HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 Index of ResolutionsINDEX OF 2020 RESOLUTIONS
INDEX OF 2020 RESOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
January 6th, 2020: Organizational Town Board Meeting ............................................................................................................... 9
*Resolution 2020-1: Dates Of Meetings ....................................................................................................................................... 9
*Resolution 2020-2: Media ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
*Resolution 2020-3: Minutes ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
*Resolution 2020-4: Mileage ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
*Resolution 2020-5: Petty Cash .................................................................................................................................................. 10
*Resolution 2020-6: Crime Coverage.......................................................................................................................................... 10
*Resolution 2020-7: Financial Report ......................................................................................................................................... 11
*Resolution 2020-8: Financial Reconciliations ............................................................................................................................ 11
*Resolution 2020-9: Financial Institutions .................................................................................................................................. 12
*Resolution 2020-10: Financial Audit ......................................................................................................................................... 12
*Resolution 2020-11: Town Internal Emergency Preparedness Meeting .................................................................................. 12
*Resolution 2020-12: Collection Of Building Fees ...................................................................................................................... 12
*Resolution 2020-13 Countersigning Of Checks ......................................................................................................................... 13
*Resolution 2020-14: Establishment Of Pay Periods And Salaries ............................................................................................. 13
*Resolution 2020-15: Pay Rates - Tabled .................................................................................................................................... 13
No action taken on this resolution at this time. It was passed at the end of the meeting. ............................................................ 14
*Resolution 2020-16: Time Records ........................................................................................................................................... 14
*Resolution 2020-17: Insurance ................................................................................................................................................. 15
*Resolution 2020-18: Cell Phone Reimbursement For Code Enforcement And Highway Departments ................................... 16
*Resolution 2020-19: Town Board Member Liaisons ................................................................................................................. 17
*Resolution 2020-20: Town Board Appointments ...................................................................................................................... 18
*Resolution 2020-21: Highway Shared Service Agreements ...................................................................................................... 19
*Resolution 2020-22: Authorizing Spending Of Highway Funds ................................................................................................ 19
*Resolution 2020-23: Town Highway Department Hours Of Operation .................................................................................... 20
*Resolution 2020-24: Planning Board And Board Of Zoning Appeals Appointments ................................................................ 20
*Resolution 2020-25: Policies ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
*Resolution 2020-26: Records Management Officer .................................................................................................................. 22
*Resolution 2020-27: Gifts .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
*Resolution 2020-28: Fee Schedule 2020 ................................................................................................................................... 23
*Resolution 2020-29: Mandatory Justice Schooling ................................................................................................................... 25
*Resolution 2020-30: Vehicle Benefit: ........................................................................................................................................ 26
*Resolution 2020-31: Committees Appointed By The Town Board ........................................................................................... 26
*Resolution 2020---: Gatekeeper Resolution (Originally Adopted 6/26/2006)- Tabled ............................................................. 27
*Resolution 2020-32: Town Board Access To Attorney Services ................................................................................................ 27
*Resolution 2020-33: Town Board Access To Engineering Services ........................................................................................... 28
*Resolution 2020-34: Contracts .................................................................................................................................................. 28
*Resolution 2020-35: Distribution Of Organizational Minutes .................................................................................................. 30
*Resolution 2020-15: PAY RATES ................................................................................................................................................ 30
JANUARY 14TH, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING .......................................................................................................... 31
*Resolution 2020-36: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 31
*Resolution 2020-37 Policy For Applying And Receiving Grant Funding And Engaging In Contracts (Originally Adopted
6/26/2006 As The “Gatekeeper” Resolution) ............................................................................................................................. 32
*Resolution 2020-38: Setting A Public Bid Opening Date For Hvac Renovation Bid Submissions ............................................. 32
*Resolution 2020-39: Authorizing A Request For United Way Funding To Support Summer Recreation And Youth Services . 32
*Resolution 2020-40: Cancellation Of 2nd Town Board Meeting In Feb ..................................................................................... 33
*Resolution 2020-41: Approval Of Minutes Of 12/10/19 ........................................................................................................... 33
*Resolution 2020-42: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/6/20 ............................................................................................................... 33
*Resolution 2020-43: Approval Of Budget Modifications .......................................................................................................... 34
*Resolution 2020-44: Approval Of Claims .................................................................................................................................. 34
January 28th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ............................................................................................................. 34
*Resolution 2020-45: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 34
*Resolution 2020-46: Authorization To Install A No Parking Sign On Cemetery Road Before The Falls Road Stop Sign ........... 35
*Resolution 2020-47: Designation Of Individuals Authorized To Open HVAC Renovation Bids ................................................ 35
*Resolution 2020-48: Setting Public Information Meeting On Cemetery Rd. Bridge Design ..................................................... 35
*Resolution 2020-49: Designating A Town Representative And Alternate For Association Of Towns Annual Meeting ........... 36
*Resolution 2020-50: Acknowledgement Of Town Board Audit Of Justice Courts .................................................................... 36
*Resolution 2020-51: Acknowledgement Of Town Board Audits Of Town Clerk, Tax Collector And Supervisor’s Office ......... 36
*Resolution 2020-52: Appointment Of Chair Of Board Of Zoning Appeals ................................................................................ 37
*Resolution 2020-53: Appointing Ms. Marino As Alternate To IO ............................................................................................. 37
*Resolution 2020-54: Authorizing The Deputy Supervisor To Enter Into An Agreement With General Code ........................... 37
*Resolution 2020-55: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/14/2020 ......................................................................................................... 38
*Resolution 2020-56: Approval Of 2019 Budget Modifications ................................................................................................. 38
*Resolution 2020-57: Approval Of 2020 Budget Modifications ................................................................................................. 38
FEBRUARY 11th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ......................................................................................................... 39
*Resolution 2020-58: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 39
*Resolution 2020-59: Zoning Amendment #1 Review Footprint Limits In Lakeshore And Conservation Zones ....................... 39
*Resolution 2020-60: Appointment Of Part-Time Recreation Director ..................................................................................... 40
*Resolution 2020-61: Authorization To Change Phone And Internet Providers ........................................................................ 41
*Resolution 2020-62: Authorization To Apply For A 2020 New York State Urban Forestry Council Quick Start Grant ............. 41
*Resolution 2020-63: Authorization To Participate In Tompkins County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update ................................ 42
*Resolution 2020-64: Establishing A Threshold For Inventory Of Town Property - TABLED ...................................................... 42
*Resolution 2020-65: Appointing A Town Wide Property Manager For Inventory And Asset Protection ................................. 42
*Resolution 2020-66: Advocating For NYS Clean Water Infrastructure Act Funding ................................................................. 43
*Resolution 2020-67: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/28/20 ............................................................................................................. 43
*Resolution 2020-68: Approval Of Budget Modifications .......................................................................................................... 43
*Resolution 2020-69: Approval Of Claims .................................................................................................................................. 44
MARCH 10TH, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ............................................................................................................. 44
*Resolution 2020-70: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 44
*Resolution 2020-71: Appointment To Fill Vacancy In Office Of Town Supervisor - TABLED .................................................... 44
*Resolution 2020-72: Authorizing The Highway Superintendent To Purchase 2020 Ford F-350 ............................................... 45
*Resolution 2020-73: Authorizing The Highway Superintendent To Purchase 2020 Ford F-550 ............................................... 45
*Resolution 2020-74 Acceptance Of Bid To Renovate HVAC System And Install Heat Pump At Ulysses Town Hall ................. 45
*Resolution 2020-71: Appointment To Fill Vacancy In Office Of Town Supervisor .................................................................... 46
*Resolution 2020-75: Correction Of Resolution To Appoint Part-Time Recreation Director ..................................................... 46
*Resolution 2020-76: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/24/20, 2/10/20, And 2/11/20 ....................................................................... 47
*Resolution 2020-77: Approval Of 2019 Budget Modifications ................................................................................................. 47
*Resolution 2020-78: Approval Of Claims .................................................................................................................................. 49
MARCH 24th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ............................................................................................................. 49
*Resolution 2020-79: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 49
*Resolution 2020-80: Appointment To Fill Vacancy In Ulysses Town Board .............................................................................. 50
*Resolution 2020-81: Ratification Of Town Of Ulysses Temporary Operations Under Corona Virus State Of Emergency ....... 50
*Resolution 2020-82: Urging County And State Officials To Waive Penalties For Late Payment Or Property Taxes ................ 52
*Resolution 2020-83: Authorizing The Recreation Department To Hire Multiple Camp Counselors ........................................ 52
*Resolution 2020-84: Authorization To Apply For Tompkins County Parks & Trail Grant ......................................................... 53
*Resolution 2020-85: Honoring Elizabeth Graeper Thomas For Her Service To The Town Of Ulysses ...................................... 53
APRIL 13th, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING ................................................................................................................... 54
*Resolution 2020-86 Approval Of Agenda: ................................................................................................................................. 54
*Resolution 2020-87 Authorization To Approve Vouchers Electronically: ................................................................................. 54
*Resolution 2020-88 Authorization To Permit Electronic Signatures For Bank Transfers: ........................................................ 55
APRIL 14TH, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ................................................................................................................ 55
*Resolution 2020-89: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 56
*Resolution 2020-90: Adapting Town Procedures To Operate Within COVID 19 Emergency Circumstances ........................... 56
*Resolution 2020-91: Proclamation Of Arbor Week And Recognition Of Earth Day In Ulysses ................................................. 56
*Resolution 2020-92: Updated Designation Of Deputy Highway Superintendent..................................................................... 57
*Resolution 2020-93: Authorization Of Payroll Change For Highway Department Machine Equipment Operator William
Austin .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
*Resolution 2020-94: Approval Of 2020 Summer Day Camp Fees ............................................................................................. 58
*Resolution 2020-95: In Support Of Federal Assistance To Small Businesses And Non-Profits In The Town Of Ulysses .......... 59
*Resolution 2020-96: Approval Of Minutes................................................................................................................................ 60
*Resolution 2020-97: Approval Of 2020 Budget Modifications ................................................................................................. 60
*Resolution 2020-98: Approval Of Claims .................................................................................................................................. 61
APRIL 28th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ................................................................................................................. 61
*Resolution 2020-99: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 61
*Resolution 2020-100: Responding To Proposed Zoning Amendment ...................................................................................... 61
*Resolution 2020-102: Updating 2020 Liaison And Committee Appointments ......................................................................... 62
*Resolution 2020-103: In Support Of Federal Funding Assistance For Local Governments, And School Districts In New York
State Adversely Impacted By Covid-19 ....................................................................................................................................... 64
*Resolution 2020-104: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 65
May 8th, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING ...................................................................................................................... 65
*Resolution 2020-105: Code Enforcement Pay Rate .................................................................................................................. 65
Date Adopted: 5/8/2020 ............................................................................................................................................................. 66
MAY 12TH, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ................................................................................................................. 66
*Resolution 2020-106: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................. 66
*Resolution 2020-107: Approval Of Addition To Agenda............................................................................................................ 66
*Resolution 2020-108: Approval Of Draft Zoning Amendment On Development In Lakeshore And Conservation Zones And
Scheduling Of Public Information Meeting - TABLED ................................................................................................................. 66
*Resolution 2020-109: Approval Of A Memorandum Of Understanding Re: Code Enforcement ............................................. 67
*Resolution 2020-110: Authorization To Consider Request From A Resident Of Water District #3 To Become An Out Of
District User ................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
*Resolution 2020-111: Establishing Standard Work Hours For Positions For New York State And Local Retirement............... 68
*Resolution 2020-112: Appreciation For Jason Fulton, Retiring Fire Chief ................................................................................ 68
*Resolution 2020-113: Extending Probationary Period For Willam Austen ............................................................................... 69
*Resolution 2020-114: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 69
*Resolution 2020-115: Approval Of Claims ................................................................................................................................ 69
MAY 18th, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING..................................................................................................................... 70
*Resolution 2020-116: Appointment Of Code Enforcement Officer .......................................................................................... 70
MAY 26th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING .................................................................................................................. 70
*Resolution 2020-117: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................. 70
*Resolution 2020-118: Approval Of Draft Zoning Amendment On Development In Lakeshore And Conservation Zones And
Scheduling Of Public Information Meeting ................................................................................................................................. 71
*Resolution 2020-119: Appointment Of First Alternate To The Ulysses Planning Board ........................................................... 72
*Resolution 2020-120: Appointment Of Second Alternate To The Ulysses Planning Board ...................................................... 72
*Resolution 2020-121: Approval Of Revised 284 Agreement For The Expenditure Of Highway Moneys To Respond To
Financial Impact Of COVID-19 ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
*Resolution 2020-122: Setting A Public Bid Opening Date For Water District 3 Tthm Remediation Aerator Project Bid
Submissions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
*Resolution 2020-123: Scheduling Public Information Session On Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator Project ........ 74
*Resolution 2020-124: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 74
JUNE 9th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ................................................................................................................... 74
*Resolution 2020-125: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................. 74
*Resolution 2020-126: Approving Execution Of Out-Of-District Water User Agreement For Water District 3 ......................... 75
*Resolution 2020-127: Scheduling A Public Hearing For Water District 3 Out-Of-District User Request .................................. 75
*Resolution 2020-128: Support Of LGBTQ+ Pride Month .......................................................................................................... 76
*Resolution 2020-129: Adopting A Statement Racial Injustice, Violence, And The Role Of Local Government ........................ 76
*Resolution 2020-130: Correction Of Resolution # 122- Setting A Public Bid Opening Date For Water District 3 TTHM
Remediation Aerator Project Bid Submissions ........................................................................................................................... 79
*Resolution 2020-131: Approval Of Extension Of Shared Service Agreement For Code Enforcement .................................... 79
*Resolution 2020-131: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 80
*Resolution 2020-132: Approval Of Claims ................................................................................................................................ 80
JUNE 16th, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING .................................................................................................................... 80
*Resolution 2020-133: Rescheduling Sealed Bid Opening For The WD3 Aerator Project: ......................................................... 80
JUNE 23rd, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ................................................................................................................. 81
*Resolution 2020-134: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................. 81
*Resolution 2020-135: Authorizing The Bid Award For Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator Project ......................... 81
*Resolution 2020-136 : Authorizing The Inclusion Of The Aqualogics Upgrade Into The Water District 3 TTHM Remediation
Aerator Project ............................................................................................................................................................................ 82
*Resolution 2020-137: Declaration Of The Town Board Of The Town Of Ulysses As Lead Agency In Connection With Proposed
Zoning Amendments Regarding The Lakeshore And Conservation Zones ................................................................................. 83
*Resolution 2020-138: Approval Of Language For Draft Local Law Amending Ulysses Zoning Law Regarding Lakeshore And
Conservation Zones And Scheduling Of Public Hearing -TABLED ............................................................................................... 83
*Resolution 2020-139: Operation Of 2020 Summer Programs For Youth ................................................................................. 85
*Resolution 2020-140: Authorization To Engage Insero And Company To Conduct Audit Of 2019 Financials ........................ 86
*Resolution 2020-141: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 86
JULY 8TH, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING ...................................................................................................................... 86
*Resolution 2020-142: Approval Of Temporary Building Use Policy .......................................................................................... 86
JULY 14TH, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING .................................................................................................................. 88
*Resolution 2020-143: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................. 88
*Resolution 2020-144: Approval Of Revised Language For Draft Local Amending Ulysses Zoning Law Regarding Lakeshore
And Conservation Zones And Scheduling Of Public Hearing ...................................................................................................... 88
*Resolution 2020-145: Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice - Tabled .............................................................. 90
*Resolution 2020-146: Creation Of A Flag Policy Work Group ................................................................................................... 90
*Resolution 2020-147: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 91
*Resolution 2020-148: Approval Of Claims And WD3 Charges .................................................................................................. 91
JULY 28th, 2020: Regular Town Board Meeting ........................................................................................................................... 91
*Resolution 2020-149: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................. 91
*Resolution 2020-150: Establishing Temporary Town Hall Hours Of Operation ........................................................................ 92
*Resolution 2020-145: Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice (Tabled From 7/14/20 Meeting, Tabled Again
Until Later In The Meeting) ......................................................................................................................................................... 92
*Resolution 2020-151: Adoption Of Town Of Ulysses Policy On Fund Balance And Reserve Funds .......................................... 93
*Resolution 2020-152: Re-Establishing The “DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses As A
Type Capital Reserve Fund For Highway Equipment Under Section 6-C Of The General Municipal Law .................................. 94
*Resolution 2020-153: Authorizing Use Of Funds From The Town Of Ulysses DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund
To Purchase Highway Maintenance And Construction Equipment In 2020 ................................................................................ 95
*Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice-Continued (Tabled) ............................................................................... 96
*Resolution 2020-145: Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice (originally from 7/14/20) .................................. 97
*Resolution 2020-155: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 97
*Resolution 2020-156: Approval Of Minutes.............................................................................................................................. 97
AUGUST 11th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ............................................................................................................ 98
*Resolution 2020-157: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................. 98
*Resolution 2020-158– SEQRA Negative Declaration Of Significance For The Adoption Of Local Law #1 Of 2020, A Local Law
Amending The Town Of Ulysses Zoning Law Regarding Lake Shore And Conservation Zones................................................... 98
*Resolution 2020-159: Approving Adoption Of Local Law 1 Of 2020, A Local Law Amending Ulysses Zoning Law Regarding
Lakeshore And Conservation Zones .......................................................................................................................................... 109
*Resolution 2020-160: Approval Of Minutes............................................................................................................................ 110
*Resolution 2020-161: Approval Of Claims .............................................................................................................................. 110
AUGUST 25th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING .......................................................................................................... 111
*Resolution 2020-162: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ............................................................................................................... 111
*Resolution 2020-163: Water Quality Projects Recommended To The Cayuga Watershed Intermunicpal Organizations ..... 111
*Resolution 2020-164: Approval Of Jacksonville Community Association Restroom Proposal ............................................... 112
*Resolution 2020-165: Clarification Of Accounting For Use Of Accrued Benefits .................................................................... 113
*Resolution 2020-166: Approval Of Minutes............................................................................................................................ 113
SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING ........................................................................................................ 113
*Resolution # 167 Of 2020: Re-Stating The Intent Of The “A236 / A915 Assigned Funds” ...................................................... 113
*Resolution # 168 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A231 / A815 Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve Fund” Of The
Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-M Of The General Municipal Law ....................................................................................... 114
*Resolution # 169 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A232 / A827 Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of
Ulysses Under Section 6-R Of The General Municipal Law ....................................................................................................... 115
*Resolution #170 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A233 / A867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve Fund” Of The Town
Of Ulysses Under Section 6-P Of The General Municipal Law .................................................................................................. 116
*Resolution # 171 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A235 / A882 Building Repair Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under
Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law .............................................................................................................................. 118
*Resolution # 172 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A237 / A880 Contingency And Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund” Of The Town
Of Ulysses Under Section 6-E Of The General Municipal Law, Subject To Permissive Referendum ........................................ 119
*Resolution # 173 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “B230 / B815 Unemployment Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under
Section 6-M Of The General Municipal Law.............................................................................................................................. 121
*Resolution #174 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “B231 / B879 Vehicle Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses A Specific
Capital Reserve Fund For The B Fund Vehicle Under Section 6-C Of The General Municipal Law, Subject To Permissive
Referendum .............................................................................................................................................................................. 122
*Resolution #175 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “B234 / B867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve Fund” Of The Town
Of Ulysses Under Section 6-P Of The General Municipal Law .................................................................................................. 123
*Resolution # 176 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “Da231 / Da882 Snow & Ice Removal And Road Repair Reserve Fund” Of The
Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-F Of The General Municipal Law ......................................................................................... 125
*Resolution # 177 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “DA232 / DA883 Bridge Repair Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under
Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law .............................................................................................................................. 126
*Resolution #178 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “DB230 / DB878 Capital Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses As A Type
Capital Reserve Fund For Highway Under Section 6-C Of The General Municipal Law ............................................................ 128
*Resolution # 179 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW1-230 / SW1-882 Repair Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under
Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law .............................................................................................................................. 129
*Resolution # 180 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW2-230 / SW2-882 Repair Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under
Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law .............................................................................................................................. 130
*Resolution # 181 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW3-230 / SW3-882 Repair Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under
Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law .............................................................................................................................. 131
*Resolution # 182 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW4-230 / SW4-882 Repair Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under
Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law .............................................................................................................................. 133
*Resolution # 183 Of 2020: Invest Highway Fund Bridge Repair Reserve Fund Moneys In $48,120 Statutory Installment Bond
Of The Town ( For The WD3 Aerator Project) ........................................................................................................................... 134
SEPTEMBER 8th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ...................................................................................................... 135
*Resolution 2020-184: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ............................................................................................................... 135
*Resolution 2020-185: Re-Levy Of Water District 3 Delinquent Water Fees ........................................................................... 135
*Resolution #186 Of 2020: Scheduling A Public Hearing On A Local Law To Override The Tax Levy Limit Established In General
Municipal Law §3-C ................................................................................................................................................................... 136
*Resolution # 187 Of 2020: Urging New York State To Allocate Funding To Local Municipalities To Support The Provision Of
Rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS) ................................................................................................................................. 137
*Resolution 2020-188: Approval Of Minutes 8/25 ................................................................................................................... 138
*Resolution 2020-189: Approval Of Minutes 9/2/20 ............................................................................................................... 138
*Resolution 2020-190: Approval Of Claims .............................................................................................................................. 138
SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING .................................................................................................... 139
*Resolution 2020-191: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ............................................................................................................... 139
*Resolution # 192 Of 2020: Adoption Of Local Law # 2 Of 2020 To Override The Tax Levy Limit Established In General
Municipal Law §3-C ................................................................................................................................................................... 139
*Resolution # 193 Of 2020: Authorizing Submission Of A Grant Application To The Justice Court Assistance Program ....... 140
*Resolution # 194 Of 2020: Support Of Election Information For Voters ............................................................................... 141
*Resolution 2020-195: Approval Of Minutes............................................................................................................................ 142
OCTOBER 13th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ........................................................................................................ 142
*Resolution 2020-196: Approval Of Meeting Agenda .............................................................................................................. 142
*Resolution # 197 Of 2020: Approval Of Water District #1 Re-Stated Agreement With Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services
................................................................................................................................................................................................... 142
*Resolution #198 Of 2020: Establishment Of Funding Levels For Repair Reserve Fund No. Sw1230/Sw1882 For Water District
#1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 143
*Resolution #199 Of 2020: Reaffirming Legal Representation By True, Walsh And Sokoni For 2020 ..................................... 144
*Resolution #200 Of 2020: Authorization To Convert Streetlights To Led Through NYSEG .................................................... 144
Resolution # 201 Of 2020: Approval Of The 2020 And 2021 Amendments To The Municipal Cooperative Agreement For The
Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium ........................................................................................ 145
*Resolution #202 Of 2020: Support For An Over Target Request For Tompkins County To Undertake A Broadband Planning
Study And Pledging Five Thousand Dollars In Support ............................................................................................................. 146
*Resolution # 203 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes .................................................................................................................... 147
*Resolution # 204 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes .................................................................................................................... 147
*Resolution # 205 Of 2020: Approval Of Budget Modifications .............................................................................................. 148
*Resolution # 206 Of 2020: Payment Of Claims ....................................................................................................................... 149
OCTOBER 21st, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING ........................................................................................................... 149
*Resolution #207 Of 2020: Adoption Of 2021 Preliminary Budget And Setting Of Public Hearing ......................................... 150
OCTOBER 27TH, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING........................................................................................................ 150
*RESOLUTION #208 OF 2020: Approval of Agenda: ................................................................................................................. 150
*Resolution #209 Of 2020: Authorizing Financial Support For The Tompkins County Broadband Study ................................ 150
*Resolution #210 Of 2020: Approval Of Payment For Guide Rail Installation To Claim State Reimbursement ....................... 151
*Resolution #211 Of 2020: Authorizing Use Of Funds From The Town Of Ulysses A234 / A878 Capital Improvement Reserve
Fund For An Asset Database ..................................................................................................................................................... 152
*Resolution #212 Of 2020: Authorization To Contract For Space Rental For Middle School Program .................................... 153
*Resolution #___ Of 2020: Approval Of Videoconference Proposal To Enhance Public Engagement (Withdrawn) .............. 153
*Resolution #213 Of 2020: Appointment To The Joint Youth Commission .............................................................................. 154
*Resolution #214 Of 2020: Authorizing Submission Of Grant For Tburg Community Day-School Program To United Way Of
Tompkins County ...................................................................................................................................................................... 154
*Resolution # 215 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes .................................................................................................................... 155
October 29th, 2020: Special Town Board Meeting .................................................................................................................... 155
*Resolution #216 Of 2020: ........................................................................................................................................................ 155
*Resolution #217 Of 2020: Adoption Of 2021 Town Budget ................................................................................................... 155
*Resolution #218 Of 2020: Setting A Joint Public Hearing On The 2021 Agreement With The Village Of Trumansburg To
Provide Fire Protection For The Town Of Ulysses ..................................................................................................................... 156
*Resolution # 219 Of 2020: Creation Of Zoning/Code/Fire Enforcement Officer Position ...................................................... 157
*Resolution #220 Of 2020: Approval Of Memo Of Understanding To Extend Teamsters’ Contract Through 2021 ................ 157
NOVEMBER 10th, 2020; REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ..................................................................................................... 158
*Resolution #221 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ........................................................................................................ 158
*Resolution #222 Of 2020: Approval Of The 2021 Fire Protection District Agreement For 2021 ........................................... 158
*Resolution #223 Of 2020: Approval Of The 2021 Ambulance Services Agreement ............................................................... 159
*Resolution # 224 Of 2020: Authorization To Include A Summary Of The 2021 Budget In The 2021 Tax Bills ........................ 160
*Resolution # 225 Of 2020: Approval Of Memorandum Of Understanding With Teamsters Local 317 To Extend The Labor
Agreement Through December 2021 ....................................................................................................................................... 160
*Resolution # 226 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes .................................................................................................................... 161
*Resolution #227 Of 2020: Payment Of Claims ........................................................................................................................ 161
NOVEMBER 24th, 2020: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING ..................................................................................................... 161
*Resolution #227 Of 2020: Approval Of Agenda ...................................................................................................................... 162
*Resolution # 228 Of 2020: Establishing A Speed Zone For Krums Corners Road ................................................................... 162
*Resolution #229 Of 2020: Endorsing The LED Conversion Recommendations Made By Conservation And Sustainability
Advisory Committee .................................................................................................................................................................. 163
*Resolution #230 Of 2020: Authorization To Make 2020 Approved Payments To Organizations And Individuals Providing
Services To The Town Of Ulysses .............................................................................................................................................. 164
*Resolution #231 Of 2020: Authorization To Use Up To $8,050 Of The Aerator Capital Project Budget Reserved For
Allowances To Install A Guard Rail On Top Of The Water Tank ................................................................................................ 165
*Resolution #232 Of 2020: Scheduling Of Town Board Meetings ........................................................................................... 165
*Resolution # 233 Of 2020: Resolution Granting The State Of New York Authority To Perform The Adjustment For The Owner
And Agreeing To Maintain Facilities Adjusted Via State-Let Contract ..................................................................................... 165
*Resolution # 234 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes .................................................................................................................... 166
DECEMBER 8th, 2020: Regular Town Board Meeting ................................................................................................................ 166
*Resolution #235 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ........................................................................................................ 167
*Resolution # 236 Of 2020: Addition To Krums Corners Speed Limit Resolution # 228 Of 2020 ............................................. 167
*Resolution # 237 Of 2020: Approval Of Public Engagement Videoconferencing Proposal ................................................... 167
*Resolution #238 Of 2020: Increasing The Inter-Fund Loan From A Fund Balance To Capital Fund HB For Seed Money For The
Cemetery Road Bridge Replacement Project ............................................................................................................................ 168
*Resolution #239 Of 2020: Recognizing Inter-Fund Loan From A Fund Balance To Capital Fund HB Across Financial Years .. 168
*Resolution # 240 Of 2020: Authorization To Execute The New York State Municipal Workers’ Compensation Plan Document
................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
*Resolution #241 Of 2020: Recognition Of Town Volunteers ................................................................................................. 169
*Resolution # 242 Of 2020: Resolution Of Recognition And Appreciation For Marc Devokaitis ............................................ 170
*Resolution #243 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda Approval Of 2021 Ambulance Fees: .............................................. 170
*Resolution # 244 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes .................................................................................................................... 171
*Resolution #245 Of 2020: Payment Of Claims ........................................................................................................................ 171
DECEMBER 15th, 2020: SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING ........................................................................................................ 171
*Resolution #246 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda ........................................................................................................ 171
*Resolution # 247 Of 2020: Approval Of Extensions Of Agreements Ending 12/31/20 .......................................................... 172
*Resolution # 248 Of 2020: Approval Of Out Of District User Agreements For Water District #1 ........................................... 172
January 6th, 2020: Organizational Town Board Meeting
*Resolution 2020-1: Dates Of Meetings
BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Monthly Board meetings of the Ulysses Town Board will be held on the second Tuesday of each
month at 7 p.m. at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY. A second monthly meeting will be held on the 4th
Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-2: Media
BE IT RESOLVED the designated news media is advised of the foregoing schedule and meeting notices will be posted, in
accordance with the Open Meetings Law, on the Town Clerk’s bulletin board and the Town website.
FURTHER RESOLVED the Ithaca Journal, a newspaper regularly published and having general circulation in the Town, is hereby
designated as the official newspaper of the Town of Ulysses.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-3: Minutes
BE IT RESOLVED, draft minutes of the Town Board meetings will be produced by the Town Clerk within 14 days of the date of
the meeting and sent to Town Board members for approval, and further
RESOLVED in accordance with the Open Meetings Law, draft meeting minutes, clearly labeled with the date and “DRAFT, not
yet approved” will be available to the public through the Town Clerk’s Office but not posted on the website until approved by
the Town Board, and further
RESOLVED that the printed minutes books are hereby designated as the official minutes.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-4: Mileage
BE IT RESOLVED mileage at a rate of $0.575 cents per mile, based on the 2020 IRS standard mileage rate, shall be paid to Town
Officials and employees for use of their personal vehicles for Town Business and that such mileage shall be reported on the
official town form (available from the Town Clerk).
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-5: Petty Cash
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Clerk and the Court Clerk’s petty cash funds are each $300 for 2020.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-6: Crime Coverage
BE IT RESOLVED that the purchase of the following crime insurance coverage at the following levels through NYMIR for Town
officials, appointees and employees is hereby approved:
Money inside premises $100,000 ($1,000 deductible)
Money outside premises $100,000 ($1,000 deductible)
Forgery and alteration $100,000 ($1,000 deductible)
Employee Theft - Per Loss $50,000 ($2,500 deductible)
Excess Coverage:
Deputy Supervisor $650,000
Supervisor $650,000
Tax Collector/Town Clerk $650,000
Deputy Town Clerk $650,000
Bookkeeper $650,000
Includes Faithful Performance
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-7: Financial Report
BE IT RESOLVED that an annual financial report be presented to the Town Clerk by the Bookkeeper within 30 days of the end of
the fiscal year as required by Town Law Section 29(10). In lieu of the financial report, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to
submit to the Town Clerk, within 60 days after the close of the fiscal year, a copy of the annual update document (AUD) to the
State Comptroller, and that the Town Clerk shall cause a summary thereof to be published in accordance with the law (Town
Law Section 29(10-a)). If the state comptroller approves a 60-day extension of the AUD, the Supervisor’s time for filing a copy
of the AUD with the Town Clerk is also extended.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-8: Financial Reconciliations
BE IT RESOLVED the Town follow the 2013 recommendations of auditor Insero and Company to have the Supervisor or
Bookkeeper review the reconciliation of the Town Clerk’s bank statements and the Town Clerk’s office review the
reconciliation of the Supervisor’s bank statements in order to safeguard the town’s finances. This shall be done at least
quarterly and the results shall be reported quarterly to the Town Board.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-9: Financial Institutions
BE IT RESOLVED that Tompkins Trust Company is designated as depository, in which the Supervisor, Town Clerk, Justices, and
other employees by virtue of their offices, shall deposit all monies coming into their hands and,
FURTHER RESOLVED the Town investments can be made at other banks and institutions as outlined in the Towns investment
policy. The Town investment policy shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Board periodically and revised as necessary.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-10: Financial Audit
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses will perform an audit of the 2019 financials for the Town Court, Town
Supervisor and Town Clerk on Friday, Jan. 24 at 8am.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-11: Town Internal Emergency Preparedness Meeting
WHEREAS the Town’s Safety Committee has identified a need for an annual internal emergency preparedness meeting;
BE IT RESOLVED that this meeting be held within the first 60 days of each year, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses schedules a meeting with all Town elected officials and staff to
review emergency procedures on Thurs 2/13 at 8am.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-12: Collection Of Building Fees
RESOLVED that the Town Board designates the Building Inspector to collect building and code fees and the Fire Inspector to
collect fire inspection fees using Town Board approved procedures established by March 31, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Amended to add “using Town Board approved procedures established by March 31, 2020”.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-13 Countersigning Of Checks
RESOLVED that checks dispersed by the Town of Ulysses in the amount of $5000 or greater will be signed by both the Town
Supervisor and Town Clerk or other designated signatory per Town Law Section 29.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-14: Establishment Of Pay Periods And Salaries
BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board hereby establishes the following payroll periods beginning on December 29, 2019 and going
through December 26, 2020:
Annually: Historian, Planning Board, Board of Zoning Appeals
Monthly: Councilpersons
Bi-weekly: Town Supervisor, Highway Superintendent, Town Clerk, Justices, Deputy Town Clerk, Deputy Highway
Superintendent, Deputy Supervisor, Highway Department Staff, Bookkeeper, Code Enforcement Officer, Zoning Officer,
Planning and Zoning Staff, Court Clerk, Temporary student and other employees, part-time Clerical, Administrative, and
Support staff, Water Department staff and other staff otherwise not mentioned that are later added to this list.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
The Agenda references Resolution 2020-15: PAY RATES. This was passed later in the meeting and is now labeled as Resolution
*Resolution 2020-15: Pay Rates - Tabled
Position 2020 Budgeted
Hourly rate, if applicable
Town Board
Supervisor $18,970 -
Budget Officer $20,280 -
Deputy Supervisor $20,280 -
Bookkeeper $40,560 -
Councilperson $4,822 each -
Town Clerk $56,290 -
Deputy Town Clerk $20.60 / hour
2nd Deputy Town Clerk - $16.97 / hour
Town Justice $18,687 each -
Court Clerk $49,000 -
Planning, Zoning, Building
Enforcement Officer for Building
$31,194 -
Planner $63,000 -
Deputy Enforcement Officer - $22.28 / hour
Superintendent $61,810 -
MEO - See Union Contract
Deputy Highway Superintendent - See Union Contract
No action taken on this resolution at this time. It was passed at the end of the meeting.
*Resolution 2020-16: Time Records
BE IT RESOLVED all hourly employees shall turn in a Town of Ulysses time card by the end of the last day of the pay period.
Salaried employees and eligible elected officials wishing to participate in the town’s benefits programs according to the
Personnel Policy shall report time used for vacation, sick time, holiday or other time off on a Town of Ulysses time card to
maintain accurate records of benefit time used. No pay will be issued without a time card that has been signed by the
employee and the employee's supervisor and submitted to the Bookkeeper. If the employee is submitting the time card
electronically to the Bookkeeper, the Department Head / Employee Supervisor must give electronic approval as part of the
time card submission. Salaried and hourly employees (non-elected) should use this time card to submit sick, vacation, holiday
and personal time off. It is the responsibility of the employee’s supervisor to assure the time card is accurate.
FURTHER RESOLVED that to maintain accountability of all employees who work for the town, and to clarify supervisory roles,
the following listing specifies employee supervisors. Each employee supervisor is responsible for approving time cards (if
required), vacation, personal, sick days and compensation time used by each employee. Time off for each employee must be
reported to Bookkeeper who will maintain records. Elected officials must have the Town Supervisor or other Town Board
member sign their time card.
