HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-09 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES
SEPTEMBER 9 , 2003
Present : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Lee Scott, Carolyn Duddleston and
Robert Weatherby; Highway Superintendent James Meeker; Code Enforcement Officer
Alex Rachun and Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia ; Councilwoman Sue Poelvoorde
Others Present : Peter Penniman Representative County Board, Chairman of the Planning
Board and President of Jacksonville Association Richard Coogan; and Glen Beardsley.
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm , and led those assembled in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
After minor corrections and/or changes Mr. Scott moved , seconded by Mrs . Duddleston
to approve the minutes of the Regular Town Board meeting of August 12 , 2003 .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde absent
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
After review of voucher numbers 368 through 408 in the amount of $ 33 ,470 . 67 , Mrs .
Duddleston moved, seconded by Mr. Scott to approve the vouches and authorize Mr.
Austic to pay them .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde absent
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Mr. Austic is in receipt of the first payment request from R. Myers the General
Contractor for Water District # 3 . Having reviewed the recommendation from Barton &
Loguidice Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following :
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has received the certified First Submission for work
completed through August 15 , 2003 for Contract No . 1 A - General Construction DWSRF
Project No . 16097 and
WHEREAS, the total amount of work done to date is $ 357, 783 . 56 and the total amount
of stored materials on- site for which payment is being requested is $ 128 , 774 . 82 and,
WHEREAS, a retainage of five percent (5 %) of the value of work done to date and
materials stored on-site, totaling $24, 327 . 92 , has been withheld from the payment per the
Contract Specifications and
Regular Town Board Meeting
WHEREAS, the total amount due the contractor for the first payment is $462 , 230 . 46
WHEREAS, Barton & Loguidice, after review, authorize the Town Board of the Town
of Ulysses to make the first payment to R. Myers Construction, Inc . in the amount of
$462 ,230 . 46 for work completed for the period ending August 15 , 2003 ,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses
authorizes Supervisor Austic to issue a check to R. Myers Construction, Inc . in the
amount of $462 ,230 . 46 for the first payment for Town of Ulysses ; Water District No . # 3
Water System Improvements .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde absent
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Tompkins County Representative Peter Penniman reported on the progress of the
Tompkins County Budget . The committees are still looking at further cuts in the
requests . He explained some of the mandates from the State the County are looking at .
The County has been looking at the possibility of the Towns taking on some things such
as the Health Department, but it does not seem very likely things like this would work or
prove to be cost effective .
Mr. Scott asked how much revenue could OTB bring into the County. Mr. Penniman
stated the estimate they got was in the first year it could be as much as $ 100,000,
$200/300,000 the second year and more possibly more after rewards . Chemung County
gets as much as $400 ,000 for one facility and Broome County gets a million for two
OTBs . A referendum will be coming up on this if there are signatures to warrant putting
it on the ballot.
Mr. Austic stated the County should no way consider cutting the Health Department. Mr.
Penniman did state the County has cut or reduced from the Health Department in the
frequency of restaurant inspections . The next one to cut is the person to inspect septic
system but this would have caused an increase expense to the developer to hire
consultants and would triple the cost for people putting in septic systems . It would be a
hardship to have to rely on calling the State for this type of inspection.
Mr. Austic commented it also would not make any sense to cut road maintenance . Mr.
Weatherby suggested the County like the Town maintain more roads and be reimbursed
for it and they would get more for their money. At least discuss ; the issue . Mr. Austic
stated the Town would be willing to contract the maintenance of some roads . Mr.
Penniman said he would be glad to bring it up .
Trumansburg Fire Department — no one present to report.
Richard Coogan, Planning Board Chairman reports that the Planning Board has met
to look over the proposed Site Plan Review in the draft Zoning Ordinance; they did not •
get a chance to look over the Tower Ordinance also in that draft . They are going to take a
closer look at Site Plan Review and the Design Standards to make sure they both
compliment each other. They are committed to have this done by the end of the month .
Mr. Austic asked if copies of the draft ordinance had been given to the Board of Zoning
Appeals . They haven ' t, but the Clerk will do that .
Regular Town Board Meeting
Mr. Coogan said one thing that came up in regards to residential properties is maybe Site
Plan Review should be done on a residential property when multi-units are going to be
built. Mr. Rachun and Mr. Coogan discussed this and it was suggested anything over
2000 square feet and accessory buildings over twenty feet high be required to do site
plans .
EMC - This position is vacant.
Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun reported nine permits were issued, two for
single-family homes and seven for additions and accessory buildings . Also two BZA
meetings for area variances have been scheduled . He has a partial site plan proposal and
also a PUD request for Flo-Tech . Mr. Rachun thought that he was going to wait for the
new zoning ordinance but he has decided to apply for the PUD . Mr. Rachun asked if it
would be possible once he receives a completed application for a PUD he could forward
it directly on to the Planning Board in lieu of making Mr. Brown wait until the October
Town Board Meeting to present it to the Town Board . Mr. Austic stated the Board could
call a special Board meeting on a two -day notice . Mr. Rachun said that would work .
