HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-15 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING September 15, 2003 Present: Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Sue Poelvoorde, Lee Scott, and Robert Weatherby; Marsha L. Georgia, Town Clerk. Others Present : William Szabo , Sandra Repp and George Chase Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 04 p . m . The first thing on the agenda is Local Law No . 1 of 2003 Town of Ulysses Public Water. Mr. Austic stated a couple of minor things were discovered at the public hearing that needs to be changed. The clerk changed the following : Page 3 under 1 . 12 Registered Contractor - added in "Local Law No . 1 for 2003 Town of Ulysses Public Water". Page 4 under 2 . 2 under the second paragraph where it says meter removed should be removed meter. Page 5 - top of page needs to have a line space between the first sentence and the next paragraph and in the last sentence the needs to be put in front of meters . Page 6 under Application for Permit — remove blank form and replace with application for Plumbing Permit . Page 7 under 4 . 2 Registered Contractors — remove registered (the fourth word) , remove annual before registration fee and remove for property owners other than herself/himself and under 4 . 3 it should read contractor instead of applicant . A discussion can up in reference to homeowners doing their own work and if their homeowners insurance would cover if any damage was to occur. Mrs . Georgia called Farrell ' s Insurance and they will get back to us . Page 11 under 4 . 14 there is an additional space in the paragraph that needs to be removed. Page 18 under 8 . 8 at the end insert or other security after bond. Page 20 under 9 . 3 , #4 the sentence that starts with the Town Board should be a new paragraph. Page 26 under 14 . 1 . 3 , #3 the first show-cause should not have a dash but the second show cause should have a dash . (When show cause is an action it would not have a dash and when it is used as an adjective it would have . ) This is in the law several places and has to be corrected . Ms . Poelvoorde asked if this law is going to be administered by the Town Board or the Water Commission because no where does this document address the Water Commission. Mr. Austic stated at this time the two are the same. To address this the definition under Town board will state through a resolution the Town Board has been established as the Water Commission . The other definition that Ms . Poelvoorde asked to have included is the definition that Mr. Austic provided for "temporary use". This will be added as follows : A temporary use shall be defined by, but not limited to , the following examples : the supplying of water to an adjacent property in an emergency situation, the supplying water to a construction trailer or site until permanent connections can be to the site, or supplying water to a festival or short-lived event (for no more than one week) . Special Board Meeting 09/ 15/2003 Mr. Austic asked if anyone had any questions . Mr. Szabo asked where are the stakes to indicate where the contractor is to locate the curb box? Mr. Austic stated residents could get them at the job trailer at the Town Barns . Hearing no further changes and/or corrections Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following : WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly called and held before the Town Board on September 11 , 2003 , after first posting and publishing pursuant to statue, duly established by findings and all public comment was heard, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approves Local Law No . 1 2003 — Town of Ulysses Public Water and FURTHER RESOLVE the Town Clerk will file this approved Local Law with New York State Secretary of State . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott . aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. I Review of Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities Mr. Austic noted to the Board the changes made in the specifications as follows : Page 1 — No 1 inserted into the Local Law Page 2 — 2 . 5 . 2 this statement was added at the end "No more than one buried union shall be installed between the curb stop and the pressure reducing valve . Page 9 — 2 . 6 . 4 HDPE was spelled out — High Density Polyethylene Page 13 — 2 . 14 . 1 delete Badger Model 24 and as manufactured by Badger Meter, Inc . and replace with Invensys-SR Page 14 — 2 . 17 add the following to the end "Pressure reducing valves shall be installed on the supply side of the meter except for tile-set meters . Pressure reducing valves for the tile-set meters shall be installed inside the building being served with water. Page 24 — insert 3 . 