Employee Employee Supervisor Hours/ Week
Town Supervisor Town Board 30
2nd Deputy Town Supervisor Town Supervisor 30
Highway Superintendent Town Supervisor or Town
Town Clerk Town Supervisor or Town
Deputy Town Clerk Town Clerk 30
Court Clerk Town Justices 40
Bookkeeper Town Supervisor 30
Enforcement Officer for Building Code Town Supervisor 23
Deputy Enforcement Officer Enforcement Officer 10
Zoning Officer/Planner Town Supervisor 40
Planning and Zoning Clerk Zoning Officer/Planner various
Deputy Highway Superintendent Highway Superintendent 40 (combined)
Highway Machine Equip. Operators Highway Superintendent 40/ various
Highway Laborer Highway Superintendent various
Water Dist. & Maintenance Operator Highway Superintendent 40 (combined with highway
Water District Laborer Water Dist. Operator 40 (combined with highway
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-17: Insurance
RESOLVED the Town of Ulysses make the following insurance choices in 2020:
insurance item carrier Town contribution policy
Health insurance Greater Tompkins County
Health Insurance
Consortium Gold Plan
through Excellus BCBS
90% for Class A employees
50% for Class B employees
Dental insurance Excellus BCBS 50% of the premium 12/31/20
Medicare insurance Excellus BCBS Dependent upon experience
and employee class (see
Personnel Policy for details)
Health Savings Account
through Tompkins Trust
single plan-$1,500
family plan-$3,000
Worker’s Compensation PERMA 100% of premium 12/31/20
General liability NYMIR 100% of premium 12/31/20
Disability (including Paid
Family Leave)
Shelter point 100% of premium
RESOLVED that the following table presents the 2020 premiums for Health Related Insurances:
Plan Type Monthly Premium
Health Insurance (Single Policy) $571.79
Health Insurance (Family Policy) $1,486.56
Dental Insurance (Single Policy) $47.36
Dental Insurance (Family Policy) $117.17
Medicare Policy (single policy) $386.87
RESOLVED that the Town Board requests that the Bookkeeper transfer the HSA contributions to eligible employees’ Health
Savings Accounts within the first 14 days of 2020; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board directs the Bookkeeper that for any new employee who is eligible and chooses to
enroll in Town-provided health insurance to transfer a prorated amount based on their start date to the new employee’s
Health Savings Accounts within 30 days of the new employee opening an HSA account.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-18: Cell Phone Reimbursement For Code Enforcement And Highway Departments
WHEREAS the Code Enforcement Officer and both the Highway Superintendent and Water District Operator are frequently out
of their offices and away from their stationary phones during their regular duty hours, and
WHEREAS carrying a cell phone is an important part of efficient communications and emergency response.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses hereby allows people who hold the positions of Code Enforcement
Officer, Highway Superintendent, and Water District Operator to either have and use a town-owned cell phone at the town’s
expense which will only be used only for town purposes OR be reimbursed for part of the cost of their personal cell phone at
the rate of $40/month; and
RESOLVED that if the Code Enforcement Officer, Highway Superintendent and Water District Operator elect to be reimbursed
for their personal cell phone they will provide the Bookkeeper with proof of each monthly expense via invoice or bill along with
the submission of the reimbursement form; and
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will provide a copy of this resolution to each of the three people to whom this resolution refers.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Ms. Thomas
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-19: Town Board Member Liaisons
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board makes the following liaison appointments and requests that each appointee report to the
Town Board at least annually:
2019 2020
Highway Department Michael Boggs Town Supervisor, Deputy
Personnel Liz Thomas, Nancy Zahler (alternate) Nancy Zahler, Rich Goldman
Planning Board Rich Goldman, Michael Boggs
Rich Goldman, Michael Boggs
BZA (was combined with PB liaison) Katelin Olson, Michael Boggs
Fire Department Michael Boggs, John Hertzler
Michael Boggs
Tburg Ulysses Youth Commission Nancy Zahler Nancy Zahler
Village EMS & EMS Billing Oversight
Michael Boggs, Nancy Zahler Michael Boggs, Nancy Zahler
Town Hall Maintenance Michael Boggs Supervisor, Michael Boggs (alt)
Sustainability Committee Nancy Zahler Katelin Olson
Trumansburg Village Board Nancy Zahler Nancy Zahler
Records Advisory Board Liz Thomas Supervisor
Safety Committee Michael Boggs, Nancy Zahler
Michael Boggs, Nancy Zahler
Union negotiations Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler
Agricultural Committee Nancy Zahler, Michael Boggs
Katelin Olson, Nancy Zahler
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-20: Town Board Appointments
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board makes the following appointments and request that each appointee report to the Town
Board at least annually:
2019 2020
Health Consortium Board Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler (alt) Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler (alt)
Planning Board Chairperson Katelin Olson Linda Liddle
Board of Zoning Appeals Chairperson Robert Howarth Robert Howarth
Clerk for Board of Zoning Appeals Louis DiPietro Louis DiPietro
Clerk for Planning Board Maria Barry Maria Barry
Tompkins County Environmental Mgmt
Cait Darfler, Liz Thomas (alternate) Cait Darfler, Liz Thomas
Tompkins County Water Resources
Council (WRC)
Liz Thomas serving in an “at-large”
Liz Thomas serving in an “at-
large” position.
Tompkins County Stormwater Coalition John Zepko John Zepko
Stormwater Officer John Zepko John Zepko
Tburg Ulysses Youth Commission Reps Sharon Bilotta, Reanna Levine Sharon Bilotta, Reanna Levine
Rec Partnership rep. Nancy Zahler Durand Van Doren, Nancy Zahler
Tompkins County Youth Services Board Pete Angie vacant
Ithaca/Tompkins County Transportation
Council Planning & Policy Committees
Michelle E. Wright Michelle E. Wright
Tompkins County Council of Governments Liz Thomas & Nancy Zahler
Supervisor & Deputy Supervisor
Fair Board liaison John Hertzler Michelle E. Wright
Historian John Wertis John Wertis
Tompkins County Animal Control Liz Thomas, Carissa Parlato (alt) Supervisor, Carissa Parlato (alt)
Cayuga Lake Water Shed Intermunicipal
Org. (IO)
Michael Boggs (Thomas alternate) Supervisor, Michael Boggs (alt)
Chamber of Commerce Nancy Zahler, Rich Goldman (alt) Nancy Zahler, Rich Goldman (alt)
Voucher Reviews Nancy Zahler & Rich Goldman
Michael Boggs & John Hertzler
Nancy Zahler & Rich Goldman
Michael Boggs & Katelin Olson
2019 2020
(July-Dec) (July-Dec)
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-21: Highway Shared Service Agreements
WHEREAS, Highway Law #142-d allows co-operative agreements for highway services and sharing of labor, equipment and
supplies; and
WHEREAS, General Municipal Law Article 5-G allows and encourages municipal co-operations, by joint or contract basis,
performance of powers and duties among themselves; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed beneficial to the Town of Ulysses to allow for shared highway agreements of equipment and services
with other nearby municipal highway departments;
WHEREAS the Agreement for the Expenditure and Repair and Improvement of Highway Moneys is authorized by Highway Law
#284, and an agreement to cover Custody of Highway Moneys is authorized by Highway Law #283,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor pursuant to Highway Law #283
to enter into agreements for shared services and equipment with other municipalities and authorize, within existing budget
constraints, the Town’s Highway Superintendent pursuant to Highway Law #284 to take such action to implement said
agreements consistent with Town highway needs and availability, and maintain sufficient liability coverage to protect the town
in such joint efforts.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-22: Authorizing Spending Of Highway Funds
WHEREAS, the Town Board annually must approve expenditures for the maintenance of the roads, and
WHEREAS by law, the Town Board must approve these expenditures for highway maintenance,
Therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Moneys as presented by the
Ulysses Highway Superintendent at the January 6, 2020 Town Board Organizational meeting
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-23: Town Highway Department Hours Of Operation
BE IT RESOLVED that the hours for the Town Highway Department, set by the Town Highway Superintendent, are 6:30am-3pm
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-24: Planning Board And Board Of Zoning Appeals Appointments
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board has appointed the following to be members of the Planning Board and Board of Zoning
Appeals with staggered annual appointments. Members whose terms expire in 2019 may be either replaced or reappointed.
The following members being reappointed for 2020:
Name /email Date Appointed Date of Oath Term Expiration
(Chair appts are for one year)
12/10/2019 12/31/2024
1/4/2018 1/23/2018 12/31/2022
12/9/2014 1/28/2015 12/31/2020
2/27/2018 3/16/2018 12/31/2021
1/10/2019 3/25/2019 12/31/2023
12/10/19 12/31/2020
1/6/2020 12/31/20
REBECCA SCHNEIDER rls11@cornell.edu 1/10/19 04/16/19 12/31/2023
2/27/18 2/29/18 12/31/2022
LINDA LIDDLE, Chair liddlela@verizon.net
(Chair appts are for one year)
1/6/2020 12/31/2021
RODNEY BENT rodney.bent86@gmail.com
1/6/2020 12/31/2020
Vacant (alternate) 12/31/2020
1/6/2020 1/16/19 12/31/20
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Thomas
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-25: Policies
WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses has adopted the following policies:
Policy Last updated Notes
Personnel various sections updated
at various times
includes vacation, sick leave, and holiday
Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing 2015 (for Highway employees only)
included in Personnel Policy
Code of Ethics 2009 included in Personnel Policy
Workplace Violence 2015 included in Personnel Policy
Harassment & Discrimination 2019 included in Personnel Policy
Procurement 2010
Claims 2012
Computer System Security (aka IT Breach
Meeting Rules and Procedures 2018
Investment 1994
Planning Board and Zoning Board
Attendance and Training
Records Management 2017
Emergency Preparedness 1993
EMS Ambulance Billing 2019
Mailbox Replacement for Highway Dept. 2019
BE IT RESOLVED that these documents shall be maintained on the town website, and also provided in print upon request, and
RESOLVED that each employee and elected or appointed official shall sign off that they have read and understand the following
policies within one month of hire or taking office:
Personnel- includes vacation, sick leave, and holiday benefits
Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing (for Highway employees only)
Code of Ethics
Workplace Violence
Harassment & Discrimination, and
FURTHER RESOLVED that ANNUALLY all employees and elected or appointed officials shall sign off that they have read and
understand the following policies:
Code of Ethics
Workplace Violence
Harassment & Discrimination
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk’s Office shall maintain these records and notify the Town Supervisor of anyone who
has not complied with these requirements.
Moved: Zahler Seconded: Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-26: Records Management Officer
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses appoints the Town Clerk, Carissa Parlato as Records Management Officer with the
backup Records Management Officer of Sarah Koski. The Town Board shall be notified of Freedom of Information Requests.
Moved: Zahler Seconded: Olson
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-27: Gifts
WHEREAS, the Town Code of Ethics guides receipt of gifts to town staff & elected officials,
BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with the New York State Constitutional prohibition against gifts by municipalities as
described in Article III, Section 1, the Town of Ulysses will not give donations, or other gifts of recognition for service
(retirement, annual appreciation, or otherwise) to any organizations, volunteers, or other individuals in the employment of the
Town or otherwise providing service to the Town or the community. The Town may, however, hold recognition events and
provide refreshments.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Thomas
Amended to include “WHEREAS, the Town Code of Ethics guides receipt of gifts to town staff & elected officials,”
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-28: Fee Schedule 2020
RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the following fees for 2020:
ZONING: reference
Development District $250 + costs Res. 2007-36
Re-zoning $250 + costs Res. 2007-36
Variance $150. (includes legal ad) LL 2 of 2015
Subdivison- Simple $50.00 Res. 2007-36
Subdivison- Minor (3 lots) $150.00 Res. 2007-36
Subdivison- Major (4 or more lots) $300.00 Res. 2007-36
Site Plan Review- Residential $100 + costs LL 2 of 2015
Site Plan Review- Commercial $200. + costs LL 2 of 2015
Site Plan requiring Special Permit $250.00 LL 2 of 2015
SWPPP Review 3 $100+ engineering and Soil & Water
Conservation Service Fees
Res. 2007-36
Copies of Comprehensive Plan, Zoning,
Farmland Protection Plan, etc.
$15/copy of plan LL 2 of 2015
SWPPP Review 3 $100+ engineering and Soil & Water
Conservation Service Fees
Res. 2007-36
Operating Permit $75.00 LL 2 of 2015
Fireworks display $150.00 Res. 8/18/10
Special Event Operating Permit- for events with 2000
or more in attendance
$150/day of event Res. 2019-32
Special Event Operating Permit- for events requiring
a permit with under 2000 in attendance.
$50/day of event Res. 2019-32
BUILDING PERMITS fee reference
1 & 2 Family Residences, includes finished $.30/sq ft or $3/thousand, Res. 2018-25
basements whichever is greater.
Unfinished basements $.15/sq ft. Res. 2019-32
Multiple dwelling/Multi-residential $225 + $3/K Res. 2007-36
Commercial bldgs., bridges, tanks, and towers $425 + $4/K Res. 2007-36
Alterations, renovations, additions, pools $75 + 3/K LL 2 of 2015
Accessory Building- separate from a main building $55 + $3/K Res. 2007-36
Accessory Building – attached to 1 & 2 family
$0.30/sq. ft. Res. 2018-25
Building Permit Renewal Half existing building permit
Res. 2016-64
Any building begun without a valid building permit Double normal fee Res. 2018-25
Solar, wind or alt. energy permit- RESIDENTIAL $75.00 LL 3 of 2015
Solar, wind or alt. energy permit- COMMERCIAL $75 + $3/K LL 3 of 2015
Sign permit $50.00 LL 2 of 2015
Woodstove or heating unit $50.00 LL 2 of 2015
Demolition $2/K ($65 min) Res. 2007-36
Fire Inspection (includes one re-inspection if
$50/inspection Res. 2018-25
Additional Fire Inspections (if more than 2 are
necessary beyond initial inspection(s))
$50/inspection Res. 2018-25
BLS Non-Emergency $500 Res. 2018-75
BLS Emergency $800 Res. 2018-75
ALS 1 Non-Emergency $850 Res. 2018-75
ALS 1 Emergency $1050 Res. 2018-75
ALS 2 Emergency $1150 Res. 2018-75
Specialty Care Transport $500 Res. 2018-75
Paramedic Intercept $325 Res. 2018-75
Ground Transport Miles $20.00/mi Res. 2018-75
DOG FEES: reference
Dog license/renewal (spayed/neutered) $13.50 Res. 12/14/10 (LL2 of 2010)
Dog license/renewal (not spayed/neutered) $20.50 Res. 12/14/10 (LL2 of 2010)
New dog tag $3.00 Res. 12/14/10 (LL2 of 2010)
Purebred license (5-20 purebred dogs) $100.00 Res. 12/14/10 (LL2 of 2010)
Purebred license (21 or more purebred
$200.00 Res. 12/14/10 (LL2 of 2010)
Dog impoundment fee $25 for 1st offense
$50 for 2nd offense
$75 for 3rd offense
Res. 12/14/10 (LL2 of 2010)
Dog enumeration fee $5.00 Res. 12/14/10 (LL2 of 2010)
OTHER FEES: reference
Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate $10.00 set by NYS
Marriage license $40.00 LL1 of 1980
Games of Chance license $50.00 set by NYS
Hunting Licenses (varies by license) set by NYS
Handicap Parking no fee set by NYS
Returned check fee $20.00 Maximum allowed by NYS
PERMITS: reference
Plumbing permit (up to 5 inspections) $240.00 LL 2 of 2015
New contractor registration $15.00 Res. 9/15/03
Main tap (Standard household tap) Current cost (billed by Bolton
LL 2 of 2015
>1" Tap Current cost (billed by Bolton
LL 2 of 2015
Standard Household Based on current cost LL 2 of 2015
RF Radio Reader Based on current cost LL 2 of 2015
Meter: pit type Based on current cost LL 2 of 2015
Meter: >3/4” Based on current cost LL 2 of 2015
Frosted meter replacement Cost of meter + 1 hr. labor LL 2 of 2015
Annual backflow admin fee $32/first device;
Based on contract with
Bolton Point
Backflow application review $80.00 Res. 9/15/03
Backflow certification inspection $72.00 Based on contract with
Bolton Point
Backflow Inspection $72.00 Res. 2007-36
WATER SALES: reference
Water sales to customers in Districts 3 and
$7.97/1000 gallons Based on Town of Ithaca’s
2020 water price
Out of District Users (only those with valid
contracts with the Town of Ulysses may
purchase water outside a water district)
1.1x the rate set for regular
customers unless otherwise
specified in a contract
See contracts
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-29: Mandatory Justice Schooling
RESOLVED, that the Justices be authorized to attend training schools during the year and will be reimbursed for approved
expenses provided the funding is available.
Moved: Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-30: Vehicle Benefit:
RESOLVED, that because the Highway Superintendent and Water District Operator are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the use of town vehicles for travel to and from work, provided they are not used for
more than incidental personal use. Mileage should be recorded and submitted to the Town Clerk quarterly and shared with the
Highway Department liaison.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-31: Committees Appointed By The Town Board
The following working groups or committees are appointed by the Town Board for specific purposes and may or may not have
terms of office:
Roxanne Marino - Chair Rmm3@cornell.edu
All members
appointed through
2020 (appointed on
Bara Hotchkiss baraHotchkiss@gmail.com
Robert Oswald reo1@cornell.edu
Don Ellis don@lakepassage.com
Andy Hillman
Terry Carroll
YOUTH COMMISSION Sharon Bilotta – Chair
(town appointment) seb@fltg.net Through 2020
Reanna Levine – Town (town
appointment) reabug@gmail.com Through 2020
John Gregory - Village jgregory@ithaca.edu
Ben Carver – Village Trustee Carver@trumansburg-ny.gov
Nancy Zahler – Town Board
liaison Zahler@ulysses.ny.us Through 2020
Vacant - County
Paul Pennock – School liaison
Nancy Zahler
Carissa Parlato
Bara Hotchkiss (alternate)
Aaron Rovitz
Marvin Pritts
Through 2020- All
terms set to expire
Kira Lallas kiralallas@yahoo.com
REQUIRED BY PERMA) Scott Stewart– Highway
Carissa Parlato – Safety Coord.
Michelle Wright– HR
Michael Boggs – TB
Steve Manciocchi– Union
(Nancy Zahler – TB Alternate)
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020---: Gatekeeper Resolution (Originally Adopted 6/26/2006)- Tabled
WHEREAS the Town Board is the Executive body charged with speaking and acting on behalf of the Town (Town Law Section
64), unless such powers are specifically delegated by resolution to the Supervisor, as per Town Law Section 29(16), or to
another individual,
BE IT RESOLVED that effective immediately it is required policy in the Town of Ulysses that any application (full or partial, new
or revised) for grant funding or financing, or request for evaluation of funding potential, or any request for review or approval
of any project proposed by the Town of Ulysses to any government agency or other entity external Ulysses Town government
be approved by the Town Board before it is submitted to the appropriate agency. It is also hereby the policy of the Town of
Ulysses that a copy of this resolution will be provided to any engineering or other consulting firm engaged by the Town, at the
time a contract is signed.
This resolution hereby supersedes all previous Town Board resolutions which may be interpreted
as giving the Supervisor, any other member of the Town Board, Highway Superintendent, or any professional contracted with
by the Town of Ulysses the authority to make applications (full or partial) for grants, loans, or any other type of project
financing, make contractual commitments (verbal or written) on behalf of the Town, or otherwise act in any legal or official
capacity on behalf of the Town of Ulysses.
All Town Board members including the Supervisor shall identify whether they are speaking by authority of the Board or as an
individual when talking with third parties.
THE TOWN BOARD FURTHER RESOLVES that at the organizational meeting of the Town Board each January, all resolutions
passed from this date forward authorizing the Supervisor, individual Town board members, or any other agents or consultants
of the Town to act on behalf of the Town will be reviewed. The Supervisor shall provide copies of all such resolutions in effect
to seated and incoming Town Board members at least two weeks prior to such meeting.
NOTE: An amended version was passed at the 1/14/20 meeting and is included as an appendix of this document.
*Resolution 2020-32: Town Board Access To Attorney Services
WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses has contracted with Khandikile Mvunga Sokoni, from True, Walsh, and Sokoni for legal services
including attendance at monthly meetings of the Town Board and as well as regular calls with the Town Supervisor to prioritize
and discuss legal work, therefore be it
RESOLVED that any work requested by Town Board members that will require more than 2 hours of attorney time per topic to
resolve needs to be routed through the Town Supervisor or be authorized by the entire Town Board.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-33: Town Board Access To Engineering Services
WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses has contracted with MRB for engineering services, therefore be it
RESOLVED that any work requested by Town Board members that will require more than 2 hours of engineering time per
project per year to resolve needs to be routed through the Town Supervisor or be authorized by the entire Town Board.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs nay
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-1
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-34: Contracts
RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the Supervisor to annually sign contracts with the following entities:
Entity Estimated Contract
Amount for 2020
Contract not to Exceed
Amount for 2020
American Legion (Assistance for Veterans) $475 $475
BAS software annual agreement for water billing $700 $1,000
BAS software annual agreement for clerk program $650 $1,000
Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization
$900 $1500
Cemetery and Jacksonville Park Mowing $2750 & $2411 $7,000
Cleaning- Wednesdays $30/hr; $75/week
Cleaning- Weekends $20/hr; $600/month +
annual floor wax @
about $900
Community Science Institute $6,312 $6,500
Cooperative Extension (Youth Programming) $49,177 $50,000
Engineering - MRB See 2019 rate
Not to exceed rate
Foodnet $2,250 $2,250
Gadabout $2,000 $2,000
General Code (for annual fee only, zoning update will
be bid separately)
$1,195 $2,500
IT Services $45/hr to $90/hr $95/hr
Landscaping $65/hr $65/hr
Lifelong $1000 $1,000
Paychex n/a (varies by pay period
based on number of
n/a (price per employee
set to increase in Spring of
Stormwater Coalition $1500 $2,000
Trumansburg Senior Citizens $850 $850
Tompkins County Recreation Partnership $8,229 $8,500
Tompkins County Animal Control $18,134 $18,300
Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts $3,800 $3,800
Town Hall – Mainstay - Plumbing, electric and heating $42.50 - $60/hr (As needed)
Tompkins County Soil & Water $1500 $1500
Attorney for the Town– Khandikile M. Sokoni, at True,
Walsh, and Sokoni
$200/hr- Attorney
$145/hr- Paralegal
$200/hr- Attorney
$145/hr- Paralegal
Ulysses Historical Society $700 $700
Ulysses Philomathic Library $12,250 $12,500
Ulysses Philomathic Library – Park Passes $250 $300
Williamson Law – Accounting Software $1100 $1,500
Williamson Law Book- Tax Glance software program $124 $200
Village of Trumansburg Police Contract $0 $0
Village of Trumansburg Sidewalk Maintenance $32.09/hr Up to $35/hr
Youth – Summer reading program $4,000 $4,000
Winterfest $1000 $1,000
Moved: Thomas Seconded: Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-35: Distribution Of Organizational Minutes
RESOLVED that once all resolutions of the Organizational Meeting are completed, the Town Board will make a motion to
accept the minutes as a whole. These minutes shall be the final minutes of the meeting and a certified version of the complete
Organizational Meeting minutes will be distributed by the Town Clerk to ALL employees and elected officials within 14 days of
completion and will be posted to the website.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Thomas
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
Job title: Name of appointee: Appointed by:
Bookkeeper Gloria Cassetti Town Supervisor
Deputy Supervisor 1 Nancy Zahler Town Supervisor
Deputy Supervisor 2 Michelle Wright Town Supervisor
Court Clerk Angela Champion Town Justices
Deputy Town Clerk Sarah Koski Town Clerk
Second Deputy Town Clerk Michele Mitrani Town Clerk
Deputy Highway Superintendent Chris Stevenson Highway Superintendent
*Resolution 2020-15: PAY RATES
Position 2020 Budgeted Appropriation Hourly rate, if applicable
Town Board
Supervisor $18,970 -
Budget Officer $20,280 -
Deputy Supervisor $20,280 -
Bookkeeper $40,560 -
Councilperson $4,822 each -
Town Clerk $56,290 -
Deputy Town Clerk $20.60 / hour
2nd Deputy Town Clerk - $16.97 / hour
Town Justice $18,687 each -
Court Clerk $49,000 -
Planning, Zoning, Building
Enforcement Officer for Building Code $31,194 -
Planner $63,000 -
Deputy Enforcement Officer - $22.28 / hour
Superintendent $61,810 -
MEO - See Union Contract
Deputy Highway Superintendent - See Union Contract
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/6/20
*Resolution 2020-36: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for January 14, 2020 with the addition of an executive session
for the advice of counsel.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-37 Policy For Applying And Receiving Grant Funding And Engaging In Contracts
(Originally Adopted 6/26/2006 As The “Gatekeeper” Resolution)
WHEREAS the Town Board is the Executive body charged with speaking and acting on behalf of the Town (Town Law Section
64), unless such powers are specifically delegated by resolution to the Supervisor, as per Town Law Section 29(16), or to
another individual,
BE IT RESOLVED that effective immediately it is required policy in the Town of Ulysses that any application (full or partial, new
or revised) for grant funding or financing, or request for evaluation of funding potential, or any request for review or approval
of any project proposed by the Town of Ulysses to any government agency or other entity external Ulysses Town government
be approved by the Town Board before it is submitted to the appropriate agency, and;
FURTHER RESOLVED that unless otherwise authorized, the Town Supervisor must also be given authority by the Town Board to
accept grant funds on any successful grant applications, and;
FURTHER RESOLVED that unless authorized in the Town of Ulysses Procurement Policy, or otherwise authorized, the Town
Supervisor and Highway Superintendent must also be authorized by the Town Board to make contractual commitments on
behalf of the town, and;
FURTHER RESOLVED, all Town Board members including the Supervisor shall identify whether they are speaking by authority of
the Board or as an individual when talking with granting agencies.
This resolution hereby supersedes all previous Town Board resolutions which may be interpreted as giving the Supervisor, any
other member of the Town Board, Highway Superintendent, or any professional contracted with by the Town of Ulysses the
authority to make applications (full or partial) for grants, loans, or any other type of project financing, make contractual
commitments (verbal or written) on behalf of the Town, or otherwise act in any legal or official capacity on behalf of the Town
of Ulysses.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-38: Setting A Public Bid Opening Date For Hvac Renovation Bid Submissions
WHEREAS, advertisement for bids for the NYSERDA grant-funded HVAC Renovation project have been posted per Town
Procurement Policy and New York State Law; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board sets a public bid opening date of Friday, February 21st at 3pm; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Clerk will advertise the bid opening in adherence to State law.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Wright noted that since there was some ambiguity around the legality of accepting bids electronically, only hard copies will
be requested.
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-39: Authorizing A Request For United Way Funding To Support Summer Recreation And
Youth Services
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has agreed to administer the summer recreation programs previously operated by the Village
of Trumansburg and
WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg has used $3500 in United Way funding to support the program each year and
WHEREAS, the United Way has agreed to recognize the Town of Ulysses as the fiscal sponsor of the summer recreation
program in addition to the $5000 the Town receives for the Youth Services Program operated under contract with Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, the United Way’s application for funding for the July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 grant period is due February 7, 2020,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Deputy Supervisors are authorized to submit the United Way funding request to continue the summer
recreation and Youth Services programs; and further
RESOLVED, that a copy of the online application will be filed with the Town Clerk.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-40: Cancellation Of 2nd Town Board Meeting In Feb
Resolved that the Ulysses Town Board cancels the 2nd Town Board meeting for February on Feb. 25.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-41: Approval Of Minutes Of 12/10/19
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves minutes from the regular meeting on 12/10/19.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-42: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/6/20
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves minutes from the organizational meeting on 1/6/20 with the changes
proposed by Ms. Zahler.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-43: Approval Of Budget Modifications
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the following budget modifications:
SW3-8340.2 WD3 Trans/Dist EQ INCREASE $2552.72
Unplanned use of hydrant (only one kept in stock) due to vehicle accident that destroyed the previous hydrant.
We are seeking reimbursement via insurance for the replacement cost of this hydrant.
SW3-8340.4 WD3 Trans/Dist CE DECREASE $2552.72
See above.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-44: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed HA (grant for water aerator) fund claims #9-10 in the amount of $631.25;
vouchers #608-655 (for 2019) in the amount of $62,038.11; and vouchers #1-21 (for 2020) in the amount of $44,913.19.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 1/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-45: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for January 28, 2020 with the additions listed on the updated
agenda: designation of individuals authorized to open HVAC bids; acknowledgement of town board audits; appointments to
BZA; and discussion of an urban forestry grant.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-46: Authorization To Install A No Parking Sign On Cemetery Road Before The Falls Road
Stop Sign
WHEREAS, per resolution 2019-164, the Town Board authorized the Highway Superintendent to install a stop sign on the
southwest corner of Cemetery Road in conjunction with a similar action by the Village of Trumansburg on the northeast corner
to create a safer, four-way stop intersection and
WHEREAS, to assure adequate visibility of on-coming traffic and safe passage through the intersection, a no parking from here
to corner sign is needed on south side of Cemetery 30’ before the Town Stop Sign and
WHEREAS, the prohibition of parking before the stop sign will remove approximately 2 parking spaces for those visiting Smith
Woods, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Highway Department to purchase and place a no parking sign on Cemetery
Road and further
RESOLVED, that the Highway Department is directed to create an equal number of additional off street parking spaces on
Cemetery Road to replace those lost to the no parking sign.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
The board discussed sign locations and ownership. The Town and Village will collaborate on placement of signs. Mr. Boggs
asked that the Village be notified of our action.
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-47: Designation Of Individuals Authorized To Open HVAC Renovation Bids
Whereas the bid opening date for the NYSERDA grant funded HVAC Renovation project was set at the January 14, 2020 Town
Board meeting to take place on Friday February 21st at 3pm, now therefore be it
Resolved, that the Ulysses Town Board designates the Town Clerk to open the bids at the February 21, 2020 public meeting.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-48: Setting Public Information Meeting On Cemetery Rd. Bridge Design
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has received grant funding to replace the bridge on Cemetery Road, project ID number 375659
and BIN number 3210360, owned by Tompkins County and located in the Village of Trumansburg; and
WHEREAS, the project requires a Public Information Meeting to be held to inform the community about the preliminary design
of the bridge and the project timetable and to invite questions and comments from the public on the design and project, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board sets the Public Information for the Cemetery Bridge Project on Monday, March 2 at
6:30pm at the Town Hall and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall advertise the Public Information Meeting at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-49: Designating A Town Representative And Alternate For Association Of Towns
Annual Meeting
Whereas, the Town of Ulysses will be sending Councilman Michael Boggs and Deputy Supervisor Michelle E. Wright to the
Annual Conference of the Association of Towns to be held February 16th to 19th and
Whereas, the Town of Ulysses is entitled to just one vote on matters related to the Association’s governance, now therefore be
Resolved, that Michael Boggs is hereby designated by the Ulysses Town Board as the Town’s voting representative and further
RESOLVED, that Michelle Wright is hereby designated by the Ulysses Town Board as the Town’s alternate authorized to vote on
behalf of the Town if the voting representative is not available.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-50: Acknowledgement Of Town Board Audit Of Justice Courts
WHEREAS, NYS requires an annual audit of the finances of the Ulysses Town Justice Courts, either as an internal audit by Town
Board members or by an auditing firm, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Board acknowledges an internal audit of the Ulysses Justice Courts was completed by
Town Board members on January 24, 2020, and further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will submit a certified copy of this resolution along with the results of the audit to the NYS
Office of Court Administration.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-51: Acknowledgement Of Town Board Audits Of Town Clerk, Tax Collector And
Supervisor’s Office
WHEREAS, NYS requires an annual audit of the Clerk and Tax Collector as well as an annual audit of the Supervisor’s office,
either as an internal audit by Town Board members or by an auditing firm, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Board acknowledges that internal audits of the Ulysses Clerk, Tax Collector and
Supervisor’s office were completed by Town Board members on January 24, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-52: Appointment Of Chair Of Board Of Zoning Appeals
WHEREAS, Robert Howarth, the current Chair of the Board of Zoning Appeals has new responsibilities as a member of the New
York State Assembly’s Climate Action Council and can no longer fulfill the duties of chair of the Board of Zoning Appeals and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses Board of Zoning Appeals needs a chair for 2020 and
WHEREAS, Stephen Morreale has been a long-time member of the BZA and is willing to serve as chair for 2020, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board appoint Stephen Morreale to the one-year position of BZA chair effective January 28,
2020 and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board appoint Robert Howarth fill the resulting BZA vacancy effective January 28, 2020 and
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board thanks Dr. Howarth for his dedicated service in the role of Chair of BZA and
congratulates him on his appointment to the Climate Action Council.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-53: Appointing Ms. Marino As Alternate To IO
Ms. Zahler moved to appoint Roxanne Marino to replace Mr. Boggs as alternate for the town of Ulysses to the IO.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-54: Authorizing The Deputy Supervisor To Enter Into An Agreement With General Code
Resolved that the Deputy Supervisor is authorized to enter into an agreement with General Code to update the code with the
new zoning law, for an amount up to $9000.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-55: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/14/2020
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Regular Town Board meeting on 1/14/2020 as
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-56: Approval Of 2019 Budget Modifications
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the following budget modifications:
The creation and implementation of use of the HA (Capital Fund for the WD3 Aerator Project) was simultaneous with the
transition of the Bookkeeper position. These budget modifications reflect the amount spent out of the HA fund through the
vouchering system during the 2019 budget year. This is a technical step to allow the Bookkeeper to create budget entries in the
Williamson accounting program for this fund. Starting in the 2020 budget year, as seen in the 2020 budget for this fund, a fully
adopted budget with cohesive budget lines will be implemented.
HA1420.4 Attorney CE CREATE $20.00
The creation of this line is temporary as it is a vestige of an erroneous set up and subsequent use in Williamson.
Expenses related to Attorney fees will be spent out of the HA1620.22 Legal & Bonding CE.
HA1620.21 Engineer CE CREATE $14,608
Creation of budget line for the 2019 budget year.
HA1620.22 Legal & Bonding CE CREATE $1,446
Creation of budget line for the 2019 budget year.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-57: Approval Of 2020 Budget Modifications
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the following budget modifications:
SW3-8340.4 WD3 Trans/Dist CE INCREASE $2552.72
This is in order to maintain the 2020 budgeted amount in this expense line. This line was decreased in order to
pay for the hydrant that was destroyed in a vehicle accident. The funds are coming directly from the insurance
of the individual involved in the accident.
SW3-8340.1 Water District Operator INCREASE $138.00
This is in order to maintain the 2020 budgeted amount in this expense line. Labor associated with the hydrant.
SW3-2680 Insurance Recoveries CREATE $2690.72
This revenue line was created to receive the insurance refund.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 1/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-58: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for February 11, 2020 with the addition of an executive
session for the advice of counsel and the appointment of a particular person, and moving up zoning amendment.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-59: Zoning Amendment #1 Review Footprint Limits In Lakeshore And Conservation
WHEREAS, the new Zoning Law adopted on December 10, 2019 in Resolution 2019-211 included provisions that several
members of the Town Board wanted to re-visit in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held November 12, 2019
WHEREAS, there may be alternative strategies for the Town to use to protect steep slopes and Unique Natural Areas in the
Lakeshore and Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000sq. ft footprint and
WHEREAS, the new Zoning Law adopted on December 10, 2019 in Resolution 2019-211 included provisions that several
members of the Town Board wanted to re-visit in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held November 12, 2019
WHEREAS, there may be alternative strategies for the Town to use to protect steep slopes and Unique Natural Areas in the
Lakeshore and Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000sq. ft footprint and
WHEREAS, the Town’s Environmental Planner has suggested possible options to consider:
Repeal the maximum building footprint limitation. Have the maximum lot coverage in both zones revert to the previous 5% up
to a maximum sf limit of _____. On a one-acre lot this equates to a maximum lot coverage of 2,178 sf and on a five-acre plot
5% equates to 10,890 sf.
Areas of both the lakeshore and conservation zoning districts which have been identified as areas containing steep slopes or
unique natural areas (UNAs) currently require site plan approval from the Planning Board in order to build upon
them. Furthermore, property owners are required to leave a 50’-100’ buffer along streams (dependent upon classification of
stream) in both the LS and CZ zones.
Consider performance measures for construction in LS or CZ zones which balance the rights of property owners with
environmental protections, such as the following:
Develop residential site plan standards focused on environmental protections such as:
Driveways parallel to slopes where possible
Maintain natural topography and minimize excavation
Maintain natural patterns of water flow
Require an erosion and sediment control plan for all disturbances exceeding _____sf which must conform with standards
present in Town stormwater local laws
Stormwater retention to pre-construction rates (tied to amount of impervious area)
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to find a solution that balances property rights with our environmental stewardship,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board charge the Ulysses Planning Board with:
reviewing the current number of undeveloped parcels and acreage in the two zones and
recommending a proposal to amend the Zoning Law Sections Section 212-47. N and Section 212-54 in ways that address the
options identified by the Town Board and/or
recommending other strategies to achieve the Town Board’s policy goal,
by March 20, 2020 so that a draft amendment can be considered on March 24, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
The board discussed. Ms. Sokoni and Mr. Zepko weighed in.
