation municipalities may propose. A chart of what towns could/should do to
get this item into their Zoning Ordinance was provided by the Geneseo group and given
to members . The town ' s initial plan was to focus only on the MS -4 area; but the
Stormwater Committee would prefer to do considerably more . Mr. Wertis asked the
Planning Board for their input and if the members would like to be involved .
Mr. Hammond asked who determines the minimal amount . Mr. Wertis informed him NY
State has the ,minimum as indicated in the Geneseo Groups chart. There 5 suggestions
including : •
1 . Steep slopes protection
2 . Water Course-creeks, streams
3 . Flood Planning
4 . Wetland
5 . Wood lots
Mr. Tyler offered not sure if appropriate at this time. The Design Standards have not been
completely finished yet being asked to do another item .
Mr. Hammond asked if the Planning Board has been asked to do this by the Town Board.
His past experience has been that unless items are done in an official capacity, the
recommendations are often not acted on. This is frustrating as a member in that months of
meetings and volunteer time is often fruitless .
Mr. Wertis stated the Town Board has not requested this, but he as a Stormwater
Committee member requested their input. Mr. Frantz was approached about attending the
Planning Board meetings however Mr. Frantz felt he could not tell much more about the
regulations . Mr. Rachun did not make a commitment but Mr. Wertis will contact him
again to request he be present for review of Design Standards .
Mr. Tyler stated the Design Standards should be completed before taking on additional
items . He realizes that Mr. Rachun would prefer to have clearer quantifiable context in
the Design Standards but this also leaves no room for imagination.
Mr. Hammond agreed with Mr. Tyler, if everything is spelled out you would not need a site
plan review process anymore ; just compare to what is written down, and a functionary could
do that .
Planning Board 3
11 / 11 /2004
The planning board is to evaluate a real world manifestation of what goes on as opposed to
saying this district this standard. A board is a consensus of the town in some sense ; if it is all
laid out. But very limited and very basic design standards do not allow for situations that really
crop up . He is all for design standard that we are not enslaved to .
Mr. Hammond stated that unless directly asked he feels the Planning Board is wasting its time.
The Town Board has not used previous information given to them . His term is up this year he
is trying to decide if this is the time to say 6 years is enough.
Mr. Wertis stated that the recommendations on Design Standards were sent to the Town Board.
Mr. Wertis said Mr. Coogan has been appreciative of the work and conveys information well
between the two groups .
Mr. Hammond stated that he would prefer to not hold up the Zoning Ordinance process. He
would like the Stormwater regulations be drafted as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance or
revision to the Comprehensive Plan which should be coming up for revision.
Mr. Wertis stated that the Town Supervisor asked us to look at the Site Plan Review and other
parts relevant to the Planning Board, the Town Board has never taken a vote formally. At the
Town Board meeting last night Mr. Wertis mentioned the Planning Board looked at and passed
on resolutions and recommendations . A Town Board member asked how are you doing that.
Mr. Wertis informed them you receive resolutions and receive minutes which include
resolutions/recommendations and we work through Dick Coogan. Mr. Wertis gives input on a
regular basis at the Town Board regarding the Planning Board ' s status . Mr. Wertis realized
there have been difficulties in the past but would like to continue the work and assist the Town
Board in their endeavor to evaluate the ordinances .
Mr. Hammond and Mr. Tyler stated they are very adamant that the Zoning Ordinance and the
Subdivision Regulations process be acted upon by the Town Board .
Mr. Tyler stated the current subdivision regulations are nonexistent.
Mr. Hammond agreed that there is a net that most all development falls through it is so large.
Mr. Tyler asked Mr. Wertis what specifically is the Planning Board supposed to be doing.
Mr. Wertis stated the Town Board has requested we look at planning board sections of the
Zoning Ordinance. The Site Plan Review component has been completed and referred to the
Town Board . To assist moving the Design Standards and Subdivision ahead it was suggested
1 . Mr. Rachun mark up a copy of the Design Standards he has concerns with.
2 . Ms Chiuten present the information she is researching for Design Standards .
3 . Mr. Tyler mark up a copy of the Subdivision Regulations that should be addressed .
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11 / 11 /2004
Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Tyler, seconded by Mr. Hammond. Approved unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 9 : 35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Carlisle Peck