6 Service Line Installation — Service lines shall be installed at a minimum two feet separation from other utility lines (electric. gas, telephone etc . ) or as otherwise required by the utility supplier. In addition, all service lines shall have a clearance of at least 18 inches between the outside of the sery ice line and the outside of the septic (or sewer) or as otherwise required by the Tompkins county Health Department and other authorities having jurisdiction . Note : This will change all numbers following this . Figure 6 has been replaced with a new drawing provided by Barton & Loguidice . Hearing no other changes or corrections Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following : Special Board Meeting 09/ 15/2003 BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approves the Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Contractor Registration Application The Town Board reviewed the application the contractors will be required to fill out . The changes on the form will be to add the signature of the Clerk and date, a place for the phone number of the contractor, and a place for the Town Seal and a place for how paid . The procedure for this application will be the contractor will fill this out and prove they have the required insurance, pay the fee (to be established) and than the Clerk will sign it, copy it, provide the contractor with a copy of Local Law # 1 2003 and a copy of the Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities . On the contractor ' s copy the Town Seal will be added . This copy can be presented to demonstrate to the property owner the contractor is registered and has the specs . The fee was discussed . The fee is mainly to cover the price of the printing and the processing of the form . A fee of $ 15 . 00 was decided . Mrs . Duddleston moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following : BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the amount of $ 15 . 00 to be charged for the Contractor Registration . Mr. Austic aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Tap Only Application It was determined if a property owner requests a tap on a vacant property an application for said tap should be made so the property owner (or agent for that owner) signs an agreement so they know they will be charged 1 EDU and the yearly district charge on their tax bill . For a property owner that is already in the district with a developed property a request for an additional tap will only cost them the price of the additional tap . The fee for this additional tap will have to be determined . Different size taps will be different prices . Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following : BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the application for Tap Only. Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. z Special Board Meeting 09/ 15 /2003 Plumbing Permit Application The Clerk got this form from Bolton Point. It has been revised slightly to fit the Town Specifications . Ms . Poelvoorde stated she felt it was not user friendly and could be rearranged. She feels everything pertains to the person filling out the application should be up top , which includes some of the things on page two . Mrs . Georgia will re-work the form and have the first two sections on the first page and bring the statement that is now on page two to the front with the signatures, than on the top of the second page have the information about billing, followed by the inspection information. The fees for this permit have been established by Bolton Point, at this time they are $ 125 for the standard permit (which includes five inspections, if needed) and there are additional fees if Bolton Point determines if cross connection control has to be enforced. The review and approval of cross connection device applications will be an additional fee of $40 and the on-site inspection and certification of this will be $40 . Also , if a subsequent review has to be done of a rejected application the fee will be $25 . Mr . Scott moved, seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde the following: BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approves the application for Plumbing Permit as modified. Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Supervisor Austic has received and distributed to the Board the contract with the Town of Ithaca. He has several questions and concerns with this contract. He has scheduled a meeting with the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca, John Barney Ithaca' s Attorney and Bruce Wilson for Thursday, September 18 , 2003 at 2 : 30 p .m . The State Dormitory Authority is waiting for this contract before the no interest loan can be processed. Mr. Austic reviewed several points of the contract that he felt needed upgrading or changed. The Board had several suggestions for Mr. Austic to bring to the attention of the Town of Ithaca. Because of the delay with this contract Mr. Austic has started the process of another Bond Anticipation Note . Mr. Austic addressed Mr. George Chase in reference to his request to withdraw from Water District #3 . Mr. Chase feels because his address is on Jacksonville Road he should • not be considered in the district. Mr. Chase contends he previously spoke with Mr. Austic and feels he was told he was not in the district. Mr. Austic had previously discussed the main line along Perry City Road and the main line would not go in front of his property but would be on the other side of the road. Mr. Austic read a letter from our Attorney stating the law clearly establishes all owners within the District are bound to the District. The costs established in the creation of the District were based on units involved. The Town should take no action to alter the District: lines or owner duties . Mr. Chase left very unhappy because he felt Mr. Austic had misinformed him. Hearing no further business, Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Weatherby to adjourn the meeting. Hearing no objection it was unanimously approved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10 : 05 p .m. Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia f . :. 1l k`r Ulysses Town Clerk 1 J Special Board Meeting 09/ 15/2003 MLG : mg c