Mr. Goldman moved to delete option #1, (“No action”) from the resolution. This was seconded by Ms. Olson and passed
Mr. Goldman moved to add a maximum square foot limit in option #2. This was seconded by Ms. Olson and passed
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-60: Appointment Of Part-Time Recreation Director
WHEREAS, on September 10, 2019 the Town of Ulysses approved Resolution 2019-161 authorizing the Town to approve an
updated Memorandum of Understanding with the Village of Trumansburg that transferred the administration of all youth
programs, including the summer recreation and sports camp programs from the Village to the Town effective January 1, 2020
WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Understanding also included a commitment for the Town to hire a part-time Recreation
Director and
WHEREAS, the position was created and advertised through the Tompkins County Human Resources Department and a Town
appointed Search Committee interviewed four qualified applicants on January 20, 2020 and
WHEREAS, the members of the Ulysses Town Board interviewed the finalists for the position on February 4, 2020 now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses appoint William Glennon as Recreation Director at the hourly rate of $20.00/hour for an
average of 20 hours/ week effective 2/17 with pro-rated benefits to which a Class B employee is entitled according to the
Town’s Personnel Policy and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board establishes the probationary period at 52 weeks from the date of appointment, in
conformance with the Town’s Personnel Policy and further
RESOLVED, that the Bookkeeper shall notify Tompkins County Human Resources of the appointment.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-61: Authorization To Change Phone And Internet Providers
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk is responsible for monitoring costs related to telephone and internet services and
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has compared prices among the local service providers and recommends changing providers to save
the Town approximately $3500/year, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to purchase services from Ontario Trumansburg Telephone
Company effective March 2020.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-62: Authorization To Apply For A 2020 New York State Urban Forestry Council Quick
Start Grant
WHEREAS, the 2009 Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan identifies the importance of landscaping and vegetation contributing
to our rural character, and
WHEREAS, the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Council is charged with conducting research and recommending
policies, procedures, and practices to enable the Town to manage and protect its natural resources, and
promote environmental sustainability, and
WHEREAS, the Quick Start Grant offered by the New York State Urban Forestry Council is intended to support communities in
planting trees and developing community-based forestry program, and the Quick Start Grant offered by the New York State
Urban Forestry Council is intended to support communities in planting trees and developing community-based forestry
program, and
WHEREAS, the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Council is investigating the feasibility of the Town developing a
community-based forestry program and is willing to oversee implementation of this grant-funded program, and
WHEREAS, the grant has a maximum award of $1,000 and does not require any matching funds, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for an
Urban Forestry Council Quick Start Grant in an amount not to exceed $ 1,000 and further
RESOLVED, upon approval of said request, the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor is authorized and directed to enter into and
execute a project agreement with the New York State Urban Forestry Council for such financial assistance to the Town of
Ulysses for the Quick Start Tree Grant and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall provide a certified copy of this resolution to accompany the grant application.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-63: Authorization To Participate In Tompkins County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
WHEREAS, as the County intends to update the 2013 county-wide hazard mitigation plan, and
WHEREAS, the Town recognizes Mitigation planning as a necessary aspect of emergency preparedness, and
WHEREAS, the Town's participation in the County's hazard mitigation plan update is prudent, and, that subsequent adoption of
the FEMA approved plan is required in order to be eligible to apply for and receive Federal mitigation grant funding, and
WHEREAS, the County requires a signed letter of intent by February 27, 2020, and
WHEREAS, the Town would like a representative of Ulysses to participate in the plan update, which includes a Town staff
person to make time to participate on a steering committee that will review, guide and direct the update process which
includes but is not limited to attending meetings and providing Ulysses specific data and information, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board appoints the Town's Environmental Planner and National Flood Insurance Program
Floodplain Administrator John Zepko, as the Primary Point of Contact, and further
RESOLVED that Ulysses Town Board appoints Michelle E. Wright as the Alternate/Secondary Point of Contact, and further
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes Deputy Supervisor Nancy Zahler to sign the attached letter of intent, and
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Clerk produce a certified resolution to be included with the signed letter of intent.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-64: Establishing A Threshold For Inventory Of Town Property - TABLED
WHEREAS the Town established a Capital Asset threshold per resolution 2018-70, and,
WHEREAS the Ulysses Town Board has prioritized the need for maintaining adequate documentation of Town property by
development and utilization of an asset database and has authorized time required to maintain up-to-date Capital Asset data
and grouped asset inventory, and
WHEREAS property of the Town that does not meet the Capital Asset threshold of a $5,000 individual value and a useful life of
a minimum of two years, should still be inventoried as a grouped asset, and,
WHEREAS the NYS OSC "Capital Asset" publication dated May 2016 suggests that the Town Board establish a dollar threshold
(or minimum cost) below which equipment will not be inventoried because of cost-benefit considerations, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board establishes a threshold of $100 or more for Town property to be tracked using an
inventory system and subsequently considered a grouped capital asset.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
*Resolution 2020-65: Appointing A Town Wide Property Manager For Inventory And Asset Protection
WHEREAS the NYS Office of the State Comptroller suggests that "...The governing board should designate a staff person as the
property control manager..." per their "Capital Assets" publication dated May 2016, and,
WHEREAS it is not expected that the Property Manager solely conducts inventory but rather collaboratively coordinates with
each department regarding Town property, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board appoints Michelle E. Wright as the Town's Property Manager and further
RESOLVED that the Property Manager will develop a comprehensive policy that addresses how municipal assets are adequately
protected to include expectations by department regarding inventory of assets per the OSC publication titled "The Practice of
Internal Controls" dated October 2010.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-66: Advocating For NYS Clean Water Infrastructure Act Funding
WHEREAS, up-to-date drinking water and wastewater infrastructure is vital to preserve clean water resources and foster
thriving communities, and
WHEREAS, many communities have aging and inadequate water mains, sewer lines, and treatment plans that endanger public
health and the economy, and
WHEREAS, investing in infrastructure projects creates good-paying jobs and a solid foundation for businesses, and
WHEREAS, new threats from emerging contaminants and lead service lines have added to the urgency to invest in our water
infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, local governments struggle to make necessary water infrastructure upgrades in the face of high up-front costs, and
WHEREAS, key members in the New York State Senate and Assembly, along with the Governor recognized that local
governments need financial support and passed the Clean Water Infrastructure Act of 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Clean Water Infrastructure Act has been successful at awarding over $500 million in grants to protect clean
water across the state, and
WHEREAS, only a fraction of shovel-ready projects have received grants due to a lack of sufficient state funding to meet New
York’s more than $80 billion water infrastructure needs, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Deputy Supervisor to send a letter with a certified copy of this
resolution to the Governor, State Senator O’Mara and Assemblywoman Lifton encouraging them to continue funding water
infrastructure projects and requesting that they include at least $1 billion in new funding for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act
in the SFY 2020-2021 New York State Budget.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-67: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/28/20
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves minutes from the regular meeting on 1/28/2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-68: Approval Of Budget Modifications
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the following budget modifications:
SW3-8340.2 WD3 Trans/Dist EQ INCREASE $2552.72
Unplanned use of hydrant (only one kept in stock) due to vehicle accident that destroyed the previous hydrant.
We are seeking reimbursement via insurance for the replacement cost of this hydrant.
SW3-8340.4 WD3 Trans/Dist CE DECREASE $2552.72
See above.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-69: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed claims #22-89 in the amount of $794, 546.07, and claim # 11 in the HA
fund for $1046.25.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas absent
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 2/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-70: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for March 10, 2020 with the addition of an executive session
for the advice of counsel and the appointment of a particular person; and moving up the zoning amendment.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 3-0
Date Adopted: 3/10/2020
*Resolution 2020-71: Appointment To Fill Vacancy In Office Of Town Supervisor - TABLED
WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Town Supervisor in the Town of Ulysses, New York, because of the resignation of
Town Supervisor, Elizabeth Thomas which written resignation was dated January 28th, 2020 and submitted to the Town Clerk in
on January 29th, 2020 with an effective resignation date of February 21,2020 and
WHEREAS, Supervisor Thomas also fulfilled and was compensated for the extra duties of Budget Officer including responsibility
for preparation of the budget and oversight of Town fiscal policies and spending,
NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of the power vested in us pursuant to Town Law section 64(5), Nancy Zahler, a duly qualified
resident of the Town, is hereby appointed to the office Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses to fill the vacancy existing in
such office of Supervisor, which includes some of the extra duties of Budget Officer. Such appointment is effective immediately
and said Nancy Zahler shall hold such office until December 31, 2020, or such later time that the results of the General Election
to fill the unexpired term in the office of Ulysses Town Supervisor are certified by the Election Commissioners of Tompkins
County, and
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Discussion: Mr. Boggs questioned the budget officer funding line and whether it should be part of the supervisor’s line. He
expressed further concern of funding the position. Board members discused.
Mr. Goldman made a motion to table the resolution. This was seconded by Ms. Olson and passed unanimously.
*Resolution 2020-72: Authorizing The Highway Superintendent To Purchase 2020 Ford F-350
WHEREAS, a total of $215,000 was budgeted into the appropriation line DA5130.2 Machinery EQ in the 2020 budget,
WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has received a quote, dated 2/21/2020 with quote number 30549, for the
replacement vehicle for the Highway Superintendent truck T-1 (2014 VIN# 1FTNF1EF8EKG34854), which is a planned purchase
per the Highway Capital Equipment Plan,
WHEREAS, the purchase of this vehicle will increase the usability of the truck it is replacing by increasing the seating capacity
and allowing for a plow to be attached, and
WHEREAS, the source for these purchases and quotes is a vendor who has been awarded a Contract with Onondaga County
(contract # 7974), per the Town’s Procurement Policy and General Municipal Law §103(3), purchases made using County or
State contracts are exceptions to competitive bidding requirements,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor and Highway Superintendent to proceed with the
purchase of the replacement vehicles from the Onondaga County contract not to exceed $50,000, under materially the same
terms and conditions as this vendor contracted with Onondaga County.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 3-0
Date Adopted: 3/10 /2020
*Resolution 2020-73: Authorizing The Highway Superintendent To Purchase 2020 Ford F-550
WHEREAS, a total of $215,000 was budgeted into the appropriation line DA5130.2 Machinery EQ in the 2020 budget,
WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has received a quote, dated 2/18/2020 with quote number 30548, for the
replacement vehicle for the 1-ton winter plowing T-5 truck (2015 VIN# 1FDRF3H65FEC16014), which is a planned purchase per
the Highway Capital Equipment Plan, and
WHEREAS, the purchase of this vehicle will increase the usability of the truck it is replacing to multi-use and all-season use, and
WHEREAS, the source for these purchases and quotes is a vendor who has been awarded a Contract with Onondaga County,
per the Town’s Procurement Policy and General Municipal Law §103(3), purchases made using County or State contracts are
exceptions to competitive bidding requirements,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor and Highway Superintendent to proceed with the
purchase of the replacement vehicles from Onondaga County contract not to exceed $65,,000, under materially the same
terms and conditions as this vendor contracted with Onondaga County.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 3-0
Date Adopted: 3/10 /2020
*Resolution 2020-74 Acceptance Of Bid To Renovate HVAC System And Install Heat Pump At Ulysses
Town Hall
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses received a $100,000 NYSERDA grant to design and install an energy efficient heat pump system,
new duct work and electrical upgrades to heat and cool the Town Hall and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses conducted a competitive bidding process for construction and received one quote, and
WHEREAS, the design engineers at Taitem have recommended accepting this bid based on a review of the company, along with
checking project references for the bidder,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board accepts the bid received on February 21st, 2020 for the Ulysses Town Hall HVAC
Replacement project for $103,418.20 submitted by Interstate Heating and Cooling and BE IT
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to sign the contract with Interstate Heating and Cooling in
the form to be approved by the Town Attorney.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Discussion: Mr. Boggs gave an overview of the process and project.
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 3-0
Date Adopted: 3/10/2020
*Resolution 2020-71: Appointment To Fill Vacancy In Office Of Town Supervisor
WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Town Supervisor in the Town of Ulysses, New York, because of the resignation of
Town Supervisor, Elizabeth Thomas which written resignation was dated January 28th, 2020 and submitted to the Town Clerk in
on January 29th, 2020 with an effective resignation date of February 21,2020 and
WHEREAS, Supervisor Thomas also fulfilled and was compensated for the extra duties of Budget Officer including responsibility
for preparation of the budget and oversight of Town fiscal policies and spending,
NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of the power vested in us pursuant to Town Law section 64(5), Nancy Zahler, a duly qualified
resident of the Town, is hereby appointed to the office Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses to fill the vacancy existing in
such office of Supervisor, which includes some of the extra duties of Budget Officer. Such appointment is effective immediately
and said Nancy Zahler shall hold such office until December 31, 2020, or such later time that the results of the General Election
to fill the unexpired term in the office of Ulysses Town Supervisor are certified by the Election Commissioners of Tompkins
County, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that as Town Supervisor, Nancy Zahler shall be compensated $25,000 as follows based on the salary lines
approved by the Town Board, on January 6, 2020 at its duly convened organizational meeting in Resolution Number 2020 #15:
$16,051.12, the balance of the Supervisor line and $8580 from the Budget Officer line for the additional duties and BE IT
FURTHER RESOLVED, that by working an average of 30 hours/week, Supervisor Zahler will be entitled to benefits of a Class B
employee as outlined in the Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 3-0
Date Adopted: 3/10/2020
*Resolution 2020-75: Correction Of Resolution To Appoint Part-Time Recreation Director
WHEREAS, on February 11, 2020, the Ulysses Town Board appointed William Glennon as Recreation Director at an hourly rate
$20.00/hour for an average of 20 hours/ week effective February 17, 2020 with pro-rated benefits to which a Class B employee
is entitled according to the Town’s Personnel Policy and
WHEREAS, the hourly rate was inadvertently miscalculated and the Town wishes to correct the record to align with the annual
total salary included in the 2020 Approved Town of Ulysses budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the hourly rate of pay for the Recreation Director is corrected to $23.12/hour for an average of 20 hours/
week effective February 17, 2020 for an estimated annual salary of $23,000, with pro-rated benefits to which a Class B
employee is entitled according to the Town’s Personnel Policy and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board establishes the probationary period at 52 weeks from the date of appointment, in
conformance with the Town’s Personnel Policy and further
RESOLVED, that the Bookkeeper shall notify Tompkins County Human Resources of the appointment.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/10/2020
*Resolution 2020-76: Approval Of Minutes Of 1/24/20, 2/10/20, And 2/11/20
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves minutes from 1/24, 2/10, and 2/11.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/10/2020
*Resolution 2020-77: Approval Of 2019 Budget Modifications
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the following budget modifications for 2019:
A1220.11 Bookkeeper PS DECREASE $2,809.26
Bookkeeper transition created a balance in this PS line.
A 1220.14 Supervisor Project Assistant PS INCREASE $49.25
To cover Michelle’s salary.
A1220.11 Bookkeeper PS DECREASE $49.25
Bookkeeper transition created a balance in this PS line.
A1410.11 Town Clerk Deputy PS INCREASE $4,856.50
Hourly rate increased during 2019 year without a corresponding budget modification at the time of the
A1420.4 Attorney CE DECREASE $4,856.50
At the end of 2019 the unencumbered balance in this line was $13,035.80, new balance post budget
modification = $8,179.30
A1460.4 Records Management CE INCREASE $425.28
Unbudgeted expense pertaining to General Code costs for updating new laws into eCode.
A1420.4 Attorney CE DECREASE $425.28
At the end of 2019 the unencumbered balance in this line was $8,179.30, new balance post budget
modification = $7,754.02
SW3-8320.4 Water Purchases CE INCREASE $12,559.95
Water bill from Town of Ithaca. To balance out this line in order to close out the 2019 financial year,
which is an expense the Clerk’s bill out and get reimbursed, except for the cost of water loss, we will use
funds from the following lines that have the available balance. Approximately $3278 of this overage is
due to a November water main break. Year after year trend analysis (for water loss and the difference
between what was paid to Town of Ithaca and billed out to WD3 users) is part of the Clerks’ Office 2020
work plan.
SW3-8310.4 Water Admin PS DECREASE $1094.00
Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year.
SW3-8330.4 Water Purification CE DECREASE $2330.37
Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year.
SW3-8340.1 Water Trans. & Dist. PS DECREASE $1909.14
Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year.
SW3-8340.2 Water Trans. & Dist. EQ DECREASE $4000.00
Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year.
SW3-8340.4 Water Trans. & Dist. CE DECREASE $3226.44
Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/10/2020
*Resolution 2020-78: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves of payment of claims for HA (WD3 Aerator
Capital Fund) fund vouchers #12-13 in the amount of $7033.80; and HB (Cemetery Bridge Capital Fund) fund
vouchers #2 in the amount of $26,151.11; and for all other funds vouchers #90-144 in the amount of
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/10/2020
*Resolution 2020-79: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for March 10, 2020 with the addition of an
executive session for the advice of counsel and the appointment of a particular person; and moving up the
zoning amendment resolution.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/24/2020
*Resolution 2020-80: Appointment To Fill Vacancy In Ulysses Town Board
WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Ulysses Town Board in the Town of Ulysses, New York, because of the
resignation of Town Board member Nancy Zahler which written resignation was dated March 10, 2000
effective 6:00PM March 10, 2020 and submitted to the Town Clerk on March 10, 2020.
NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of the power vested in us pursuant to Town Law section 64(5), Marc
Devokaitis, a duly qualified resident of the Town, is hereby appointed to the Ulysses Town Board of the Town
of Ulysses to fill the vacancy existing on the Town Board. Such appointment is effective immediately, upon
administration of the oath of office by the Town Clerk, and said Marc Devokaitis shall hold such office until
December 31, 2020, or such later time that the results of the General Election to fill the unexpired term in the
office of Ulysses Town Board Member are certified by the Election Commissioners of Tompkins County, and BE
FURTHER RESOLVED, that as a Town Board member, Marc Devokaitis shall be compensated the balance of the
sum designated by the Town Board, on January 6, 2020 at its duly convened organizational meeting in
Resolution Number 2020-15, as salary for the Town Board Member.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Olson said that she was impressed by the caliber of the applicants. She felt that diversity of age,
geography, and professional skills to represent as many different constituents as possible was her criteria. She
felt that Mr. Devokaitis’ environmental and communications skill set and experience that would complement
the board.
Mr. Boggs apologized for any perceived lack of transparency on Mr. Howarth’s part and echoed Ms. Olson’s
sentiments of the applicants.
Mr. Goldman shared that he felt Mr. Devokaitis to be open, thoughtful and well-prepared. s.
Ms. Zahler expressed her interest in nurturing the next generation of leaders and appreciated Mr. Devokaitis’
enthusiasm for our community.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/24/2020
*Resolution 2020-81: Ratification Of Town Of Ulysses Temporary Operations Under Corona
Virus State Of Emergency
WHEREAS, the Governor of New York State has declared a State of Emergency to respond to the Corona Virus
pandemic which includes directives designed to reduce the spread of the disease throughout the State
including: reducing the density of employees gathering in work places and social distancing and a partial
suspension of the NYS Open Meetings law making in-person meetings ill-advised, and
WHEREAS, the immediate implementation of the directives began on Friday, March 13, 2020 allowing little
time for consultation with the Town Board as a whole, the Town Supervisor, the Deputy Supervisors and the
Town Clerk’s office, in consultation with staff, implemented the following operating procedures for the Town
of Ulysses to protect the health and safety of our employees and residents:
• The Town Hall was closed to walk-ins on Monday, March 16th and residents seeking town services were
directed by posted signs and instructions on the website to call or email staff to conduct business with minimal
in-person contact
• Town Hall staff were directed to work from home, using remote access to the Town’s computers to check
emails, and telephones to check messages to respond to residents’ requests
• Advisory Board meetings for the week of March 16th were cancelled, pending alternate plans for meeting
remotely consistent with New York State and CDC guidance
• The NYS Office of Court Administration ordered the closing of Justice Courts
• The Highway Department was initially open with 2-person staggered crews but effective March 19, 2020,
was closed for Highway work except in the case of a weather or road emergency or a water main break. The
Highway Superintendent retains the authority to assign tasks that protect the health and safety of employees.
• The Water Department will conduct daily water quality checks by weekly rotation of staff and with the
Highway Superintendent performing testing on the weekends
• The Town Board will continue to meet and engage the public through video and teleconferencing
technology to enable them to comply with the Open Meeting Laws, as revised through Executive Order of the
• The duties of the 2nd Deputy, Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk, along with the Supervisor will be expanded to
include emergency planning for continuity of essential Town services as well as coordination with the
Tompkins County Health and Safety Officials, the Village of Trumansburg, and local agencies to protect the
health and safety of town residents
• To prevent further economic disruption, employees working from home and those suspended from active
duty will be fully paid and
Code enforcement as an essential service will continue to be provided as necessary and possible.
WHEREAS, the emergency measures seem both prudent and humane, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board ratify the above listed current operating procedures and further
RESOLVED, that Michelle E. Wright be designated at the Town’s Emergency Preparedness Manager and further
RESOLVED, that the Town’s Emergency Response Team comprised of the Supervisor, Deputy Supervisors,
Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk and Highway Superintendent are hereby authorized to take temporary action in
response to new State and/or or Federal directives to be reviewed and ratified by the Ulysses Town Board as
soon as possible and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the payroll payment to part time Deputy Code Officer,
whose Town activities have temporarily ceased due to the state of emergency, to be paid per pay period using
the 2019 payroll data for that position, and further
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the payroll payment to part time Planning Board Clerk and
BZA Clerk, whose Town activities have temporarily ceased due to the state of emergency, to be paid two hours
per pay period, which is the budgeted amount, and further
RESOLVED, that nothing contained herein is to be considered a local Declaration of a State of Emergency for
the Town of Ulysses, consistent with Governor Cuomo’s Declaration of a State of Emergency for New York
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
The group discussed the resolution.
Mr. Boggs moved to remove the language relating to dog licensing. This was seconded by Mr. Goldman and
passed by Goldman, Boggs, and Zahler. Ms. Olson was not in favor.
Mr. Zepko expressed concern for reviewing Planning Board and BZA applications via videoconference, and
whether the meetings would be legal. He also questioned whether reviewing applications would meet the
state’s current criteria of an “essential service”.
Ms. Olson believes it is an essential service.
The board agreed to remove the “Resolved” paragraph pertaining to Planning Board and BZA meetings.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/24/2020
*Resolution 2020-82: Urging County And State Officials To Waive Penalties For Late
Payment Or Property Taxes
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board urge Tompkins County and New York State to reduce economic
hardship on our residents by waiving penalties for the late payment of property taxes.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/24/2020
*Resolution 2020-83: Authorizing The Recreation Department To Hire Multiple Camp
WHEREAS, The Town of Ulysses is responsible for organizing and staffing the Summer Recreation Program with
Tompkins-County approved camp staff and
WHEREAS, Towns and Villages wishing to hire more than one camp counselor must adopt a local resolution to
advise the Tompkins County Human Resources of our plans, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Recreation Director to hire up to 20 camp counselors,
contingent on budget, registrations and staff:camper ratios and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Clerk is hereby directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the
Tompkins County Human Resources Department ATTN: Laura Granger.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/24/2020
*Resolution 2020-84: Authorization To Apply For Tompkins County Parks & Trail Grant
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has offered municipalities the opportunity to request 100% reimbursable grants
to create or improve local parks and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses applied for and received a $5,000 grant in 2019 to enable the Jacksonville
Community Association, with whom the Town has a Memorandum of Understanding that allows shared
services, to use the grant to begin a Restroom Project for the Jacksonville Community Park and
WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Community Association is seeking County funds to complete the restroom by
installing a flush toilet with a water spigot at the Park, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizing the Supervisor to submit the application requesting $5,000
in 100% reimbursable fund to complete the Jacksonville Restroom project and further
RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor is authorized to enter into a contract with Tompkins County if the project
is approved by Tompkins County.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/24/2020
*Resolution 2020-85: Honoring Elizabeth Graeper Thomas For Her Service To The Town Of
WHEREAS, Elizabeth Graeper Thomas resigned from the office of Town Supervisor February 21, 2020 after
sixteen years of service to the Town of Ulysses and
WHEREAS, during her sixteen years with the Town of Ulysses she served on the Comprehensive Planning
Committee, the Town Board, and as Supervisor and
WHEREAS, in her volunteer, appointed, and elected roles Liz used her vision, deep knowledge of agriculture
and passion for the environment, leadership skills, perseverance, and attention to detail to contribute to or
lead countless projects that will guide and shape the Town for years to come including:
• Adoption of a comprehensive plan that protects agriculture and open space and our treasured
environmental resources while promoting growth in Trumansburg and Jacksonville and services for the whole
• Adoption of a fracking ban in the Town and a statewide mobilization of municipal and lay leaders that
led to a Statewide moratorium on natural gas fracking;
• Adoption of the Town’s first Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan;
• Adoption of laws to protect the fragile ecology in the Lakeshore and Conservation zones;
• Recognition as the first small municipality in NYS designated as a Climate Smart and Clean Energy
Community for efforts in energy efficiency including installation of solar panels, buying a hybrid vehicle for the
Town, and the subsequent installation of Electric Vehicle charging stations at Town Hall.
• Securing a $100,000 grant to convert the heating and cooling systems in the Town Hall to fossil-free,
solar-powered electric heat pumps;
• Securing an $800,000 joint grant with the Village of Trumansburg for sidewalks in the Village and along
Rt. 96 from Smith Woods to the ShurSave and in front of Town Hall;
• Guiding the re-design of the entry to Town Hall;
• Securing a State grant to improve water quality for those in Jacksonville;
• Securing a State grant to purchase the Habitat Nature Preserve, a 32-acre parcel of land on Salo Drive
to protect Taughannock Creek while creating a trail and natural area for the public to enjoy;
• Preservation of a Town-owned unique natural area along the Black Diamond Trail;
• Advocating for the Black Diamond Trail and creation of a web-based map of trails in Tompkins County
to promote hiking and tourism;
• Adoption of an updated zoning law after a five-year long process; and
WHEREAS, Liz acted on her commitment to inter-municipal cooperation by working with other municipal
leaders throughout Tompkins County to reduce fossil-fuel use, expand internet service, and protect our
watershed and
WHEREAS, Liz continues to be both a personal HABs Harrier monitoring Cayuga Lake for Harmful Algal Blooms
and a leader in organizing others to protect our watershed and
WHEREAS, as Supervisor Liz led the Town Hall team of employees who appreciated her warmth, good humor
and inclusiveness now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board extends our appreciation to Elizabeth Graeper Thomas for her many
long-lasting contributions to the Town of Ulysses along with our sincere best wishes for a rewarding
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 3/24/2020
*Resolution 2020-86 Approval Of Agenda:
Resolved that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for 4/13/20.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date adopted: 4/13/20
*Resolution 2020-87 Authorization To Approve Vouchers Electronically:
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board procedures for approving vouchers for payment require two members of
the Town Board to review all vouchers and to sign each one prior to Town Board action to approve all
spending, and
WHEREAS, the COVID 19 emergency orders from New York State have required social distancing making in-
person transmittal and review of vouchers more difficult and
WHEREAS, all members of the Town Board have expressed interest in reviewing the vouchers and the abstract
prior to Town Board action at the first meeting of each month, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board waives its current procedures and implements the following
procedure until NYS restrictions on social distancing and work site density are lifted.
1. The Clerk’s office will collect, scan, and compile all vouchers and produce an electronic file of all
vouchers to be reviewed and approved.
2. The Bookkeeper will thoroughly review the Abstracts and generate an electronic copy of the Abstracts.
3. A single electronic document containing all vouchers will be sent to all Town Board members the day
before the first Town Board meeting along with a cover sheet to be signed by the two board members
responsible for reviewing the vouchers.
4. The Town Board members will review the vouchers, any Town Board member may request additional
information about any voucher prior to the Town Board meeting.
5. The Town Board members responsible for reviewing the vouchers will sign the cover sheet to
document their review and approval and return an electronically signed copy to the Clerk and Bookkeeper for
6. The voucher numbers and total amount of approved expenditures will be voted on at the first regular
Town Board meeting of the month.
7. The bookkeeper will then prepare checks to pay vendors and secure signatures as needed.
8. Paper copies of the vouchers will continue to be maintained in Clerk’s office with a back up copy to be
retained by the Bookkeeper.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this policy will be included in the list of policies to be reviewed prior to or during the
annual Organizational Meeting.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date adopted: 4/13/20
*Resolution 2020-88 Authorization To Permit Electronic Signatures For Bank Transfers:
WHEREAS, the current practice of having the Town Supervisor physically sign transfers from savings accounts
into checking accounts for the purpose of making payroll and vendor payments is disrupted due to the COVID
19 emergency orders to protect the safety of town employees by minimizing in-person contacts, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the bookkeeper is authorized to prepare electronic versions of the transfers needed showing
accounts and amounts to be transferred and to electronically send the request for approval of the bank
transfers to the Supervisor for approval and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Supervisor is hereby authorized by the Ulysses Town Board to electronically
sign bank transfers until NYS restrictions on social distancing and work site density are lifted and further
RESOLVED, that this policy shall be included in the list of Town policies to be reviewed prior to or at the annual
Organizational Meeting.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Second: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date adopted: 4/13/20
*Resolution 2020-89: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for April 14, 2020 with the addition of a new
resolution for town procedures in COVID-19, minutes…
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-90: Adapting Town Procedures To Operate Within COVID 19 Emergency
WHEREAS, the COVID 19 emergency orders from the Governor of New York State have required social
distancing as a result of which the majority of Town of Ulysses staff and elected officials are working remotely,
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of public health, safety and welfare that in light of social distancing and remote
working, there be flexibility in the manner of adherence to certain operational policies of the Town without
the need to secure a Town Board resolution in advance,
BE IT NOW RESOLVED, that Town staff and elected officials are authorized to depart from internal local Town
policies provided that the following conditions are met:
Every reasonable effort is made to comply as closely as possible with Town Policies.
If it is a staff member who needs to depart from a Town policy, that said departure from town policy be
immediately communicated to the Department Head; and if the departure from Town policy is by a
Department Head that said departure be immediately communicated to the Town Supervisor and Town Clerk;
if departure from Town policy is by a Town Board member that said Town Board member immediately notify
the full Board by email.
That no departure with Town Policy is permissible if it violates the law. For instance, authorizing a public
works project in violation of the bidding laws prescribed by General Municipal would be a violation of law NOT
a departure from Town policy.
At the next Town Board meeting, the Town Supervisor shall report all such actions taken in departure from
established Town Board policy(ies).
Further resolved that this policy shall remain in effect until the NYS Executive Order requiring social distancing
are eased or lifted.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-91: Proclamation Of Arbor Week And Recognition Of Earth Day In Ulysses
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Town of Ulysses vision, commitment, and continuing actions to promote
environmental protection and sustainability, the Town recognizes the threats our community faces with
climate change and associated challenges posed to public health, clean water, air, and energy; now therefore,
be it
WHEREAS, the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Committee (CSAC) of the Town of Ulysses seeks to
honor, preserve, and celebrate the Town’s natural resources and beauty, as well as to promote efforts to
support sustainability and
WHEREAS, the CSAC has requested that the Ulysses Town Board issue the attached proclamation in
observance of Arbor Week and Recognition of Earth Day in Ulysses, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby proclaims the week of April 19-25 as Ulysses Arbor Week and
Recognition of Earth Day in Ulysses as follows:
Proclamation of Arbor Week and Recognition of Earth Day in the Town of Ulysses
Whereas the Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan highlights in its Vision Statement pride in the natural
environment, and, with several of its policy objectives, puts forth the intention to honor, preserve, and
celebrate the Town’s natural resources and beauty, as well as to promote efforts to support sustainability, and
Whereas the Arbor Day holiday, first proposed in 1872 by J. Sterling Morton as a special time set aside for the
planting of trees, is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and
Whereas trees can reduce the erosion of precious topsoil, cut heating and cooling losses, moderate the
temperature, produce essential oxygen, cleanse the air, and provide habitat for wildlife, and
Whereas trees are an important renewable resource that enhances property values and economic vitality for
businesses and agriculture within the community, and are a source of joy and spiritual renewal wherever they
are planted,
Now, I, Nancy Zahler, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, on behalf of the Ulysses Town Board do hereby
proclaim April 19 – 25th, 2020 as Arbor Week, an expansion of Arbor Day.
All citizens are encouraged to join the Town Board in celebrating our bountiful natural resources during this
week, by planting trees to gladden the hearts of our citizenry, and to promote the well-being of this and future
generations, and by supporting efforts to protect our woodlands and natural environments, and
Further, during Arbor Week, on April 22, the nation marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, an enormous civic
event that launched a wave of action towards environmental protection, and
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses officially recognizes Earth Day, April 22, 2020 and joins with governments
and organizations all across the country in a united call to citizens for creativity, innovation, and ambition to
meet these challenges and seize the enormous opportunities possible, and to support local actions to protect
and restore the health of the planet.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-92: Updated Designation Of Deputy Highway Superintendent
WHEREAS, New York State Highway Law authorizes the elected Superintendent to designate a deputy to serve
with full authority in the absence of the Superintendent and
WHEREAS, Superintendent Scott Stewart wishes to update the designation made at the Organizational
Meeting of the Ulysses Town Board on January 6, 2020 by designating David Snyder as Deputy for the balance
of 2020, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby updates its Organizational Meeting record of Other Annual
Appointments listed on p. 30 of the approved minutes to reflect the designation of David Snyder as Deputy
Highway Superintendent and further
RESOLVED, that compensation for the position be paid in accordance with the approved Collective Bargaining
Agreement in force from 2018-2020 and will take effect on Sunday April 19, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-93: Authorization Of Payroll Change For Highway Department Machine
Equipment Operator William Austin
WHEREAS, On November 26, 2019 in Resolution 2019-202 the Ulysses Town Board acknowledged the
appointment of William Austin as a laborer in the Highway Department at the authorized rate of $18.50/hour
while he earned the required Commercial Driver’s License and
WHEREAS, Highway Superintendent Scott Stewart has confirmed that William Austin has successfully
completed the requirements for the title of Motor Equipment Operator which entitles Mr. Austin to the 2020
hourly rate of $22.75 per hour the approved Collective Bargaining Agreement, and
WHEREAS, the approved 2020 budget for the Highway Department includes sufficient funds for a full-time
MEO at a salary of $22.75, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board acknowledges the appointment of William Austin as an MEO at the
rate of $22.75 effective at the beginning of the April 5th pay period.
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-94: Approval Of 2020 Summer Day Camp Fees
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses and the Village of Trumansburg approved a Memorandum of Understanding
that enables and commits the Town to plan and administer a Summer Day Camp and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses-Trumansburg Youth Commission has reviewed and recommended the set of fees for
the Summer Day Camp proposed by the Town’s Recreation Director, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the following fees be approved and added to the Town’s 2020 Schedule of Fees approved at
the Town Board’s Organizational Meeting held January 6, 2020:
Town of Ulysses Summer Camp Fees Proposal- Endorsed by Youth Commission on 4/9/20
Pre Camp Care:
Monday – Friday: 7:30 - 9:00 $15.00/wk
Post Camp Care:
Monday – Friday: 4:00 - 5:30 $15.00/wk
Full-Day Camp:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 - 4:00 $135.00/wk $55.00 deposit required
$125.00/wk per each additional family member.
$ 95.00/wk ind/families reduced lunch qualified
$ 55.00/wk ind/families free lunch qualified
Full-Summer/Six Week option:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 - 4:00 $725.00/summer $290.00 deposit required
$655.00/summer for each additional family member.
Pre Camp Care: 7:30 - 9:00 $75.00/summer
Post Camp Care: 4:00 - 5:30 $75.00/summer
$505.00/summer ind/families reduced lunch qualified
$290.00/summer ind/families free lunch qualified
Pre Camp Care: 7:30 - 9:00 $25.00/summer
Post Camp Care: 4:00 - 5:30 $25.00/summer
Half-Day Camp:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 - 12:00 $60.00/wk Morning camp only
$42.00/wk ind/families reduced lunch qualified
$24.00/wk ind/families free lunch qualified
Monday – Friday: 1:00 - 4:00 $75.00/wk Swim Bus only ($15 alternative swim cost)
$53.00/wk ind/families reduced lunch qualified
$30.00/wk ind/families free lunch qualified
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date adopted: 4/14/20
*Resolution 2020-95: In Support Of Federal Assistance To Small Businesses And Non-Profits
In The Town Of Ulysses
Whereas, the spread of COVID-19 in New York resulted in Governor Andrew Cuomo declaring a State of
Emergency on March 7, 2020 and closing non-essential businesses by executive order on March 20, 2020; and
Whereas, President Donald J. Trump approved a Major Disaster Declaration for New York State on March 20,
2020; and
Whereas, the Town of Ulysses has a vibrant small business and non-profit community that embodies our
distinctive culture, nurtures local talents and creativity, and fosters a robust local economy; and
Whereas, the forced closure or restricting of businesses and non-profits, while clearly necessary given the
unprecedented crisis, is having a profoundly devastating impact on business owners, non-profits, employees,
contractors, freelancers, and the greater community; and
Whereas, local businesses and non-profits do not have sufficient access to federal funding assistance to help
them weather this unprecedented public health and economic emergency; and
Whereas, additional funding options for the CARE ACT and Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury
Disaster Loan Program are currently being considered by the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives;
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board requests that our federal representatives--Senator Chuck Schumer,
Senator Kristen Gillibrand, and Representative Tom Reed--support increased funding for small businesses and
non-profits, and advocate for improved administrative efficiency in rapidly distributing financial assistance and
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Clerk send certified copies of this resolution to our federal representatives.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-96: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Town Board meeting held 3/10/20,
3/24/20 and the Special Town Board meeting held 4/13/20.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-97: Approval Of 2020 Budget Modifications
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the budget modifications as presented at the Town Board
meeting on 4/14/2020:
A9060.81 HSA Employer Contributions INCREASE $5,187.50
Incorrect figure in 2020 budget document.
A7310.4 Youth Programs CE INCREASE $6,489.07
Unplanned expense for shared deficit in Village’s recreation program for 2019. This expense was in the
February vouchers, this budget modification makes this line whole for the rest of the year in order to pay for
the planned expenses.
