HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-15-STB-FINAL-minutesSPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 2022 Budget Workshop + No Parking Authorization Town of Ulysses June 15, 2021 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held via videoconference on the Zoom platform. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board. CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Zahler called the meeting to order at 8am. ATTENDANCE: The Town Clerk called the roll: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Supervisor- Nancy Zahler Board members- Michael Boggs, Katelin Olson, Mary Bouchard, Rich Goldman Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Second Deputy Supervisor & Budget Officer- Michelle E. Wright BUDGET DISCUSSION Supervisor Zahler welcomed the board to the meeting and stated the purpose: to introduce the 2022 budget process, trends, new issues, and the timeline. Deputy Wright shared a powerpoint presentation highlighting the following topics: • 2022 budget calendar • 2021 budget overview o Budget appropriations & revenues by fund o Discussion of current budgeting philosophy (underestimating revenues to grow fund balance) and changing to a different model with the goal of using extra funds to reduce the tax rate rather than increasing fund balance. o Key changes in 2021 budget • Other issues to consider: amount to keep in fund balance & cost of a catastrophic event • Concern about making too big a budgeting change in one year • Fund balance vs reserve- fund the reserves first before drawing down fund balances • New report format • Potential salary studies to compare to other towns with attention to making sure job duties are similar AUTHORIZATION FOR HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO POST NO PARKING SIGNS FOR JULY 2021 RESOUTION #115 OF 2021: AUTHORIZATION FOR HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO POST NO PARKING SIGNS FOR JULY 2021 WHEREAS, Section 186-3 of the Town of Ulysses Code “Temporary Parking Regulations” authorizes the Town Board to temporarily prohibit parking of motor vehicles on portions of Town highways and shoulders to protect the health, safety and welfare of town residents and WHEREAS, the 2021 Grassroots Festival events will draw a large number participants and create a significant increase in traffic on local roads, and WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board wishes to assure the safety of local residents, visitors, and pedestrians during the events scheduled in July 2021, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby directs and authorizes the Highway Superintendent to place “No Parking” signs along both sides of Falls Road and along the Town’s section of Cemetery Road from Rt 96 to the Village boundary line for the time period beginning July 7 – July 31 and further RESOLVED, that the Highway Superintendent trim the trees near the existing caution signs on Falls Road and place additional caution arrows on both the east and west side of Falls Road to alert drivers to a dangerous curve and blind drive just north of Cayuga View Road and south of the Grassroots property. Moved: Zahler Seconded: Goldman Zahler aye Goldman aye Boggs aye Bouchard aye Olson aye Passed 5-0 Date adopted 6/15/21 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Supervisor Zahler noted that the NYS comptroller auditors have completed their 360 degree review and are impressed with town in general and now will take a deeper dive into IT. ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:39am. This was seconded by Ms. Bouchard and passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk 6/18/2021