Nothing more has been received from Dennis Scott . He has come back to Mr. Rachun in
the meantime and has changed his mind about what he would be using the building for.
Now his intention is to house an office for himself, have storage areas for his tenants and
a small area for exercise for tenants only. Mr. Rachun told him this use would not have
to come before the Board for a zoning change but Mr. Rachun would require him to do
site plan review on the new building .
Mr. Meeker Highway Superintendent reported they have been cold patching south end
of Durling Road and the lower end of Agard Road, they helped Enfield do some paving,
replaced pipes on Pine Ridge Road, and paved Pine Ridge Road . They will be working
now on putting down materials for shoulders . The new truck has not arrived yet, but Mr.
Meeker has the old truck ready to go to the auction tomorrow .
Mrs. Georgia, Town Clerk reported a $4492 . 50 was collected for the month of August
and of that $ 614 . 95 was turned over to the Supervisor along with her monthly report . A
total of $ 3 , 754 . 63 was sent to DEC for sporting licenses . The office has been busy
creating forms for the water district such as Plumbing Permits, Contractor Registration,
and Tap Only (samples were provided to the Board) .
Mr. Meeker asked who would be replacing Conservation Officer Mobbs, who retired .
Mrs . Georgia said they have not notified her who was taking his place, but she would
contact the Regional Office of DEC and ask for that information.
Mrs . Georgia reported the DEC Decals Program for the sales of sporting licenses has
been working much more efficiently this year than last . She has had major complaints
from the hunters that this region ( 8S) in Deer Management (Tag for a Doe only) is
allowing only one permit and it ' s a medium chance , and no second chance in this area.
Board Members and Committees
No reports .
Mr. Austic reviewed the Supervisor ' s Financial Report previously distributed to the
Town Board; there will be adjustments to be done before the end of the year. No
questions from the Board Members .
Water District # 3 Update
Regular Town Board Meeting
The contractor (R. Myers) is on schedule for laying the pipe . They did run into a
problem on Route 96 just before the hamlet of Jacksonville, they ran into stone and that
took them longer to dig . They have left Route 96 for the time being and are now laying
pipe up Perry City Road and will come down Jacksonville Road. Part of the reason for
this switch of direction is before they can dig in front of the Dan rouse they have to
notify the archeologists to be there when they dig in case any moire artifacts are found.
They also have to give DEC a two-week notification before they can dig and bore around
the gas station so they can be there to monitor the digging.
Attorney Bruce Wilson advised us that the easement from the gas station has been signed
and he has received it. Supervisor Austic has notified the Environmental Facilities all
easements are signed .
Service Agreement with the Town of Ithaca
Supervisor Austic received a certified resolution from the Town of Ithaca, where it cuts
us down from 230, 000 gallons of water to 162 , 000 . He has to find out what is going on
with that. Attorney Wilson stated he talked to John Barney (Ithaca ' s Attorney) and it is
an oversight, it was supposed to be changed . This is the last piece of information they
need so the bonds can be issued on the long-term, no-interest loam
Local Law - Public Hearing
The Board has been provided updated copies of Local Law # 1 and the Standard
Specifications . Mr. Austic reminded the Board to review before the public hearing that is
scheduled for 7 : 00 p .m. at the Jacksonville Church.
Schedule Meeting for Water Commission to Set Fees for Permits
A meeting was scheduled for September 15 , 2003 , at 7 : 00 p . m. The first part of meeting
will be a Special Town Board Meeting to pass the law and the specifications and the
second part will be reviewing the applications and setting the fees for the applications for
contractors registration, tap only and the plumbing permits .
Advertise for ,Meter Bids
Mr. Austic heard from Barton & Loguidice and they advise us to advertise for bids on
meters . Brian Skidmore is providing the information for the legal ad. Mr. Weatherby
moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following:
Be It Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses advertise for the
purchase of the meters for Water District #3 and
Further Resolved that the Town Board schedules the bird opening for September
25 , 2003 at 11 am at the Town Hall, 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde absent
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
. _
Regular Town Board Meeting
Fire/Youth Contract Meeting
Mr. Austic advised the Board the Village of Trumansburg has invited the Town Board to
attend a meeting on the review of the Fire and Youth Contracts that is being held
September 29 , 2003 , at 7 : 00p .m . at the Village Hall . No copies of their proposed
contracts have been received .
User List for WD#3 / To Prepare for Tax Levy
The tentative list has been prepared for the users in Water District #3 and has to be
reviewed by the Board before it is sent to Tompkins County Assessment for the
preparation of the tax levy for 2004 . Mrs . Georgia has received correspondence from
several property owners that disagree with the letter they received on how many EDU ' s
they will be assessed. The Board will have to make a determination on these disputes .
Hearing no further business Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston to adjourn
the meeting. Hearing no objection it was unanimously approved to adjourn. Meeting
adjourned at 9 : 55 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha L. Georgia
Ulysses Town Clerk
MLG : mg