A1990.4 Contingency Account DECREASE $11,676.57
Balance post budget modification in this account = $3,323.43
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-98: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed claims in the HA fund, vouchers #14-15 in the amount of
$2412.41; and in the A-SW funds, #145-184 in the amount of $66,258.32.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-99: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for April 28, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-100: Responding To Proposed Zoning Amendment
WHEREAS, the Zoning Law adopted on December 10, 2019 in Resolution 2019-211 included provisions that
several members of the Town Board wanted to re-visit in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held
November 12, 2019 and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wished to consider alternative strategies that balance property rights with our
environmental stewardship when protecting steep slopes and Unique Natural Areas in the Lakeshore and
Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000sq ft footprint and
WHEREAS, on February 11, 2020 the Ulysses Town Board charged the Ulysses Planning Board with:
reviewing the current number of undeveloped parcels and acreage in the two zones and
recommending a proposal to amend the Zoning Law Sections Section 212-47. N and Section 212-54 in ways
that address the options identified by the Town Board and/or
recommending other strategies to achieve the Town Board’s policy goal and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board has reviewed the zoning and the guidance from the Town Board
and has transmitted their recommendations and rationale to the Town Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board acknowledges receipt of the recommendations and extends its
appreciation to the members of the Planning Board and further
RESOLVED, that before voting on a local law to amend the Zoning Law, the Town Board will take the following
Review and discuss the proposal and agree on language for a draft local law;
Schedule a public information meeting to be held by videoconference and advertised to the land owners in the
affected zones as well as to all Town residents for the purpose of informing those affected and the wider
public of the proposal under consideration and to invite questions and comments about the intent and
wording of the proposed amendment;
Review and discuss the specific comments shared at the Public Information meeting and any comments
submitted in writing and then adopt final language for the proposed amendment;
Introduce the draft local law to Amend the Zoning Ordinance
Conduct a State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) review on the proposed action;
Schedule a Public Hearing with sufficient time to request and receive comments from Tompkins County
Planning (239 Review), other regulatory bodies to be identified;
Post the notice of public hearing and notify neighboring municipalities as required.
Conduct the Public Hearing and depending on comments, vote to adopt the local law amendment and submit
the change to the NYS Department of State OR consider changes that will require the process to be repeated.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-102: Updating 2020 Liaison And Committee Appointments
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board appointed Town Board members as liaisons to various boards and
committees and community members as members and alternates to the Planning Board at its January 6th
Organizational Meeting as required and
WHEREAS, there have been changes in the composition of the Town Board since January 6, 2020, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the liaisons and town board appointments as updates to
Resolution 2020-19 as outlined on the attached charts:
COMMITTEE OR BOARD 1/6/20 Org. Mtg. 4/28/20
1. Highway Department Town Supervisor, Deputy
Nancy Zahler, Katelin Olson
2. Personnel Nancy Zahler, Rich Goldman Nancy Zahler, Rich Goldman
3. Planning Board Rich Goldman, Michael Boggs
Rich Goldman, Marc Devokaitis
4. BZA Katelin Olson, Michael Boggs Katelin Olson, Michael Boggs
5. Fire Department Michael Boggs Michael Boggs
6. Tburg/Ulysses Youth
Nancy Zahler Katelin Olson, Nancy Zahler
Village EMS & EMS Billing Michael Boggs, Nancy Zahler Michael Boggs, Katelin Olson
Oversight Comm
Town Hall Maintenance Supervisor, Michael Boggs (alt) Nancy Zahler, Michael Boggs
Sustainability Committee Katelin Olson Marc Devokaitis
Trumansburg Village Bd Nancy Zahler Marc Devokaitis, Katelin Olson
Records Advisory Board Supervisor Nancy Zahler
Safety Committee Michael Boggs/Nancy Zahler Alt Michael Boggs, John Zepko
Union negotiations Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler
Agricultural Committee Katelin Olson, Nancy Zahler Katelin Olson, Marc Devokaitis
APPOINTMENT 1/6/20 Org. Mtg. 4/28/20
Health Consortium Board Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler
Rich Goldman
Planning Board Chairperson Linda Liddle Linda Liddle
Board of Zoning Appeals Chairperson Robert Howarth Steven Morreale
Clerk for Board of Zoning Appeals Louis DiPietro Louis DiPietro
Clerk for Planning Board Maria Barry Maria Barry
Tompkins County Environmental
Mgmt Council
Cait Darfler, Liz Thomas
Cait Darfler, Marc Devokaitis
Tompkins County Water Resources
Council (WRC)
Liz Thomas serving in an “at-
large” position.
Liz Thomas serving in an “at-
large” position.
Tompkins County Stormwater
John Zepko John Zepko
Stormwater Officer John Zepko John Zepko
Tburg Ulysses Youth Commission
Sharon Bilotta, Reanna Levine Sharon Bilotta, Reanna Levine
Rec Partnership rep. Durand Van Doren, Nancy
Zahler (alt)
Durand Van Doren, (alt)/
Katelin Olson
Tompkins County Youth Services
vacant vacant
APPOINTMENT 1/6/20 Org. Mtg. 4/28/20
Ithaca/Tompkins County
Transportation Council Planning &
Policy Committees
Michelle E. Wright Michelle E. Wright / Katelin
Olson (alternate)
Tompkins County Council of
Supervisor & Deputy Supervisor Nancy Zahler, Michael Boggs
Fair Board liaison Michelle E. Wright Michelle E. Wright
Historian John Wertis John Wertis
Tompkins County Animal Control Supervisor, Carissa Parlato (alt) Carissa Parlato, Nancy Zahler
Cayuga Lake Water Shed
Intermunicipal Org. (IO)
Supervisor, Michael Boggs (alt)
Current: Liz T & Roxanne M
Liz Thomas/Roxanne Marino
Chamber of Commerce Nancy Zahler, Rich Goldman
Katelin Olson/Rich Goldman
Voucher Reviews Nancy Zahler & Rich Goldman
Michael Boggs & Katelin Olson
Rich Goldman & Katelin
(through June)
Michael Boggs and Marc
Devokaitis (July-Dec)
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-103: In Support Of Federal Funding Assistance For Local Governments,
And School Districts In New York State Adversely Impacted By Covid-19
WHEREAS, the spread of COVID-19 in New York resulted in Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a State of
Emergency on March 7, 2020 and closed non-essential businesses by executive order on March 20, 2020; and
WHEREAS, President Donald J. Trump approved a Major Disaster Declaration for New York State on March 20,
2020; and
WHEREAS, New York State is the most adversely impacted in the United States by the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is an economic hub in Upstate New York and attracts residents and visitors from
all over the world to live, work and shop; and
WHEREAS, all non-essential businesses in Tompkins are closed and sales tax revenue is projected to be
upwards of 50% below original projections for 2020; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses relies on sales tax revenue for approximately 20% of its budget; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses and other regional municipal governments and school districts with
populations less than 500,000 continue to provide essential services during these difficult times; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses and other regional municipal governments and school districts have expanded
their service provisions to meet the necessary responsibilities created by this global pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the State of New York is projected to have a $10-15 billion budgetary shortfall for 2020 and has
indicated it may withhold its normal fiscal support to municipalities and school districts; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses requests that our federal representatives—Senator Chuck Schumer,
Senator Kristen Gillibrand, and Representative Tom Reed—strongly advocate for municipalities and school
districts in New York to receive direct monetary support from the federal government in the Phase 4 aid
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk send certified copies to our federal representatives.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-104: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the 3/18/20, 3/21/20, 3/23/20 and the
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 4/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-105: Code Enforcement Pay Rate
WHEREAS, Tom Myers, the Town Code Enforcement Officer has been offered full-time employment by the
Village of Trumansburg and
WHEREAS, Tom Myers has continued to work reduced hours to enable the Town to search for a replacement,
WHEREAS, the search process has taken longer than expected and extended beyond Tom’s initial commitment
to serve through the end of April and
WHEREAS, the code enforcement is an essential service required of the Town, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses increase the hourly rate of pay for Tom Myers from 26.08/hour to
$30.00/hour for up to 15 hours/week for the pay period starting May 3 – May 16.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/8/2020
*Resolution 2020-106: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for May 12, 2020 with the addition of an
Executive Session for the purpose of matters leading to the appointment of an individual.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-107: Approval Of Addition To Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda with the addition of a resolution to extend
the probationary period for Bill Austen.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-108: Approval Of Draft Zoning Amendment On Development In Lakeshore
And Conservation Zones And Scheduling Of Public Information Meeting - TABLED
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses (Town Board) enacted Local Law No. 3 of 2019 on
December 10, 2019, which law was filed with the New York State Secretary of State on December 16, 2019,
which local law repealed in its entirety the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law adopted by Local Law No. 3 of 2013,
amended from time to time, and codified as Chapter 212 of the Laws of the Town of Ulysses, and in its place
adopted a new zoning law, and
WHEREAS, when adopting the Zoning Law on December 10, 2019 by Resolution 2019-211 several members of
the Town Board wanted to re-visit the law in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held November
12, 2019 and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wished to consider alternative strategies that balance property rights with our
environmental stewardship when protecting steep slopes and Unique Natural Areas in the Lakeshore and
Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000sq ft footprint and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board transmitted their recommendations including proposed changes
to the current zoning along with their rationale to the Town Board on April 28, 2020 through Planning Board
Resolution Numbers 1 of 2020 and 2 of 2020, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to seek feedback from those affected by the proposed amendments
to the Zoning Law, as well as from the public in general, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board adopts the following draft (see Appendix II) for review and discussion by the
public to inform the final wording of the amendment that will be subject to Environmental reviews, Review by
Tompkins County Planning Department, neighboring municipalities and public hearing, and further
RESOLVED, that a Public Information Meeting be convened on Monday, June 1 at 7pm via videoconference for
the purpose of presenting the proposed changes and responding to questions and comments about the
proposed amendment and further
RESOLVED, that following the Public Information Meeting and completion of the steps legally required to
prepare for enactment of a local law, the Town Board is intending to schedule a Public Hearing for Tues., July
14 at 7pm by videoconference with an option for call in or written comments.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Olson made a motion to table the resolution. This was seconded by Mr. Devokaitis and passed
*Resolution 2020-109: Approval Of A Memorandum Of Understanding Re: Code
WHEREAS, Tom Myers will be concluding his service with the Town of Ulysses as Code Enforcement Officer on
May 15, 2020 and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses needs to assure code enforcement services continue while we finalize our
search for a new Code Enforcement Officer and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca is willing to provide 10-15 hours/week of a code enforcement officer’s time to
follow through on open projects and issue new permits as allowed by New York State, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a Memorandum of
Understanding with the Town of Ithaca which permits the Town of Ulysses to purchase up to 15 hours/week at
an hourly rate of $32.98 with no additional cost for pro-rated fringe benefits for the time period beginning
Monday, May 18, 2020 through June 12, 2020 if needed and acceptable to the Town of Ithaca and further
RESOLVED, that the payment for hourly services rendered shall be paid from Code Enforcement contractual
expenses B3620.4 and further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses enter into a contract for professional services with Tom Myers for up to
15 hours at a rate of $30/hour for time spent assisting the Town of Ithaca Code Enforcement Officer to
transition the current and future projects and further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses wishes to extend our sincere appreciation for the service and good humor
Tom has offered to the Town of Ulysses during his tenure.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-110: Authorization To Consider Request From A Resident Of Water
District #3 To Become An Out Of District User
WHEREAS, as resident on Colegrove Road has expressed interest in joining Water District #3 as an out of
district user and
WHEREAS, if all conditions can be met, addition of an out of district user at the user’s cost benefits both the
new user and the water district by increasing the volume of water used, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Water Department are hereby authorized by the
Ulysses Town Board to work with the Town of Ithaca for approval to add a user and with the resident to
prepare an out of district user agreement to be voted on by the Town Board, on behalf of the water district.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-111: Establishing Standard Work Hours For Positions For New York State
And Local Retirement
WHEREAS, the New York State and Local Retirement System requires a municipality to establish standard work
days for specific titles eligible for retirement credit, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses hereby established the following standard work days for these titles and
will report the officials to the New York State and Local Retirement based on their record of activities:
Highway Superintendent Standard Work Day: 8 hours
Town Councilperson Standard Work Day: 6 hours
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-112: Appreciation For Jason Fulton, Retiring Fire Chief
WHEREAS, On May 7. 2020 Jason Fulton stepped down from his position Chief of the Trumansburg Fire
Department after 16 years is, and
WHEREAS, during his tenure, he provided energetic leadership to a regional volunteer department including
the Town of Ulysses and
WHEREAS, Chief Fulton extended his professional commitment to public safety and fire fighting by improving
the training offered to the members of the Fire Company and
WHEREAS, Chief Fulton actively and successfully recruited new members to grow and sustain our active Fire
Company, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses extend our deep appreciation to Chief Jason Fulton for his leadership and
service in protecting the residents of Ulysses, Trumansburg and our surrounding communities.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-113: Extending Probationary Period For Willam Austen
RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Highway Superintendent that the Town Board approves the
extension of the probationary period of Mechanical Equipment Operator William Austen from June 2, 2020 to
October 31, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-114: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from 4/28/20 and 5/8/20.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-115: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed the following claims:
HA fund: voucher #16 in the amount of $3420
HB fund voucher #3 in the amount of $7319.99
A-SW funds vouchers #185-218 in the amount of $182,968.74
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/12/2020
*Resolution 2020-116: Appointment Of Code Enforcement Officer
WHEREAS, as of May 16, 2020 there is a vacancy in the position of Code Enforcement Officer for the Town of
Ulysses, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board posted the vacancy through the Tompkins County Human Resources
Department and
WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department reviewed and forwarded qualified candidates which were
interviewed by the Town Board and
WHEREAS, Mark Washburn was the best qualified applicant based on ratings by the members of the Town
Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Ulysses Town Board appoints Mark Washburn to the position of Code Enforcement Officer at a
salary of $26.08/hour for up to 20 hours/week effective Wednesday, May 20, 2020 and further
RESOLVED, that the probationary period for this position be for 12 months with three and six month
performance reviews to be conducted by the Town’s Personnel Committee, and further
RESOLVED, continued employment is contingent upon Mark Washburn becoming a NYS certified Code
Enforcement Officer and Building Inspector within 18 months as required by New York State and further
RESOLVED, that the Town will pay for training leading to required NYS certifications
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 5/18/2020
*Resolution 2020-117: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for May 26, 2020 with the addition of a
presentation by the IO (Watershed Intermunicipal Organization).
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-118: Approval Of Draft Zoning Amendment On Development In Lakeshore
And Conservation Zones And Scheduling Of Public Information Meeting
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses (Town Board) enacted Local Law No. 3 of 2019 on
December 10, 2019, which law was filed with the New York State Secretary of State on December 16, 2019,
which local law repealed in its entirety the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law adopted by Local Law No. 3 of 2013,
amended from time to time, and codified as Chapter 212 of the Laws of the Town of Ulysses, and in its place
adopted a new zoning law, and
WHEREAS, when adopting the Zoning Law on December 10, 2019 by Resolution 2019-211 several members of
the Town Board wanted to re-visit the law in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held November
12, 2019 and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wished to consider alternative strategies that balance our environmental
stewardship responsibilities with the property rights of landowners when protecting steep slopes and Unique
Natural Areas in the Lakeshore and Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000 square footprint
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board transmitted their recommendations including proposed changes
to the current zoning along with their rationale to the Town Board on April 28, 2020 through Planning Board
Resolution Numbers 1 of 2020 and 2 of 2020, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board accepted the Planning Board recommendations and wishes to seek
feedback from those affected by the proposed amendments to the Zoning Law, as well as from the public in
general, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board adopts the attached draft of Local Law #__ of 2020 for review and discussion
by the public to inform the final wording of the amendment that will be subject to Environmental reviews,
Review by Tompkins County Planning Department, neighboring municipalities and public at a public hearing,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a Public Information Meeting be convened on Tuesday, June 16 at 7pm via
videoconference for the purpose of presenting the proposed changes and responding to questions and
comments about the proposed amendment; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that after the Public Information Meeting, if all steps legally required to prepare for
enactment of a local law are completed in a timely way, the Town Board intends to schedule a Public Hearing
for July 28 at 7pm by videoconference with an option for call in or written comments.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-119: Appointment Of First Alternate To The Ulysses Planning Board
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board has two one-year positions for alternates who are permitted to
participate in the deliberations of the Planning Board and may be authorized by the Planning Board chair to
vote when needed to establish a quorum; and
WHEREAS, the Town is fortunate to have three candidates interested in serving as Planning Board alternates
and all applicants have been interviewed by the Chair of the Planning Board, the Town Board Liaison to the
Planning Board, the Planner and the Supervisor and have all been endorsed as well-qualified, now therefore be
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board appoints John Wertis as First Alternate to the Planning Board for the
balance of a one-year term ending December 31, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Seconded: Mr. Goldman
DISCUSSION: Ms. Olson believes it important to have a diversity of opinions on the board and is grateful to
have Mr. Wertis’ ag community perspective.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman nay
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-1
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-120: Appointment Of Second Alternate To The Ulysses Planning Board
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board has two one-year positions for alternates who are permitted to
participate in the deliberations of the Planning Board and may be authorized by the Planning Board chair to
vote when needed to establish a quorum; and
WHEREAS, the Town is fortunate to have three candidates interested in serving as Planning Board alternates
and all applicants have been interviewed by the Chair of the Planning Board, the Town Board Liaison to the
Planning Board, the Planner and the Supervisor and have all been endorsed as well-qualified, now therefore be
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board appoints Pete Angie as Second Alternate to the Planning Board for the
balance of a one-year term ending December 31, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Mr. Boggs noted that he wanted to have some fresh energy on board.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-121: Approval Of Revised 284 Agreement For The Expenditure Of
Highway Moneys To Respond To Financial Impact Of COVID-19
WHEREAS, New York State Town Law Section 284 requires the Highway Superintendent submit an annual plan
for using Highway moneys appropriated by the Town Board; and
WHEREAS, the Annual Agreement approved on January 6, 2020 at the Town Board’s Organizational Meeting
has been revised by the Highway Superintendent in response to the projected loss of revenue related to
COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the Revised Agreement which calls for:
The sum of $50,000 to be set aside to be expended for primary work and general repairs on 37.15 miles of
town highways, including sluices, culverts and bridges having a span of less than five feet and boardwalks or
renewals thereof AND
Permanent Improvements to be made on Agard Road from Route 96 to Jacksonville Rd by re-paving .87miles
at a sum not to exceed $75,000; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the Revised Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway
Moneys as proposed by the Highway Superintendent.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
DISCUSSION: Ms. Zahler noted that Mr. Stewart (Highway Superintendent) felt that road plans could be scaled
back this year because they have been kept up so well in previous years.
The group discussed how this will benefit the expected revenue cuts due to COVID-19.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-122: Setting A Public Bid Opening Date For Water District 3 Tthm
Remediation Aerator Project Bid Submissions
WHEREAS, advertisement for bids for the Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator Project partially funded
by the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Grant through the Water Infrastructure
Improvement Act (WIIA) Grant Program, EFC project number 18217 has been posted per Town Procurement
Policy and New York State Law;
Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board sets a public bid opening date of June 2, 2020 at 10:00am at Ulysses
Town Hall; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Clerk will advertise the bid opening in adherence to State law and
relevant NYS Executive Orders regarding public meetings; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board designates the Town Clerk or the Deputy Town Clerk to
open and read out the bids at the June 2, 2020 public meeting.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-123: Scheduling Public Information Session On Water District 3 TTHM
Remediation Aerator Project
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has obtained grant funding to partially offset the cost of an aerator to be
installed in the Town’s water tank on Van Dorn Corners Road to improve the water quality for users in Water
District #3 by reducing the TTHM levels to comply with Health Department standards; and
WHEREAS, the engineering firm contracted to design and oversee the project is currently seeking bids on the
proposed project; and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to inform those in Water District #3 and the Town about the
proposed project, the timeline, and the anticipated benefits, and to answer questions from the public about
the project; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board schedule a public information meeting for 6:30 PM prior to the June 23, 2020
Town Board meeting; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in compliance with the NYS Executive Order prohibiting public gatherings, the Public
Information Session will be conducted via videoconference with opportunities for residents to join by
telephone and will be recorded and posted for later viewing. Details for participating will be posted on the
Town of Ulysses website.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-124: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Special Town Board meetings held May
13 AM, May 13 PM, May 14, and May 15 to interview Code Enforcement Applicants as permitted by the Open
Meetings Law to discuss matters relating to the promotion, demotion or performance of specific individuals.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 5/26/2020
*Resolution 2020-125: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for June 9, 2020 with the addition of a Town
of Ulysses statement on injustice, violence, and the role of local government; an updated resolution for an
out-of-district user request for WD3; and deletion of the Executive Session for collective bargaining.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-126: Approving Execution Of Out-Of-District Water User Agreement For
Water District 3
WHEREAS, Jennifer Wright and Larry Wright (the Owners) are the owners of a parcel of real property located
on Colegrove Road, in the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, Town of Ulysses tax
parcel number 26.-2-2.2 (the Property); and
WHEREAS, the Owners requested permission to connect to the existing Water District No.3 in the Town of
Ulysses (the District), owned and operated by the Town, and to extend water service to the property; and
WHEREAS, the Owners are willing to pay for and maintain the required extension of the water line to their
right of way in addition to their own connection to the extension and
WHEREAS, on behalf of the District, the Town may benefit from the increased draw of water through the
Water District system by the Owners which may improve water quality and from the offsetting revenue to the
Water District, and
WHEREAS, both the Town of Ithaca from whom the Water District purchases its water and Bolton Point which
provides the water for Water District No. 3 have agreed to the extension and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses, on behalf of the Water District, is willing to consent to the connection of the
Property to the District on the terms set forth in the attached Agreement, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves the terms of the Out-of-District Water User Agreement attached to
this resolution; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreement or any further
revised version of this Agreement provided that the final form of any further revisions are approved by the
Attorney for the Town.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler shared the steps of the process and clarified that the set up costs will be borne by the user.
Ms. Sokoni recommends holding a public hearing. Although this is not necessarily required, it is customary
when new districts are set up.
Mr. Boggs shared that this is an opportunity to explore expansion of the district.
Ms. Olson thinks this concept is relevant as it relates to Jacksonville planning.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-127: Scheduling A Public Hearing For Water District 3 Out-Of-District User
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby schedules a public hearing for June 23 at 7pm via Zoom. Access details
for the Zoom public hearing shall be posted on the Town of Ulysses website at www.ulysses.ny.us 24 hours
prior to the date of the hearing. All persons wishing to be heard may tune in for the public hearing. In
addition, written submissions can be sent to the Town Clerk by mail to 10 Elm St., Trumansburg, or via email to
clerk@ulysses.ny.us prior to public hearing and the Town Clerk shall post notice here in the Ithaca Journal at
least 10 days prior to the hearing.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-128: Support Of LGBTQ+ Pride Month
WHEREAS, Town of Ulysses Resolution 2017-116 allows the Town to consider requests to endorse positions
affecting the quality of life of Town residents including efforts to promote the rights, inclusion, and dignity of
all Town residents and those historically excluded or discriminated against and
WHEREAS, many of the legal rights of Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, Transgender, Queer/questioning, Intersex and
Asexual LGBTQ+) have been guaranteed in recent years and more residents are living more openly than ever as
they contribute to our economy and our community, and
WHEREAS, LGBTQ+ residents in Ulysses and Tompkins County continue to experience prejudice,
discrimination, harassment, and assaults, and
WHEREAS, Martin Luther King Jr called on all Americans to remember that “Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere,” and
WHEREAS, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature called upon all members of
our community to join her in celebrating the contributions of our LGBTQ+ residents, and renew our
commitment and actions to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses joins Tompkins County in proclaiming June 2020 as LGBTQ+ PRIDE
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Mr. Boggs reminded the board that the Attorney recommended developing a flag policy.
Ms. Zahler read the town’s 2017 endorsement policy.
Ms. Sokoni agreed that displaying material on town property should be well-considered.
Ms. Zahler offered a friendly amendment to remove the paragraph in the resolution that included flag flying.
This was seconded by Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-129: Adopting A Statement Racial Injustice, Violence, And The Role Of
Local Government
WHEREAS, the members of the Ulysses Town Board wish to take a stand against racial injustice and take
actions that are within the authority of local government, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following statement be adopted:
Town of Ulysses Statement on Racism, Injustice, and Violence and the Role of Local Government
Draft 6/9/20
“There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”
“The time is always right to do what is right.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The purpose of local government is to protect the health, safety, and well-being of our residents and to serve
all members of the public with equal respect and compassion.
We believe most police officers serve with honor and we are grateful for their service and sacrifice. However,
when some officers attack their own residents unjustly with excessive force resulting in serious injury or death,
the actions must be condemned in the strongest terms and investigated thoroughly.
When a government uses or allows its laws to discriminate against and target individuals and groups based on
race, religion, gender and/or sexual orientation, the actions must be condemned and the policies corrected.
Social change and progress occur only when those in power are challenged. Our country’s history of systemic
racism has frustrated oppressed groups and sparked both peaceful and violent protests throughout the history
of our republic. The protests help to increase awareness of societal and institutional injustice and, at times,
have awakened the conscience of leaders who either reluctantly or boldly redressed the wrongs to help build a
more perfect union. We are in such a time.
The violent death of George Floyd recorded in graphic detail in Minneapolis, on the heels of the unrecorded
death of Breonna Taylor in her home by Louisville police, sparked outrage and protests that were a cumulative
venting of past and present injustices suffered at the hands of local governments. When the residents of
Minneapolis and communities around the world, including Trumansburg, gathered to express their shared pain
and anger and to remind us that Black lives matter, they exercised their right of assembly and free speech to
protest injustice.
When we watched other local governments refuse to listen respectfully and use overwhelming force to attack
their own residents, we were both appalled and grateful that our own law enforcement agencies have acted
with professionalism and restraint to treat our citizens and protesters with respect during peaceful protests.
When the government offers leadership to learn from its mistakes and deploys research to find better ways of
policing, as President Obama did when he created the Task Force on 21st Century Policing1 in wake of the
violent and wrongful deaths of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray and so many others,
local government leaders should listen and learn.
When organizations like Campaign Zero2 the data-driven policing policies of the Obama Task Force which can
reduce police violence by 72% if implemented by all local law enforcement agencies, we in local government
should urge and support our own law enforcement agencies to enact those policies and practices.
When governments like the Village of Trumansburg have a leader like Police Chief Nelson who condemns
police violence and pledges to “build a department culture that prioritizes community policing where every
citizen, regardless of your race, gender and sexual orientation is treated with the utmost respect and care,” we
should praise, thank, and support him and the Trumansburg Police Department.
When our Tompkins County Sheriff decries unnecessary violence by stating: "I'm a strong believer in police
culture starts at the top and the recent murder of Mr. Floyd, that's a prime example of failed leadership. I am
dedicated to creating a culture that prioritizes the building of trust and legitimacy through community policing,
training, and education," we need to praise, thank, and support him.
And when the Sheriff’s Department announced its Duty to Intervene3 policy requiring deputies to try and de-
escalate situations where colleagues appear agitated unreasonably when interacting with compliant people,
directs deputies to get between another deputy and an individual should things get out of hand and report to
supervisors unethical or excessive behavior immediately, we should praise, thank and support them.
And when our citizens and community organizations come forward to help us understand our unconscious bias
and support of systemic racism we need to listen, learn, and take action.
The Ulysses Town Board is listening and we commit to the following actions:
We commit to learning more about our own unconscious biases and institutional racism. We will strive to
recognize and undo any unintentional racism in our Town policies, practices, and norms and reduce the
damaging effects by having a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination in our workplace and funded programs.
We further commit to urging the law enforcement agencies charged with protecting and serving our town
residents to implement the 8 Can’t Wait initiative, based on the Obama Task Force findings by banning
chokeholds, requiring de-escalation, requiring alternatives and warnings before shooting, requiring fellow
officers to intervene to prevent abuse, limiting the use of force, and requiring comprehensive reporting and
We further commit to seeing the value and potential in each and all of our community members,
communicating respectfully across our differences, and creating more opportunities for diversity and inclusion
to improve our governance and services.
1 Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing 2015
2 Campaign Zero’s #8 Can’t Wait Strategies from the Task Force on 21st Century Policing
3 Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department’s Duty to Intervene Order
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-130: Correction Of Resolution # 122- Setting A Public Bid Opening Date
For Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator Project Bid Submissions
WHEREAS, Resolution 2020-122 adopted on May 26, 2020 stated the incorrect date and time for the bid
opening of the Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator Project, and
WHEREAS, advertisement for bids for the Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator Project partially funded
by the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Grant through the Water Infrastructure
Improvement Act (WIIA) Grant Program, EFC project number 18217 has been posted per Town Procurement
Policy and New York State Law;
Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board corrects the previous resolution and sets a public bid opening date for
June 16, 2020 at 10:30 am; and
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Clerk will advertise the bid opening in adherence to State law; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board designates the Town Clerk to open the bids at the June 16,
2020 public meeting.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-131: Approval Of Extension Of Shared Service Agreement For Code
WHEREAS, after the resignation of Tom Myers from the Code Enforcement Officer position, the Town of
Ulysses needed to assure code enforcement services continue while we finalized our search for and transition
of a new Code Enforcement Officer and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board authorized the Town Supervisor to execute a Memorandum of
Understanding with the Town of Ithaca to permit the Town of Ulysses to purchase up to 15 hours/week of
code enforcement services at an hourly rate of $32.98 with no additional cost for pro-rated fringe benefits for
the time period beginning Monday, May 18, 2020 through June 12, 2020 and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses would benefit from additional services from the Town of Ithaca, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of the executed MOU be extended through June26th and further
RESOLVED, that the MOU be modified to allow the Town of Ulysses to purchase a total of additional 10 hours
of code enforcement consultation from the Town of Ithaca from June 29,2020 through July 10, 2020 for a
combined additional cost of $1,382.20 payable from the code enforcement budget.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-131: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from 5/12, 5/18 and 5/26/20.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-132: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed the following claims:
HB fund voucher #4 in the amount of $100.
A-SW funds vouchers #219-265 in the amount of $120.620.70
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-133: Rescheduling Sealed Bid Opening For The WD3 Aerator Project:
WHEREAS, the Engineer Firm, MRB, who is administering the bidding process for the Water District 3 TTHM
Remediation Aerator Project, has recommended the bid opening originally scheduled for June 16th be
extended to June 19th at 10:30am, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has designated the Town Clerk to open the bids, and
WHEREAS, bidders have been notified of the extension of the bid opening date by the competitive bidding
addendum process, and
WHEREAS, the bid opening will be available to the public via Zoom meeting and advertised accordingly by the
Town Clerk;
Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board reschedules the public bid opening by the Town Clerk to June 19,
2020 at 10:30 am.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs abstain
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 6/16/2020
*Resolution 2020-134: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for June 23, 2020 with the removal of the
resolution for an out of district user for Water District 3, moving up action on the aerator bid, and adding a
resolution a related resolution.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/23/2020
*Resolution 2020-135: Authorizing The Bid Award For Water District 3 TTHM Remediation
Aerator Project
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has been notified by the Tompkins County Health Department that the water
system, in Water District #3, has elevated TTHM’s which need to be reduced; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has approval from the Tompkins County Health Department to install a TTHM
removal system in the water tank for Water District #3 as an acceptable mitigation measure; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has been notified of the receipt of a grant up to the amount of $188,880.00 for
the construction of the TTHM removal project and the Town has entered into a grant agreement with the New
York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, project number 18217, for the above noted grant; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Ulysses received publicly advertised bids for the above noted project on June 19, 2020;
followed thereafter with a Bid Summary letter from the Engineer, MRB Group, identifying the lowest qualified
bidders with complete bid submissions, and
WHEREAS, The Town has reviewed the bids and the bids were within the authorized project budget amounts
and that the Town has an interest in awarding the contracts to continue to complete construction of the TTHM
Removal Project;
RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses acting on behalf of the Water District #3 hereby approves and
authorizes the award of contracts for the project as follows:
Contract #1 – General to Gerwitz & MacNeil Electric in the amount of $192,583.00 and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town board approves the authorization of the Alternate Bid #1 for $11,790.00
for a Chlorine Analyzer #1 in Ulysses Water Storage Tank and Alternate Bid #2 for $9,836.00 for a Chlorine
Analyzer at the Woolf Lane Booster Pump Station the costs for which are not included in the awarded contract
noted above; and therefore,
FURTHER Resolved, that the Town Board authorizes the award of contracts for the project to include the Base
Bid plus both alternatives, as follows:
Contract #1 – General to Gerwitz & MacNeil for a total of $214,209.00; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the contracts hereby
approved and to take such steps and to execute such further documents as may be necessary, desirable,
and/or appropriate to effectuate the purpose and intent of the foregoing resolutions.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
The board discussed bid amounts, maintenance, and warranties.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/23/2020
*Resolution 2020-136 : Authorizing The Inclusion Of The Aqualogics Upgrade Into The
Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator Project
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has been notified by the Tompkins County Health Department that the water
system, in Water District #3, has elevated TTHM’s which need to be reduced; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has approval from the Tompkins County Health Department to install a TTHM
removal system in the water tank for Water District #3 as an acceptable mitigation measure; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has been notified of the receipt of a Grant up to the amount of $188,880.00 for
the construction of the TTHM removal project and the Town has entered into a Grant Agreement with the
New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC), project number 18217, for the above noted grant;
WHEREAS, The Town of Ulysses received a quote from Aqualogics, the manufacturer of the aerator system,
dated May 13, 2020 to program the new TTHM system equipment to not only monitor equipment in our tank
and the Wolf Lane Pump Station in the Town of Ithaca, but also to send alarm notices directly to the Town of
Ulysses when the system is not functioning properly to dramatically improve the functioning of the system and
to assure water quality in Water District #3,
RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses acting on behalf of the Water District #3 hereby approves and
authorizes the inclusion of the Aqualogics upgrade into the Water District 3 TTHM Remediation Aerator
Project, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town board approves the award of the May 13, 2020 Aqualogics quote not to
exceed $13,865.00 to be paid by Water District #3, in addition to the bid total approved in Resolution #135 and
which may be eligible for 60% grant funding, subject to approval of EFC as the funder and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the contracts hereby
approved and to take such steps and to execute such further documents as may be necessary, desirable,
and/or appropriate to effectuate the purpose and intent of the foregoing resolutions
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Mr. Boggs
The group discussed the addition of SCADA (supervisory control & data acquisition).
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/23/2020
*Resolution 2020-137: Declaration Of The Town Board Of The Town Of Ulysses As Lead
Agency In Connection With Proposed Zoning Amendments Regarding The Lakeshore And
Conservation Zones
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses (“Town Board”) is in the process of reviewing zoning
amendments regarding the Lakeshore and Conservation Zones, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (the "SEQRA") and the
regulations adopted pursuant thereto by the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New
York, being 6 NYCRR Part 617, as amended (the "Regulations"), all discretionary actions by the Town are
subject to environmental review in accordance with SEQRA, and
WHEREAS, 6 NYCRR Part 617 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and its regulations
require that a Lead Agency be established for conducting environmental review of all discretionary actions in
accordance with local and state environmental law; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to comply with the SEQR Act and its Regulations with respect to the
proposed zoning amendments, and
WHEREAS, SEQRA and its accompanying regulations specifies that for actions governed by local environmental
review, the Lead Agency shall be that local agency which has primary responsibility for approving and carrying
out the action; and
WHEREAS, the adoption of these zoning amendments is legislative action,
local agency with primary responsibility for approving the legislative action, it hereby declares itself Lead
Agency for purposes of conducting the environmental review required by SEQRA and its accompanying
regulations in 6 NYCRR Part 617, as amended (the "Regulations”).
