HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-13 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES
August 13, 2003
Article X — RH — Hamlet Residence District
Discussed turning to the Jacksonville Association to determine the size the hamlet should
be . It was suggested to do a circle . George Frantz stated instead of doing a circle what he
would use is measure a 1000 feet distance along the road from the four corners of
Jacksonville and than do a bit of a circle like to the East where there are no roads and
than square it off Mr. Coogan and Mr. Frantz will work together, Mr. Coogan taking it
to the Community Association. They also can review the uses . Have this back to the
Boards after next Wednesday.
Article XI - Business District
11 .2 Permitted Uses
Under Retail Store -Suggestion was to cross out the entire first line. And add "the" so it
reads "The manufacturer or processing of goods on the premises which is clearly
incidental to the retail business conducted on the premises as it allows use" . This would
not work in Business but in Hamlet Business . George will look into — rewrite .
Change retail store operation to read "between the hours of 6am — 1 1pm".
Suggestion to limit businesses in size and type of business in Hamlet Business, but in the
B1 not to limit.
Suggestion was that in the business district they are looking for business in a town of so
much and than say if it ' s bigger than that, it belongs in the industrial district.
In the Hamlet there would be a maximum square footage .
The conversation went on that they need to come up with a distinction of using the hours
of operation and the size of the business to separate out what can be in the Hamlet
district, what can be business zone and what can be in the industrial zone. Describing the
business instead of the size of the business . Reduce the size of the business that your
going to handle verses the business . Shouldn ' t have business mixed into industrial .
Putting a cap on the size of a business in each district and let everything else go through
what it is describe as being. In the B1 limit the manufacturing by the % of the business .
Say primary and have a definition for primary use for example "66 % comes from retail
or wholesale, or 66% of your business is by the manufacturer process or use the word
incidental . Wholesale business needs to be more defined . What isn ' t allowable in the
business is incidental to what is allowed in the business . If warehousing is industrial than
you can have warehousing there but is has to be incidental to wholesales sales or retail
sales . Suggestion was to say it "If you want to operate in the B1 business district you
have to be open to the general public for the purpose of retail sales".
George will try and reword these areas .
George is going to provide different maps of agricultural lands etc .
Drive-through bank - take out "provided there ' s not more than one car" and make it just
"drive thru bank".
Vehicle and boat sale — ad in service .
Delete the next two .
Joint Town Board/Planning Board
08/ 13/2003
Article XIV — Light Industry District
Take out Adult Care Center, Adult care group, Agriculture.
Take out "child care center" out of 14 . 2 and put it into 14 . 3 .
Take out "child care group" all together.
Take out "conference center" .
Suggestion to keep adult entertainment businesses as a special permit on top of site plan
Conservation Zone — Just as definition and delete 15.2 through 15.5
Suggested to just put "set aside for recreation and conservation" and leave it at that so
you are not claiming it to be anything unless you want to list what they are like Cayuga
Nature Center, etc . Agreement was reached that they need to recognize these areas as
district for conservation and recreation. That it needs to be listed as a zone and state that
it is conservation and if the issue is legal than it is a case for the town lawyer.
Mr. Coogan stated that if you have it what it makes your map look better. With it makes
the map show that there are protected lands that are conservation and recreational
districts . He thinks that all it needs is good definition that it is lands set aside as parks,
state parks, and reserves and here they are and no permitted use: ; . The permitted uses
would be what the State allows etc .
Article XVI — Tower (rewritten will review)
Article XVII — Administration (Attorney working on) Site Plan has been rewritten .
People are going to look over the above that they didn ' t get a chance to read and get
comments to Doug in a week.
Would like to see more things when you go to a public hearing what has taken place, is
seeker something that is done before the public hearing, at the end of the public hearing,
during the public hearing .
More discussion needed on noise. George has guidelines, question on what 65 DBA is . It
was discussed again to have a separate noise ordinance .
Summary :
• Dick is taking back to the Hamlet, Jacksonville back section to come back with a
recommendation after they meet on Wednesday.
• Site plan and tower ordinance, if they want to go back through it again?
• If anyone has any problems with some of the standards than they need to know
about it.
• Comments due in two weeks or after the Planning Board meeting.
If the comments warrants another joint meeting than we will go there . For anyone who is
not in attendance they can make written comments . ?'
Mr. Coogan stated that the Planning Board summits all comments, you have asked us for
comments on the standards, the tower, site plan and other than that the Town Board is
going to come up and draft what the sections are going to look like and we are all going
to look at the map and say here ' s the district . The Planning Board agreed to meet and
submit one comment back to the Town Board.
After this is done we will meet jointly on the map .
Hearing no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 9 : 50 PM .