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/23/2020
*Resolution 2020-138: Approval Of Language For Draft Local Law Amending Ulysses Zoning
Law Regarding Lakeshore And Conservation Zones And Scheduling Of Public Hearing -
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses (Town Board) enacted Local Law No. 3 of 2019 on
December 10, 2019, which law was filed with the New York State Secretary of State on December 16, 2019,
which local law repealed in its entirety the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law adopted by Local Law No. 3 of 2013,
amended from time to time, and codified as Chapter 212 of the Laws of the Town of Ulysses, and in its place
adopted a new zoning law, and
WHEREAS, when adopting the Zoning Law on December 10, 2019 by Resolution 2019-211 several members of
the Town Board wanted to re-visit the law in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held November
18, 2019 and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wished to consider alternative strategies that balance our environmental
stewardship responsibilities with the property rights of landowners when protecting steep slopes and Unique
Natural Areas in the Lakeshore and Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000sq ft footprint and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board reconsidered relevant sections of the law related to the lot limits
and site plan review requirements of the Lakeshore and Conservation Zones and transmitted their
recommendations including proposed changes to the current zoning along with their rationale to the Town
Board on April 28, 2020 through Planning Board Resolution Numbers 1 of 2020 and 2 of 2020, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board accepted the Planning Board recommendations and held a Public
Information Session for all interested residents on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 to explain the proposal and invite
questions and comments and received written and verbal comments before and after the session and,
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board has discussed the comments received from residents in support of and
opposed to the proposed Local Law #1 of 2020 AMENDING TOWN OF ULYSSES ZONING LAW REGARDING
LAKESHORE AND CONSERVATION ZONES introduced on May 26, 2020, and
WHEREAS, Municipal Home Rule Law §20(5) requires that a public hearing be held before a local law is
adopted by the Town Board, which public hearing must be held upon the publication of at least ten days’
notice in the Town’s official newspaper; and
WHEREAS, Town Law §264(4) also requires that a public hearing be held prior to adopting (or amending)
zoning regulations, and
WHEREAS, Town Law §265(2) requires that amendments made to any zoning law (excluding any map
incorporated therein) shall be entered in the minutes of the town board; such minutes shall describe and refer
to any map adopted in connection with such change, amendment or supplement and a copy, summary or
abstract thereof (exclusive of any map incorporated therein) shall be published once in a newspaper published
in the town, if any, or in such newspaper published in the county in which such town may be located having a
circulation in such town, as the town board may designate, and affidavits of the publication thereof shall be
filed with the town clerk, and
WHEREAS, due to the Corona Virus/COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor of the State of New York has authorized
municipalities to conduct certain public hearings and meetings by virtual means in order to ensure the public
health and safety,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached draft local law, the full text of which the Town Clerk is
hereby directed to reproduce in the minutes hereof, is adopted as the draft upon which a public hearing shall
be held to consider whether or not to adopt the proposed amendments, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby schedules a public hearing for July 28th at 6:30pm via Zoom. Access
details for the Zoom meeting shall be posted on the Town of Ulysses website at www.ulysses.ny.us 24 hours
prior to the date of the hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is for all persons wishing to comment in
favor or against the proposed zoning amendments to have an opportunity to provide their comments thereon,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that in addition to participation in the public hearing via Zoom, all members of the public wishing
to submit written comments on the proposed local law may do so in writing addressed to the Town Clerk at 10
Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886 or by email to clerk@ulysses.ny.us, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to publish notice of said hearing in the Ithaca Journal as required by
law, to mail notices to all persons and agencies entitled to notice, to file in the office of the Town Clerk
affidavits of publication, and the Town Board authorizes payment of expenses associated with said
publications and mailings, and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of the proposed Zoning Law and a copy of this Resolution shall be sent by the Town
Clerk of the Town of Ulysses to all persons entitled to notice pursuant to NY Town Law §264 and NY General
Municipal Law §239-m including to wit,
The Ulysses Planning Board,
the Ulysses Zoning Board of Appeals,
Building and Code Inspector of the Town of Ulysses,
Tompkins County Department of Planning,
Clerk of the Tompkins County Legislature,
Seneca County
Schuyler County
Town of Covert
Town of Hector
Town of Enfield
Town of Lansing
Town of Ithaca
Village of Trumansburg
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
New York State Commissioner of Environmental Conservation
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
The board discussed several issues, including:
Maximum bldg. footprint
Environmental concerns
Lack of definition of “footprint” in the zoning law, and how it differs from “floor area”
Making sure the zoning guidelines are consistent throughout sections
Clarifying whether garage is included in the footprint
*Resolution 2020-139: Operation Of 2020 Summer Programs For Youth
WHEREAS, The Town of Ulysses and Village of Trumansburg agreed to offer a summer day camp and sports
camp as part of a joint recreation program in 2020 and
WHEREAS, the Coronavirus pandemic and construction have made it impossible to use school facilities as in
the past, and the health and safety guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and New York State
Department of Health prohibit the use of school buses to transport campers to Taughannock Park for
swimming, and have made the design and operation of a full-day, safe and fun camp that meets the before
and after camp supervision needs of working parents extremely difficult to implement, and
WHEREAS, nearly all other public and private daycamps have already cancelled programming and parents have
expressed serious concerns about having their children participate in a program that could expose them to
possible COVID-19 infection,
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board, with great regret, cancels the 2020 summer day camp program and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Recreation Department will offer a variety of safe and fun short-term activities
for children, youth, families and community members for the summer of 2020 and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town-sponsored Youth Development program operated by Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Tompkins County for middle schoolers in the Trumansburg School District, will offer small group,
part-day, in-person programming for interested middle schoolers adhering to NYS Health Guidance under the
current contract and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Youth Employment Program will operate as planned with funding approved for
2020 while assuring that employers and young people are fully informed of and committed to adhering to
required safety precautions.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler & Ms. Olson noted that Mr. Glennon did a great job of planning, which can be used for next
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/23/2020
*Resolution 2020-140: Authorization To Engage Insero And Company To Conduct Audit Of
2019 Financials
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses will contract with Insero and Company to perform an audit of
the 2019 financials per the letter of engagement dated 4/28/2020 at a cost not to exceed $10,500.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/23/2020
*Resolution 2020-141: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Regular Town Board meeting on
6/9/20; the Special Town Board meeting on 6/16/20 for Summer Camp; and the Public Information Session on
Proposed Zoning Amendment held on 6/16/20.
Moved: Ms. Boggs Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/23/2020
*Resolution 2020-142: Approval Of Temporary Building Use Policy
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, New York (“Town Board”) wishes to adopt a temporary
building use policy for certain Town facilities to allow limited use by community groups that need adequately-
sized meeting space during the Coronavirus COVID19 Public Health Emergency to ensure safe and socially
distancing compliant meetings for groups not directly affiliated with the Town government; and
WHEREAS, in light of the social distancing requirements imposed by the Governor of the State of New York
certain groups may not be able to utilize their regular meeting spaces for meetings and/or other gatherings;
WHEREAS, the Town does not have an existing building use policy but wishes to adopt this policy as a
temporary measure while it considers a more permanent policy; and
WHEREAS, the primary purpose of Town of Ulysses buildings and facilities is to serve the needs of the
municipal government, and as such the Town Board reserves the right to deny or revoke permission to a
community group to use a Town building or facility if it is required for Town business; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the Town Highway Barn is of sufficient size and configuration
that it allows for safe use that would enable groups to practice the requisite social distance; and
1. This policy is effective immediately upon adoption by the Town Board and shall automatically expire
on either December 31, 2020 unless earlier revoked or extended by the Town Board.
2. The Town Board shall be responsible for the overall implementation of this policy and for developing
any necessary administrative procedures concerning facility use as long as they are consistent with this policy.
The Town Clerk is responsible for administering the policy and shall report to the Town Supervisor.
3. The following activities are prohibited under this policy any group seeking to use a Town facility for
these purposes may be denied use of the facility, in the Town Board’s discretion on a case-by-case basis:
A. No municipal facility shall be made available to any group or individual advocating illegal acts.
B. No municipal facility shall be made available for any activities that are, in the opinion of the Town
Supervisor, contrary to the best interest of the municipality or the welfare of its employees.
C. No municipal facility shall be made available in violation of any local, state or federal laws.
D. No municipal facility shall be made available for any purpose that poses a risk of damage to municipal
buildings, grounds or equipment.
E. Possession or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs on municipal property is prohibited.
F. Use or sale of tobacco products is prohibited in municipal facilities.
G. Preparation and cooking of food in Town facilities is prohibited.
4. Conditions of Use.
A. The Town of Ulysses assumes no liability for any damage or loss to non-municipal property resulting
from the use of a Town facility.
B. The user is required to supply the Town with proof of adequate liability insurance or sign an Insurance
Waiver form holding the Town harmless.
The town reserves the right to charge the user a security deposit.
C. Applicants for facility use shall complete a Facility Use Application and Agreement at least 3 days prior
to the date of use of the town facility.
D. Organizations and groups must designate a specific person, above the age of 21 wo shall be
responsible for the event.
E. The Town reserves the right to require that designated Town employees be present during the event.
Any costs associated with such a requirement by the Town shall be paid by User.
F. Users must comply with all fire, and safety code requirements, other municipal safety rules and all
public health and safety rules outlined in the Governor’s Executive Orders during the COVID19 pandemic.
G. Users are responsible for maintaining appropriate security, supervision and good order during the
H. The user shall be responsible for cleaning up the facility and leaving it in a reasonably clean condition.
The Town reserves the right to charge the user for the cost of setting up, cleaning and repair of any damage to
Town property.
Lack of compliance with terms and conditions may be grounds for denying future use.
5. Violations. Users who violate this policy may be required to vacate the facility immediately, and may,
at the discretion of the Town Supervisor, be barred from future facility use.
6. Appeals. In the event that the use of a Town facility is denied or revoked, the applicant or user may
appeal the decision in writing to the Town Board. The decision of Town Board shall be final.
Mr. Goldman made a friendly amendment to amend or include language about security deposits, fees for use,
and preparation and cooking of food.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/8/2020
*Resolution 2020-143: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for July 14, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-144: Approval Of Revised Language For Draft Local Amending Ulysses
Zoning Law Regarding Lakeshore And Conservation Zones And Scheduling Of Public Hearing
WHEREAS, Resolution # 2020-138 was tabled on June 23, 2020 to allow time for the Town Board to develop a
definition of “building footprint” and to adjust allowable housing provisions of the existing Lakeshore and
Conservation zones to conform with other zones in the Town and
WHEREAS, those proposed changes have been incorporated into the revised Zoning Amendment #1 of 2020,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED that Resolution #2020-138 be removed from the table and replaced by the following:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses (Town Board) enacted Local Law No. 3 of 2019 on
December 10, 2019, which law was filed with the New York State Secretary of State on December 16, 2019,
which local law repealed in its entirety the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law adopted by Local Law No. 3 of 2013,
amended from time to time, and codified as Chapter 212 of the Laws of the Town of Ulysses, and in its place
adopted a new zoning law, and
WHEREAS, when adopting the Zoning Law on December 10, 2019 by Resolution 2019-211 several members of
the Town Board wanted to re-visit the law in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held November
18, 2019 and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wished to consider alternative strategies that balance our environmental
stewardship responsibilities with the property rights of landowners when protecting steep slopes and Unique
Natural Areas in the Lakeshore and Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000sq ft footprint and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board reconsidered relevant sections of the law related to the lot limits
and site plan review requirements of the Lakeshore and Conservation Zones and transmitted their
recommendations including proposed changes to the current zoning along with their rationale to the Town
Board on April 28, 2020 through Planning Board Resolution Numbers 1 of 2020 and 2 of 2020, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board accepted the Planning Board recommendations and held a Public
Information Session for all interested residents on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 to explain the proposal and invite
questions and comments and received written and verbal comments before and after the session and,
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board has discussed the comments received from residents in support of and
opposed to the proposed Local Law #1 of 2020 AMENDING TOWN OF ULYSSES ZONING LAW REGARDING
LAKESHORE AND CONSERVATION ZONES introduced on May 26, 2020, and
WHEREAS, Municipal Home Rule Law §20(5) requires that a public hearing be held before a local law is
adopted by the Town Board, which public hearing must be held upon the publication of at least ten days’
notice in the Town’s official newspaper; and
WHEREAS, Town Law §264(4) also requires that a public hearing be held prior to adopting (or amending)
zoning regulations, and
WHEREAS, Town Law §265(2) requires that amendments made to any zoning law (excluding any map
incorporated therein) shall be entered in the minutes of the town board; such minutes shall describe and refer
to any map adopted in connection with such change, amendment or supplement and a copy, summary or
abstract thereof (exclusive of any map incorporated therein) shall be published once in a newspaper published
in the town, if any, or in such newspaper published in the county in which such town may be located having a
circulation in such town, as the town board may designate, and affidavits of the publication thereof shall be
filed with the town clerk, and
WHEREAS, due to the Corona Virus/COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor of the State of New York has authorized
municipalities to conduct certain public hearings and meetings by virtual means in order to ensure the public
health and safety,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached draft local law, (see Appendix III) the full text of which
the Town Clerk is hereby directed to reproduce in the minutes hereof, is adopted as the draft upon which a
public hearing shall be held to consider whether or not to adopt the proposed amendments, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby schedules a public hearing for August 11 at 6:30 PM. The details for
accessing the public hearing shall be published on the Town’s website. The purpose of the public hearing is for
all persons wishing to comment in favor or against the proposed zoning amendments to have an opportunity
to provide their comments thereon, and be it further
RESOLVED, that in addition to participation in the public hearing, all members of the public wishing to submit
written comments on the proposed local law may do so in writing addressed to the Town Clerk at 10 Elm
Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886 or by email to clerk@ulysses.ny.us, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to publish notice of said hearing in the Ithaca Journal as required by
law, to mail notices to all persons and agencies entitled to notice, to file in the office of the Town Clerk
affidavits of publication, and the Town Board authorizes payment of expenses associated with said
publications and mailings, and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of the proposed Zoning Law and a copy of this Resolution shall be sent by the Town
Clerk of the Town of Ulysses to all persons entitled to notice pursuant to NY Town Law §264 and NY General
Municipal Law §239-m including to wit,
The Ulysses Planning Board,
The Ulysses Zoning Board of Appeals,
Building and Code Inspector of the Town of Ulysses,
Tompkins County Department of Planning,
Clerk of the Tompkins County Legislature,
Seneca County
Schuyler County
Town of Covert
Town of Hector
Town of Enfield
Town of Lansing
Town of Ithaca
Village of Trumansburg
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
New York State Commissioner of Environmental Conservation
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-145: Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice - Tabled
WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted a Statement on Racial Justice, Violence and the Role of Local Government
on June 9, 2020 to respond to the injustices highlighted by the death of George Floyd and
WHEREAS, the June 9th statement included several commitments to take action in support of racial justice,
Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board begins to honor its commitment to action by taking the proposed next
1. The Supervisor will send the June 9, 2020 Statement with a letter on behalf of the Town Board to each
of the local law enforcement agencies responsible for serving and protecting the residents of the Town of
Ulysses appreciating their efforts and urging them to enact and practice key policing reforms to be more just
and equitable. Copies will also be sent to those responsible for funding and oversight of the Village, County
and State law enforcement agencies.
2. Town staff and Board, with help from the community, will identify and provide educational resources
to enable our staff and Town Board members to learn more about our own unconscious biases and
institutional racism to inform a systematic review of our policies and practices to assure that the Town of
Ulysses is acting in anti-racist and inclusive ways that promote justice and equity.
3. Engage Board, staff, and community members in a systematic review of the Town’s Personnel Policies
and Zoning laws to identify any explicit or unintentional racism or exclusionary policies and/or practices and to
seek recommendations for ways the Town can become more just, equitable, and inclusive.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Motion tabled.
*Resolution 2020-146: Creation Of A Flag Policy Work Group
WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted a Policy on Endorsements in Resolution 211 of 2017 which outlines the
criteria to consider when an external group asks the Town to endorse a policy, position and/or display a flag
WHEREAS, On June 9, 2020 the Town Board agreed to develop a policy to govern whether and under what
circumstances the Town of Ulysses would agree to display additional flags to promote approved causes or
Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED that the Town Board creates a work group comprised of Katelin Olson, Michael Boggs, and Carissa
Parlato to develop a proposed Flag Policy for the Town Board to consider at a future meeting.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/14/2020
*Resolution 2020-147: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the 6/23/20 Public Information Meetings
and the regular town board meeting as amended; and the Special Town Board meeting on 7/8/20.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 6/9/2020
*Resolution 2020-148: Approval Of Claims And WD3 Charges
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed the following claims:
HA fund vouchers # 17-18 in the amount of $3621.03
HB fund voucher #5-7 in the amount of $7046.42
A-SW funds vouchers #266-311 in the amount of $153,272.77
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/14/2020
JULY 28th, 2020: Regular Town Board Meeting
*Resolution 2020-149: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for July 28, 2020 with the addition of
scheduling new meetings (6d.); the deletion of the executive session.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-150: Establishing Temporary Town Hall Hours Of Operation
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic emergency has created a situation in which the Town offices have had
changing hours of operations and have not been open to the public since the beginning of the state-wide
quarantine in March of this year, and
WHEREAS residents are encouraged to directly contact the office from which they are seeking services and
Town staff have been accommodating specific scheduling needs and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wants to be as accessible as possible to the public while protecting the
safety of our employees and residents seeking service, and
WHEREAS, the construction project that has been underway since May 2020 is about to conclude,
RESOLVED that the Town Hall shall be open to the public for Town-related business and services starting
Monday, August 3rd, 2020 from 10am - 2pm Monday through Friday. Appointments are strongly encouraged.
Specific departments will be open as follows:
The Town Clerk and Town Court will be available Monday through Friday
The part-time Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer will be available Monday, Wednesday and Friday
The Planning/Zoning Office will be available Tuesday and Thursday and be it further
RESOLVED, that the current health protocols designed to protect employees and Town Hall visitors will be
health screening questions for employees and visitors,
required use of facial coverings for employees and visitors,
plexiglass screens at service windows,
use of hand sanitizer and disinfection of frequently used surfaces and
required use of contact tracing sign in log at both entrances and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk will post these hours and protocols on the website, Town Hall entrances, and
the e-newsletter the hours of operation including specific offices.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
The board discussed whether employees should be tested regularly. The Town Board will not require it;
however, employees who wish to do so and have insurance to cover are encouraged to consider regular
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 7/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-145: Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice (Tabled From
7/14/20 Meeting, Tabled Again Until Later In The Meeting)
WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted a Statement on Racial Justice, Violence and the Role of Local Government
on June 9, 2020 to respond to the injustices highlighted by the death of George Floyd and
WHEREAS, the June 9th statement included several commitments to take action in support of racial justice,
Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board begins to honor its commitment to action by taking the proposed next
The Supervisor will send the June 9, 2020 Statement with a letter on behalf of the Town Board to each of the
local law enforcement agencies responsible for serving and protecting the residents of the Town of Ulysses
appreciating their efforts and urging them to enact and practice key policing reforms to be more just and
equitable. Copies will also be sent to those responsible for funding and oversight of the Village, County and
State law enforcement agencies.
Town staff and Board, with help from the local community and County, will identify and provide educational
resources to enable our staff and Town Board members to learn more about our own unconscious biases and
institutional racism. The training will provide a more critical lens through which to view our policies, practices
and behaviors to assure that the Town of Ulysses is acting in anti-racist and inclusive ways that promote justice
and equity.
Engage Board, staff, and community members in a systematic review of Town policies and practices to identify
any racist or exclusionary policies and/or practices and to seek recommendations for ways the Town can
become more just, equitable, and inclusive.
*Resolution 2020-151: Adoption Of Town Of Ulysses Policy On Fund Balance And Reserve
WHEREAS, the State of New York and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board has established by
Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions for fund balance
reporting; and
WHEREAS, reserve funds, essentially a legally authorized savings account for particular specific purposes, are
an important component in the Towns financial planning for specific expenses, future projects, acquisitions
and other lawful purposes, and
WHEREAS, the Town may establish and maintain fund balances in accordance with New York State laws, and
the Town will also consider rules and/or opinions issued by the New York State Comptroller when they are not
in conflict with law; and
WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer have the authority to reclassify the existing Fund Balance
Reserve accounts and establish new financial account numbers to conform with the new Town Reserve Fund
Policy; and
WHEREAS, the Town Reserve Fund Policy shall read as follows:
In accordance with GASB Statement No. 54 the Town reserve funds must be properly established and
maintained to promote the goals of creating an open, transparent and accountable use of public funds. The
Town may engage independent experts and professionals, including but not limited to, auditors, accountants
and other financial and legal counsel, as necessary to monitor all reserve fund activity and prepare reports that
the Town Board may require.
Government Fund Type Assignment (GASB-54)
The Town shall comply with the reporting requirements of Article 3 of General Municipal Law of the State of
New York and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement Number 54, Fund Balance
Reporting and Governmental Fund Types Definitions. The Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to complete
the following actions as necessary to comply with the requirements of GASB Statement No. 54:
A. Restricted Fund Balances- Restricted fund balances consist of amounts that are subject to externally
enforceable legal purpose restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors or laws and regulations of
other governments; or through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. This category of fund balance
refers to all reserves in the any fund.
B. Committed Fund Balances-Committed fund balances consist of amounts that are subject to a purpose
constraint imposed by formal action of the Town Board. This category refers to informal reserves in the A fund.
C. Assigned Fund Balances-Assigned fund balances consist of amounts that are subject to a purpose constraint
that represent an intended use established by the Town Board or Town Supervisor. The Town Board authorizes
the Town Supervisor to make a determination of the assigned amounts of fund balance. Assigned funds
represent amounts intended to be used for a specific purpose. Assigned fund balances require same level of
authority to remove the constraint. This category includes what is called “appropriated fund balance” in the A
fund in the budget document, “appropriated fund balance”. Outside of the A Fund (i.e. B, DA, DB, and the
Water District Funds, the category ‘Assigned Fund Balance” refers to unappropriated fund balance within the
fund, aka “Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance.” “Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance” is appropriated
fund balance in any fund outside of the A Fund.
D. Unassigned Fund Balances – Any amounts that are available for any purpose. This category refers to
unappropriated fund balance in the A Fund.
Funding Policy for Restricted or Committed and Assigned Fund Balances
The formal actions and amounts deemed necessary by the Town Board that restrict, commit or assign fund
balances to a specific purpose may occur prior to the end of the reporting period, however, may be
determined in the subsequent period.
Spending Policy for Fund Balances
The Town Board and Budget Officer will assess the current financial condition of the Town and then determine
the order of application of expenditures to which fund balance classification will be charged.
Periodic Review and Annual Report
The Town Board and management will periodically review all restricted, committed and assigned fund
balances. The Board shall utilize the information to discuss reserve fund balances and to adequately maintain
necessary funds for the Towns long-term financial planning. The Board will be mindful of its role and
responsibility as a fiduciary of public funds when acting on reserve fund issues.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, Tompkins County, New York,
That the Town Board of the Town Ulysses adopts the Fund Balance and Reserve Fund Policy, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that, by the adoption of this resolution, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses does
adopt the Town of Ulysses Reserve Fund Policy in accordance with GASB-54 and that such reserve fund policy
shall remain in full force and effect and shall be followed with respect to all reserve funds maintained by the
Town of Ulysses.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs nay
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis abstain
Vote: 3-1
Date Adopted: 7/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-152: Re-Establishing The “DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve
Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses As A Type Capital Reserve Fund For Highway Equipment
Under Section 6-C Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historic intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, there is no requirement to state an estimated maximum cost of the equipment or improvement in
the resolution establishing a Type Capital Reserve Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $204,452 already set aside for equipment for the Highway
Department, which funds are denoted as “DA233/DA878 Equipment Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in regular session as follows:
1. That there be and hereby is re-established a capital reserve fund in the amount of $204,452 to cover
the cost of future highway equipment.
2. Such capital reserve fund is to be known as the “DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $204,452, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “DA233/DA878 Highway
Equipment Reserve Fund” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $204,452 to the DA233/DA878 Highway
Equipment Reserve Fund.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the DA233/DA878
Highway Equipment Reserve Fund.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-c of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
Highway Equipment Reserve Fund in the DA Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-153: Authorizing Use Of Funds From The Town Of Ulysses DA233/DA878
Highway Equipment Reserve Fund To Purchase Highway Maintenance And Construction
Equipment In 2020
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses by resolution adopted on August 11, 2020 a resolution re-
establishing the type capital reserve fund to cover the cost of future highway equipment (“DA233/DA878
Highway Equipment Reserve Fund”); and
WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted the 2020 budget for the Town on October 8, 2019 which includes the
appropriation of $86,491 from the Capital Equipment Reserve Fund DA878 for the purpose of purchasing
highway equipment in 2020; and
WHEREAS, due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, the Town Board and Highway Superintendent decided
to purchase less equipment in the 2020 year and have determined that $15,000 appropriated from the
DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund will help to balance the budget during these unprecedented
times; and
WHEREAS, the current balance of the DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund is $204,452; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, an expenditure from a capital equipment reserve fund
requires authorization by the Town Board, and such authorization is subject to a permssive referendum; and
WHEREAS, the Town needs to purchase the following highway equipment:
2020 Ford F-350 XL Crew Cab in the amount of $40,943.80;
WHEREAS, the purchase of the above-referenced equipment falls within the purposes for which the
DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund was established;
RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the following expenditures from the Town of Ulysses DA233/DA878
Highway Equipment Reserve Fund for the purchase of highway equipment: $15,000 for the 2020 Ford F-350 XL
Crew Cab; and be it further
RESOLVED that, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum;
and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will post and publish the following notice of the permissive referendum in
accordance to law and provide a copy of such notice to the Town Supervisor:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting held on the 11th day of August, 2020, the Town Board of
the Town of Ulysses, New York duly adopted Resolution #153 of 2020, an abstract of which follows below,
which is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to General Municipal Law section 6-c.
The resolution authorizes the Town of Ulysses (“the Town”) to use up to $15,000 from the Town of Ulysses
DA233/DA878 Highway Equipment Reserve Fund.
The resolution shall take effect 30 days after adoption, i.e., on September 11, 2020, unless by such date there
is filed in the office of the town clerk a petition, signed, and acknowledged or proved, or authenticated by
electors of the town qualified to vote upon a proposition to raise and expend money, in number equal to at
least five percent of the total vote cast for governor in the Town at the last general election held for the
election of state officers, but not be less than 100 in a town of the first class, protesting against the resolution
and requesting that it be submitted to the qualified electors of the town, for their approval or disapproval.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/28/2020
*Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice-Continued (Tabled)
The board discussed the draft letter to law enforcement and shared their opinions and feelings on the topic.
Ms. Zahler moved to take this resolution off the table from 7/14/20. This was seconded by Ms. Olson.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs abstain
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
*Resolution 2020-145: Adoption Of Action Steps To Promote Racial Justice (originally from
WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted a Statement on Racial Justice, Violence and the Role of Local Government
on June 9, 2020 to respond to the injustices highlighted by the death of George Floyd and
WHEREAS, the June 9th statement included several commitments to take action in support of racial justice,
Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board begins to honor its commitment to action by taking the proposed next
The Supervisor will send the June 9, 2020 Statement with a letter on behalf of the Town Board to each of the
local law enforcement agencies responsible for serving and protecting the residents of the Town of Ulysses
appreciating their efforts and urging them to enact and practice key policing reforms to be more just and
equitable. Copies will also be sent to those responsible for funding and oversight of the Village, County and
State law enforcement agencies.
Town staff and Board, with help from the local community and County, will identify and provide educational
resources to enable our staff and Town Board members to learn more about our own unconscious biases and
institutional racism. The training will provide a more critical lens through which to view our policies, practices
and behaviors to assure that the Town of Ulysses is acting in anti-racist and inclusive ways that promote justice
and equity.
Engage Board, staff, and community members in a systematic review of Town policies and practices to identify
any racist or exclusionary policies and/or practices and to seek recommendations for ways the Town can
become more just, equitable, and inclusive.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/28/2020
*Resolution 2020-155: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Regular Town Board meeting on
7/14/20 as amended.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/28/20
*Resolution 2020-156: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Special Town Board meeting on
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 7/28/20
*Resolution 2020-157: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for August 11, 2020 with the following
change: move town reports to follow the budget updates to allow for more discussion of zoning update earlier
in the meeting.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-158– SEQRA Negative Declaration Of Significance For The Adoption Of
Local Law #1 Of 2020, A Local Law Amending The Town Of Ulysses Zoning Law Regarding
Lake Shore And Conservation Zones.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses (Town Board) enacted Local Law No. 3 of 2019 on
December 10, 2019, which law was filed with the New York State Secretary of State on December 16, 2019.
Local Law No. 3 of 2019 repealed in its entirety the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law adopted by Local Law No. 3 of
2013, amended from time to time, and codified as Chapter 212 of the Laws of the Town of Ulysses, and in its
place adopted a new zoning law, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board now seeks to further refine the Ulysses Zoning Law by revising the maximum foot
print of buildings in the Lake Shore Zone (LS) and Conservation Zone (CZ), as well as to refine building
standards in these zones to protect the impact of development on the steep slopes and natural resources
according to the goals set in the Ulysses Comprehensive Plan of 2009, and
WHEREAS, The Town Board has determined that the action is a Type I action under 6 NYCRR Part 617 of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), and by Resolution Number ,2020-137 declared itself Lead
Agency for the purpose of conducting an uncoordinated environmental review in connection with approval by
the Town; and
WHEREAS, The Town Board sought advice from the Town of Ulysses Planning Board regarding the footprint of
dwellings in Lake Shore and Conservation Zones; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board is the only agency charged with taking action in connection with the adoption of
this Local Law, which action is purely legislative in nature; and
WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, acting as the Lead agency in its the uncoordinated
environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of SEQRA, thoroughly reviewed the Environmental
Assessment Form (“EAF”), Parts I and 2, and the Impact Analysis of the Proposed Zoning Amendments,
including the findings noted therein (which findings are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), and any
and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental
review, and thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the
proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in
6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii) completed the EAF, Part 3; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has compared the proposed action with the criteria for determining significance in
SEQRA 6 NYCRR 617.7;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, based upon its thorough
review of the EAF, Parts 1 and 2, and the Impact Analysis of the Proposed Zoning Amendments, including the
findings noted therein (which findings are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), and any and all other
documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action, and in comparison with the Criteria
for Determining Significance found at 6 NYCRR Part 617.7, hereby makes a negative declaration of
environmental significance (“Negative Declaration”) in accordance with SEQR for the above referenced
proposed zoning amendments and that the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement is not
required; and
that this determination is based on the following facts and conclusions:
Adoption of the Local Law is consistent with the following Objectives of the Town of Ulysses Comprehensive
Master Plan:
OBJECTIVE #1.1 B - Investigate and implement various mechanisms to protect and preserve environmentally
sensitive areas such as steep slopes, wetlands, Unique Natural Areas, mature forests and important wildlife
habitats in all Land Use areas.
OBJECTIVE #1.1 E. Enact zoning regulations to protect the Cayuga Lake waterfront and ensure development
that is consistent with the lakefront’s existing character and compatible with the natural environmental
OBJECTIVE #1.2 B. Ensure that effective Town-wide stormwater management and erosion and sediment
control regulations are in place, and that there are sufficient resources to effectively enforce the regulations;
at a minimum the regulations need to ensure that rates of runoff from new development are no greater than
pre-development rates, and erosion control measures effectively prevent sediment from entering streams and
roadside ditches during construction and other soil disturbing activities
Adoption of the Local Law will not result in any direct action or physical change to the environment.
Any changes to the environment that may occur from adoption of the Local Law would be indirect and result
from future undertakings that would be permitted by the Local Law.
Adoption of the Local Law will likely preserve land, and the unique natural resources in the Town of Ulysses.
Conformance with adopted Town of Ulysses Plans & Environmental Impact Analysis
of Proposed 2019 Zoning Amendments
Comprehensive Plan Objective Town Action through
Environmental Impacts
1.1 Preserve and protect the town’s
natural and environmental resources
(Objective 1.1 p.19);
Stream setbacks to
Taughannock and
Trumansburg Creeks
have been increased.
Section 212-124 B.
Stream Protection
Setback, has been
clarified with the goal
of protecting water
No negative environmental impacts. Protects
water quality from contamination and
sedimentation due to soil erosion
1.2 Protect existing water resources and
maintain water quality
See above No negative environmental impacts.
Protects water quality from contamination and
sedimentation due to soil erosion
1.2a Review and revise the existing Town
regulations to more adequately
protect streams in the Town through
buffer zones, setbacks, or other
protection mechanisms such as a
stream protection overlay zone.
See above No negative environmental impacts. Protects
water quality from contamination and
sedimentation due to soil erosion
1.2g Identify and enact measures to
protect the quantity and quality of
groundwater for Town residents,
including the preservation of open
space and prohibiting over-
withdrawal of groundwater
resources, and limiting potential
negative impacts associated with
septic systems, agricultural practices
and commercial contaminants.
See above. Sections
212-139.3: Animal
Waste Storage
Facility, and 212-
139.4 Confined
Animal Feeding
Operations both
enact measures to
protect ground and
surface water and
protect neighboring
lands from the side
effects from large
quantities of animal
waste. The separate
law on Illicit
Discharges covers
protection from
No negative environmental impacts. Protects
water quality from contamination and
sedimentation due to soil erosion
1.2h Ensure to the extent possible that
animal agriculture operations in the
Town are managed so as to protect
the health and safety of the citizens of
See answer to 1.2g Protects water quality from contamination.
Setbacks from property lines are intended to
limit negative environmental impacts on
neighboring lands animal waste storage.
Comprehensive Plan Objective Town Action through
Environmental Impacts
the Town.
1.3a Ensure to the extent possible that all
animal agriculture operations in the
Town are managed so as to protect
the health and safety of the citizens of
the Town.
While the Town has
little oversight
authority for
agriculture, the Town
does feel residents
have a right to know
the same information
that is submitted to
the state regarding
animal waste
management. Having
some oversight of the
location of animal
waste storage
facilities is for the
protection of health
and safety of
residents (see
separate section
below on CAFOs)
Residents will have the information to help
protect their own health, safety and welfare to
the extent allowed by NYS Ag and Markets.
2.1a Use the Future Land Use Plan to guide
officials’ decision-making as it relates
to future development.
The proposed zoning
map uses the Future
Land Use Plan as a
guide to regulations
within each zone.
No negative environmental impacts
2.1b Update the Town’s Zoning Law to
ensure consistency with the Future
Land Use Plan.
The proposed zoning
map more closely
matches that of the
Future Land Use Plan.
No negative environmental impacts
2.1c Incorporate architectural design
guidelines or standards into the
Town’s Zoning Law to ensure new
commercial and mixed land use
development is consistent with
the vision of the Town. Utilize the
results of the Community
Character Survey to aid in
codifying the design standards for
inclusion in the updated Zoning
Law. Include architectural review
as part of the site plan review
process for all commercial, large-
scale residential, and mixed use
development that occurs in the
Design standards
and guidelines have
been enhanced for
lighting, signs, and
parking, and to a
small degree,
architectural detail
based on Appendix
4, the Community
Character Survey
No negative environmental impacts
Comprehensive Plan Objective Town Action through
Environmental Impacts
2.5f Incorporate land use tools in the
Zoning Law that encourage the
clustering of residential
development to preserve existing
rural character and efficient use of
municipal services.
Subdivision rules
encourage use of
cluster subdivision
to preserve rural
character and
reduce demand for
new municipal
water services.
No negative environmental impacts.
Actions preserve farmland and open space.
2.6a Prepare a Farmland Protection
Plan to identify important
agricultural lands. Develop specific
strategies for protecting and
maintaining high quality
agricultural land for agricultural
uses and for preserving the rural
The Town adopted
an Agriculture and
Protection Plan in
2013 with
strategies for
protecting ag land
for ag uses and
preserving the rural
No negative environmental impacts.
Actions preserve farmland and open space.
2.6c Allow cluster and road frontage
development in the Agricultural
Priority Area of the Future Land
Use Plan, as appropriate to
conserving valuable farmland for
continued agricultural uses while
also allowing farmers and
landowners to develop smaller
development and
development along
road frontages is
allowed in the
proposed zoning in
the Ag Priority Area
to still allow
farmers to develop.
No negative environmental impacts.
Actions preserve farmland and open space.
3.1g Allow farm-related businesses on
farms as long as they remain
secondary to the farm operation.
The proposed
zoning adds and
expands on the
commercial uses
allowed in the
While certain types of farming or farm
business operations do have environmental
impacts such as use of fertilizers and
pesticides, NYS has broad regulatory
authority over agriculture and its impact on
the environment. Site plan review will help
mitigate the environmental impacts of
certain farm-related businesses.
5.2b Revise the existing sign ordinance
to ensure consistent and aesthetic
sign design and to include
appropriate sign regulations on
the Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway.
The sign
regulations are
essentially the
same but have
been clarified to
No negative environmental impacts.
Comprehensive Plan Objective Town Action through
Environmental Impacts
remove ambiguity.
Guidance taken
from the
Character Survey.
5.2c Revise the existing outdoor
lighting ordinance to prevent light
The outdoor
lighting design
standards have
been changed to
adhere to Dark Sky
guidelines to
protect from light
pollution for the
benefit of all.
Guidance taken
from the
Character Survey.
No negative environmental impacts.
Regulations decrease light pollution.
5.2d Include landscaping requirements
for new commercial and
residential developments where
appropriate and create incentives
to landscape existing structures.
Design Standards
have some new
Guidance taken
from the
Character Survey.
No negative environmental impacts.
Community Character Survey
Results, Appendix 4, page 151-- In
general, the lowest rated images
were those that showed buildings
with large parking area in a strip
plaza development, few
pedestrian amenities, a general
lack of landscaping, and limited
architectural style or detailing.
Large building masses and
vehicular-oriented development
styles ranked particularly low.
Design Standards
improve some of
the visual aspects
that residents rate
most highly for
No negative environmental impacts.
(page 160): Building size
Based on survey
results in the
Character Survey,
which indicated
No negative environmental impacts. Will
protect the existing “rural character” of the
town as indicated in the Community
Character Survey.
Comprehensive Plan Objective Town Action through
Environmental Impacts
large box style
buildings were in
the lowest end of
“desirability”, the
Town is limiting the
size of future
buildings to the size
of the largest
existing building
footprint of 20,000
ft2 for agricultural
purposes and in
general 5,000 ft2
for non-agricultural
buildings in the
Ag/Rural Zone.
(page 160): Parking design
Based on survey
results in the
Character Survey,
which indicated
large parking lots in
the front of
buildings were in
the lowest end of
“desirability”, the
Town is limiting
parking for
purposes to the
side and back of
No negative environmental impacts. Will
protect the existing “rural character” of the
town as indicated in the Community
Character Survey.
(page 160): Sign design standards
Based on survey
results in the
Character Survey,
which indicated a
preference for
certain sign
designs, the Town
is limiting certain
aspects of new
No negative environmental impacts. Will
protect the existing “rural character” of the
town as indicated in the Community
Character Survey.
Agriculture & Farmland
Protection Plan
4.2.4A The Town should have a Right-
to-Farm clause for any zoning
district where agriculture is a
permitted use.
A Right-to-Farm clause
continues to exist as it has
since 2007. (Chapter 212
§212-24 “Right to Farm”)
No negative environmental impacts.
4.2.4B Subdivision Review (rated
high): Encourage developers
to identify important
farmlands and other key
environmental features
including those that would
affect water quality and
viewsheds at the beginning of
the design process, and then
design a residential
subdivision in harmony with
those resources to the extent
The AFPP Committee
identified important farms
and included it in the AFPP.
The Town now also has a
Natural Resources Inventory
developed by Cornell
Cooperative Extension. Both
will be used as reference
during the planning process
for developments.
No negative environmental impacts.
Action helps preserve farmland and
open space.
4.2.4B Subdivision Review (rated
high):Employ best practices in
subdivision/site design
including the following:
vegetated buffers adjacent to
streams and wetlands;
vegetated buffers between
farms and residences to
minimize potential conflicts
between residential
communities and farming
Updated Zoning § 212-124
to require 100-foot setback
from Trumansburg and
Taughannock Creeks.
No negative environmental impacts.
Action helps preserve farmland and
open space.
4.2.4L Site Plan Review (rated high).
Develop site plan review
procedures for confined
animal feedlot operations
(CAFO’s) as defined by the US
EPA or the NYS DEC.
-Design Standards proposed
for Confined Animal Feeding
Operations (CAFO) which
apply regardless of how that
use is classified (Site Plan
Review, Special Permit, etc.)
CAFOs themselves can have a negative
effect on the health, safety and
welfare of residents if Best
Management Practices are not
followed, but this is regulated by the
NYS Department of Agriculture and
the NYS Department of Environmental
Ulysses CAFO Design Standards will
help to protect residents and water
quality from undesirable side effects
Agriculture & Farmland
Protection Plan
known to be associated with some
CAFOs (see separate section on CAFOs
below) to the extent allowed by the
4.2.4K Expand or enhance the Town’s
cluster development
Cluster Subdivision is in the
proposed new zoning
No negative environmental impacts.
Action helps preserve farmland and
open space.
4.2.4i Develop Site Plan Review
procedures for confined
animal feedlot operations
(CAFO’s) as defined by the US
EPA or the New York State
CAFOs remain allowed in the
zoning under Special Permit.
CAFOs themselves can have a negative
effect on the health, safety and
welfare of residents if Best
Management Practices are not
followed, but this is regulated by the
NYS Department of Agriculture and
the NYS Department of Environmental
Ulysses CAFO Design Standards will
help to protect residents and water
quality from undesirable side effects
known to be associated with some
CAFOs (see separate section on CAFOs
below) to the extent allowed by the
ix D of
Expand Purpose Statement for
Article V, §212-23-A/R Zone to
focus on the contribution of
agriculture. Specifically, add
“Furthermore, this zoning is
designed to preserve the
existing agricultural
operations that flourish on our
town-wide excellent soils and
to promote the establishment
of new agricultural enterprises
to assure the continuation of
the rural nature of the town.”
The Purpose Statement has
been updated and expanded
based on input from the
Agriculture and Farmland
Protection Plan and
comments from the
Agriculture Committee. The
purpose emphasizes
agricultural uses as primary
uses in the zone.
The specific sentence
recommended in the AFPP
was added to the Purpose
Statement but the words
“town-wide” were removed
due to a comment from a
member of the Agricultural
No negative environmental impacts
ix D of
Change “District” to “Zone” The title of Article V--the
No negative environmental impacts
Agriculture & Farmland
Protection Plan
AFPP Zone—is, under the 2013
Zoning called A1-Agricultural
District. The word “District”
causes confusion with the
State-certified agricultural
district designation
associated with NYS
Agriculture and Markets
Law. The Zoning Update
Steering Committee
recommended a name
change to A/R-
Agricultural/Rural Zone.
ix D of
Expand uses in the A/R Zone
to expand profitability of
The proposed zoning offers
a number of ways for farm
operations to be more
profitable including a
liberalized list of allowed
value-added uses including
agritourism uses, cideries,
distilleries, wineries,
nurseries and greenhouses,
lawn and landscaping
services, and restaurants
selling farm-produced
products. Also added is an
expanded definition and
allowance of Agriculture-
Related Commerce.
The expanded uses are not expected
to have a negative environmental
impact because most are subject to
site plan review which will mitigate
potential problems. This action
supports expanded agricultural
ix D of
Streams leading to Cayuga
Lake should not carry polluting
material or sediment in their
downstream flow. The AFPP
recommended adding, “No
buildings, other structures, or
parking areas shall be located
within 50
feet of a stream or wetland.”
The 2013 update of the
zoning added stream
setbacks of 50’. This update
increases stream setbacks
on Trumansburg and
Taughannock Creeks to 100’.
Wetland setbacks include
any current or future local
wetlands maps.
Setbacks from streams will have no
negative environmental impact and
are put in place to preserve and
improve water quality.
ix D of
The smaller the minimum lot
size required, the less acreage
is removed from agricultural
The recommendation was to
allow lot size to be as small
as one acre in the A/R zone,
reduced from 2 acres. The
No negative environmental impact.
The 2-acre minimum is the same size
as previous zoning since at least 2005.
Agriculture & Farmland
Protection Plan
original ZUSC recommended
1-acre minimums, but the
expanded ZUSC voted to
maintain the 2-acre
ix D of
There are multiple sections of
Appendix D of the AFPP that
recommend expanding
specific agricultural related
types of commerce
The proposed zoning adds a
number of commercial types
of agricultural-related types
of businesses such as
cideries, wineries, landscape
businesses, greenhouses,
The expanded uses are not expected
to have a negative environmental
impact because most are subject to
site plan review which will mitigate
potential problems. This action
supports expanded agricultural
ix D of
Development activities should
not impair
drainage from fields up-grade
from the parcel to be
developed by destroying
drainage tile or pipe in the
parcel proposed for
Added to § 212-19.C.2.g
under Site Plan Review,
Procedures, the
recommended sentence of:
Location of all existing
streams, drainage-ways,
water bodies, wetlands and
underground agricultural
drain tile and piping
No negative environmental impact.
ix D2 of
Require applicants to identify
and locate critical farmlands or
prime agricultural soils in
relation to their project during
the application process.
An Ag Data Statement is
already required in the
No negative environmental impact.
Already a requirement.
ix D2 of
The Zoning Map should be
modified to reflect the
boundaries of the future land
use Agricultural Priority Area.
This includes extending the
boundaries of the existing
Agricultural area to reflect
areas the community
identified as important
agricultural lands during the
Comprehensive Planning
The A/R zone in the
proposed zoning map
reflects the Agricultural
Priority Area in the Future
Land Use Map
No negative environmental impact.
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-159: Approving Adoption Of Local Law 1 Of 2020, A Local Law Amending
Ulysses Zoning Law Regarding Lakeshore And Conservation Zones
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses (Town Board) enacted Local Law No. 3 of 2019 on
December 10, 2019, which law was filed with the New York State Secretary of State on December 16, 2019,
which local law repealed in its entirety the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law adopted by Local Law No. 3 of 2013,
amended from time to time, and codified as Chapter 212 of the Laws of the Town of Ulysses, and in its place
adopted a new zoning law, and
WHEREAS, when adopting the Zoning Law on December 10, 2019 by Resolution 2019-211 several members of
the Town Board wanted to re-visit the law in 2020 based on feedback from the Public Hearing held November
18, 2019 and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wished to consider alternative strategies that balance its environmental
stewardship responsibilities with the property rights of landowners when protecting steep slopes and Unique
Natural Areas in the Lakeshore and Conservation zone rather than a zone-wide limit of 2000sq ft footprint, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Planning Board reconsidered relevant sections of the law related to the lot limits
and site plan review requirements of the Lakeshore and Conservation Zones and transmitted their
recommendations including proposed changes to the current zoning along with their rationale to the Town
Board on April 28, 2020 through Planning Board Resolution Numbers 1 of 2020 and 2 of 2020, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board accepted the Planning Board recommendations and held a Public
Information Session for all interested residents on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 to explain the proposal and invite
questions and comments and received written and verbal comments before and after the session and,
WHEREAS, on June 23, 2020 the Ulysses Town Board discussed the comments received from residents in
support of and opposed to the proposed Local Law #1 of 2020 AMENDING TOWN OF ULYSSES ZONING LAW
WHEREAS, Municipal Home Rule Law §20(5) requires that a public hearing be held before a local law is
adopted by the Town Board, which public hearing must be held upon the publication of at least ten days’
notice in the Town’s official newspaper; and
WHEREAS, on July 14, 2020 the Town Board adopted draft language of the proposed amendments to the
zoning law and scheduled a public hearing for August 11, 2020 and
WHEREAS, Town Law §264(4) also requires that a public hearing be held prior to adopting (or amending)
zoning regulations, and
WHEREAS, Town Law §265(2) requires that amendments made to any zoning law(excluding any map
incorporated therein) shall be entered in the minutes of the town board; such minutes shall describe and refer
to any map adopted in connection with such change, amendment or supplement and a copy, summary or
abstract thereof (exclusive of any map incorporated therein) shall be published once in a newspaper published
in the town, if any, or in such newspaper published in the county in which such town may be located having a
circulation in such town, as the town board may designate, and affidavits of the publication thereof shall be
filed with the town clerk, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Planning Department sent the Town a letter dated July 27, 2020, pursuant to
N.Y. General Municipal Law §239-l, -m and -n, opining that the proposed zoning amendments to the Ulysses
Zoning Law pose no inter-community or county-wide impacts, and
WHEREAS, on June 23, 2020 the Town Board determined that the action is a Type I action under 6 NYCRR Part
617 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), and by Resolution Number 2020-137 declared
itself Lead Agency for the purpose of conducting an uncoordinated environmental review in connection with
approval by the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board on August 11th 2020, made a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance,
WHEREAS, due to the Corona Virus/COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor of the State of New York has authorized
municipalities to conduct certain public hearings and meetings by virtual means in order to ensure the public
health and safety, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held via Zoom on the 11th day of August, 2020 following publication of legal
notices by the Town Clerk and service of notice on all persons and entities entitled to notice by law, at which
hearing all interested persons had the opportunity to be heard on this law, and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached local law, the full text of which the Town Clerk is hereby
directed to reproduce in the minutes hereof, is adopted as law, and that the said Local Law be filed with the
Secretary of State.
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-160: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes the 7/28/20 Regular Town Board Meeting.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-161: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approved the following claims:
HA fund vouchers #19-20 in the amount of $7,317.75
HB fund voucher #8-9 in the amount of $7,100.43
A-SW funds vouchers #312-351 in the amount of $59,216.17
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/11/2020
*Resolution 2020-162: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for August 25, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/25/2020
*Resolution 2020-163: Water Quality Projects Recommended To The Cayuga Watershed
Intermunicpal Organizations
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses is a member of the Cayuga Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) and
WHEREAS, the IO has invited members to suggest possible projects for the IO to consider in developing its
workplan and grant-seeking activities, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has expressed interest in protecting our creeks and watershed, septic
inspections, and water quality, including our proposed zoning change which, if adopted, will strengthen the
performance standards for those wishing to develop in the steep slopes and unique natural areas of the
Lakeshore and Conservation zones to reduce erosion and runoff and
WHEREAS, the following projects have been reviewed by the Ulysses Town Board as potentially valuable to the
Town in its efforts to assure the health and safety of our watershed and are consistent with Town priorities,
Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses forwards to the IO the following project through our representative and
alternate on the IO Board:
Ditch management remediation project proposal for best management practices design and resources to
reduce erosion, nutrient runoff, and damage related to flash flooding along steep slopes strategies.
RESOLVED, that the recommendation of potential projects does not constitute a financial commitment for
these or other projects by the Ulysses Town Board at this time and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board directs the Town Supervisor to forward the recommended projects to
IO representative Elizabeth Thomas and IO alternate and CSAC chair Roxanne Marino.
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/25/2020
*Resolution 2020-164: Approval Of Jacksonville Community Association Restroom Proposal
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board entered into Memorandum of Understanding in 2017 with the Jacksonville
Community Association (JCA) to assist with the maintenance of the Community Park to enable it to better
serve the public and
WHEREAS, a grant from Tompkins County to the Town enabled the JCA to complete phase I of a restroom
project in 2019 and
WHEREAS, the JCA, after consultation with the Tompkins County Health Department, is ready to complete the
project and
WHEREAS, all but $1,400.00 of the funding needed to complete the project is available, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the attached JCA Park Restroom Project Proposal is approved and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and appreciates the Ulysses Highway and Water Department staff
for assisting with completion of a water line to serve the park and the restroom and further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses waive the Water Permit fee of $240 with the understanding that the
Jacksonville Community Association will be responsible for paying for the water unit cost, Operations and
Maintenance Costs and water use bills starting in 2021 and further
RESOLVED, that to afford this expense, the Mowing expense budgeted for the Park in line A7110.4 Parks CE
will be reduced by $222, by cancelling the final mowing and further
RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,400.00 is authorized by the Town Board to be expended from the A7110.4 Parks
CE line, reducing the anticipated savings in this line by $2,627, rather than $3,805 as projected in the COVID-19
budget plan.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/25/2020
*Resolution 2020-165: Clarification Of Accounting For Use Of Accrued Benefits
WHEREAS, a Town employee earning fringe benefits in one Town account may retire from a position in a
different budget account and
WHEREAS, the Town’s Personnel Policy allows the Town to apply unused sick time toward a retiree’s share of
health insurance upon retirement, and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to clarify that the unused sick leave and other benefits payable upon retirement
shall be made from the account in which the leave or credits were earned, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the budget officer to make adjustments as needed to current
accounts to conform with this clarification and further
RESOLVED, that this clarification shall be guidance for future assignment when an employee retires from an
account different from the account in which fringe benefits were earned.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/25/2020
*Resolution 2020-166: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Public Hearing held August 11, 2020,
the Regular Town Board meeting on August 11, 2020 and the Special Town Board Meetings on August 13 and
August 19, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/25/2020
*Resolution # 167 Of 2020: Re-Stating The Intent Of The “A236 / A915 Assigned Funds”
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various Assigned Funds where sums of money have been set
aside for specific use, and
WHEREAS, these Assigned Funds are allowed in the General Funds (the “A fund”) and less formal than reserves
allowed by the New York State Office of the State Comptroller, and
WHEREAS, the appropriation of these assigned funds do not require a permissive referendum or public
hearing, and
WHEREAS, the Town would like to re-state the intent for the assigned funds based on notes left in the previous
budget years when funds were added to the Assigned Funds,
RESOLVED, that the following list of Assigned Fund titles are followed by the balance as of the date this
resolution was passed as well as the intended purpose of the fund when it was first earmarked:
1. A915.2 Recreation: balance of $23,584 with the intent to earmark funds for future expenses related to
parks and other public spaces.
2. A915.3 Audit: balance of $8,300 with the intent to earmark funds for future expenses related to the cost
of auditing services.
3. A915.4 Legal: balance of $6,027 with the intent to earmark funds for future expenses related to legal
costs above and beyond the budgeted amount.
4. A915.5 Youth: $3,644 with the intent to earmark funds for future expenses related to youth commission.
5. A915.6 Environmental Protection: $10,046 with the intent to earmark funds for future expenses related
to purchase or lease land from farmers for environmental reasons e.g. buffer strips, stormwater retention
ponds, or other ditch remediation best practices.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 168 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A231 / A815 Unemployment Insurance
Payment Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-M Of The General
Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to N.Y. General Municipal Law Section 6-m the governing board of any municipal
corporation which has elected to become liable for payments in lieu of contributions required of employers
liable for contributions under article eighteen of the labor law may establish a reserve fund to be known as an
unemployment insurance payment reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, there may be paid into such fund (a) such amounts as may be provided therefor by budgetary
appropriations, (b) amounts from any other fund authorized by this general municipal law by resolution
subject to permissive referendum, and (c) such other funds as may be legally appropriated, and
WHEREAS, expenditures may be made from this fund as required by law to pay into the Unemployment
Insurance Fund an amount equivalent to the amount of benefits paid to claimants and charged to the account
for the municipal corporation in accordance with Section 581(1)(e), and
WHEREAS, a referendum is not required either to create or expend from the Unemployment Insurance
Payment Reserve Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $8,315 already set aside for use as prescribed by law for the
Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve, which funds are denoted as “A231 / A815 Unemployment
Reserve Fund”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. General Municipal Law Section 6-m there be and hereby is re-established an
Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve Fund in the A fund in the amount of $8,315 to cover the eligible
costs as prescribed by law.
2. Such unemployment insurance payment reserve fund is to be known as the “A231 / A815
Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve Fund.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $8,315, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “A231 / A815
Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby
authorized, empowered and directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $8,315 to the
A231 / A815 Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve Fund.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the A231 / A815
Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve Fund.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve fund except by
authorization of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-m of the
General Municipal Law of the State of New York.
7. If the Town Board shall, hereafter terminate its election to become liable for payments in lieu of
contributions, the moneys remaining in this fund may be transferred to any other fund authorized by law, only
to the extent that the moneys in this fund shall exceed in amount the sum sufficient to pay all pending claims.
8. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established an
Unemployment Insurance Payment Reserve Fund, by whatever name called, in the A Fund.
9. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 169 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A232 / A827 Retirement Contribution
Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-R Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to N.Y. General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) Section 6-r the governing board of any
municipal corporation which is a participating employer as defined by N.Y. Retirement and Social Security Law
Sections 2(20) or (302)(20) can create a Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund for the payment of retirement
contributions which are defined as all or any portion of the amount payable to the New York State and Local
Employees’ Retirement System, and
WHEREAS, a referendum is not required either to create or expend money from the Retirement Contribution
Reserve Fund for the purpose authorized by law as outlined in this resolution, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $19,794 already set aside for use as prescribed by law for the
Retirement Contribution Reserve, which funds are denoted as “A232 / A827 Retirement Contribution Reserve
Fund”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML Section 6-r there be and hereby is re-established a retirement contribution
reserve fund in the amount of $19,794 to cover the cost all or a portion of retirement contributions for which
the Town is obligated to pay as prescribed by law.
2. Such reserve fund is to be known as the “A232 / A827 Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $19,794, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “A232 / A827 Retirement
Contribution Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $19,794 to the A232 / A827 Retirement
Contribution Reserve Fund.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the A232 / A827
Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-r of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. The chief fiscal officer of the Town shall account for this Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund
separate and apart from all other funds of the Town. Such accounting shall show: the source, date and amount
of each sum paid into the fund; the interest earned by such fund; capital gains or losses resulting from the sale
of investments of this fund; the order, purpose thereof, date and amount of each payment from this fund; the
assets of the fund, indicating cash balance and a schedule of investments. The chief fiscal officer, within sixty
days of the end of each fiscal year, shall furnish a detailed report of the operation and condition of this fund to
the Town Board.
8. In accordance with N.Y. General Municipal Law Section 6-r(8) the members of the Town Board for the
duration of their respective terms on the board are hereby declared trustees of this Retirement Contribution
Reserve Fund and shall be subject to all the duties and responsibilities imposed by law on trustees.
9. No member of the governing board of such municipal corporation shall:
(a) authorize a withdrawal from a retirement contribution reserve fund for any purpose except as provided in
this section; or
(b) expend any money withdrawn from such fund for a purpose other than as provided in this section.
10. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established an
A232/A827 Retirement Contribution Reserve in the A Fund.
11. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution #170 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A233 / A867 Employee Benefit Accrued
Liability Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-P Of The General Municipal
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS pursuant to N.Y. General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) Section 6-p the governing board of any
municipal corporation may establish a reserve fund to be known as the employee benefit accrued liability
reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, upon the creation of such fund, the municipality may make expenditures, made according to the
Town Personnel Policy, from the fund for any accrued employee benefit payment due an employee of the
municipal corporation upon termination of the employee's service, provided however, that no municipality
shall make an expenditure from such fund for any employee benefit for which the municipal corporation has
established a reserve fund under any other provision of law, and
WHEREAS, a referendum is not required either to create or expend money from the Employee Benefit Accrued
Liability Reserve for the purposes permitted by law as outlined in this resolution, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $13,041 already set aside for allowable uses, which funds are
denoted as “A233 / A867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML Section 6-p there be and hereby is re-established an Employee Benefit
Accrued Liability Reserve Fund in the amount of $13,041 to cover applicable costs as prescribed by law.
2. Such reserve fund is to be known as the “A233 / A867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve
3. The purpose of this fund shall be to pay for any accrued “employee benefit” due an employee of the
Town on termination of the employee’s service. Employee benefits for this purpose means the authorized
cash payment of monetary value of accrued and accumulated but unused and unpaid sick leave, personal
leave, holiday leave, vacation time, time allowances granted in lieu of overtime compensation and any other
forms of payment for accrued but unliquidated time earned by municipal employees and payable to municipal
employees upon termination of service, whether by retirement or otherwise.
4. Lump sum payments upon separation from service that are calculated in a manner unrelated to
accrued, unliquidated leave time credits are not eligible for payment from this Employee Benefit Accrued
Liability Reserve Fund.
5. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $13,041, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “A233 / A867 Employee
Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized,
empowered and directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $13,041 to the A233 / A867
Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve.
6. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the A233 / A867
Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve.
7. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
8. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-p of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
If the Town Board at any time determines that this fund is no longer needed, any remaining moneys may be
transferred to any other reserve fund authorized by N.Y. GML (supported by the same tax base), but only to
the extent that the moneys in this fund exceed a sum sufficient to pay all liabilities incurred or accrued against
the employee benefit accrued liability fund, as certified to the Town Board by the chief fiscal officer prior to
discontinuance of this fund.
9. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established an
A233 / A867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve in the A Fund.
10. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 171 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A235 / A882 Building Repair Reserve
Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to N.Y. General Municipal Law (GML) Section 6-d a town can create and maintain a Repair
Reserve Fund to pay for certain repairs to capital improvements or equipment that do not recur annually or at
shorter intervals, and
WHEREAS, there is no referendum requirements for the establishment of or appropriation of funds from a
repair reserve fund, however, any appropriation of funds out of a repair reserve fund is subject to public
hearing as prescribed by law with a lapse of at least five days from the date of publication of notice of the
public hearing the date set for such public hearing, and
WHEREAS, in an emergency, appropriations out of this repair reserve fund are allowable without a public
hearing as long as a resolution for appropriation is approved by at least a two-thirds vote of the full board (not
just those present), as well as the requirement that at least one-half of the expenditure is repaid in the next
fiscal year, and the balance repaid by the end of the fiscal year after that, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $47,112 already set aside for building repairs, which funds are
denoted as “A235 / A882 Building Repair Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML Section 6-d there be and hereby is re-established a building repair reserve
fund in the amount of $47,112 to cover the cost of eligible building repairs that are not annually recurring
repairs or ones that recur on a shorter interval than annually.
2. Such repair reserve fund is to be known as the “A235 / A882 Building Repair Reserve Fund.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $47,112, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “A235 / A882 Building
Repair Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $47,112 to the A235 / A882 Building Repair
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the A235 / A882 Building
Repair Reserve Fund.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the N.Y. GML. Any interest earned or capital gains realized on the moneys so deposited or
invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-d of the N.Y. GML.
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established an
A235 / A882 Building Repair Reserve Fund in the A Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 172 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “A237 / A880 Contingency And Tax
Stabilization Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-E Of The General
Municipal Law, Subject To Permissive Referendum
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, when preparing a tentative budget, if the current balance of the contingency and tax stabilization
reserve fund exceeds 10 percent of the eligible portion of the annual budget for the current fiscal year, any
excess must be used to reduce the amount of real property taxes needed to finance the eligible portion of the
annual budget for the next fiscal year, and
WHEREAS, ‘eligible portion of the annual budget’ means, in the case of contingency and tax stabilization
reserve fund established for a town, the town-wide general fund and highway fund portions of the annual
budget and the part of the town outside of the village, the general and highway fund portions of the annual
budget, and
WHEREAS, contingency and tax stabilization reserve funds are created by resolution and subject to permissive
referendum, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $4,018 already set aside, which funds are denoted as “A237 /
A880 Contingency and Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That there be and hereby is re-established a Contingency and Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund in the
amount of $4,018
2. Such capital reserve fund is to be known as the “A237 / A880 Contingency and Tax Stabilization
Reserve Fund.”
3. Appropriation of funds from this reserve fund require a prior recommendation of the Town Supervisor
and approval by at least a two-thirds vote of the full Town Board (not just members present at a meeting).
4. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $4,018, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “A237 / A880 Contingency
and Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized,
empowered and directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $4,018 to the A237 / A880
Contingency and Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund.
5. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the A237 / A880
Contingency and Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund.
6. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
7. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-e of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
8. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established an
A237 / A880 Contingency and Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund in the A Fund.
9. This resolution shall take effect on the day following the thirtieth day after publication of notice by the
Town Clerk regarding its adoption stating that it is subject to a permissive referendum unless a petition for
referendum is received by the Town Clerk by the requisite number of voters in which case the resolution shall
only become effective upon being certified by the Board of Elections as adopted following a duly held
FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to General Municipal Law 6-e, this resolution is subject to permissive
referendum conducted in accordance with Article 7 of the N.Y. Town Law; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will post and public notice of the permissive referendum in
accordance with law and provide a copy of such notice to the Town Supervisor.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 173 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “B230 / B815 Unemployment Reserve
Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-M Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historic intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, a referendum is not required either to create or expend from the Unemployment Reserve but is
required by law for the exclusive use of paying into the Unemployment Insurance Fund an amount equivalent
to the amount of benefits paid to claimants, whose compensation was previously charged to the B or DB
funds, and charged to the account of the municipality, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $5,023 already set aside for use as prescribed by law for the
Unemployment Reserve, which funds are denoted as “B230 / B815 Unemployment Reserve Fund”, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That there be and hereby is re-established an unemployment reserve fund in the B fund in the amount
of $5,023 to cover the cost as prescribed by law.
2. Such unemployment reserve fund is to be known as the “B230 / B815 Unemployment Reserve Fund.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $5,023, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “B230 / B815 Unemployment
Reserve Fund” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and directed
to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $5,023 to the B230 / B815 Unemployment Reserve
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the B230 / B815
Unemployment Reserve Fund.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established an
Unemployment Reserve Fund in the B Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution #174 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “B231 / B879 Vehicle Reserve Fund” Of The
Town Of Ulysses A Specific Capital Reserve Fund For The B Fund Vehicle Under Section 6-C
Of The General Municipal Law, Subject To Permissive Referendum
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, there is a requirement to state the specific purpose and estimated maximum cost of the equipment
in the resolution establishing a Specific Capital Reserve Fund, and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this Reserve Fund is to accumulate moneys to finance the cost of a vehicle for the
use of the Code and Planning Offices, with the estimated maximum cost of $35,000, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $5,023 already set aside for a vehicle for the Code Enforcement
and Planning Offices, which funds are denoted as “B231 / B879 Equipment Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) §6-c there be and hereby is re-established a
specific capital reserve fund in the amount of $5,023 to cover the cost of the future purchase of B fund vehicle
for use by the Code Enforcement and Planning offices.
2. Such specific capital reserve fund is to be known as the “B231 / B879 Vehicle Purchase Reserve Fund.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $5,023, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “B231 / B879 Vehicle
Purchase Reserve Fund” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $5,023 to the B231 / B879 Vehicle Reserve
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the B231 / B879 Vehicle
Purchase Reserve Fund.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-c of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. The Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town shall account for this fund in the manner outlined in N.Y. GML 6-
8. In accordance with N.Y. General Municipal Law Section 6-c(11) the members of the Town Board for the
duration of their respective terms on the board are hereby declared trustees of this B231 / B879 Vehicle
Purchase Reserve Fund and shall be subject to all the duties and responsibilities imposed by law on trustees.
9. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
B231 / B879 Vehicle Reserve Fund in the B Fund.
10. This resolution shall take effect on the day following the thirtieth day after publication of notice by the
Town Clerk regarding its adoption stating that it is subject to a permissive referendum unless a petition for
referendum is received by the Town Clerk by the requisite number of voters in which case the resolution shall
only become effective upon being certified by the Board of Elections as adopted following a duly held election.
FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to General Municipal Law 6-c, this resolution is subject to permissive
referendum conducted in accordance with Article 7 of the N.Y. Town Law; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will post public notice of the permissive referendum in accordance
with law and provide a copy of such notice to the Town Supervisor.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution #175 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “B234 / B867 Employee Benefit Accrued
Liability Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-P Of The General Municipal
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS pursuant to N.Y. General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) Section 6-p the governing board of any
municipal corporation may establish a reserve fund to be known as the employee benefit accrued liability
reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, upon the creation of such fund, the municipality may make expenditures from the fund, made
according to the Town Personnel Policy, for any accrued employee benefit payment due an employee of the
municipal corporation upon termination of the employee's service, provided however, that no municipality
shall make an expenditure from such fund for any employee benefit for which the municipal corporation has
established a reserve fund under any other provision of law, and
WHEREAS, a referendum is not required either to create or expend money from the Employee Benefit Accrued
Liability Reserve for the purposes permitted by law as outlined in this resolution, and
WHEREAS, applicable accrued liabilities in the B and DB fund are eligible for appropriation out of this reserve,
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $18,589 already set aside for allowable uses, which funds are
denoted as “B234 / B867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML Section 6-p there be and hereby is re-established an employee benefit
accrued liability reserve fund in the amount of $18,589 to cover applicable costs as prescribed by law.
2. Such reserve fund is to be known as the “B234 / B867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve.”
3. 3. The purpose of this fund shall be to pay for any accrued “employee benefit” due an employee of
the Town on termination of the employee’s service. Employee benefits for this purpose means the authorized
cash payment of monetary value of accrued and accumulated but unused and unpaid sick leave, personal
leave, holiday leave, vacation time, time allowances granted in lieu of overtime compensation and any other
forms of payment for accrued but unliquidated time earned by municipal employees in the B and DB funds and
payable to municipal employees upon termination of service, whether by retirement or otherwise
4. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $18,589, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “B234 / B867 Employee
Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized,
empowered and directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $18,589 to the B234 / B867
Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve.
5. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the B234 / B867
Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve.
6. Lump sum payments upon separation from service that are calculated in a manner unrelated to
accrued, unliquidated leave time credits are not eligible for payment from this Employee Benefit Accrued
Liability Reserve Fund.
7. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
8. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-p of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
9. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
B234 / B867 Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve in the B fund.
10. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 176 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “Da231 / Da882 Snow & Ice Removal And
Road Repair Reserve Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-F Of The General
Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, towns are authorized by New York General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) §6-f to establish and maintain
reserve funds for snow and ice removal and road repairs provided that such expenses are not of a nature that
recur annually on at shorter intervals, and
WHEREAS, there is no referendum requirements for the establishment of a snow and ice removal and repair
reserve fund, appropriations out of a repair reserve fund is subject to public hearing as prescribed by law after
prior public notice published at least five days prior to the public hearing, and
WHEREAS, in an emergency, appropriations out of this repair reserve fund are allowable without a public
hearing as long as a resolution for appropriation is approved by at least two-thirds vote of the full board (not
just member present at a meeting), as well as the requirement that at least one-half of the expenditure is
repaid in the next fiscal year, and the balance repaid by the end of the fiscal year after that, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $37,560 already set aside for snow and ice removal and repair
caused by removal, which funds are denoted as “DA231 / A882 Snow and Ice Repair Reserve”, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML §6-f there be and hereby is re-established a repair reserve fund in the
amount of $37,560 to cover the cost of snow and ice removal and related repairs.
2. Such repair reserve fund is to be known as the “DA231 / A882 Snow and Ice Removal and Road Repair
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $37,560, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “DA231 / A882 Snow and
Ice Repair Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $37,560 to the DA231 / A882 Snow and Ice
Removal and Road Repair Reserve.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the DA231 / A882 Snow
and Ice Removal and Road Repair Reserve.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
DA231 / A882 Snow and Ice Removal and Road Repair Reserve in the DA Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 177 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “DA232 / DA883 Bridge Repair Reserve
Fund” Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, New York General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) §6-d authorizes towns to establish and maintain
reserve funds to pay for certain repairs to capital improvements or equipment provided that such repairs do
not recur annually or at shorter intervals, and
WHEREAS, there is no referendum requirements for the establishment of a repair reserve fund, appropriations
out of a repair reserve fund is subject to public hearing as prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, in an emergency, appropriations out of this repair reserve fund are allowable without a public
hearing as long as a resolution for appropriation is approved by at least two-thirds vote of the full board (not
just members present), as well as the requirement that at least one-half of the expenditure is repaid in the
next fiscal year, and the balance repaid by the end of the fiscal year after that, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $280,427 already set aside for building repairs, which funds are
denoted as “DA232 / A883 Bridge Repair Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML §6-d there be and hereby is re-established a repair reserve fund in the
amount of $280,427 to cover the cost of bridge repairs.
2. Such repair reserve fund is to be known as the “DA232 / A883 Bridge Repair Reserve.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $280,427, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “A235 / A882 Building
Repair Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $280,427 to the DA232 / A883 Bridge Repair
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the DA232 / DA883
Bridge Repair Reserve.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
DA232 / DA883 Bridge Repair Reserve in the DA Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution #178 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “DB230 / DB878 Capital Reserve Fund” Of
The Town Of Ulysses As A Type Capital Reserve Fund For Highway Under Section 6-C Of The
General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, there is no requirement to state an estimated maximum cost of the equipment or improvement in
the resolution establishing a Type Capital Reserve Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $62,360 already set aside for equipment for the Highway
Department, which funds are denoted as “DB230 / DB878 Capital Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML §6-c there be and hereby is re-established a capital reserve fund in the
amount of $62,360 to cover the cost of future highway capital expenses that do not recur annually or on a
shorter interval.
2. Such capital reserve fund is to be known as the “DB230 / DB878 Capital Reserve Fund” and is a “type”
reserve fund.
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $62,360, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “DA233/DA878 Capital
Reserve Fund” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and directed
to transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $62,360 to the DB230 / DB878 Capital Reserve Fund.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the DB230 / DB878
Capital Reserve Fund.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-c of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. The Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town shall account for this fund in the manner outlined in N.Y. GML 6-
8. In accordance with N.Y. General Municipal Law Section 6-c(11) the members of the Town Board for the
duration of their respective terms on the board are hereby declared trustees of this DB230 / DB878 Capital
Reserve Fund and shall be subject to all the duties and responsibilities imposed by law on trustees.
9. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
Capital Reserve Fund in the DB Fund.
10. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
The next resolutions were bundled into one motion and one vote:
*Resolution # 179 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW1-230 / SW1-882 Repair Reserve Fund”
Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, there is no referendum requirements for the establishment of a repair reserve fund, appropriations
out of a repair reserve fund is subject to public hearing as prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, in an emergency, appropriations out of this repair reserve fund are allowable without a public
hearing as long as a resolution for appropriation is approved by at least two-thirds vote of the full Town Board
(not just members present at a meeting), as well as the requirement that at least one-half of the expenditure is
repaid in the next fiscal year, and the balance repaid by the end of the fiscal year after that, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $2,316 already set aside for repairs, which funds are denoted as
“SW1-230 / SW1-882 Repair Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML 6-d there be and hereby is re-established a repair reserve fund in the
amount of $2,316 to cover the cost of repairs.
2. Such repair reserve fund is to be known as the “SW1-230 / SW1-882 Repair Reserve.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $2,316, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “SW1-230 / SW1-882 Repair
Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to
transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $2,316 to the SW1-230 / SW1-882 Repair Reserve.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the SW1-230 / SW1-882
Repair Reserve.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
SW1-230 / SW1-882 Repair Reserve in the SW1 Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
*Resolution # 180 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW2-230 / SW2-882 Repair Reserve Fund”
Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, New York General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) §6-d authorizes towns to establish and maintain
reserve funds to pay for certain repairs to capital improvements or equipment provided that such repairs do
not recur annually or at shorter intervals, and
WHEREAS, there is no referendum requirements for the establishment of a repair reserve fund, appropriations
out of a repair reserve fund is subject to public hearing as prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, in an emergency, appropriations out of this repair reserve fund are allowable without a public
hearing as long as a resolution for appropriation is approved by at least two-thirds vote of the full board (not
just members present at a meeting), as well as the requirement that at least one-half of the expenditure is
repaid in the next fiscal year, and the balance repaid by the end of the fiscal year after that, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $202 already set aside for repairs, which funds are denoted as
“SW2-230 / SW2-882 Repair Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That there be and hereby is re-established a repair reserve fund in the amount of $202 to cover the
cost of repairs.
2. Such repair reserve fund is to be known as the “SW2-230 / SW2-882 Repair Reserve.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $202, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “SW2-230 / SW2-882 Repair
Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to
transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $202 to the SW2-230 / SW2-882 Repair Reserve.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the SW2-230 / SW2-882
Repair Reserve.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
SW2-230 / SW2-882 Repair Reserve in the SW2 Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
*Resolution # 181 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW3-230 / SW3-882 Repair Reserve Fund”
Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, New York General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) §6-d authorizes towns to establish and maintain
reserve funds to pay for certain repairs to capital improvements or equipment provided that such repairs do
not recur annually or at shorter intervals, and
WHEREAS, there is no referendum requirements for the establishment of a repair reserve fund, appropriations
out of a repair reserve fund is subject to public hearing as prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, in an emergency, appropriations out of this repair reserve fund are allowable without a public
hearing as long as a resolution for appropriation is approved by at least two-thirds vote, as well as the
requirement that at least one-half of the expenditure is repaid in the next fiscal year, and the balance repaid
by the end of the fiscal year after that, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $30,105 already set aside for repairs, which funds are denoted as
“SW3-230 / SW3-882 Repair Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y GML §6-d there be and hereby is re-established a repair reserve fund in the
amount of $30,105 to cover the cost of repairs which repairs are not expenses that recur on an annual basis or
shorter interval.
2. Such repair reserve fund is a “type” reserve fund and is to be known as the “SW3-230 / SW3-882
Repair Reserve.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $30,105, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “SW3-230 / SW3-882 Repair
Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to
transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $30,105 to the SW3-230 / SW3-882 Repair Reserve.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the SW3-230 / SW3-882
Repair Reserve.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
SW3-230 / SW3-882 Repair Reserve in the SW3 Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
*Resolution # 182 Of 2020: Re-Establishing The “SW4-230 / SW4-882 Repair Reserve Fund”
Of The Town Of Ulysses Under Section 6-D Of The General Municipal Law
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses (“Town”) has various “reserve funds” for which it has not been able to locate
resolutions establishing those reserve funds, and
WHEREAS, out of an abundance of caution, the Town Board deems it prudent to re-establish any such reserve
funds that may have previously been established to ensure clarity including clearly identifying the (1) category
of reserve fund (i.e. whether it is a “type reserve fund” or “specific reserve fund”) and (2) purpose for which
money may be expended from such reserve fund, and
WHEREAS, the historical intent and purpose of these reserve funds is understood and will be preserved during
the re-establishment process, and
WHEREAS, New York General Municipal Law (N.Y. GML) §6-d authorizes towns to establish and maintain
reserve funds to pay for certain repairs to capital improvements or equipment provided that such repairs do
not recur annually or at shorter intervals, and
WHEREAS, there is no referendum requirements for the establishment of a repair reserve fund, appropriations
out of a repair reserve fund is subject to public hearing as prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, in an emergency, appropriations out of this repair reserve fund are allowable without a public
hearing as long as a resolution for appropriation is approved by at least two-thirds vote of the full board (not
just members present at a meeting), as well as the requirement that at least one-half of the expenditure is
repaid in the next fiscal year, and the balance repaid by the end of the fiscal year after that, and
WHEREAS, the Town has funds in the sum of $1,009 already set aside for repairs, which funds are denoted as
“SW4-230 / SW4-882 Repair Reserve”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, duly convened in special session as follows:
1. That pursuant to N.Y. GML 6-d there be and hereby is re-established a repair reserve fund in the
amount of $1,009 to cover the cost of repairs, which repairs costs are not expenses that recur on an annual
basis or a shorter interval.
2. Such repair reserve fund is to be known as the “SW4-230 / SW4-882 Repair Reserve.”
3. That out of the surplus moneys of the Town now on hand for the year 2020 and not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $1,009, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the “SW4-230 / SW4-882 Repair
Reserve” and the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to
transfer from surplus funds of the Town the sum of $1,009 to the SW4-230 / SW4-882 Repair Reserve.
4. Such additional sums as may hereafter be appropriated shall become part of the SW4-230 / SW4-882
Repair Reserve.
5. The Town Supervisor, in her/his discretion, may invest the moneys in the fund in the manner provided
in section 6-f of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any interest earned or capital gains
realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become a part of the reserve fund.
6. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the
Town of Ulysses pursuant to the provisions of section 6-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New
7. By this Resolution the Town Board specifically supersedes any previous Resolution that established a
SW4-230 / SW4-882 Repair Reserve in the SW4 Fund.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution # 183 Of 2020: Invest Highway Fund Bridge Repair Reserve Fund Moneys In
$48,120 Statutory Installment Bond Of The Town ( For The WD3 Aerator Project)
Whereas, the Town has previously established a Highway Fund Bridge Repair Capital Reserve Fund pursuant to
section 6-d of the General Municipal Law, and pursuant to the terms of the establishment of such Reserve
Fund, the Supervisor may invest the moneys of such Reserve Fund in any manner provided by Section 11 of the
General Municipal Law, and consistent with the investment policy of the Town;
Whereas, the Town Board has previously adopted a bond resolution authorizing the issuance of up to
$977,000 of serial bonds to finance the costs of the increase and improvement of the facilities of Water District
No. 3 within the Town;
Whereas, a Statutory Installment Bond issued by the Town is an allowable investment of such Reserve Fund;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Town shall issue a $48,120 Statutory Installment Bond to the Reserve Fund
pursuant to the terms contained within the bond certificate as follows
The Town of Ulysses, in Tompkins County, a municipality of the State of New York (the "Town"), hereby
acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the Town of Ulysses Bridge Repair
Capital Reserve Fund (the "Original Registered Owner"), or registered assigns, the principal sum of FOURTY
EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS ($48,120) in three (3) annual installments and to pay
interest on the unpaid balance of such principal sum at the rate of NINE TENTHS PERCENT (0.90%) per annum
as set forth below:
September 1, 2021 $16,120.00 $433.08 $16,553.08 September 1, 2022 $16,000.00 $288.00 $16,288.00 September 1, 2023 $16,000.00 $144.00 $16,144.00
The interest is computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve (12) 30-day months beginning as of the
September 1, 2020, and payable annually thereafter on August 15 in each year from the date of this bond until
this bond matures, or prior redeemed. Interest will not be paid on any installments of principal, or of interest,
after the due date thereof. Both the installments of principal of and interest on this bond will be paid to the
registered owner of this bond in lawful money of the United States only upon presentation of this bond for
notation of any such payment thereon at the offices of the Town.
This bond is a statutory installment bond, the principal sum of which cannot exceed One Million Dollars
($1,000,000) unless it is issued and sold to the United States of America or an agency thereof, and is issued
pursuant to Section 62.10 of the Local Finance Law and pursuant to a bond resolution duly adopted by the
Town Board of the Town on June 13, 2017 authorizing the issuance of up to $977,000 bonds to pay the cost of
the increase and improvement of the facilities of Water District No. 3 within the Town. This bond may not be
converted into a coupon bond.
This bond is callable in whole or in part, on any date, at the option of the owner, prior to maturity.
The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the installments of
principal of and the interest on this bond according to its terms.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of
the State of New York to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the
issuance of this bond, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that this bond, together with all
other indebtedness of the Town, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws
of such State.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the obligor has caused this bond to be signed and its seal to hereunto affixed and
attested as appears below and to be dated as of the 26th day of August 2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/2/2020
*Resolution 2020-184: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for September 8, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/8/20
*Resolution 2020-185: Re-Levy Of Water District 3 Delinquent Water Fees
WHEREAS, Ulysses Town Code Chapter 200-10 C-2 provides for delinquent water bills, taxes, assessments,
fees, rents, or other service charges of Water District 3 to be placed on the ensuing year's tax roll as a re-levy;
WHEREAS, Ulysses Town Code Chapter 200-10(C)(2) defines delinquent as "a period of at least 60 calendar
days as of October 1 of any year"; and
WHEREAS, customers with delinquent amounts may still make payments through Sept. 30, 2020,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the re-levy of any unpaid delinquent
water charges in Ulysses Water District 3 to the 2021 Town and County Tax Roll; and be it further
RESOLVED, that after Oct. 1, 2020, a certified copy of this resolution along with a listing of the properties with
re-levied water charges will be sent to the Tompkins County Assessment Department by the Town Receiver of
Taxes for the purpose of adding these delinquent charges to the 2021 Town and County Tax Roll.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/8/2020
*Resolution #186 Of 2020: Scheduling A Public Hearing On A Local Law To Override The Tax
Levy Limit Established In General Municipal Law §3-C
RESOLVED, that the attached draft local law, the full text of which the Town Clerk is hereby directed to
reproduce in the minutes hereof, is adopted as the draft upon which a public hearing shall be held to consider
whether or not to adopt a Local Law to Override the Levy Limit, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby schedules a public hearing for Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 7pm.
Access details for how to participate in the Public Hearing shall be posted on the Town of Ulysses website at
www.ulysses.ny.us at least 24 hours prior to the date of the hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is for
all persons wishing to comment in favor or against the proposed Local Law to have an opportunity to provide
their comments thereon, and be it further
RESOLVED, that in addition to participation in the public hearing, all members of the public wishing to submit
written comments on the proposed local law may do so in writing addressed to the Town Clerk at 10 Elm
Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886 or by email to clerk@ulysses.ny.us, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to publish notice of said hearing in the Ithaca Journal as required by
law and the Town Board authorizes payment of expenses associated with said publications.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses will hold a Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law
2020 to override the NYS tax levy limit as allowed by General Municipal Law §3-C.
Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses as follows:
Section 1. Legislative Intent: It is the intent of this local law to override the limit on the amount of real property
taxes that may be levied by the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins pursuant to General Municipal Law §3-c,
and to allow the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins to adopt a town budget for (a) town purposes, (b) fire
protection districts, and (c) any other special or improvement district, and Town improvements provided
pursuant to Town Law Article 12-C, governed by the Town Board for the fiscal year beginning January 1,
2021and ending December 31, 2021 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the “tax levy limit” as
defined by General Municipal Law §3-c.
Section 2. Authority: This local law is adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law §3-c, which
expressly authorizes the Town Board to override the tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by
vote of at least sixty percent (60%) of the Town Board.
Section 3. Tax Levy Limit Override: The Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins is hereby
authorized to adopt a budget for the fiscal year 2021 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the limit
specified in General Municipal Law §3-c.
Section 4. Severability: If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this Local Law or the
application thereof to any person, firm or corporation, or circumstance, shall be adjusted by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or
invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph,
subdivision, or part of this Local Law or in its application to the person, individual, firm or corporation or
circumstance, directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered.
Section 5. Effective date: This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk file this local law with the Secretary of State as required by law.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/8/2020
*Resolution # 187 Of 2020: Urging New York State To Allocate Funding To Local
Municipalities To Support The Provision Of Rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
WHEREAS, volunteer Fire services and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in rural New York State have been
under pressure for many years - ongoing declining volunteerism rates which leads to the closure of
departments, which leads to the expansion of coverage areas for nearby agencies, which themselves struggle
with staffing - in an environment of ever-increasing costs, and
WHEREAS, efforts to increase volunteerism, particularly in EMS, while noble, are neither sustainable nor
effective enough to make a meaningful impact, and
WHEREAS, as a result of these circumstances, many municipalities have been forced to implement paid EMS
Departments, contract for services with other paid departments, or do without timely EMS coverage for their
residents, and
WHEREAS, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical nature of EMS, particularly in rural areas
where EMS response is the primary source of frontline emergency healthcare to millions of New York
residents, and
WHEREAS, as a subset of the healthcare field, annual EMS cost increases strain the budgets of rural towns and
villages who are nevertheless morally and ethically obligated to provide these services to their constituents,
WHEREAS, Article XVII §3 of the New York State Constitution states that,
“The protection and promotion of the health of the inhabitants of the state are matters of public concern and
provision therefore shall be made by the state and by such of its subdivisions and in such manner, and by such
means as the legislature shall from time to time determine.” (emphasis added),
Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Town of Ulysses calls upon New York State to allocate funding to local municipalities to
support the provision of rural EMS,
RESOLVED, further, That the Town of Ulysses requests that the New York State Legislature consider a
Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) or State Operating Assistance (STOA)
model of funding wherein funds will be allocated to municipalities using formulae which takes into account call
volume, coverage area, and funding needs,
RESOLVED, further, that a copy of this certified resolution be sent to the Town’s NYS Assembly and Senate
representatives and the Tompkins County Legislature.
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/8/2020
*Resolution 2020-188: Approval Of Minutes 8/25
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Town Board meeting held August 25,
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/8/2020
*Resolution 2020-189: Approval Of Minutes 9/2/20
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Special Town Board meeting to adopt
resolutions re-establishing reserves on September 2, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/8/2020
*Resolution 2020-190: Approval Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves of payment of claims for:
HA fund (WD3 aerator capital project) voucher #21 in the amount of $3025.50
A-SW funds vouchers #352-404 in the amount of $138,852.45.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/8/2020
*Resolution 2020-191: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for September 22, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/22/2020
*Resolution # 192 Of 2020: Adoption Of Local Law # 2 Of 2020 To Override The Tax Levy
Limit Established In General Municipal Law §3-C
WHEREAS, municipalities of the State of New York are limited in the amount of real property taxes that may be
levied each year under the tax levy limit established in General Municipal l Law §3-c, and
WHEREAS, subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law §3-c expressly authorizes a municipality to override the tax
levy limit if the town government decides to adopt a budget with a property tax levy that exceeds the level set
by the State, by the adoption of a local law approved by vote of at least sixty percent (60%) of the governing
body, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses reviewed and discussed a proposed local law to override
the tax levy limit and adopted a resolution on September 8, 2020 for a public hearing to be held by said Town
on September 22,2020 at 7:00 p.m. to hear all interested parties on the proposed local law entitled "A LOCAL
WHEREAS, in the event the Town of Ulysses annual tax levy exceeds the allowable tax levy limit due to their
own decisions or cost increases outside their control, New York State has the authority to penalize the Town
unless the Town has formally given itself permission to exceed the tax cap, and
WHEREAS, adopting this local law is not predictive of the final tax levy but will provide the Town of Ulysses
Town Board the flexibility to exceed the Property Tax Cap if it is deemed necessary, and
WHEREAS the Public Hearing on September 22, 2020 was publicized in the Ithaca Journal on Friday, September
11, 2020,
WHEREAS, adoption of this law is a SEQRA Type II action exempt from any further environmental review and,
Now Therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board enacts a local law to override the tax levy limit for the fiscal
year 2021, as follows:
Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses as follows:
Section 1. Legislative Intent: It is the intent of this local law to override the limit on the amount of real property
taxes that may be levied by the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins pursuant to General Municipal Law §3-c,
and to allow the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins to adopt a town budget for (a) town purposes, (b) fire
protection districts, and (c) any other special or improvement district, and Town improvements provided
pursuant to Town Law Article 12-C, governed by the Town Board for the fiscal year beginning January 1,
2021and ending December 31, 2021 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the “tax levy limit” as
defined by General Municipal Law §3-c.
Section 2. Authority: This local law is adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law §3-c, which
expressly authorizes the Town Board to override the tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by
vote of at least sixty percent (60%) of the Town Board.
Section 3. Tax Levy Limit Override: The Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins is hereby
authorized to adopt a budget for the fiscal year 2021 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the limit
specified in General Municipal Law §3-c.
Section 4. Severability: If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this Local Law or the
application thereof to any person, firm or corporation, or circumstance, shall be adjusted by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or
invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph,
subdivision, or part of this Local Law or in its application to the person, individual, firm or corporation or
circumstance, directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered.
Section 5. Effective date: This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, adoption of this local law is a Type II action under SEQRA and is therefore not
subject to any further environmental review,
AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall file this local law with the Secretary of State as required by
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler noted that passage of this law gives the board authority to override the tax levy limit if needed
although they do not intend to.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/22/2020
*Resolution # 193 Of 2020: Authorizing Submission Of A Grant Application To The Justice
Court Assistance Program
WHEREAS the State of NY offers assistance to local municipal courts through the Justice Court Assistance
Program (JCAP), and
WHEREAS the Ulysses Town Court has consulted the Town Board and Town Hall staff on improvements to
make the Court and Town Hall safer and more accessible, and
WHEREAS, the Court is requesting a total of $11,511.50, to install a security camera system for the Court
Office to see those at the front and back entries at a cost of $2,906.50 which should be 100% reimbursable;
four webcams for Court desktop computers for a total of $560 (100% reimbursable) and $8,045 to install an
automatic opening device to the door at the rear entry to make the building more fully handicapped
accessible, (50% reimbursable; requiring a 50% matching commitment of $4022.50 from the Town as a shared
use), and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses Procurement Policy requires bids to assure cost-effective use of public funds
WHEREAS, multiple attempts to contact competing vendors for second and third bids on the automatic door
and a second bid for the security cameras were unsuccessful and the bids are authorized by the Town
Supervisor based on the reasonable costs and timely response of the vendor/installer,
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board gives approval for Ulysses Town Court to submit an application
requesting $11,511.50 in 2020-21 grant funding to NYS JCAP and further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses authorizes up to $4,022.50 in Town spending from A1620.2 as the Town’s
50% share of the cost of installing the handicapped accessible door and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk prepare a certified copy of this resolution to be included in the NYS JCAP grant
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/22/2020
*Resolution # 194 Of 2020: Support Of Election Information For Voters
WHEREAS, due to recent changes in New York State Election Laws, the introduction of early voting, the
Governor’s Executive Order allowing the use of absentee ballots by all voters, concerns about timely mail
handling by the US Postal Service, and confusion in the national media about voting in the general election on
November 3, 2020, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses authorizes the appropriation of up to $375 from account A1220.4
Supervisor CE to place ads in the Seneca County Area Shopper delivered free to most homes in the town and
the Trumansburg Free Press to remind voters about upcoming deadlines for registration and requesting
absentee ballots, and other voting rule and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to place ads with content verified by the Board of
Elections to provide clear and accurate information about voting in New York State and Tompkins County,
including the location of polling places in the Town of Ulysses.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/22/2020
*Resolution 2020-195: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Regular Town Board meeting on
September 8, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 9/22/2020
*Resolution 2020-196: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for October 13, 2020 with the deletion of an
Executive Session for union negotiations, and moving up the CARS and budget discussions.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution # 197 Of 2020: Approval Of Water District #1 Re-Stated Agreement With
Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services
WHEREAS, the Town Board approved by resolution of September 16, 1986 the establishment of a water
district in the Town using water supplied by the Village of Trumansburg (the “Village”), which water district is
known as the Alpha Foundation water district (the “Water District”);
WHEREAS, the corporate entity Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services Inc. (“CARS”) is the successor in interest to
entity previously known as Alpha Foundation;
WHEREAS, the Town and CARS negotiated the certain agreement by and between the Town and CARS which
was entered into the minutes of the Town Board meeting on October 14, 1986 (the “Original Agreement”)
regarding the Water District, and, while no executed version of the Original Agreement has been found, the
parties agree and acknowledge that they have each carried out and respected the terms and conditions stated
WHEREAS, the Village Board approved and entered into that certain agreement by and between the Village
and the Town dated November 14, 1986 (the “Village Agreement”), and thereby approved supplying water
from the Village to CARS’ residential property located within the Village Town of Ulysses at 6621 NY Rte 227,
P.O. Box 724, Trumansburg, NY 14886 (“Property”), which provides housing and treatment to clients suffering
from drug and alcohol related problems; and
WHEREAS, CARS, at its cost and expense and as required by the Original Agreement and consistent with the
Village Agreement, installed lines and equipment to bring water from the Village’s water line to the Property in
accordance with plans drawn by T.G. Miller Associates, dated July 30, 1986, which installation created the
Water District, and which Water District was constructed in accordance with those certain drawings entitled
“Plans for Water System Extension to New York Alpha Foundation Facility Town of Ulysses, Tompkins County,
New York Water Mains Indian Fort Road and N.Y.S. Route 227” prepared by T.G. Miller Associates P.C.
Engineers and Surveyors and approved by the Tompkins County Health Department on December 8, 1986 and
attached hereto and incorporated herein (the “Plans”); and
WHEREAS, CARS is intending to construct a 25 bed, women’s only, residential addiction recovery center (the
“Project”) on the Property, which Property is serviced by the Water District; and
WHEREAS, on December 17, 2019 the Ulysses Planning Board approved a site plan presented by CARS for the
project, which approval was conditioned upon “Execution of a final water agreement contract with the Town
of Ulysses” and
WHEREAS, the Town and CARS wish to restate in its entirety the Original Agreement to assure its enforceability
and to accommodate the Project;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the attached Agreement, contingent
upon approval by the CARS Board of Directors and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the
Town of Ulysses.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution #198 Of 2020: Establishment Of Funding Levels For Repair Reserve Fund No.
Sw1230/Sw1882 For Water District #1
WHEREAS, according to the approved Agreement between the Town of Ulysses and Cayuga Addiction
Recovery Services (CARS), the user(s) of Water District #1 are responsible for the repair/replacement of the
water lines in the Water District and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses and the primary user, Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services (CARS) have agreed
in the re-stated 2020 Agreement that funds shall be set aside for repairs in Water District #1, now therefore be
RESOLVED, that the sum of $3,000/year be collected from the user(s) as a utility fee to be set aside by the
Town of Ulysses for future repairs and/or replacement expenses which sums shall be held in Repair Reserve
Fund Numbers SW1230/SW1882 and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses and CARS agree to meet annually in June to review the status of
the Water District and future budgeting.
Moved as revised: Ms. Olson Seconded as revised: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution #199 Of 2020: Reaffirming Legal Representation By True, Walsh And Sokoni For
WHEREAS, Khandikile M. Sokoni, partner in True, Walsh and Sokoni, has provided legal counsel to the Town of
Ulysses during 2020 and
WHEREAS, Ms. Sokoni will be leaving the firm in November 2020, and
WHEREAS, Peter Walsh has agreed to provide counsel to the Town of Ulysses for the balance of 2020, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board thanks Ms. Sokoni for her service to the Town and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board re-affirm its continued legal representation by True, Walsh
and Sokoni and designate Peter Walsh as attorney for the Town of Ulysses through December 2020 at the
current fees.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution #200 Of 2020: Authorization To Convert Streetlights To Led Through NYSEG
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses, as a Climate Smart Community, wishes to further reduce our energy use and
the costs associated with the operation of ten (10) streetlights currently owned by New York State Electric and
Gas and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has considered two different methods for converting streetlights to LED energy-
saving lighting technology and
WHEREAS, Option 1 involves the financed capital expense of purchasing streetlights from NYSEG through a
joint plan arranged by New York Power Authority (NYPA) costing a total of $21,649.38, payable over time at a
cost of $112.76/ month x 192 payments and would require an on-going maintenance contract for poles after
they are owned by the Town and
WHEREAS, the Town has no long- term plans to use the poles to mount other Town-owned communications
technology, and
WHEREAS, Option 2 involves the one-time cost of buying out the unexpired life cost of the current streetlights
owned by New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) is $ 353.59 which would be paid back with four months of
energy savings with an additional estimated annual savings of $ 956 from reduced energy use and longer life of
LED bulbs, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorize the Supervisor to enter into an Agreement with NYSEG to
convert the NYSEG-owned Town’s streetlights to LED lamps, upon review and approval of the Town Attorney,
and further
RESOLVED that the $353.59 shall be appropriated from the A5182.4 account in the 2021 budget when the
conversion is complete and further
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board requests that the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Committee
review and make recommendations on the appropriate level of LED brightness by November 24, 2020, to
enable the Town to provide direction to NYSEG about our preference when they make the LED conversions.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
Resolution # 201 Of 2020: Approval Of The 2020 And 2021 Amendments To The Municipal
Cooperative Agreement For The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses is a Participant in the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance
Consortium (the "Consortium"), a municipal cooperative organized under Article 47 of the New York Insurance
Law, and
WHEREAS, the municipal participants in the Consortium, including this body, have approved and executed a
certain Municipal Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement"; effective date of October 1, 2010) and the 2020
and 2021 Amendments that provide for the operation and governance of the Consortium, and
WHEREAS, Article 47 of the New York Insurance Law (the "Insurance Law") and the rules and regulations of the
New York State Department of Financial Services set forth certain requirements for governance of municipal
cooperatives that offer self-insured municipal cooperative health insurance plans, and
WHEREAS, the Agreement sets forth in Section Q2 that continuation of the Consortium under the terms and
conditions of the Agreement, or any amendments or restatements thereto, shall be subject to Board review on
the fifth (5th) anniversary date and upon acceptance of any new Participant hereafter, and
WHEREAS, by motion 005-2020 and 008 of 2020 the Consortium's Board of Directors recommends approval of
the 2020 and 2021 amended agreements based on review of the document by the Governance Structure/MCA
Review Committee, the New York State Department of Financial Services, and the Consortium’s legal counsel,
WHEREAS, the Municipal Cooperative Agreement requires that amendments to the agreement be presented
to each participant for review and adopted by its municipal board,
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses is in receipt of the proposed amended Agreement(s) and has determined that
it is in the best interest of its constituents who are served by the Consortium to amend the Agreement as set
forth in the attached 2020 and 2021 Amended Municipal Cooperative Agreements, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses approves and authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to sign the 2020 and
2021 Amendments to the Municipal Cooperative Agreement of the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health
Insurance Consortium, and
RESOLVED, further, that the Clerk of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized to execute this Resolution to
indicate its approval, transmit a copy thereof to the Board of Directors of the Greater Tompkins County
Municipal Health Insurance Consortium, and take any other such actions as may be required by law.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Zahler
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution #202 Of 2020: Support For An Over Target Request For Tompkins County To
Undertake A Broadband Planning Study And Pledging Five Thousand Dollars In Support
WHEREAS COVID-19 has highlighted key inequities in our infrastructure and communities, including a lack of
adequate broadband access to residents and businesses in our rural communities; and
WHEREAS lack of broadband access impedes the ability of our residents to do work, attend school, have
medical appointments, run their businesses, and even to have virtual face-to-face conversations with loved
ones; and
WHEREAS access to broadband services is not a luxury but a necessary public need that must be addressed;
WHEREAS there are still households in the Town of Ulysses that lack access to broadband service and others
experience barriers to access based on affordability and physical distance from the road; and
WHEREAS the model for broadband buildout up until now has been that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) get
grant funding from the state or federal governments to build a system that the ISP owns and controls; and
WHEREAS these ISPs are driven by profit motives rather than public interests, resulting in inadequate speeds
and lack of access and competition in the most rural areas in the county; and
WHEREAS municipally owned internet services can better serve the public interest; and
WHEREAS it is not economically feasible for each municipality to fight each other for state and federal funding
to build their own fiber network; and
WHEREAS a collective, regional approach is not only possible and logical, it is already happening in many
counties around us through a regional partnership with the Southern Tier Network, and
WHEREAS the Southern Tier Network (STN) is a municipally-owned non-profit open access fiber network
created in January 2011 through a partnership between the Southern Tier Central, Corning Incorporated, and
Chemung, Schuyler, and Steuben Counties; and
WHEREAS STN was built to support the needs of public safety, improve broadband access in rural areas,
increase competition and the level of telecommunications services across the region, and create a globally
competitive advantage for job creation; and
WHEREAS STN has developed and successfully maintained over 500 miles of fiber across the Southern Tier of
New York, with lines extending through Schuyler, Chemung, Steuben, Yates, Tioga, Broome, and even into
Tompkins County; and
WHEREAS since 2011, STN has been building out middle mile fiberoptic cable that has successfully increased
the competition of ISPs to provide service to both residential and commercial properties; and
WHEREAS STN is now working with member counties to explore solutions to reach into the most rural areas in
the Southern Tier; and
WHEREAS earlier this year Schuyler, Chemung, Steuben, Yates, and Tioga (the current members of STN)
collectively hired Fujitsu to do a study with 5 deliverables to explore a plan for STN to build, own and operate a
network of both middle and final mile fiber in their communities; and
WHEREAS the Executive Director of STN, Steve Manning, indicated that Tompkins may be able to create an
add-on contract with Fujitsu for the same deliverables, taking advantage of the work that has already been
done (e.g. business and operations models, financial models etc.) to realize costs savings; and
WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses recently participated in a webinar with Steve Manning to learn more about the
potential of municipally owned broadband, and we are interested in exploring the possibility and believe
economies of scale will be realized that will make the project more feasible by working with other Counties;
Now, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board asks the County to support a one-time Over Target Request of
not more than $80,000 for a study that will provide the following deliverables to help us identify a possible
path forward for a county-wide buildout of both middle and last mile fiber optic cable in Tompkins County:
1. Market assessment - identifying the unserved and underserved areas, what the competition is in the
county, where do the current providers provide service, what the terms are and what they are charging, and
will outline demographics.
2. Design - outside (geographic layout and design, redundancy and diversity, how to reach each address
point, comparison of a distributed or central architecture) and inside plan design (where should colocation
centers be placed, convergence points, OLTs, etc...).
3. Business and operations model - what are the different models out there for municipal based fiber to
the home. What does it look like and what are the different models of operation?
4. Operations and maintenance - a complete look at what would it take to operate the infrastructure,
what type of service, what are the staffing needs, what is a recommended maintenance schedule? How often
do you need to replace a core router etc…?
5. Financials - for both capital and operations (including take rate opportunities) - what kind of revenue
can you expect since it needs to cover costs for many decades?
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson absent
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution # 203 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Town Board meeting held September
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution # 204 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes
Special Town Board meeting October 1, 2020 to review the 2021 Tentative Budget, and Special TB Meeting
10/7 for advice of counsel re: CARS., Sept. 10 Fire/EMS
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution # 205 Of 2020: Approval Of Budget Modifications
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the budget modifications below:
A1220.12 Deputy Supervisor PS INCREASE $3,760
To cover the approved annual salary for Second Deputy Supervisor.
A1220.14 Project Assistant PS DECREASE $3,760
The Town Board planned to use this line to balance staffing salary lines in the Supervisor’s Office.
A1220.13 Budget Officer PS INCREASE $2,069
To cover the salary gap for the Second Deputy Supervisor splitting the duties of Budget Officer with
Supervisors Thomas and Zahler.
A9060.8 Health Insurance DECREASE $2,069
Savings in this line due to the fact that NZ is not using this benefit. Balance remaining in this line after
modification = $42,828.86
A1620.4 Town Hall EQ INCREASE $18,918.60
As presented to the Town Board on 3/10/20, the 2020 budget did not adequately plan for the total cost of
the NYSERDA partially funded HVAC renovation project. This increased expense was recognized at the
3/10/20 meeting, which is when the bid for the contractor for this project was approved.
A1620.4 Town Hall CE DECREASE $18,918.60
Balance after this modification: $4,375.97. It is likely that a budget modification will be needed to increase
this line for the December voucher cycle. These overages have been known and communicated to the Board
prior to the start of the HVAC project; additionally, they have been included in the end of year (EOY)
estimates during the budgeting process.
A7020.43 Adult Community Rec INCREASE $550
Overage in this line due to changes in programming as a result of the on-going COVID 19 emergency. In lieu
of planned programming, outdoor movie night was sponsored by the Town as a way of increasing Recreation
Department engagement with adults and families in the community.
A7020.42 Recreation CE – Summer Camp DECREASE $550
Budgeted expenses from this line will be less than anticipated due to the fact that the Recreation Department
was unable to host summer camp in 2020. Balance after this modification = $17,466.24
B3620.4 Enforcement Office CE INCREASE $2,645.32
Overage due to costs associated with transition and hire of new Code Officer.
B1990.4 Contingency Account DECREASE $2,645.32
Contingency used for unplanned expenses.
B3620.1 Enforcement Officer PS INCREASE $2591.57
Vacation payout expense for previous Code Officer.
DECREASE $2591.57
A referendum is not required either to create or expend money from the Employee Benefit Accrued Liability
Reserve for the purposes permitted by law. No expenditure shall be made from the reserve fund except by
authorization of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses. This expense is the explicit purpose of this reserve
DA9050.8 Unemployment Insurance INCREASE $255.16
Ulysses, as a government entity, is a self-insured employer. This unemployment claim is from a former part
time highway employee who retired from the Town but is still eligible for unemployment payments by the
A9060.8 Health Insurance DECREASE $255.16
This line will be underspent this year; balance after budget modification and October vouchers = $36,351
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution # 206 Of 2020: Payment Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves the payment of claims for:
• HA (WD3 Aerator Capital Fund) fund voucher 22 in the amount of $4030.00
• HB Fund Vouchers # 10-11 totaling $24,419.75
• All other funds vouchers #405- 461 in the amount of $ 113,520.37
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/13/20
*Resolution #207 Of 2020: Adoption Of 2021 Preliminary Budget And Setting Of Public
WHEREAS the Town Supervisor presented the 2021 Tentative Budget to the Town Clerk and the Town Board
on September 29, 2020, and
WHEREAS the Town Board discussed and considered the 2021 Tentative Budget at meetings on October
1,13,15, 16, 19, and 21, 2020;
RESOLVED that the Town Board accepts the Preliminary Budget for 2021 as presented at the 10/21/2020
meeting for the Town of Ulysses, with a .98% increase in the tax levy and a 2.5801 tax rate per $1000 for Town
residents outside the Village of Trumansburg, and a 1.52% levy increase and 1.2236 tax rate per $1000 for
Village of Trumansburg residents, and further
RESOLVED that the Town Board hold a public hearing via Zoom, on Thursday, 10/29/20 at 7pm for the purpose
of hearing public comments on the Town of Ulysses 2021 Preliminary Budget and be it further
RESOLVED, that access details for how to participate in the Public Hearing shall be posted on the Town of
Ulysses website at www.ulysses.ny.us at least 24 hours prior to the date of the hearing. The purpose of the
public hearing is for all persons wishing to comment in favor or against the 2021 Preliminary Budget to have an
opportunity to provide their comments thereon, and be it further
RESOLVED, that in addition to participation in the public hearing, all members of the public wishing to submit
written comments on the proposed local law may do so in writing addressed to the Town Clerk at 10 Elm
Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886 or by email to clerk@ulysses.ny.us, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to publish notice of said hearing in the Ithaca Journal as required by
law and the Town Board authorizes payment of expenses associated with said publications.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 10/21/20
*RESOLUTION #208 OF 2020: Approval of Agenda:
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Oct. 27 with the addition of a resolution for a
grant application and moving up the voucher approval resolution.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
*Resolution #209 Of 2020: Authorizing Financial Support For The Tompkins County
Broadband Study
WHEREAS the lack of broadband access impedes the ability of our residents to do work, attend school, have
medical appointments, run their businesses, and even to have virtual face-to-face conversations with loved
ones; and
WHEREAS access to broadband services is not a luxury but a necessary public need that must be addressed;
WHEREAS there are still households in the Town of Ulysses that lack access to highspeed broadband service
and others experience barriers to access based on affordability and physical distance from the road; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses adopted resolution #202 of 2020 on October 13, 2020 urging the Tompkins
County Legislature to undertake a countywide study to improve broadband access and
WHEREAS, The Tompkins County Legislature has given tentative approval to a 2021 funding request to enable
Tompkins County to enter into a contract to study the current status of broadband coverage within all
municipalities in Tompkins County and the portion of Seneca County served by the Trumansburg School
District and to develop recommendations for affordably expanding access to all households in throughout
Tompkins County, including the Trumansburg School District, in collaboration with the Southern Tier Network,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses pledges the amount up to $5000, payable to Tompkins
County in 2021 to financially support the Countywide Broadband study that will provide the following
deliverables to identify a possible path forward for a county-wide buildout of both middle and last mile fiber
optic cable in Tompkins County:
Market assessment - identifying the unserved and underserved areas, what the competition is in the county,
where do the current providers provide service, what the terms are and what they are charging, and will
outline demographics.
Design - outside (geographic layout and design, redundancy and diversity, how to reach each address point,
comparison of a distributed or central architecture) and inside plan design (where should co-location centers
be placed, convergence points, OLTs, etc...).
Business and operations model - what are the different models out there for municipal based fiber to the
home. What does it look like and what are the different models of operation?
Operations and maintenance - a complete look at what would it take to operate the infrastructure, what type
of service, what are the staffing needs, what is a recommended maintenance schedule? How often do you
need to replace a core router etc…?
Financials - for both capital and operations (including take rate opportunities) - what kind of revenue can you
expect since it needs to cover costs for many decades?
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses pledges up to $5,000 to be paid to Tompkins County in
2021 when the contract for the above deliverables is executed and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Clerk shall send a certified copy of the approved resolution to the
Tompkins County Administrator as evidence of the Town’s pledge of support of the proposed Broadband
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
*Resolution #210 Of 2020: Approval Of Payment For Guide Rail Installation To Claim State
WHEREAS, to protect the roadway along Maplewood Road in the Town of Ulysses, the Highway
Superintendent has arranged for the purchase and installation of a guide rail at a cost of $15, 654 and
WHEREAS, the Highway Department solicited bids in accordance with the Town’s Procurement Policy, and
WHEREAS, funds for this project are available in the 2020 Town of Ulysses Budget DB 5112.2 Account and
WHEREAS, this expense is 100% reimbursable by New York State through the CHIPS program and
WHEREAS, the deadline for submission to New York State is November 13, 2020 and requires a copy of the
cancelled check from the vendor and
WHEREAS, to hold the voucher until the Town Board’s normal payment cycle scheduled for November 10,
2020 would make it difficult to submit all documentation needed to request NYS reimbursement by the
deadline, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the early payment of Voucher # 464 in the amount of
$15,654 from account DB112.2 to expedite reimbursement from the New York State CHIPS program.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
*Resolution #211 Of 2020: Authorizing Use Of Funds From The Town Of Ulysses A234 /
A878 Capital Improvement Reserve Fund For An Asset Database
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopted a resolution on September 12, 2017 establishing
the type capital reserve fund to cover the cost of future capital expenses in the A Fund; and
WHEREAS, the current balance of the A234 / A878 Capital Improvement Reserve Fund is $31,047.20; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, an expenditure from a capital equipment reserve fund
requires authorization by the Town Board, and such authorization is subject to a permissive referendum; and
WHEREAS, Local Finance Law § 11.00 contains the list of periods of probable usefulness for various items and
purposes for which a municipality may issue debt and for which the term equipment is linked; and
WHEREAS, Local Finance Law § 11.00 states that “The expenses incurred by a municipality, for the acquisition
and installation of a new computer assisted integrated financial management and accounting system” is a
capital expense that falls under the term equipment; and
WHEREAS, the intent of this custom asset database is to maintain data pertaining to Town owned capital
assets in order to comply with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB); and
WHEREAS, the Town purchased a custom asset database for $3,120 in April of 2020 (voucher number 152);
WHEREAS, the Town received verbal guidance on August 7th 2020 from the Accounting Firm Insero, in the
presence of Town Counsel, that appropriating money from a reserve for an expense is not problematic as long
as the expense is an appropriate use of said reserve;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the following expenditures from the Town
of Ulysses A234 / A878 Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for the purchase of an asset database for $3,120;
RESOLVED that, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-c, this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum;
and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will post and publish the following notice of the permissive referendum in
accordance to law and provide a copy of such notice to the Town Supervisor:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of October, 2020, the Town Board of
the Town of Ulysses, New York duly adopted Resolution # 211 of 2020, an abstract of which follows below,
which is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to General Municipal Law section 6-c. The resolution
authorizes the Town of Ulysses (“the Town”) to use up to $3,120 from the Town of A234 / A878 Capital
Improvement Reserve Fund. The resolution shall take effect 30 days after adoption, i.e., on November 27th,
2020, unless by such date there is filed in the office of the town clerk a petition, signed, and acknowledged or
proved, or authenticated by electors of the town qualified to vote upon a proposition to raise and expend
money, in number equal to at least five percent of the total vote cast for governor in the Town at the last
general election held for the election of state officers, but not be less than 100 in a town of the first class,
protesting against the resolution and requesting that it be submitted to the qualified electors of the town, for
their approval or disapproval.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
*Resolution #212 Of 2020: Authorization To Contract For Space Rental For Middle School
WHEREAS, the COVID -19 Community Education Program for Trumansburg Middle School Students needs to
secure an appropriate venue to continue the successful program through the rest of the Fall 2020 school
session and
WHEREAS, negotiations for space are underway for the program to resume before the next Town Board
meeting, and
WHEREAS, the program costs are included in the 2020 budget and are offset by parent fees and donations,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a space rental
agreement for an amount not to exceed $2000 for the balance of the fall school session and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Supervisor shall report to the Town Board on the agreement and shall file an
executed copy of the agreement with the Town Clerk.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
*Resolution #___ Of 2020: Approval Of Videoconference Proposal To Enhance Public
Engagement (Withdrawn)
WHEREAS, due to COVID-19, the Governor of New York State has required the Ulysses Town Board to meet
remotely since March 2020 and
WHEREAS, to assure that the public had continued access to the deliberations of the Town Board and
opportunities to provide comments to the Town Board during public hearings and Town Board meetings, the
Town Board has used Zoom as a videoconferencing platform to conduct meetings and
WHEREAS, when the Town Board is required to resume in-person meetings at the Town Hall, it wishes to
continue to continue to provide greater and more flexible access to enable the public to engage with their
local government, and
WHEREAS, the attached proposal outlines a cost-effective way to adapt the Town Hall court room to enhance
both in-person and remote participation by the public and remote arraignments by the Justice Courts, and
WHEREAS, funds for the purchase of equipment and consultation needed to create a hybrid meeting capacity
for in-person and remote participation are available in the 2020 budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the proposal and authorizes the expenditure of up to $3350
from the 2020 budget.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler moved to withdraw her motion.
*Resolution #213 Of 2020: Appointment To The Joint Youth Commission
WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Ulysses and the Village of Trumansburg
requires the Town of Ulysses to appoint two representatives to the Ulysses-Trumansburg Joint Youth
Commission to help identify youth needs and recommend programs to address those needs, and
WHEREAS, there is a vacancy in one of the Town seats and
WHEREAS, a well-qualified Town resident has expressed interest in serving on the Joint Youth Commission,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Zaun Marshburn be appointed as the second Town representative to the Joint Youth
Commission for the balance of a two-year renewable term ending December 31, 2021.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
*Resolution #214 Of 2020: Authorizing Submission Of Grant For Tburg Community Day-
School Program To United Way Of Tompkins County
WHEREAS, The Trumansburg Community School-Day Program for Middle Schoolers was created to address an
emerging need resulting from COVID-19 hybrid scheduling at Trumansburg Middle School and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Program administers the program and collaborates with the Town-sponsored Rural
Youth Development program operated by Cornell Cooperative Extension using parent fees to pay for extra
staff and supplies not covered by the existing budget and
WHEREAS, the United Way of Tompkins County’s Youth and Philanthropy grant program invited innovative and
collaborative programs to seek funding to support new programs and
WHEREAS, the Trumansburg Community Day-School Program needs additional funding for space rental and
scholarships to keep fees low for families in need of supervision and academic support for their 7th and 8th
graders on the two days they are not in school, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Recreation Program be, and hereby is, authorized to request United Way funding
in the amount of $ 6,950 in 100% funding to support the Trumansburg Community Day-School Program for
thirty weeks of the 2020-21 school year and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Recreation Director and Town Supervisor are authorized to accept and request
payment of the grant funds, if approved.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
*Resolution # 215 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Town Board meetings held October 13,
October 15, 16, 19, and 21, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/27/20
October 29th, 2020: Special Town Board Meeting
*Resolution #216 Of 2020:
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Oct. 29 with the removal of the NYS DOT
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/29/20
*Resolution #217 Of 2020: Adoption Of 2021 Town Budget
WHEREAS the Town Supervisor presented the 2021 Tentative Budget to the Town Clerk and the Town Board
on September 29, 2020, and
WHEREAS the Town Board discussed and considered the 2021Tentative Budget at meetings on 10/1, 10/7,
10/13, 10/15, 10/16, 10/19 and 10/21/20 and
WHEREAS the Town Board adopted the 2021 Preliminary Budget on October 21, 2020 and set the Public
Hearing date for October 29, 2020 at 7:00 PM via Zoom, due to NYS Executive Orders related to COVID-19
safety; and
WHEREAS notice of the Public Hearing was in the newspaper on October 23, 2020 and also posted to the
town’s email listserv, and website, and
WHEREAS, the 2021 Preliminary Budget was posted on the Town’s website on October 23, 2020 and
WHEREAS a Public Hearing was held on October 29, 2020 where all members of the public were able to
comment on the Preliminary Budget via zoom, telephone, or in writing, and
WHEREAS the tax levy limit set by the New York State Office of the State Comptroller for the Town of
Ulysses for the year 2021 is 3.105%,
RESOLVED that the Town Board accepts the 2021 Preliminary Budget (as amended) to become the Final
Budget for 2021 for the Town of Ulysses with a resulting 1.06% increase in the overall tax levy, which is within
the tax cap, and a 2.27% decrease in the overall final tax rate of $2.5801/$1,000 taxable assessed value (TAV)
for Ulysses residents living outside the Village of Trumansburg and $1.2236/$1,000 TAV for residents of the
Village of Trumansburg.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler noted that a user in Water District 1 was not happy with the charges for WD1 repair fund.
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/29/20
*Resolution #218 Of 2020: Setting A Joint Public Hearing On The 2021 Agreement With The
Village Of Trumansburg To Provide Fire Protection For The Town Of Ulysses
RESOLVED, in accordance with §184 of New York State Town Law, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses hold
a joint public hearing via Zoom on November 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing public
comments on the 2021 Fire Protection Agreement with the Village of Trumansburg to provide fire protection
for the Fire Protection District of the Towns of Ulysses, Hector, and Covert and further
RESOLVED, that access details for how to participate in the Public Hearing shall be posted on the Town of
Ulysses website at www.ulysses.ny.us at least 24 hours prior to the date of the hearing. The purpose of the
public hearing is for all persons wishing to comment in favor or against the 2021 Fire Protection Agreement
with the Village of Trumansburg to have an opportunity to provide their comments thereon, and be it further
RESOLVED, that in addition to participation in the public hearing, all members of the public wishing to submit
written comments on the proposed local law may do so in writing addressed to the Town Clerk at 10 Elm
Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886 or by email to clerk@ulysses.ny.us, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to publish notice of said hearing in the Ithaca Journal as required by
law and the Town Board authorizes payment of expenses associated with said publications.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/29/20
*Resolution # 219 Of 2020: Creation Of Zoning/Code/Fire Enforcement Officer Position
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to increase the efficiency and extent of the enforcement activities
that are currently divided between the Code Enforcement Officer and the Zoning Officer and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Human Resources Department has a position entitled Zoning/Code/Fire
Enforcement Officer that includes responsibility for enforcing building, fire, and zoning laws and regulations,
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board has recently authorized increased time for code and zoning enforcement
starting in 2021, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses reclassify the Code Enforcement Officer position to the position of
Zoning/Code/Fire Enforcement Officer and further
RESOLVED, that the new Zoning/Code/Fire Enforcement Officer position be created as a Part Time, B class,
salaried position effective Nov. 15, 2020 at an annual rate of $27,123 for 2020 and $36,981 for 2021 and
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Supervisor submit to Tompkins County Human Resources a reclassification form to
certify that the Town of Ulysses considers the Zoning/Code/Fire Enforcement Officer position to be more
appropriate to the duties, responsibilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, and minimum qualifications of the
position as it exists today and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board appoints Mark Washburn to the newly reclassified position of
Zoning/Code/Fire Enforcement Officer effective Nov. 15, 2020 and further
RESOLVED, that the probationary period for the new position be set at three (3) months from the time of
appointment and further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor request that the Tompkins County Human Resources Department schedule a
promotional exam for this position and this incumbent.
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/29/20
*Resolution #220 Of 2020: Approval Of Memo Of Understanding To Extend Teamsters’
Contract Through 2021
WHEREAS, the Labor Agreement between the Town of Ulysses and Teamsters Local 317 was negotiated
through the end 2020 and
WHEREAS, both the Union and the Town have agreed that it is in the mutual interest of both parties to extend
the contract through December 31, 2021 and
WHEREAS, the following terms and conditions have been agreed to for the one-year extension:
Section 12.1a HOURS AND WORK WEEK of the current contract shall be amended as follows
The standard workweek for all full-time employees shall be forty (40) hours. The standard workweek shall
consist of five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour workdays running from Monday through Friday. Standard work
day hours are set by the Highway Superintendent and can vary seasonally. Standard work day hours are set
annually by the Highway Superintendent at the Organizational Meeting. Currently selected hours are as below
but are subject to change on notice per the above. Current standard work hours shall be from 6:30 am to 3:00
pm Monday through Friday April 1st – October 31st and 7:00 am to 3:30 pm November 1st through March 31st.
[NEW]: The Superintendent may schedule split shifts for plowing, 4 ten-hour days, and/or a 40 hour week with
flex time to accommodate routine weekend water duties as regular time.
Section 12.3 WAGES shall be amended as follows:
The 2021 base wage for Machine Equipment Operators shall be $23.00/hour, an increase of $.25/hour
The Primary Water Operator shall receive an additional $.25/hour for hours worked exclusively on water
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby agrees to the proposed extension of the Labor Agreement
through December 31, 2021 and further
RESOLVED, that the next agreement be negotiated by August 1, 2021, and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor is authorized to sign a 1 year extension.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 10/29/20
*Resolution #221 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for November 10, 2020 with the addition of
Reports from Representatives, withdraw item d- discussion fo water work group, delete an executive session
for collective bargain.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman absent
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/10/20
*Resolution #222 Of 2020: Approval Of The 2021 Fire Protection District Agreement For
WHEREAS, a fire protection district known as the “Fire Protection District of the Towns of Ulysses, Hector and
Covert” (hereafter referred to as “the Fire Protection District”) has been duly established in the said towns;
WHEREAS, the Fire Protection District encompasses the following territory in the Town of Ulysses: All of the
Town of Ulysses, excepting the area within the limits of the incorporated Village of Trumansburg; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg (hereafter referred to as “the Village”) maintains a volunteer fire
department, with adequate and suitable apparatus, equipment and training for the furnishing of fire
protection services within the Fire Protection District; and
WHEREAS, Town Law §184 permits a town to contract with a village which maintains adequate and suitable
apparatus and appliances for the furnishing of fire protection services in such fire protection district; and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to contract with the Village to provide fire protection services in the Fire
Protection District; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing as required by §184 of the Town Law was duly advertised on November 3, 2020
WHEREAS, the Towns of Covert and Hector were invited on October 30, 2020 via email to join the Joint Public
Hearing and
WHEREAS, the Public Hearing was held on November 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via ZOOM hosted by the Town of
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby approves and authorizes execution of the
attached Agreement between the Village and the Town, whereby the Village will provide the Town with fire
protection capable of responding to fire related and health related emergencies on an ongoing basis within the
Fire Protection District, for the period from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021; and be it further
RESOLVED that, pursuant to the Agreement, the Town shall pay the Village the sum of $228,783.00 for such
services, on or before February 15, 2021; and be it further
RESOLVED that, the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement on
behalf of the Town of Ulysses.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman absent
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/10/20
*Resolution #223 Of 2020: Approval Of The 2021 Ambulance Services Agreement
WHEREAS, Section 122-B of the General Municipal Law allows a municipality to contract for Ambulance
Services and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses created an Ambulance Service District that encompasses the following territory
in the Town of Ulysses: All of the Town of Ulysses, excepting the area within the limits of the incorporated
Village of Trumansburg; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg (hereafter referred to as “the Village”) maintains an Ambulance Service
with adequate and suitable apparatus, equipment, personnel, and training for the furnishing of emergency
medical services; and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to contract with the Village to provide Ambulance Services in the Ambulance
Services District; and
RESOLVED THAT: The Town Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby approves and authorizes execution of the
attached Agreement between the Village and the Town, whereby the Village will provide pre-hospital
emergency medical services within the Town of Ulysses Ambulance Services District, for the period from
January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021. And be it further
RESOLVED that, pursuant to the Agreement, the Town shall pay the Village the sum of $418,900 for such
services, on or before February 15, 2021; and be it further
RESOLVED that, the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement on
behalf of the Town of Ulysses.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman absent
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/10/20
*Resolution # 224 Of 2020: Authorization To Include A Summary Of The 2021 Budget In The
2021 Tax Bills
WHEREAS, the Real Property Tax Law section 922 (1) (d) permits municipalities to include a summary of the
2021 adopted budget with the tax bills if the Town Board approves such action by resolution and
WHEREAS, all taxpayers deserve a clear and transparent explanation of the structure and changes in the Town
of Ulysses 2021 budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to prepare a brief summary of the 2021
Town Budget for inclusion with the 2021 tax bill and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the use of $1350 in resources in the Clerk’s office for
copies of the summary, envelopes, mailing, and staff time or contractor expense to prepare such a mailing.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman absent
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/10/20
*Resolution # 225 Of 2020: Approval Of Memorandum Of Understanding With Teamsters
Local 317 To Extend The Labor Agreement Through December 2021
WHEREAS, the Labor Agreement between the Town of Ulysses and Teamsters Local 317 was negotiated
through the end of calendar year 2020 and
WHEREAS, both the Union and the Town have agreed that it is in the mutual interest of both parties to extend
the contract through December 31, 2021 and
WHEREAS, the following terms and conditions have been agreed to for the one-year extension:
1. Section 12.1a HOURS AND WORK WEEK of the current contract shall be amended as follows:
The standard workweek for all full-time employees shall be forty (40) hours. Standard work day hours are set
by the Highway Superintendent and can vary seasonally. Standard work day hours are set annually by the
Highway Superintendent at the Organizational Meeting. Currently selected hours are as below but are subject
to change on notice per the above. Current standard work hours shall be from 6:30 am to 3:00 pm Monday
through Friday April 1st – October 31st and 7:00 am to 3:30 pm November 1st through March 31st. The
Superintendent may schedule split shifts for plowing, 4 ten-hour days, and/or a 40 hour week with flex time to
accommodate routine weekend water duties as regular time.
2. Section 12.3 WAGES shall be amended as follows:
· The 2021 base wage for Machine Equipment Operators shall be $23.00/hour, an increase of $.25/hour
· The Primary Water Operator shall receive an additional $.25/hour for hours worked exclusively on water
3. All other provisions of the Agreement remain in force through December 31, 2021. (added 11/10 per union
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby agrees to the proposed extension of the Labor Agreement
through December 31, 2021 and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign a mutually agreeable
Memorandum of Understanding with the Teamsters Local 317 for 2021.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board and Union agree to begin negotiations for a new contract at the earliest
opportunity in 2021 and to bargain in good faith to complete a fair agreement in as timely a manner as
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman absent
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/10/20
*Resolution # 226 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Town Board meeting held October 27,
2020, the minutes from the Public Hearing on the 2021 Preliminary Budget on October 29, and the Special
Town Board meeting held October 29, 2020
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman absent
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/10/20
*Resolution #227 Of 2020: Payment Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves of payment of claims for:
HA (WD3 Aerator Capital Fund) fund vouchers numbered 23 through 25 in the amount of $ $36,204.98
HB (Cemetery Bridge Replacement Capital Fund) fund vouchers 12 and 13 in the amount of $ 30,415.02;
All other funds vouchers #405- 461 in the amount of $ 113,520.37
All other funds vouchers numbered 462 and 463 and vouchers numbered 465 through 509 in the amount of
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman absent
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 11/10/20
*Resolution #227 Of 2020: Approval Of Agenda
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Nov. 24, 2020 with the addition of a resolution
for a grant application and moving up the voucher approval resolution.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
*Resolution # 228 Of 2020: Establishing A Speed Zone For Krums Corners Road
WHEREAS, Krums Corners is a road within the Town of Ulysses that is maintained by Tompkins County and
WHEREAS, the residents living on Krums Corners Road between Route 96 and Perry City Road have noted the
danger to pedestrians including children and seniors and bicyclists from cars driving the 55 mph limit allowed
on that road and
WHEREAS, twelve residents living on this section of Krums Corners Rd signed a petition on behalf of seventeen
individuals requesting the speed limit be lowered from the unposted 55mph to 40 miles per hour and
WHEREAS, the Town Board recognizes that a significant number of residents share the safety concerns as
documented in the petition and deems that it would promote the health, safety and welfare of the people of
the Town of Ulysses for the speed limit on Krums Corners Road from Rt 96 to Perry City Road to Dubois Road
to be lowered to 40mph, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Highway Superintendent has reviewed the road conditions and petition and supports
the residents’ request and
WHEREAS, §1622 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law establishes the law regarding speed limits on
town highways, and
WHEREAS, this law states that the department of transportation, upon the request of the county
superintendent of highways of a county, and the town board of the town affected with respect to town
highways in such town outside of cities or villages, may, by order, rule or regulation:
(1) Establish maximum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed on or along such highways higher or lower
than the fifty-five miles per hour statutory maximum speed limit. No such limit shall be established at less than
twenty-five miles per hour, except that school speed limits may be established at not less than fifteen miles
per hour,
(2) Establish maximum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed on or along all such highways lying within
an area as designated by a description of the boundaries of such area submitted by the county superintendent
of highways of a county and the town board of the town affected lower than fifty-five miles per hour statutory
maximum speed limit. No such limit shall be established at less than thirty miles per hour.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses requests the speed limit for Krums Corners Road from
Rt. 96 to Perry City Road be established as 40 miles per hour and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board request that the Tompkins County Highway Department widen the
shoulder of Krums Corners road, from at least Rt 96 to Perry City Road to promote greater safety for
pedestrians and bikers and further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall submit a certified copy of this resolution to the Tompkins County Highway
Manager and request that they accept our request and submit our request to the NYSDOT and further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall provide a copy of the certified resolution and request to the Highway
Department to County Legislator Anne Koreman and County Administrator Jason Molino and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor shall, with input from residents, request that the County Sheriff’s
department patrol Krums Corners more frequently or place a speed warning sign on the road and enforce the
existing speed limits as appropriate at times found to be especially dangerous.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
*Resolution #229 Of 2020: Endorsing The LED Conversion Recommendations Made By
Conservation And Sustainability Advisory Committee
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board approved Resolution No.200 on October 13, 2020 authorizing the Town to
enter into an agreement with New York State Electric and Gas for the conversion of the Town’s ten streetlights
to LED lights to save energy and costs and
WHEREAS, the NYSEG agreement requires the Town to specify the type of lights and the correlated color
temperature or CCT for the lamps to be used in the fixtures and
WHEREAS, the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Committee (CSAC) has, at the Town Board’s request,
thoroughly reviewed the specifications of the Agreement with NYSEG and the options available to the Town in
light of the best available research on LED fixtures and CCT and in consideration of the Town’s zoning and
Tompkins County Environmental Management Council’s health recommendations and
WHEREAS, the CSAC has submitted its research and recommendations to the Town Board in the attached
report and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses believes in science and has reviewed the CSAC
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board thanks the members of the CSAC, especially Roxanne Marino and
Terry Carroll for their hard and timely work on this report and endorses the Committee’s recommendation to
choose Option A, accepting the NYSEG proposed light fixture equivalents and to select the lower CCT option of
3,000 kelvin bulbs for all streetlights, and further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor shall enter these recommendations into the agreement with NYSEG that the
Town Board has authorized her to execute to finalize the planned conversion to LED streetlights.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
*Resolution #230 Of 2020: Authorization To Make 2020 Approved Payments To
Organizations And Individuals Providing Services To The Town Of Ulysses
WHEREAS, Section 6-12 of the NYS Home Rule Statute allows town boards to budget for and adopt local laws
concerning the property, affairs or government of the town, including: the care of highways; the protection
and enhancement of its physical and visual environment; and the protection, order, conduct, safety, health
and well-being of persons or property, and
WHEREAS, to protect our environment and enhance the well-being of Ulysses residents, the Ulysses Town
Board has allocated funds to support a variety of community organizations that provide services to the general
public during calendar year 2020, and
WHEREAS, the volunteers who serve as Town Historian and members of the Planning Board and Board of
Zoning Appeals who commit many hours each month to fulfilling their Town-required duties are allowed by
law to receive a modest stipend for their services and
WHEREAS, the following payments were approved in the 2020 budget and authorized at the 2020
Organizational meeting held January 6, 2020 and payments have not yet been issued,
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the payments to the following organizations at the
December 8, 2020 Town Board meeting:
Arthur E. Bolton Post 770 of the American Legion for service to veterans & flags-$ 475
Ulysses Historical Society for services to the public and access to their space-$700
Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts for services to the public- $3,800
Gadabout Transportation for service to seniors and those with disabilities $2,000
Foodnet Meals on Wheels for home delivered meals for Ulysses Seniors- $2,250
Lifelong (TC Senior Citizens, Inc.) for recreational and cultural services to Ulysses Seniors - $1,000.00
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board issue modest stipends to the following individuals who have
provided invaluable service to the Town during 2020 along with our gratitude:
John Wertis Sr, Town Historian for archiving and sharing our Town’s history-$1,623.00
Planning Board members and alternates for service during 2020:
Linda Liddle, Chair- $230.00
Rodney Bent- $130.00
Morris Klein- $130.00
Jonathan Ferrari- $130.00
Rebecca Schneider- $130.00
John Wertis Sr, 1st alternate- $130.00
Pete Angie, 2nd alternate- $130.00
Board of Zoning Appeals members and alternate for service during 2020:
Stephen Morreale, Chair- $230.00
Robert Howarth- $130.00
Andrew Hillman- $130.00
Cheryl Thompson- $130.00
Thomas Butler, Alternate- $130.00
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
*Resolution #231 Of 2020: Authorization To Use Up To $8,050 Of The Aerator Capital
Project Budget Reserved For Allowances To Install A Guard Rail On Top Of The Water Tank
WHEREAS, The Aerator Project at the Town’s water tank on Van Dorn Corners Road required the installation of
a new blower on the top of the water tank and
WHEREAS, the blower on the roof of the tank will require routine maintenance and
WHEREAS, the location of the blower is not close enough to the existing safety walkways and guardrails and
WHEREAS, the project budgeted for $15,000 in allowances to address changes and
WHEREAS, the General Contractor is willing and able to install a guard rail specifically designed for this water
tank as illustrated in the attached drawing,
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the expenditure of up to $8050 for the design and
installation of the proposed guard rail to assure the safety of all who need to service or repair the water tank,
including an administrative fee of up to 15% for the general contractor to handle the sub-contracts and
payments for this addition.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
*Resolution #232 Of 2020: Scheduling Of Town Board Meetings
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board shall cancel its second meeting in December scheduled for December
22, 2020 and further
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board sets the date of the annual Organizational meeting which is required
to occur before the first regular meeting of the Town Board for Wednesday, January 6 from 8-10am via Zoom.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
*Resolution # 233 Of 2020: Resolution Granting The State Of New York Authority To
Perform The Adjustment For The Owner And Agreeing To Maintain Facilities Adjusted Via
State-Let Contract
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation (the State) proposes the construction,
reconstruction, or improvement of a Large Culvert on Route 96 located in the Town of Ulysses in Tompkins
County, PIN 3807.62 and
WHEREAS, the State will include as part of the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of the above
mentioned project the relocation and adjustment to water mains and appurtenances, pursuant to Section 10,
Subdivision 24, of the State Highway Law, as shown on the contract plans relating to the project and meeting
the requirements of the owner, and
WHEREAS, the service life of the relocated and or replaced utilities has not been extended, and
WHEREAS, the State will provide for the reconstruction of the above mentioned work, as shown on the
contract plans relating to the above mentioned project;
BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ulysses approves of the relocation of and adjustment to their water mains
and appurtenances and the above mentioned work performed on the project and shown on the contract plans
relating to the project and that Town of Ulysses will maintain or cause to be maintained the adjusted facilities
performed as above stated and as shown on the contract plans;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor has the authority to sign, with the concurrence of the Town Board,
any and all documentation that may become necessary as a result of this project and the attached addendum
resulting from a conference call with DOT, MRB engineer, Bolton Point and Town Board members Michael
Boggs and Nancy Zahler and that Town of Ulysses will maintain or cause to be maintained the adjusted
facilities performed as above stated and as shown on the contract plans and addendum;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the clerk of the Town of Ulysses is hereby directed to transmit four (3) certified
copies of the foregoing resolution to the New York State Department of Transportation.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
*Resolution # 234 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Public Hearing on Fire Services held
November 10, 2020 and the Town Board meeting held November 10, 2020.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman abstain
Mr. Devokaitis absent
Vote: 3-0
Date Adopted: 11/24/20
DECEMBER 8th, 2020: Regular Town Board Meeting
*Resolution #235 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for December 8, 2020 with the addition of an
executive session for collective bargaining.
Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution # 236 Of 2020: Addition To Krums Corners Speed Limit Resolution # 228 Of
WHEREAS, the residents of Krums Corners included in their speed limit petition to the Ulysses Town Board an
additional request for road signage to alert drivers to exercise caution on the road due to pedestrian travel
along the road that lacks well-defined shoulders or bike lanes and
WHEREAS, the request for safety signage such as “Watch Out for Children” was not included in Resolution #
228 adopted on November 24, 2020, and
WHEREAS, the residents do not wish to have the shoulders widened, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board send an amended resolution that removes the request to widen
shoulders and adds the residents’ request for safety signage to the Tompkins County Highway Manager with
copies to the same parties as the original resolution.
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution # 237 Of 2020: Approval Of Public Engagement Videoconferencing Proposal
WHEREAS, the NYS Executive Order 202.1 issued in March of 2020 at the outset of the pandemic suspended
public meetings to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and
WHEREAS, Ulysses Town Board has demonstrated its commitment to providing continued access to the public
during the pandemic by using videoconferencing to allow members of the public to view, listen to, and make
comments during public meetings, committee meetings, and public hearings and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board Meeting Rules allow members of the Town Board to participate remotely
via videoconferencing when they cannot attend in-person, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to provide improved remote access for remote arraignments and/or
court proceedings as allowed by the NYS Office of Court Administration, and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to continue to provide members of the public easy access to the
public meetings of the Town once in-person meetings are allowed to safely resume, and
WHEREAS, the amount of $4,100 is available in the 2020 budget in account A1620.2,
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes up to $4,100 for the purchase of videoconferencing
equipment and for consultation services to design and implement modifications to the Court Room in the
Ulysses Town Hall as described in the attached proposal dated 12/3/20 from the 2020 budget account
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution #238 Of 2020: Increasing The Inter-Fund Loan From A Fund Balance To Capital
Fund HB For Seed Money For The Cemetery Road Bridge Replacement Project
WHEREAS General Municipal Law, §9-a allows for inter-fund loan which states that any such temporary
advance shall be authorized in the same manner as prescribed by general, special or local law for making
budgetary transfers between appropriations. And that suitable records shall be kept of each temporary
advance, and
WHEREAS Resolution 2019-160 authorized an inter-fund loan for seed money for The Cemetery Road Bridge
Replacement Project, and
WHEREAS the inter-fund loan came from the A Fund during the 2020 financial year, and
WHEREAS reimbursement from NYSDOT is on a rolling basis, however cash flow for expenses related to this
project requires an increase of $10,000 to cover reimbursable costs, and
WHEREAS the HB fund will pay back the A fund with money received by the grant from reimbursement,
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board approves an additional $10,000 in funds for the temporary
loan, for a total of $40,000 from A fund balance to the HB fund.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution #239 Of 2020: Recognizing Inter-Fund Loan From A Fund Balance To Capital
Fund HB Across Financial Years
WHEREAS The Cemetery Road Bridge Replacement Project is a multi-year, grant reimbursed project, and
WHEREAS the Ulysses Town Board authorized an interfund loan to the HB Capital Fund, created exclusively for
the Cemetery Road Bridge Replacement Project, by resolution #s 2019-160 and 2020-238, and
WHEREAS in January of 2020 the interfund loan transfer occurred, and
WHEREAS the Ulysses Town Board wishes to acknowledge that the NYS Office of the State Comptroller prefers
that interfund loans are paid back within a single financial year, or as soon as reasonably possible; and, in cases
where that is not possible, formal documentation and Board authorization is recommended, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board recognizes that the $40,000 owed from the HB Capital Fund
(HB630 Due to Other Funds) to the A Fund (A391 Due from Other Funds) will exist in the financial records of
the 2020 and 2021 financial years.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution # 240 Of 2020: Authorization To Execute The New York State Municipal
Workers’ Compensation Plan Document
Whereas there has been proposed a "New York State Municipal Workers' Compensation Alliance Plan
Document" pursuant to section 50 3-a of the Workers' Compensation Law (hereinafter "The Plan"); and
Whereas the Town of Ulysses is eligible for membership in The Plan; and
Whereas the Town of Ulysses has made an independent investigation of The Plan and reviewed the plan
document, and has concluded that it would be in the interests of the Town of Ulysses) to participate therein;
now, therefore, be it
Resolved that the Town of Ulysses enter into membership in The Plan pursuant to section 50 subdivision 3-a of
the Workers' Compensation Law; and be it further
Resolved, that the Ulysses Town Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and instructed to execute The Plan's
charter document on behalf of the Town of Ulysses; and be it further
Resolved, that the custody of all joint plan moneys by the plan administrator under the plan be and the same
hereby is approved.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution #241 Of 2020: Recognition Of Town Volunteers
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses is fortunate to have tremendously talented residents who call our community
home and who generously volunteer their time to improve the quality of life for those throughout the Town
WHEREAS, Sharon Bilotta completed 5 years of service as a Town representative on the Ulysses-Trumansburg
Joint Youth Commission, serving as member, vice chair and chair guiding the development of new programs
for children and youth and providing valuable oversight to assure the highest quality of recreation and youth
development services and
WHEREAS, Don Ellis from the Village of Trumansburg served as founding member of the Habitat Nature
Preserve Advisory Committee and is responsible for helping to develop guidelines for its use and for creating a
small parking area and plantings at the trail head before he resigned from the Advisory Committee during 2020
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to thank these outstanding volunteers for their service to the Town,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board directs the Supervisor and Town Clerk to prepare and present
certificates of appreciation to each of these volunteers as a token of our gratitude and esteem.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution # 242 Of 2020: Resolution Of Recognition And Appreciation For Marc
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has been very fortunate to have Marc Devokaitis serve as dedicated board
member since his appointment to the Town Board in March 2020; and
WHEREAS, we are appreciative of his hours of service, diligence and thoughtful consideration in all matters
before the Town during the most difficult days of the COVID pandemic; and
WHEREAS, we particularly commend Marc’s efforts to help establish a Mutual Aid Food Cabinet in downtown
Trumansburg during a time of significant food instability for many residents; and
WHEREAS, we recognize his service as our liaison to the Village of Trumansburg and the Conservation and
Sustainability Advisory Committee and the Habitat Nature Preserve Advisory Committee; and
WHEREAS, we, as members of the Town Board of Ulysses, wish to extend our utmost appreciation to Marc for
his congeniality, his dedication to improve the environmental sustainability of our Town, and his innovative
perspective on improving communication with our constituents;
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board recognizes and commends Marc Devokaitis for his service to the Town
of Ulysses and wishes him well in all future endeavors.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis abstain
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution #243 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda Approval Of 2021 Ambulance Fees:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the following ambulance service fees for 2021:
BLS Non-Emergency $500
BLS Emergency $940
ALS 1 Non-Emergency $850
ALS 1 Emergency $1405
ALS 2 Emergency $1612
Specialty Care Transport n/a
Paramedic Intercept $725
GTM $25.50/mi
Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution # 244 Of 2020: Approval Of Minutes
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the Town Board meeting held November
24, 2020.
Moved: Ms. Olson Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution #245 Of 2020: Payment Of Claims
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves of payment of claims for:
HA (WD3 Aerator Capital Fund) fund vouchers # 26 and 27 in the amount of $134,294.86;
HB (Cemetery Bridge Replacement Capital Fund) fund voucher # 14 in the amount of $5,022.44;
all other funds (vouchers # 510 through 574) in the amount of $49,328.75.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
*Resolution #246 Of 2020: Approval Of Meeting Agenda
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Dec. 15, 2020 with the changes of withdrawing
Appointment of Personnel and moving up New Business.
Moved: Mr. Devokaitis Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs absent
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 12/15/20
*Resolution # 247 Of 2020: Approval Of Extensions Of Agreements Ending 12/31/20
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Jacksonville Community
Association for collaboration on the Jacksonville Community Park and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Village of
Trumansburg, Trumansburg Central School District and Trumansburg Community Recreation, Inc to collaborate
on shared recreational ventures and
WHEREAS, both agreements were authorized through December 2020 and
WHEREAS, the review and updating of the agreements has been delayed due to the coronavirus and
WHEREAS, all parties need more time to review and update the agreements,
RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions outlined in the two agreements ending December 31, 2020 are
hereby extended through December 31, 2021 or until revised versions are presented to the Town Board.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Olson
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs absent
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 12/15/20
*Resolution # 248 Of 2020: Approval Of Out Of District User Agreements For Water District
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board adopted Resolution #197 on Oct. 16, 2020 approving a restated Agreement
with Cayuga Addiction and Recovery Services establishing Water District #1 and
WHEREAS, that agreement permits out of district users to join the Water District provided they pay their pro-
rata share of water district related expenses and
WHEREAS, the 2021 Town of Ulysses Budget, as approved by the Ulysses Town Board in Resolution #217 on
October 29, 2020, included assessments for all Water District #1 users to help pay for future repairs and
WHEREAS, the Town Attorney has prepared the attached Out of District User Agreements for the two users
who have joined the district and
WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed the terms and conditions of the proposed Agreements, and
WHEREAS there are the proposed agreements need revisions before being presented to the users,
RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to work with the attorney and the users to
finalize acceptable language, and further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to send the approved agreements to the outside
users to take effect January 1, 2021.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Devokaitis
Ms. Zahler aye
Ms. Olson aye
Mr. Boggs absent
Mr. Goldman aye
Mr. Devokaitis aye
Vote: 4-0
Date Adopted: 12/15/20